1.GRE写作高频词汇 篇一
bedeck begin beleaguer beleaguer beleaguer belie belie belie belie belie belie belie bellicose bellicose bellicose bellicose belligerent benignant berate berate berate besmirch blandishment blatant blatant blatant blazon blight blight blighted blighted blighted blighted blithe blunt boggle boisterous Orientation 倾向 Persuasive 有说服力的 Plasma 血浆 Precipitation 降水 Rhythmic 有节奏的;有周期的 Scrutiny 仔细审查 Seismic 地震的 Singularity 奇点 Stratosphere 同温层,平流层 Technologist 技术专家 Trivial 微不足道的 Underestimate 低估 Advent 到来 Ambiguous 不明确的,有歧义的 Broaden 使…变宽,扩展 Chronological 按时间顺序的 Colonist 殖民地居民,殖民者 Communal 集体的,社区的 Conceive 设想,构想 Congressional 国会的 Constantly 不断地 Consumerism 消费主义 Contend 声称 Correspondence 通信,信件;新闻;一致性 Definitive 决定性的 Deplete 耗尽 Discourse 讨论;演说 Discrete 分离的,不相关的,不相连的 Echolocation 回声定位 Embryo 胚胎 Encompass 包括 Enforcement 实施,强迫推行 Entity 实体 Environmentalist 环境保护主义者 Familiarity 熟悉 Folklore 民间传说 Genus 属 Geothermal 地热的 Glassy 玻璃的 Hallucinogen 致幻剂 Hermaphroditism 雌雄同体 Improvisational 即兴的 vulnerability 易受攻击性 breach 破坏 frail 脆弱的 insecurity 不安全 phobia 恐惧症 trepidation 恐惧 fear of 恐怖的 trepidation 惊恐 side effect 副作用 injury 伤害 deterrent 威慑 uncertainty 不确定的 adversity 不幸,灾难 danger 危险的 risk 风险 agree 同意 adjust 调整 resolve 化解 harmonious 和谐的 wholeness 一体的 reconcile 和解,化解 brook 对别人的容忍 forbear 对自己的克制 allow for 允许 consensus 一致同意 kindness 亲切 satisfaction 满意 balance平衡 credit 相信 tout 支持,吹捧 advocate 支持 prefer 更喜欢 tease 调侃,挑逗 friendly 友好的 congenial 性格温和的 intimate 亲密无间的 tolerant 包容容忍的 compromise 妥协 negotiate 商谈 idealism 理想主义 utopian 乌托邦 democracy 民主 etiquette 礼节 courteous 有礼貌的 assimilate 吸收,同化 unanimous 统一的 conciliatory 抚慰 commend 称赞 optimistic 乐观的 accommodation 融合迁就 coexistence 共存 endorsement 赞同 worthwhile 有价值的 stable 稳定的 accomplish 完成(任务等) achievements 工作成就,业绩 adapted to 适应于 adept in 善于 administer 管理 advanced worker 先进工作者 analyze 分析 appointed 被任命的 assist 辅助 authorized 委任的;核准的 be promoted to 被提升为 be proposed as 被提名为;被推荐为 behave 表现 breakthrough 惊人的进展,关键问题的解决 break the record 打破记录 business background 工作经历 business experience 工作经历 business history 工作经历 conduct 经营,处理 control 控制 cost 成本;费用 create 创造 decrease 减少 demonstrate 证明,示范 design 设计 develop 开发,发挥 devise 设计,发明 direct 指导 double 加倍,翻一番 duties 职责 earn 获得,赚取 effect 效果,作用 36) 因...给某人奖励 give someone a prize 37) 取得好成绩 get a good grade 38) 收到良好的教育 get good education 39) 获得最新的信息 gain/ receive the latest information/ news 40) 从...获得知识 gain knowledge from 41) 组成学习小组 form a study group 42) 感到来自同龄个人的压力 feel peer/ contemporaries pressure 43) 面对问题 face a problem 44) 课外活动 extracurricular activities 45) 拓展知识 expand/ gain/ acquire/ obtain/ get/ accumulate one’s knowledge 46) 获得学分earn a credit 47) 培养在...方面的专长 develop expertise in... 48) 必修科目 compulsory subjects 49) 职业准备 career preparation 50) 建学校 build/ establish school 51) 开始正规教育 begin formal education 52) 必须...,被要求.... be required/ suppose to do 53) 参与户外活动 participate/ take part in/ join in/ attend outdoor activities 54) 在...方面有能力;能胜任... be competent/ capable in 55) 上大学 attend college/ university 56) 上课 attend classes 57) 参加夏令营 participate/ engage in/ , be/ get involved in a summer camp 58) 给某人布置家庭走也 assign homework to somebody 59) 中学、大学 a primary/ middle/ high school. Secondary school. 60) 研究领域 a field of study 61) 内向型格introvert personality 交通类话题主要涉及到交通规则,交通工具的发展以及交通事故的处理等话题分类。那么在处理这些题目的时候,考生是否也需要一些储备一些相关的词汇呢?例如,12月7日的一道托福写作题目:Drivers should pay a certain amount of fees so that they can be permitted to drive out in traffic busy time.