


1.研习GRE作文考试的优秀 篇一


In any realm of life whether academic, social, business, or political the only way to succeed is to take a practical, rather than an idealistic, point of view. Pragmatic behavior guarantees survival, whereas idealistic views tend to be superceded by simpler, more immediate options.

在任何生活领域中 无论是学术、社会、商业还是政治 获得成功的唯一道路就是采取现实的而不是理想化的.观点。实用的行为确保了生存,反之理想化的观点正在趋于被更简化的和更直接的选择所取代。


As Leo Tolstoy once said, Ideal is the beacon; without ideal, there is no secure direction, and without direction there is no life , ideal plays an important role in the human race development. Nevertheless, the rapid development of today in both technology and social lives somehow calls for more pragmatic behaviors in certain realms of life. But still, in other disciplines, ideal is still of the most crucial value, while pragmatism is acknowledged by the populus as indispensable as well.

Let s start with the business field, one of the most practical realms of our lives, and gradually become the most dominant field of our society. Admittedly, some may argue that in the business realm, there is a superior ideal, that is, to earn money. However,to attain this goal, idealism is at almost all the times useless. Unless the business man take a practical attitude toward the competitive market, it is just impossible for his company to survive and thrive. The price setting, staff enrolling, jobs eliminating, cost reducing, all of these processes, which determine the profits earned, need the managers to check every elements need to be evaluated. It is no use and sometimes even harmful for the administrators of companies to take an idealistic point of view.The market is one of the most practical things in our time, how can one succeed in it with only dreams and fantasies? Ideal may help the corporation to show its supporters a prosperous future, but it won t help the company to stand long in the brutal economy.

2.GRE作文考试感想 篇二





3.GRE考试作文备考资料 篇三

Drives and desires can be described as a deficiency or need that activates behavior that is aimed at a goal or an incentive. These are thought to originate within the individual and may not require external stimuli to encourage the behavior. Basic drives could be sparked by deficiencies such as hunger, which motivates a person to seek food; whereas more subtle drives might be the desire for praise and approval, which motivates a person to behave in a manner pleasing to others.

By contrast, the role of extrinsic rewards and stimuli can be seen in the example of training animals by giving them treats when they perform a trick correctly. The treat motivates the animals to perform the trick consistently, even later when the treat is removed from the process.


Intrinsic motivation is the drive for which people engage in an activity, without obvious external incentives, such as a hobby. Intrinsic motivation has been studied by educational psychologists since the 1970s, and numerous studies have found it to be associated with high educational achievement and enjoyment by students.

It is thought that students are more likely to be intrinsically motivated if they:

1. Attribute their educational results to internal factors that they can control (e.g. the amount of effort they put in).

2. Believe they can be effective agents in reaching desired goals (i.e. the results are not determined by dumb luck).

3. Are interested in mastering a topic, rather than just rote-learning to achieve good grades.


Human emotion has a significant influence on, or can even be said to control, human behavior, though historically many cultures and philosophers have for various reasons discouraged allowing this influence to go unchecked.

In modern scientific thought, certain refined emotions are considered to be a complex neural trait of many domesticated and a few non-domesticated mammals. These were commonly developed in reaction to superior survival mechanisms and intelligent interaction with each other and the

4.GRE考试高频作文句式总结 篇四

1. The mere fact that ticket sales in recent years for screenplay-based movies have exceeded those for book-based movies is insufficient evidence to conclude that writing screenplays now provides greater financial opportunity for writers.

2. It is possible that fees paid by movie studios for screenplays will decrease in the future relative to those for book rights.

3. The argument fails to rule out the possibility that a writer engage in both types of writing as well as other types.

4. In any event, the advertisement provides no justification for the mutually exclusive choice that it imposes on the writer.

