1.雅思报名如何刷考试的考位 篇一
雅思大作文:it is important to build more public parks or sports facilities
雅思大作文题目:When new towns are planned, it is important to build more public parks or sports facilities than shopping centers for people to spend their free time. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
While the price of real estate is rocketing in metropolitan cities in recent decades, the living space for city dwellers is drastically squeezed. This situation does not only mean the square meter of their home, but also refer to the outdoor public space and commercial buildings they are allowed to utilize.
City residents need space to do outdoor activities. They need to walk their dogs, do exercises, or play with their little children. Equipped with some sports facilities, these places can serve a role of encouraging physical activities and healthy lifestyles. Public open space also facilitates local residents to meet their neighbors and feel to be included in a community. This sense of belonging can be vital for the establishment of a healthy and safe cohesive community. Open areas are the most significant for children. Especially for those children with no siblings, the public ground around their home is the place where they regularly socialize with their peers in their neighborhood.
Of course, plazas, gardens and parks occupy land, posing a real challenge for metropolis planners, who have to balance between the growing demand for residence as well as commercial buildings and recreational infrastructures. Furthermore, the size of such facilities should also be under scrutiny. A large civic central square does not actually serve a better function for local residents than a smaller one around home because the distance travelled between would be long, and this inconvenience can discourage people from regular participation. Imagine the Tiananmen Square, not in Beijing but in a town with small population in a regional area. Would it serve its best to local people?
Therefore, here is my conclusion that citizens deserve large commercial shopping centres for recreational purposes. In the meantime, small sporting facilities ought to be established outside each residential quarter.
雅思大作文:fittest and strongest individuals and teams can achieve the greatest success
雅思大作文题目:Some people argue that the fittest and strongest individuals and teams can achieve the greatest success in sports. But other people think the success is much related to the mental attitude. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.
There is a common belief that players who achieve a perfect physique level would have better performance in sports competition, while others believe that strong-minded perseverance is the determinate factor. In my opinion, though fitness level is important, the most essential element should be mental attitude.
Being physically strong is crucial for a sport player. Many studies have shown that having a perfect physique level means that one can exert better power of explosive strength and endurance, and these attributes are required by many sports activities such as basketball and rugby. In addition, showing a quicker judgement is another ability exerted by those players, and this means that they may come up with efficient strategies and are capable of finding holes in the opposing defense.
There is no denying a fact that being mentally strong is also important in competitions. The most inspiring fact about the Paralympics is to convey to people that those who are physically disabled can also achieve greater success with the help of specialized trainings. In addition, perseverance means that a player is willing to contribute and control their emotions regardless of the pressure imposed by their opponents. These abilities ensure that a player is clear-minded and can make the right judgement, while refrain from irrational behavior towards opponent and referee. Also, being a clear-minded player ensures the flow of cooperation in team work, to some extent reducing mental pressure of the teammates while providing better strategies.
In conclusion, a person with a superior fitness level may achieve a greater success in competitions, but one cannot make an achievement without the ability to endure mental stress and the willingness to make an effort in teams.
2.雅思报名如何刷考试的考位 篇二
3.如何减少托福考试刷分次数 篇三
如: (5)Plants receive their nutrients --------- water,soil, and sunlight.
B. over
C. in from
D. from
上句从语法的层次分析, A,C两项均不可取.但B,D两项无论从语法还是逻辑上看都是可以被接受的.此时只能看用法了.由于receive一词用法上只能与介词from搭配,答案只能是D.
6) City officials (are) concerned (because) crime on public (transportation) (near) reached record highs this summer.
无论是从语法还是逻辑的角度看,上句均无问题.near一词通常具有形容词,副词,介词3种词性,而且还可以用作动词.用副词修饰动词绝无问题,且near具有接近,靠近的含义,与reached搭配似乎也没有什么不妥.但从语法的角度看,作副词的near只能与draw ,come等不及物动词搭配,此处为错.故答案为D.
