


1.俄语外贸合同的组成部分 篇一


姓 名:大学生个人简历网

性 别: 女

出生年月: 1990年1月

工作经验: 应届毕业生

毕业年月: 7月

最高学历: 本科

毕业学院: 华南师范大学

所修专业: 俄语

居 住 地: 广东省 广州市 天河区

籍 贯: 吉林省 通化市

求职概况 / 求职意向

职位类型: 全职

期望月薪: 3000-4000元

期望地点: 广东省 广州市 ,广东省 深圳市 ,广东省 佛山市

期望职位: 俄语外贸员 俄语跟单员 俄语翻译

意向概述: 进行与俄语国家客户的`业务联系,负责外贸跟单等业务。


时间 院校 专业 学历

9月 - 10月 华南师范大学 俄语 本科


时间 工作单位 职务

203月 - 年9月 广州益武国际展览有限公司 海外市场俄语代表


获得时间 获得奖项 学校

9月 优秀学生标兵 外国语言文化学院

9月 优秀学生 外国语言文化学院

2011年9月 国家励志奖学金 外国语言文化学院


担任时间 职务名称 学校

209月 - 206月 国际文化交流协会策划部部长 田家炳学院

年9月 - 2011年10月 生活委员 外国语言文化学院

209月 - 2011年7月 院艺术团民族舞队队长 外国语言文化学院





手 机:


2.俄语版供货合同 篇二


г. _______________ ____ __________ 200__ г.

__________________________________________________________________, именуемое

(наименование организации)

в альнейшем Поставщик, в лице ______________________________________________,

(олжность, Ф.И.О.)

ействующего на основании _____________________________________________________,

(Устава, положения)

с оной стороны, и ____________________________________________________________,

(наименование организации)

именуемое в альнейшем Покупатель, в лице ____________________________________ __________________________________________________________________, ействующего

(олжность, Ф.И.О)

на основании ________________________________________________, с ругой стороны,

(Устава, положения)

алее именуемые Стороны, заключили настоящий Договор о нижеслеующем:

1. Премет Договора

1.1. Поставщик оязуется переать в соственность Покупателя товар ________________________________________________________________________________

(ощее наименование, ви товара)

в количестве, ассортименте и в сроки согласно графику поставки, являющемуся неотъемлемой частью настоящего Договора (Приложение № 1), а Покупатель оязуется принять и оплатить товар.

2. Права и оязанности Сторон

2.1. Поставщик оязуется:

2.1.1. Своевременно поставлять товар в сроки согласно графику поставки товара, соержащемуся в Приложении № 1.

2.1.2. Поставлять товар в количестве и ассортименте, указанном в Приложении № 1 к настоящему Договору.

2.1.3. Оновременно с переачей товара переать Покупателю всю неохоимую окументацию на товар.

2.2. Поставщик вправе:

2.2.1. По согласованию с Покупателем осрочно поставлять товар. При этом количество, ассортимент и срок такой поставки согласуются Сторонами ополнительно.

Товар, поставленный осрочно, засчитывается в счет слеующей поставки согласно графику поставки товара.

2.3. Покупатель оязуется:

2.3.1. Принимать и осматривать товар в соответствии с положениями статьи 4 настоящего Договора.

2.3.2. Своевременно произвоить оплату товара согласно статье 6 настоящего Договора.

3. Сроки, поряок и условия поставки

3.1. Товар поставляется отельными партиями в сроки, согласованные Поставщиком и Покупателем в Приложении № 1 к настоящему Договору.

3.2. Поставка товара произвоится силами и за счет Поставщика по аресу: _______________________________________________________________________________.

3.3. Перевозка товара произвоится транспортом и олжна соответствовать слеующим треованиям: _______________________________________________________.

3.4. Товар олжен ыть упакован в слеующую тару: ____________________________

___________________, отвечающую треованиям _________________________________ и оеспечивающую сохранность товара при перевозке и хранении.

3.5. Датой поставки считается ата оставки товара Покупателю в арес, указанный в

п. 3.2 настоящего Договора. Доставка товара потвержается накланой, а также актом оставки, пописываемым уполномоченными преставителями оеих Сторон. Акт оставки потвержает лишь ату и время приытия товара в соответствующий арес.

4. Приемка товара

4.1. Приемка товара и окументации на него осуществляется по акту сачи-приемки товара, пописываемому уполномоченными преставителями оеих Сторон при приемке товара Покупателем.

4.2. Приемка товара осуществляется в ень оставки товара. При приемке товара Покупатель проверяет его соответствие треованиям к количеству, качеству и ассортименту, соержащимся в настоящем Договоре и Приложении № 1.

