


1.面试英文试题 篇一

英文英语面试自我介绍-谋职宝,名企面试面经笔试题!谋职宝 | 公务员 | 谋职宝BBS | 找工作 设为首页加入收藏名企 资讯 封面 简历 技巧 招聘会 BBS

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【编辑】【新增】good morning, my name is jack, it is really a greathonor to have this opportunity for a interview, i would like toanswer whatever you may raise, and i hope i can make a good

performance today, eventually enroll in this prestigious universityin september.now i will introduce myself briefly,i am 21 yearsold,born in heilongjiang province ,northeast of china,and i am

curruently a senior student at beijing XX uni.my major is packagingengineering.and i will receive my bachelor degree after my

graduation in june.in the past 4 years,i spend most of my time onstudy,i have passed CET4/6 with a ease.and i have acquired basicknowledge of packaging and publishing both in theory and inpractice.besides, i have attend

several packaging exhibition hold in Beijing, this is ouradvantage study here, i have taken a tour to some big factory andcompany.through these i have a deeply understanding of domesticpackaging industry.compared to developed countries such as us,unfortunately, although we have made extraordinary progress since1978,our packaging industry are still underdeveloped, mess,unstable, the situation of employees in this field are awkard.but ihave full confidence in a bright future if only our economy can keepthe growth pace still.i guess you maybe interested in the reasonitch to law, and what is my plan during graduate study life, i wouldlike to tell you that pursue law is one of my lifelong goal,i likemy major packaging and i wont give up,if i can pursue my master

degree here i will combine law with my former education.i will workhard in thesefields ,patent ,trademark, copyright, on the base of myyears study in department of p&p, my character? i cannot describe itwell, but i know i am optimistic and confident.sometimes i preferto stay alone, reading, listening to music, but i am not lonely, ilike to chat with my classmates, almost talk everything ,my favoritepastime is valleyball,playing cards or surf online.through collegelife,i learn how to balance between study and entertainment.by theway, i was a actor of our amazing drama club.i had a few gloriousmemory on stage.that is my pride.还有问题吗?到BBS让我们一起解决 >>



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2.面试英文试题 篇二


背景性问题一般用于面试的开始阶段, 作为导入性的题目, 一方面营造良好的沟通气氛, 缓和面试应试者的紧张情绪, 所有的应试者都有话可说。另一方面是帮助考官对应试者有基本的认识和大致的了解, 为以后的提问收集有价值的话题。主要是个人基本情况, 如个人志向、学习、工作等基本情况, 来参加面试的原因等。


此类问题应试者可以提前进行精心准备, 主要考查应试者对自己的基本素质的正确认识以及能否全面、客观地评价自己。回答时应试者一定要抓住主要点及关键点, 条理清晰, 有事实有数据, 以典型例子加以说明。一定要站在一定高度, 归纳概括, 不可漫无边际, 没有主次, 语言啰嗦, 一定要充分展示自己的长处及优势, 给考官留下一个好印象。


这类问题主要通过提出一些值得思考而且富有争论性的比较复杂的社会热点, 让应试者阐述自己的看法和观点, 以考查应试者的综合分析、言语表达、逻辑思维能力等。这一类问题没有明确的正确答案, 关键在于能否言之成理。考查的重点在于应试者的逻辑思维、推理、分析。表达能力和知识面, 在于应试者能否抓住看似复杂问题的实质和症结所在, 有逻辑、有层次、有针对性地展开论述, 也在于应试者的思维是否活跃且具有创造性。

如:社会治安是当前人民群众关注的热点问题之一。目前, 有些地方抢劫杀人等恶性案件不断上升;车匪路霸猖獗, 部分村镇流氓恶霸势力横行乡里;卖淫嫖娼、吸毒、赌博等社会丑恶现象屡禁不止等。请你简要谈一谈如何加强社会治安的综合治理?

如:“有人说大盖帽两头翘, 吃完被告吃原告”, 你对这种现象是怎么看的?这类问题, 如何从根本上加以解决?

