


1.初一英语作文带翻译 篇一

以 My Favorite…为题,写一篇短文:

My favorite subject is English. I like it because it is interesting. I have English every day. I can speak a little English. I join the school English club. Every afternoon I go there to talk in English. I can see English movies and read English books. I think it is useful for me. I want to learn it well. I like English very much.


2.初一英语作文带翻译 篇二


年级:七年级英语 (7B) 第三章



(一) 教学目标

为有效课堂做好出乎意料的教学设计, 实现教学效益最大化是新课标的基本要求。在英语看图作文教学实践中, 即使只是知识、技能的传授, 但整个教学过程也要融入师生共同参与分享探究成功的喜悦, 也要充满着美丽的想象;在祥和活跃的氛围中, 使每个学生的个性都能淋漓尽致地张扬。

(二) 内容分析

看图作文就是把画面的意思用文字表达出来, 它是英语写作训练的最佳途径, 它能有效培养学生的观察能力, 想象能力, 思维能力和富有条理的语法组织表达能力。看图写话的画面是静止的, 而且比较单调, 只要通过仔细观察, 合理想象, 也可使静止的画面动起来, 使单调的画面充实起来。

(三) 学生分析

很多初中生尤其是初中一年级的学生惧怕看图写话。在看图写话过程中往往出现不知从何下笔, 抓不住要点, 词不达意, 语言单一, 语法错误等诸多问题。在自我意识上, 学生易受师说感染, 习惯依赖“拐杖”蹒跚学步。以往老师们在进行课堂教学评价时, 主要关注的是学生的行为和知识的传授和单一的技能培养, 很少关照学生素质的培养。所以, 不少学生失去了学习的兴趣。

(四) 教学设计

1. 教学方法设计

这是一个信息化辅助教学手段比较集中的班级, 学生每人都拥有一部供学习专用的电脑。根据新课程标准的要求, 我改变传统的教学思路, 创设情境, 让学生自己上网查询资料, 想像中描绘恐龙。

2. 关于教学流程和教学活动的设计思路

提振学生的兴趣———让学生进入角色———让学生做课堂的主人———从易到难, 在不知不觉中一步步提高要求———达到教学的目的

3. 应用信息技术辅助教学的理想愿景。

(1) 现实生活中没有恐龙, 学生要认识它们, 只能通过标本, 图片, 资料和想象, 与真实情境中的实物相比, 信息技术更为安全、经济, 而且它可以为学生提供现实世界中难以获得的信息源和经验等。

这节英语看图作文课, 不仅仅以写作为目的, 更为重要的是培养学生搜集信息和利用信息解决问题的能力。学生在英语写作入门过程中难免会有畏难的心理, 下笔作文时难免会缩手缩脚, 缺乏自信心。因此, 紧凑的教学环节和灵活生动的教学手段就显得非常重要。方法、内容运用得当就会对学生有很大的帮助。

(2) 个别同学也很有可能会趁此机会浏览其他的与课堂内容无关的网页, 或者上QQ与他人进行聊天, 造成不必要的时间浪费。所以课的导入要新颖, 环节要紧凑, 让学生即兴参与, 全力投入, 无暇顾及其他, 效果自然会好。


上写作课之前, 我刚刚教完“Dinosaurs”课文中简单描述的几种恐龙的形状。趁着学生们还有一点点印象之时, 我决定从画恐龙入手, 把看图作文的技巧轻松地教给学生。一上课, 我就告诉学生今天我们要画画。“上英语课画画?不会吧?!”“老师, 你原来是不是美术老师改行教英语的啊?”学生们好奇地问, 我示意他们保持安静, 然后打开电脑, 在程序-附件-画图里画起恐龙来。学生们也饶有兴致地看着我的动作。