5. Качество товара

5.1. Качество товара олжно соответствовать слеующим треованиям: _____________

______________________________________________________, а также треованиям, согласованным Сторонами в Приложении № 1.

5.2. Покупатель, принявший товар ез проверки, лишается права ссылаться на неостатки товара, которые могли ыть установлены при оычном спосое его приемки (явные неостатки).

5.3. Покупатель, онаруживший после приемки товара по акту сачи-приемки товара неостатки, которые не могли ыть установлены при оычном спосое приемки (скрытые неостатки), оязан известить о этом Поставщика в течение ________ со ня онаружения таких неостатков.

6. ена товара и поряок расчетов

6.1. Ощая цена товара, поставляемого по настоящему Договору, составляет _________ рулей, в т. ч. НДС ______________ рулей.

ена кажой партии товара устанавливается Сторонами в графике поставки товара.

6.2. Стороны устанавливают слеующий поряок оплаты товара:

6.2.1. ________ процентов цены кажой партии товара, полежащей поставке в соответствии с Приложением № 1, Покупатель уплачивает авансом за ________ ней о аты поставки такой партии товара, установленной Приложением № 1.

6.2.2. Оставшиеся ___________ процентов цены кажой партии товара Покупатель уплачивает в течение ___________ ней с аты пописания акта сачи-приемки такой партии товара.

6.3. Оплата произвоится путем перечисления енежных среств на счет Поставщика или иной счет, указанный Поставщиком.

7. Перехо права соственности на товар

7.1. Право соственности на товар (партию товара) перехоит от Поставщика к Покупателю в момент пописания акта сачи-приемки товара (партии товара).

7.2. Риск случайной гиели или поврежения товара (партии товара) перехоит на Покупателя с момента пописания акта оставки товара в соответствии с п. 3.5 настоящего Договора.

8. Ответственность Сторон

8.1. В случае просрочки поставки товара (партии товара) Поставщик уплачивает Покупателю пеню в размере _______ процента от стоимости товара (партии товара) за кажый ень просрочки, но не олее _________.

8.2. В случае просрочки оплаты товара (партии товара), указанных в п. 6.2 настоящего Договора, Покупатель уплачивает Поставщику пеню в размере _______ процента от просроченной к уплате суммы за кажый ень просрочки, но не олее _________.

9. Остоятельства непреоолимой силы

9.1. Стороны освоожаются от ответственности за неисполнение или неналежащее исполнение своих оязательств по настоящему Договору в случае ействия остоятельств непреоолимой силы, а также иных остоятельств, которые независимы от воли Сторон, не могли ыть ими превиены в момент заключения Договора и преотвращены разумными срествами при их наступлении. 由俄罗斯小编04月27日编辑整理《实用俄语:俄语版--供货合同样本》。123123123

9.2. К остоятельствам, указанным в п. 9.1 Договора, относятся: война и военные ействия, восстание, эпиемии, землетрясения, навонения, акты органов власти, непосрественно затрагивающие премет настоящего Договора, и иные соытия, которые компетентный аритражный су признает и оъявит случаями непреоолимой силы.

9.3. Сторона, повергшаяся ействию таких остоятельств, оязана в письменном вие в _______срок увеомить ругую Сторону о возникновении и возможной проолжительности этих остоятельств. Если Сторона не соощит о наступлении соответствующего остоятельства, она лишается права ссылаться на него, разве что само такое остоятельство препятствовало отправлению такого соощения.

10. Заключительные положения

10.1. Настоящий Договор вступает в силу с момента его пописания и ействует о _______________________.

10.2. Споры и разногласия, возникающие из настоящего Договора или в связи с ним, уут решаться Сторонами путем переговоров. В случае неостижения согласия спор переается на рассмотрение аритражного суа __________________________________.

10.3. Люые изменения и ополнения к настоящему Договору ействительны, только если они составлены в письменной форме и пописаны уполномоченными преставителями оеих Сторон. По письменной формой Стороны ля целей настоящего Договора понимают как составление еиного окумента, так и омен письмами, телеграммами, соощениями с использованием среств факсимильной связи, позволяющими иентифицировать отправителя и ату отправления.

10.4. Люые ополнения, протоколы, приложения к настоящему Договору становятся его неотъемлемыми частями с момента их пописания.

10.5. Во всем, что не оговорено в настоящем Договоре, Стороны руковоствуются ействующим законоательством РФ.

10.6. При изменении наименования, ареса, анковских реквизитов или реорганизации Стороны информируют руг руга в письменном вие в ________ срок.

10.7. Настоящий Договор и приложения к нему составлены в вух экземплярах, имеющих оинаковую юриическую силу, по оному экземпляру ля кажой из Сторон.