如:有人说“穷山恶水出刁民”, 贫困必然导致犯罪。你同意这种看法吗?为什么?

对于这一类问题, 由于没有所谓的正确答案, 所以应试者可以充分发挥。但是, 考官在评分的时候必须有一定的标准。一般来说, 得分比较高的答案是应试者能够针对自己的选择, 结合自己或社会的实际作论证;论点正确鲜明, 论据充分, 论证严密, 考虑问题有深度, 且有独到的见解, 言之成理。而中等答案是有一定的观点, 论证、说理基本能自圆其说。而那些差的答案是观点不明确或不正确, 论证、说理不充分, 考虑问题没有深度, 泛泛而谈, 言之无物。


意愿性问题多用于考查应试者的价值取向、报考动机、与职位要求的匹配性以及生活态度等个性倾向性。对于这类问题的提问, 有时候是直接询问应试者的动机和个人志趣。


如:从你的专业和能力看, 你可选择的职位很多。你为什么要报考这个最热门的职位?是因为这个职位权力大、好处多, 还是福利好?

这类题是通过投射和迫选两项技术来实现的。所谓投射就是通过询问其他看起来不相关的问题来进行提问。这类问题提问策略也就是采用旁敲侧击的方式, 让应试者在选择时表现出自己真实的目的。而迫选则是通过两项具有相等价值的问题, 迫使应试者必须从中选择其一。这样做的好处是答案是限定的, 应试者只能在这个范围中回答, 这样就避免了应试者按照社会期望的价值取向来回答, 对应试者的评价更为真实。但是迫选提问的问题必须具有典型性, 考虑全面, 避免出现应试者在两个答案中无从选择, 或者都不选的情况出现。如:现在办事, 请客送礼之风盛行, 如果你办事, 首先想到的是送礼好, 还是用权力好?

这类试题也不强调有标准答案, 只是需要考虑应试者的回答是否与所应聘的岗位相匹配。如果一个岗位是需要高成就动机, 敢于冒险的人。而应试者的回答却表明了他是一个低成就动机, 喜欢稳定工作的人, 那么最后的评定就需仔细考虑。


这一类问题又被称为假设性问题, 主要是设计一种情景, 考查应试者的应变能力、情绪稳定性、计划组织协调能力等个性及能力。这类问题可以根据需要解决不同的问题, 以及需要测试应试者各种能力的不同而设计出许多不同的情景, 应试者的回答与反应基本上反映了他在将来这种可能的情景中可能的想法与做法。

如:“假如你的领导提出一个新的工作方案 (设想) , 其他同事也都赞同, 而你却觉得这个方案有致命的弱点, 若付诸实施会造成不良后果, 你及时向领导谈了自己的看法, 领导没有采纳, 这时你怎么办?”

如:“组织上拟派你和一位跟你关系十分不好的同事一起去外地出差, 而且由你负责, 那你打算如何完成任务?”


行为性问题主要用于考查应试者行为性技巧和能力的试题方式, 这是结构化面试中最主要、最有效的核心技术。通过让应试者确认在过去某种情景、任务或背景中他们实际做了什么, 从而取得与应试者过去行为中一种或数种能力要素相关的信息。目的是通过关注应试者过去的行为, 预测应试者将来的表现。在国外测评技术中, 由于行为性问题是结构化面试的主要试题类型, 因此结构化面试有时也被称为行为性面试。

情景性问题使用的是一个虚构的情景, 而行为性问题是让应试者描述一个已经发生的真实情景。以应试者过去都做过哪些事情, 事情的背景环境是怎样的, 任务是什么, 怎样解决的, 结果如何, 应试者从中担任什么角色, 起什么作用, 有哪些经验和教训等。通过应试者清晰客观的描述作为未来行为及能力的预测, 以判断应试者与职位是否匹配。

如:日常工作和生活中, 有许多需要组织协调的事情, 比如组织会议、参观、聚会、旅游等, 请举一个你在工作或生活中做得比较成功的例子, 谈谈计划、组织、协调方面的情况。

