


1.原创英文诗 篇一

杜甫诗五首 教学设计





4、让学生体会这几首诗中体现的诗人忧国忧民的情怀。教学重难点:诗人忧国忧民的情怀。教学课时:二课时 教学步骤:













四、艺术手法分析 1,<<哀江头 >>采用什么方法表现今昔情景?请找出有关诗句并略加分析.今昔对照



“细柳新蒲”,景物是很美的。岸上是依 依袅袅的柳丝,水中是抽芽返青的新蒲。“为谁绿”三字陡然一转,以乐景反衬哀恸,一是说江山换了主人,二是说没有游人,无限伤心,无限凄凉,大有使人肝肠寸断的笔力。



















这首诗表达了诗人怎样的情感? 这首诗通过诗人对丞相祠堂的寻访,表达了对诸葛亮的景仰之情,寄寓了诗人忧国忧民的思想感情和政治理想:诗人对忧念苍生、济世扶危的诸葛亮极其崇敬景仰,希望在当时安史之乱中也能有诸葛亮这样雄才大略而又忠心为国之人出现为国效力;同时也寄寓了自己生不逢时、抱负难施的感慨。



一、背景简介 见课文注释(P14)


1、这首诗写了一件什么小事?表达了作者怎样的感情? 诗人通过劝告吴郎让老妇人打枣这样一件小事,表达了诗人对战乱中的人民真切的关心和深挚的同情。(主旨)

2、颈联的言外之意是什么? 那寡妇一见你插篱笆就防你不让她打枣,虽未免多心,未免神经过敏;但是,你一搬进草堂就忙着插篱笆,却也很象真的要禁止她打枣呢!


3、哪一联是全诗劝说强有力的理由?蕴含着诗人什么样的情怀? • 尾联.蕴含着诗人忧国忧民的深厚情怀。前句是借寡妇的诉苦,指出了这位寡妇、同时也是广大人民穷困的社会根源在于官府的剥削,即“征求”。这也为寡妇的行为作了进一步的开脱。后句说得更远更深,诗人想到持续了十余年的安史之乱,不禁涕泪横流。而这也正是广大人民穷困的又一深刻时代根源。


• 此诗富有强烈的人民性,是诗人忧国忧民精神的具体例证。诗人由一件普通的打枣小事,联想到广大人民尚处在水深火热之中的现实,并为此涕泪横流。同时也是向吴郎、向广大尚处于战乱中的人们说明了一个道理:在此艰难岁月之中,人们更应该互敬互爱、同甘共苦,共渡难关。




二、意境赏析(1)首联: 诗人以“昔闻”入手,写出自己早已对之向往之情,只是如今在衰残之年方得以登临。杜甫一生怀才不遇,路途坎坷,此时已值衰年,万事成空,所有的愿望即将化为泡影,在今昔对比之中,抑郁之情和壮志难酬的感慨流露无遗。(2)颔联: 写登临所见。广阔无垠的洞庭湖,浩浩荡荡,好像把东方的吴地和南方的楚地一分为二,连日月星辰都漂浮于湖水之中。






• 试对比两诗颔联描写洞庭湖景观的妙处,并评论两诗的主题思想。•

登岳阳楼 杜甫



孟浩然 八月湖水平,涵虚混太清。气蒸云梦泽,波撼岳阳城。欲济无舟楫,端居耻圣明。坐观垂钓者,徒有羡鱼情。





2.原创英文诗 篇二


Hardy and Su Shi,living in different countries and ages,yet suffering the similar toil of losing wife,expressed their yearning and missing to their deceased wives with similar exquisite style of writing,and also described the permanent motif of literature of home and abroad from ancient to present---love and death.Both sublimed their deep love and grief to deceased wives to well accepted and remembered poems.Chinese way of expressing love is originally different from that of British in that the former is implicative and euphemistic while the latter is bold and unrestrained and passionate,yet poets of different nations expressed their feelings in the same form of literature with surprisingly similar exquisite style of writing.This paper probes into the deep Occidental and Oriental differences of implied meaning in terms of discourse.

