


1.新概念英语青少版教案 篇一

Lesson 8

一.Pre-task activities: Step1: checking students’ preparation.T: Let’s get ready for class.Did you prepare your book and exercise book well? No more talking, please.表现好的小组加苹果)Step 2: Greeting T: Class begins.Good morning, boys and girls.How are you today? S: Good morning, Miss Liu.I’m fine, and you? T: I’m hot,(做扇风动作)because this is Miss Liu’s first lesson, I’m a little nervous.因为这是Miss Liu 第一次上课,有点紧张,手心都冒汗了。Any way, thank you for asking me.二. While-task activities: Step 1: Please do action after me.(跟我做动作)T: I’m hot.(take out flash card—hot, and stick to the blackboard)S: I’m hot.T: I’m cold/ thirsty/ hungry.T: Very good, I think all of you are good actors and actress.Now, I need volunteers to do these actions and enable other Ss to guess.Sa: thirsty

Sb: hot

Sc: cold

Sd: hungry T: Is he thirsty?

T: Is she hot? S: Yes, he is.S: Yes, she is.T: Is he hungry?

T: Is she cold? S: No, he isn’t.S: No, she isn’t.Step 2: To learn the numbers.T: Please turn to page 30.Let’s learn new words and expressions.First of all, let’s learn those numbers.Read after me.(PPT)S: Read it.T: Can you find any regularity in these numbers? S: Do it.T: Yes, you’re very clever.Step 3: Listening.T: Take out your exercise book, write the numbers I said.23/27/29/21/24/25/22/30/26/28 S: Do it.T: Let’s check the answers.S: answer T: Did anybody get them all right? Please raise your hands.(加苹果)

Step4: to learn new words and expressions & Pair work T: Please turn to page 31.look at Picture 21.Is Robert thirsty? S: Yes, he is.T: Is he hungry? S: No, he isn’t.T: Picture 22.Is Lucy hot? S: Yes, she is.T: I she cold? S: No, she isn’t.T: Very good.Now, change the following pictures in the same way as the example.Work with your partner and a dialogue.(加苹果)S: Pair work.T: Stop here, I need volunteers to performance their dialogues.S: performance Pic 23(clever, stupid)

T: write the words “clever” “stupid” down on the blackboard【注意板书】

Picture 24(ill)[提醒男生用he,女生用she] Picture 25(sad, happy)Picture 26(funny, silly)[提醒东西,物品用it] T: read these words together.S: read them.Step5: Respond quickly.T: Please say the antonyms.happy VS sad

stupid VS clever

funny VS silly

Step5: group work and practice pattern 3(加苹果)T: Now, answer my questions.Is Robert hungry?

S: No, he isn’t.He’s thirsty.【write this dialogue down板书】 T: Is Lucy cold? S: No, she isn’t.She’s hot.T: Very good.Now, I want group 1 and 2 ask questions, group 3 and 4 answer, then change role every picture.23图一二组问,三四组答。24图反过来,三四组问,一二组答。Clear? S: Do it.Step6: To practice pattern 1 and 3 T:(ask one of students to stand up)Are you clever? S: Yes, I am.T: Is he clever? S全:Yes, he is.(谁说No的啊?我看这纯属于嫉妒哈,我们的**同学很聪明的,上课非常认真听)T: Are you sad? S: No, I’m happy.(Very good你看,上英语最开心了,是不是啊)

Step 7: To sum up T: What did we learn today? We learned some new words: clever, stupid, sad, happy, funny, silly and sentences Is Robert hungry? Yes, he is.No, he isn’t.数数谁的苹果多,送给大家一句话“An apple a day keeps the doctor away”一天一苹果,医生远离我。希望大家每天吃一个苹果,不要ill, 认真读书,变得clever,不要silly,不要stupid,人见人爱很funny, 天天都happy!

三. Homework 抄写单词,一个一行 读pattern五遍签名。

2.新概念英语青少版教案 篇二








A:适合8岁-14岁青少年以及英语初学者,具体参照如下表:量适用年级英语水平参照 级别





小学3、4年级相当于国家英语课程标学生 准1级要求

新增700个生词和60小学5、6年级相当于国家英语课程标个短语 学生 准2级要求 新增750个生词和60初中1、2年级相当于国家英语课程标个短语 学生 准5级要求



Q5:《新概念英语青少版》中含有什么教材,定价是多少? A:全套教材含6本学生用书(赠学生用盘MP3和动画DVD),33.9元/册; 6本练习册,9.9元/册;

