1.GRE阅读猜生词技巧实例讲解 篇一
1. 多看学术性专业文章加强词汇基础
2. 联系上下文猜测词义
3. 根据作者态度大致判断词意
4. 看不懂生词也可以做成定位标记
5. 摆脱对字典的依赖独立应对
Historically, a cornerstone of classical empiricism has been the notion that every true generalization must be confirmable by specific observations. In classical empiricism, the truth of “All balls are red,” for example, is assessed by inspecting balls; any observation of a non red ball refutes unequivocally the proposed generalization.
For W. V. O. Quine, however, this constitutes an overly “narrow” conception of empiricism. “All balls are red,” he maintains, forms one strand within an entire web of statements (our knowledge); individual observations can be referred only to this web as a whole. As new observations are collected, he explains, they must be integrated into the web. Problems occur only if a contradiction develops between a new observation, say, “That ball is blue,” and the preexisting statements. In that case, he argues, any statement or combination of statements (not merely the “offending” generalization, as in classical empiricism) can be altered to achieve the fundamental requirement, a system free of contradictions, even if, in some cases, the alteration consists of labeling the new observation a “hallucination.”
17. The author of the passage is primarily concerned with presenting
(A) criticisms of Quine’s views on the proper conceptualization of empiricism
(B) evidence to support Quine’s claims about the problems inherent in classical empiricism
(C) an account of Quine’s counterproposal to one of the traditional assumptions of classical empiricism
(D) an overview of classical empiricism and its contributions to Quine’s alternate understanding of empiricism
(E) a history of classical empiricism and Quine’s reservations about it
18. According to Quine’s conception of empiricism, if a new observation were to contradict some statement already within our system of knowledge, which of the following would be true?
(A) The new observation would be rejected as untrue.
(B) Both the observation and the statement in our system that it contradicted would be discarded.
(C) New observations would be added to our web of statements in order to expand our system of knowledge.
(D) The observation or some part of our web of statements would need to be adjusted to resolve the contradiction.
(E) An entirely new field of knowledge would be created.
19. As described in the passage, Quine’s specific argument against classical empiricism would be most strengthened if he did which of the following?
(A) Provided evidence that many observations are actually hallucinations.
(B) Explained why new observations often invalidate preexisting generalizations.
(C) Challenged the mechanism by which specific generalizations are derived from collections of particular observations.
(D) Mentioned other critics of classical empiricism and the substance of their approaches.
(E) Gave an example of a specific generalization that has not been invalidated despite a contrary observation.
20. It can be inferred from the passage that Quine considers classical empiricism to be “overly ‘narrow’ ” (lines 7-8) for which of the following reasons?
I. Classical empiricism requires that our system of generalizations be free of contradictions.
II. Classical empiricism demands that in the case of a contradiction between an individual observation and a generalization, the generalization must be abandoned.
III. Classical empiricism asserts that every observation will either confirm an existing generalization or initiate a new generalization.
(A) II only
(B) I and II only
(C) I and III only
(D) II and III only
(E) I, II, and III
Until recently astronomers have been puzzled by the fate of red giant (red giant: n. 〈天〉红巨星a star that has low surface temperature and a diameter that is large relative to the sun) and supergiant stars. When the core of a giant star whose mass surpasses 1.4 times the present mass of our Sun (M⊙) exhausts its nuclear fuel, it is unable to support its own weight and collapses into a tiny neutron star (a hypothetical dense celestial object that consists primarily of closely packed neutrons and that results from the collapse of a much larger stellar body). The gravitational energy released during this implosion of the core blows off (blow off: v.吹掉, 放出) the remainder of the star in a gigantic explosion, or a supernova. Since around 50 percent of all stars are believed to begin their lives with masses greater than 1.4M⊙, we might expect that one out of every two stars would die as a supernova. But in fact, only one star in thirty dies such a violent death. The rest expire much more peacefully as planetary nebulas. Apparently most massive stars manage to lose sufficient material that their masses drop below the critical value of 1.4 M⊙ before they exhaust their nuclear fuel.
Evidence supporting this view comes from observations of IRC+10216, a pulsating giant star (a star of great luminosity and of large mass) located 700 light-years away from Earth. A huge rate of mass loss (1 M⊙ every 10,000 years) has been deduced from infrared observations of ammonia (NH3) molecules located in the circumstellar cloud around IRC+10216. Recent microwave observations of carbon monoxide (CO) molecules indicate a similar rate of mass loss and demonstrate that the escaping material extends outward from the star for a distance of at least one light-year. Because we know the size of the cloud around IRC+10216 and can use our observations of either NH3 or CO to measure the outflow velocity, we can calculate an age for the circumstellar cloud. IRC+10216 has apparently expelled, in the form of molecules and dust grains, a mass equal to that of our entire Sun within the past ten thousand years. This implies that some stars can shed huge amounts of matter very quickly and thus may never expire as supernovas. Theoretical models as well as statistics on supernovas and planetary nebulas suggest that stars that begin their lives with masses around 6 M⊙ shed sufficient material to drop below the critical value of 1.4 M⊙. IRC+10216, for example, should do this in a mere 50,000 years from its birth, only an instant in the life of a star.