录音中有比较大的干扰时,就语音论语音往往很难说清楚应该是什么词,但是与语法联系就可以作出判断。例如一次有的人把 in fighting听成in Friday,但是根据语法,如果是Friday的话,应 该是on Friday,而不是in Friday,听成in Friday显然是不对的,继续推敲下去有可能听出in fighting。
In Jordan,three men,one police hit by stone and two men hit by rubber bullets were wounded;
如能熟悉到能立即地听出one police hit by stone and two men hit by rubber bullets是three men的同位语,就可立即听懂。否则可能把意思搞错。
另外,语法中的词语常用搭配也可以使句子中的某些音不清楚时有一个着手的途径,例如听写He has been accused of spying for foreign country.一句,如能听写出He has been caused(前面的音听不清)。of spying for foreign country,根据词语常用搭配关系,一般情况下可以认为这个词是accused。
要特别注意一些固定搭配中某些发音既快又轻的词,例如播音员在读the city of、 be charged of、 be accused of、 aim at、talk with和to prevent (protect, stop, block) from等固定搭配中of、at、with和from等词时往往既快又轻,一带而过。就语音论语音很难听出来,初学者往往认为没有这些词。
只有辨音能力提高到一定程度,对这些固定的搭配已经熟悉到能下意识反应时,听到 the city、be charged、be accused、aim、talk后不论其他词听不听清,都会自然而然地联想到后面可能有of、with和from等词,就比较容易听出这些词。
由于语音知识不扎实,不能在多次的“听”“写”反复过程中自我解决问题,不能自我发现和纠正差错。实践表明,对英语水平不高的初学者来说,一段录音不是一次听写就能完成的,前几遍的听写记录一般会有不少空白(听不出来是什么)和差错(有的自以为正确地听写出来,其实却是错的)。这些空白和差错,需要经过不断的“听”“写”反复去发现和纠正。由于语音知识不扎实,往往 “听”“写,错了也发现不了。
由于语音知识不扎实,即使把一句话全部正确地听写出来,也搞不清楚文法关系,分不出主句和从句,因而搞不懂原意。例如有这样一段话:They hear voices that are not there。这句活的文法并不复杂。主句是they hear voices(他们听见声音),that are notthere是一个定语从句,形容voices。整个句子的意思是:“他们在没有声音的地方听到声音”。有的初学者由于搞不清楚that are notthere的文法作用,把整个句子理解为:“他们不在的时候听到声音”,理解完全不正确。
4.雅思报名如何刷考试的考位 篇四
As complaints about unemployment from university graduates begin to accumulate, concerns on the negative impact of university expansion have aroused much attention. In my mind, although tertiary education is the essential ingredient for a country to develop and thrive in the long term, it is irresponsible to blindly encourage too many youngsters to pursue a bachelor degree.
Obviously, we can never over emphasize the significance of university education which helps the country prepare talents serving in various domains. It is professors that equip young people with necessary knowledge and skills that enable them to compete and survive in job market. While applying what they have learnt from classes, they make due contribution to the society. Moreover, universities are also the places that train creative and critical minds that can not only bravely challenge authority and break routine, but also initiate new assumption and generate new ideas. Therefore, universities undoubtedly undertake huge responsibilities.
However, progressing to university is not the right option for all youngsters who are neither interested in nor suitable for further education. It is unbearable for them to sit in the classroom and listen to professors’ instruction which they believe is useless. As a result, the four years they spend on campus exert little impact but erode their passion on study. Graduating as mediocre students, they fail to acquire competitive academic performance or practical skills that guarantee them a decent job. Even worse, the strong self-esteem prevents them from accepting a less paid job and makes them unemployed. Therefore, rather than meaninglessly wasting time on campus, those young people can have a better future by studying some practical skills in vocational schools.
To sum up, the function of university education is undoubtedly important and irreplaceable, but not all youngsters can benefit from it. It is better for those who have no interest or intention to university education to find their niche by acquiring practical skills.
Some people believe a country can benefit a lot from university education. Others believe sending a large number of young people to university leads to unemployment. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
5.雅思报名如何刷考试的考位 篇五
As complaints about unemployment from university graduates begin to accumulate, concerns on the negative impact of university expansion have aroused much attention. In my mind, although tertiary education is the essential ingredient for a country to develop and thrive in the long term, it is irresponsible to blindly encourage too many youngsters to pursue a bachelor degree.
Obviously, we can never over emphasize the significance of university education which helps the country prepare talents serving in various domains. It is professors that equip young people with necessary knowledge and skills that enable them to compete and survive in job market. While applying what they have learnt from classes, they make due contribution to the society. Moreover, universities are also the places that train creative and critical minds that can not only bravely challenge authority and break routine, but also initiate new assumption and generate new ideas. Therefore, universities undoubtedly undertake huge responsibilities.
