


1.Abyoec2011英语四级六级冲刺 篇一



1、高级词汇。翻译时,尽量表现出自己的语言水平,避免使用一些过于简单的词汇,而要选择一些更高级的词汇,例如“have to”可以换成“be obliged to”。



一般译文:The Silk Road introduced four Chinese inventions to the world. They were papermaking, gunpowder, compass and printing.

高分译文:It was through the Silk Road that the four great inventions of ancient China, namely papermaking, gunpowder, compass and printing, were introduced to the world.

点评:“一般译文”为两个主动语态的简单句,“高分译文”将其整合成了一个被动句。把“正是……才……”处理成了“It was… that…”的强调句型,并将“造纸、火药、指南针、印刷术”处理成了插入语“namely papermaking, gunpowder, compass and printing”。



一般译文:The exchange of material culture is a two-way process. Europe also exported various goods and plants through the Silk Road. It could meet the needs of the Chinese market.

高分译文:As the exchange of material culture is a two-way process, various goods and plants were also exported through the Silk Road from Europe to China to meet the needs of the Chinese market.

点评:“一般译文”为三个简单句,而“高分译文”将其合并成了一个长句。把“物质文化的交流是双向的”处理为状语从句“As the exchange of material culture is a two-way process”,并将“满足中国市场的需求”作为目的状语“to meet the needs of the Chinese market”。




1. 钢筋、水泥等生产资料大幅度增长。

2. 安徽位于华东的西北部,兼跨长江、淮河流域。

3. 除此之外,中国其他各地还有各自独特的风俗。

4. 在中华民族的几千年的历史中,产生了很多的民族英雄和革命领袖。


1. There was substantial growth in the production of capital goods such as rolled steel and cement.

2. Anhui Province is situated in the northwest of East China, covering both the Yangtze River valley and the Huaihe River valley.

3. Together with the celebration there appear some other special customs in China.

4. During the thousands of years of recorded history, the Chinese nation has given birth to many national heroes and revolutionary leaders.

2.大学英语六级冲刺备考全攻略 篇二



《大学英语教学大纲(修订本)》要求英语六级领会式掌握5500个词汇(其中复用式掌握单词为3000个),以及由这些词构成的常用词组 条,并具有按照构词法识别生词的能力;大纲中新增300多个单词,使六级的难度有所增加。六级考试词汇题虽然只有15分,但却是很多同学头疼的题目,要么做的很好,要么扣八九分以上。六级大纲中的常考词汇虽然只有一千多个,但都要求掌握单词在不同的语境中不同的意思或用法,考生要从:惯用法、搭配、同义词、近形词的区别、反义词等等各个方面全面地掌握词汇。另外,词汇题考的词汇也有30%左右是四级的,这就需要考生要很好地掌握四级词汇,打好基础;而事实上很多考生在考四级时根本没背单词,但不必感到没有希望。就词汇题而言,反复做真题非常重要,很多词汇每年的复现率很高:如contrain 考到了15次没有一次是答案的,这样的词不认识也就算了。四级背过单词的同学可以将词频中出现两次以上的背下来就可以了,而四级未背词的同学则要全背下来,那么今年考试时词汇部分一般会拿到13分左右,85%以上的得分率就可以保证了。



















这里我推荐各位同学:手把手教你四六级作文(包凡一主讲2vcd+教材), 可以让我们迅速提高写作水平和分数。


3.Abyoec2011英语四级六级冲刺 篇三


让我们来easy pass英语。










5:我们算总分:听力,这个?两周的时间即使你天天听voa。水平也不见得突飞猛进,所以要讲究方法!方法就是:紧抓语气转折处!!这是关键,听到什么but.although,and ,therefor……之类的,大脑要高度紧张,因为下面就非常非常可能是考试的考点!没有必要天天听听力,我的态度是,得阅读者得天下!听力最好精听真题,阅读就死抓真题!即使你的水平再差,经过一段痛苦的精听,精练生活,两个大题最少也可以得到50分了……







4.Abyoec2011英语四级六级冲刺 篇四

On the Overdependence of China’s College Students on Their Parents


On the Overdependence of China’s College Students on Their Parents

In the United States, students generally seek an independent life at 18.They take on part-time jobs, live away from their parents, and finance their own education partially, if not completely.Upon graduation, they find a job, or launch their own business by filing for loans from the bank.They live in rented apartments even after marriage and buy a house only when they can afford it.This is a typical pattern how the American younger generation grows up.By contrast, most college students in present-day China, as the sole children of their families, take for granted their excessive dependence upon their parents.They hold their parents responsible for furnishing them with all the tuitions and living expenses.They seldom work part-time to alleviate their parents of their burdens.They have expensive dinners and birthday celebrations with their parents’ hard-earned money through months of hard work.In recent years, under the pretext of employment difficulty, some students return home to live with their parents after graduation.While their parents are busy at work, they idle away their time day after day, least concerned with finding a job to have their own source of income.Worse still, they exhaust every penny of their parents and even grandparents to buy an apartment for their own enjoyment.In doing so, they even plunge their parents into serious debts.This group of students have come to acquire an infamous name—“the Elderly-Devouring Community”.A more understandable phrase might be “parasites”.This community has come into existence as a result of long-time over-indulgence on the part of parents and the indolence and selfishness on the part of students themselves.Compared with their American counterparts, Chinese students should feel ashamed of themselves and take immediate actions to terminate their elderly-devouring behavior and become independent and self-reliant.经济发展与环境保护