关于司机在行车高峰期的缴费问题。考生可以 “付税的必要性、环境污染、堵车“等一系列因素来解答这个题目,那么levy the tax 征税、pollution-free fuel无污染燃、get stuck in traffic遇上堵车等这些词汇就能够帮助我们提高文章用词的准确度和丰富性。 GRE阅读如何准确定位主题句? 和国内学生写文章不一样,美国人的阅读文章中从来都不出现“I think that,in my opinion,as far as I am considered”此类语言做主题句。通常来说主题句有以下两种形式: 1. 判断句(含情态动词,系动词,正负褒贬词的句子); 2. 概括文章将来结构。 GRE阅读主题句寻找技巧分享 以这句话为例:Your minds changed my attitude. 这句话中并没有情态动词和系动词,因此这句话自然不是判断句,也就不是主题句。但只要在这句话中加入一个正负褒贬词,即一个词表明作者的态度或观点的词即是判断句了。比如,Your minds successfully changed my attitude即是判断句了。 另外,如果一个句子不是判断句,只要它能够概括文章将来结构,及文章后面会从哪几个方面来说明,也是主题句。比如,People are living longer now. 这句话一定不是主题句,而如果这句话是,People are living longer now since the improvement of food condition and the development of medical technology.这句话即是主题句了。因为它概括了文章后面会从哪几个方向来进行说明。 应对主旨题细节题需学会找准主题句 如果考生在新GRE阅读题中掌握好了主题句判断方法,很多文章便可以很快把握文章的结构框架,帮助后面文章的理解。 比如一篇文章的开头是,Mycorrhizal fungi infect more plants than do any other fungi and are necessary for many plants to thrive, but they have escaped widespread investigation until recently for two reasons. First, the symbiotic association is so well-balanced that the roots of host plants show no damage even when densely infected. Second, the fungi cannot as yet be cultivated in the absence of a living root. 第一句是明显的判断句,即为主题句。而主题句也同时概括了文章的将来结构,即会从“M真菌影响力很强”和“M真菌过去由于两个原因没有得到广泛研究”。下面马上看到了first和second,我们即知道这两个很难读懂的句子无非是两个原因使得M真菌没有得到广泛研究而已,具体是哪两个原因,我们几乎可以忽略不读。 综上所述,在做GRE阅读时,快速准确发现主题句的方法和技巧是非常实用的,对于提升阅读文章速度和解决许多耗时题型都有很大帮助,因此小编希望大家都能学会掌握和运用这种技巧,提高解答阅读题的效率,减轻严格考试时间带来的应试压力。 GRE阅读提高默读速度有技巧 想读得快,咱先得看看人是咋读书的。这叫追根溯源,由道及术,圣人之道也。人的读书过程是一个左右脑配合的过程——左脑负责集中注意把焦点放到一个或数个单词上,右脑负责周边注意(余光,当然叫旁光更亲切一些,尤其是军训时教官让我们集中注意向前看,并且用旁光与边上的同学对齐时)。好的阅读者会在读书时让左右脑充分协调配合(军训的教官真有先见之明让我们大一就开始练英文阅读了!) 读书时在脑子中有两种过程——默读(subvocalisation)和思维之流(stream of thoughts)。默读速度比较慢,在克服默读的过程中你要达到临在的状态——即充分的意识和放松,认识到自己那虚伪的自我感(这点东西可以算是心灵哲学的内容吧,如果有兴趣可以看看克里希那穆提的著作或俄克里特托利的《修炼当下的力量》,没有什么复杂的东西,关键说白了就是四个字:放松意识)。 读是一个学习(或者说认知)的过程,是符号信息与读者内心感受的交互。它要求有适当的逻辑与积极的思考(要不然还怎么交互??) 大致分为以下几个步骤: 1、Recognition:文字识别 2、Assimilation:物理输入 3、Intra-integration:字面理解 4、Extra-integration:内涵理解(别想歪了!) 5、Retention:记忆 6、Recall:回忆 7、Communication:默读与一词一词地读(简称小学读法)的最大缺点有二(这还叫最大吗?算了,都挺大的)1、慢!2、容易走神(小时候妈妈老是骂我不好好看书,现在终于找到原因了!要是你看书跟看电视似的过瘾谁不好好看书?嗯,看完本书你就可以像看电视一样地看书了,别忘了以后有了孩子再教给它,家里能省不少电费) 克服默读(往往伴随着回读过频)之后,你的阅读能力理论上可以提高五倍,大多数人可以做到每分钟看1000个单词。虽然小丁我至今没感受到(我昨天花了俩钟头看完了原著,稍微把里边的练习试了一下,只觉得提高了一倍)。 The Eye and its Movements先说眼,咱不是生物书,就不具体介绍眼球结构了。但是有一个概念是不得不提的,那就是中央窝(fovea),它在视网膜上,负责视觉注意力的集中。也就是,你现在注意看啥,它在视网膜上的投影就在中央窝上。现在说重点——眼的运动。 这不是一个平滑的过程,而是一停一停的。你的阅读过程是一次一次注意的连接,而在两次注意之间的转移过程中你的大脑是不做任何识别工作的。意识到这个过程并对此加以训练就足以大大提高你的阅读速度了。当然,注意只是投影到中央窝的视觉,那么余光呢?眼睛能看到余光中的单词,却无法清楚地识别。 这部分视觉可以引导大脑把注意力移动到合适的位置。阅读达人在读书时只把注意力放在每行的中部,而用余光粗略浏览边上的单词看是否和自己猜的一样(这一点小生现在实在没法做到,说白了就是把阅读变成了超级句子填空了嘛,不知道十年之后当GRE成为往事时是否能做到...)。 提高遇到速度方法如下: 1、找一个没有思想深度,遣词造句比较简单的阅读材料,比如休闲杂志、消遣小说之类的(注:平时用TS法,当遇到无法理解的句子时大脑会自动调节为SB法,注意感受这一过程有助于提高阅读能力) 2、找一个没有人的屋子——绝对不能再自习室进行这一步,否则你真会被别人当成SB——然后大声数数,从一到十、再从一到十(书上说,断续发eee...eee...eee...的音也可以,真是不为SB誓不罢休),在这个过程中试着阅读。大脑控制SB与控制喉咙是同一个分区,当你数数时就占用了这个分区,使大脑无法SB。 3、当你可以熟练地做2时,可以在心中默数,这时就可以回自习室而不必担心被看成SB了。 4、当可以做3时就努力提高阅读速度,当超过每分钟360个词时,由于速度过快就会进入一个抑制SB的良性循环。 5、针对高手,还可以加入除了TS之外的自己的思想补充文本内容使自己在阅读时身临其境。 6、直到有一天,你发现自己已经可以明确区分SB与TS并自由选择。最后你的浏览速度可以达到词每分钟。 ETS公布GRE阅读选项原则 1. 正确选项: (1)同义变换 。即将原文中的某一句话用另一种说法表达,也就是英文中的paraphrase。如将文章中的“many wind-pollinated species fail to release pollen when wind speeds are low or when humid conditions prevail.”