However, progressing to university is not the right option for all youngsters who are neither interested in nor suitable for further education. It is unbearable for them to sit in the classroom and listen to professors’ instruction which they believe is useless. As a result, the four years they spend on campus exert little impact but erode their passion on study. Graduating as mediocre students, they fail to acquire competitive academic performance or practical skills that guarantee them a decent job. Even worse, the strong self-esteem prevents them from accepting a less paid job and makes them unemployed. Therefore, rather than meaninglessly wasting time on campus, those young people can have a better future by studying some practical skills in vocational schools.
To sum up, the function of university education is undoubtedly important and irreplaceable, but not all youngsters can benefit from it. It is better for those who have no interest or intention to university education to find their niche by acquiring practical skills.
Some people believe a country can benefit a lot from university education. Others believe sending a large number of young people to university leads to unemployment. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
6.雅思考试:如何提高阅读技巧 篇六
。我们常说雅思阅读考试已经进入到“后雅思时代”,雅思阅读回归到了考查大家对文本本身的理解上。所以前几年雅思培训的技巧现在已经不是很奏效了。比如以前技巧性很强的对错无判断题出题频率大大下降。再比如headings题,以前那种单纯在每段首二末句找主题句,然后选小标题的做法也早已过时。因为首先,headings题对应的文章段落有相当一部分没有主题句,而且给出的小标题有可能很隐蔽,没有包含对应段落的单词,也有可能是对段落的部分概括。这样的出题方式体现出今天的雅思阅读考试考查大家扫描每段主要信息的能力,即扫描大量具体信息后概括总结的能力,这就决定了大家以后看文章做题要以文章为本,从根本上扎实的提高阅读能力,改进阅读方法,当然这并不是说每个句子都要仔细读。总之,提高了阅读能力,不光 Headings和Matching能够攻破,做其他题目来也会有种“按图索骥,顺藤摸瓜”的感觉。发挥真题的最大效用
剑桥雅思系列的阅读文章和题目需要“多遍使用”才能最大化的发挥它的作用。第一遍,限时做题,进行模考演练,既能测试自己的水平,又能保持好的临战状态。第二遍,做完题后,准确的核对答案,并将每个题在文章中的依据标示出来,思考为什么做错,找出原因,思考以后如何改进做题方法;对于做 对的题,也要思考自己做题是的判断依据和思考过程,加强答对题的思维和感觉。第三遍,找出所有题目在原文中的同义替换或者叫“重现”,最好能写在一个本子上,这样既扩大词汇量,增加表达的丰富性,同时能够掌握雅思考试常考的同义替换方式,比如同义词替换、词性转换、句子语法结构的转变等等。第四遍,把雅思阅读文章作为单词书使用,也就是把里面常出现的学术性词汇和每篇文章的主题词汇总结一下,记忆时把它放在句子中去理解、记忆,这同时也是分析长难句的过程,经过这个分析句子-理解记忆单词的过程,就会发现你的阅读能力会有实质性的提高!吃透句子,改善方法
要想提高阅读能力,一是要有相对扎实的基础,那就是语法和词汇,这是基本功;第二,要养成好的阅读习惯,我经常提到“三不原则”,不查词典、不动手动脚(意思是不要用手指扫描句子)、不出声,养成了好的阅读习惯,阅读速度、对原文的理解能力都会大大提高!对于写作范文,建议记一下里面好的句型,比如当你看到 “Not only are large differences between the two economies but these gaps are widening.”就可以把not only 引导的倒装句型提取出来,把gaps are widening总结下来,吸收为自己的表达。再比如看到“Under no circumstances are passengers allowed to smoke in the air-conditioned bus.”就可以吧under no circumstances are sb. allowed to 总结下来。另外,学习范文的全文结构和每一段的论证方法对自己写作文也是很有帮助的。
7.雅思报名如何刷考试的考位 篇七
Urban design is a popular major in many universities, and students graduating from this major work with governments, institutions or companies to help improve people’s life in cities by locating buildings of different functions in the right place. In my mind, it is more advantageous to locate buildings of same functions together and separate from those of different functions.
Admittedly, the design of mixing residential buildings, office buildings, schools and shops together saves people time of traffic. It is convenient for students to go to school which is within walking distance. Also, adults can spare more time in the morning to enjoy healthy breakfast and in the evening to prepare delicious food for the whole family. Even better, there should be shops offering various commodities supporting people’s daily life and a cinema or a theater that local residents can visit after work or in weekends to watch the latest movie.