3本教师用书(赠课堂用盘MP3),48元/册; 3套课堂用带,42元/套



Q7:我们学校使用《剑桥少儿英语》开设少儿英语课程,现在我们准备开设《新概念英语青少版》课程,请问这两套教材有何不同?如何衔接? A:《剑桥少儿英语》是以“剑桥少儿英语考试大纲”为依据编写的一套少儿英语教材,重视通过游戏性的教学活动,培养学生的英语学习兴趣;而《新概念英语青少版》也提倡寓教于乐,强调练习方式的多样性与灵性,但更以坚实的系统性学习为宗旨,对学生进行系统的知识和技能培养,循序渐进、扎扎实实地掌握语言。这也是《新概念英语青少版》区别于市面上大量“好玩”英语教材的地方。《新概念英语青少版》的内容和我国英语课程标准相对照,满足了我国学生升学考试的需要。




3.新概念英语青少版教案 篇三





2._________________________ 3.__________________________

4._________________________ 5._________________________


family__________ nephew__________ daughter __________


cousin __________


stupid __________ flower__________ wheel __________

silver__________ 儿子__________ 老师__________ 灰色__________ 年轻的__________ 女孩__________ 母亲__________ 马__________ 医生__________ 热的__________ 冷的__________


What about






What’s the matter



What colour 1.A: What’s your name?

B: My ______ is Lucy.2.A: How do ______ do? B: How do you do? 3.A: ______ is this? B: It’s a wheel.4.A: ______ is it? B: It’s red.5.A: ______ are you.B: I’m very well.Thank you.6.A: ______ with him? B: I’m not sure.7.A: ______ to meet you.B: Nice to meet you, too.8.A: ______ the doctor? B: The doctor’s very busy.9.A: Who’s that woman with the white umbrella? B: ______ Mrs.Jenkins.10.A: ______ is this pen?

B: It’s my pen.四、根据首字母或汉语提示完成句子。(10分)

1)My n_______(名字)is William Jenkins.2)Karen is my w______(妻子).3)Nice to m______(遇见)you.4)It’s a g________(绿色)hat.5)It’s a s________(银色)key.6)The boy i___(在……l里面)the white car.7)The woman w_____(戴着)the black hat.8)The doctor is very b_______(忙碌的).9)You are r______(正确的).10)He’s a s____________(学生).五、用缩略形式写出下列句子。(10分)

1.It is my white hat._________________________ 2.That is Rorbert’s bicycle.______________________________ 3.It is not a red umbrella.______________________________ 4.What is that? ______________________________ 5.Paul is Karen’s nephew.______________________________


1.(silver bicycle/Robert)

(green coat/Karen)A: Whose is the silver bicycle?

________________________________ B: The silver bicycle is Robert’s.________________________________

2.(Robert/ bicycle/red/silver)

(Lucy/horse/white/grey)A: Is Robert’s bicycle red?

_________________________ B: No, it isn’t._________________________ A: Is his bicycle silver?

_________________________ B: Yes, it is._________________________ 3.(William/thirsty/not hungry)

(Karen/hot/not cold)A: Is William thirsty or hungry?

_________________________________ B: He isn’t hungry.He’s thirsty._________________________________ 4.(Whose/umbrella/William)

(Whose/key/Paul)A: Whose is the umbrella?

_________________________ B: It’s William’s._________________________ 5.(Karen’s hat/green)

(Robert’s bicycle/silver)A: What colour is Karen’s hat?

_________________________________ B: Karen’s hat is green._________________________________

五、翻译下列句子。(15分)1.The young man in the old car._________________________________ 2.What’s the matter with him?

_________________________________ 3.Better safe than sorry._________________________________ 4.Is it a bird?

4.新概念青少版1A课文 篇四

1a Lesson 1 Meet the family 认识一下我们全家吧!

J:JHello, my name’s William Jenkins.This is my family.This is Karen.Karen is my wife.K: How do you do? J;This is Lucy.Lucy’s my daughter.L:

Hello!J:This is my son, Robert.R;Hi!J:And this is Paul.Paul’s my nephew.P:Hello!Nice to meet you!Lesson 3 What is it?


Hey!this is good.Look, Lucy!What is this? It’s a wheel.No, it isn’t.Look, it’s green!It’s a hat!OK, it’s a green hat.Now look.What’s this? It’s a flower.It’s a red flower.No, it isn’t.it’s a red umbrella.OK, what’s that? It’s grey.Is it a bird? Yes!it’s a grey bird.No, it’s a key!Right!It’s a silver key.2

Lesson 5 Who’s that?