Ареса и анковские реквизиты Сторон

3.俄语外贸合同的组成部分 篇三

合同编号:__________________ 签订时间:__________________ 签订地点:__________________ 甲方:______________________ 乙方:______________________ 甲乙双方本着平等互利、友好协作的原则,经协商,就甲方与乙方联合经营出口业务达成如下协议:

一、甲方责任 1甲方与乙方联合经营出口________产品,具体品名、规格、数量及价格等以出口合同为准。2协助乙方对外索赔,由此产生的费用由乙方承担。3提供本协议每一票出口货物所需出口相关单证。4负责向银行办理交单议付手续和收结汇。甲方在收到结汇水单、出口核销单、报关单及乙方提供的增值税发票(经国税局认定为真实有效的增值税发票)后三个工作日内,按结算比率(详见结算表)将款项(扣除银行和甲方代垫费用)付至乙方工厂;如汇率变化,按新汇率执行。若外汇货款到帐发生在每月的110日期间,则货款先按1美元:____元人民币付给乙方,余款延至每月10日后付给乙方。负责办理外汇核销手续。

二、乙方责任 1负责办理本协议每一票外销合同项下的货物订仓、排载、装运、报关、报检、保险及编制有关单据等手续,甲方积极协助乙方办理上述手续。2乙方对货物的质量、数量、包装、交货期负责,因货物质量、数量、包装、交货期以及不可抗力等原因造成的损失由乙方承担。3负责联系境外客户,通知境外客户将外汇货款支付到甲方指定的银行帐户,或开立以甲方为受益人的即期不可撤消信用证。所有因外商索赔,外商违约或者其他原因造成本协议外销合同未能履行、延迟履行、部分履行或履行不符合约定条件,使甲方未能按时收汇核销或无法收汇核销,乙方承担由此产生的一切经济损失和法律责任。4乙方异地自理报关的,应接受甲方监督管理,并提前天将出货计划和需要领取的单证传真给甲方。所领取的单证应在30天内归还甲方,乙方应保证合法、安全地使用甲方提供的单证,如发生单证丢失、使用不当和延误等情况,所引起的一切后果和经济损失由乙方承担经营合同:个人挂靠外贸公司代理合同由精品信息网整理!乙方应遵守国家法律、法规和各项规定,乙方对甲方在授权范围内依本协议所做的 一切行为承担法律责任。若乙方在执行本协议过程中因假冒商标、假冒产地或商标侵权等违法违纪导致甲方经济和声誉损失,乙方负全部责任。6乙方必须在报关出口后60天内提供与本协议项下每批货物的出口报关单相符的,由供货工厂开具的增值税发票,承担增值税发票不合法、不准确、不正确而导致甲方无法退税或造成骗税行为的经济损失和法律责任。如乙方提供的增值税发票、关单、核销单系伪造或有其他与税务局等国家管理机关要求不符之处,甲方有权拒付相当于应退税款的余款。


三、货款结算: 1甲方应付乙方货款以净收汇按以下结算比价表计算: 出口退税率____结算及开票比价(美元:人民币)____% 2乙方应按开票比价足额开具增值税发票,开票不足的应退税款由乙方承担。3甲方付给工厂的货款应通过银行汇付,收款人必须与开票单位相一致。

4.外贸合同 篇四

2合同签署日期及地点ата и место пописания

3 合同当事人名称 стороны /участники оговора


премет оговора( включая наименование тоговора и его количество)

5商品品质качество товара


цена товара (включая цена за еиницу товара и стоимость ощего оъёма поставки)

7供货地点 期限 место поставки ,сроки поставки

8包装及标记条款упаковка и маркировка

9支付条款 условия оплаты

10商品交接条款 переача товара

11运输条款 транспортировка

12保证及制裁条款гарантии и санкции


14品质检查条款 проверка качества товара

15技术资料条款техническая окументация




19其他有关条款прочие условия

20双方法定地址юриические ареса сторон

5.外贸英文销售合同 篇五

buyers: buyers:

Any dispute arising from the performance of this Agreement shall be settled by both parties through friendly negotiation. In case no settlement can be reached through friendly negotiations, the case shall be submitted to the Foreign Trade Arbitration Commission of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade for arbitration in accordance with its provisional rules of procedure. The decision of the Commission shall be final and binding upon both parties. Unless otherwise provided, the arbitration fee shall be borne by the losing party.

The Seller and the buyer agree to sell the goods by the seller on the following terms and conditions, and the Buyer to buy the following goods:

1. Article Number:

2. Product name and specification: ________

3. Quantity: _______________

4. Unit price: ________

5. Total value: The quantity and total value are subject to _____% increase or decrease at the sellers discretion.

6. Producing countries and manufacturers:

7. Packing: ________

Shipping mark: ________

9. Time of shipment: ________

Loading port: ________

11. Port of destination: ________

Insurance: To be covered by Sellers for 110% of full invoice value up to _____ _____ risk.

