牛津小学英语1B Unit 3 Colours 第五课时


牛津小学英语1B Unit 3 Colours 第五课时(精选10篇)

1.牛津小学英语1B Unit 3 Colours 第五课时 篇一

江苏译林6下 The lion and the mouse

Story time Teaching plan 一.Teaching contents 江苏译林6下 the story time of ‘The lion and the mouse’.二.Teaching aims.a.Aims of knowledge

1.At the end of the class, the students will be able to master the words ‘large, strong, sharp, and weak’ and describe it with their favorite animals.2.At the end of the class, the students will be able to get a basic understanding of ‘verbs+ adverbs’ and through the reading, they can get a basic feeling of it.b.Aims of abilities

1.At the end of the class, the students will be able to read the story fluently and act it through group learning and self learning.2.At the end of the class, the students will be able to solve the problems through group work and pair works like ‘What happened at the end of the story?’

c.Aims of emotions

1.At the end of the class, the students will be able to get the hang of the implication of this story.三.Teaching focus and difficulties

1.At the end of the class, the students will be able to solve the problems through group work and pair works like ‘What happened at the end of the story?’

2.At the end of the class, the students will be able to get the hang of the implication of this story.四.Teaching aids PPT, some pictures about these two animals, prizes for the children.五.Teaching procedure

1.Free talk

T: Good morning, boys and girls, I’m your new English teacher;today we’re going to learn a very interesting story about two animals.They’re

S: The lion and the mouse.T: I like lions, because they’re the king of the forest, they have a strong body, too.So what animals do you like?

S: I like dogs.T: Why?

S: Because they’re cute and lovely.T: What about you?

S2: I like…..Because they’re…… 2.Presentation

1.T: Now I know your favorite animals, let’s talk about today’s animals, lions.S: The lion is large and strong(teach large and strong.)

S2: The lion has sharp teeth.(Teach sharp)T: So at the beginning of the story, there was a lion in the forest,(lead the students to read)he was large and strong.T: What about the mouse? S: The mouse is small.S2: the mouse is afraid of the lion.S3: The mouse is weak.(Teach weak)S4: The mouse also has sharp teeth.2.T: Yes, one day, they met in the forest, how did they meet? Please read part2.S: One day, the mouse walked by and woke the lion up.T: How was the lion?

S: The lion was angry and wanted to eat the lion.T: Yes, let’s read it together.(PPT presents the Chinese meaning of walked…by and woke…up)

T: Here woke is the past form of wake, wake…up.T: We know the lion was angry, look at this picture and was the lion angry?

S: No.S: The lion laughed.T: Yes, the lion laughed loudly, why? Please read part 2 and choose.S: Because the mouse said:” Please don’t eat me, I can help you some day.” But the lion thought it was funny.T: Did you think it was funny?

S: Yes.I thought it was funny.T: Why?

S: Because the mouse was so small and weak, I don’t think he can help the lion.3.T: Yeah, maybe he can or may be not, next let’s read in pairs.T: Did the mouse laugh loudly?

S: No, he said quietly(指导学生朗读quietly)

T: If I was the lion, who can be the mouse?(示范和指导朗读)

T: Now you try.4.T: So at last, did the lion eat the mouse?

S: No, he didn’t, he let the mouse go.T: Yes.The next day, two men caught him with a large net.(PPT presents the net)5.T: Guess what happened next?(PPT presents the three choices)

S: I think C is right.S2: I think maybe A is right.(teach bit, bit is the past form of bite)

T: So let’s open the envelop and read part 3 and tell me which one is right.S: We should choose ‘C’.Someone helped the lion.T: Here someone means…

S: The mouse.T: How did he help? Please read part4.S: The mouse made a big hole in the net with his teeth.(PPT presents the hole)6.T: And the lion(引导学生说出)got out.We know the lion has sharp teeth, so why can’t he make a hole by himself? Please discuss this in groups.S: I think the lion is too large so he can’t make a hole.S2: I think …….7.T: I think you did a good job here, now guess what happened at last? Please discuss in groups and write it on the paper.S: I think the lion and the mouse became friends.I think one day the mouse got caught, the lion helped him.……