Economic Development and Environmental Protection


Economic Development and Environmental Protection

Economic development and environmental protection are a pressing issue primarily for developing countries where, in trying to catch up with developed countries, they have to consume natural resources on an unprecedented scale.This has seriously polluted our environment and, with the global environmental campaign gaining momentum, many people in China call for the precedence of environmental protection over economic development.Any attempt to pose economic development and environmental protection as diametrically contradictory is simple-minded.Since no country is willing to stop its economic development, the best way is to strike a balance between the two and to heighten the environmental awareness of those solely concerned with economic development.European countries both economically developed and environmentally friendly can serve as perfect examples for China.Their success story in both undertakings illustrates that environmental protection does not mean a complete standstill of economic activities or exploitation of natural resources, but rather an active development and application of effective technologies to minimize environmental consequences.In Germany, environmental protection has become part of economic development as it boasts the world’s most successful environmental industry.With a developed economy, we are well equipped to develop sophisticated technologies that can effectively safeguard our environment.The relationship between economic development and environment protection is a complex one.For modern

men, neither a primitive society which is perfectly ecologically friendly nor an industrial civilization which is ecologically hostile is what we want.Environmental problems arise as a result of industrialization and only technologies can deliver solutions to those problems.Rather than simply returning to the past of non-human activity, we can seek active technological solutions in solar energy and wind energy to replace fossil fuels.By the time this key contributor to environmental deterioration is eradicated, man will achieve a win-win result between economic development and environmental protection.2.对剽窃说“不

Say “No” to Plagiarism


Say “No” to Plagiarism

A crucial skill students must develop at college is the ability to conduct independent research.Having accumulated fundamental knowledge, students should develop themselves into thinking and inquiring individuals capable of forming their own judgment and expressing their original insights, both in term papers and graduation theses.Unfortunately, with massive information readily available on the Internet, irresponsible students find it so convenient to copy, partially or even completely, the research performed by others.Without declaring due acknowledgements, they pretend the research is by their own efforts and they secretly congratulate themselves on the good grades they obtain.Worst of all, they seldom have a guilty conscience because such plagiarism is so pervasive.However, the consequences are more serious than those plagiarists could imagine.For one thing, their personal credibility is ruined.College years are the most formative period in a student’s life and deception could be a serious stain on one’s moral integrity.For another thing, without effective research experiences, one is unlikely to acquire depth of analyses or originality of insights, both of which are indispensible to one’s career development, whether in corporate, government or academic organizations.Ultimately, the plagiarists themselves are to suffer.To eradicate plagiarism, several measures could be adopted.Students need to heighten their moral standards by realizing that plagiarism is not just an academic issue but a critical moral issue.Teachers need to be more vigilant in detecting and combating plagiarism.Finally, university authorities need to tighten disciplinary codes to leave no plagiarists unpunished.In this way, universities can produce graduates who can be paragons of credibility, capable of playing a leading role in the credibility reconstruction of the entire nation.3.创业或就业

Should College Graduates Start Their Own Business?





Should College Graduates Start Their Own Business?

With the competition in the job market becoming increasingly fierce for college graduates, some ambitious students have tried their hands at launching their own businesses.Over the years, there have been many successful cases of student entrepreneurship and such attempts should be encouraged and promoted by both the universities and the society at large.College students who start businesses are pioneers, among whom will be born China’s future business leaders.Faced with unknown challenges, they are audacious enough to embark on a perilous journey while most of their

peers enjoy stable salaries by working as white-collars at high-end office buildings.Nevertheless, they are the masters of their own destiny and, exposed to many more uncertainties and setbacks, they develop perseverance, stamina and the indomitable spirit that are indispensible to all the great entrepreneurs.Even if they fail, they are not down;they keep exploring for new business opportunities and work tirelessly until they succeed.As people of vision, of individual initiative, of leadership, and of creativity and innovation, they represent the future and the hope of a nation.Not all college graduates are suitable for undertaking entrepreneurial projects.To launch a business, one needs to have a sound business idea, a viable business plan, the charisma to create a cohesive team where members make concerted efforts for a common objective, effective managerial skills, and above all, the courage to compete against powerful rivals and ultimately to prevail.The essential difference between the students who become civic servants in government organizations or employees at leading domestic or multinational companies and those who create their own businesses is that the former are docile followers whereas the latter are aggressive trailblazers.For this reason, business-launching college graduates are more admirable, and thus they command our deep respect.是否找专业相关工作

Landing a Job Related to the Major or Not





Landing a Job Related to One’s Major or Not
