


1.新目标九年级英语Unit7单元复习题 篇一

Unit 7 WHere would you like to visit

Section A

I 1.educational 2.thrilling 3.to trek through the jungle 4.too stressed out 5.consider asking

II 1.thrillers;thrilling 2.to tour;touristy;tourists;tour 3.relaxing;relaxes;relaxed 4.tired;tiring 5.lively;lived;alive;liveliest

III.1.where there are;with 2.are supposed to 3.who can 4.is supposed to be 5.would like to

Section B

I.1.provide 2.easy 3.light 4.including 5.vacations

II.1.provide us with some useful information 2.In general;junk food 3.Traveling around;by taxi convenient to take;to most places 4.Unless you speak;yourself;it’s best;someone who can translate 5.which is best to travel by

6.give her some suggestions 7.is the most expensive;is 8.get a room with a kitchen



Self Cheak and Reading

I.1.in which thousands of;take part in 2.find out;answers to;as soon as possible 3.According to;the most popular choice of job 4.continue singing;so that;provide better lives for 5.It seems;work as

6.Quite a few;are willing to

7.hold on to;come true 8.On the one hand;on the other hand 9.volunteer translators;translated;for

II.1.as soon as they can 2.provie;with 3.less realistic than 4.were ready to 5.in order that


2.新目标九年级英语Unit7单元复习题 篇二

以新目标九年级上册第一单元为例。本单元标题为How do you study for a test?本单元主要话题为讨论如何学习, 在第一、第二课时以学习为话题, 全面涉及如何学习英语, 如何通过制作卡片, 阅读报纸, 杂志, 广告, 听英文歌曲, 组织英语角练习口语, 用英语通过网络发展各种感官去感知英语。在通过用英语做事, 强调学习过程, 重视语言学习的实践性和应用性。提倡在学习英语的过程中, 避免直接告知, 死记硬背和机械训练的模式。帮助学生发现和分享有效地学习英语的策略, 注重激发学生积极学习英语的情感, 从而使学生建构起综合语言运用能力。所以本单元的课程设置并非简单地学习词汇、句型、语言点。更加侧重强调提高学生有效的学习语言学习途径与方法。鼓励学生根据自己的需要, 选择恰当有效地学习英语的方式, 尽可能的自己创造学习英语的机会。引导学生尽量在真实语境中, 通过体验、实践、参与、探究和合作的方式, 发现语言学习的规律, 培养学习英语的兴趣。逐步掌握语言知识和技能, 在使用英语的过程中加深对语言的理解, 提高运用语言的能力。引导学生明白学习风格因人而异, 并无绝对的优劣之分, 学习者应该结合自己的学习风格探索最适合自己的学习策略。

本单元第三课时中, 通过一位学生学习英语时一开始有困难, 后来通过不懈的努力, 最后在考试中得到A, 并得到老师同学由衷的赞赏这样的故事, 着重强调学习英语需要的坚持不懈的情感态度, 强调学生培养积极向上的学习动机, 浓厚的学习英语的兴趣和大胆实践的精神有利于提高学习英语的效果, 自信心有助于学生客服外语学习中遇到的困难。同时值得注意的是, 教师在教学中这些情感方法, 价值观的渗透其实与教学内容是相辅相成的关系, 情感, 态度价值观的渗透有利于激发学生学习英语知识的兴趣。

本单元第四课时, 内容进一步拓展和深化, 谈及如何解决学生容易遇到的问题, 如人际交往困惑, 如何处理与父母, 同学, 老师的关系。当遇到问题时, 学会交流, 学会善忘, 指导学生千万不要因为小事挫伤美好的亲情、友情、师生情。还谈到在遇到生活, 学习的压力时, 视问题为挑战, 引导学生在学校接受教育是人生重要的组成部分, 作为学生, 应该尽力主动接受各种挑战, 同时面对生活中的各种困难, 也将其视为挑战, 磨炼自己的意志与坚强的品格。这一部分还谈到要有自己的幸福观, 与那些情况比自己还要糟糕却勇于挑战自己并取得成功的人做比较, 激励学生战胜困难的勇气与方法。这一部分即教会学生如何面对生活中的困难, 又很好的引导学生来了解英语在民族地区作为第二语言, 甚至第三语言学习时, 不可避免地要进行各种尝试, 走弯路, 遇到困难是很正常的, 让学生认识到英语学习中表现的情感态度与学习英语的结果有密切的关系, 作为学生应该有积极的态度去克服各种困难。而勇于去克服这些困难才是勇者, 是胜者。