如:请详细说说在以往的工作中, 由你组织的比较成功和不太成功的各一次活动, 并说说体会。

因为应试者是对已经发生的事件进行描述, 就可能对以往的工作成果夸大其词。而考官则要通过有意识的提问、工作细节的追问, 以便去伪存真, 由表及里, 找到本质及真相。


通过应试者的回答, 了解应试者知识面、个性倾向和思维方式等情况的问题。

如:请你列举几句你最喜欢的名人名言, 并谈谈你为什么喜欢它。

3.微软面试经历中英文面试 篇三





ATC PM 面经 首先声明,我是被人推荐面试去的。不要和现在的校园招聘混淆了,面试的流程应该是不一样的。感谢推荐我的Darren.Wang,这位ee的师兄是我的伯乐,虽然我们就见过2面。注:以下的面试都是全英文,就最后报告offer的是中文。ok,首先是电面,9月中旬,是hr打过来的,问了一些基本问题,问了简历上的问题,然后问我最熟悉的编程语言是什么,我大言不惭的说c#。于是她问了我3个c#的问题,都是概念性问题,期间听到有用笔在记录什么东西(汗)。

分别是thread pool, overload/overri de, 还有一个忘记了。大概就是看你能不能流利的说出来的把。这一轮的重点大概就是英语。最后告诉我给我一个on-site interview, 过了一周左右,通知了我是在10-17号面试,天,一个月。折磨阿,早上7.45??折磨阿基本上是从10月12号之后开始准备的,在此推荐一个pdf,programer interview,有中文版。17号早上6.30点钟起床,东川路么,很近的。但是我还是打了车。在上车之前的准备工作有:上厕所,吃半块德福的白巧克力,喝了一点水。其他都带着上车了。7。30到了,5个人,3个工作的,一个intern,还有一个我 8点开始面试,一共5轮,2轮中国人,3轮外国人,遗憾的我一个名字都没记住。每轮 1个小时 1面,很nice的gg,英语说得很慢,明显照顾我。先问了问简历的问题,然后开始做题,首先是“TestString“->”StringTest"的问题,而且第二个单词是给定位置的,用区间反转解之。然后是一个随机数字的数组,求和是100的两个数字位置,用两边夹逼解之。这两个都要写detail的程序的。然后问了一道open question,怎么样在拥有很多书的情况下把书摆的适合查找,而且增加的时候也要保持查找的顺序。后来觉得这道题就是数据库的文件系统怎么设计么。还不用考虑删除,用物理索引解之。

2面,很有气质的gg,感觉是里面的资深工程师。先给我解释了一下sde,sdet,pm的区别。然后问了我简历上的问题。编程上问了我两个sorted single list的merge问题。让我写代码。我是真的从上完数据结构课就没写过c 的东西了,居然把节点指针写成了in t *。费了半天劲终于写好了。结果指针移位的时候多用了个temp指针,被指出,道歉,改正。然后继续讨论sde,sdet,pm的选择问题。真的是很有风度,恩。3面,很有趣的foreign gg,感觉是开发部的lead。先简单问了我实习的问题,然后问了我毕业论文的情况。令我惊讶的是我毕业论文写的是本体的进化,他居然懂得。紧张阿,不是遇到这方面的大牛了八。还好没有继续问下去(虽然我不是没做,但总是心虚阿)。然后出了一道我至今见的最巧妙的面试题(大概是我孤陋了)。

首先,写个power(x, y)的test cases,就是x的y次方拉。然后,用循环实现,不用循环实现(用递归),递归费内存如何解决。我到写递归的时候已经晕了,test case 写了7,8个,自己写程序的时候每个都要注意,真正的test case driven...这面感觉最不好。4面,很pp的foreign jj,是test lead(我问的,确定)。先问我sde,sdet,pm有没有讲过,我想当哪个。我说sde,pm把,sdet不干。后来最后才知道她是test lead。汗阿。首先问了我一个设计问题,让我设计一个媒体播放器,越细越好。我一顿mvc,3层架构,设计模式,插件结构,哈哈,我强项阿。然后吹了一通我的设计的健壮,完整,扩充。恩。然后她让我写个算法,一个随机整形数组,找出里面第一对相同的item。我当时吹得太兴奋了,头脑还是处于结构性状态中,于是只想出了排序的nlogn,没有能做出n的算法(但是我用空间换时间的办法得到了n,就是开一个65563的数组。)。