13. Terms of Payment: The buyers shall reach the sellers by confirmed, irrevocable, transferable and divisible letter of credit at sight on _____ _____ _____. The L/C is valid for negotiation and expires in China 15 days after the above mentioned shipment date. The L/C must indicate that sub-shipment and transhipment are allowed.

14. Documents: ________

Shipping terms: ________

16, quality and quantity, weight differences and claims:

17, human irresistible factors:

18. Arbitration:

Either Party shall not be held responsible for failure or temporary failure to perform this Agreement in whole or in part due to flood, fire, earthquake, drought, war or other events that cannot be foreseen, controlled, avoided or overcome by either party. However, the party affected by the force majeure event shall notify the other party of the occurrence of the event as soon as possible, and within 15 days after the occurrence of the force majeure event, the certificate of the force majeure event issued by the relevant authority shall be sent to the other party.

The parties agree to enter into this agreement on the following terms and conditions.

Article 1. Definitions

1.1 Products: The products referred to herein shall mean the products manufactured and sold by Party A under its trademark (product name __________) and other commodities agreed by both parties in writing from time to time.

1.2, the district: areas referred to in this agreement refers to _______ the _______________________.

1.3 Trademark: The trademark referred to in this Agreement means (full name of trademark) _______________________.

Article 2. Appointment and Legal Relations

2.1 Appointment: During the validity of this Agreement, Party A appoints Party B as its agent in order to obtain orders for products in the region. Party B is willing to accept and undertake this commission.

2.2 Legal Relations: The rights and powers granted to Party B herein are limited to those granted to general agents, and this Agreement does not create any other relationship or give Party B any right to represent or bind Party A to any other agreement. In particular, this Agreement does not constitute or appoint Party B as a representative, employee or partner of Party A. The Parties expressly understand and agree that under no circumstances shall Party A be liable for any loss that Party B may suffer, whether in whole or in part.

2.3 Instructions: Party B shall strictly comply with instructions sent by Party A from time to time. Party B shall try to protect Party As interests and compensate Party A for any claims, debts and liabilities arising from Party Bs exceedance or breach of Party As instructions.

Article 3 Responsibilities of Party A

3.1 Advertising materials: At the actual cost, the Chinese Side shall provide Party B with a reasonable amount of product samples, samples, price lists, brochures for advertising and publicity and other auxiliary materials related to product promotion.

3.2 Payment Promotion: Party A shall do its best to support Party B in promoting the products; Party A shall not take the initiative to make offers to other customers in Party Bs territory.

3.3 Referral of Customers: Unless otherwise provided herein, if other customers in the region directly inquire or order from Party A, Party A shall refer such customers to Party B for contact.

3.4 Price: Party A shall keep the price information of the products provided by Party B as stable as possible and shall promptly notify Party B of any change to facilitate sales promotion.

3.5 Preferential Terms: Party A shall provide the most preferential terms for Party B to obtain orders. In the future, if Party A offers more favorable terms than this Agreement for selling products to other customers in the region, Party A shall immediately notify Party B in writing and provide Party B with more favorable terms than this Agreement.

3.6 Warranty: Party A warrants that if the products sold under this Agreement are proved to be of inferior quality at the time of sale and are approved by Party A, Party A shall repair or replace them free of charge. However, this warranty of free repair or replacement is limited to the extent that the product has not been altered or improperly used after sale. Apart from the above warranties, both parties agree not to provide any other warranties.

Article 4 Responsibilities of Party B

4.1 Sales Promotion: Party B shall actively promote the sales of the products, obtain orders, and maintain a sales organization with a considerable scale and sufficient capacity to facilitate the smooth development and expansion of the products business in the region.

4.2 Prohibition of Competition: Except with the written consent of Party A, Party B shall not manufacture, purchase, obtain orders, or assist in marketing the same or similar products of other countries, or resell the products hereunder to other countries and regions.

4.3 Minimum Sales: Within the first twelve months during the term hereof, the total amount of orders for products obtained by Party B from customers in the Territory shall not be less than ______ Yuan. It will increase by 15% every 12 months.

4.4 Expenses: During the term hereof, Party B shall bear all expenses incurred in promoting and obtaining product orders in the Territory, such as telegram fees, travel fees and other expenses, except as otherwise provided herein.

4.5 Product Price and Conditions: Party B undertakes to sell the products at the prices and conditions specified by Party A at any time during the term hereof. When acquiring orders, Party B shall fully inform the customer that Party As sales confirmation or some terms in the contract and any orders shall be valid only after Party Bs confirmation and acceptance. Any product order received by Party B shall be immediately forwarded to Party A for confirmation or rejection.