总之, 人际交往智能与语言不仅与有着千丝万缕的联系, 还在很多方面直接或者间接影响语言学习, 对外语的影响则更加明显。积极向上, 活泼开朗的个性有助于学生积极参加语言学习活动, 获得更多学习的机会, 坚强的意志和较强自信心有助于克服外语学习遇到的困难。

作为英语教师, 以语言技能, 语言知识, 人际交往智能, 学习策略和文化意识五个方面共同构成的英语课程总目标, 既注重体现英语学习的工具性, 也体现其人文性;即关注学生发展语言运用能力, 又重视学生发展思维能力, 从而达到有效提高学生的综合人文素养的目的。

摘要:人类语言的重要功能之一是促进人际交往, 人际交往就要涉及到情感态度。而情感态度在很大程度上需要通过语言来表达与传递。英语课程不仅要发展学生的语言知识和语言技能, 而且有责任培养学生积极向上的人际交往智能。

3.新目标九年级英语Unit7单元复习题 篇三



()1. A. No, they aren’t.

B. Yes, they are.

C. Yes, they will.

()2. A. In China.

B. In Australia.

C. In England.

()3. A. To visit the zoo.

B. To study hard.

C. To give them more space.

()4. A. Tigers.

B. flowers.

C. Planes.

()5. A. The Bird Nest.

B. The Summer Palace.

C. The Palace Museum.



()6. What’s the relationship between the two speakers?

A. Friends.

B. Classmates.

C. Strangers.

()7. Where are they?

A. In a cinema.

B. In a zoo.

C. In a museum.

()8. What does the man mean?

A. He’ll throw the bag away.

B. He’ll collect broken bags.

C. He disagrees with the woman.

()9. What are they talking about?

A. Playing with toys.

B. Recycling.

C. Making cans and bottles.

()10. Where are they?

A. In an aquarium.

B. In a restaurant.

C. In a park.




()11. Why did the man buy lots of Chinese food?

A. He liked Chinese food very much.

B. His parents liked Chinese food a lot.

C. Chinese food was good and cheap.

()12. How often does the man go back to his hometown?

A. Once four years.

B. Four times a year.

C. Twice four years.

()13. What’s the weather like in the man’s hometown at thistimeof year?

A. It’s not hot in his hometown.

B. It rains a little.

C. It is hot and dry.


()14. Why did the man move to France last week?

A. To look for a job.

B. To visit places of interest.

C. On business.

()15. When did the man travel to New York?

A. Last Saturday.

B. The day before yesterday.

C. Last night.

()16. Where did the man have his dinner?

A. In France.

B. In Tokyo.

C. In Hong Kong.


()17. How did Jane hurt herself?

A. Maybe she fell down from the ladder.

B. She must be beaten by someone.

C. She wanted to kill herself.

()18. What’s the matter with Jane?

A. She walks slowly.

B. She couldn’t run.

C. It’s difficult to walk.

()19. Where is Jane now?

A. She is in hospital.

B. She is at home.

C. She is on her way to hospital.

()20. What does the man worry about?

A. The picnic.

B. Her leg.

C. Her study.


()21. Why can’t birds fly high up in the sky?

A. It’s difficult for them to breathe.

B. They can’t fly easily in the thin air.

C. A and B.

()22. When do many birds fly to a new place?

A. In winter and autumn.

B. In summer and autumn.

C. In autumn and spring.

()23. How can’t birds get lost?

A. They fly near the ground.

B. They fly together.

C. They fly in the daytime.

()24. What happens to the birds which fly low over the ocean?

A. The birds get hurt.

B. The birds get food.

C. The birds get lost.

()25. Which of the following is NOT true?

A. The birds fly near the ground to look for places they know.

B. The air in the high sky is too thin for birds to fly.

C. The birds are easy to get lost when they fly.


Ⅱ. 选择填空(本题共15分,每小题1分,满分15分。)


()26. — When do you have the guitar class?