我画了一只奇特的恐龙:大大的头, 尖利的角, 锋利的牙齿, 彩色的翅膀, 又长又细的尾巴……学生们都笑出声来, 我问他们:What's this?他们马上会意地回答:It's a dinosaur!我高兴地称赞他们聪明。然后, 我又问学生这只恐龙有什么特征, 同学们你一言我一语地侃谈起来:a big head, two sharp horns, sharp teeth, colourful wings, long and small tail…之后, 我立即动手组织段落文字, 并借助投影展出下列英文。“This is my dinosaur.Its name is Thunder.It has a big head and two sharp horns.Thunder looks like a bird because it has two colourful wings.It has sharp teeth, but it only eats mice and fish.It has a long and small tail, it'so nice!”学生们全神贯注地盯着看, 有的还跟我念了起来。这时, 我故意问:“This is my dinosaur, what about yours?”我要求他们画出自己设计的恐龙来, 并用简单的语言讲述出来。大家兴奋地在自已的电脑上画起恐龙来, 不会画恐龙的学生则在网上找到了现成的恐龙的图片和文章。

我在教室的四周巡视了一会儿, 很多学生不断地提出问题“老师, ‘粗脖子’的英语怎么说?”“‘公主’怎么说呢?”……我便趁此机会告诉他们要养成查英语字典的习惯, 这样便可以增加词汇量。平时比较懒惰的学生这时候也变得很有兴趣。

片刻之后, 很多学生便完成了作业。我利用“网上邻居”的共享功能把平时成绩比较差的几个学生的作品, 用投影仪放出来, 他们的画法虽各有特点, 但不失可爱, 英语用得虽少但有自己的词汇, 学生们哈哈大笑起来。我便赞扬这几位同学的描述很有创意, 平时较少受到关注的同学高兴得脸都红了。我不断地展示着部分同学的作品, 指出他们各自精彩而有创意的地方, 比如“eat mud”“drink milk”“run fast”“look after babies”and so on。学生们的想象力很丰富, 我从不吝啬赞美。大家受到鼓舞, 纷纷主动地介绍自己的作品……课堂沸腾起来了。

最后, 我要求学生用自己的语言把提纲 (短语) 连成一段文章。大家一气呵成, 我在投影仪上一边批改一边评论。尽管有很多语法错误, 但我告诉他们不要紧, 只要勇于表达, 坚持下去, 错误会越来越少, 英语学得会越学越棒。

离下课还有几分钟, 我问学生对今天的英语课感觉如何, 同学们十分响亮地回答说很有趣, 我顺势告知他们今天上了一节看图作文课。啊?!他们都惊奇地瞪大了眼睛, 都说平时看到作文就害怕, 今天怎么……我微笑着说:“平时给同学们的是别人画好的图, 今天是给大家机会画图, 自己作文, 两者之间的角色调换了一下, 但方法是相通的, 都要发挥想象力。


新课程标准以课程创新为目的。而课程的创新是以学生为中心的。学生中心位置的确立, 要求教师不应是督促者, 而应是促进者或合作者。教师必须与学生真诚对话, 提出富有想像力的思考题, 鼓励学生借助一切教学手段寻找信息源, 自己动手解决问题。

3.初一英语作文带翻译 篇三

Dear Xiao Ming, How are you doing recently? We take pride in that you are good at playing computer games. Computers are more and more important in our lives. Playing games on them can help us know more about computers, which is very useful for our future lives. But if you are addicted to it, it’ll be quite harmful to you. It is not only bad for your health but also has bad influence to your study to spend too much time playing them. Next you should take an active part in all kinds of activities in your free time. We all know you are a cute boy, you must do better in the study if you spend less time playing computer games. Yours, Liu Chang


4.初一简单英语作文带翻译的 篇四

In my life, I have encounter many teachers. They all have different personality. Among all the teachers, I have a very specially teacher. You may be very surprised at my answer--the dictionary. The dictionary is a living teacher. When I was young, I really love to turn to the dictionary for help. Whenever I come across a new word, I will consult it and know its definition. I guess every student, their first teacher is dictionary.

The dictionary is a good teacher. It is convenient, inexpensive and contained almost everything. Sometimes I am just too shy to ask my teachers about the questions I have on my mind. Then I will turn to my dictionary for help. She is quite and never reject my request. The more I use it, the more familiar I will become with it. Right now, I really good at finding the page I am looking for.