那个人是谁? Who is that boy, Polly? Which boy, Annie? The boy on the silver bicycle.That’s Robert Jenkins.Who’s that man? Which man? The man with the black umbrella.That’s Mr.Jenkins.He’s Robert’s father.Who’s that woman with the white umbrella? That’s Mrs.Jenkins.She’s Robert’s mother.And who’s that girl on the red bicycle? That’s Lucy Jenkins.She’s Robert’s sister.Look at that young man.Who is he? Which young man?

The young man in that old car.Oh, that’s Paul.Paul is Lucy’s cousin.So, Paul is Robert’s cousin, too.That’s right.Robert is Lucy’s brother.And Paul is their cousin.He’s a student.Lesson 7 Robert isn’t well罗伯特感觉不舒服 Hello, Karen.How are you? I’m fine.But Robert isn’t very well.Oh, I’m sorry!

What’s the matter with him? I’m not sure.He’s very hot.He isn’t well.Is he hungry? No, he isn’t hungry.Is he thirsty? Yes, he’s very thirsty.Poor Robert.I am sorry.What about the doctor? The doctor’s very busy.Yes, but Robert is ill.Perhaps not very ill.But you are right.Better safe than sorry.Lesson 9 Meet the neighbors.认识一下邻居们!Hello!My name’s Paul.Hello Paul.My name’s Claire.I’m your new neighbor.Claire, that’s a nice name.What do you do, Claire? I’m a student.What about you? I’m a student too.I’m at the sports academy.What about you? I’m an art student.I ’m at the art college.Come and meet Karen.She’s my aunt.She’s a writer.Karen, this is Claire.Claire’s our new neighbor.Hello, Claire.Nice to meet you.Come and meet the family.This is William, my husband.This is Lucy and this Robert.How do you do, Claire.Hi, everybody.Thank you for the welcome.Lesson 11 Gossip闲谈!Who’s that girl, Polly? Which girl, Annie? The girl over there.The tall girl with the Jenkins family.Oh, that’s Claire, our new neighbor.She’s an art student.She’s a very pretty girl.Yes, she’s cleaver too.She’s a nice girl.Where’s she from? Is she English? No, she isn’t.She’s American.She’s from Washington.Is her family here, too? Yes.Her father’s an accountant.And her mother’s a famous photographer.Look!That’s her mother over there.That woman in the expensive car? That’s right.She’s very pretty.Pretty? She’s beautiful.What about her husband? Is he handsome?

Wait and see!Lesson 13 Where’s my pen? 我的铅笔在哪儿? Where’s my pen, Lucy? Which pen, Mum? The blue one.This one? Yes,that one.It’s my favorite pen, Lucy!Sorry, Mum.And where’s my new ruler? The long one? The long silver one.It’s in my school bag, Mum.Oh, Lucy!

Give me my ruler, please.Here you are.I’m sorry, mum.It’s a very nice ruler.Yes, it is.Mum!Yes? Is this your pencil-case, too? No, it isn’t.It’s your father’s old pencil-case.That’s his favorite thing.Sorry, Mum!

It’s my favorite thing, too.Oh, well.Put it on his desk.No harm done.Thanks, Mum.Lesson 15 A bump in the night夜深人不静!William, wake up!Mm.What’s the matter?

Listen, there’s a noise in the living room.It’s a burglar!A burglar!Nonsense!You are right!There’s a noise in the kitchen, now.It is a burglar.Shh!There’s a torch here.Give me the torch, please.Here it is.Oh, William.Please be careful!Shh!

There is someone downstairs.Who’s there?Who is it? It’s me, Dad.I’m wide-awake, and I’m hungry.We’re all wide-awake now!Oh well, no harm done!Lesson 17 Red, white and pink红的、白的和粉红的!Here are Paul’s pajamas.Look at them.They are bright red!But they are a bit dirty.Here are Dad’s shirts.They are pure white.But they are a bit dirty, too.Put them in the washing machine.What about your shirts? Yes, my shirts are dirty too, Put them in the washing machine.Karen!Where are my new shirts? They’re in the washing machine, with Paul’s pajamas and Robert’s shirts.Here you are.Two lovely clean shirts.Those shirts aren’t white.They are pink.Yes, they are,and they are very pretty!Lesson 19 Jump in上车吧 Hurry up, Lucy.Here’s the bus.Wait a minute!My bag’s heavy.My bag’s heavy, too.Come on!Oh, no!the bus is full!Oh, dear!

