Book 2 Unit 5 第一课时 教案教学设计(人教版英语高一)


Book 2 Unit 5 第一课时 教案教学设计(人教版英语高一)(精选11篇)

1.Book 2 Unit 5 第一课时 教案教学设计(人教版英语高一) 篇一



一:1.Canadian2.continent3.have a chat with=chat with sb.4.scenery5.baggage7.measure


二:1.Rather than2.settling down3.was surrounded by

4.caught sight of三:1.East of… lies2.made a promise that3.a gift for … you think…rather than四:1.found sb.surrounded by and he looked worried




4.across: go walk across the street,swim across the river从表面过Through :从中间穿过 through the froestvalley

Over : 从上面越过 over mountainclimb over the wall

7.within the reach of 够得着beyond the reach of够不着

9.As far as we know 就我所知

2.Book 2 Unit 5 第一课时 教案教学设计(人教版英语高一) 篇二

课程标准要求学生在了解化学反应速率含义的基础上, 进一步理解化学反应速率的表示方法, 知道化学反应速率的定量表示方法, 并掌握通过实验测定某些化学反应速率.本节课主要目的是让学生通过设计实验定量测定锌与硫酸的反应速率, 让学生学会对反应速率从定性的描述转变为定量测定的科学研究思路和方法, 并让学生在实践中培养合作精神, 理解科学、技术与社会的相互作用, 形成科学的价值观和实事求是的科学态度.为了对概念的理解更科学更全面, 同时给下一节课内容的学习创设问题情境, 本节课实验结合了人教版与苏教版教材内容, 将比较反应速率和测定反应速率结合起来, 使实验目的更明确, 更完整.


采用“预学检测→认知冲突→引导归纳→典例应用→动手实验→分析归纳→思维拓展”的教学思路和方法, 注重概念的理解和运用, 引导学生树立“理论指导实验、实验服务应用”的化学学习思想, 让学生从身边走进化学, 从化学走向社会.



3. 教学反思

对于化学反应速率概念及进行简单计算采用先学后教, 有关内容安排在预习案中, 学生课前完成, 学生完成的情况很好.课堂上对有关问题再进行加深讨论, 让学生的理解从“物质的量浓度”拓展到“可计量的性质”, 使学生形成完整科学的概念, 在后面比较和测定化学反应速率的实验方案讨论中学生讨论比较全面.

3.Book 2 Unit 5 第一课时 教案教学设计(人教版英语高一) 篇三

Unite3 What are you doing for vacation?

The First Period Teaching aims: 1.learn the new words of this period 2.learn the following sentence patterns

What + be + 主语 + Ving + for vacation? 回答:主语+be+Ving„„

When + be + 主语+ Ving? 回答:主语+ be+ Ving +时间 What are you doing for vacation?

I’m spending time with my friends

When are you going?

I’m going next week.3.现在进行时表示将来


Teaching procedures

Step1 Leading-in The teacher say “The National Day is coming, we will have a seven-day holiday.What are you doing during the holiday? Before you answer my question, let’s learn some new words first.”

Step2 Present the new words The verb babysit can be presented like this: You can show students a short cartoon.In this cartoon, a baby is crying, after hearing this ,a girl comes to look after the baby.She gives the baby some food and make the baby stop crying.After finishing watching this cartoon, you can say to your students “the girl is babysitting the baby”

The ways of presenting “camp” and “plan” are the same as babysit Step3 Practice

① 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词

1.Jack has to b_____his sister’s baby on Saturday 2.He p_____to have a relaxing vacation 3.I’m going_____(宿营)with my classmates.②让学生自己用这三个词造句

Step4 1a

①Ask students to look at the picture in 1a,and have students work in groups of four to discuss and finish it.②Correct the answers

Step5 1b ①Display the wall calendar and present the expression: what are you doing for vacation? I’m staying home on Sunday.②let students listen to the recording and ask them to write a conversation number from 1 to 3 in each box.③Check the answers

Step6 1c ①Read the sample dialogue in 1c to students ②let students do the pairwork ③let students perform the dialogue in class in different moods such as happy, irritated,bored or in different role relationships such as a parent and child, husband and wife, two friends,etc.④let students ask and answer the questions about the people in the picture

Step7 2a.2b First ask the students to look at the chart.Make them understand the listening task carefully.Second let students predict the content of the listening task, according to the information that the task has given.Third paly the recording for the first time ,point out the sample.Hector is visiting his cousins on Friday.For the second time, let students finish the filling task.Step8 2c ①Ask two students to read the dialogue ②Have students to ask and answer in pairs ③let students talk about their vacation plans

④Ask some pairs to say their conversations to the class.Step9 Grammar Focus Review the grammar box

①What + be + 主语 + Ving + for vacation?


What are you doing for vacation? I am visiting my grandmother What is she doing for vacation? She is going camping What are they doing for vacation? They are relaxing at home When + be + 主语+ Ving 回答:主语+ be+ Ving +时间 When are you going? I am going on Monday

4.Book 2 Unit 5 第一课时 教案教学设计(人教版英语高一) 篇四



















书包:45元 文具盒:12元 彩笔 3.5元 橡皮擦:0.50元 铅笔:0.80元 日记本:3元


师:请同学们仔细观察,你能不能把这些表示价格的数分成两类?该怎样分? 根据学生回答,教师在黑板上板书将商品价格分成两类: 书 包:45元 彩笔:3.50元 文具盒:12元 橡皮擦:0.50元 日记本:3元 铅笔:0.80元 师:为什么要这样分?这两组数有什么区别?(左边这一组数是整数,右边这一组数中间有一个小圆点。)





(多让一些学生试读以上商品价格,教师适时的引导、评 价。)



4、老师还发现了这样一些小数,你们会读吗?(教师在大屏幕上出示其它一些小数让学生先在同桌内 读读,再请学生汇报。)


6、你们会写小数吗? 课件出示几道题



8、找找生活中的小数 课件出示


1、师:“刚才我们看了那么多小数,那到底怎样的数可以 用什么来表示呢?下面我们用这个小朋友的身高来研究一下。”




出示米尺:把1米平均分成10分,每份是多少分米?用 分数表示是 米,还可以写成0.1米。



教师指着米尺问:把1米平均分成100份,每份是多少厘 米?用分数表示是 米,还可以写成0.01米。

3厘米是几分之几米,写成小数是多少米?18厘米呢? 让学生把答案写在课本上。通过刚才的练习你发现了什么?