换成选项中的“Pollen is sometimes not released by plants when there is little wind”。 其中包括三种类型:变换同义词,变换句型,变化同根词的词性。以下分别论述,请注意表格中的斜体字。 2.错误选项: 对于GRE阅读文章中更大量的错误选项,ETS也形成了一套固定的规则。以下笔者就用实例来说明错误选项编制的规则: (1)混偏反无。 1)混: 此类选项的错误可以形象地概括为:“张冠李戴”。 如下例: 文章:“...unlike large businesses, they often need to make substantial investments in new plants, staff, equipment, and the like in order to perform work subcontracted to them. If, thereafter, their subcontracts are for some reason reduced, such firms can face potentially crippling fixed expenses” GRE阅读考试题目:The passage suggests that the failure of a large business to have its bids for subcontracts result quickly in orders might cause it to (A) experience frustration but not serious financial harm (B) face potentially crippling fixed expenses (本题问大公司如果没有使投标转化为订单将引起什么结果。而这恰恰是小公司的特点。) (C) have to record its efforts on forms filed with the government (D) increase its spending with minority subcontractors (E) revise its procedure for making bids for federal contracts and subcontracts 2)偏: 意即选项中所包含的逻辑范畴与原文不符。包括”以偏概全“ 以及”以全概偏”。请看下文: Paule Marshall’s Brown Girl, Brownstones (1959) was a landmark in the depiction of female characters in Black American literature. Marshall avoided the oppressed and tragic heroine in conflict with White society that had been typical of the protest novels of the early twentieth century. Like her immediate predecessors, Zora Neale Hurston and Gwendolyn Brooks, she focused her novel on an ordinary Black woman’s search for identity within the context of a Black community. But Marshall extended the analysis of Black female characters begun by Hurston and Brooks by depicting her heroine’s development in terms of the relationship between her Barbadian American parents, and by exploring how male and female roles were defined by their immigrant culture, which in turn was influenced by the materialism of White America. By placing characters within a wider cultural context, Marshall attacked racial and sexual stereotypes and paved the way for explorations of race, class, and gender in the novels of the 1970’s. GRE阅读题目:The passage is primarily concerned with (A) comparing the works of three Black American authors (B) describing common themes in Black American literature (C) discussing an important work in Black American literature (D) providing insights about Black American literature in the early twentieth century (E) providing historical information about the writing of Black American novels in the second half the twentieth century 分析:此文描述并评价了美国黑人文学史上一部优秀的著作。而其中的D,E选项中的“Black American literature”以及“the writing of Black American novels”无疑扩大了原文的逻辑涵盖的范围,即属于“以全概偏”。于是不予选择。 3)反: 即选项中的内容与文章内容相反。 文章:“....Paule Marshall’s Brown Girl, Brownstones (1959) was a landmark in the depiction of female characters in Black American literature. Marshall avoided the oppressed and tragic heroine in conflict with White society that had been typical of the protest novels of the early twentieth century. Like her immediate predecessors, Zora Neale Hurston and Gwendolyn Brooks, she focused her novel on an ordinary Black woman’s search for identity within the context of a black community......” 