But what place does IRC+10216 have in stellar evolution? Astronomers suggest that stars like IRC+10216 are actually “protoplanetary nebulas”—old giant stars whose dense cores have almost but not quite rid themselves of the fluffy envelopes of gas around them. Once the star has lost the entire envelope, its exposed core becomes the central star of the planetary nebula (a usually compact luminous ring-shaped nebula that is composed of matter which has been ejected from a hot star at its center) and heats and ionizes the last vestiges of the envelope as it flows away into space. This configuration is a full-fledged planetary nebula, long familiar to optical astronomers.
21. The primary purpose of the passage is to
(A) offer a method of calculating the age of circumstellar clouds
(B) describe the conditions that result in a star’s expiring as a supernova
(C) discuss new evidence concerning the composition of planetary nebulas
(D) explain why fewer stars than predicted expire as supernovas
(E) survey conflicting theories concerning the composition of circumstellar clouds
22. The passage implies that at the beginning of the life of IRC+10216, its mass was approximately
(A) 7.0 M⊙
(B) 6.0 M⊙
(C) 5.0 M⊙
(D) 1.4 M⊙
(E) 1.0 M⊙
23. The view to which line 18 refers serves to
(A) reconcile seemingly contradictory facts
(B) undermine a previously held theory
(C) take into account data previously held to be insignificant
(D) resolve a controversy
(E) question new methods of gathering data
24. It can be inferred from the passage that the author assumes which of the following in the discussion of the rate at which IRC+10216 loses mass?
(A) The circumstellar cloud surrounding IRC+10216 consists only of CO and NH3 molecules.
(B) The circumstellar cloud surrounding IRC+10216 consists of material expelled from that star.
(C) The age of a star is equal to that of its circumstellar cloud.
(D) The rate at which IRC+10216 loses mass varies significantly from year to year.
(E) Stars with a mass greater than 6 M⊙ lose mass at a rate faster than stars with a mass less than 6 M⊙ do.
25. According to information provided by the passage, which of the following stars would astronomers most likely describe as a planetary nebula?
(A) A star that began its life with a mass of 5.5 M⊙, has exhausted its nuclear fuel, and has a core that is visible to astronomers
(B) A star that began its life with a mass of 6 M⊙, lost mass at a rate of 1 M⊙ per 10,000 years, and exhausted its nuclear fuel in 40,000 years
(C) A star that has exhausted its nuclear fuel, has a mass of 1.2 M⊙, and is surrounded by a circumstellar cloud that obscures its core from view
(D) A star that began its life with a mass greater than 6 M⊙, has just recently exhausted its nuclear fuel, and is in the process of releasing massive amounts of gravitational energy
(E) A star that began its life with a mass of 5.5 M⊙, has yet to exhaust its nuclear fuel, and exhibits a rate of mass loss similar to that of IRC+10216
26. Which of the following statements would be most likely to follow the last sentence of the passage?
(A) Supernovas are not necessarily the most spectacular events that astronomers have occasion to observe.
(B) Apparently, stars that have a mass of greater than 6 M⊙ are somewhat rare.
(C) Recent studies of CO and NH3 in the circumstellar clouds of stars similar to IRC+10216 have led astronomers to believe that the formation of planetary nebulas precedes the development of supernovas.
(D) It appears, then, that IRC+10216 actually represents an intermediate step in the evolution of a giant star into a planetary nebula.
(E) Astronomers have yet to develop a consistently accurate method for measuring the rate at which a star exhausts its nuclear fuel.
27. Which of the following titles best summarizes the content of the passage?
(A) New Methods of Calculating the Age of Circumstellar Clouds
(B) New Evidence Concerning the Composition of Planetary Nebulas
(C) Protoplanetary Nebula: A Rarely Observed Phenomenon
(D) Planetary Nebulas: An Enigma to Astronomers
(E) The Diminution of a Star’s Mass: A Crucial Factor in Stellar Evolution
2.雅思阅读判断题技巧实例讲解 篇二
例如:Q18 Disease-spreading pests respond more quickly to pesticides than agricultural pests do.(CAM8/TEST4/PASSAGE2),原文:According to a recent study by the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), more than 300 species of agricultural pests have developed resistance to a wide range of potent chemicals.