王东身高1米30厘米,写成小数是()米。全班交流,写成1.3米和1.30米都是对的。(因为30厘 米也就是3分米。)






2、完成练习二十一第2题,巩固小数的读法,并让学生 说说你在题中获得了哪些信息。





5.Book 2 Unit 5 第一课时 教案教学设计(人教版英语高一) 篇五

1. Talk about eating habits and health. Talk about seeing the doctor. Practise giving advice and making suggestions.

2. Use the modal verbs: had better, should and ought to.

3. Learn some useful cooking terms. Read and write recipes.

Ⅱ. Teaching Times: 5 periods

The First Period

§ Teaching Aims:

1. Learn and master the following words and phrases: sweet, mushroom, fried, junk food, fat, snack, stomach, fever, salad, peach, ripe, ought, examine, plenty, all the time, have a fever, be careful with, plenty of.

2. Sentence Patterns: (1) advise sb. (not) to do sth.

(2) There’s sth. wrong with…

3. Train the Ss’ listening ability.

4. Develop the Ss’ speaking ability by describing, talking and discussion.

§ Important Points & Difficult Points:

1. Trains the Ss’ listening ability.

2. Master the new phrases, sentence patterns and everyday English and make the Ss be free to talk about their favourite food and give reasons for their decisions.

3. How to finish the task of speaking.

§ Teaching Methods:

1. Listening-and-answering activity to help Ss go through with the listening material.

2. Individual, pair or group work to make every student work in class.

§ Teaching Aids:

1. a tape recorder

2. the blackboard

§ Teaching Procedures:

Step 1. Warming-up: Brainstorm (words about food)

* List the food we eat in the Spring Festival:

rice, porridge, noodle, dumpling, corn, big flatbread, steamed bun, fried twisted dough sticks, walnut, peanut, chestnut, bean cake, mushroom, fried chips, hamburger, ice cream, chocolate, apple, pear, banana, orange, grape, chicken, beef, fish, pork, cucumber, carrot, tomato, potato, cabbage.

* Fill in the table

Name Food Junk food / Healthy food





* Talk: Are these food good for our health, or be harm to our health?


A: Do you like eating fried chips? B: Yes, I like it very much.

A: But I think it is junk food, because it has a lot of fat and sugar.

B: Really? So I’d better not eat too much.

Step 2. Speaking

T: There are so many food for us to eat, right? They are very delicious, but if you eat too much in a meal, or eat some raw food, you will be ill as Sharon. Turn to Page 3, read the dialogue and pay attention to the useful expressions.

* Useful Expression

I’ve got a pain here. This place hurts. I don’t feel well.

There’s sth. wrong with my back / my knee / my arm.

Lie down and let me examine you. Let me have a look.

* Make a short dialogue

Step 3. Listening

* First time, listen carefully and try to understand what does it talk about?

* Second time, answer the following questions

1. What’s wrong with Mike?

2. What did Mike have for breakfast?

3. Can you give Mike some advice? What should he eat less of?

* Third time, answer the next three questions

1. Which side of Mike’s stomach hurts?

2. Does Mike have a fever?

3. What does the doctor tell Mike to do?

Step 4. Homework

1. One reading exercise everyday

2. Ex1 & 2 on Page 72

3. Preview the reading part

§ The Design of the Writing on the Bb

Unit 13 Healthy eating (first period)

Brainstorm: Words & Phrases:

dumpling, all the time

corn, have a fever

noodle… be careful with…

The Second Period

§ Teaching Aims:

1. Learn and master the following words and phrases: soft, bar, fuel, diet, calory, pace, bean, fibre, mineral, disease, environmental, chemical, probably, balance, keep up with, too much, make choices, be harmful to, lose weight, be prepared for, go for

2. Improve the Ss’ reading ability.

3. Enable the Ss to understand the best way to make sure that we will feel and look fine is to develop healthy eating habits by learning the reading text

§ Important Points & Difficult Points:

1. Improve the Ss’ reading ability.

2. Master the following phrases: keep up with, too much, make choice, be harmful to, lose weight, be prepared for.

3. How to make the Ss understand the reading material better and answer the questions on the passage.

§ Teaching Method:

1. Discussion before reading to make Ss interested in what they will learn

2. Discussion after reading to make Ss understand what they’ve learned better

3. Fast reading to get a general idea of each paragraph

4. Careful reading to get the detailed information in the text

§ Teaching Aids:

1. a tape recorder

2. the blackboard

§ Teaching Procedures:

Step 1. Review the words and phrases learnt last period

Step 2. Pre-reading

Q1. Which of the following gives you the most energy: a banana, a soft drink, a bar of chocolate? (a bar of chocolate)

Q2. How many meals do you eat every day? Which meal do you think is the most important? Why? (3, breakfast)

Q3. How much water do you drink every day?

Step 3. Reading

* Fast reading, what does the text mainly talk about?

* Details

Q1. What does the word “green” mean in the text above? What about the word “fuel”? Can you find any other words used in the same way?

A: unpolluted, unharmful and good for people’s health; other words used in the same way; fuel means all the things we eat for our bodies, it can help keep our body functioning and fighting disease.

Q2. The text gives examples of how people make choices about what they eat. List the examples and the reasons why people eat or don’t eat certain kinds of food.

A: Many people today make choices about their eating habits based on what they believe. Some people are vegetarians, because they believe it is healthier not to eat meat or because they do not think we should kill animals for food.