8.T: Very good imagination, boys and girls, maybe the lion and the mouse lived happily in the forest, now let’s listen and repeat.3.Consolidation 9.T: Next, it’s the show time;three people get into groups, please pay attention to your pronunciation and intonation.(Showtime)10.T: Well done, boys and girls, last question, what do you learn from this story? S: I think A is right.S2: I think B is right.T: Well, boys and girls, I think ‘A and B’ are good choices, but if there is only one choice, the best choice is C, let’s read C together.The lion and the mouse became friends;let’s see some pictures of animals, did they become friends, too?(PPT presents the pictures).11.T: Thank you, boys and girls, let’s help each other from today.See you!六.Homework 1.Read the story fluently.2.Try to retell the story by yourself.3.Share this story with more people.七.Blackboard Design

Unit1 The lion and the mouse


large, strong, sharp

small, weak, sharp

The lion(picture)

laugh at

The mouse(picture)

two men caught the lion

made a hole

became friends

八.Reflection after class

2.牛津小学英语1B Unit 3 Colours 第五课时 篇二

本单元的主题为颜色。在let’s act中主要学习了几个祈使句make eight kites. colour the kites. pick out the red kite.通过创设真实情境,让学生在不知不觉中把握;在let’s talk中重点教授句型how many……?is it ……?可通过出示各种实物吸引学生注重力,调动学生积极性;let’s learn则学习了八种颜色名称,可通过各种颜色卡片教学或实物 ,多进行操练;let’s play 则是通过游戏的方式把握句型what colour is it ? is it……?it is a /an……?锻炼学生的口语能力,而最后一部分rhyme则是巩固复习了颜色类单词,比较富有趣味性。


1、能正确把握祈使句make eight kites. colour the kites. pick out the red kite.


3、能正确把握how many……?is it ……?what colour is it ? it is……的问答



1、能正确把握祈使句make eight kites. colour the kites. pick out the red kite.


3、能正确把握how many……?is it ……?what colour is it ? it is……的问答



教学目标:能正确把握祈使句:make eight kites. colour the kites. pick out the red kite.

教学重点、难点:能正确把握祈使句:make eight kites. colour the kites. pick out the red kite.



step 1revision

1. t:what do you see?(出示图片)

s1: i see a frog

s2: i see a ____. what do you see?

t: i see a ___


2. sing a song :ten little rabbits.

step2 presentation

1. t: look, it’s a rabbit. let’s colour the rabbit .(做动作)

ss read after t: colour the rabbit.

2. t: look, it’s red.

ss read after t.

3. 邀请学生来给其它兔子涂色,并说一个句子。如:colour___________. it’s ________.

4. t:look, it’s a kite. (teach kite 出示图片)

ss read after t

t: let’s make a kite.


t:let’s make eight kites.(做动作)

ss read the sentences.先分解读eight kites

pair work :同桌之间互相发指令.

5. t:(事先在黑板上画上几只风筝)拿出一支红色水彩笔,what colour is it?

s: it’s red.

t: colour the kites (do the action)

ss read “colour” and “colour the kites”

t: it’s a red kite.

ss 练说red kite


t: pick out the red kite. (do the action)

ss read 先分解读pick out,再连起来读整个句子。

step 2 consolidation

1.教师做动作,边做边说make, colour, pick out.使学生巩固这三个动词。

2.read after t 三个句子。

3.listen to the tape and read.(要求学生指好句子认读)

4.listen and do:由教师说句子,学生得到指令做动作。

5.pair work

step 3 homework

read three sentences fluently.

3.牛津小学英语1B Unit 3 Colours 第五课时 篇三

2.学会使用问句:how many……?

3. 学会有节奏地念歌谣。p11

教学过程教学重点: 歌谣诵读

教学难点:pick up sticks的发音问题



step 1: warming up

t: hello, i’m miss xie.

s: hello, miss xie.

t: how are you?


t: good! let’s sing a song< ten little paper rabbits>.


(sing it again and do the action)

t: now, i say and you do. show me_____. clap _____. say _____.


step 2: revision & presentation

t: (take out the magic house) guess, what’s in the house?


t: how many?


t: read together.

s: (review these numbers)

(put on the tree)

t: today we are going out.

t: look! this is sam.


t: this is may.


t: look! what’s this?


t: it’s a tree.


t: what are they?


t: they are sticks. how many? let’s count.


t: look! what is may doing?


t: pick up sticks.


t: read the whole rhyme.


step 4: consolidation

(read in groups)

t: let’s have a competition.

group read one by one.