Our school buses are all full.What’s in your bag? Books, of course.My bag’s full of books, too.Look, there’s Claire.Hello, Claire!Hello, Robot!Hello Lucy!What’s the matter Lucy? The buses are all full.And our bags are very heavy.Gee, they are heavy.What’s in them?

They are full of books and the buses are full of people.Never mind.Here’s my mom with the car.And the car’s empty.Jump in, and put your bags in , too.Lesson 21 Very smart真神气

Look!These are our outfits for the school play.Oh, very smart!Look, William!Yes, you’re both very elegant.Thank you, Dad.That’s an interesting tie, Robert.Um, yes, thanks, Dad.It’s very colorful.Very unusual.Yes, um, it’s my favorite tie.Those are funny shoes, Robert.Are they a bit big for you? These shoes? No, Mum.They’re all right.They are right for the part.Where are my new shoes? They aren’t in my bedroom.Oh ,Robert!Hey, Robert!That’s my tie!Those are my new shoes!And those are my socks, too!

Lesson 23 Just like you 就像你一样 Clair? Yes, Daddy? Show me your new drawings, honey.Ok.These drawings are new.They are all people at the sport academy.Hmm.They are very good , Claire.Who is this tall man with the big muscles?

Oh, that’s Mrs.Ford.He’s a teacher.He’s very strong.And who are these little men? That’s Gary, and that’s Tom.They are students.They are both small.But they are strong , too.They are gymnasts.And who is this boy here?

That’s Paul.He’s a student at the sport academy.He’s a handsome young man.Yes, he’s very nice.Your drawings are good, Claire.Thank you, Daddy.Maybe they aren’t bad.No, honey.They are great.Just like you!Lesson 25 Late or early 晚了还是早了 Come on, Lucy.We’re late.OK,OK!What time is it? It’s eight o’clock.Hurry up!Hi, there, kids!Are you in a hurry? Yes, we are.We’re both late for school.Never mind.Jump in.Gee.Thanks, Mrs.Austen.You’re welcome.Call me Daisy, please.OK, kids.Let’s go!Wow, what a speed!What a car!Here you are.The school gates.You aren’t late now.What’s the matter, Lucy? Look!The gates are shut!We’re both early now.Lesson 27 one, two, three catch!一、二、三,接住!

Give me that jar, please, Robert.Which jar, Mum? This one? No, not that one.The one on the table.The empty one.Here you are, Mum.Ready?one, two, three ,catch!No, Robert!Stop!What’s the matter ,Mum? I can’t catch it.Bring it here, please!Here you are, Mum.Thank you Robert.Lesson 29 That’s not fair


Where are Paul and Gary? They are over there, on the football field.They’re with Tom and Mr.Ford.Great, we can play football with them.Hey, Paul!

5.新概念青少版1A期末测试卷1 篇五


一、词汇。根据句意及首字母提示完成单词,每短线一字母 1.It isn’t old, it’s n__ __.2.Karen is William’s w__ __ __.3.It isn’t clean, it’s d__ __ __ __.4.This is a fast car, Wow, what a s__ __ __ __.5.We aren’t late, we’re e__ __ __ __.6.Oh, d__ __ __!The school bus is full.7.He isn’t thirsty, he is h__ __ __ __ __.8.A car has four w__ __ __ __ __.9.The woman with the black u__ __ __ __ __ __ __ is Karen.10.An a__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ Works in a bank.11.Claire is a b__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ girl.12.We can take photos(照相)with a c__ __ __ __ __.13.They aren’t cheap, they’re e__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __.14.Lucy is Karen’s d__ __ __ __ __ __ __.15.The bus isn’t full, its e__ __ __ __.16.My f__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ sport is football.17.Her bag isn’t heavy, it is l__ __ __ __.18.Please tell me your m__ __ __ __ __ numbers.19.LuXun is a great w__ __ __ __ __.20.Our English teacher isn’t old, she is y__ __ __ __



1、Are you a student? ____ A.Yes, I’m not.B.No, I am.C.Yes, I am.()2.Whose is this pen? It’s___ A.Lucy



()3.Is there a house near the river? ___.A.Yes, it is.B.No, there is.C.No, there isn’t.()4.Our school buses ___ all full of people.A.is B.are C.am()5.What ’s ___ your bag? My bag is full of books.A.on


C.in()6.Jump in, and ___ your books in, too!A.put


C.look()7.____ an interesting tie, Robert.A.This B.These C.That ’s()8.___ are funny shoes.A.That


C.Those()9.Are there any apples on the table? ___.A.Yes, there is.B.Yes, there are