Q3. How have our eating habits changed? Why? Try to think of as many examples and reasons as possible.

A: People have experienced the processes from having no enough food to having enough food, and later from having enough food to having better food. Now people buy and eat sth. , we not only think about if the will give us the nutrients we need, but also if the food belongs to eco-foods.

Q4. Why do people go to fast food restaurants?

A: it is very convenient, and it can save time.

Q5. Why is it not good for you to eat too much sugar or fat?

A: If people eat too much sugar and fat, they put on weight very easily and some of them may have bad teeth.

Q6. Why are crash diets and supplements so popular?

A: Because people want to be smarter, healthier, in particular, young people want to be more beautiful. It goes with the need of the times.

Q7. What can we do to keep a balanced diet?

A: Buy and eat good, nutrient foods from all the food in the right amounts, and eat less sugar and take more exercise.

* More exercises: translate the sentences underlined on Page4 into Chinese

Step 4. Homework

1. Finish word study on Page5

2. Preview the integrating skill reading on Page74

3. One reading exercise every day

The Third Period

§ Teaching Aims:

1. Learn and master the following words and phrases: soft, bar, fuel, diet, calory, pace, bean, fibre, mineral, disease, environmental, chemical, probably, balance, keep up with, too much, make choices, be harmful to, lose weight, be prepared for, go for

2. Improve the Ss’ reading ability.

3. Enable the Ss to understand the best way to make sure that we will feel and look fine is to develop healthy eating habits by learning the reading text

§ Important Points & Difficult Points:

1. Improve the Ss’ reading ability.

2. Master the following phrases: keep up with, too much, make choice, be harmful to, lose weight, be prepared for.

3. How to make the Ss understand the reading material better and answer the questions on the passage.

§ Teaching Method:

1. Discussion before reading to make Ss interested in what they will learn

2. Discussion after reading to make Ss understand what they’ve learned better

3. Fast reading to get a general idea of each paragraph

4. Careful reading to get the detailed information in the text

§ Teaching Aids:

1. a tape recorder

2. the blackboard

§ Teaching Procedures:

Step 1. Revision: What does the text mainly talk about?

Ask some Ss to try to say sth. about the text.

Step 2. Integrating Skills--Don’t be a Mouse Potato (on Page74)

* Fast Reading

Read the quickly in 5 minutes, and then answer the following questions.

Q1. What is a couch potato?

A: couch potatoes means people who spend too much time in front of the TV and eat too much junk food.

Q2. What is junk food according to this text?

A: It is food that has a lot of calories but few nutrients, vitamins and minerals.

Q3. Why are people becoming potatoes and what can people do to avoid it?

A: One reason is our modern way of life; we must make sure that our diet is varied and balanced.

* More reading exercises on extra materials from English Weekly.

Step 3. Important Points and Difficult Points

1. prepare (sth.) to do / for… 2. in the form of… 以…形式

prepare oneself for… 3. be short of 短缺…

be / get prepared for / to do… 4. go for 也如此,对…也适用,向…攻击

5. be based on / upon 以…为依据

6. exercise不可数,意为“运动” exercises可数,意为“练习,体操,演习”

7. not a bit一点儿也不 not a little非常

* Exercises

1. Bob is a diligent student and is ___ his coming examinations while his mother is ___ supper.

A. preparing for; preparing for B. preparing; preparing for

C. preparing for; preparing D. preparing; preparing

2. We should do more exercises, both __ for our health and __ for our knowledge.

A.exercise;exercise B. exercises;exercisesC.exercise;exercises D.exercises; exercise

3. ___ do you base your calculation?

A. On which B. On what C. About what D. For what

4. some stones weigh ___ fifteen tons.

A. as more as B. so more as C. as much as D. as many as

5. ---Are all the telephone numbers ___ in the directory? ---Yes, all __ Jane’s.

A. listed; included B. listing; includes C. listed; including D. being listed; includes

6. Before the election, the candidates(候选人) ___ each other in the newspaper.

A. went with B. went for C. went over D. went forth

7. The boy __ on the ground __ that he had seen a cock __ an egg.

A. laying; lay; lay B. lying; lie; lie C. lying; lied; lay D. lay; lying; lay

8. Jenny ___ have kept his word. I wonder why she changed her mind.

A. must B. should C. need D. would

9. We ___ last night, but we went to the concert instead.

A. must have studied B. might study C. should have studied D. would study

Answers: 1. C 2. C 3. B 4. C 5. C 6. B 7. C 8. B 9. C

Step 4. Homework

1. One reading exercise every day

2. Prepare a healthy diet and explain why it is healthy

3. Remember the first 15 words and prepare for the dictation.

The Forth Period

§ Teaching Aims:

1. Review the words learned in the last three periods.

2. Learn and master modal verbs: had better, should, ought to

§ Important Points & Difficult Points:

1. How to guess the missing word according to the given sentence.

2. Let the Ss learn how to give advice or opinion about sth. , especially master hoe to use “should, ought to, had better and their negative forms” to give advice.

§ Teaching Aids:

1. a tape recorder

2. the blackboard

§ Teaching Procedures:

Step 1. Revision---dictation about the first 15 words in this Unit

1. junk food 2. fat 3. stomach 4. salad 5. ought to 6. energy 7. peach 8. plenty of 9. examine 10. ripe 11. soft 12. fever 13. fuel 14. diet 15. keep up with

Step 2. Word Study

Give Ss 5 minutes to do the exercises on Page5, then ask some Ss to say the Chinese meaning of the sentences, and check the answers.

1. nutrient 2. diet 3. vitamin 4. mineral 5. fat 6. sugar 7. protein 8. calory

Step 3. Grammar

* Translate the following sentences into English

1. 外面很冷,你最好穿上你大衣。

It is cold outside, you’d better put on your coat.

2. 你最好别脱下你的衣服。

You had better not take off your clothes.