— I just have it ______ Sunday morning.

A. inB. on

C. atD. for

()27. — Waiting for her made me ______.

— So did I. She always comes late.

A. angryB. happy

C. pleasedD. glad

()28. — ______ you ever ______ to a concert?

— Yes, I have. I went to the National Day Concert last year.

A. Have; beenB. Have; gone

C. Have; comeD. Did; go

()29. — What ______ people in Korea supposed to do when they first meet?

— They usually bow.

A. doB. have

C. areD. would

()30. — What do you usually do in your sparetime?

— I usually ______ my friends’ homes.

A. come acrossB. pass by

C. drop byD. look at

()31. — Manatees are ______ animals. There aren’t many of them in the world.

— What a pity!

A. interestingB. common

C. endangeredD. playful

()32. — Seeing the national flag of China ______ me feel ______.

— I agree with you.

A. let; pride

B. makes; proud

C. keeps; confidence

D. have; tiny

()33. — I am very sorry. I can ______ understand what you said.

— It doesn’t matter. I can say it again.

A. everB. hardly

C. hardD. always

()34. — I visited the zoo last week and I couldn’tbelieve ______ I saw.

— What did you see?

A. thatB. what

C. whereD. which

()35. — We should urge people ______ driving cars.

— Yeah. We should walk or ride a bike.

A. stopB. stopping

C. to stopD. stopped

()36. — There ______ a lot of manatees, but now they are endangered.

— We are supposed to save them.

A. were usedB. used to be

C. used toD. used to being

()37. — Peter could hardly see the words on the blackboard, ______?

— No, he couldn’t.

A. did heB. couldn’t he

C. can heD. could he

()38. — Have you ever ______ Li Ming?

— Yes. He is clever and friendly to others.

A. heard ofB. heard from

C. hearD. hear for

()39. — Last month Jack ______ an award at


— Really?

A. winB. won

C. beatD. hit

()40. — Which would you like, tea or coffee?

— ______ is OK.

A. EitherB. Both

C. NeitherD. None

Ⅲ. 完形填空(共25小題; 每小题1分,满分25分)



One day a lawyer’s wife fell ill. The lawyer went to get a doctor. The doctor knew that the lawyer was well-known for not paying41 . So he said to the lawyer before he entered the house, “If I do cure your wife, I am afraid that you 42 not pay me.”

“Sir,” replied the lawyer, “Here is $500. No matter whether you cure my wife43kill her, I will give you all this.” The doctor believed him and went into the house. When he reachedthewoman’sbedside, itsoonbecame 44to him that he could do little. She was badly ill, and though he gave her some 45 , she soon died. He toldthelawyerhewasvery 46 , andasked for themoneywhich hehad 47 . “Did you kill my wife?” asked the lawyer.

“Of course I48 ,” said the doctor.

“Well! Did you cure my wife?” said the lawyer.

“I’m afraid that was 49,” said the doctor.

“Well then,” said the lawyer, “Since you neither killed her nor cured her, I have50to pay you.”

()41. A. taxesB. bills

C. businessD. medicine

()42. A. can B. must

C. shallD. may

()43. A. but B. yet

C. orD. and

()44. A. clean B. clear

C. fineD. easy

()45. A. adviceB. food

C. medicineD. examination

()46. A. terribleB. sorry

C. helpfulD. sad

()47. A. given B. paid

C. promisedD. agreed

()48. A. didn’t B. have

C. didD. haven’t

()49. A. impossibleB. hard

C. difficultD. uneasy

()50. A. something B. a bit

C. nothing D. a little


Life is not easy, so I’d like to say “When anything happens, believe in yourself”.

When I was 14, I was51nervous to talk to anyone. My classmates often52me. I was sad but could do nothing. Later, 53happened. It changed my life. It was an English speech contest. My mother asked me to54part in it. What a(n)55idea!

It meant I had to 56 in front of all the teachers and students of my school!

“Come on, boy. Believe in yourself. You are sure to 57.” Then, Mother and I talked about many different topics. At last I 58 the topic “Believe in yourself ”. I tried my best to 59 all the words of the speech and practised it over 100 times. 60my mother’s great love, I did well in the contest. I could 61believe my ears when the news came that I had won the first place. I heard the 62 fromthe teachers and students. Those 63who once looked down on me, then all said “Congratulations!” to me. My mother hugged me and cried64 .