原文:联合国粮食及农业组织(FAO)最近的一项研究显示,超过300种的农业害虫已经对多种强效杀虫剂产生了抗药性。更严重的是,在传播疾病的害虫中,约有100种已经对多种正在使用的杀虫剂产生了免疫力。原文虽然讲到了两种害虫的抗药性,但是并没有进行比较。答案选NOT GIVEN.
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
January February March April May June July August
September October November December
term semester session lecture
tutorial course compulsory course
obligatory course orientation summary
accommodation reception enrollment
registration breakfast lunch
supper dinner university
institute college school
professor supervisor nationality
administration building local music
scientific research
notice board library pink slip
information desk pence essay plans
research paper documental quiz
sports corporation crime individual
company oil explosion serious result
mass media academic intentionally
aware literary theory system
astrology astronomy
about替换词有approximately、approaching、close to
重大的:significant great dramatic considerable substantial 明显的: noticeable remarkable
急剧的:rapid sharp steep abrupt突然的, sudden 轻微的:little slight slow light 大概的:general moderate
词组运用: 急剧增长: jump up rapidly rise dramatically a significant ascent 急剧下降: decrease sharply a steep drop
fall considerably 轻微的变化:
a gradual descent (下降) a slow fluctuation(波动) a slight rebound(反弹)
reflected in…表明了
within the…在…里面
similarly with…与…相似地
show a…显示了
In contrast,…相反地
Compared with…与…相比较
marked difference显示了…不同
a notable exception 很明显的例外之处是…
party-goer/party animal常去派对的人
stag night/bachelor party单身派对(男士)
hen night/wedding shower(女士)单身派对
fancy dress party/costume party化妆舞会
house warming party/kitchen shower搬家舞会
dinner party聚餐
3.dress code着装要求:
formal clothe正式服装
casual/leisure clothe休闲服
swallow-tailed coat燕尾服
evening dress/dinner suit晚礼服
school uniform 校服
swimming suit游泳衣
sneaker/trainer运动鞋 sandal凉鞋
spare socks备用袜子
Shopping center/mall购物中心
department store百货商店
grocery store杂货店
free parking lot免费停车点
online shopping 网购
mail order邮购
single item单件物品
special offer特殊优惠
on sale/promotion 促销
stuffed toys毛绒玩具
pressure 压力
anxiety 焦虑
intention 意图
lonely 寂寞的
unaware 未意识到的
upset 心烦的
doctor 医生
dentist 牙医
injection 注射
stick 棍子
painkiller 止痛药
chin 下巴
ankle 踝关节
knee 膝盖
brain 大脑
lung 肺
waist 腰
toe 脚趾
elbow 肘部
neck 脖子
eyeball 眼球
belly 肚子
wrist 手腕
palm 手掌
finger 手指
fingernail 指甲
disease 疾病
stomachache 胃疼
flu 流感
sick 恶心的
allergic 对 ... 过敏的
yellow fever 黄热病
bad eyesight 视力欠佳
diet 伙食
scar 伤痕
headache 头疼
cold 寒冷的
insomnia 失眠症
back pain 背疼
be allergic to seafood 对海鲜过敏
chest infection 胸腔感染
food allergies 食物过敏症
fitness level 健康水平
3.新GRE填空4大题型实例讲解 篇三
1. 单空题
Even though six players had been injured, the coach announced to the assembled reporters that the team would ______ the championship.
(A) ignore
(B) win
(C) overcome
(D) demand
(E) refuse
2. 两空题,每个空格三选一的多选题,全对才给分。
Although Johnson ______ great enthusiasm for his employees project, in reality his interest in the project was so ______ as to be almost non-existent.
Blank (i) Blank (ii)
A generated D preemptive
B demanded E redundant
C feigned F perfunctory
3. 三空题,每个空格三选一的多选题, 全对才给分。
Currently, legal scholars agree that in some cases legal rules do not specify a definite outcome. These scholars believe that such (i)___ results from the (ii)___of language: the boundaries of the application of a term are often unclear. Nevertheless, they maintain that the system of legal rules by and large rests on clear core meanings that do determine definite outcomes for most cases. Contrary to this view, an earlier group of legal philosophers, called “realists,” argued that (iii)___ pervades every part of the law.
A definition D circumstantiality G uncertainty
B indeterminacy E vagueness H speculation
C homogeneousness F nuance I enforceness
4. 句子等价题,单空题,六选二的多选题,选出的答案要让使句子的意思接近, 全对才给分。
Always circumspect, she reluctant to make judgments, but once arriving at a conclusion, she was _____ in its defense.