3. 我们应该尊敬老师和父母。

We should / ought to respect our teachers and parents.

4. 你不应该这么粗心。

You shouldn’t / ought not to be so careless.

* More exercises on Page5 and Page74

Step 4. Homework

1. One reading exercise every day

6.Book 2 Unit 5 第一课时 教案教学设计(人教版英语高一) 篇六

2. Give advice and make suggestions

3. description-----describe

4. be based on…

based on=according to

5. What is being done to protect the cultural sites?

6. Your job is to make a culture capsule.

7. It will be sent into space so that anyone who finds it will understand who we are.

8. represent Chinese culture

9. You may include a short message in any language in the box, but remember that those who find the capsule may not understand your language.

10. In your opinion, what makes a great city?

11. Where there is a river, there is a city.

12. during one’s life in one’s lifetime

13. It was under attack for 900 days, but the people of the city never gave in.

14. be almost in ruins

15. lie in pieces on the ground

16. Restoring the city and its culture relics seemed impossible, but the people of the city would not give up.

17. We will not let our history and culture be destroyed, and we will do everything we can to save our city.

18. rebuild the city

19. bring the city back to life

20. bring back the beauty of their culture and history.

21. with the help of

22. old paintings, including a portrait of

23. look out over the city

24. Dreams can come true.

25. over a period of 150 years

26. The king wished to pull down the city wall and replace it with a stone building.

27. the city’s largest ever cultural relics repair project

28. keep the same look as the old one

29. To make your voice heard, you can write a letter to a newspaper editor.

30. The carbon dioxide from their breath is damaging the paintings.

31. The number of visitors should be limited.

7.Book 2 Unit 5 第一课时 教案教学设计(人教版英语高一) 篇七




考例: A group of ___ are eating ___ and ___ at the foot of the hill. (NMET’95) A. sheep; grass; leaves B. sheeps; grasses; leaves C. sheep; grass; leaf D. sheeps; grass; leafs

e.g. His family is going to have a long journey.

The whole family are watching TV.

注意:集体名词为 people, police, cattle,谓语动词用复数形式

e.g. The police are searching for the thief.

由集体名词,如family, team, class, crew, company等作主语时, 如果看成一个整体,谓语动词用 单数形式,如果看成其中各成员, 则用复数形式 。


考例:All the ___ are made of ___ , not plastics. (MET’93)

A. glass; glass B. glasses; glass C. glass; glasses D. glasses; glasses

成双成对构成的东西,如glasses, shoes, chopsticks, scissors等作主语,谓语动词用复数形式,但与pair一起构成作主语时,谓语动词的形式与的数一致.

e.g. This is pair of glasses is his.


e.g. The Emperor’s Clothes was written by Hans Christian Anderson.

2)不定代词each, every, no所修饰的名词,即使用 and或逗号连接作主语,或主语为more than one, many a + n.谓语动词用单数

Every boy and every girl has a book in their bags.

Many a teacher has been there.

More than one child has read the book.



When and where to build the new factory ___ yet. (NET’91)

A. is not decided B. are not decided C. has not decided D. have not decided



1) A library with five thousand books ___ to the nation as a gift. A. is offered B. has offered C. are offered D. have offered

2) E-mail, as well as telephones, ___ an important part in daily communication. (上海’90) A. is playingB. have played C. are playing D. play

3) Nobody but Jane ___ the secret. (MET’86)

A. know B. knows C. have knownD. is known

当主语前有as well as, as much as, no less than, along with, with, like, rather than, together with, besides, in addition to等引起的短语作后置定语时,谓语动词的形式视主语的单复数而定.


e.g. The rich are to help the poor.

The wounded was a young boy.

以定冠词the + adj.(或过去分词)结构作主语,谓语动词常用复数形式,如the brave, the poor, the blind, the sick, the unemployed等,但有少数过去分词与定冠词连用时指个体,用单数形式。


1.[考例]--- Each of the students , working hard at his or her lessons, ___ to go to university.

--- So do I. (上海’98)

A. hope B. hopes C. hoping D. hoped

当either (each, one)+ of+复数名词,或some, any, no, every和body, one或thing构成复合不定代词作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式. none, neither作主语时,谓语动词单复数都可.


She is one of the few girls who ___in the kindergarten. (上海‘94)

A. is well paid B. are well paid C. is paying well D. are paying well

关系代词在定语从句中作主语时,谓语 动词的形式与句中先行词应保持一致。

e.g. Those who want to go please sign your name here. This is the photo, which shows my house.

[注意]在“one of+复数名词+关系代词” 的结构中,定语从句中谓语动词用复 数形式;但是若前有the only, the every将其限定为只有一个时, 谓语动词用单数形式。

e.g. Tom is one of the students who are good at playing football.

Tom is the only one of the students who is good at playing football.



___ of the land in that district___ covered with trees and grass.(上海2000)

A. Two fifth; is B. Two fifth; are C. Two fifths; isD. Two fifths; are

由分数或百分数或或a lot of, lots of, plenty of, a large quantity of, half of, the rest of+名词作主语时,谓语动词的形式与of 后面的名词的数一致

e.g. Lots of damage was caused by fire.

Some students are planting trees. The rest of them are watering them.


1) What we need is more time and more materials.

2) What we need are teachers.

8.Book 2 Unit 5 第一课时 教案教学设计(人教版英语高一) 篇八

I. Words and expressions:

inch be proud of;

fortunate ache box(v.) Greek require aim kindergarten clothing collar judge clap glance victory gain fellow delighted cheer friendship;

gymnastics gymnast gym bar supermarket Berlin body-building Sweden balance backwards physical fully neatly steady keep one’s balance beam handstand mat trainer lose one’s voice.

II. Everyday English:

What can I do for you? How can I help you?

There’s something wrong with… Where does it hurt?

I feel terrible/I don’t feel well. I’ve got a pain here.

My…hurts. /I hurt my… I’ve got a headache and a cough.

I’ve got a temperature. Let me take a look at it/you.