4.6 Supervising the performance of the Contract: Party B shall urge the buyer to perform the contract in strict accordance with the terms of the sales confirmation or contract, such as timely issuance of letters of credit, etc.

4.7 Market Reports: Party B shall be responsible for providing Party A with written market reports about the products on a monthly (or quarterly) basis, including the sales situation, price, packaging, marketing methods, advertising materials, customers reactions and opinions of similar products in the market. In case of major changes in market conditions, Party B shall promptly notify Party A by telegram.

Article 5. Commission

5.1 Commission Rate and payment method: For all orders obtained by Party B and confirmed by Party A, Party A shall, upon receipt of the full payment for each transaction, pay to Party B _________ commission per invoice net selling price. For convenience of settlement, commission is remitted once a month (quarter). In case of return of goods, Party B shall refund the relevant commission to Party A.

5.2 Calculation basis: The above invoice net selling price refers to the total amount (or gross selling price) of the products issued by Party A after deducting the following expenses, provided that these expenses are included in the gross selling price:

(1) Customs and excise duties:

(2) Packing, freight and insurance:

(3) Commercial discounts and quantity discounts:

(4) Payment for returned goods:

(5) Deferred payment interest:

(6) Party Bs commission:

5.3 Direct Transactions of Party A: If any customer in Party Bs territory still insists on direct transactions with Party A despite having known the trade relationship between Party A and Party B or having been referred to Party B by Party A, Party A shall have the right to enter into transactions with such customer, retaining _________ commission with Party B and treating such transaction as part of the minimum sales set forth in Paragraph 4.3 hereof.

If a customer in Party Bs territory enters into a transaction with Party A for the products during its visit to China (including participating in various trade fairs held in China) and the destination port is Party Bs agent territory, Party A shall have the right to accept the order without retaining any commission for Party B or including the aforesaid minimum sales.

5.4 Excess commission: If Party B actively promotes the products and exceeds the minimum annual sales (calculated according to the actual shipment amount) during the term hereof, Party A shall, in addition to the prescribed commission, pay Party B additional reward commission for the excess:

(1) In case of 50% excess, the bonus commission will be 50% _________;

(2) In case of 100% or more excess, the award commission will be % _________. The reward commission shall be settled by Party A and remitted to Party B in one lump sum at the end of the year.

Article 6. Validity Period of the Agreement

This agreement is valid for ______ years and will become invalid automatically upon expiration. If both parties agree to extend this Agreement, either party shall notify the other party in writing ______ days prior to its expiration for mutual confirmation

Article 7. Termination of the Agreement

7.1. Termination: Both parties hereto shall implement all terms and conditions conscientiously and responsibly. Each party may immediately terminate this Agreement or cancel any part thereof by written notice to the other party under the following conditions:

(1) If either party fails to perform any of its obligations under this Agreement and such breach is not rectified within ______ days after receipt of the other Partys written notice requiring it to be rectified;

(2) if a party automatically or involuntarily applies for a declaration of bankruptcy, automatically or involuntarily applies for reorganization, liquidation, dissolution, or has appointed an estate administrator to that party;

(3) In the event of a breach of Article 8 of this Agreement relating to the use or registration of the trademark;

(4) In case of Force majeure caused by Article 9 of this Agreement, a party is still unable to perform its obligations after the expiration of _________ days.

7.2 Effect of Termination: Termination of this Agreement shall not release the Parties from any outstanding debts incurred in accordance with this Agreement. Any loss suffered by the other party due to the breach of contract by either party prior to the termination of this Agreement shall still be entitled to claim compensation from the other party and shall not be affected by the termination of this Agreement. Party B hereby declares that Party B waives any claim for compensation or compensation for damages caused by termination of this Agreement, but Party A shall still pay the commission due to Party B before termination of this Agreement.

Article 8. Trademarks

The trademarks, designs and other marks currently owned and used by Party A are the property of Party A and shall not be used or registered by Party B, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, without the special written consent of Party A. Even if Party A specifically agrees in writing to Party B to use it in a certain way, such use shall cease and be cancelled upon expiration or termination of this Agreement.

In case of any dispute or claim concerning the above rights, Party A shall have the right to immediately and unilaterally cancel this Agreement without assuming any liability arising therefrom.

Article 9. Force Majeure

No claim shall be made by either party for any delay or inability to perform all or part of the terms of this Agreement, directly or indirectly, due to force majeure. Such causes include: floods, fires, wind disasters, earthquakes, tsunamis, lightning strikes, epidemics, wars, blockades, embargoes, seizures, threats of war, sanctions, disturbances, control of electricity, prohibition of imports or exports, or other similar causes beyond the control of the parties, or other special causes agreed upon by the parties.

The party concerned shall, within _________ days after the occurrence of the accident, notify the other party in writing and provide certificates issued by the local authorities to prove the existence of the force majeure accident.