1 Definition of Memorial Poetry

Memorial poetry,in a broad sense,refers to all the poems written to memorize the deceased,and in a narrow sense,refers to poems written by a husband or a wife to mourn his or her wife or husband.[1]Combining the subject of love and death,memorial poetry could be taken as a unique kind of love poetry which relates to the love between the alive and the dead and the living's yearning for the dead.Love and death has always been the eternal motif of litterateur both home and abroad.The earliest Chinese memorial poetry appeared in The Book of Poetry,and since Pan Yue of Xi Jin Dynasty wrote poetry to memorize his passed wife,memorial poetry became the exclusive reference to the poems of mourning deceased wives.From then on,there are many excellent memorial poetry and poets,like Wei Yingwu,Meng Jiao of Tang dynasty,Huang Tingjian,Lu You of Song dynasty,Yu Qian,Li Zhi of Ming dynasty and Wang Fuzhi of Qing dynasty and the like.

In Britain,"a country emphasizing freedom,equality,freedom of love,individuality liberation"[2],lyrical poems are numerous,yet the number of memorial poetry is greatly less than that of China,in spite of which,there are still many a good excellent works,such as John Milton's On his deceased wife;Thomas Hardy's Emma poetry including Afterwards,The Walk,After A Journey,The Voice and etc.;Robert Browning's Prospice etc.A-mong the western memorial poetry,maybe only Hardy's are an exception because about his 100 memorial poetry on his wife are different form others'in that they are full of romanticism illusions and rich in scenes of daily life,the feelings in which are sincere and genuine but not euphuistical.Readers often gasp in admiration when reading his memorial poems,some of which are surprisingly similar to Chinese ones,like Su Shi's JiangChengZi.

2 Comparative Analysis on Hardy's Emma Poetry and Su Shi's JiangChengZi

2.1 Analysis on Su Shi's JiangChengZi




English version:

Ten years,dead and living dim and draw apart.

I don't try to remember,

But forgetting is hard.

Lonely grave a thousand miles off,

Cold thoughts,where can I talk them out?

Even if we met,you wouldn't know me,

Dust on my face,

Hair like frost.

In a dream last night suddenly I was home.

By the window of the little room,

You were combing your hair and making up.

You turned and looked,not speaking,

Only lines of tears coursing down.

Year after year will it break my heart?

The moonlit grave,

The stubby pines.1

2.1.1 Background

This poem was written to mourn Su Shi's ex-wife Wang Fu who was 3 years younger than Su Shi and married him at her 16.What's a pity is that she left at her 27 leaving a seven year old child to Su Shi.It's easy to see what Su Shi suffered from this loss.After 10 years'involving in official career,due to the unsatisfactory achievement of his political ideal and excessive official business,the only 40 years old Su Shi got an early aging,being like"Dust on my face,Hair like frost.",can he still remember his deceased wife from time to time?Yet,in his sub-consciousness,Wang Fu was always there.As a result,on a night of 20th day of 1stmonth in terms of Chinese lunar calendar(actually,it was in 1075 at Su Shi's 39),a dream realized their reunion and consequently,came out this outstanding memorial poem.

The poem was written after the dream,the first sentence"Ten years,dead and living dim and draw apart."Expressed his deep feeling of grief and unhelplessness that he couldn't go across the line between living and death to meet with her wife,and then what's in his mind in the time of"Ten years,dead and living dim and draw apart."?"I don't try to remember,but forgetting is hard"is the answer.As a mundane man,Su Shi had to deal with numerous trifles,let alone to muse over her long deceased wives,the rather that the passing of time will also gradually water one's memory down,so"I don't try to remember,"is really telling the truth.But his missing of his wife was still clearly in his sub-consciousness,though similarly inexistent in his consciousness,"but forgetting is hard"expressed his incapability to forget his wife.The dead was gone,even though the living and the dead could communicate and the couples were able to meet again like a miracle,but the man before her was almost a middle-aged toil worn stranger,instead of that who had been young with elegance and talent.Seeing this,wouldn't they be speechless.It seems that the deceased is relatively lucky,because the living is still suffering from her departing and missing of her.At this extremely grievous moment,a dream came to abate his pain,yet even in the dream,the happiness was limited---"You turned and looked,not speaking,only lines of tears coursing down",the misery without any word but only tears covered the temporarily happiness.Then,the poet came back to the dismal reality:"Year after year will it break my heart?The moonlit grave,The stubby pines."Su Shi imagined that his beloved wife would still have to lie in the grave alone before his death years after years and day by day,what kind of heartbroken torturing is it!

2.2 Analysis on Hardy's Emma poetry

Compared with Su Shi's memorial poem,missing also constituted Hardy's Emma poetry,and the proportion was also not small,at the same time,it touched readers with authentic and profound feelings,but the most protruding features of Hardy's Emma poetry is its abundant reflection and illusion,like in The Shadow on the Stone

I went by the Druid stone

That broods in the garden white and lone,

And I stopped and looked at the shifting shadows That at some moments fall thereon

From the tree hard by with a rhythmic swing,And they shaped in my imagining

To the shade that a well-known head and shoulders Threw there when she was gardening.