题目: According to the passage, Hurston, Brooks, and Marshall are alike in that they (A) did not examine the effects of White culture on their characters’ lives (B) were heavily influenced by the protest novels of the early twentieth century (C) used Black communities as the settings for their novels (D) wrote primarily about the difficulties their characters encountered in White culture (E) wrote exclusively about female characters and the experiences of women 分析:从文章中得知:“马歇尔已经摆脱了抗议小说所一贯描绘的受压迫并且带有悲剧色彩的女主人公形象”。但是B选项却说道:“马歇尔深深地受到二十世纪早期抗议小说的影响”,明显与原文意思相反。 再如: It can be inferred that the author of the passage would describe Brown Girl, Brownstones as being (A) completely different from novels written before 1959 (B) highly influenced by novels written in the early twentieth century (C) similar to the protest novels that preceded it (D) important in the late 1950’s but dated today (E) an important influence on novels written in the 1970’s 分析:C选项“与之前的抗议小说类似” 与原文意思相反。而B选项的“深受二十世纪早期小说的影响”从文章无法推测出。 4)无:即 提到文章中未涉及的内容。由于此种选项编制容易,并且ETS一厢情愿地认为此种迷惑手段非常高明。因此,此类错误选项在GRE阅读的错误选项中数量众多。请各位考生紧记:凡基于文章内容无法推测出的选项必然错误。 还是上文: 题目: According to the passage, Hurston, Brooks, and Marshall are alike in that they (A) did not examine the effects of White culture on their characters’ lives (B) were heavily influenced by the protest novels of the early twentieth century (C) used Black communities as the settings for their novels (D) wrote primarily about the difficulties their characters encountered in White culture (E) wrote exclusively about female characters and the experiences of women 分析:从文章中得知:“马歇尔与另外两位的的共同点在于他们都把小说聚焦于一位普通的黑人女性对自己身份的追求,当然故事是以一个黑人社会为背景”。其中的A选项“未研究百人文化对角色生活所带来的影响”文章从未涉及。 再如: It can be inferred that the author of the passage would describe Brown Girl, Brownstones as being (A) completely different from novels written before 1959 (B) highly influenced by novels written in the early twentieth century (C) similar to the protest novels that preceded it (D) important in the late 1950’s but dated today (E) an important influence on novels written in the 1970’s 分析:D选项“二十世纪50年代末期重要,但是今天过时了”文章从未涉及。 (3) 含有强调性语言(最高级、唯一性和比较级)的选项 ETS会随意地在选项中加入一些极端语言来编制错误选项。集中表现为含有最高级,唯一性以及比较级的词汇。换句话说,含有这三类词汇的选项错误的几率很高。具体说: 1)最高级词汇:best , the most important, the least useful, uttermost, foremost, uppermost, always ,never, often, usually,primarily,primary,exact(ly),complete(ly) . entire(ly) absolute(ly) extremely, unmitigated . unrestrained . unchecked. first等 2)唯一性词汇:only, alone, exclusively, sole(ly), unique(ly) 3)比较级词汇:more useful than, less beneficial than, better , worse than ,as, the same with, similar to 等等。 还是以上两例: According to the passage, Hurston, Brooks, and Marshall are alike in that they (A) did not examine the effects of White culture on their characters’ lives (B) were heavily influenced by the protest novels of the early twentieth century (C) used Black communities as the settings for their novels (D) wrote primarily about the difficulties their characters encountered in White culture (E) wrote exclusively about female characters and the experiences of women 分析:此处的D选项和E选项中的“primarily”以及“exclusively”都属于比较极端的词汇。 It can be inferred that the author of the passage would describe Brown Girl, Brownstones as being (A) completely different from novels written before 1959 (B) highly influenced by novels written in the early twentieth century (C) similar to the protest novels that preceded it (D) important in the late 1950’s but dated today (E) an important influence on novels written in the 1970’s 分析:此处的A选项中的“completely” 也属于比较极端的词汇。 (4) 违反“论据集中”原则: 即此类选项试图使用非定位处的信息回答问题。