It’s nothing serious.

Do this treatment twice a day for a week.

Take this medicine /two pills three times a day.

What seems to be the matter?

It’ll/You’ll be all right/well/better soon

III. Grammar:


IV. Language use:

运用所学语言,围绕体操这一题材,完成听,说,写的任务;阅读课文 “Gymnastics”和 “A gymnastics competition”, 认真理解, 增加学生对体操的了解, 并完成有关练习.

Lesson 33

Step 1 Revision

Questions: 1.How many of you do gymnastics?

2.What particular things are you good at?

1. What pieces of equipment do you use in gymnastics?

2. Do men and women, boys and girls do the same kinds of exercises?

Step 2 Presentation

SB Page49, Part1 Introduce the situation

Sharon is a gymnast. She’s at the doctor’s.

Read the dialogue and find the answers to the questions:

1.What’s the matter with Sharon?

She has hurt her shoulder.

2.What does the doctor tell her to do?

The doctor tells her to use a special treatment.

Step 3 Dialogue

Language points:

1.What can I do for you? A set expression often used when someone comes to you for advice. The shopkeepers do not use this, but instead: Can I help you?

2.Let me take a look at your shoulder. take a look

“看一看” take/have a +n. 表示一个短暂的动作. 这个n.是一个有动作含义的名词 eg. take/have a look,

take/have a walk, take/have a rest, take/have a sleep

①She took a look at herself in the mirror.

②Let me have a good look at you , Lucy!

③After work, they took/had a rest.

④Why not go out and take a walk?

3.I knocked into him . = I hit him with my body.

knock into “把…敲入” 如: Can you knock the nail

into the wall?

knock into sb./sth. 撞着某人/某物.

① The boy ran for the ball and knocked into a man.

② He walked in the dark and knocked into a tree.

4.and fell over onto my shoulder: I fell to the ground and

my shoulder hit the floor. fall over “跌交”

①John slipped on a banana skin and fell over.

②He pushed on through the snow. Then he began to

fall over his own feet.

5.Have you ever used…treatment? Have you ever treated

your body by using a hot cloth and a packet of frozen


6.And so on and so on = repeatedly “就这样反复循环”

但是and so on 译为“等等”

7. not fit to eat: not good enough. be fit for/to do

Step 4 Practice

SB Page49, Part2

Step 5 Workbook

Wb Lesson33,Exx1-3 Try to retell the story about Sharon

Lesson 34

Step 1 Revision

Check the homework exercises.

Step 2 Presentation

SB P50, Part1 Ss talk about the pictures on the front color

page and on P51. Then discuss the two questions.

Step 3 Reading

Ss count the number of paragraphs (6,the last of which

contains 4 numbered sections). Read the passage quickly

and find out what the text is about.(1.history 3.

age 4.boys and girls 5.different equipment

Step 4 Reading

Wb Lesson 34, Ex.1 Ss go through the exercises first, then

read the whole passage carefully at last choose the best .

Language points:

1.The Greek language: The word gymnos means naked in

Greek, as athletes and gymnasts didn’t wear any clothes.

Gym is short for gymnastics and also is the word for the

building in which people practise gymnastics.

2.There are also records of gymnastics being performed in China…We have written reports of…

being performed 是动词-ing 形式的被动语态,作定语

-ing 形式的被动语态是由 “being+done” 构成,

eg. being shown/being repaired/being built

①The houses being built by our company will be completed soon.

②The prices of the computers being shown here are

still unknown. -ing 形式的被动语态除了作定语外也可以用作其它成分.

①He didn’t mind being left at home.

②He came here without being asked.

③Being lost can be a terrifying experience.

④At the beginning of school the noise of desks being

opened and closed could be heard out in the street.

3.some other Asian countries: particularly India and Per-

sia (now called Iran). it prepares you for the types of movements…

prepare sb. for… “使某人对…进行准备”

①The teachers are preparing their students for the term


②The parents prepared their children for their first day

in school.

③They prepared themselves for the worst.

you is here used impersonally, and there is an exercise on this point in Part 4.

3. perform some of their exercises to music: perform some

of their exercises in time to music.

do music “伴随音乐做某事”

①They were dancing to light music.

②The students are doing eye exercises to music.

③The dancing performance started to the strains of a folk


4. move neatly and easily: move gracefully and in a con- trolled way, especially while controlling the movement of the head and limbs.(arms and legs)

5. hold a position steady:stay in a position without moving

6. doing a handstand: standing on one’s hands with one’s

feet in the air.

10.double bars: called “parallel bars” by gymnasts

11.a type of “horse” with two hands: called a “pommel

horse” by gymnasts

12.high-and-low bars: called “asymmetric bars”

13.There are… while training. There are some simple pie-

ces of safety advice which you should follow when

practising your gym exercises.

When/while doing/done sth. 此用法要求主,从句的主语

一致. ①When told of the news, she got very excited.

②While wondering about all this, he discovered that his teacher was more serious than ever.

14.Training by yourself in a gym can be highly dangerous:

can 表示一时的情况, “有时候会..” can 的这一用法,只


① The weather in the south is generally warm, but it can

be very cold sometimes.

② Children are lovely, but they can be tiring.

highly adv. in or to a high degree “高度的,” “非常的”

He is a highly skilled worker.

They speak/think highly of him.

Step 5 Note making


1 Floor 1 Floor

2 Horse 2 Horse

3 Rings 3 High- and low bars

4 Double bars 4 Beam

5 High bar

6 Horse with two handles

Step 6 Study SB P51 Part 4 Further examples:

your body/you hold your body/yourself/you take off/

you start/your health/you are unwell.

Step 7 Workbook Wb Lesson34 Exx.2, 3

Step 8 Consolidation Get the Ss to tell each other of their

personal experiences in gym, and any gymnastics events

they have been to or have seen on TV.


Write the number of each picture next to the correct part of

the text. Finish off the rest of the exercises.