I thought her behind my back,

Yea,her I long had learned to lack,

And I said:"I am sure you are standing behind me,Though how do you get into this old track?"

And there was no sound but the fall of a leaf As a sad response;and to keep down my grief I would not turn my head to discover

That there was nothing in my belief.

Yet I wanted to look and see

That nobody stood at the back of me;

But I thought once more:"Nay,I'll not univision A shape which,somehow,there may be."

So I went on softly from the glade,

And left her behind me throwing her shade,As she were indeed an apparition

My head unturned lest my dream should fade.

In this poem,the shadow behind the stone was imagined as the shadow of his deceased wife which was always behind his back.In Su Shi'poem,it is"Even if we met,you wouldn't know me,Dust on my face,Hair like frost",but Hardy's wife still remained fresh in his memory,he said"I am sure you are standing behind me,Though how do you get into this old track?"knowing that it was illusion,but unbearable to break it,and repressed his fierce longing for looking back,"and to keep down my grief,I would not turn my head to discover""So I went on softly from the glade,""lest my dream should fade."In his poem,Hardy didn't see her wife's appearance again and he implied reader it was on a moonlit night by shadow,while Su Shi clearly said that"The moonlit grave".In Hardy's poem,there were image of shadow of tree,fallen leaves,while in Su Shi'he used"The moonlit grave,The stubby pines"to create a kind atmosphere of loneliness,piteousness and melancholy.The feature of illusion and imagination of Emma poetry can be roughly seen from the simple analysis of the above poem,and its another feature is deep recalling and reflection which is greatly different from Chinese memorial poetry.

Memorial poetry is to memorize the lost love and express missing to deceased wives[3],as a result,recalling is inevitable which is also one of what Hardy liked to do in his poems.As a matter of fact,Emma poetry is his confession on his marriage.In all these poems,Hardy frankly recalled the long unhappy marriage as well as his sweet days with Emma.In the After a Journey,he said to his wife“what have you now found to say of our past""summer gave us sweets,but autumn wrought division?""Things were not lastly as firstly well with us twain,you tell?"Spring and summer represented respectively the season that they got to know each other and fell in love with each other,they implied sweetness in Hardy's poem.Autumn signified grief and pains because Emma died in autumn.Hardy tried his best to beautify and idealize the sceneries in his mind to make a contrast with the present.The early Emma was"with your nut-colored hair,and grey eyes,and rose-flush coming and going(After a Journey)".At that time,their love is harmonious"While Life unrolled us its very best(The Going)"and"the faint scent of the bordering flowers swam unheeded away,and I marked not the charm in the changes of day as the cloud-colors came and went(After The Visit)".And then he began to describe the later unhappiness,the beautiful image of Emma was replaced with"apparition""ghost",returning from the past to the present,from the dream to the reality.In the poem of The Going,Hardy pondered on the estrangement between Emma and him:"Why,then,latterly did we not speak,Did we not think of those days long dead,And ere your vanishing strive to seek that time's renewal?We might have said,‘in this bright spring weather,we'll visit together those places that once we visited'."It's really rare that a poet will retrospect his own love experience so frankly.The best poem that reflects Hardy's repent and retrospection is the poem An Upbraiding written in the perspective of Emma which was actually his own repent:

Now I am dead you sing to me

The songs we used to know,

But while I lived you had no wish Or care for doing so.

Now I am dead you come to me In the moonlight,comfortless;

Ah,what would I have given alive To win such tenderness!

When you are dead,and stand to me Not differenced,as now,

But like again,will you be cold As when we lived,or how?

This poem took the dead as the first person narrator,creating a new perspective of narration and expression of emotions,which broke the traditional memorial poetry's restriction of taking the alive as the first person.This kind of style is rare in Chinese history of memorial poetry as well as in that of Western.At her living,Hardy wrote so few poems about her,yet he wrote so tremendous about her after her death,so what's the point here?Could he make up for anything?As Hardy was writing all those poems,he realized it and became dissatisfied with himself.He stood in Emma's shoes to think about what he had done,and expressed his repent and regret through Emma's heckling to him.Seeing from this,we can see that Hardy's memorial poetry was filled with rational retrospection over his past behavior as he was recalling the past days.Just because of this rational retrospection on death,some scholars said that"it is the death of Emma that enables Hardy to complete what he didn't finish in her living:his best love poems were created not at the time when he was pursuing his sweetheart at his 30,nor at the time when he got married at his 34,but at the time when he was frail at his 72"which also verifies Hardy's Memorial poetry's value of retrospection.