(A) uncompromising
(B) nonplussed
(C) obsequious
(D) intransigent
(E) deferential
(F) negligent
既然GRE填空主要考词汇,那么考生是不是只要背好单词就能做好填空了呢?在新GRE的考试准备中,尤其是针对填空题的准备,很多学生都会不自觉地走进一个备考误区,感觉做每一道题时,自己做错的原因就是单词不认识,如果单词认识了就能选对,所以就大家把主要的备考精力都放在单词记忆上。但是学生很快就会发现,自己背了又忘,忘了又再背,直到快要考试的时候才开始做题,这个时候才意识到,自己真正能记住的单词就只有红宝书前面的几个单词表。这样的备考方法是绝对错误的 ,它不仅效率低下,而且非常的浪费时间,因为考生一方面在背单词的时候背了很多生僻的词而不自知,这些词新GRE根本就不会考到;另一方面,考生就算背了单词,知道做题解题技巧,抓不住句子的逻辑和关键词,一样无法答对题目,拿不到分数。
1. Usually the first to spot data that were inconsistent with other findings, in this particular experiment she let a number of______results slip by.
(A) inaccurate
(B) verifiable
(C) redundant
(D) salient
(E) anomalous
2. Many artists believe that successful imitation, far from being symptomatic of a lack of______, is the first step in learning to be creative.
(A) elegance
(B) resolution
(C) goodness
(D) originality
(E) sympathy
3. The sheer diversity of tropical plants represents a seemingly______source of raw materials, of which only a few have been utilized.
(A) exploited
(B) quantifiable
(C) controversial
(D) inexhaustible
(E) remarkable
4. Because no comprehensive______exist regarding personal reading practices, we do not know, for example, the greatest number of books read in an individual lifetime.
(A) records
(B) instincts
(C) accounts
(D) remedies
(E) proposals
5. It is his dubious distinction to have proved what nobody would think of denying, that Romero at the age of sixty-four writes with all the characteristics of______.
(A) maturity
(B) fiction
(C) inventiveness
(D) art
(E) brilliance
6. Demonstrating a mastery of innuendo, he issued several______insults in the course of the evening’s conversation.
(A) blunt
(B) veiled
(C) fallacious
(D) boisterous
(E) disguised
7. Edith Wharton sought in her memoir to present herself as having achieved a harmonious wholeness by having______the conflicting elements of her life.
(A) affirmed
(B) reconciled
(C) highlighted
(D) resolved
(E) identified
8.Animals that have tasted unpalatable plants tend to______them afterward on the basis of their most conspicuous features, such as their flowers.
(A) recognize
(B) hoard
(C) trample
(D) retrieve
(E) identify
9. The notion that cultural and biological influences______determine cross-cultural diversity is discredited by the fact that, in countless aspects of human existence, it is cultural programming that overwhelmingly accounts for cross-population variance.
(A) jointly
(B) completely
(C) directly
(D) equally
(E) evenly
分析:空格填入一个副词,修饰“决定(determine)”,并且与“文化和生物影响(cultural and biological influences)”以及“跨文化多样性(cross-cultural diversity)”有关。Is discredited by表示前后是对比关系,所以空格应该体现和“压倒性的(overwhelmingly)”相反的含义。A共同地;B完全地;C直接地;D平等地;E最终地。D选项为正确答案。需要提醒的是,A选项是不对的,因为“共同”也存在某一个因素“压倒性”的情况。
1. In the seventeenth century, direct flouting of a generally accepted system of values was regarded as______, even as a sign of madness.
(A) adventurous
(B) frivolous
(C) willful
(D) impermissible
(E) irrational
2. As serious as she is about the bullfight, she does not allow respect to______her sense of whimsy when painting it.
(A) inspire
(B) provoke
(C) suppress
(D) attack
(E) satisfy
3. Despite assorted effusions to the contrary, there is no necessary link between scientific skill and humanism, and, quite possibly, there may be something of a______between them.
(A) generality
(B) fusion
(C) schism
(D) congruity
(E) dichotomy
4.By divesting himself of all regalities, the former king______the consideration that customarily protects monarchs.
(A) merited
(B) forfeited
(C) debased
(D) concealed
(E) relinquished
5. Vaillant, who has been particularly interested in the means by which people attain mental health, seems to be looking for______answers: a way to close the book on at least a few questions about human nature.
(A) temporary
(B) confused
(C) definitive
(D) personal
(E) derivative
6. Early critics of Emily Dickinson’s poetry mistook for simplemindedness the surface of artlessness that in fact she constructed with such______.