Lesson 35

Step 1 Revision Check the homework exercises.

Step 2 Reading

SB P52 Part 1 Ss read the passage quickly to find the

answers to the following questions:

1. Why was Zhou Lan at a disadvantage, compared with

some of the other competitors?

2. How did she feel before the competition?

3. What kind of person do you think Zhou Lan is?

4. How do you think some of the other girls were feeling

before the competition started?

5. In what way was it clear that she had done well?

For answers, see TB P67

Language points:

1. a Sunday in October: a here means an unspecific day.

2. no more time for talk: no time(to do/for doing/for sth.)

There’s no time to waste. There’s no time for chatting.

I have no time for my studies.

3. They each had to perform…the floor.

They/We each作主语时,each 是同位语, 谓语应和

They/We 一致 They each have a computer on the desk.

We have each written a short article on this subject.

the floor 是指自由体操floor exercises

4. made no serious mistakes: didn’t make any serious mis-


5. did a neat circle: swung round the bar in a neat way.

6. glanced at: looked quickly at

He glanced at his watch and left in a hurry.

7.They were busy writing: they were writing and were

busy. Eg. She was happy living in the capital.

8.The first thing she did was go up to her trainer and thank her…

主句中的两个表语go up to /thank her for 都省略了to

这是因为主句的主语有定语从句she did 修饰, 一般说来解释do 的精确意思的分句,可以不带to 的动词

不定式. Eg. All I did was (to) give him a little push.

What we want to do now is ( to)lie down and rest.

Step 3 Practice

SB P52, Part 2 Suggested answers see TB P67

SB P53, Part 3 Suggested answers: 1.have just arrived 3.has 4.are having 5.wants6.aims/aim7.are waiting

Step 4 Practice

SB P53, Part4. Revise object clauses. For answers see TB


SB P53, Part5. Answers: 1.where 2.what 3.whether many 5.which 7.whom 8.when

Step 5 Workbook Wb Lesson35 Exx.1-3

Homework : Finish off the Workbook exercises.

Lesson 36

Step 1 Revision Check the homework exercises

Step 2 Checkpoint GO through it quickly

Step 3 Word study

SB P54 Part2 Answers: 1.content 2.clapped 3.backwards

5. boxing 5.cheered 6.fortunate 7.glanced 8.proud

9.friendship 10..delighted 11.nod 12.gain

Step 4 Writing Practise indirect speech in a letter format in

a controlled way.

Step 5 Workbook Wb Lesson 36 Exx.1-3

9.Book 2 Unit 5 第一课时 教案教学设计(人教版英语高一) 篇九

1. in relation to 与…有关系,关于;

2. lie off the western coast of … 位于…西海岸

3. lie in the south of …=lie in the southern part of…位于……(里)的南边

4. lie to the south of …=lie to the southern part of…位于……外的南边

5. make a living from sth/ doing sth/ by doing sth 依靠...过活

6. be made up of 由...组成

make up 构成

make up for 弥补

7. be surrounded by/ with 由...环绕

8. the same size as 和...面积一样大

9.further to the south 更南边

10.a natural deep harbour 一个自然深水港

11.a natural landscape 一处自然风光

12. a mild sea climate 温和的海洋气候

13 make electricity 发电

14. take/get /gain possession of 拥有,占有,获得;占据,占领

be in possession of某人占有某物(主动)

be in the possession of sb…为某人所有(被动)

15.sign an agreement (with sb) (与...)签署协议 a sign of 作为...的象征

17.sign one’s name 签名 celebrated as 作为...庆祝

19.national holiday/ song/ flag/ day 国假日/国歌/国旗/国庆日

20. refer to 指的是; 参考,查阅; 提及

21.a matter of time 时间问题

22.have a population of 有...的人口

23. growing numbers of 越来越多的

24. at an early age 很小时候

25. be marked with 用…作标记

26. turn to sth/ doing sth 开始干,求助于,转向 of great importance 很重要

be of good/high quality 质量上乘

28.outdoor/ indoor activities 户外/ 室内活动

29. import and export business 进出口贸易

30. go sailing/camping驾船航行/宿营

31.sheep/cattle farming 养羊业/养牛业

32.early/mid-/late December 12月上旬/中旬/下旬

33. settle down 安居;平静下来

settle a problem/ solve a problem 解决问题 famous/known/well-known for因…而出名

be famous as 作为…而出名

be famous to对…来说有名

35. lie/be far away from 离……很远

36. be skilled at 擅长

37. keep the Chinese economy going 使中国经济运行

38. working conditions 工作条件


1. New Zealand is an island that lies off the eastern coast of Australia.(P38)


2. It is made up of two large islands: North Island and South Island.


3.It is about the same size as Japan.(P38)


4.The North Island is famous for an area of hot springs,some of which throw hot water high into the air.(P38)


5.New Zealand has a population of about 3.8 million people,of which about 14 percent are Maori.(P41)


6. Since the mid-1980s growing numbers of Asians have settled in New Zealand, and they make up about six percent of the total population . (P41)


7. These occasions are marked with speeches, singing and dancing. 在这些日子,人们发表讲话,还载歌载舞来庆祝。

8.New Zealand wine is of high quality and is sold all over the world.(P42)


9. Living in a country with plenty of space and a good climate, New Zealanders love all kinds of sport and outdoor activities.


10. New Zealand, with its natural beauty, mountains, rivers, and national parks, also attracts tourists form all over the world.


11. Despite the fact that New Zealand is so far away, ties have existed between the two nations from early on. (P104)


12. He came to China in the 1920s and first worked in Shanghai where he worked on creating better working conditions in factories. (P104)


13. In the Chinese government honoured him for his work helping the Chinese people for more than 50 years.(P105)

10.Book 2 Unit 5 第一课时 教案教学设计(人教版英语高一) 篇十

1. Practise making comments and giving opinions.

2. Ask questions about the place where they grew up, the time when they were young, the reason why they chose their jobs and about their career.