3 Cultural Difference behind Chinese and Western Memorial Poetry

Chinese memorial poetry has always been influenced by realism,and it always chooses the usual image of daily life to imply death,and at the same time,reflecting poet's death awareness and expressing poet's resentfulness on other things[4].In Su Shi's JiangChengZi,the image of"lonely grave"and"wife coming hair before the mirror at her living"both implied the cruelty of death Yet in Emma poetry,there is little such image,instead,Hardy utilized more imagination and illusion,the choice of image was much more free and extensive,such as"the breeze in its listlessness""the wet mead""wind oozing from norward""the thorn"This is due to the romantic tradition's influence to British literature inn the result that images in memorial poetry are always full of imagination and philosophy,stressing the expression of retrospection.

In a country where people widely believe in Christianity or Catholics,death is the beckoning of God,and is the follower's real end-result breaking away from the profane world,also,at certain time in the future,everyone will meet again in the heaven[5].This kind of belief originated from the western original sin that people are born sinfully,the purpose they come to the world is to bear tribulation and get atonement,by doing like this,their ghost will finally go to the paradise,the eternal world,realizing the significance of life.Admittedly,it is the inspiration of religion that makes western litterateur's imaging wings fly to the rose wreath in paradise,like a freely galloping angel,or in the hell,or on the dream,as a result of which,western poets are detached,broadminded,taking desperation as happy hope,death as eternal living.Consequently,they can face death of their beloved,friends and relatives calmly and serenely,exceeding the barrier of death and living,removing the affliction in their hearts.Though,Chinese memorial poetry is also simple and touching,but its grief to death is always too thick,and comparatively speaking,their imagination can't be compared with western memorial poems which is decided by Chinese people's attitude towards death.In Chinese mind,the existence of body can't be substituted by any other matters,and their heavy relying on living also lies in their indifference to the concept of the Other World and the Psyche The ancient Chinese simple materialism was the main stream in the ideology,few people seriously considered the question of whether Psyche exists after death or where it goes.In the opinion of Confucians,there is even a saying like"You don't yet understand this life,how can you understand the afterlife?"[6]Chinese poets think that death is the end of life,"A man dies the way a lamp goes out",so the situation faced to death is to situated oneself in a longing condition where they hope the deceased would one day come back.Different from Chinese people's heavy relying on living,westerners traditionally take death as the aim of life,namely,live to die,living is toilsome tillage,and death is happy harvest and safe enjoyment.As a result,they pay more attention to the understanding and perception of death,imagining and describing various objective sceneries after the death.In their heart,death,as the terminator of the whole shoot,is nothing to be feared,contrarily,death has the power of overwhelming everything,because of its eternality,because of its inevitability,because of the inaccessibility to get the true feeling of it in theworld of living.Therefore,it leaves people with unlimited space of imagination,and poets endow it various transcendental and sacred significance for some kind of inspiration to get spiritual extrication finally and completely.

Hardy and Su Shi,two versed writers,while writing the magnum opus,wrote the touching and euphemistic memorial poems with authentic emotions,giving a good and vivid description of love the eternal motif of literature.Obviously,human being's sentimen attached to families,pursuit of love,longing for happiness is the same,without the limit of time or space.

4 Conclusion

Comparing the memorial poems of Chinese poet of Song Dynasty,Su Shi's Jiang Chengzi with Thomas Hardy's Emma poetry,this paper finds that Chinese memorial poetry is featured with missing of the past life,whereas the English poetry lays great stress on illusion and imagination of the future as well as the deep reflection on death.In addition,Chinese's fear of death and Westerners'accept and understanding of death is also clearly presented.The last but not the least,Chinese memorial poetry is always to express the poet's resent,disappointment and depression in life,it's just an outlet of unhappiness;yet,the British memorial poetry is the poet's deep ponderation on death.


[1]Wang Zuoliang.An Anthology of English Verse,Edited With an Introduction[M].Shanghai:Shanghai Translation Publishing House,1993.

[2]Merryn Williams.哈代导读[M].北京:北京大学出版社,2005.