5. The argument simply equates success with movie ticket sales, which is unwarranted.

6. The author assumes that physical capabilities are the only attributes necessary to operate a motor vehicle.

7. Moreover, the author provides no evidence that the realism of color photography is the reason for its predominance.

8. This assumption presents a false dilemma, since the two media are not necessarily mutually exclusive alternatives.

9. Common sense tells us that a photographer can succeed by working in both media.11. The major problem with the argument is that the stated similarities between Company A and B are insufficient to support the conclusion that Company A will suffer a fate similar to Company B’s.

12. Consequently, the mere fact that Company A holds a large share of the video – game hardware and software market does not support the claim that Company A will also fail.

13. Thus, the author unfairly assumes that highly – rated public television programs are necessarily widely viewed, or popular.

14. While this may be true in some cases, it is equally possible that only companies with products that are already best – sellers can afford the higher ad rates that popular shows demand.

15. Admittedly, the vice president’s reasoning linking employee benefits with company profits seems reasonable on the surface.

16. One can infer from the survey’s results that a full one – third of the respondents may have viewed the current benefits package unfavorably.

17. Lacking more specific information about how these other employees responded, it is impossible to assess the reliability of the survey’s results or to make an informed recommendation.

18. It is unlikely that the brief one – week periods under comparison are representative of longer time periods.

19. If so, even though 3 percent more accidents occurred after the change, the author’s argument that changing the speed limit increases danger for drivers would be seriously weakened.21. In addition, while it is true that many voters change their minds several times before voting, and that some remain undecided until entering the voting booth, this is not true of everyone.

22. Without knowing the extent and nature of the damage resulting from the bad publicity or the reason for the violation, we cannot accept the author’s conclusion.

23. The author’s proposal is inconsistent with the author’s conclusion about the consequences of adopting an ethics code.

24. To begin with, the author fails to consider health threats posed by incinerating trash.

25. The author’s conclusion that switching to incineration would be more salutary for public health would be seriously undermined.

26. However, this is not necessarily the case.

27. The author’s implicit claim that incinerators are economically advantageous to landfills is poorly supported.

28. Consequently, unless the author can demonstrate that the city will incur expenses that are not covered by the increased revenues from these projects, the author’s concern about these issues is unfounded.

5.GRE作文备考方案及考试时间 篇五






1 考试时间宜早不宜迟。人都是有惰性的,时间定得早就逼迫自己早下手早准备,考完作文只好还有充裕的时间备考笔试。这次10g很多人没考好就是由于准备作文时间过长考得也过晚以至于到后来没时间背单词。再有,明年六月中旬是很多高校期末考试的时间,把单词全挤到后面,GPA怎么办?

2 备考方略:

a 多看。看高手的文章,更重要的`是看老外的文章。从中仔细捉摸体会。

b 多改。写完之后立即改;自己改完之后再请别人改;放一段时间以后再回过头来自己改。修改多次之后自然会有提高。

c 适当多写。做事不但要讲效率,更要讲效果。写得过了未必就有效果,很可能是在重复以前早就写过的论点,早就用过的论据。关键在于写一篇要有一篇的效果

d 最重要的,多想。gre作文考得绝不仅仅是简单的英语写作,而是对一个人综合实力尤其是逻辑思考能力的考查。所以就算是手懒也不能头懒,一定要有自己的观点!

6.名望相关的GRE考试词汇 篇六











7.gre作文考试值得借鉴分析方法 篇七

Issue 15

Unfortunately, the media tend to highlight what is sensational at the moment. Society would be better served if the media reported or focused more fully on events and trends that will ultimately have the most long- term significance.

The speaker asserts that rather than merely highlighting certain sensational events the media should provide complete coverage of more important events. While the speakers assertion has merit from a normative standpoint, in the final analysis I find this assertion indefensible.



However, for several reasons I find the medias current trend toward highlights and the sensational to be justifiable. First, the world is becoming an increasingly eventful place; thus with each passing year it becomes a more onerous task for the media to attempt full news coverage. Second, we are becoming an increasingly busy society. The average U.S. worker spends nearly 60 hours per week at work now; and in most families both spouses work.