C.Yes, there aren’t.()10.Are you ___ a hurry? A.in B.on



()11.We can play football ___them.A.on


C.with()12.No, not that one, the ___ on the table.A.an


C.ones()13.You’re the captain ___ one side, Robert.A.with


C.on()14.The cupboard is full ___ bowls.A.on


C.for()15.He’s ___ art teacher.A.a


C.an()16.It’s ___ English book.A.any


C.a()17.ZhaoWei is ___famous actress.A.an


C.some()18.There is a rabbit ___front ___ the car.A.on with

B.in for

C.in of()19.Which socks are Paul’s? the white ones___the black____? A.of one

B.or ones

C.or socks()20.Hurry up!Lucy, we’re late.-----Never ___.It’s early now.A.mind


C.thing 三.根据答案写问题

1._______________________________________________________________________________? There are 1200 students in our school.2._______________________________________________________________________________? That cat is Lucy’s.3._______________________________________________________________________________? The man in the classroom? That’s our teacher, Baker.4._______________________________________________________________________________? No, I’m not hungry.5._______________________________________________________________________________? I am a teacher, not a student.(用选择疑问句提问)6.________________________________________________________________________________? His new football is black and white.7.________________________________________________________________________________? The long one(pencil)is Robert’s.(用特殊疑问句和选择疑问句提问)8.________________________________________________________________________________? It’s eight o’clock.9.________________________________________________________________________________? Yes, there is.(There is an apple on the desk.)10._______________________________________________________________________________? Under the bed? A cat.参考答案:




1.Washington 2.pyjamas, socks, shirts 3.Gary,Tom,Claire 4.friends 5.art Ⅱ

1.new 2.wife 3.dirty 4.speed 5.early 6.dear 7.hungry 8.wheels 9.umbrella 10.accountant 11.beautiful 12.camera 13.expensive 14.daughter 15.empty 16.favourite 17.light 18.mobile 19.writer 20.young Ⅲ

1.C 2.B 3.C 4.B 5.C 6.A 7.C 8.C 9.B 10.A 11.C 12.B 13.C 14.B 15.C 16.B 17.B 18.C 19.B 20.A Ⅳ

6.新概念英语青少版教案 篇六



一、Teaching contents and demands 1.Lesson 5 Dialogue Part 2 2.Lesson 6 Words Demands:Recite the text and try to make a dialogue.Make sentences according to the words.二、Difficult points 1.形容词性物主代词 2.介词的运用

三、Teaching procedure Step1.Greetings Step2.Sing English songs.Step3.Revision 1.Lesson1—3Words a.Fast reaction b.Chinese and English c.Make sentences with the word 2.Texts a.Answer my questions b.Translate my sentences

c.Recite the dialogue together 3.Have a dictation Step4.New text(T prepares three pictures)Picture 1:T inputs:What’s this?What can you see in the picture?Who’s that girl?(the girl on the red bicycle)Ss answer.(T put the name behind the picture)Guide Ss:That’s Lucy Jenkins.And she’s Robert’sister.Practice:Read after T;Answer my questions;Fast reading;Translate my sentences Picture 2:T inputs:What can you see in the picture?Look at that young man.Where is the young man? Ss answer.(Key words:in,old car)T:Who is he?(T put the name behind the picture)----That’s Paul.Paul is Lucy’s cousin.Practice:Read after T;Answer my questions;Translate my sentences.Picture 3:T :So we know.Paul is Robert’s cousin,too.Robert is Lucy’s brother.And Paul is their cousin.T: What does Paul do?---------He’s a student.Practice: Read after T;Answer my questions;Fast reading;Translate my sentences Practice:1.Read after T.Little T

3.Chinese and English 4.Fast reading,Dragon reading.Step 5:Answer the questions on page 21&Ask questions about the text Step 6:L esson 6 Words Horse :l律动

cat…dog…horse….yellow :T asks:What color is the….?

tell me about Mary/you/Beijing.taxi

Practice:Read after T;Fast reaction


一、Teaching contents and demands 1.Lesson 6 Text 2.Exercise(Demands:make sentences according to the words and phrases)

二、Difficult points 1.Numbers 2.Mater the way of answering the questions

三、Teaching procedure Step 1.Review the words.Step 2,Listen to the tape and finish the first part

Step 3:Pattern Practicecombine with the pictures on Page 23 1.A:Who is that boy?

B:Which boy? A:The boy on the silver bicycle.B:That is/That’s Roberts.Man boy girl Youngman

woman That is =That’s

Read together and have role play/ 2.A:Is Robert’s bicycle grey?

B:No.it isn’t.A:Is his bicycle silver?