65then, everything has changed for me. Whenever I do anything, I try to tell myself to be confident and I will believe in myself. This is true not only for a person but also for a country.

4.新目标九年级英语Unit7单元复习题 篇四






































































































































5.新目标九年级英语Unit7单元复习题 篇五

新目标英语八年级上册第九单元 教案

When was he born?教案 教案 TITLE=新目标英语八年级上册第九单元 教学过程: process Students’ activities Teachers’ activities Before―class Remind of the first time in their childhood Think about the first time they did before and how old they were Suggest them to think about the first time in their childhood In―class Make an interview Group work: ask the group member about how old they were when they did something for the first time Give the useful expressions on the blackboard How long had they had? Give the useful expressions on the blackboard. Fill in the blanks Ask the questions and fill in the blanks Walk around and give some help if necessary Make some recommends to the rest of the students According to the results of the survey find the best students Ask them to choose the best students The week’s star Find the best students as the candidates Give some requirements about the week’s star Make a speech for their good habits Choose the week’s star Give them some guide about how to make a speech Reading Read the text and fill in the blanks Give the students two minutes to read it Answer the questions Check the answers After--class Self―introduction The week’s star write a composition Give the students homework Look at the composition and make some contents 附表: Name Achievement Age More information 课后反思: 作为班主任,在英语教学中我重视将德育教育与文化知识的教育结合在一起。在本节课的教学中我将日常管理中评选每周一星的活动在英语课上进行了评选。结合本单元的主题我将本周的一周一星确定为能持之以恒养成良好习惯的同学。 在教学过程中,为了避免出现混乱的课堂场面,我将评选工作的要求和过程都有条理的写在了黑板上,并且像正式的每周评选一样由班长主持,同时并且有专门的.人员统计票数。结合了日常实际的课堂内容很充实,学生在参与的过程中学生充满热情,积极参与并且评选的过程非常激烈。 总的来说,本节课内容符合实际和学生的生活密切相关。在教学的过程中,学生与老师,学生之间有了很好的交流,将老师所讲的内容和学生所学的内容通过实践的方式结合在一起,起到了比较好的效果。

6.新目标九年级英语Unit7单元复习题 篇六


1.used to do sth过去常常做某事be/get used to sth/doing…习惯于(做)某事Sth be used to do sth/as…被用来做(当作)2.wait a moment=just a minute等一下

3.be(more)interested in对……(更)感兴趣 feel/have/show/take(no/great/much/little)interest in 对……感兴趣

4.be on the swim team=be a member of the swim team在游泳队效力

5.be terrified of…=be afraid of…害怕…… 6.be alone独自一人呆着 7.speak in front of a group在众人面前说话

8.sleep with my bedroon light on开着卧室的灯睡觉go to bed去睡觉go to sleep=fall asleep入睡 be asleep熟睡

9.hate/dislike gym class不喜欢体育课

10.walk to school = go to school on foot步行上学 11.every day after school每天放学后 12.all the time =always一直,总是 13.chew gum a lot嚼很多口香糖 14.all day(long)整天

15.go right home直接回家

16.Sb spends time(in)doing sth某人花时间做某事=It takes sb some time to sth

Sb Spends time on sth某人在某方面花费时间 Sb Spends money on sth/ doing sth =Sb pays money for sth =Sb buys sth for money=Sth costs sb money 某人在某方面花费金钱(做某事)

17.chat/talk with sb和……交谈

18.hardly ever= almost never = very seldom几乎从不 19.My life has changed a lot in the last few years.在过去几年里我的生活发生了很大的变化 20.my daily life我的日常生活 21.I don’t mind them.我不介意。

22.make sb/sth +名词/形容词/介词短语/do….使某人/某物成为…..的人/怎么样/在……/做…… Make you stressed out使你紧张

