1.英语说课课件大学 篇一
基于学情: 作为五年级上册的学生对英语阅读课并不陌生,也掌握一定的词、句、段、章的知识积累和阅读能力。但作为阅读初学者,教师应侧重于具有针对性的阅读方法的指导、阅读能力的培养、语用意识的提高。
基于教材:本教材是人教(新版)内容,学生之前对What’s your (his her) name? Who’s he? This is my father. He is a doctor.内容都有涉及,但仅限于单句的问答。因此,语言知识的整合,综合运用这些单句来进行语言交际是本节课关键。
基于单元:本单元涉及的是关于职业的内容,主要涉及的知识内容有This is my father, he is a teacher.的自我介绍;What’s he? He is a doctor的职业问答;Who’s he ?He is my uncle的人称问答。能力要求有人称代词的熟练使用,以及能熟练介绍关于辈分、职业、愿望的自我介绍。
基于本课:作为第一课时,从文本材料的要求just speak的提示来看,应该是整体理解和把握阅读文本,将支离破碎的知识点进行整合,开展阅读,从而达到语用。所以对辈分、职业等知识的展开和具体学习会在之后的课时中进行。所以教师在本节课中侧重对阅读能力的培养。
A. 能够听、说、读、用句型:This is my mother . She is a tailor.
in Class Two, Grade Five. On the left. On the right in the middle.
C.能够正确意会、朗读Here’s a picture of my family. We look like each other. We’re twin brothers
A.听: 能学会正确、仔细聆听文本、教师、同伴的回答,模仿并纠错。
能听懂、交流What’s your name? What’s he? Who’s she?相关信息
B.策略目标:认知策略 、阅读策略、交际策略 、语用策略
能够听、说、读、用句型:This is my mother . She is a tailor.并在交际中加以替换。
A.能够听、说、读定语短语和介词搭配: in Class Two, Grade Five. On the left. On the right in the middle.
B. 能够正确意会、朗读Here’s a picture of my family. We look like each other. We’re twin brothers
4、合作学习法: 和同伴取长补短、互相帮助、互相学习。
(1)快速热身,直切主题(教学in Class One, Grade Five)
【设计意图】心理学研究表明学生注意力是细致观察, 良好记忆, 正确思维的重要条件。热身复习环节应充分吸引学生的眼球,让学生快速投入到本节课英语学习的氛围中。
我采用了激情三部曲:第一步:快问快答,知识梳理:What’s your name? What’s his name? What’s her name? Who’s he? Who’s she?为下面的学习做好充分的准备。第二步:激情激趣,知识整合:在黑板上简笔画了一幅Lin画进行介绍:Her name is Lin. She’s ten. She’s from China. She’s a student in Class One, Grade Five (板书中突出大写、介词等细节知识),板书简单清楚的板眼了自我介绍的四个内容。第三部:轻松介绍,知识运用:在清晰的示范、幽默的简笔画中学生自我介绍name, age, nationality, job,在轻松自然中复习旧知的同时,学习了新知in Class One, Grade Five,可谓一举两得。
A、任务之一:为Lin 找爸妈:(教学Here’s a picture of my family)
(简笔画中补充lin 的眼泪)Lin can’t find her father and mother. Can you help her? Who’s her father and mother?出示三张不同的照片,展示出三个不同的短语:Here is a picture of black family. Here is a picture of white family. Here is a picture of yellow family.在为Lin找爸妈的任务中,不同家庭照片的出示,自然引出了Here’s a picture of my family。孩子们在观察和说的过程中表达Here is Lin’s father and mother.
B.任务之二:描述lin’s family(教学This is my mother. She is a teacher. on the leftight in the middle)
(简笔画中的Lin又恢复了笑脸)Lin’s happy. Lin has a happy family, She loves her family.
(出示照片)教师引导:Who’s she ? ——This is my mother
What’s she ? She can teach——She is a teacher.
Where’s she? ——She is on the left
同此,请学生来说出This is my mother. She is a teacher . She is on the left.
This is me. I’m a student in Class One, Grade Five. I’m in the middle.
This is my father. He is a doctor. He is on the right.
开展自主探究式学习,巩固语音:egg——leg——left——on the left
night——light——right——on the right
miss——mid——middle——in the middle(提示in on)
出示课题:I Love My Family.
A、读前铺垫、总体把握:教学twin, Here’s a picture of my family. We look like each other.
a.默读画圈:根据Lin的幸福家庭,自然引出了Tom的幸福家庭。要求学生默读短文,并划出Tom’s family member. 并回答How many people are the in there in Tom’s family?
b.朗读划线: What’s Tom’s father? This is my father. He is a teacher.
What’s Tom’s mother? This is my mother. She is a tailor.
教师指导:She can make the clothes. She is a tailor.(教读单词)
a.听力回答:listen and answer the question(作业纸)
My name is Tom. I’m ten. I’m a student in Class Two, Grade Five.
Her name is Mary. She’s nine. She is a student in Class One , Grade Three.
b.阅读回答: Who’s the boy on the right?
He’s my twin brother. We look like each other.(引导意会)
d.合作学习:pair work(同桌互相学习,以此互相帮助和纠正朗读中存在的问题)
1. This is Tom’s father. He is from China. ( )
2. This is Tom’s mother. She is a tailor. ( )
3. Tom and Mary are twins. ( )
4. Tom has a happy family. ( )
C. talk about Tom’s family. Tom has a family.
A、口头模仿:拿出照片,进行小组合作group work。
Tom has a happy family. He loves his family. Do you love your family?