(read by yourselves)

t: who can read?


t: now, let’s do the action.


t: practise in pairs or groups.


t: let’s do together.


step 5: ending


4.牛津小学英语1B Unit 3 Colours 第五课时 篇四

教学内容: let’s learn & let’s talk

教学目标: 1 能听懂、会说、会读有关动物的单词: bird、rabbit、butterfly、frog and bee.

2 能在实际情景中运用句型 i see a ….

教学重点: new words & new sentence pattern

教学难点: 能在日常生活中运用所学的句子

课时安排: 一课时

教学准备: 单词卡、动物图片、ppt

教学设计思路: 本节课主要是教授有关动物的五个单词和一个句型,为了吸引学生的注意力,提高他们的兴趣,在设计本节课时,我利用小朋友都熟悉的童话故事丑小鸭来贯穿整个教学中,并在教学中充分渗透德育,让学生在轻松的课堂中学习英语.


step 1. warming up

1 say the chant together

show me one and two;

show me three and four;

show me five and six;

show me seven and eight;

show me nine and ten.

2 free talk

t : how many pencils/pens/books/….?

s : one/three/ten/…

step 2  presentation

1 to show ducks to the students

t : boys and girls , do you like story?

s : yes.

t : now, today i’ll tell you a story about ducks. please look at the screen , how many ducks ?

s : five.

2 to show two ducks to let students to know beautiful and ugly.

3 to learn new words

t : the ugly duck is sad , so he take his luggage go away . now , what animals he met? (present rabbit)

s : 小白兔

t : it’s rabbit .how many rabbits?

s : one

t : so it’s a rabbit .(use gesture to do it)

4 use the same ways to teach other animals

5 game

1) big and low voice

2) find correct picture

3) act some animals

6 to show a picture of sping , to teach new sentences patterns

t: how beautiful !  i see a rabbit . what do you see?

s: i see …

7let students can use “ i see …” to say somethings

step 3 practice

1 listen and point

2 listen and say

3 say and act.


bee       butterfly  rabbit   frog        bird

5.牛津小学英语1B Unit 3 Colours 第五课时 篇五

Period 1 一.教学内容: 5A Unit 6 Doing housework(Part B)二.教学目标:

1、能正确的听、说、读、写单词sleep, jump, run, walk, sweep, wash clothes

2、能运用以上词汇,并能听懂会说,会读句子:What are you doing?及相应的回答。

3、在听、做、说、唱、玩、演中培养学生的学习兴趣和运用英语进行交际的能力。三.教学重点: 听说读写单词 sleep, jump, run, walk, sweep, wash clothes„ 四.教学难点:

1、能运用以上词汇,并能听懂会说,会读句子:What are you doing? 及相应的回答。


五.教学准备: 录音机,单词图片,句型卡片,实物。六.教学流程: Step 1 warm up

Game: Simon says : stand,sit Step 2 free talk I can swim.What can you do?(Skate ski swim play the guitar play the violin)Step 3 presentation I 1.T: Look at the screen and guess.(flash小动画呈现单词,)What can she do? She can walk.What can she do? She can run What can she do? She can jump What can she do? She can sleep

2.Teach sweep, sleep, jump, and run, wash clothes(热身运动)T: Look at me.sing, sing, I’m singing.dance, dance, I’m dancing.Swim, swim, I’m swimming.Jump, jump, I’m jumping.Stand, stand, I’m standing.Sit, sit, I’m siting.Walk, walk, I’m walking.Run, run, I’m running.Sleep, sleep, I’m sleeping.T: Ok.Let’s do together.(与学生一起做。)Step 4 presentations II 1.T: Look!What a nice girl!(老师简笔画一女孩)She’s very excellent!

Mum says: good!Dad says: good!Brother says: good!T: Look!She can sweep the floor.简笔画板书单词。T: Look!She can clean the window.简笔画 T: Look!She can wash clothes.简笔画 2.了解学生做家务的情况 Can you…? 3.师生互动

CHANT:Ss---Miss Zhu, Miss Zhu, what are you doing?

T---Sweeping, sweeping, I’m sweeping the floor.Ss---Miss Zhu, Miss Zhu, what are you doing?

T---Cleaning, cleaning, I’m cleaning the window.Ss:---Miss Zhu, Miss Zhu, what are you doing?