B:Yes,it is.Color:grey



black yellow white Bicycle horse car taxi umbrella bag positive answer:Yes,it is.Negative answer:No,it isn’t.3.A: Tell me about Robert/

B:He’s the boy on the bicycle.A:What color is his bicycle>?

B:It’s silver.Practice:1.Read together

2,Fast reading

3.Role play

4.Let Ss make sentnces Step 3 Written exercise.&Write the conversation


Teaching contents:Review Lesson1----6

7.新概念英语入门级教案 篇七

Unit 6 This is my family!

课题:This is my family!教学目标:

1.学会oa, ow及oi, oy的自然发音[əʊ]、[ɔi].2.学会向他人介绍自己的家人朋友。

3.掌握重点词汇:mom, dad, sister, brother, friend..教具准备:1.DVD及教案。教学过程:


2.oa as o

boat coat;

3.ow as o window low;4.oi

oil soil;5.oy as oi boy toy.2.在白板上贴好family tree,请小朋友上讲台尽其所能来指出各位家庭成员。在这个过程之后,教授mom, dad, sister, brother, friend.的读法。

3.视听DVD,学习课文内容,学会表达:This is my(mom).4.根据课文内容分角色表演课文对话。



8.新概念英语第一次课教案 篇八



《新概念英语》第二册是由经典而幽默的96个小故事组成,每个故事都集中体现了1-2种语法项目,本课堂设计以第一课(A Private Conversation悄悄话)为例:

教学目的和要求:使学生能熟练掌握一般过去式的用法及形容词副词的区别 交际句型:What did you do last week? Where did you go last week? Could you hear well? Didn’t you go to the cinema last night?

How did the young man behind the writer behave at the theatre?

交际词汇:theater, play, cinema, movie,enjoy,ticket, stadium, stage, loud, loudly, angry, angrily 教具:一张放大的课文图片,录音机,磁带,VCD(动漫部分)

教学步骤1,故事简介:以简短对话“热身”,即为交际法教学之引入,3-5分钟。以学生上课前之间的交谈为情景,教师问学生(简称T--S):“What are they doing?” 学生可能回答,“They are talking”, 教师进一步问:“What are they talking about? ”,学生可能回答“I don’t know.” 类似,教师让学生问教师(简称S--T):“What are you doing?” 教师让学生问学生(简称S--S),“What are you talking about?”学生回答:“It’s a secret.”。教师说,“ Oh, it’s a private conversation.”,或提示引入conversation(talk),并根据学生程度,铺垫出:a girl’s talk, a guy’s thing, a secret talk, a pillow talk, a private talk。从学生现有水平向教学要求靠拢,尽量开门见山而又不失风趣。在与学生互动交流中帮助学生理解private的含义,直奔主题。学生既了解不同的conversation(talk),更对故事内容充满了期待。

教学步骤2,看图说话,5-8分钟。调动学生已有英语进行交际,为讲解课文作情景(非语言性上下文)输入。教师充分利用教材插图,引导学生对图片进行描述(What do you think is happening in the picture?),由theater为出发点,对学生提问,1)When did you go to the theater last time? 2)Where did you go? 3)What did you see? 4)What’s the name? 5)Did you enjoy it? 6)Who’s sitting behind / in front of you? 如学生程度较低,可设问 1)How many people can you see? 2)Where were they? 3)What were they doing?调动学生并帮助学生进行交际,为讲解课文设置了情景铺垫。在这个过程中教师也完成了一定的词汇输入(T—S),例如:last week, enjoy, behind, in front of, ticket, a good seat。学生在回答教师提问时也完成一定的句型输出(S—T)。

备选话题词汇:cinema, stadium, bank, shop等,(如条件许可,可备选一些类似插图)因为语言交际有惯性,不妨可以设置一些出人意料的回答,提高参与性。如:Last week I went to the cinema.It was a good film.But I did not enjoy it.Why? It was sold out.I was too late to get any ticket.教学步骤3,听力训练目标。约3-5分钟。设置一个问题,难易程度根据学生英语程度而定,变消极的泛听为积极地寻找答案。放1遍磁带(中间不停顿),让学生回答“Why did the writer complain(抱怨)to the people behind him?” 调动全班学生,鼓励猜测,让预习的学生尝到甜头。如学生程度较高,参与性较好,可临时追加几个问题。1)Did the writer hear the young man & the woman? 2)How many times did he turn round? 在教学过程中,教师的肢体语言总是很重要的,如:用动作、手势、表情,它不仅能帮助学生理解英文,还能消除学生学习异国语言可能产生的焦虑情绪。