: I Love My Family.
Here is a picture of my family. My name is . I’m . I’m a student of Class Grade .This is my . He is a . This is my She is . I have a family. We love each other.
Homework: Choose As I Like.
A、(必做)Listen, imitate and read. 听读短文,并大声模仿,直至流利朗读。
B、(必做) Write your own composition, use the picture of your family.
C、(选做)Write Mike’s composition, use the picture of his family.
I Love My Family
Lin China This is my father. He is a teacher.
Ten a student This is my mother. She is a tailor.
in Class One, Grade Five
本节课我始终将学生作为课堂的主人,学习的主体。教师的教学应该是培养学生独立行走、开口说话的过程。教师要鼓励学生在学习中乐于参与、积极合作、主动请教,提高学生语篇意识,增强学生语用能力。今天的五个说课部分希望像今天的四季背景图一样,每个步骤都像每个季节一样有着不同的景色。谢谢各位评委老师的耐心聆听,也期待你们的悉心指导。That’s all. Thanks for listening
2.英语说课课件大学 篇二
1 大学英语多媒体课件制作
多媒体教学软件是一种根据教学目标设计的, 表现特定教学内容的教学媒体。利用课件进行教学有图文声并茂, 促进学生兴趣提高;教学形式活泼, 教育学双向交互;改变学生被动接受信息的方式的优势。大学多媒体课件有单机和网络两种开发方式。本文讨论的是单机方式下, 安装在多媒体教室内, 由授课老师控制, 在课堂上辅助教师进行大学英语教学的“助教型”课件制作。
大学英语多媒体课件制作应体现目标性、直观性、呈示顺序性、导航性、实践性、反馈性的原则。基于超媒体课件设计的原则, 将教学内容组织成超文本结构的多媒体课件。将教学内容划分成若干个内容集中且适量的学习单元。单元内容可以是一段课文、一个词语解释、一组测验、一幅图片、一段录音或影音文件等。通过这些单元把所有教学内容都包容进去。最后将各个单元 (含有多媒体信息的节点) 按照知识脉络的上下层关系以及教学的组织过程进行连接, 并建立某些单元间基于某一关键字建立起来的跳转关系链, 形成超文本结构形式的学习网络。大学英语精读多媒体课件应该包括以下教学内容:文化背景知识、语篇分析、语言点学习、翻译练习、扩展性知识、课文小结。
2 课件在大学英语教学中的运用
多媒体投影教学模式即利用投影仪将安装在计算机上的课件投放在大屏幕上, 辅助教师进行教学活动的课堂教学模式。20世纪90年代初我国进入计算机教育应用的成熟阶段。计算机辅助英语教学可用:教师+学生+计算机 (网络) +课件来表示。包括:多媒体辅助教学方式, 网络辅助教学方式, 多媒体辅助教学方式又可分为:多媒体投影教学模式和一对一式教学模式。这种教学模式基于建构主义理论。认为学习是学习者在外部环境下 (包括教学环境, 家庭环境, 社会环境) 主动建构的过程, 强调以学生为中心, 情景协作会话和意义建构是学习环境的四大因素。学生采取发现法探索法主动建构知识, 建构过程中可通过协商加强构建效率。在教学活动中教师所起的作用为:激发学生学习兴趣, 帮助其形成动机, 为学生创设量化的学习情景, 引导其学习协作学习过程。在这种教学模式下, 受实际条件的影响, 可利用根据折衷主义的理论为指导思想设计助教型课件, 在教学活动中利用投影教学模式在简易的多媒体教室 (计算机+投影仪+大屏幕) 进行教学。
在简易多媒体教室教师用自制的多媒体课件利用多媒体投影教学模式进行英语教学。处理背景知识, 课文理解, 知识点, 听说练习等活动。还可用讲演以, 小品等方式展现课文内容, 调动学生的积极性创造性。多媒体投影教学模式有灵活性、信息多维性和立体化的特点。在英语精读课教学中, 不但把词汇、语法、功能意念基础知识传授给学生还对学生进行大量的读、听、说、写技能的训练。学生得到的信息输入量成倍增加。教学程序合理设置, 把知识形象生动地呈现给学生, 学生学习兴趣大大提高。因此, 它在一定程度上可以节约教学时间, 提高学习效率, 使教师更好地发挥主导作用, 学生更加积极主动地参与整个教学过程, 提高教学质量, 取得良好的教学效果从而实现英语教学的科学化。但这种教学模式也存在弊端, 师生交流不够。有时屏幕内容太有趣, 学生只注意动画图片等内容而忽视了知识点的学习, 由于多媒体的辅助教师讲课速度太快, 学生的知识接受速度跟不上老师的授课速度, 从而影响知识的学习记忆。
3 结论
针对大学英语精读的教学规律和特点, 以折衷主义的理论为指导自制助教型课件, 并利用投影教学模式在简易的多媒体教室 (计算机+投影仪+大屏幕) 进行课堂教学的实践, 可对传统教学方式进行优化。随计算机技术和教学理论的进一步发展, 计算机辅助英语教学必将会更快发展并显示出更大的优越性。S
[1]胡隆, 等.计算机辅助外语教学:多媒体和网络的应用[M].上海外语教育出版社, 2001.
[2]莫锦国.关于大学英语多媒体教学模式[J].外语电化教学, 2002 (10) :27-31.