T---Washing, washing, I’m washing the clothes.Step 5 Practices 1.T: look at the pictures.Read after me.2.T: Now follow the tape.3.T: Read after the little teacher.4.T: Let’s play a game.(接触句型What are you doing? I’m…ing)(1)T: Look at me.What am I doing?

I am standing / running/ jumping„

1)板书:I’m …ing.边做边说,在说到的单词后面加上ing 2)请学生说

S1: I’m dancing.S2: I’m jumping.S3: I’m riding a horse.(2)T: What are you doing? S1: I’m sleeping.T: What are you doing? S2: I’m sweeping the floor.板书:What are you doing? T: Look at the blackboard.Read after me.What are you doing? 5.T: Open your book.Let’s listen and point.(将课文单词图片编成小对话)(1)What are you doing? I’m washing the clothes.(2)What are you doing? I’m cleaning the window.(3)What are you doing? I’m running.(4)What are you doing? I’m sweeping the floor.(5)What are you doing? I’m walking.(6)What are you doing? I’m jumping.(7)What are you doing? I’m sleeping.(8)What are you doing? I’m standing.(9)What are you doing? I’m sitting.6.T: Let’s play another game.(连环问)You can ask your desk mate or your friend “what are you doing ? ” S1: I’m singing.What are you doing? S2: I’m playing the guitar.What are you doing? S3: I’m swimming.What are you doing? S4: I’m riding a bike.What are you doing? „„.T: Good job!7.老师适当总结语法:我们今天所学习的时态就叫做正在进行时。表示正在进行的动作。

谁能说出这个时态的结构呢? Ss: I’m +Ving T: Good!But how to add ing ? 并不是所有的动词都是直接加ing

(让稍有了解的学生说说特殊的加ing.的例子)T:(1.)一般直接加ing(2)一个元音加一个辅音,双写最后一个字母加ing(3)不发音的e,去e加ing 8.T: Look at the blackboard.Read after me.Standing/ sitting/ jumping/ sleeping Ss: standing/ sitting/ jumping/ running„„

9.小组问答:Group1, 2: What are you doing? Group3, 4: I’m …ing.Step 5 Consilidation T: Let’s sing a song.What are you doing? I am running.Running, Running, I’m running.What are you doing? I am jumping.Jumping, jumping, I am jumping.„„

6.牛津小学英语1B Unit 3 Colours 第五课时 篇六

1.Ss can listen, read, say and understand the new words and short phrases: wet floor, No littering, No eating or drinking , a restaurant ,No smoking, shopping centre, smell ,careful 2.Ss can listen, read, say and understand the sentence patterns: What does this mean? And answer with “It means …”

3.Ss can understand the text and try to retell it 4.Ss can understand the signs in our daily life and know the importance of signs Teaching important points 1.Ss can listen, read, say and understand the new words and short phrases: wet floor, No littering, No eating or drinking , a restaurant ,No smoking, shopping centre, smell ,careful 2.Ss can listen, read, say and understand the sentence patterns: What does this mean? And answer with “It means …” Teaching difficult points

1.Ss can understand the signs and know how to use them in the daily life 2.Ss can use English to complete the classroom tasks Teaching aids Pictures, cards, PPT Teaching course:

Step1: Warming up 1.Greeting 2.Play a game T: OK.First, let’s play an interesting guessing game.(Rules:在这个游戏中,请你仔细看老师的动作,猜一猜这些动作分别代表什么意思。回答老师提出的问题: What does this mean?(PPT 2 显示操练句型)(指屏幕,重复,慢)请大声跟我读——如果你猜出来了,就可以回答:It means …(指屏幕,重复,慢)请大声跟我读——)Now let’s have a try!T: Now watch me carefully.Twenty years ago my hair was …, now my hair was…

What does this mean? S: Short , long Twelve years ago , I used a … at home to call people(telephone)Thirty years age , I couldn’t…(run)T: Yes!It means ‘swim”.And what about this one?(做跑步状)What does this mean? T: Clever!It means ‘Im running’ T:(做停止手势)What does this mean? S: It means ’Stop”.T:(竖起大拇指)What does this mean? S: It means ’Great”.再次领读句型:What does this mean? 和It means … 3.Enjoy the song T: What can you see in the park? S: I can see…