4面结束 5面,很有气质的foreign jj,是unit manager。先问我sde,sdet,pm选哪个,我说sde,pm.她说为什么每个人都是sde。我辩解一通。然后她给了我一个case,说如果一个世界冠军给你1/4 billion dollar让你造一台自行车,但是轮子是别人造的,而且要time-critical你怎么办。我当时想,这造火箭都出来了。

我用标准流程应对之,plan,采购,评估。,后,她继续:如果造轮子的说好了周二给你又没给怎么办。我说首先通知客户,这是 integrity问题。然后push那边快点,实在不行就换人!反正老子钱多。问题1结束。问题 2:假设现在你有几个best developer,你想做一个什么软件?并解释,设计它。这真是天赐良机阿,我前一周刚和allen讨论过要做一个personal的高级收藏夹一样的东西。于是略作思考,提升至personal knowledge center的级别一顿猛说,激动阿。感觉那个manager 跟你说话就能感染你,让你很有passion。基本上说完,中间她就提了一两个问题,还是我接下来就要说得,问题2结束。


了。简历是过去,要有漂亮的实习和奖学金。前者是你证明自己能力的最好方式,后面是补充。热情是必须,当你表达出你对这个job的热情并且面试官也很high的时候,offer就来了。恩,bless all who will have their interview and wish they get what they want.微软面试经验三:

12月上旬面的(迟了点,希望对后面的人有一点点用,MS看见还有人要面)在美罗城体会上上下下的(可不是享受啊!每次上上下下都好紧张啊,谁让我不是牛人呢?DDMM们一定要好好学习啊,基础课是很重要的,唉,从前别人跟偶这么说的时候偶也是左耳进右耳出,但是基础课(特别是DATA STRUCTURE)真的非常重要(真的不是我罗嗦啊,实在太重要了)似乎面试官都是从北京飞来的,(包括HR JJ,PP哦),除了上海的DIRECTORHR JJ告知是3+1轮,不过实际面了3+2轮(3轮后淘汰或者是直接录取(这个偶不知道)了1/4,呵呵,其实就是1个人拉,一共才4个人那天)偶面的POSITION是SDET(不敢面SDE,本人实在太弱)

第一轮:自我感觉还比较良好,问了STATIC和POINTER的一点东东,然后是一个ITOA的实现+如何测试,然后问了二叉排序树中如何删除一个结点第二轮:让偶写那个删除结点的CODE,写的乱七八糟,错误多多,被强烈BS,不过MS的人都很和蔼,说还有机会第三轮:是ATC的一个VICE PRESIDENT,先问了些问题(非技术),智力题好牛(应该说是我弱),答不出,和蔼的告诉偶:今天辛苦了,感谢来应聘!(智力题是12球未知轻重问题)RP爆发了一下,竟然在如此情况下还有下面的2轮,感谢党,感谢**,感谢微软 第四轮:老外出现,负2进制,循循善诱后总算答出一点,英语太差亚,有人同去学口语不?然后是写STRCMP+如何测试,汗啊,KMP俺背不出。第五轮:BOSS出现,就是上海的DIRECTOR,颇有亲和力,上来聊了会,然后出了一个WORD COUNT 的实现+TEST,还有一道智力题然后HR就告诉说结果下周一会通知,确实非常准时。周一下午就收到了。