3.英语说课课件大学 篇三
【关键词】Authorware 课件制作
1.定义。多媒体课件是以现代教育理论和学习理论为理论基础, 运用多媒体计算机及其相关技术, 对教学资源进行设计、开发而成的应用软件, 也是将文字、图形、声音、动画、影像等多种媒体综合起来的计算机辅助教学(Computer - Assisted Instruction, CAI) 的程序。多媒体课件, 不仅可以储存、传递和处理教学信息, 还能让学生进行交互性操作, 并可以对学生掌握知识情况做出评价。
随着多媒体课堂教学要求的提高, 通过PPT制作的多媒体课件结构过于单一、缺乏关联功能;演示过程与音频、视频的整合性较弱,不足以应付智能型课件。反观Authorware多媒体制作软件,我们发现其优势可大大提高多媒体软件制作的可操作性、可视化和趣味性。
1.功能强大。Authorware本身的媒体素材制作功能并不是很强,但通过其软件的制作,可以将图文音像等各类信息通过图标方式或以 “OLE对象”或“媒体”对象进行导入,甚至在Authorware中调用其他软件来进行媒体素材的编辑,插入Flash、GIF和AVI格式动画的方法创造出逼真有趣的动画来。这体现了Authorware的功能强大。同时Authorware提供扩展功能、函数、网络支持、变量等,具有强大的数据处理能力。另外,Authorware还可打包多媒体制作课件形成.exe文件,使其作为Windows应用程序进行运行,也可制成播放文件,带上Authorware提供的播放器而独立运行。
Authorware 兼容了大量多媒体开发工具的优点,特别是其系统弹性及其扩充性。以Authorware6.5为例。Authorware6.5的设计图标工具箱有13个设计图标,一对标志旗和一个设计图标调色板,每个设计图标均具有其特定功能,所以如果想要设计一个多媒体程序,我们就需要围绕设计图标工具箱来进行。
2.基于Authorware 的大学英语读写课课件制作实例演示。以制作新视野大学英语听说教程第一册第一单元Speaking Out 为例,我们将介绍基于Authorware 的英语课件的制作步骤。
(1)启动Authorware。安装Authorware后,单击[开始]按钮,选择[程序]/Macromedia/Macromedia Authorware6.5命令,启动Authorware程序。
最后将课件打包成可执行文件,命名为Speaking Out.exe,然后保存后便可在教学中使用了。
(4)“Speaking Out”课件实现。从课件运行结果可以看出,课件交代了所学内容的相关背景给学生一个整体的印象,课件对全文进行了一遍整体的视听之后,进入跟读模式,学生根据原音进行跟读。最后,课件让学生进行角色扮演,由学生对所学内容语言输出。这个多媒体课件具有感染力和表现力,能激发学生的学生兴趣从而促使学生进行自身语言能力的锻炼。
4.大学英语第六单元课件 篇四
Course: College English Book: New Horizon College English (3rd edition) Instructor Classes Content ShenDan Title Dates
School of Computing B Class Unit 6 Earn as You
Class periods
1.To talk about the effects of part-time employment 2.To further understand the text 3.To apply the phrases and patterns 4.To master the paragraph writing skill
An Interactive Approach (CAI)
Key Structures and Difficulties
1.Words & phrases: Numerous,reliable,contrast,indicate,indicator,decrease,assess, alter,stake,academic,undermine,significant,significantly,interfe re,overall,proof,approximately,seemingly,consistent,toll,given,i ndication,compromise,whereas,marginal,commit,committed,wi thdraw,striking,generate,anew,permanent,owing to,erode,characteristic,intensive,recreation,surplus,accustome d,depress,convention,controversial,conventional,formative,aba ndon,appealing,myth,resolve.//interfere with,cut class,on the other hand,take a /its toll on,at risk(of),to begin with,in other words,cut back on,cut corners,bit by bit,burn the midnight oil,drop out,in turn,contribute to,hold on to 2. Functional patterns: 1).Nevertheless, given that … , indications / proofs / investigations are that sb. is at risk of doing sth. 2).In other words, the more sb. do, the less sb. become / do. 3). According to sb.’ s studies / surveys / investigations, sth., in turn, may be linked to sth., and therefore, is likely to do sth.
Class Period 1: Lead-in and Pre-reading Activities 1. Lead-in: Questions and Answers (20’)
1) Why do some students want to take part-time jobs? 2) Why some students do not want to take part-time jobs? 3)What suggestions will you put forward toward students planning to work part-time?
2. Pre-reading Activities (25’) 1) look and talk 2) a debate about working or not working when studying 3) Information background Class Period 2: Text Study 1.Main idea & structure(10’) 2. Language focus (10’) 3. Critical thinking (25’)
In-class Activities
Class Period 3: Text Study 1. Text Reading and Comprehending (25’) 2. Main Ideas & Structure (10’) 3. Summary (10’) Class Period 4: Practice and Exercises 1. Student presentation (15) 2. Translation Exercises (30’) Class Period 5: Practice and Exercises 1. Language appreciation (20’) 2. Critical thinking (10’) 3. Writing skills (15’) Class Period 6:Practice and Exercises 1. Student presentation (15’) 2. Analyze Comprehensive Exercises(30’)
1. Exercises in Section A. 2. Self-study of Section B and finish the exercises in it. 3. Comprehensive exercises; 4. Writing assignment.