T:(Point to the signs on the picture.)What are they ? They are public signs.领读signs.引出课题:Today we’ll learn Unit5 并教授单词:No litterting 操练句型:①What does it mean? It means “No littering” It means we can’t litter here.② What does it mean? It means we can’t walk on the grass.(这只要顺便带一下就可以)T: we can see the signs in the park.Where can we see the public signs,too? S1:In the hospital.S2: In the library.S3: In the shopping center,In the park… T: All right.Thank you.Step2: Story time 1.Pre-reading T: Today , Mike ,Helen and Tim also see some public signs.Where do they see the signs ? Watch the flash and choose the pictures.给出几幅不同地方的图片如:医院,公园,购物中心,书店。水果店,果汁店,饭馆等。

①Watch the flash ②Choose the pictures 教单词:a shopping centre.restaurant ③Read the book quickly ,and order the places.让学生快速粗略的浏览一下文本,将四个地点排序 2.While-reading ① in the shopping centre a.教师出示课文第一幅图。

T: Look , They are at a shopping centre.What sign can you see in the shopping centre? 教单词:wet floor let –wet door –floor wet floor 教句型What does this sign mean ? It means the floor is wet.b.listen to the tape and fill in the blank.Be _____ ,Tim Can you see that _____? What ____ it _____? It ______ the floor is _____.教单词:careful c.Work in pairs ② in the juice shop a.出示课文第二幅图 T: where are they now ? S: In the juice shop.T: can you look at the picture and make a dialogue by yourself ? 让学生就图面自己先编对话。因为Litter在进入课文前已经学过了。b.Make a dialogue(看图同桌自编对话)。c.Read after the tape.(出示对话内容听录音跟读)③ in the bookshop a.出示第三幅图

T: After they buying juice ,they see a bookshop next to it.Helen wants to go in.教短语:go in 意为“进去”。

b.Read the dialogue and answer the question.T: But can Helen go in ? Why ? read the third paragraph by yourself and answer me.让学生自读寻找答案。S: No.she can’t.T: which sentence tells us the answer.让学生找出答案出处的原句。S: You can’t take your juice into the shop,Helen.当学生说出句子后,教短语:take …into… T: Why?

S: There’s a sign.It means you can’t eat or drink here.T: Yes.The sign here means “No eating or drinking ”.It means you can’t eat or drink here.教单词: No eating or drinking c.Read the dialogue after the tape.④ in the restaurant a.出示第四幅图

T:Now, they are eating some noodles in a restaurant.What happens in the restaurant ? 在餐馆发生了什么呢?look at the picture ,can you guess? 让学生看图片自己先猜测发生了什么? S: …

如果学生能说出单词,就顺便教单词: smoke , smoking , No smoking 如果学生没说出来,那就在听录音的时候再揭示答案。T: Are you right ? Let’s look.(出示对话内容)

b.Read the dialogue after the tape.在听的过程中教新单词:smell c.Fill in the blank and work in pair Is someone ______? I can _____ it.Please don’t ______ here.Can you see that ______? It means you can’t ______ here.OK._______!把部分词抠掉,让学生对话,主要是为了注意这里面smoke的形式变化。3.After-reading a.Read the story together.b.retell the story c.Read and choose(完成书后P50的练习)d.如果有时间可以让学生续编故事,接下来他们会去哪里呢?又会看到哪些标志呢?自由创编。作业设计:


Unit5 Signs Where signs mean a shopping centre wet floor ….a juice shop No littering can’t litter a book shop No eating or drinking a restaurant No smoking

7.牛津小学英语1B Unit 3 Colours 第五课时 篇七



1. 能听懂、会用句型:What are you going to do? I am going to …

2. 能灵活运用所学 be going to 句型对将要做的事情进行描 述,并能进行相应的替换练习,达到学习以致用的目的。

3. 能够准确、流利、熟练地朗读Part B Let’s learn more 部 分对话,语音语调正确自然。

4. 能够理解并准确运用“Happy Children’s Day!“在儿童节当 天对同学或朋友表达祝福。


能听懂、会用句型:What are you going to do? I am going to 能灵活运用所学

be going to 句型对将要做的事情进行描述 并能进行相应的替换练习,达到学习以致用的`目的。


能够准确、流利、熟练地朗读Part B Let’s learn more 部分对 话,语音语调正确自然。

能够理解并准确运用“Happy Children’s Day!“在儿童节当天 对同学或朋友表达祝福。



(一)学习What are you going to do? I am going to …

(二)学习be going to 句型对将要做的事情进行描述。


(一)温故知新 看图片回答问题 Where are you going? I am going to ... Where is He/She going?