Article 10. Arbitration

All disputes arising out of or in connection with this Agreement shall be settled through friendly negotiation. If no settlement can be reached through negotiation, both parties agree to submit the case to China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission for arbitration in accordance with its arbitration rules. The arbitral award shall be final and binding upon both parties. Neither party shall apply to the court or other institution for change by litigation or other means. The arbitration fee shall be borne by the losing party and shall be handled in accordance with the arbitration award if otherwise stipulated.

Article 11. Transfer

Neither party shall transfer any of its rights and obligations under this Agreement to any third party without the prior written consent of the other party. Any assignment shall be void without the express written consent of the other party.

Article 12, Entry into force of the Agreement and others

12.1 Effective Date: This Agreement shall come into force immediately upon signature by both parties.

12.2 Matters not Covered herein: If any matters not covered herein need to be added or modified, the Agreement shall not come into force until it is submitted in writing and signed by duly authorized representatives of both parties.

12.3 Headings: The headings of the terms of this Agreement are for convenience only and shall not limit or affect the substance of any of the terms of this Agreement.

12.4. Entire Agreement: This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement and understanding between the Parties with respect to the subject matter hereof. Except as expressly provided in this Agreement, no previous conditions, representations or warranties, whether written or oral, shall be binding on the Parties with respect to the subject matter hereof.

12.5 Official text: This Agreement and the annexes are made in Chinese and English. Each text has two originals and two copies. After signing, each party holds one original copy and the two texts are equally authentic.

12.6 Government Trade: This Agreement shall not apply to trade between the governments of both parties or transactions between the governments of Party A and Party B, nor shall it apply to barter trade or bidding transactions.

Party A (seal) :

Party B (Seal) :

6.外贸正式合同范本 篇六






















































第一条 合同标


第二条 价格合同总金额



第三条 供货期限和日期

商品应在卖方银行通知保兑、与第二条所列金额相符有效 信用证 时起60天内从公司运往________。


第四条 商品品质


第五条 包装和标记









第六条 支付

买方应在本合同签订后20个工作日内开立以卖方为受益人、不可撤销、可分割、可转让跟单 信用证。该 信用证 总金额在合同第二条中载明,其有效期至少80天。







第七条 商品交接




第八条 保险


第九条 品质保证




第十条 索赔






第十一条 不可抗力

出现不可抗力,即火灾、自然灾害、封锁、禁止 进出口 和其他合同双方人力不可抗拒情况造成合同某一方不能完全或部分履行合同义务时,按不可抗力与其后果存在时间推迟履行合同义务。



第十二条 罚则




第十三条 其他条件



在买方国境内一切费用和规费,包括 海关 规费和 关税,与订立、履行本合同有关费用,由买方承担,在买方国境外,则由卖方承担。


第十四条 仲裁


第十五条 双方法定地址


地址:____________邮码______ 电话______


7.外贸业务员聘用合同 篇七


















































8.外贸服装合同范本 篇八





第一条 经购销双方协商交易活动,必须履行本合同条款。具体品类(种),需签订要货成交单,并作为本购销合同的附件;本合同中的未尽事宜经双方协商需补充的条款可另附协议书,亦视为合同附件。合同附件与本合同具有同等效力。经双方确认的往来信函、传真、电子邮件等,将作为本合同的组成部分,具有合同的效力。


第二条 合同签订后,不得擅自变更和解除。如甲方遇不可抗拒的原因,确实无法履行合同;乙方因市场发生骤变或不能防止的原因,经双方协商同意后,可予变更或解除合同。但提出方应提前通知对方,并将“合同变更通知单”寄给对方,办理变更或解除合同的手续。


第三条 成交单中的商品价格,由双方当事人商议决定,或以国家定价决定。




第四条 运输方式及运输费用等费用,由双方当事人协商决定。

第五条 各类商品质量标准,甲方严格执行合同规定的质量标准,保证商品质量。

第六条 商品包装,必须牢固,甲方应保障商品在运输途中的安全。乙方对商品包装有特殊要求,双方应具体合同中注明,增加的包装费用,由乙方负担。

第七条 商品调拨,应做到均衡、及时。对合同期内的商品可考虑按3 ∶3 ∶4 的比例分批发货;季节性商品按承运部门所规定的最迟、最早日期发货;当令商品,零配件和数量较少的品种,可发货。