5.英语说课课件大学 篇五
Read the original text several times → master the general meaning in the original text → pay attention to its detailed description or statement.Working:
Including understanding and expression(first understanding → then expression)Checking:
Translators should concentrate themselves on the versions including every used words, complement the lost contents and correct the wrong or unproper versions and check whether the version is smooth and correct or not …
二. Syntactic handling in Chinese – English translation The dominent content in Chinese sentences is the main idea, not subject,----emphasis on “parataxis”.1.Determine the subject There are five following principles:
1)Necessarily Accord with English Language Usage and Cultural Custom Nations of Using English 热烈欢迎世界各地客商来此进一步加强合作,建立发展贸易关系。
----Customers from various regions are warmly welcome to establish and develop business contacts.2)Necessarily Accord with the Westerners’ Thinking Mode 她从来没有想到他是个不诚实的人。
----It never occurred to her that he was a dishonest man.3)Subject Should Be a Prominent Part in a Sentence 到去年年底,我们已同有关国家签订了100多项目建设合同和协议。
----By the end of last year, contracts and agreements
were signed with countries conceming for the construction of more than 100 projects.4)Subject Must Accord with the Logical Retion in a Sentence 我们浙江还在吸引外资企业进行老企业改造、房地产开发等方面制定了一系列优惠政策。
----Our zhejiang Province has also formulated a series of preferential policies to absorb foreign capitals in such fields as technical renovation of old enterprises, and real estate development.我们的事业从胜利走向胜利。
----We have won one victory after another for our cacuse.5)Subject Must Accord with the Need of the Context 中国的妇女今天社会地位和平等权利来之不易。
----Women did not gain their social status and their rights easily.2.Choice of Predicate
1)State of Predicate Doesn’t Change without Person
Come here quickly!
Quiet down!
2)Chinese Predicate Verbs Don’t Show the Time Sequence, They Can Show the Time Sequence Only the Added Words Showing Different Time Conception
----This corporation will whole-heartedly serve various circles.该机(录放机)是市场紧俏商品,既是音响又是精美的高档家具。
----This product has sold well since it entered the market, not only as an exquisite sounder, but also as a piece of high-grade furniture.3)In Chinese, Nouns, Adjectives, Numerals and Preposition-phrases May Be Directly Used as Predicates 他今年23岁。
----He is twenty-three this year.鲁迅,浙江绍兴市。
----Lu Xun was from Shaoxing, Zhejiang.北京的秋天最美。
----Autumn is the most beautiful season in Beijing.总经理今天不在公司。
----The chief manager is not in company today.4)In Chinese, an Expression May Be a Predicate
----The woman teacher they are now talking about is upright.南京这个地方,我认为比西安好。
----I think Nanjing is better than Xian.5)Chinese and English Have Five Patterns(1)Subject +
Predicate +
Precticative(2)Subject + Predicate
(3)Subject + Predicate + Object(4)Subject + Predicate + Object +
Object Complement(5)Subject + Predicate + Indirect Object +
Direct Object
6)Chinese Predicate Verbs Are Most Used as Active Way
----The task has already been finished.在记者招待会上,人们问了他许多问题。
----He was asked a lot of questions at the press conference.7)The Chosen Predicate Must Be in Keeping with its Subject in Persons and numerals
----The prosperity of township enterpribes is the inevitable outcome of the economic reform in the rural areas.当前,我国的职业教育和成人教育正在加快发
----Vocational education and adult education are being pushed on energetically in our country.Chapter 1 E-C Lexical Comparison and Translation Translation includes “understanding and conveyance”.It is very difficult to well master “the hard nut to crack”----polysemant, which brings about a very difficulty to translation and conveyance.Section 1
一、Choice of the Meaning of a Word in the Light of the Explanation in the Dictionary.E.G.1.经济问题在主席讲话中占了很大的部分。The economy featured very largely in the President speech.2.海南岛的主要特色就是它的气候和风景。The main features of Hainan Island is its climate and scenery.featre(n.v.)
Today I am delighted to announce that our joint preparations are complete and the agreement comes into effect.announce 把„„公诸于世,宣布,宣告,通报„„的到达(出席),预示,预兆,当„„播音员,当报幕员,二、三、Choice of the Appropriate Meaning of a Word According to the Context
The meaning to a word is closely related with the context.The same word, when used in different contexts or fields of discourse(business, law, medicine, education, politics, industry, agriculture, etc.)has different meanings.So a British Linguist, Firth said “Each word is a new word in a new context.”