He/She is going to the ... Is he/she going to the ...? Yes, he/she is. No, he/she isn’t.

(二)导入新课 1.Part A Warming-up: Do you know? 进行描述。 承接上一环节Children’s Day 的环节,导入本节新课。

(三)互助释疑 同桌间读对话,理解特殊疑问句的用法和回答,对不懂的单词、词组以及句子进行探究。

(四)探究出招 小组合作解决难点,师进行指导。


(一)小组展示 小组内分角色读对话,练习用英语询问对方想去什么地方,并做出正确的回答

(二)班级展示 指名小组上讲台做游戏,用英语询问对方或者他人想去的地方,并做回答。



(二)Children’s Day 六一儿童节 一般疑问句 Is he/she going to the ...?

Yes, he/she is. No, he/she isn’t. Are they going to the ...? Yes, they are. No, they aren’t.




(一)作业当堂清 Part A 当中的Do you know? What is the date? 日期是多少?

8.牛津小学英语1B Unit 3 Colours 第五课时 篇八

Welcome to the Unit

Warm-up activities

1 Read the conversation between Eddie and Hobo. Check understanding of ‘birdwatching’.

2 Elicit from Ss what opinions are expressed by Eddie and Hobo.

Ask two more able students to role-play the conversation.

3 Ask more able Ss to name some birds in English.

4 Introduce the overall context of the unit and the main task.


1 The purpose of Part A & B is to activate Ss’ideas and generate an interest in birds in the wild. Ask Ss to read the descriptions in Part A and identify the birds.

2 Ask several students which bird they like best and why. Then tell Ss to ask their partners. Encourage Ss to include not only factual details but as many as ideas as possible.

Language points

What are you doing tomorrow?, go birdwatching, at the market, Beijing Ducks, roast chickens, long-winged, web-footed, long pointed wings, fly to northern countries, have colorful feathers


1 Learn the language points by heart

2 一课三练 P.55

3 Preview the Reading Part.

Presentation (Reading A)

1 Before Ss look at this page, review vocabulary of wildlife and conversation previously taught.

2 Write the title ‘Zhalong-A special place’ on the board. Ask Ss what they know about it. Ask where do you think it is? What kind of animals live there? Etc. . Encourage any contributions.

3 Encourage Ss to visit some of the websites providing information about Zhalong before the lesson.

4 Ask pairs of Ss to exchange information and opinions about the different materials they are studying.

5 Ask more able Ss to look for names and descriptions of birds. Have a class feedback using Ss’ research skills.

6 Read the title and explain the context. Ask questions about why Ss think that Zhalong is a special place.

7 Ask Ss to skim the text quickly,focusing on key words and main points only. Set a strict time limit and tell them in advance that they only have 8 minutes, for example, to read the text. Then ask volunteers to each read a paragraph to the class.

9 Ask Ss to write a caption for each paragraph.

Presentation (Reading B)

1 Ask students to do Part B1 as a quiz.

2 Divide the class into groups of six. Choose a group to start the competition. Ask what does ‘endangered’ mean? Set a time limit for each group to answer.

3 In pairs, Ss read and complete the conversation. Invite some of them to read it in front of the class.

Presentation (Reading C)

1 Divide the class into teams of 4-5 students. Do Part C1 as a quiz. Set a time limit.

2 Ask students to correct the false sentences.

3 Encourage discussions about why a sentence is wrong in order to develop Ss’ deductive skills.

Language points (Part A)

A nature reserve, in north-east China, one of the world’s most important wetlands, wildlife, provide sth. for sb. ,different kinds of, all year round, for a short stay, there are many fish, catch them for food, the rare red-crowned cranes, change the wetlands to make more space for farms, less and less space for wildlife, have enough space, the Chinese government, protect these endangered birds, a lot tourists, members of our Birdwatching Club, study the different kinds of birds, the changes in their numbers, a bird count, the importance of wetlands

Language points (Part B)

Areas of land with wet ground, areas of land for farming, a place to live or stay, in a dangerous state, a large number of, people who are traveling, be important for

Language points (Part C)

Find food easily, in other parts of the world, have enough space to live, the ideal home for many plants, fish and birds


1 Learn the language points by heart.

2 一课三练 P.56-57

3 Preview the Vocabulary Part.

Presentation (Vocabulary)

1 Elicit some adj. with negative meaning, e.g., ‘unhappy’, ‘uncomfortable’. Write the word on the Bb and underline the prefixes. Explain that these prefixes change the meaning of an adj. from positive to negative.