第八条 对有有效期限的商品,其有效期在2 /3 以上的,甲方可以发货;有效期在2 /3 以下的,甲方应征得乙方同意后才能发货。

第九条 甲方应按乙方确定的合理运输路线、工具、到达站(港)委托承运单位发运,力求装足容量或吨位,以节约费用。


第十条 商品从到达承运部门时起,所有权即属乙方。在运输途中发生的丢失、缺少、残损等责任事故,由乙方负责向承运部门交涉赔偿,需要甲方协助时,甲方应积极提供有关资料。乙方在接收商品时发现问题,应及时向承运部门索取规定的记录和证明并立即详细检查,及时向有关责任方提出索赔;若因有关单据未能随货同行,货到后,乙方可先向承运部门具结接收,同时立即通知甲方,甲方在接到通知后5 日内答复;属于多发、错运商品,乙方应做好详细记录,妥为保管,收货后10日内通知甲方,不能自行动用,因此而发生的一切费用由甲方负担。

第十一条 商品的外包装完整,发现溢缺、残损串错和商品质量等问题,在货到半年内(贵重商品在7 天内),责任确属甲方的,乙方可向甲方提出查询。




为减少部分查询业务,凡一张调拨单所列一个品种损溢在2 元以下、残损在5 元以下均不做查询处理(零件除外)。对笨重商品的查询(如缝纫机头、部件等的残品)乙方将残品直接寄运工厂,查询单寄交甲方并在单上注明寄运日期。

第十二条 商品货款、运杂费等款项的结算,购销双方应按中国人民银行结算办法的规定,商定适宜的结算方式,及时妥善办理。


第十三条 甲、乙双方的任何一方有违约行为的,应负违约责任并向对方支付违约金。因违约使对方遭受损失的,如违约金不足以抵补损失时,还应支付赔偿金以补偿其差额。如违约金过分高于或者低于造成的损失的,当事人可以请求人民法院或者仲裁机构予以适当减少或者增加。





第十四条 甲、乙两方履行合同,发生纠纷时,应及时协商解决,协商不成时,任何一方均可向仲裁机构申请仲裁或向人民法院起诉。(两者选一)

第十五条 本合同一式4 份,甲、乙两方各执2 份,并送交当地人民银行及有关部门,监督执行。

第十六条 本合同(协议)双方签章,依法生效,有效期为1 年,期满双方如无异议,合同自动延长。凡涉及日期的,按收件人签收日期和邮局戳记日期为准。

开户银行:_______ 开户银行:_______

帐号:_________ 帐号:_________

地址:_________ 地址:_________

传真:_________ 传真:_________

电话:_________ 电话:_________

销货方(甲方)签章:____ 购货方(乙方)签章:___





一、甲方授权乙方在 经销莱珂服饰。













甲方: 乙方名称:

地址: 地址:

电话: 电话:

法人代表: 店铺面积:

签协人: 店铺地址:









电 话: 传 真:

地 址:


地 址:

电 话: 传 真:

帐 号:

开 户 行: [要写清楚支行名字]







2.1货物总值: (按采购订单上的单价及数量算总价)元

2.3运输费用: 详见第五条







4.2 乙方要遵守约定的交货日期,如货期有问题时,下单后3天内可以申请调整交货日期。非特殊情况下只能调整一次交货日期。

4.3如需裁单时,乙方应在下单后3 日内与甲方协商。




5.1 乙方负责把货物送到甲方指定地点,产生运费的,由乙方负责。

5.2 运输损耗:在验收前因运输意外等导致货物损失的,由乙方负责免费更换。验收后造成的人为损失由甲方负责。



6.2 乙方买回来的布料要向甲方确认。







8.1 生产方式按甲方确认的方法为基准,不得以需要变更时应经得甲方同意。







9.4本合同一式三份,甲方执二份。乙方执一份,具有同等效力,自签字之日生效,本合同期限为 1 年。

甲方: 乙方:

9.外贸公司经济合同管理办法 篇九













十三、签订完毕经济合同和协议书应在3 个工作日内报送财务部和总经理办公室正本各一份。









10.外贸英文销售合同 篇十

Party B (Seller) : ______________

Based on the principles of voluntariness, equality, mutual benefit, good faith and good faith, Party A and Party B, through full and friendly negotiation, enter into the following contract terms and conditions for mutual adherence and performance.

Article 1 Subject of transaction

1. Name: ______________

2. Variety: ______________

3. Specification: ______________

4. Price: ______________

Article 2 Guarantee of quality and quantity

The sellers guarantee that the goods are new and in conformity with the specifications and quality specifications stipulated in the contract. The quality guarantee shall be valid for ________ months after the arrival of the goods at the port of destination.

Article 3 Country of production and manufacturer

1. Country of Production: _____________________

2. Manufacturer: _____________________

Article 4 Packing

It shall be able to meet the basic requirements of anti-crushing and moisture-proof, or meet other requirements proposed by Party A.

Article 5 Terms of Payment

Fob terms:

1. According to the contract, the sellers shall notify the buyers by cable (or letter) _______ days prior to shipment the contract number, name of goods, quantity, value, case number, gross weight, dimensions and when the goods can be delivered at the port of dispatch for the buyers to book space.