“加强”的译法: E.G.1.加强了政治互信,扩大了共同利益,为亚洲经济发展增加了新的动力。
All countries have enhanced political mutual trust and expanded common interests, adding a new boost to Asia’s economic development.2.我们加强在交通、能源、电信、贸易、投资、旅游、环境、人力资源、农业等领域合作。
We have conducted cooperation in such areas as transportation, energy, telecommunications, trade, investment, tourism, environment, haman resources and agriculture, etc.3.我们应该加强基础设施建设。
We should set up infrastructure building.4.我们应该加强医疗卫生体系建设,提高人民群众健康水平是各成员面临的共同任务。
We should face the task of improving the medical system and people’s health.5.我们应该加强禽流感、艾滋病等重大传染病的防控合作。
We need to intensify cooperation on the prevention and control of avian flu HIV / AIDS and other major communicable diseases.6.中国的发展主要依靠自己的努力,同时,也需要加强对外合作,特别是同邻居的合作。
China will mainly count on itself, but it also needs better cooperation with the outside, particularly with its neighbors.7.我们应该致力于加强与周边国家的伙伴关系。
We should further commit ourselves to cementing partnership with our neighbors.“建设”的译法 E.G.1.国家建设
national reconstruction
the building of national defense 3.城乡建设
urban and rural development 4.社会主义现代化建设
socialist modernization drive 5.加强文化建设
strengthen cultural development efforts 6.加强廉政建设
strengthen efforts to ensure clean government 7.加强制度建设
improve the regulatory system 8,加强军队思想政治建设
strengthen ideological and political work among servicemen 9.加强青少年思想道德建设
cultivate ideals and ethics among young people 10.加强国防和军队建设
strengthen(modernize)national defense and build up
the armed services(forces)11.基础设施建设成就显著
the infrastructure improved remarkably 12.交通建设空前发展
transport developed on an unprecedented scale 13.民主政治建设不断加强
Democracy has been improved steadily.14.国家创新体系建设积极推进
Significant progress was made in establishing China’s innovation system.“意见”的译法
The two leaders exchanged views on bilateral relations
and issues of common concern.2.他们对这项计划提出了修改意见。
They offered some suggestions for the revision of the plan.3.党员应该虚心听取群众的意见。
Party members should listen carefully to the opinions of the general public.4.大家对这一做法很有意见。
Everyone complaint against such a practice.5.他们在会上闹起了意见。
They had a dispute at the meeting.6.你应该听从医生的意见。
You should follow the doctor’s advice.7.他们就此问题取得了一致的意见。
They reached a consensus on the issue.四、Choice of the Appropriate Meaning of a Word According to Collocations Some words have the same basic meaning, but differ in collocation.That is, they have different collocative meanings.One problem with collocation in translation is that, very
often, what is good collocation in English may not be so when translated into Chinese, or vice versa, for example, it is perfectly all right in English to say “a handsome car”, but “英俊的车子”would be totally unacceptable to the Chinese readers.Thus in C – E translation a translator must ensure that the version is idiomatic or collocatively acceptable in Chinese.“水平”的译法
living standard 2.文化水平
cultural level 3.领导水平
one’s art of leadership 4.水平贸易
horizontal trade 5.水平仪
spirit level
be officially placed on record 2.正式成员
a regular(full)member 3.正式开幕
formality opened 4.正式党员
full member of the Party 5.正式访问
official(or formal)visit 6.正式会谈
formal talks 7.正式声明
official statement
四、Choice of the Meaning of a Word Conforming to the Logic Without Considering of Literal Meaning.1.坚持以人为本
always be people-oriented / Human factors come first 2.绿色通道
landscaped roadways 3.偷税漏税
tax evasion 4.优先安置
hiring preference 5.人才市场
human resources pool 6.招商
trade and investment promotion 7.奖励工资制度
a bonus wages system 8.标准汇率
Definitive Conversion Rate 9.开始谈正题
get down to business 10.马马虎虎
after a fashion 11.擅自使用
make free with 12.崭露头角
come to the front 13.充分发挥自己的才能
to fulfill oneself 14.博得全场喝彩
bring down the gallery 15.近水楼台
a favourable position 16.举足轻重
hold the balance
Section 2 Diction in Translation We should try to help Chinese students recognize the difference between Chinese and English by means of the comparative study and know the knows but the whys.一、Chioce of the Meaning of a Word According to Semantic Scope E.G.1.根据你的建议,我们应该办大厂了。
We should go in for(run)industry in a big way in accordance with your suggestion.2.他们在教室打扫卫生。
They are ghiving the classroom a good(general / spring / through)clean(ing).3.如果你那样做,就大错特错了。
If you do it like that, you’ll be completely(gravely / seriously)mistaken(be absolutely wrong / make a big mistake / make a major blunder / commit a very gross error / all wet.)
Section 3
Diversity in Translation Some sentences, expressions, idioms and words which appear repeatedly without changing their meanings are vividly translated by using language with rich and varied and appropriate form.That is diversity in translation.一、Diversity in translating Chinese words “积极”的译法 E.G.1.积极利用国外资源
make effective use of overseas resources 2.积极推进大型煤矿建设
vigorously carry forward the renovation of large coal mines 3.积极推进社会公益类科研院所改革
push forward the reform of non-profit research institutes 4.积极推进改革,扩大对外开放
press ahead with reforms and open wider to the outside world 5.积极探索管理国有资产的有效形式
energetically explore effective ways to manage state assets
proactive fiscal policy 7.积极支持他的事业
unfailing support of his cause “化”的译法 E.G.1.广泛使用农业信息化
to apply IT extensively to agricultural development 2.促进政府管理信息化
to promote IT for gevernment administration 3.推动社会信息化
to promote IT for social development 4.科研成果市场化,产业化
gear scientific and
technological achievement in production 5.中国经济逐步市场化
continue the gradual marketization of the Chinese economy
二、Diversity in Translating Chinese Idioms “全神贯注”的译法 E.G.to the
market and apply them
He has concentrated his attention on reading English novel.2.约翰正在全神贯注地研究市场经济。
John has been absorbed in the market economy.3.我们小组正在全神贯注地讨论这道数学难题。
Our group members have been engrossed in discussing this mathematical question.4.我们正在全神贯注地听校长报告。
We are preoccupied with listening to the president’s report.5.她在全神贯注地思考问题。
She is thinking of a problem with rapt attention.6.他全神贯注地听着。
He was all ears.7.下棋需要全神贯注。
Chess requires great concentration.“无动于衷”的译法 E.G.1.玛丽对任何事情都是无动于衷。
Mary has been aloof and indifferent in any matters.2.他听了这消息无动于衷。
He heard the news quite unmoved.3.他表面上显得无动于衷。
In appearance, he looks untouched.4.杰克在需要帮助的人面前总是显得无动于衷。
Jack is always unconcerned about the people who need to help.5.他对我的忠告无动于衷。
He turned a deaf ear to my advice.“大惊小怪”的译法 E.G.1.谁告诉你们了?你们这样大惊小怪的。
Who told you to make such a fuss over nothing? 2.还是随便一点吧,不必大惊小怪的。
Anything will do, don’t fuss.3.奶奶病着呢,别大惊小怪的。
Our grandma is ill,don’t kick up such a shindy.4.大家听了说:“我当是谁呢,这样大惊小怪的,没必要吧。”
When others heard this they commented, “We thought it was some one who mattered, but this isn’t worth making such a fuss about.”