2 Before starting on Part A, revise the meaning of all the positive adj. Ask more able Ss to use the words to make sentences to check comprehension.

3 Explain the context of Part B.

4 In pairs, Ss select suitable adj. from Part A. Then ask each pair to compare answers with another pair. Check answers with the class as awhole.

Language points

A protected area, leave litter


1 Learn the language points by heart.

2 一课三练 P.58

3 Preview the Grammar Part.

Presentation (Grammar Part A)

1 Talk to Ss about organizing a school trip.

2 Ask Ss to think of a school trip they would like to join in the future. Try to find some ads to help them to choose an event.Write some questions on the Bb:

* When does the walk/competition start/finish?

* What time does the coach leave?

* Where/When do we meet?

3 Point out the use of the time expression ‘tomorrow’.

4 Elicit the use of the simple present tense to talk about future events.

5 Explain the context of Mr Wu planning a school trip to Beijing Wildlife Park. Point to the timetable and ask questions.

Presentation (Grammar Part B)

1 Ask Ss What are you doing tonight? to elicit sentences with the present continuous tense.

2 Elicit from Ss the use of the present continuous tense. Point out that when using the present continuous tense to talk about the future, we normally talk about future events which are scheduled for the immediate future.

3 Carefully explain the context of Part B.

4 Ask students to read the conversation on their own, trying to make sense of it without focusing on the tense. Then ask them to fill in the blanks.

4 Ss read the conversation in pairs, checking the correct use of the verb forms.

Presentation (Grammar Part C)

1 Elicit from Ss some sentences with adverbs.

2Write the adv. From the table on the Bb, ask more able Ss to underline the suffix ‘-ly’ in the examples and formulate the rule.

3 Ask Ss to add more examples to each group of adj. in the table.

4 Check answers with the whole class.

5 Ask Ss to Complete ‘Work out the rule’.

6 Ask Ss to read the article in Part C2 silently on their own first. Ask Ss to complete the article using the correct adv. From Part C1.

7 Ask Ss to work in pairs and rearrange the words to complete sentences in Part C3.

Language points

Return to school, at the entrance, sandwiches, greet us politely


1 Learn the language points by heart.

2 一课三练 P.59-60

3 Preview the Integrated skills Part.

Presentation (Integrated skills A)

1 Try to maintain Ss’ interest in birdwatching and Zhalong.

2 Remind Ss of the article about Zhalong which they read in the reading section. Ask Ss if they remember any facts about Zhalong.

3 Ask Ss to read the quiz and try to answer the questions from the memory and general knowledge.

4 Explain that Ss will listen to a radio program about Zhalong. Play the recording. Students listen carefully and tick the second column of boxes as they hear it.

4 Check the correct answers with the whole class.

5 Ask students to read the report in Part A3 in pairs. Go through the words in the bracket.

Presentation (Integrated skills B)

1 Close the books and listen to me while I read the conversation. Ask students to repeat the sentences as they hear them.

2 Ask students to practice the conversation in pairs and then change roles.

3 Ask students to work in pairs and create another conversation by replacing the underlined words.

Language points



1 Learn the language points by heart.

2 一课三练 P.61

3 Preview the Study Skills, Main task & C

Presentation (Study skills)

1 Brainstorm from Ss when people need to take notes. Read 2-3 sentences and ask Ss to take notes as a warm-up activity.

2 Ask Ss what kind of notes are considered good.

3 Explain the context of Part A. Ask students to do the task on their own and then compare their answers with a partner.

4 Elicit from Ss other short forms widely used in dictionaries or other written texts.

5 Tell students to read them again.

Language points (Study skills)

For example, per cent

Presentation (Main task)

1 Introduce the topic of joining an organization. If possible, find out about similar writing.

2 Introduce the idea that people need to apply formally before they are accepted to join a club..

3 Explain the context of Part A. Go through the application form and explain any unfamiliar or difficult vocabulary.

4 Ask Ss to discuss their own details with a partner.

Language points (Main task)

Application form, date of birth,

Presentation (Checkout)

1 Ss do Part A on their own and compare their answers with a partner. Ask them to practice reading the conversation in pairs.