此类选项极具迷惑性,因为这些错误的选项在文章中确实被提及过,可是由于与问题回答无关因此不予选择。 请看下例: “No very satisfactory account of the mechanism that caused the formation of the ocean basins has yet been given. The traditional view supposes that the upper mantle of the earth behaves as a liquid when it is subjected to small forces for long periods and that differences in temperature under oceans and continents are sufficient to produce convection in the mantle of the earth with rising convection currents under the(E) mid-ocean ridges and sinking currents under the continents. Theoretically, this convection would carry the continental plates along as though they were on a conveyor belt and would provide the forces needed to produce the split that occurs along the ridge. This view may be correct: it has the advantage that the currents are driven by(B) temperature differences that themselves depend on the position of the continents. Such a (D)back-coupling, in which the position of the moving plate has an impact on the forces that move it, could produce complicated and varying motions. On the other hand, the theory is implausible because convection does not normally occur along lines, and it certainly does not occur along lines broken by frequent offsets or changes in direction, as the ridge is. Also it is difficult to see how the theory applies to the plate between the (C)Mid-Atlantic Ridge and the ridge in the Indian Ocean. ” 【题】The author refers to a “conveyor belt” in order to (A)illustrate the effects of convection in the mantle (B)show how temperature differences depend on the positions of the continents (C)demonstrate the linear nature of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (D)describe the complicated motions made possible by back coupling (E)account for the rising currents under certain mid-ocean ridges enjoin: to direct or order (someone) to do something; to prevent (someone) from doing something adjoin (of a building, room, area of land, etc. ): to be next to or joined with something 12.abjure / adjure abjure: to reject (something) formally adjure: to urge or command (someone) to do something 13.bypass / surpass / impasse / impassive bypass: to avoid or ignore (someone or something) especially to get something done quicker impasse: a situation in which no progress seems possible impassive: not showing emotion 14.pertinacious / tenacious pertinacious: adhering resolutely to an opinion, purpose, or design; stubbornly tenacious tenacious: very determined to do something 15.endanger / engender engender: to be the source or cause of something 16.intellectual /intelligible / intelligent intelligible: able to be understood 17.perquisite / prerequisite perquisite: gratuity, tip prerequisite: something that you officially must have or do before you can have or do something else 18.passionate / dispassionate dispassionate: not influenced or affected by emotions 19.precocity / preciosity precocity: the phenomenon of a child showing the qualities or abilities of an adult at an unusually early age preciosity: fastidious refinement 20.apprehend / reprehend / comprehend apprehend: to notice and understand (something); (of police) to arrest (someone) 【GRE写作高频词汇】推荐阅读: GRE高频形近词汇整合10-11 英语写作中常用套话和高频句式08-03 托福独立口语高频词汇06-10 老友记高频词汇07-02 高考英语高频词汇.资料10-15 英语六级听写短文高频词汇07-21 英语四级常用高频词汇08-05 职称英语1055高频词汇09-27 中考完型高频词汇10-272.GRE阅读高频词汇整合 篇二
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