23.It seems that 从句= seem to do sth

24.can/can’t afford to buys th能 /不能买得起某物 25.cause/make a lot of trouble造成大量的麻烦get into trouble遇到麻烦be in trouble处于困境中

have trouble(in)doing sth在做某事方面有麻烦/困难 26.be patient with sb对某人有耐心Be patient of sb/sth能忍受某人/某事 27.make a decision=make up one’s mind=decide做决定,下决心

make a decision to do sth=make up one’s mind to do sth =decide to do sth下决心做某事 make a(difficult)decision(about…)作一个(关于…的)(困难)决定

28.send/take sb to sp把某人送到/带到某地 send /take sb there/home把某人送到/带到那里/家 29.a boy’s /girl’s boarding school男子/女子寄宿学校 30.head teacher班主任

31.It’s necessary(for sb)to do sth.= There is need(for sb)to do sth.= Sb needs to do sth(对某人来说)做某事是必要的32.to one’s surprise = in surprise 令人某人惊奇的是 33.even though=even if即使,尽管(用来引导状语从句)34.take pride in… =be proud of…对……感到自豪35.pay(more)attention to …对…(更)留心,注意 36.change a lot变化很大learn a lot学到很多 help a lot帮助很大

37.feel good about oneself感到自信

38.as Martin himself says正像马丁自己说的 39.give up doing sth = stop doing sth放弃做某事 40.waste time/money/water浪费时间/金钱/水 41.change one’s mind改变主意 42.make learning history a real experience使学习历史成为真正的经历

43.as+adj./adv.+as sb can/could= as+adj./adv.+as possible

7.新目标九年级英语Unit7单元复习题 篇七

“不过据有关资料显示, 扑克的最早起源是我们中国。相传早在秦末楚汉争斗时期, 大将军韩信为了缓解士兵的思乡之愁, 发明了一种纸牌游戏, 因为牌面只有树叶大小, 所以被称为‘叶子戏’。到了我国宋代时, ‘叶子戏’在民间就流行起来。”“既然扑克牌的最早雏形在我们中国, 那么为什么会在14世纪的欧洲完善和定型呢?”学生陷入沉思。“马可·波罗!”有人嚷了出来。“对啊!请依据课本讲出理由。”很快就有同学站起来说:“13世纪, 马可·波罗一行到达中国, 受到元世祖忽必烈的赏识, 被留在元朝朝廷中任职。他在中国生活了17年, 每到一处都要认真考察当地的风土人情。扑克牌的玩法就可能被他学会了。马可·波罗回国后, 就把扑克牌的玩法带到了欧洲。”“很好, 通过这个故事, 我们可以看到扑克牌在中国产生, 通过马可·波罗传播, 最终在欧洲完善和定型。今天我们就



“这是哪张牌?”“梅花K!”学生齐声答道。“K是king的缩写, 皇帝的意思。梅花K是哪位著名的皇帝?”扑克常见, 可这个问题鲜有人注意过, 教室里一片哑然。我提醒到:“我们第二课讲的世界四大文明古国就被他占据其中三个。这位皇帝要求自己的战士要把世界作为自己的故乡。”“亚历山大大帝。”学生齐声说。“请你背出亚历山大大帝东征的时间及过程。”……

“这是哪张牌?”“方块K。”“方块K是谁?”学生开始七嘴八舌地乱猜了。我提示说:“是我们第三课学到的, 他公元前49年夺取了罗马政权。”“恺撒。”学生又异口同声地回答。“由于恺撒在罗马帝国硬币上的画像是侧面像, 因此他也是四个K中唯一的侧面像, ”我扬了扬手中的牌, “同时恺撒并不是罗马帝国的真正皇帝, 罗马帝国的第一个皇帝是?”“屋大维。”生答。“哪一年称帝?”“公元前27年。”“恺撒虽然不是罗马帝国真正的皇帝, 但他为罗马帝国的建立奠定了坚实的基础。我们来一起比较一下凯撒的外甥屋大维开创的罗马帝国疆域图, 并与公元前2世纪末罗马疆域图相比较……”

“罗马帝国成立后的最初二百年是帝国的黄金时期, 相当于中国的……”“东汉时期。”“当时中国称它为……”“大秦。”“凯撒非常喜欢穿中国的丝绸。丝绸是怎样传入欧洲的呢?”“丝绸之路。”“对, 请你再说说阿拉伯人在这条路上, 给东方和西方各带来哪些物品、意义?”……