(A) astonishment
(B) craft
(C) cunning
(D) innocence
(E) naiveté
7. Any language is a conspiracy against experience in the sense that it is a collective attempt to______ experience by reducing it into discrete parcels.
(A) manage
(B) compress
(C) transcribe
(D) complicate
(E) amplify
8.Paradoxically, Robinson’s excessive denials of the worth of early works of science fiction suggest that she has become quite______them.
(A) enchanted by
(B) enamored of
(C) skeptical of
(D) offended by
E) reflective about
4.GRE阅读猜生词技巧实例讲解 篇四
1. 先看懂部分或整体句意
2. 找准句子之间的逻辑关系词
3. 选择符合前后句含义的选项
5.GRE阅读猜生词技巧实例讲解 篇五
2. 凭一己之见作为解题依据。GRE填空中所有的解题线索能且仅能来自题干本身,所以考生在做填空题的时候,切忌用题干以外的任何内容作为解题依据。简单来说就是题目说什么就选什么,不要人为添加自己的一些看法。题目哪怕说地球是方的,在解题中你也要克服吐槽本能,按照方的来思考。
3. 找不出解题线索。填空题目材料中包含的信息多样,有些较难的题目中又无明确提示解题线索的标志,必须理解句意才能确定地选出答案。这就要求考生多读书、学习、思考和积累,去了解一些背景知识。
1. 从ETS官方出品的指南其实就可以看出,GRE考试官方最认可的是“先攻一点,后及其余”的做题方法,并且对攻哪一点这个顺序没有限制。所以大家在解题时也不妨遵循这个原则,找到最合适的一点入手。
2. 在做题时第一步要分清楚上下句,分号、冒号等标点或者是各种连词都是分隔上下半句的标志;第二步就是寻找上下句结构对应的部分,找到空格的线索词。
3. 不要凑合用一些部分正确或者模棱两可的答案。GRE考试的一些选项总有勉强说的过去的理由,或者多空题其中一个空是正确的。但真正的答案肯定是完全没有漏洞,并且逻辑和问题上都合理且必然的选项。
4. ETS对填空的分析比较注重代入检查、核心词以及空格和核心词的搭配。所以大家做完题目最好把答案代入句子中再读一遍进行检查。
只要做好这3步 GRE填空高分就是这么简单
1. Only by ignoring decades of mismanagement and inefficiency could investors conclude that a fresh infusion of cash would provide anything more than a _____ solution to the company’s financial woes.
(A) fair
(B) temporary
(C) genuine
(D) realistic
(E) provisional
2. The well-trained engineer must understand fields as diverse as physics, economics, geology, and sociology; thus, an overly _____ engineering curriculum should be avoided
(A) narrow
(B) innovative
(C) competitive
(D) rigorous
(E) academic
3. Because they had expected the spacecraft Voyager 2 to be able to gather data only about the planets Jupiter and Saturn, scientists were _____the wealth of information it sent back from Neptune years after leaving Earth.
(A) anxious for
(B) confident in
(C) thrilled about
(D) keen on
(E) elated by
4. Dominant interests often benefit most from _____of governmental interference in business, since they are able to take care of themselves if left alone.
(A) intensification
(B) authorization
(C) centralization
(D) improvisation
(E) elimination
5. It was her view that the country’s problems had been _____ by foreign technocrats, so that to invite them to come back would be counterproductive.
(A) foreseen
(B) attacked
(C) ascertained
(D) exacerbated
(E) analyzed
6. Because they have been so dazzled by the calendars and the knowledge of astronomy possessed by the Mayan civilization, some anthropologists have _____ achievements like the sophisticated carved calendar sticks of the
Winnebago people.
(A) described
(B) acknowledged
(C) neglected
(D) overlooked
(E) defended
7. The English novelist William Thackeray considered the cult of the criminal so dangerous that he criticized Dickens’ Oliver Twist for making the characters in the thieves’ kitchen so______.
(A) threatening
(B) riveting
(C) engrossing
(D) conniving
(E) fearsome
8. Regardless of what______theories of politics may propound, there is nothing that requires daily politics to be clear, thorough, and consistent—nothing, that is, that requires reality to conform to theory.
(A) neat
(B) vague
(C) assertive
(D) casual
(E) tidy
9. Although normally _____, Alison felt so strongly about the issue that she put aside her reserve and spoke up at the committee meeting.
(A) diffident
(B) unassertive
(C) contentious
(D) facetious
(E) presumptuous
1. Although normally _____, Alison felt so strongly about the issue that she put aside her reserve and spoke up at the committee meeting.