3. After graduating, she went to New York, where she started working as an actress and won the Theatre World Award for her role in a play.

4. During the 1980s and 1990s she won many more prizes while acting in famous films such as….

5. In the beginning he took many small jobs to make money.

6. This was a film in which Spielberg used real actors instead of toys.

7. The reason why he could not go there was that his grades were too low.

8. Here he worked on a short film, which won him a job as the youngest film director in the world.

9. This was the moment when Spielberg’s career really took off.

10. Many people who saw the film were afraid to swim in the sea when they remembered the scenes in which people were eaten by the shark.

11. Scientists want to find ET to cut him into pieces to do research.

12. But in the world of children and the world where ET comes from, love and friendship are the most important things in life.

13. When the park is hit by a storm, things start going wrong.

14. In his war film, he has shown that love and peace will win over war in the end.

15. When asked about the secret of his success, Steven Spielberg said that he owes much of his success and happiness to his wife and children.

16. After that it still took seven years before they finally got married.

17. While watching Titanic, most people couldn’t help crying when it came to the scene in which Jack saves the life of the girl but dies in icy water himself.

18. Film companies often make follow-ups to films that have been very successful.

19. Zhang Yimou’s film “Not one less” tells a simple but moving story.

20. She wants them to let her appear live on the air, hoping that Huike will see her.

21. Many people like this film not only because the story itself is moving, but also because most of the people in the film use their real names and play themselves.

22. If you think highly of the film you may encourage other people to go and see it.

23. What do you think about/of…?

=How do you feel about/like/find…?

短语 1. stay away for a month 2. take one’s place

3. lock sb. up 4. cause trouble

5. run away from school

6. determine to bring sb. back safely

7. can’t afford to do sth.

8. ask sb. for help 9. a happy ending

11.Book 2 Unit 5 第一课时 教案教学设计(人教版英语高一) 篇十一












(1)运用构词法记单词。构词法作为一项语法项目,主要是识别词缀和词根,从根本上把握单词的含义。久练这种学记单词的方法,能够领略一些英语单词的构造奥妙,并减轻记忆的负担。更重要的是,如果学生能真正领悟并进而拓展这种方法所蕴涵的思路,他们将能触类旁通,从而受益匪浅。例如courage一词,学生能通过构词法迅速识记discourage, discouragement, courageous, courageously,encourage,encouragement等同词根的多个新词,从一个词汇引申出这么多的新词,可谓一箭多雕,这样的记忆使他们觉得很有成就感,增添了自信心。

(2)在语境中学习词汇。从近几年来高考写作的话题出发,分析出常用的写作句型以及常用的连接词,把词汇与句子,语境结合起来,多让学生自己造句,掌握词的用法,在词汇与句子结合的基础上,我们将词汇、句子与语篇相结合,进一步扩大词汇的交流功能。使学生感觉英语学习是一件很简单的事情,从而消除学生的畏惧心理,也让学生既对词汇学习有了明确的目的,又对高考的考题有一定的了解,并树立信心,提高他们学习英语的积极性。例如remind 一词,remind sb of sth 这个固定搭配,只要是描写自己或身边的人的类似经历都可以用这个句子作为段落的开头:The story remind me of my own experience.对于我校这种比较差的学生把词汇融入一个固定句式的学习对他们的记忆和运用都有很大的帮助。

(3) 词汇分类记忆。把英语词汇分成类,比如描写环境的,描写人物的,描写校园生活的等,以描写人物特征的词汇为例:

五官特征:长睫毛long lashes,双下巴 s double chin ,小眼睛 small eyes, 鹰勾鼻 a hooked nose, 五官明显 strong features, 无神的眼睛lifeless eyes,明亮的眼睛 glowing eyes ,四肢特征:粗壮的手臂thick arms, 肮脏的指甲 dirty nails,细手臂 thin arms, 涂指甲油的指甲 painted nails, 瘦腿 thin legs

身材特征: 结实的 trim ,年老的 old ,过重的 overweight, 凹凸有致的 shapely(女) ,白发苍苍的 gray-haired ,瘦的 thin, 身材比例很好的 well-proportioned, 病恹恹的 sickly ,皮包骨的 skinny

行为特征:落寞的 depressed ,情绪化的 emotional ,萎靡的 lifeless ,寂寞的 lonely, 笨拙的 clumsy ,精力充沛的full of life, 无精打采的 listless,






(5) 理解记忆法。结合词组句子记有情有景有意义;重点段落须背诵。理解深刻有乐趣。








born(名词形式) , brave(名词形式),breath(否定词缀)

occupy(名词形式) environment (形容词形式)

equal(名词形式) comfort(形容词形式)

consider(形容词和名词形式) ,


方脸 ,单眼皮 ,大嘴巴 ,圆脸 ,双眼皮 ,小嘴巴,心形脸,瘦鼻子 , 薄嘴唇,长鼻子,厚嘴唇, 暴牙 ,苍白的脸魁梧的 , 骨瘦如柴的, 年轻的,大骨架的 , 弱不禁风的, 中年的,小骨架的,优雅的 , 心烦的 ,精疲力竭的 , 粗枝大叶的, 内向的,不悦的, 做作的 , 外向的 ,好动的 , 轻浮的 ,举止夸张的 ,多话的,有活力的 ,手舞足蹈的 .


in spite of


lead a………live

look forward to

be famous for

4. homework


1..In the past, oxen played an important role in the ____(spirit)life of the Chinese.

2.Some are for ____ (begin) and others are for _____ (advance) students.

3.The dark chocolate ___ (popular) began about five years age and has reached the highest point now.

4.Obama said he didn’t see any controversy in the fact and said he was unaware of any _______ (satisfy) in the black community.

5.The government is promoting a program making science more _____ (access) to young people.

6.It`s ____(exact) these tight rings marks that we found in the fossil bones,” said Sander.