Chapter 2 General Skills of Lexical Translation Section 1
Reciprocity Translation We will tend to find the same words and expressions from the source-language as words, expressions or idioms in the meaning from the original language, to express the equivalent meaning in translation.1.“false friend”
That is to say, “false friend” look alike, acutually it is different each other.Translators should be good at dinguishing them to avoid making mistakes in translation.Read the tables 2.1 – 4,P.35 –36.2.Reciprocity’s Expression
Translators should avoid “false friend” showing in translation.However, there exist a lot of reciprocity expressions, of which word’s reciprocity proportion is much high, while the reciprocity proportion of idioms, proverbs and expressions is relatively rare, even if there is great difference between English and Chinese.Reciprocity Words: E.G.桌子(n.)desk / table
所以(conj.)so Idioms and Proverbs: E.G.逢山开路,遇水搭桥
cut paths through mountains and build bridges across rivers
share joys and sorrows(share weal and woe)
fish in troubled water
burn one’s boat
turn a blind eye to
be after one’s own heart
turn pale at the mention of the tiger
heaven and earth turning
upside down
sweet words and honeyed phrases
submit to the will of heaven
outwardly strong but inwardly weak
soft outside but hard inside
everything is just fine
have no alternative
survival of the fittest
He who rides a tiger is a fraid to dismount
The water that bears the boat is the same that swallows it up.光阴似箭
Time flies.时者金也
Time is money.树大招风
Tall trees eatch much wind.克己恕人
Forgive others but not yourself.仁者无敌于天下
No one in the world can challenge the benignant man.欲速则不达
More hast, less speed.小巫见大巫
The moon is not seen when the sun shines.三思而后行
Look before you loap.真金不怕火炼
Pure gold does not fear furnace.自信是成功的第一秘诀
Self-trust is the first secret of success.勤劳是快乐之父
Labor is often the father of pleasure.最忙的人有最多的时间
Busiest men find the most time.Section 2
Addition Translation Addition means supplying necessary words which are lack in the original text in translation due to different laws between English and Chinese in using diction and making sentences.Addition includes two aspects: grammatical need and semantic and rhetoric need, making the version grammatically correct, semantically clear, rhetorically sound, logically acceptabe.1.Grammatical Need
There is a obvious different in morphology, syntax and
grammar between English and Chinese.E.G.: There are inflections in English, while there are no inflections in Chinese.There are a lot of used connectives, prepositions and relative pronouns, etc., while in Chinese a sentence elements run through together by internal relations, not surely using connectives or prepositions and relative pronouns, or using them rarely.1)Addition of Articles
There has been a big increase in the total volume of imports and exports in our province.(2)他在越秀外语学院任教英语。
He works as an English teacher at Zhejiang Yuexiu Foreign Language College.(3)今天作“国际互联网络系统”报告的人是位电脑软件工程师。
Today the report on “Internet System” is made by a computer software engineer.(4)全民族的思想道德素质,科学文化素质和健康素质明显提高,形成比较完整的现代国民教育体
The idedogical and ethical standards, the scientific and cultural qualities, and the health of the whole people will be enhanced notably, which has formed a sound modern national educational system, scientific, technological and cultural innovation systems as well as nationwide fitness and medical and health systems.2)Addition of Prepositions
We rejoice at every victory you win.(2)岁月不待人。
Time and tide wait for no man.(3)正当聚精会神看书的时候,一不速之客来访。
While absorbed in reading, she was called on by an unexpected visitor.(4)自80年代以来,国际互联网迅速普及和广泛应用绝不是偶然的,它是“信息爆炸”时代的必然产物。
That the “Internet” has been rapidly popularized and widely used has been by no means accidental
since eighties.It is the inevitable product in the era of “information explosion”.3)Addition of Pronouns
It is the common desire of the people to live and work in peace and contentment.(2)活到老,学到老。
One is never too old to learn.(3)一个星期没有洗澡,一身臭汗。
I am smelling of seven-day----old sweat.(4)等完成任务再相见。
Let’s meet after we complete the task.(5)推动农产品生产、加工和销售的有机结合。
We should push to integrate the production, processing and marketing of agricultural products.(6)他用手蒙住脸,好像是为了不想见她。
He covered his face with his hands as if not to want to see her.(7)他把全部身心都倾注到为所在的社区服务中去了。
He has devoted himself entirely to the service of his community.(8)即使没有花,花瓶本身就很美。
The vase itself is beautiful even without flowers.4)Addition of Pronouns as an Object
Before handing in your examination paper, you should read it over and over again and see if there is anything in it to be corrected.(2)他越是掩盖他的错误,就越会暴露。
The more he tried to hide his mistakes, the more he revenled them.5)Addition of Verbs
They are in high spirits.(2)他们喜形于色。
They became with joy.(3)我对他敬而远之。
I stood aloof from him.(4)这篇文章浅显易懂。
This article is easy to read and understand.6)Addition of Connectives
Promote physical culture and build up the people’s health.(2)我们的工作一不为名,二不为利。
We worked neither for fame nor for personal gain.(3)我要在这里待到我工作结束时为止。
I shall stay here until I’ve completed my work.2.Addition for Semantic and Rhetorical Need 1)Addition of Semantic Meaning Implying in the Original
Given China’s huge population, low economic starting level and uneven development in different parts of the country, a relatively comfortable standard of living will not be easy to reach before the next decade…
My thought stretches endlessly,My grief wretches endlessly,So thus my husband comes to me,Alone on moon----lit balcony.…