“马可·波罗来华后记述东方经历和见闻的书名以及意义?”生答……归纳一下, 和平交流的事例有丝绸之路、阿拉伯数字的传播、马可·波罗来华。

“这是什么文字?”我手指着任意的JQK。“英文字母。”生答。“对啊, 请看书第47页的图表, 英文字母属于拉丁语, 什么文字为欧洲这种字母文字奠定了基础?”生答:“腓尼基文字。”“很好, 据考证, 腓尼基字母主要又是依据古埃及的图画文字制定的。请问古埃及图画文字名称、形成的时间、意义?”“还有一种古老的文字也产生于公元前3000年, 它的名称、创造者、意义?”“我们中国最古老的文字是?”……

“这是哪张牌?”学生齐声说:“黑桃K。”“他是传说中所罗门的父亲David, 《圣经》上记载耶稣就是David的后代, 他善于用竖琴演奏, 并在《圣经》上写了许多赞美诗, 所以这张牌上经常有竖琴图样。说到耶稣, 我们就会想到……”“基督教。”学生集体答。“对啊, 下面我们共同填写表格———三大宗教的创立者、创立时间、地点、主要教义、经典和共同点。”……“我们同学都知道牌的四个花色是按照‘黑红草方’的顺序, 黑桃最大。K中最大的是谁?”“黑桃K———David。”“一个传说中耶稣的先人, 就排在所有的皇帝前面, 这说明了什么?”我进一步追问道。很快有学生回答道:“说明了在欧洲当时精神文化领域, 神权凌驾一切。”全班满堂掌声。

我举起扑克牌说:“这是一副牌, 也是一本历史书, 也是一部日历。四种花色代表一年四个季节, 12张花牌代表一年12个月。每个花色从1加到13等于91, 四个季节就是364, 加上大王等于365, 就是一年, 闰年再加小王366。今天我们离中考还有280天, 就让我们在未来的280天内, 像亚历山大大帝一样志在四方、开拓进取;像马可·波罗一样善于学习、不畏艰辛;像古代印度人一样勤于思考、勇于创造, 我们一定会拥有灿烂辉煌的明天。”

上好复习课不是一件简单的事, 上好历史复习课更不是一件容易的事———量大、琐碎、知识的时代性又不强。如果我们只是简单地读、背、默、做、练、讲, 学生很快就会“活来死去、以史为死”, 唯恐避之不及。因此, 上课时既要充分利用书本的文字和图片, 用活课本, 还要加入表格、归纳、小结对知识进行条目化和系统化, 更重要的是, 要学会高于课本, 尽可能多地使用教材以外的资源, 以增强课堂的表现力、感染力和张力。

扑克牌大家司空见惯, 可是很少有人关注它背后的相关知识, 本课就是运用扑克牌取得许多出其不意的效果。首先, 历史课堂上亮出扑克牌, 学生觉得惊奇, 引起学生学习的兴趣, 调动了学习积极性, 活跃了课堂气氛, 达到了寓教于乐的目的, 也贴近了学生生活, 贴近了社会, 把遥远的历史与现实生活靠近, 这既符合学生的天性又符合教学和学习的规律。第二, 以扑克牌为线索把相关知识串联起来, 既直观形象地呈现了梅花K亚历山大大帝和阿拉伯数字, 又从方块K恺撒引出屋大维、罗马帝国的疆域图;从KQJ英文字母引出腓尼基文字, 再引出象形文字和楔形文字;从扑克牌由来引出马可·波罗, 再到《马可·波罗行纪》的意义;从黑桃KDavid引出耶稣再引出三大宗教比较的表格。三课的知识点完全为一线所牵, 既丰富了教学内容, 又扩大了知识领域, 开阔了学生的学习视野, 加强了学科知识的实践性, 扩展了历史教学的外延和深度, 当然也提高了学习效率。第三, 最重要的是以身边常见的扑克牌为例, 使学生学会利用身边的资源, 学会观察生活和关注生活, 养成积极探究的良好思维习惯, 变学生的被动学习为主动学习, 变历史知识的死记硬背为探究性学习, 发挥了学生的主体作用, 提高了学生的人文素养, 培养了学生运用历史唯物主义观点的观察能力、分析能力以及社会实践创新能力, 变要我学为我要学。