However, the above mentioned ideal design of building location can only be seen in a few tiny cities with small population. In metropolitan cities, such layout can only bring troubles. The reason is simple that residents opt for a school or company not just because of the distance that is away from home, but mainly because of what they desire to achieve from the the education or career. It is impossible for a community to have schools and companies that can satisfy all parents and children living here. Consequently, people still have to drive during rush hours.
On the contrary, if buildings of same function gather together, city life can be more convenient and comfortable. Usually, as the shopping mall attracts numerous consumers and generates much traffic, it is not supposed to be located near neighborhood where ought to be quiet. Moreover, the set up of a business district facilitates the communication between companies. It is convenient for companies to meet business partners, banks and even consultants. All these just require appropriate management of transportation, like shuttle bus.
To sum up, city planners ought to design the layout of buildings according to different roles and functions. The advantages of gathering offices, schools, homes and shops together and separating from each other far outweigh the disadvantages.
In many cities, planners have located schools, homes, shops and offices in specific areas, which are widely separated from each other. Do the advantages of this policy outweigh the disadvantages to the city residents.
8.职称考试报名表如何填写 篇八
9.雅思考试如何创作出优秀的作文 篇九
口语里大家很习惯使用“某一个人做某件事”来构成基本句式,从而造成议论文里有一些考生仍然写的是这样的句子:事实上改法是相当的简单:大家只需要避免从“某个人”开始句子即可,相当于是用比较客观的态度。例如避免“学生出国”,只写“出国”;避免“他们想要…”,只写“想要…”。如此上面的句子便能够写成:go abroad to get better education and find a better job in the future,不但很客观,而且把原来的主句和从句两部分精简处理成了一个动词短语。
2、句式是否有变化出现 (例如不同从句的使用、分词结构等 );
Some people think reading stories in book is better than watching TV or playing computer games for children. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Reading stories in books is a basic way for children to obtain knowledge and open their minds. Although watching TV and playing computer games are also popular educational methods among children, reading bookstore, in my view, is still better because of effectiveness and health.
Compared to TV and games, learning by reading is more effective since it is a synthetic skill. Like any other skills, reading takes practice. Children learn to read by sounding out the letters and finding the meaning of the words. Then, they begin to comprehend the context, paragraph and chapter. To fully understand the content, children have to give all their attention to the text. Also, more than just understanding a certain topic, children tend to develop reasoning, imagination and critical thinking during reading books, which will help them to learn more efficiently and deeply in the future.
In addition, reading books is good to children’s eyesight. According to some researches, spending too much time before a computer screen or watching TV will lead to shortsightedness. Therefore, reading is better for both efficiency and health purpose.
Admittedly, the knowledge disseminated by vivid pictures on screen is easier for children to catch information, but too many moving objects and colorful images will distract children, especially to some young kids, from their primary tasks. Moreover, using TV and computers too long will lead to a sedentary life that is more harmful to one’s wrist and back.
In conclusion, reading stories in book is better than TV and computers for it is a more effective way to learn and better for health.
Interview is the basic form of selecting procedure for most large companies. Some people think it is unreliable. There are some other better methods. Do you agree or disagree?
It has been a wide-spreading method for many large companies to select potential employees through interviews. Nevertheless, the reliability of this means is among some people’s consideration and they suggest there exist other superior ways in completing the process of selection.
From my point of view, interviews are a comparatively reliable means to select talents and should still be regarded as a main method for companies. First of all, unlike some other selection methods, for instance, taking written exams, interviews produces instant and mutual communication between interviewers and interviewees which not only allows interviewers to know better about the interviewees’ responding competence but also their true personal abilities since the answers could not be prepared in advance and there are not the so-called “standard answers”.
Additionally, interviews enable interviewers to meet interviewees in person. It is quite important because interviewers can use this opportunity to observe interviewees from a more comprehensive way including their appearance, manners, etc, especially for some positions which need employers to communicate with other people for instance teachers and those who work in the PR section.
Moreover, interviews make it possible for interviewers to ask further questions which make the whole selection process more personal-oriented and flexible. Undoubtedly, people may give various answers towards the same question, with the means of interviews, interviewers can bring forward different further down questions and dig in as much as they want so as to better test the interviewees’ problem-solving competence.