Hem!Although my ears are dull of hearing, my mind is not dull of apprehesion.2)Addition of Generalization Words
Wind or rain, extremely hot or bitter cold----these
can’t stop the project making good progress.(2)别忘了是你娘一把屎一把尿地把你拉扯大的。
Don’t forget it is your mother who has taken great pains to bring you up.3)Addition of Explanatory Words
They form a Dink family----double income, no kids.(2)我们努力实现中国四个现代化。
We strive to realize the four modernizations----of industry, agriculture, defense, science and technology.Section 3
Omission means deleting not indispensabe and self-evident elements in sentences from the original so that the version becomes presice and clear.1.Omission of Words Conveying a Category.Some Chinese words “task” “situation” “work” etc, which usually have concrete meanings,are translated naturally, but some category words without concrete meanings may be omitted.E.G.1)改革开放扭转了经济停滞不前的局面。
Reform and opening-up reserved the stagnation of national economy.2)他担任了鲁迅作品的翻译任务。
He has taken up / undertaken the translation of Luxun’s works.3)出口物质不得超过限定范围。
The export is not permitted to exceed its limit.4)中国在全国范围内开展污染防治工作和环境保护活动。
China is carrying out nationwide pollution control and environmental protection.5)会议中,双方集中讨论了保护知识产权的问题。
During the meeting, their discussion centered around the protection of intellectural properties rights.6)今年上半年进出口计划的执行情况,也是很好的。
Our import-export in the first half of this year has gone very well.2.Omission of the Repeated Words E.G.1)出现问题也容易纠正和改正。
When problems emerge, the can be easily put right.2)中国共产党必须始终代表中国先进生产力的发展要求,代表中国先进文化的前进方向,代表中国最广大人民的根本利益。
Our Party must always represent the development trend of China’s advanced productive forces;the orientation of China’s advanced culture, and the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of people in China.3.Omission of the Modifiers Flashy and without substance E.G.1)我们需要从其他国家进口先进工艺设备。
We need to import advanced industrial equipment.2)我们要大力发扬求真务实,勇于创新的精神。
We must carry forward and promote the spirit of practicality, truth-seeking and courage in innovation.3)鼓励国内外投资者到中西部投资。
Encourage both Chinese and overseas investments in the central and western regions.4.Adjust Syntactic Structure and Omit Some Words E.G.1)„„我们进行改革开放的方向是正确的,信念是坚定的,步骤是稳定的,方式是渐进的,取得的成就是巨大的。
… That we are going in the right direction, firm in conviction, steady in our steps and gradual in our approach when carrying out the reform and opening up and that we have achieved tremendous success.2)新世纪赋予我们美好的期待和希望,新世纪激励我们付出更多才智去建设人类更美好的家园。
The new century has raised high hopes in our hearts, inspiring us to devote more talent and wisdom to the building of a better home.Section 4
In Chinese-English translation, now that synonyms are used togetherto convey the same meaning, translators can combined together to be translated----combination.Repetition of different words with the same meanins----synonym’s repetition, which is very
universal in Chinese.Chinese is particular about balance and seeks symmetry especially in translation of “four-character expressions” E.G.花言巧语
fine words
burn one’s toat
great achievements
to feel disheartened
clean and tidy
to respect each other and love each other
to quote out of context 植树造林
good weather for the crops
Section 5
Conversion Conversion means that some words from the original sentence are converted into other words
according to the version’s normal way in translation, which is a basic translation.In conversion, Chinese nouns, verbs, adjectives can be used as subject, predicate, object and predicative.Generally speaking, conversion can not violate the original meaning and be conducive for the smooth version.1.Conversion of Chinese Verbs
Using verbs in Chinese is very frequent, sometimes several verbs are used together in a sentence;while in English, a verb is used in a sentence in which it is served as predicate.Therefore in translation it is very difficult to avoid the conversion of the Chinese verbs.E.G.1)学习语言很艰苦,成为一名有名的语言学家需要很长的时间。
The study of language is very hard, and it takes long time to become a famous linguist.33
I am very grateful to you for all the help you’ve given me.3)这首老歌使我想起了自己的孩提时代。
The old song is suggestive of my childhood.2.Conversion of Chinese Nouns E.G.1)他的目标是要成为一个成功的小说家。
He aims to be a successful novelist.2)我们培养的学生都应该是德、智、体全面发展。
All the students who we train should develop morally, intellectually and physically.3)如果旅馆都满客了,我们可以给你提供住处。
We can house you if the hotels are full.3.Conversion of Chinese Adjectives or Adverbs E.G.1)我们感到解决这个复杂的问题是困难的。
We found difficulty in solving this complicated problem.2)那消息很快传遍全世界。
The news quickly spread throughout the world.3)我们政府对留学国外的学生很关心。
Our government shows great concern for the Chinese students abroad.4)他们热烈欢迎这位著名的科学家。
They give this famous scientist a warm welcome.5)独立思考对学习是绝对必要的。
Independent thinking is an absolute necessity in study.6)她急切地希望看到她的老师。
She has a strong desire to see her teacher.Section 6
Translation by Changing Embodying Way There is a great difference in cultures between Chinese and English, which surely embodies
these languages, we sometimes have to convert embodying way in translation due to their cultural and customary differences in order to accord with the custom of the target language.Substitution----substitution is a means of representing the given information in a new context, and also means changing a word in the word-meaning, and changing a sentence pattern syntactically, and avoids repetition and is a means of connecting the context.1.Substitution of Nouns
Probably the single most upsetting habit is that of spitting.2)甲:请问,我能要一杯清咖啡加糖吗?