(A) diffident
(B) unassertive
(C) contentious
(D) facetious
(E) presumptuous
2. The well-trained engineer must understand fields as diverse as physics, economics, geology, and sociology; thus, an overly _____ engineering curriculum should be avoided
(A) narrow
(B) innovative
(C) competitive
(D) rigorous
(E) academic
3. Only by ignoring decades of mismanagement and inefficiency could investors conclude that a fresh infusion of cash would provide anything more than a _____ solution to the company’s financial woes.
(A) fair
(B) temporary
(C) genuine
(D) realistic
(E) provisional
4. The English novelist William Thackeray considered the cult of the criminal so dangerous that he criticized Dickens’ Oliver Twist for making the characters in the thieves’ kitchen so______.
(A) threatening
(B) riveting
(C) engrossing
(D) conniving
(E) fearsome
5. It was her view that the country’s problems had been _____ by foreign technocrats, so that to invite them to come back would be counterproductive.
(A) foreseen
(B) attacked
(C) ascertained
(D) exacerbated
(E) analyzed
6. Because they have been so dazzled by the calendars and the knowledge of astronomy possessed by the Mayan civilization, some anthropologists have _____ achievements like the sophisticated carved calendar sticks of the
Winnebago people.
(A) described
(B) acknowledged
(C) neglected
(D) overlooked
(E) defended
7. Regardless of what______theories of politics may propound, there is nothing that requires daily politics to be clear, thorough, and consistent—nothing, that is, that requires reality to conform to theory.
(A) neat
(B) vague
(C) assertive
(D) casual
(E) tidy
8. Dominant interests often benefit most from _____of governmental interference in business, since they are able to take care of themselves if left alone.
(A) intensification
(B) authorization
(C) centralization
(D) improvisation
(E) elimination
9. Because they had expected the spacecraft Voyager 2 to be able to gather data only about the planets Jupiter and Saturn, scientists were _____the wealth of information it sent back from Neptune years after leaving Earth.
(A) anxious for
(B) confident in
(C) thrilled about
(D) keen on
(E) elated by
1. Although the passage of years has softened the initially hostile reaction to his poetry, even now only a few independent observers _____ his works.
(A) praise
(B) revile
(C) neglect
(D) scrutinize
(E) criticize
passage: n.(时间的)消逝,推移
soften: v.1.使变软,使软化,使缓和 2.使变暗,使变轻,使变淡 3.减轻,削弱
hostile: a.1.敌方的 2.怀敌意的,不友善的,不利的
revile: v.辱骂,痛斥
scrutinize: v.详细检查(观察),细看
2. The natural balance between prey and predator has been increasingly______, most frequently by human intervention.
(A) celebrated
(B) predicted
(C) observed
(D) disturbed
(E) questioned
3. Foucault’s rejection of the concept of continuity in Western thought, though radical, was not unique; he had _____ in the United States who, without knowledge of his work, developed parallel ideas.
(A) critics
(B) counterparts
(C) equivalents
(D) disciples
(E) readers
4. There is perhaps some truth in that waggish old definition of a scholar—a siren that calls attention to a fog without doing anything to______it.
(A) describe
(B) cause
(C) analyze
(D) dispel
(E) dissipate
5. Calculus, though still indispensable to science and technology, is no longer _____; it has an equal partner called discrete mathematics.
(A) preeminent
(B) pertinent
(C) beneficial
(D) essential
(E) pragmatic
6. While nurturing parents can compensate for adversity, cold or inconsistent parents may _____it.
(A) exacerbate
(B) neutralize
(C) aggravate
(D) eradicate
(E) ameliorate
7.Aptly enough, this work so imbued with the notion of changing times and styles has been constantly _____ over the years, thereby reflecting its own mutability.
(A) appreciated
(B) emulated
(C) altered
(D) criticized
(E) reprinted
6.GRE阅读难句背诵实例 篇六
32.One such novel idea is that of inserting into the chromosomesof plants discrete genes that are not a part of the plants’ naturalconstitution:specifically,the idea of inserting into nonleguminousplants the genes,if they can be identified and isolated,that fit theleguminous plants to be hosts for nitrogen-fixing bacteria. Hence,theintensified research on legumes.
33.It is one of nature’s great ironies that the availability ofnitrogen in the soil frequently sets an upper limit on plant growtheven though the plants’ leaves are bathed in a sea of nitrogen gas.
34.Unless they succeed,the yield gains of the Green Revolutionwill be largely lost even if the genes in legumes that equip thoseplants to enter into a symbiosis with nitrogen fixers are identifiedand isolated,and even if the transfer of those gene complexes,once theyare found, becomes possible.