4.面试个人英文介绍 篇四


my background

i was born in a small village of shan dong province on april 4th, 1968.when i was young, my family was very poor, so i had to work to earn money to help my parents after class when i was in the middle school.in 1986 i was admitted by university of international business and economics(or: uibe)to pursue a bachelor degree in economics.my major is accounting in department of international business management.the undergraduate education gave me a wide range of vision and taught me how to cooperate with others.i developed several professional interests in accounting, finance, and international trade.the following eight-year working experience offered me a good chance to give full play to my creativity, intelligence and diligence.in 1990-1993, i worked as an assistant to funding manager in china national technical import and export corporation.in 1993-present, i was employed by china kingdom import and export corporation to be the manger of financial and accounting division.i do believe that with my hard early life, solid educational background and ample working experience, i would be an excellent student of you mba program.my personal accomplishment:

after graduating from uibe, i was employed as the assistant to the funding manager by china national technical import and export corporation.after reading a lot of related files, and analyzing the overall funding situation of the corporation, i found that the loan policy was not been put into effect.so we have thousands of millions rmb loan with very high interest rate while a large amount of cash in bank with very low interest rate was idle.i reported this to my supervisor, and then we studied and revised the loan policy.this revision saved the corporation approximately rmb thirty millions yuan.in order to raise the funding effectiveness, after one year’s hard work, i developed the internal banking system within the corporation based on the actual funding supply and need of the different divisions and projects.this internal banking system made full use of the corporation’ funding resources, and due to this, i was highly praised by the president of the corporation.why choose your mba program?

5.英文面试interview 篇五

Applying for tourist guide

1good morning

2good morning i am mike would you like to introduce yourself briefly

1sure my name is lucy, i just graduated fromuniversity of science and technology.and my major isand my minor is english.I have taken part in many activities.i enjoy communicating with different types of people.2do you have any experience in guiding?

1yes,i only have few experiences, i guided a few groups of foreign tourist around suzhou last summer.2what do you think the responsibilities of a tourist guide are?

1a tourist guide must be responsible for arranging and coordinating tour activities,and offering service of transportation, sightseeing and entertainment.2why did you choose our travelagency?

1because you travel agency has a high fame in the tour market, whats more,you take asorts of people,you show them where they want to be showed,that is you are very flexible I like doing some challenging job.2how much salary are you expecting

1salary is not the most important thing to me.i know that starting salary for a new graduate is not high.what i need most is more experience about job.2do you have any other questions you want to ask

1yes,id like to know if there would be any future opportunities for specific trainingif necessary there will be.ok i will give you the answer tomorrow,thats all for todays interview.1ok thanks for your reception.i am looking forward to receiving your reply.Applying for secretary

1can you tell me a little about yourself

2ok i’m 111,i graduated fromuniversitythis July.i joined the english corner and knew all kinds of friends.i worked as a secretary in the last year of my college life.so i know much about the responsibility of a secretary.1as you known ,english and computer skills are comparatively important to this post,especially in the starting period.whats your ability in the field of english

2i passed college english text band 6, with good skill in listening,speaking reading and writing 1I would expect my secretary to be able to work independently and take over some of my ordinary responsibilities such as answering routine correspondence, taking phone calls for me,and sometimes assisting me with personal business affairs.2yes,i see.i was trained in english shorthand and typing at a vocational training school.i’mquite capable at both, i’m also familiar with office practices

1how are you typing and shorthand skills

2i can type 65 words per minute and take dictation in english at 100 words per minute.i also can operate afax and copy machine

1do you have any questions would like to ask me

2yes,i would like to ask about the salary.How is it determined

1well,all new clerical employee begin at a salary of 2000yuan per month.then ,after yourtraining period ,you re given an assignment

2what about other benefits

1all employees must join the health insurance program.i think most of them are explained in our brochure.did you get a copy

2yes i did.thank you

1well,todays interview is ok.we’ll inform you in a week

2ok,i’ll be waiting for your letter.goodbye

Applying for salesperson

1tell me something about yourself

Iiam11111, i just graduated fromuniversity of.and my major is Japanese and my minor subject is english.i enjoy watching films reading and hanging out with friends.1why didn’t you choose a career in your job major?