A: Can I have a cup of black coffee with sugar, please.B: Give the same, please.3)这是我厂的关键车间,设备比较齐全的。这些机械设备的上方,我们还装配了冷却通风设备,供暖设备以及通讯设备。
This is the key workshop in our factory.Here we have comparativety complete equipment, cooling-fan installations, heating devices and communications facilities are also equipped over those machineries.2.Substitution of Verbs E.G.1)我同你一样不知道。
I dont know any more than you do.2)我希望周五做完作业,不过如果你忙的话,星期六完成也行。
I’d like finishing your homework by Friday, but Saturday will do if you are busy.3)彼得加入我们的小组,我不知道戴维是不是会加入我们组。
Peter is joining our group, I am not sure whether David will do so or not.4)我答应了给他买票,我一定要买到票。
I promised to get a ticket for him and I will do so.Section 7
Translation of Appraisal Some words contain the meaning of appraisal,and the words can be categoried into “commendatary sense, derogagatory sense, and neutral sense” according to the words feeling color.Appraisal is surely translated into the version with some feeling color, and pay attention to different feeling colors in words in differently cultural background.E.G.1)他热衷于个人名利。
He is always hankering after personal fame and gains.2)他热衷于足球。
He is fond of playing football.3)我们应该把无业人员培训成生产者。
We should train the unemployeesrain into producers.4)我们应该加强合作。
We should enhance our mutual cooperation.5)中国的经济是一个大问题。
6.说课课件 篇六
7.大学英语说课与优化课堂教学 篇七
1.1 说教学大纲
1.1.1 说教学目标的确立及其依据
1.1.2 说重点、难点和关键点的确立及其依据
1.2 说教材
1.3 说教学方法及学习方法
1.3.1 教学方法的选择是课堂教学成败的关键
1.3.2 说学法要结合课堂教学内容
1.4 说教学程序设计
2. 开展说课活动是优化课堂教学的有效途径
2.1 说课是教师提高素质,实现专业成长的有效途径
8.英语说课课件大学 篇八
中图分类号:G642 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1002-7661(2014)23-358-01
教师在传统听力课堂上大多扮演着讲授者的角色,遵循以往授课模式: 单词、句式和课文讲解,提问学生回答问题,不管答对与答错,教师第一反应都是重复一遍正确答案,继而分析讲解其正确与否的原因,但似乎学生并不努力找出问题的关键,仅关注答案的对与错,所以师生之间互动较少。学生对课堂活动兴趣不大。部分学生上课前已经将上课内容自学完。经过访谈得知原因有三: ①担心老师上课提问回答不上。②提前预习课程可以更好地巩固课上练习。③认为课
课堂教学设备丰富,包括PPT、投影仪、视频等; 教学方式多样,如学生小组合作做Presentation、学生跟读和重复所听语句、单词速记速测、视频中人物性格分析讨论等。教师在课堂上扮演的角色多样,如: 设计者、指导者、合作者、评论者、监督者、帮助者等。学生操练时间约占三分之一,教师仍然占用大部分课堂时间。个别学生坐在实验室最后排做与课堂无关之事。“三分之二的学生有积极努力学习的态度,无论采取何种教学方式都会专注学习,剩下的一部分学生沉浸在自己的世界,老师上课做什么都与其无关。再者,教师总是担心没有讲解学生不会懂。”
听是人类认识活动的基本形式,说是人类表达思想的基本行为。大学英语视听说课是高校英语教学的重要环节之一,是听说能力培养的重要阶段。多媒体网络教学课堂以学生为中心,运用多媒体作为载体,对学生进行视听说综合技能培养。学生作为认知主体,成为知识意义的主动建构者; 而教师是其帮助者、教学过程的组织者、设计者、指导者与促进者。英语视听说教学模式在大学英语教学改革中体现了不断发展的趋势,也为教师与学生提供了更好的学习环境,使学生积极参与教学实践过程,提高了学生学习和实践能力。然而,在实际教学改革中,上述这些优势却未能得到充分发挥。主要问题有: ( 1) 过多依赖多媒体教学设备,图文并茂有时打乱了正常的教学秩序,错置了教学重点与难点。(2) 削弱了部分学生的主观能动性。多媒体教学强调学生必须从外部刺激的被动接受者和知识的灌输对象转变成信息加工的主体和知识意义的主动建构者
影响信息输入;造成学生注意力不集中,本末倒置。( 4) 软件开放性不够。用户对软件生产者绝对依赖,无法创新与改进。
[1] 陈坚林.大学英语教学新模式下计算机网络与外语课程的有机结合[J].外语电化教学,2006(6).
[2] 冯觉华,崔惠朴.多媒体辅助大学英语教学实验分析[J].外语电化教学,2006( 4).