3.读英文经典,一起寻找诗和远方 篇三





4.英文简历(原创) 篇四




Accounting assistant or cashier , General manager assistant,Investment consultant


University:September 2011 to July 2015, Zhong Nan Univrsity of Economics and LawMajor:Economical management of agriture and forestry



Certificate:Certificate of Accounting Professional ,2012-11,Wu Han,Hu Bei

Certificate Of Security Qualification,2013-11,Wu Han,Hu Bei

VFP,2012-09,Wu Han,Hu bei

Thirdlevel Certificate for National Computer,2014-04,Wu Han,Hu Bei

English Four Certificates,2012-12,Wu Han,Hu Bei

Six-grade English Certification,2013-06, Wu Han,Hu Bei


Cashier,2011-06,Xiang Tan,Hu Nan

Experiences on be a tutor of junior,senior middle school students and gained both students and genearches’ praises

Many times of doing promotion sales for stores during the campus life

Worked as an intern in Wan Hong Investment Consulting Co.Ltd in Guangzhou, 2014,summer


About English:fluent oral english and good pronunciation

About Computer:Knowing the basic maintain of hardware and software;Good sense of Visual

Foxpro Language software


From 2012-05 to 2013-05,be the vice ministor of the financial department in Love Store ,Zi Qiang


In the year of 2013 and 2014,won the second level scholarship of our school

In the year of 2013, approve and initiate a project in the “Bo Wen Cup” of our school

In the year of 2013,won the Second Prize in the NECCS

In the year of 2014,won the “excellent student”of our school


Strong sense of responsibility:When I was the Study Secretary of my class,my classmates

commented on me like this.Having great passion in challenging:During my campus life,I entered for many

competitions,though sometimes I failed,I really learn something in the procedure

Self-confident, optimistic


5.原创英文诗 篇五

Good morning, professors.Thank you for giving me the opportunity to have this interview.My name is XXX, twenty five.I come from 邯郸,河北and I am going to graduate from the College of 学院of 学校 in July, 2015.My specialty is 专业, and in the past four years, I have learnt some basic knowledge of it.For example, from the courses of 专业课1 and 专业课2, I got to know various 专业理论.My passion in 专业 is the reason why I would like to pursue my further study in this field.When I learnt more about this field, I became more interested in it.Owing to my diligence and persistence, I could concentrate on my study and I believe that I could eventuallysucceed.In my spare time, I have broad interests.I like reading books, especially those about physics, math and history.The library of our school is one of my favorite haunts.When I meet difficulties in 专业, I oftenborrowed relevant books from our library to read.I do think there’s still a long way to go,so I won’t give up my studyof专业, and I’ll keep improving my theoretical and experimental ability.Thankyou very much for your time and attention.

6.美丽英文诗 篇六

As I look into your eyes

I see an angel in disguise

like I’ve never been

here next to you near

and keep you by my side

Whenever i see you smile

I’ll drop into a fairytale

Like a playful child

sleeping on the puffy cloud

Then the cloud disappeared

I fell all the way down to here

but you helped me to fight away my fears

I heard you whisper in my ear

all of the words i long to hear

of how you’ll always be

here next to me

to wipe away my tears.


Standing still on the beach,

thinking of the hurtful speech.

Wondering why he had to be cruel,

and makes the sand being washed away,

by my tears

through.....and through......

Didn#39;t want to feel the wind of depression,

and will never give my heart to another person.

Tend to think that time could heal,

tortured .. struggled...

but still feeling ill.

Seaweed waved and sang,

feel the sour taste in my lung.

The perfect love was never found,

sank into the pain...

and slowly drowned.

i don#39;t know what to say

some thinks i#39;m brave

mysterious face

and the unbreakable faith

i like listening to music

but also enjoys the quiet

things hurt me and excits me

wouldn#39;t change me

even a bit

Dazzling white teeth,

and shy, unstable path

makes me ordinary

but more exordinary

I woke up as usual

lighten up my zippo

obssessing with my marijuana

thinking of my dear Fiona

We promised to each other

that we#39;ll always stick together

whenever, wherever, forever

we pushed each other

to the edge of danger

she whispered goodbye

but i told her”no“


The endless hole that we fall

searching for her mild call

and as our soul

to the heaven go.

In this cold, busy airport,

I doubted how much more tears have I got.

Don#39;t cry please,

I begged in my heart.

As if the earth will crack,

if it sees us apart.

Mum said I should come,

to this beautiful country

in the ocean#39;s palm,


A better place to live,

but a worser homesick

that can never relieve.

I knew there isn#39;t any other way,

to freeze this moment

forever, night and day.

I shouldn#39;t really have thought that way.