7.I stood there ____ (astonish), barely believing that man, whose existence was ____ (know) to me only moments ago, could be so _______ (thought).

8.More than half of them cross the bridge ________ the morning and evening rush hours when traffic is so heavy that the trip is not ________. (please)

9.One young drinker interviewed thinks price is ______ (relevant) to the increase of alcohol addictions and that teens, determined to get drunk , will find a way.

10.As an _____ (skill) game player, he often lost money.

11.If all drivers exercised good ______ (judge) , there would be few accidents.

12.In May , a hurricane left thousands of people homeless and ruined the island’s freshwater _____ (supply).

13. Your _____ (argue) is not ________ (convince) enough .

14. Hydrogen fuel cells would provide a renewable, clean source of energy; however, the technology is expensive and presents a number of _______ (convenient).

15. He is ______ (simple) a fool, who can’t ___ (simple) his life just by planning it _____ (effect)


1. He promised to attend my birthday party, but till now he hasn’t turned _____ yet.

2. All the girls swam in the lake except two, who gave _____ halfway.

3. If the new arrangement doesn’t work _____, we’ll go back to the old one.

4. “Have great changes taken place in your village?” “Yes, A new school was set ______ in the village last year.”

5. I had to hang ______ because someone else wanted to use the phone.

6. Elephants would die ______ if men were allowed to shoot as many as they wished.

7. My study of biology has taken ______ much of my spare time, but it has given me a great deal of enjoyment.

8. The plan broke______ just because people were unwilling to co-operate.

9. The government has called _______the parents to work with teachers in the education of their children.

10. John has put on so much weight recently that his mother has to let ______ all his trousers to his measure.

11. I can put up _____ some noise while I’m studying, but I can’t stand very loud noise.

12. The mother often tells her son to be a good boy, warning him to keep out ______ trouble

13. To my surprise, the manager kept ____ 30 dollars from my salary without any good reason.

14. Steven has a lot of work to make ____ in the office since he has been away for quite a few days.

15. Although Jane agrees with me on most points, there was one on which she was unwilling to give _______.

16. You should live up ______ what your parents expect of you.

17. I can hardly believe my eyes. What a poor composition you have turned ______. There are so many wrong spellings in it.

18. Some kinds of animals can take _______ the colour of their surroundings.

19. Let’s congratulate Li Ming and Li Hua ______winning the first prize.

20. The hospital provided the patients ___many advanced equipments.

21. I can’t put up _____the heat here.

22. The government should come up ____a better solution to the problems caused by the high price of beef.

23. His health broke ____under the pressure of work.

24. This project adjusted ___what I meant.

25. Please leave _____all the useless contents in the article.

26. All the students, please put your hands _____the poor children in the distant area.

27. He is addicted ______smoking and drinking wine.

28. We accused him ______killing our friend.

29. We assure him _____ going to America smoothly.

30. Do you mind if I carry______with my work while you are getting tea ready?

31. Old memories are often called ______ when you hear a particular song or a piece of music.

32. He looked through as many daily newspapers as he could to find______ what they said about his latest book.

33. We had a good many anxious moments but everything turned ______all right in the end.

34. Twenty people were expected, but only ten turned ______.

35. After the meeting, I set ______ to write a report on our next term’s work.

36. The English evening party turned ________ a great success.

37. A good writer must connect what he writes_____ what has happened around him.

38. The gentleman does not join______the argument but watches the other guests.

39. Although the working mother is very busy, she still devotes a lot of time ______ children.

40. We want our children to know that hard work pays ______.

41. It wears me ______ to look after these naughty grandchildren of mine for a whole day.

42. His pale face took ______a reluctant smile when he heard the news.

43. The Party Central Committee calls______the Chinese people to work hard for the economic development.

44. Don’t forget to put______your things after you have finished your homework .

45. Being much too fat, the lady was advised to reduce her food for each meal, yet she would have none______that.

46. The good service at the hotel made up______the poor food to some degree.

47. His strength had almost given______when they found him in the desert.

48. -Your tie looks smart. It goes______ your shirt perfectly.

- Thanks. I’m glad you like it.

49. It takes a long time to build______a good fame, but this name is quickly lost but just one crime or piece of bad behavior.

50. -I’m putting______ too much weight, doctor?

- I think you ought to go on a diet.

51. When he heard the news, she couldn’t keep ______ her tears.

52. Please go to your teacher to ask ________ his help if you meet with any


53. Please walk slowly. I can’t keep up ________ you.

54. After a heated discussion, we agreed _________ the policy.

55. Last night his house was broken _________, and many valuable things were found stolen.

56. After hearing the news, some burst ________ laughter, while others burst

________ tears.

57. Whenever he comes to Beijing, he calls _________ me at my house.

58. We must keep learning new things so that we can keep pace ________ the times.

59. This morning they checked______ at a hotel and will check out tomorrow.

60. Whether we will have the match today depends_______ the weather.

61. The teacher is devoted ______ teaching in the countryside in his life.

62. She has a gift_______ language, as she could speak four languages.

63. They worked day and night in order to pay ________ their debts.

64. On getting home, mother gets down _______ preparing supper for her children.

65. The sports meet will be put______ till next week because of the rain.

66. He was badly ill, so a doctor should be sent _______.

67. The five rings on the Olympic Flag stand________ the five continents.

68. The wounded soldier struggled _______ his feet and moved on.

69. He is always running_______of money before payday.

70. Korea is now divided_______two countries, North Korea and South Korea.

71. He was in hospital for six months. He felt as if he was cut ______ from the outside world.

72. Then the car I was in broke_______, so I had to walk home.

73. After the 90th failure, he was almost ready to give ________.

74. We decided to give _______ to the wish of the majority.

75. Hearing the news, she couldn’t hold ______ her tears coming down her cheeks.

76. Mr. Smith set _____ to write a history of America in 1980.

77. We take pride _____ our responsibilities as teachers in China.

78. To whom should we turn ______ the key when we leave the room?