我们要让学生喜欢上历史课, 就要在历史课上设法“诱惑”他, 让他要盼上、乐上历史课。如果我们教师在平时的教学中能够多多观察生活, 多多想些点子, 多多迈出挖掘乡土教材的步子, 多多注重历史课堂知识呈现方式的多样化, 那么我们的课堂也会变得多么有趣、鲜活和高效。

8.新目标九年级英语Unit7单元复习题 篇八

1. To keep safe, everyone________ to wear a seat belt in the car.

A. is supposedB. supposes

C. supposedD. will suppose(2006年辽宁省)

2. In the United States, you’re not supposed________ with your hands.

A. to eatB. eating

C. eatsD. ate(2006年梧州市)

【考点透视】 be supposed to do sth 意为“被期望做……”、“应该做……”,其否定形式为 be not supposed to do sth,表示“不应该做……”的意思。

3. —Sorry, I can’t work out this problem.

—Try again, please. It’s only________ difficult.

A. a bitB. a lot

C. veryD. much too(2005年黑龙江省)

4. I can’t buy the dress because I have just________ money.

A. littleB. a little

C. fewD. a few(2006年南通市)

5. ─How long will you stay here?

─I think I will be here for________ more days.

A. fewB. a few

C. littleD. a little(2006年武汉市课改卷)

6. 这件上衣有点旧,但你穿起来很好看。

The coat is a________ old, but it________ nice on you.(2005年自贡市)

【考点透视】 a bit 意为“一点儿”,与 a little 的意思相同。两者均可修饰形容词,作程度状语。但 a little可用作形容词,直接修饰不可数名词,而 a bit 不能用作形容词,其后必须加 of 后,才可以接不可数名词。 few 意为“没几个”,修饰或替代可数名词,表示否定意义; little 意为“没多少”,修饰或替代不可数名词,表示否定意义; a few 意为“有几个”,修饰或替代可数名词,表示肯定意义; a little 意为“有一点”,修饰或替代不可数名词,表示肯定意义。

7.________ on real ice is very exciting.

A. SkateB. Skates

C. SkatedD. Skating(2005年岳阳市)

8. Flying kites in the open air are far more enjoyable than playing chess.




9. —Why did you go there________(没有) breakfast?

—I wanted to catch the early bus.(2005年南通市课改卷)

10. He got up very late. So he hurried to school w________breakfast.


11. Sam was in a hurry. He left home________ saying goodbye to us.


【考点透视】 介词 without 意为“没有”,其后通常接名词或动名词(短语)作宾语。

12. 除今天外,我哪天都有空。

I’m free every day________________.(2005年天津市)

13. The two books are the same________[ik?謖sept] that this one has answers at the back.(2005年威海市)

【考点透视】 except 意为“除了……之外”,不包括其后的部分;而 besides 则是“除了……之外,(还有……)”的意思,包括其后的部分。

14. The old engineer made a contribution to developing the________(西部的) part of China.(2005年大连市)

15. Ningbo is in the________(东部) of Zhejiang.(2005年宁波市)

16. Bijie is in the________(西北)of Guizhou.(2005年毕节市)

【考点透视】 方位词 east, west, north, south 一般用作名词,加上后缀 -ern后,构成形容词,用来修饰名词。

17. —Who taught________ French?

—Nobody. She learned all by________.

A. herself; herB. she; herself

C. her; herselfD. her; she (2005年天津市)

18. —Our teacher wouldn’t give us the answers to the questions directly.

—Why not work them out all by________?

A. themselvesB. himself

C. ourselvesD. myself(2005年安徽省课改卷)

【考点透视】 by oneself 意为“独自地”,在句子中作状语。

19. Kate felt________ when she saw the lovely dress in the clothes shop.

A. pleasedB. tiredC. well(2005年山西省)

【考点透视】 pleased 是形容词,意为“高兴的”、“满意的”,可用作定语和表语。用作表语时,常表示人所处的状态,常见的结构为“(sb) be pleased with sb”或“(sb) be pleased at/about sth”。 pleasant 也是形容词,意为“令人愉快的”、“舒适的”、“讨人喜欢的”,常表示事物的特性或人的外表、性情等。

