


1.必考词汇2综合练习1 篇一

U 1 ——U 2词汇,句子默写

Class ___________ Name __________

一支钢笔___________ 一把尺子___________ 一块橡皮___________一张书签___________ 一本书___________ 一个铅笔___________ 一个铅笔袋______________一本笔记本______________ 一支圆珠笔_____________ 一张卡片___________ 一个书包__________________一本抄写本__________________

进来__________________ 谢谢你__________________ 给你__________________ 再见__________________ Good morning________________Happy Teachers’ Day__________________I’ve got_____________________ 这本笔记本__________________那个铅笔袋__________________







The cat and the big cap are for the boy._______________________________________________

一只狗___________ 一只猫___________ 一只老虎___________ 一只狮子___________ 一只熊猫___________ 一只猴子___________ 一只熊___________ 一只兔子___________ a bird ___________ an elephant ___________ 这,这个___________ 那,那个___________ 这只兔子________________那只兔子_________________

我的猫_____________ 你的猫______________他的猫______________她的猫_______________

多么可爱啊!___________ 在一个玩具店_______________看一看_____________

我想_____________________ 我明白了_________________我喜欢_____________ 我要_________________

一张照片_____________在课桌上______________这是一只熊吗?_________________在哪个盒子?___________ 那个蓝色的盒子__________________We are happy bees._________________Which is for you?___________________ 这是什么?是一只狗。_______________________那是什么?是一只猫。_____________________________________ 这是一只可爱的猴子。___________________________那是一只漂亮的狮子。_________________________________ 这是她的玩具。_________________________我能看一看吗?_________________________



我想这是她的书。不,不是的,是我的书。_______________________________________________________ Your five fat dogs are on the desk.____________________________________________________

2.必考词汇2综合练习1 篇二

1. I’m thirsty. I can drink ____ water.

A. lotB. a lotC. lotsD. lots of

2. ——You should leave now. It’s late.

——Yes, I think ____.

A. itB. rightC. soD. too

3. I hope you feel ____ soon.

A. goodB. niceC. wellD. better

4. One of the students goes to the front. ____ students sit there and take a guess.

A. OtherB. AnotherC. The otherD. Each other

5. We all like to play the game ____ “Simon says”.

A. callB. to callC. callingD. called

6. When I have problems, I ask our teacher ____ advice.

A. forB. toC. withD. give

7. You shouldn’t cross the road ____ the light is red.

A. whenB. thatC. whereD. so

8. We should ____ finish the conversation practice after class.

A. tooB. alsoC. andD. but

9. Fruits and vegetables are good ____ our health.

A. toB. forC. withD. at

10. The story I am reading is really ____. It’s about a naughty boy.

A. interestB. interestedC. interestingD. interests

11. Some of us like watching TV, ____ most of us like playing computer games.

A. butB. becauseC. neverD. hardly ever

12. I was a primary school student two years ____.

A. agoB. beforeC. afterD. later

13. Mom says milk makes her ____.

A. sickB. sickerC. sicklyD. more sickly

14. October is the ____ month of the year.

A. tenB. tenthC. nineD. eighth

15. Our teacher usually begins the class ____ a song.

A. byB. toC. at D. with

16. Apples, bananas and oranges are ____ fruits.

A. both B. all C. too D. also

17. Sally is ____ than her brother.

A. intellectual B. as intellectual

C. more intellectual D. most intellectual

18. Oh, I feel ____.

A. terrible B. terribly C. terribler D. more terribly

19. The doctor says I ____ drink a lot of water.

A. can B. need C. want to D. should

20. He likes to relax ____ his swimming pool.

A. in B. on C. with D. for

21. I’m planning ____ to Shanghai for vacation this summer.

A. go B. to go C. going D. /

22. ——I think Gao Yang is more serious.

——Why do you think ____?

A. it B. that C. as D. so

23. ____ is your home from your school?

A. How long B. How soon C. How far D. How often

24. When she comes home ____ school, she plays with the dolls in her bedroom.

A. back B. at C. from D. to

25. The twins are studying ____ a test next week.

A. at B. with C. on D. for

26. I’m staying in New York ____ a whole week.

A. for B. during C. in D. about

27. What can you do ____ your English? Have you got an idea?

A. improve B. with improve C. in improving D. to improve

28. Thank you ____ me to your dinner party.

A. to invite B. for invite

C. for inviting D. because of inviting

29. The Greens are leaving ____ Beijing.

A. to B. at C. in D. for

30. I ____ that you can do it well, but still I can’t make you do it.

A. do believe B. am believe C. don’t believe D. am not believe


healing, improve, important, angry, stays, moment, take, sick, cold, find, give, good, like, until, wrong

1. The ____ foods can keep you healthy.

2. Today Lily wears a shirt, ____ a flower.