2i chose Japanese as my major just because that i am interested in this language.but i found a part-time job as a salesperson at that time,i found marketing is really a challenging and exciting job.i really like it,so i hope i could find a related job.do you have any sales experience?

2when i was in university,i had a part-time job as a salesperson in a shopping center.in doing so i gained some promotion skills.1what do you think is the most important qualification for a salesperson

2i think it is confidence in himself and his products.what’more,communication skills and hard work are very important.1What made you choose our company

2i know something about your company,it’s a very promising company.I believe that i can have many opportunities tomyself here.1good.will you be able to work overtime?our staff need to work overtime sometimes

2yes ,i will.well,can i ask you a question


2how long is my probation

1generally it is 6months and during this period you are half-paid.we also have health

insurance ,bonus and paid vacation.2i understand

1all right.i’ll get in touch with you in three days.thank you for coming

6.英文面试对话 篇六

A:good morning,my name is ~~,I have come here for an interview by appointment.Nice to meet you.B:good morning,thank you for coming,my name is ~ ~,we have receive your resume last week.now,Tell me a little bit about yourself, please.A:yes,my nema is ~ ~,was born on June 22,1990.i’m live in guilin tis year.B : you want to be a receptionist at our hotel,why you choice this department? A : because i am learning the Hotel Management at my school,and My specialization at the university is just in line with the areas your institute deals with.B:well,are you a goal-oriented person? A:yes,i am。i always make a plan before i do anything B:where do you want to be in 5 years? A:i don want to have a specific title。i just want to enjoy what i am doing B:that sounds very reasonable A:it is the most important thing to me B:if you are hired,how long do you plan to stay with us? A:that obviously depends on whether the company and I are satisfied with each other.B:tell me about some of your recent goals and what you do to achieve them A:i want to put my knowledge and experience to use in a challenging position。in order to achieve this goal,i just want to work step by step。B:What are your salary expectations? A:I think salary is closely related to the responsibilities of the job,I’d like to start at RMB 2000 per month.B:We can only offer you 1500 Yuan a month.Raises will be given after a three-month probation according to your performance.Is that satisfactory? A:Yes, it is quite reasonable.B:Do you have any questions you want to ask? A:When will I know your decision? B:We’ll give you our decision in a few days.How can we get in touch with you? A:also the calling and the e-mail B:Thank you for your interest in our hotel,We shall inform you as soon as we have made our decision.A:Thank you, sir.I expect to hear from you as soon as possible.B:Well, that’s all for the interview.Would you please let the next applicant come in on your way out? A:All right.Goodbye.

7.面试英文自我介绍 篇七

Good morning, Sir/ma’am.It is really my great honor to have this opportunity for this interview and I hope I can have a good performance today and can eventually enroll in by your prestigious company.Thank you for offer me this chance and I am really appreciated.Now, First, I would like introduce myself briefly, I am xxx, come from xxx, Fujian.I graduated from xxx normal university and majored in English.Generally speaking, in school I am a hard working student, I always try my best when do anything.And In the job I am work very hard, I am a person with great perseverance.I am a lady with dream and great enthusiasm and interested in import and export trading this field.I leave my company just because our company managed in the stone business and recently the stone market downturn and our business is so depressed and our company can’t even hold on.So our boss let us to choose other job, actually you know just like others I do hope I can get a stable job with the good Welfare.So I choose to change my job.The most important is that I am optimistic and confident and believe I will succeed in the end.I like to chat with my customers and help my colleague to make the phone call answer the phone call and accompany my boss to met the customers and so on, I equipped with good communication ability and the skills of the foreign trade, and I can make the website and google the customers and so on.I think all these characteristics can promote me success in my career.That’s all, thank you!