But I just couldn#39;t help it,

for God and Jesus#39; sake.

I wondered what would it be like,

in this horrible new place,

only with its spite.

Never have I felt,

as breathless when my tears melt.

I prayed for a glass of peacefulness,

but all I really wanted was just a day of quietness.

Warm air fulfilled my lungs,

as i stepped onto the Australian made

airport carpet for the first time.

”Good Luck“ I murmured with my dry tongue,

and squeezed into the lousy crowd,

looking beautiful and young.

I wrote your name on the sky,

but the wind blew it away.

I wrote your name on the sand,

but the wave washed it away.

I wrote your name in my heart,

and forever it will stay...

<10 things he said to me>

He said ”don#39;t worry“,

when i was frowning about exams.

He said ”I#39;ll be there for you“

when tears were rolling down my face.

He said ”are you hungry“

when i was struggling with my homeworks.

He said ”I got you a present“

when i was left out alone on my birthday night.

He said ”I fell for you“

when i was chating with another guy on the phone.

He said ”I#39;ll kill it for you“

when i was screaming about ehe cocaroach in my room.

He said ”Can i kiss you?“

when i was totally stunned by the number of

paper hearts that he folded for me.

He said ”I#39;m sorry“

when my face went red

and still didn#39;t know how to respond.

He said ” I can#39;t live without you“

when i felt like i#39;ve just had an electricity shock.

He said nothing,

7.关于爱情的英文诗 篇七

I’ll think of you every step of the way.我会想你,在漫漫长路的每一步。

light in my heart the evening star of rest and then let the night whisper to me of love. 在我的心头燃点起那休憩的黄昏星吧,然后让黑夜向我微语着爱情。

Look into my eyes - you will see what you mean to me. 看看我的眼睛,你会发现你对我而言意味着什么。

Love is a vine that grows into our hearts.爱是长在我们心里的藤蔓。

Love is like a butterfly. It goes where it pleases and it pleases where it goes.爱情就像一只蝴蝶,它喜欢飞到哪里,就把欢乐带到哪里。

Love is the greatest refreshment in life.爱情是生活最好的提神剂。

Love keeps the cold out better than a cloak.爱比大衣更能驱走严寒。

Love never dies.爱情永不死。

My heart is with you.我的爱与你同在。 Take away love, and our earth is a tomb.没有了爱,地球便成了坟墓。

The darkness is no darkness with thee.有了你,黑暗不再是黑暗。

the mist, like love, plays upon the heart of the hills and bring out surprises of beauty.雾,象爱情一样,在山峰的心上游戏,生出种种美丽的变幻。

8.关于成功的诗英文 篇八


Success is counted sweetest

By those who ne’er succeed.

To comprehend a nectar

Requires sorest need.





Not one of all the purple Host

Who took the Flag today

Can tell the definition

So clear of victory.





As the defeated-dying

On whose forbidden ear

The distant strains of

Burst agonized triumph and clear!




9.英文诗经典欣赏飞鸟集 篇九



Stray birds of summer come to my window to sing and fly away.

And yellow leaves of autumn, which have no songs, flutter and fall there with a sign.



O Troupe of little vagrants of the world, leave your footprints in my words.




The world puts off its mask of vastness to its lover.

It becomes small as one song, as one kiss of the eternal.



It is the tears of the earth that keep here smiles in bloom.



The mighty desert is burning for the love of a bladeof grass who shakes her head and laughs and flies away.



If you shed tears when you miss the sun, you also miss the stars.7


The sands in your way beg for your song and your movement, dancing water. Will you carry the burden of their meness?



Her wishful face haunts my dreams like the rain at night.




Once we dreamt that we were strangers.

We wake up to find that we were dear to each other.



Sorrow is hushed into peace in my heart like the evening among the silent trees.



Some unseen fingers, like an idle breeze, are playing upon my heart the music of the ripples.






What language is thine, O sea?

The language of eternal question.

What language is thy answer, O sky?

The language of eternal silence.



Listen, my heart, to the whispers of the world with which it makes love to you.



The mystery of creation is like the darkness of night--it is great.

Delusions of knowledge are like the fog of the morning.15


Do not seat your love upon a precipice because it is high.



I sit at my window this morning where the world like a passer-by stops for a moment, nods to me and goes.



There little thoughts are the rustle of leaves; they have their whisper of joy in my mind.



What you are you do not see, what you see is your shadow.




My wishes are fools, they shout across thy song, my Master.

Let me but listen.




I cannot choose the best.

The best chooses me.