除非他们能取得成功,不然的话,绿色革命的产量收益将在很大程度上损失殆尽,即使豆科植物中使这些植物有条件进入到与固氮细菌共生关系的基因可被辨识出来和分离开来的话,且即使这些基因综合体(gene complex),一旦被发现之后,其移植得以成为可能的话。
35.Its subject(to use Maynard Mack’s categories)is“life-as-spectacle,” for readers, diverted by its variousincidents,observe its hero Odysseus primarily from without;the tragicIliad,however,presents “life-as-experience”:readers are asked toidentify with the mind of Achilles,whose motivations render him a notparticularly likable hero.
7.GRE阅读猜生词技巧实例讲解 篇七
解释:首先解释一下几个词汇:versus:在这里不是前面的against的意思,它和后面的or都是“是….还是…”的意思,其英文释义为:in contrast to or as the alternative of free trade versus pretection 。court:招致(风险、失败),英文释义:to act as to invite or provoke (courts disaster).
分号前面的句子的主语被插入语“or critic-as-artist-or-scientist”分开,正常情况下应该是the subjectivity versus objectivity debate。这种名词修饰名词的情况在GRE和GMAT考试中是常见的,如前面讲过的句子中出现的mind-body problem.
最后的条件状语从句whichever side of the issue it favors看上去不难,但却不好理解,首先是whichever被提前的表示方法,相当于no matter it favors which side of the issue 的倒装,no matter被省略,which提前并改成了whichever,后面的side of the issue也被提前到主谓it favors之前,issue在此之前面的主要问题,即主观性还是客观性的问题,而it前面的名词太多,一下子不好辨别,其实就是指本句的主语her definition.
意群训练:For the woman who is a practitioner of feminist literary criticism, the subjectivity versus objectivity, or critic-as-artist-or-scientist, debate has special significance; for her, the question is not only academic, but political as well, and her definition will court special risks whichever side of the issue it favors.
8.GRE阅读猜生词技巧实例讲解 篇八
一般来说,题干长这样:“why does author mention ”注意这里的why不是定位文中的because来找答案,而是应采取这样一种思维即:题干作为一个细节,其存在的价值是为了支撑前面出现的观点,所以答案在题干细节出现的位置前面去找,也就是找到观点 (注意避开其他同样支撑观点的细节)
9.GRE考试背单词技巧性思路讲解 篇九
顾名思义,把一个词按自己便于记忆的方法拆分开,从而把这个词给记住。虽然不如词根词缀记忆如此有效,但是一旦遇到,效果依然很理想。比如:adamant这个词,意思为坚定的,我们可以把这个词拆解为三部分:a(一只)+dam(大坝)+ant(蚂蚁) →一只站在大坝上的蚂蚁,虽然说风浪很大,但它一依然屹立不到,自然就有坚定的感觉了。
1.苹果梨的罪过 tt
阵阵异香waft(飘浮) h
graft [^rB:ft] v.嫁接,移植 n.嫁接,移植,贪污
waft [wB:ft, wCft ] v.(在空中)飘浮,飘荡
shaft [ FB:ft ] n.箭杆,矛杆,长柄 v.苛待,欺骗
haft [hB:ft] n.(刀,斧等)柄
岂能被门hamper(妨碍) 用小棒把锁tamper(乱弄)
pamper [5pAmpE ] v.纵容,娇养
scamper [ 5skAmpE] v.奔跑,蹦蹦跳跳
hamper [5hAmpE] v.妨碍,束缚 n.(有盖的)大篮子
tamper [ 5tAmpE] v.乱弄,擅改
amass [E5mAs] v.积聚
encompass [in5kQmpEs] v.包围,包括
bypass [5baipB:s; (?@) 5baipAs] n.旁道,旁路 v.规避,绕过
trespass [5trespEs] n.v.(未经允许)闯入私人领地,非法侵入
dabble [ 5dAbl ] v.涉足,浅尝
rabble [ 5rAbl ] n.无秩序群众,乌合之众,暴民,下等人,平民
gabble [ 5^Abl ] v.急促而不清楚地说
babble [ 5bAbl ] v.唠叨,牙牙学语,言语模糊
hatch [hAtF] n.(门、地板或天花板上的)开口,船舱口,舱门,舱盖
batch [ bAtF] n.一炉,一批,大量