10.如何拿下雅思考试听力 篇十
有的考生的确已经具备了一定单词量的,但仍然在理解长段的语句方面有障碍。造成这一问题的原因可能是考生对于英语句子的读音规则还不够熟悉。读音规则包括连读、省音与口音现象等。对此,考生可以在《热身听力》的每一个Chapter中,寻找到“Language Focus”介绍英语句子的各种发音规则,体会英语句子的各种发音特点;其次,每当在录音中听到相关的读音现象时,考生可以模仿读音;在遇到英、美不同发音时,考生也需要明了两者的区别。边听边读边体会,考生就能逐渐跟上英语长段的语流了。考生也可以寻找一段自己感兴趣的英语听力文章(时间长短控制在15分钟之内,必须有听力原文的文字,可以选择剑2至剑6中的听力段子),利用3至5天的时间反复听读,听写,直到最后能够一字不差地把这一段子听写下来为止。利用这种方法练习一个阶段,考生是能够在长段语言的听力方面有所收获的。
landlady 房东太太
landlord 房东
rent / rental price 租金,房租价格 (注意rental一般是指一个月的租金额)
dollar / $ 美元
pounds / £ 英镑(为了避免拼写错误,建议大家在考试中货币一律用符号表示,注意写法哦)
deposit 押金
expensive 昂贵的
reasonable 合理的
accommodation 住宿,食宿
homestay 住在当地居民家中
dormitory 大学宿舍
flat (英国)公寓中的单元
apartment (美国)公寓中的单元
hostel 青年公寓
student hostel 学生公寓
single room 单人间
share room 共用房间
double room 双人间
twin-bed room 有两张单人床的双人房,就是我们常说的“标准间”
double-bed room 有一张双人床的双人房
bedroom 卧室
bedsit 卧室兼起居室
no privacy 没有私人空间
surroundings (房屋周围)环境
Road / Rd. 路,街道,比较大的路
Street / St. 路,街道,比较小的街
downtown 市中心
suburb 郊区,市郊
rural areas 乡村
(not) near the center / railway station (远离).市中心 / 火车站
far from the bus stop 远离汽车站
near the airport .飞机场
noisy 吵闹
(un)furnished (不)配备家具的
furniture 家具
fitting 装置,家具
suite (一套)家具 (注意读音)
furnish 布置
fit up 装备
decorate 装饰,布置
ornament 装饰,美化
armchair 配齐,装备
bookcase 书架
cupboard 碗橱
bench 长椅
settle 长椅
stool 凳子
deckchair 折叠帆布长椅
high chair 高脚椅
couch 长沙发
settee 中小型沙发
divan 木制软垫长椅
bedstead 床架
hammock 吊床
chest of drawers 五斗橱
sideboard 餐具柜
cabinet 酒柜
facilities 设施
bathroom 卫生间
shower 淋浴
kitchen 厨房
air-conditional 有空调的
air-conditioning 空调
central air-conditioning 中央空调
heater 加热器,暖气机
radiator 暖气片,暖气设施
stove 烤炉
central heating 中央暖气系统
cooled / heated 制冷 / 制热
electric fan 电风扇
refrigerator 电冰箱
microwave oven 微波炉
entrance hall 门厅,大堂
lobby 大厅,通道
porch 走廊
balcony 阳台
attic room 顶楼,阁楼
kitchen 厨房
shared kitchen 公用厨房
towel 毛巾
mattress 床垫
mat 地席,垫子
blanket 毯子
rug 小地毯
carpet 地毯
quilt 被子
bedspread 床罩
sheet 床单
pillow 枕头
pillowcase 枕头套
bolster 长枕套
bed linen 被单和枕套 (床上用品)
mat 席子
mattress 床垫
curtain 窗帘,帘子
drape 窗帘
drapery 有褶子的布料。窗帘布料
hangings 门帘,帷幕
wallpaper 壁纸,墙纸
canopy 顶棚,天棚
awning (窗/门上的)遮蓬
shutters 百叶窗
utensil 器皿,用具
ashtray 烟灰缸
bedside-lamp 床头灯
bowl 碗
comb 梳子
French windows 落地灯
kettle 水壶
mirror 镜子
radiator 取暖电炉
safety-razor 安全剃刀
scale 磅秤
toothbrush 牙刷
What’s the rent?
How much is _______?
How much does ______ cost?
Rent costs approximately ______.
The average water bill is _______.
Two people need at least ______ for ______.
Is there a _______? Are there any ______?
Dose it have a (any)_______?
How many _______ are there?
When can I _______?
How about Monday?
Why don’t you come on _____?