2. If the goods are to be sent by post (or air), the Sellers shall notify the Buyers by cable (or letter) _______ days prior to shipment, in accordance with clause _______, of the approximate time of shipment, contract number, name of the goods, price, etc. The Seller shall notify the buyer of the contract number, name of the goods, price and the date of shipment immediately after delivery, so as to facilitate the Buyer to purchase insurance in time.

Article 6 Shipping Advice

The Seller shall, immediately after the completion of loading, notify the Buyer by letter or cable of the contract number, name of goods, quantity, invoice price, gross weight, name of vessel and date of shipment. If the buyer fails to purchase the insurance in time due to the Sellers failure to notify in time, the seller shall be liable for all losses.

Article 7 Terms of shipment

1. Ocean shipping: full set of clean loaded on board bills of lading to order in blank, endorsed by the consignor in blank indicating “freight payable”, “freight paid” and notified to ________ company of the port of destination.

2. Airmail package: ________ A copy of air waybill marked “freight collected” and “freight paid” shall be delivered to the buyer.

3, _______ copies of invoice, indicating the contract number and shipping mark (if more than one shipping mark, the invoice should be separated, details should be handled according to the contract).

4. Packing list in _______ copies issued by the manufacturer.

5. Certificate of quantity and quality issued by the manufacturer _______ copies.

6. Immediately after the shipment, inform the buyer by cable or letter of the details of the shipment. In addition, the seller within... days after shipment, want to use airmail send... all of the above documents, a directly sent to the consignee, the other a _____ company directly sent to the destination port.

Port and consignee of Article 8


Article 9 Time Limit for shipment

Receipt of irrevocable L/C _______ days.

Article 10 Shipping marks

The Seller shall clearly mark on each case the case number, gross weight, net weight, volume and the words “Keep away from moisture”, “Handle with care”, “This side up” and shipping mark.

Article 11 Insurance

1. The buyer shall take care of himself after shipment.

To be insured by the seller ____________.

Article 12 Claims

If the quality, specifications or quantity of the commodities are found to be not in conformity with those stipulated in the contract within _______ days after the arrival of the port of destination, the buyers shall be entitled to propose replacement of the commodities with good quality or claim for compensation by presenting the inspection certificate issued by ________ The Inspection Bureau, and all expenses such as inspection fee, insurance fee and loading and discharging fee shall be borne by the sellers. However, if the claim is the responsibility of the insurance company or the carrier, the seller shall not be liable. If the goods are damaged due to inferior quality during use within _______ months after arrival at the port of destination, the buyers shall immediately notify the sellers in writing and lodge claims against the Sellers on the basis of the inspection certificate issued by ________ Bureau. The Seller shall be responsible for the immediate elimination of defects at the Buyers request and, if necessary, at the Buyers expense. Should the Seller fail to respond to the Buyer within _______ months after receipt of the aforesaid request, the Seller shall be deemed to have accepted.

Article 13 Force Majeure

The Seller shall not be liable for any delay in shipment or failure to deliver the goods mentioned in this Contract due to force majeure in the course of manufacture and shipment. The Seller shall immediately notify the Buyer of the aforesaid accident and within _______ days thereafter airmail to the Buyer a copy of the accident certificate issued by the Government as evidence. The Seller shall still be responsible for taking necessary measures to speed up the delivery of the goods and the Buyer shall have the right to cancel the contract if the accident continues for more than _______ weeks.

Article 14 Late delivery and fine

If the Seller fails to deliver the whole or any part of the goods mentioned in this Contract on time or late, and the Seller agrees to a penalty, the Buyer shall agree to the delay in delivery, provided that the delay in delivery is caused by force majeure and the penalty may be deducted from the payment by the paying bank after negotiation. The fine shall not exceed delays... % of the total cost of the goods, fine rate per day... for... %, insufficient press the day number... day... day. The buyers shall be entitled to cancel the contract if the sellers still fail to deliver the goods more than one week beyond the time of shipment stipulated in this contract _______. Notwithstanding the cancellation of the contract, the Seller shall pay the above-mentioned penalty to the Buyer without delay.

Article 15 Arbitration

All disputes arising out of the execution of this Agreement shall be settled amicably by both parties through negotiation. In case no settlement can be reached through negotiation, the case shall be submitted for arbitration to ______________ arbitration Commission which shall submit the case for arbitration in accordance with its arbitration procedures. The arbitration award shall be final and binding upon both parties. The arbitration fee shall be borne by the losing party.

Article 16 This Contract shall come into force after being signed by both parties in _______ originals in both Chinese and English, each party holding _______ originals, each of which shall be equally authentic.

Party A (signature) : ______________ Party B (signature) : ______________