snatch [snAtF] n.v.抢,夺,攫取
thatch [ WAtF ] n.芦苇,茅草屋顶,茅草
bald [ bC:ld ] adj.秃的
emerald [5emErEld ] n.祖母绿,翡翠色 adj.翠绿色的
ribald [ 5ribEld ] adj.下流的,粗鄙的
scald [skC:ld ] v.烫伤,用热水消毒 n.烫伤
herald [5herEld ] n.传令官,传达者,预示 vt.宣布
superannuated [sju:pE5rAnjueitid] adj.陈旧无用的,年老不适于工作的
alienated [5eiljEneitid] adj.被疏远的,被隔开的
opinionated [ E5pinjEneitid ] adj.固执已见的
毒贩坐着coach (长途公共汽车)
携带一袋bleach (漂白剂) 还把毒品attach (附加)
不知警察approach (接近)
coach /kEutF/ n.长途公共汽车;教练v.教导,训练
bleach / bli:tF / v.漂白,使变白n.漂白剂
attach / E5tAtF / v.系住,连接,附加
approach / E5prEutF / v.接近,靠近;接洽,商谈n.进路,通道,入口
诸葛亮的sagacity(睿智) 吕布的salacity(好色)
pugnacity [pQ^`nAsEti ] n.好斗性
sagacity [ sE5^Asiti ] n.聪慧,睿智 salacity [sE5lAsiti ] n.好色,淫荡
tenacity [ti5nAsiti ] n.不屈不挠,坚持,固执,记性好
adage [ 5AdidV ] n.谚语,格言
appendage [E5pendidV ] n.附加物,附器,附肢
beverage [5bevE ridV ] n.饮料
assuage [ E5sweidV ] v.缓和,减轻,平息
人类食物本plain (简单的)
不过一些grain (谷物) 且受气候constrain
reclaim [ri5kleim] v.收回,纠正,教化,开垦(土地)
declaim [di5kleim] v.高谈阔论,雄辩,大声说话
acclaim [E5kleim ] v.欢呼,喝彩,称赞
maim [meim ] v.使残废
disclaim [dis5kleim] v.放弃(权利),否认
callow [5kAlEu ] adj.(鸟)羽毛未全的,(人)未成熟的
sallow [5sAlEu ] adj.病黄色的v.使发黄
wallow [ 5wClEu] n.泥沼,水洼,打滚 v.(猪等)在泥水中打滚,沉溺于
hallow [5hAlEu ] v.视为神圣,极尊敬
fallow [ 5fAlEu ] adj.休闲的,不生产的,闲置的
错误念头必须disabuse (纠正)
男友脾气好但也不能abuse (虐待)
disabuse [7disE5bju:z] v.去掉(某人)的错误念头,纠正
abuse [E5bju:z] v.n.滥用,妄用,虐待,辱骂
aggrandize [E5^rAndaiz] v.增大,扩张,加强
gormandize [5^C:mEndaiz] v.大吃,狼吞虎咽
先用一根cane (拐杖)
戳破御膳房pane (窗格玻璃)
cane / kein / n.拐杖
pane / pein / n.窗格玻璃,长方格
不仅天生apt (聪明的)
apt / Apt / adj. 聪明的,敏捷的,易于……的,适当的
rapt / rApt / adj. 着迷的,专心致志的
且在黑店tarry (逗留)
harry / 5hAri / v.袭扰,掠夺
tarry / 5tB:ri / v.逗留, 旅居
曾是杰出的artisan (工匠)
partisan[pB:tI5zAn ] n.党人,某党派的强硬支持者;游击队员
artisan /B:tI5zAn; (?@) B:rtIzn/ n. 工匠,技工
acerbity [ E5sE:biti ] n.苦涩,刻薄,酸
probity [ 5prEubiti ] n.诚实,正直
propagate [ 5prCpE^eit ] v.繁殖,传播,宣传
divagate [5daivE^eit] v.漂泊,离题,入歧途
agate [ 5A^Et ] n.玛瑙
craggy [ 5krA^i ] adj.有峭壁的,峻峭的,冷峻的
scraggy [ 5skrA^i] adj.瘦得皮包骨的,崎岖的
flaggy [ 5flA^i ] adj.枯萎的,不振作的
zealous [ 5zelEs ] adj.热心的,一心一意的
scandalous [ 5skAndElEs ] adj.可耻的,丢脸的,诽谤性的
anomalous [ E5nCmElEs] adj.异常的,例外的,不规则的
magnanimous [ mA^5nAnimEs] adj.宽宏大量的,慷慨的
pusillanimous [ pju:si5lAnimEs ] adj.胆小的,懦弱的
unanimous [ ju( 5nAnimEs ) adj.一致同意的,意见一致的
elapse [i5lAps ] v.(时间)消逝,过去
relapse [ri5lAps] n.v.旧病复发,退回原状态,恶化
lapse [ lAps] n.失误,小错,失足,(时间等)流逝
karate [kE5rB:ti ] n.空手道
disparate [5dispErit] adj.本质不同的,不可并论的
xhilarate [ i^5zilEreit ] v.使高兴,使兴奋