1)教师重放磁带(中间有停顿),学生程度较好,可按小段分割课文,每一小段由几句内容关联的句子组成。学生程度较低则按句子为单位处理课文。教师设计场景,让学生自觉运用过去式进行表达。总的原则仍为T—S, S—T, S—S.如老师问学生“What did you do last week? ”。学生问教师后互相提问:“What did you do last week? ”教师再问学生:”What did he do last week?” 教师引导学生时用:Ask me if I went to the theatre last week.2)教师在讲解课文的同时作一些过去式处理如:see--saw, go--went, have---had, get--got, can--could, say--said 3)教师在讲解课文的同时进行一定的扩展front≠back, boring≠interesting, seat≠chair, be interesting≠be interested(in)等。

4)操练同一种意思的不同表达方式bear, stand, endure,put up with;enjoy, like;at last, in the end;pay attention, notice等。5)操练形容词和副词的不同用法angry--angrily, loud--loudly, rude--rudely, quick--quickly slow--slowly, quiet--quietly, careful--carefully, easy--easily


1)教师设计控制性讨论的问题,如:If you were the writer, what would you do?引出学生的不同反应,并让学生体会出语言的差别,如: It’s none of your business!(rude), It has nothing to do with you.(a little polite),None of your rudeness.(rude), This is not a hang-out place.等。

2)教师设计开放性问题,如:If you are sitting behind, what will you do? If you are answered rudely, what will you do? What sort of things make you angry? 3)教师充分利用板书提示,last week—went to---a good seat等等,帮助学生运用正确的语法复述故事,再次检验学生的学习效果。

4)教师最后提出问题,如:Why didn’t the writer enjoy the play? Why did the young man complain about the writer? What couldn’t he hear well, the actors or the couple? 检


教学步骤6,练习处理Comprehension and Structure约5分钟。布置家庭作业(与教材配套Workbook)。适可能补充巩固性练习:写作。短语:

go to the theatre 去看戏 类似的短语还有:

9.新概念英语青少版教案 篇九



Lesson 4 An exciting trip

Period 1








1.Found out the words that you don’t know and circle them.2.Read the text and try to answer the questions.四、教学过程 Step 1 1.Look at the picture, and have a discuss about it : What can you see in the picture ? Can you guess what the passage is about? 2.Listen to the tape and circle the words you don’t know.3.Learn the words in groups.(Use your dictionary if you need)Step 2 1.Listen to the tape again, and then answer some questions.(P24)2.Ask and answer : Ask your classmates some questions according to the passage and then ask some Ss to answer.Step 3 1.Try to read the passage correctly by yourself.2.Read the passage to your desk-mate.3.Ask some students to read aloud before the whole class.Step 4 Try to retell the story according to some key words.五、课后作业 1.Retell the story.2.Preview the key structure.六、小结与反思


Period 2







三、教学过程 Step1 高一英语备课组


2017.9 Find out some important words and phrases that you are interested in and then use your dictionary to understand the meaning and usage of them.(Group work)Step2 1 Share your works with other groups 1)find ….exciting/ interesting/boring/….We find football games interesting among boys.2)a number of / a lot of / lots of

the number of

____________________ students are reading in the classroom.____________________ students are 150.____________________ water is wasted around the world.3)in the centre of…/ in the middle of…/ in the north/south of……

Shaoguan ______________ of Gangdong province.The big tree _____________ of the garden.4)for / since

I have learnt English _______ 20 years.I have learnt English ________ 1998.5)just / never / ever / already

I have ____ had my breakfast, so I am full now.He ______ dreamt about being a teacher.Have you _______ been to America.They have __________ finished their homework.Step3 完成阅读理解P27练习

1、Do the exercises on P27.2、Try to use the useful phrases to make a sentence.四、课后作业





Period 3









2017.9 1.I have just received a letter from my brother, Tim.2.He has just bought an Australian car and has gone to Alice Springs.3.He has been there for six months.4.He has already visited a great number of different places.5.My brother has never been abroad before.思考:这些句子有何共同点?