Language points (Checkout)



1 Learn the language points by heart.

2 一课三练 P.62-64

9.牛津小学英语1B Unit 3 Colours 第五课时 篇九

【教学难点 】these和those的发音。


Let’s talk的录音。

Let’s check的录音。

Let’s sing 的录音。



【教学过程 】




游戏: 教师将几个动物单词卡片贴到黑板上,并在下面标上序号,请任意学生说出其中一个单词,其他学生说序号并模仿该动物的叫声或动作。

教师说谜语,引导学生用Are they…?来猜猜是什么蔬菜。

They are red. They look like apples, but they aren’t apples. What are they?

They are tender and green. What are they?

They are long and orange. Rabbits like eating them. What are they?

They are round, pink and white. What are they?

They are brown. French fries are made of them. What are they?

学生猜对了,教师回答Yes,they are.并拿出相应的单词卡片请学生拼读;如果猜错了,教师回答No, they aren’t. 再请其他人猜, 直到猜对为止。


I like .…

Do you like …?

(三) 新课呈现:

教师请学生将装有蔬菜的盒子盖好放在桌子上,然后走到同学们中间,随意指着几个盒子问:Are these…?,并引导学生根据实际用Yes, they are. / No, they aren’t.回答。如果学生回答的`是No, they aren’t. 教师要继续问:What are these?并引导学生用They are …回答。(教师在操作时应多问几名学生,以增加语言的输入量。)教师适时板书句型框架。

教师将自己带来的蔬菜分别放在几个盒子里,请几个学生过来边摸边问:Are these …?或What are these?教师做出相应的回答。


教师打开自制课件,请学生看一遍顾客和服务员的问答。然后提问:顾客为什么要用Are those cucumbers?问,而不用Are these cucumbers?问,两者有什么区别?教师根据学生的理解情况适当讲Are those …的功能。

教师指着另外一盒蔬菜用Are those ...?随意说一种蔬菜名,然后点击,启发学生根据看到的用Yes, they are. / No, they aren’t.回答。教师进行板书。

教师分别指向其他三个盒子启发学生用Are those..?提问,然后点击印证,让全班一起回答。

教师再次分别指着课件中货架上的几个盒子问:What are those?点击后引导学生用They are …回答。   教师进行板书。

(四)Let’s talk:



Listen and circle:

Are these/those tomatoes?Yes,they are./ No, they aren’t.

These are/aren’t carrots.

They are/aren’t potatoes.

These/Those are onions.

Are these/those cucumbers?  Yes, they are.




(五)Let’s check:


Are these goats? Yes,they are.

Are those horses?  No, they aren’t.

Are these potatoes? Yes, they are.

Look at the hens. They are fat.

【板书设计 】

At a farm

What are these / those?       They are .…

10.牛津小学英语1B Unit 3 Colours 第五课时 篇十

2. 根据指令做出反应,并试着学会发指令。

3. 让学生在听听、说说、唱唱、玩玩的动态学习过程中体验英语的无处不在和学习英语的快乐。


教学难点:使用句型:this is_____. 来介绍自己。



step 1 warm-up

t: today, we will have a match between groups.

ss: ok!

t: group a is the sun. group b is the star. and group c is the moon. do you like it?


t: first, let’s sing a song.


(add a star when the group did well.)

t: can you sing other songs?

and so on


t: you are very good. now, let’s do together.

ss: ok!

t: now, i say and you do.

touch your____.

touch your ____.

wave your ____.

show me _____.

give me a ______.

show me your_____.

clap ____.

act like____.

stand up, please.

open your book.



step2 practice

t: read these words

(出示图片:body, numbers, ability, and study wears. )


t: i’m miss xie. look!

‘this is my hand.’

‘this is my eye.’

‘this is my mouth.’

‘this is my nose.’

‘this is my ear.’

what about you?

first, let’s do together.


t: which group will do first?


t: now, who can introduce yourself?


(ask individuals to come to the blackboard and introduce themselves.)


review this unit.