As far as I concern, a dictionary is a necessity especially when you need to learn a foreign language. But you should remember that you can not never become too dependent on it. Basic language skills don’t come from dictionaries, but from practices. Anyway, it’s still my favorite teacher.



5.初一英语作文100词带翻译的 篇五

In recent years, Chinese government pedestals a policy that citizens can drive on the highway for free during holidays. Some people are in favor of the highway free policy, while others take an opposite side. As far as I am concerned, we can not afford to ignore that we don’t have to pay for driving on the highway, however, there are some disadvantages of the policy.


On the one hand, there is no doubt that the highway free policy could arouse people’s appetite for travel, when it comes to holiday, we can see a big traffic jam in every road, and countless sorrow faces. People think the policy is a great perk, but they didn’t realize everyone thinks so, therefore, when people going go travel, the scenic spot is crowded with people, what’s more, they have to wait for hours on the highway whether they go to travel or come back.


On the other hand, highway free policy might causes some problems, for instance, hygiene problems, safety problems and so on. Some people are with low ethical principles, when they are on the highway or in the scenic spot, they might throw rubbish wherever they want,which in highway is a terrible safety problem. Since the number of travel people have jumped so fast, the highway and scenic spot’s hygiene and safety problems are very easily out of control.


Therefore, it is quite clear that we should be charged for highways, even though it increases the travel money, I believe it is worth.

6.初一英语作文带翻译 篇六

It lives partly in water and partly on land.Although strictly a plant eaterthe hippopotamus has massive jaws with formidable tusks.

Hippos have an unpredictable temperament and are capable of biting through small boats and slicing crocodiles in two.

Hippos trample riverbanks and lakeshorescreating a maze of waterside paths and wallows that they use to get access to the plants they eat.




7.初一英语日记带翻译80字 篇七

today is my birthday. my mother bought me seven small candles and they are colorful and beautiful.

in the evening,i set them in my birthday cake one by one. many friends came to celebrate my birthday. i was very happy.

when i blew out the small candles,all my friends said,“wang bo,happy birthday to you。” in the end,all of us got dancing happily.

i enjoyed a happy birthday。





8.英语作文带翻译 篇八

I am weak in Chinese, so I don’t like Chinese class, but Miss Li can make the class very active and funny, all the students focus their minds.

Now my Chinese improves, I owe it to Miss Li.



9.英语作文带翻译 篇九

Hi, I am Sally.My favourite toy is my lovely bear.It is very cute.It has brown and tender fur.I always sleep with it.It is my good friend.I play with it afteir school.I like it very much.


10.元宵的英语作文带翻译英语作文 篇十

Lantern Festival, every family hanging lanterns, burning fireworks, firecrackers, is this why? I bring this problem to book to find the answer.

I took a try, to find the answer. Originally, there was a hunter accidentally killed a divine bird, the jade emperor of heaven heard of this thing, daihatsu LeiTing, in the fourteenth, 15, ShiLiuSanTian burn earth all of the animals. Heaven there is a kind of fairy, she heard the jade emperor, immediately came to earth, told the story to the human, the human very worried. At this time, an old man said: ”we in every household in the last three days are full of red lanterns, fireworks, holding a torch.“ In these days the jade emperor saw the flames, the human is thought that the fire is burning...

Oh, I take a tumble. This is the cause of the Lantern Festival hanging lanterns, fireworks! Each traditional culture of the motherland hides a magical legend! Once again I deeply intoxicated in the excellent traditional Chinese culture.

The Lantern Festival next year, I must personally hang lanterns, fireworks, let our family reunion, thriving last year after year.





11.我的家庭初一英语作文带翻译 篇十一

My father is 48 years old . He is fond of fund and bring us much happiness. My mother is as old as him. She just a housewife and keep her mind on cooking.

The food she cook is the most delicious that I think. My little brother likes playing basketball and My sister is a lovely girl .They are all just student . But My sister like study is more than my brother.

They used to quarrel , but still love each other. I love my family.