三、教学过程 Step 1 1 Learn these words used in the sentences: just, never, for six months, yet, already, ever, so far, lately………(pay attention: where are these words used in sentences?)2 Finish some exercises using the words above.(1)I have had breakfast(just)

(2)He has been in prison.(for six months)(3)The police have not caught the thief(yet)(4)I haven’t seen George.(5)You have asked that question three times(already)(6)Have you been to Switzerland?(ever)(7)He is a wonderful runner and he has broken two records.(8)I have been to Switzerland.(never)Step 2 1.Try to be give the correct form of the verbs in parentheses according to the passage you learnt.(exercise B on P25)2.Exercises Two : what is happening? What has happened?(complete the sentence follow the example)The bell is ringing-----------The bell has just rung.(1)He is leaving the house.(2)He is having breakfast(3)She is writing a letter.(4)

My sister is turning on the radio(5)

My brother is making the bed.(6)She is buying a new hat.Step 3 Finish Exercise D&E on P26 Homework Translate the sentences.1、她在美国已经呆了十六年了。









Lesson 5 No wrong numbers

Period 1








1.Talk about what you know about ways of communication between people.2.Found out the words that you don’t know and circle them in the passage.3.Read the text and try to answer the questions on P28-29

六、教学过程 Step 1 1.Greetings.2.Free talk : How do you contact with your family and your friends daily?

What about other ways for that? Step 2 1.Show a picture:

What’s in the picture? What do they do in your opinion? 2.Listen to the tape, answer the questions:(1)What does the title mean?(2)Where has Mr Scott opened his second garage?(3)Where is his first one?(4)How far away is Sibury?(5)Can Mr.Scott get a telephone for his new garage or not ?(6)What has he bought?(7)In how many minutes do they carry messages from one garage to the other? Step 3 Ask questions Write the answers of the questions above and then ask each student to ask Step 4 1.Read the text together and then ask some students to read aloud.2.Try to retell the story according to key words.五、课后作业

1、Retell the story.2、Finish the exercises on P31






Period 2







三、在课文中找出下列短语。教学过程 Step 1 Check the homework.1.Read the passage together.2.Discuss some difficult words or phrases and sentences in your group and then show them to the whole class.Step 2 Group work(on the Bb)1.no / not

I had __________ money at all when I was in the shop yesterday I did _________ recognize him when I was in the shop yesterday.2.mean What does the word ___________?

Do you know the ___________ of the word? I don’t __________ that.3.the other another others

I have two sisters.One is a doctor , ______________ is a lawyer.The bag is broken.Can I change ____________ one ? Some students are reading under the tree._________________ are running in the playground.4 for(think about the usage of “for”)I have got an apple _______ you.There is a room only ________ reading.The cake is ________ your birthday.5 in(在时间之内)The birds covered the distance ______ five minutes.The police will come _______ one minute if there is a ring.6 cover

The country _________ about 980,000 square kilometer.The mountain ______________ by heavy snow.7 a great many / a lot of / lots of/ a great number of

_______________________ students are from countryside.________________________ water are under the ground.Step 3 练习

Finish some exercise on the screen.四、课后作业 高一英语备课组


2017.9 Try to make a similar sentence using the new words learnt today.课堂小结:本课主要学习课文词汇,多数词汇学生都掌握了基本用法,而对于一些衍生用法缺乏认知,高考文章中多存在一些词汇的衍生用法,因此也应该为学生所掌握。

Period 3






三、教学过程 Step 1


2、每个小组派同学上台交流展示 Step 2

1、Read the following sentences and find the diffence/(1)I wrote to him last month(2)I bought this car last year.(3)He came to see me this morning(4)I saw him ten minutes ago.(5)The train has just left the station(6)I have already seen that film(7)He has been abroad for six month(8)Have you ever met him before?(9)I have never seen him before.(10)I have not finished work yet(11)There have been a great number of accidents lately.(12)Up till now he has won five prizes.2 Underline the verbs in the sentences above and discuss in group: where are they different? Step3

Make a conclusion 一般过去时:

表示过去某一特定时间发生的事情或者动作,因此,句中常有表示过去某一刻的短语。如:yesterday, last week , last year, ten years ago…….(1)I _______________(go)and picked him up at the airport ten minutes before.(2)She ___________(carry)a black bag last night.(3)Lily __________(make)a big decision when she was young/(4)They often __________(swim)in the river ten years ago(5)No one __________(drive)a car yesterday.We went there by bus.现在完成时:

现在完成时用来表示发生在过去但对现在仍有影响的一个动作。也常用一些表示时间的词和短语:just already for six months ever before never before yet lately up till now since…..by now …..(1)She _________________(finish)her work and can go with us for our picnic.高一英语备课组


2017.9(2)We _________________(buy)six companies up till now.(3)No one _________________(escape)from the prison since it was built.(4)Many people ________________(go)out before the earthquake hit.(5)He ___________________(meet)his parents since he was born.Step 4 Finish the exercises on P29-30 2 More exercises on the screen.Homework