Key: 1. A2. A3. A4. A5. B6. little/bit, looks7. D8. B。areis9. without10. without11. without12. except, today13. except14. western15. east16. northwest17. C18. C19. A

Unit 13

1. I don’t like rock music. It often________ me crazy.

A. letsB. makes

C. asksD. orders(2006年宁夏回族自治区)

2. Mr Lee told us an interesting story yesterday. It made all of us________.

A. laughB. to laugh

C. laughedD. laughing(2006年长春市)

【考点透视】 使役动词 make 后面常接形容词或不带 to 的动词不定式作宾语补足语,构成“make+宾语+adj./do sth”结构。

3. I would rather________(stay) at home than go shopping with you.


【考点透视】 would rather 意为“宁愿……”,其后跟动词原形,其否定形式为 would rather not do sth。

4. —I suppose we’ll go to plant trees next week.

—Terrific! Planting trees is a lot of fun. I’d like to________ you.

A. visitB. join

C. followD. meet(2006年江西省)

5. All of us joined in the sports meeting last Monday.(同义句转换)

All of us________________________ the sports meeting last Monday.


【考点透视】 join 意为“加入……”,常指加入某个组织,成为其中的一员,或加入到某人群中一起做某事; join in 意为“参加(活动等)”,与 take part in 同义。

6. 很抱歉让你久等了。

I’m sorry________________________________ for a long time.(2006年北京市)

7. Your classroom is so dirty. Everyone should keep it________.

A. dryB. open

C. cleanD. quiet(2006年重庆市)

【考点透视】 keep 意为“使……”、“保持……”,其后一般接形容词或动词的-ing形式,表示“让……一直保持某种状态”,或“让……一直干某事”的意思。

8. —The windows are broken and need to be repaired.

—I think so. They can hardly________ the cold now.

A. keep outB. give out

C. take outD. put out(2006年武汉市)

【考点透视】注意不同动词与副词 out 搭配构成的短语动词在意义上的区别: keep out 意为“使……留在外面”、“使……不进入”; give out 意为“分发”、“发放”; take out 意为“取出”,“拿出”、“把……带出去”; put out 意为“伸出”、“使熄灭”。

9. —This book________ educating teenagers. Would you like to buy it?

—Yes, I’ll take it.

A. aims atB. depends on

C. gives outD. sets up(2006年漳州市)

【考点透视】 本题考查几个短语动词的词义辨析?押 aim at 意为“瞄准”、“针对”; depend on 意为“依靠”; give out 意为“分发”; set up 意为“建立”。应根据句意来确定答案。

10. I sit in the front of the classroom________ I can hear clearly.

A. so thatB. whenC. in order(2006年青海省)

11. The dog rushed to the nearest village________ it could get someone to help his dying owner there.

A. whereB. which

C. thatD. so that(2006年山东省)

【考点透视】 so that 引导的目的状语从句中一般带有情态动词(如 may, might, can, could 等),意为“以便……”。

12. —Well, let’s go to visit the amusement park this Saturday.

—That________ great.

A. feelsB. looksC. sounds(2006年成都市)

13. The idea to eat in KFC________ wonderful.

A. tastesB. sounds

C. smellsD. looks(2006年莆田市)

【考点透视】 连系动词之后常跟形容词作表语。注意以下几个连系动词的词义辨析: sound 意为 “听起来”; smell 意为“闻起来”; look 意为“看上去”; taste 意为“尝起来”; feel 意为“摸起来”。

14. Teenagers have all kinds of dreams.________, some students would like to go to the moon some day.

A. After allB. At once

C. In factD. For example(2006年長春市)

15. 吉姆喜爱各种体育运动,比如足球、篮球。

Jim loves all kinds of sports,________________ football and basketball.


【考点透视】 “例如”在英语中可用 for instance/for example 或 such as 来表示。 for instance/for example 一般只用来列举同类人或物当中的一个,是插入语,前后常用逗号分开,并且后面常跟一段表述,可位于句首、句中和句尾; such as 用来列举人或事物中的一个或几个,它只能列举其中的一部分,不能全部列出,其后一般是单个的名词或代词,不能接一段表述,也不能用逗号与后面的部分隔开。