8.空姐面试英文题 篇八


What is your greatest strength?Communicate with others smoothly


What is your greatest weakness?Maybe I am a little bit short


What have you done to correct your weaknesses?Exercise myself


Have you ever failed?Yes,but I never give up


What is your biggest failure?I had ever had a bitter quarrel with my friend


How do you handle failure?I will try my best to make it up


How do you handle change?I deal with it based on the situation


When you are in charge, how do you motivate people?I will make everyone benefit from it 当你是领导的时候,你怎样发动群众?

Describe a time when you resolved a conflict?I persuaded two sides to calm down 描述以下你层解决过的矛盾/冲突。

How do you handle conflict?I balance two sides


Previous Employment 曾经的职务

What is the hardest thing you ever did in your current job?How to come over my weakness什么是你目前的工作中你做过的最难的事情?

Why have you held so many jobs?I am eager to help others


Do you consider yourself a loyal employee?Yes,I always care about the benefit of my company


What did you like about your last job?It teacher me a lot


What did you dislike about your last job?


What was your favorite job?I like to be


What was your least favorite job?I do not like to work alone


What have you learned from previous jobs?I got how to get alone with others


How long will you stay with our airline?As long as I can


What would your coworkers say about you?I am outgoing and easy to get along


What would your previous supervisors say about you?He think highly of me


What were the people like at your last company?

你以前的单位里的人都是怎么样的?They are kind and full of experience

What did you dislike about your last employer?He is too strict to get alone


If you could change one thing about your last employer, what would it be?I will be more friendly to my workers


Were you satisfied with your performance at your last job? Yes,I learn a lot from it你对你上一个工作中的表现满意吗?

Was your previous employer satisfied with your performance?Yes,generally speaking,he is great

你上一个雇主对你的工作满意吗?Yes,he is pround of my work

Have you ever been fired?


If so, why were you fired?


Have you ever been asked to resign from another job?No,I am equal to the job.你有没有被要求辞职过?

What will your references say?I guess it will be fine


Can we check your references?Sure,go ahead


How many sick days did you take last year?


Is this typical?


Personality and Motivation 性格和驱动力

Do you consider yourself a success? I am not sure,but I will be always trying to achieve my dream


Were you ever under a great deal of pressure?Yes,when I break out with somebody 你曾经有没有觉得压力很大的时候?

What kinds of decisions are most difficult for you?Do the things I do not want to 什么样的决定对你来说是最难做的?

Why has it taken you so long to find a job?Because I take it seriously


Why do you want to be a flight attendant?I believe I fit in it


What part of being a flight attendant interests you most?I can work in a group and help



What kind of contributions will you make to our airline? I will devote myself in it


Where else are you interviewing?


Have you applied to other airlines?


When are you available to start?Right now


What are your outstanding qualities?I am outgoing and easy toget alone with你的突出有点都有哪些?

What interests you most about being a flight attendant?I can do what I dream to do你觉得当空姐什么地方最吸引你?

What can you do for us that others can't?I can put my whole heart in it


Describe a difficult problem you've dealt with.I messed it up in the test to enter university.给我讲讲你以前遇到过的一个困难的问题。

How important is appearance?It is important but not necessary


What do you think will be the biggest challenge of being a flight attendant?To be patient当空姐最大的困难是啥?

What is the best part of being a flight attendant?To help others


Do you have any natural talent or skill, something that comes easy to you?I have a gift of communication


What do you like to do in your spare time?I read books


How would you handle an abrasive Captain or coworker?I try to live with it and try to change them


Have you ever been described as stubborn or hardheaded? By whom?Yes,once I insisted my point.by the one hold the opposite point of view


Do you ever freeze in social situations?Never,I can always handlethe situation 你在公共场合遇到过尴尬么?

Have you ever worked with someone who talked too much? How did you handle it? Yes,I told her that we can have a talk when we finish our task


Are you skilled at sizing people up?I think I can


Have you ever been part of a problem?

你有没有造成过问题?Yes,I had.but not seriously

Have you ever had to support the directives of higher management, even when youdisagreed with it?Yes,we should learn to obey to coodinary other mates


Have you ever lied?Yes,I can not give out some secrets of my company and my friends.你撒过谎吗?

Have you ever broken a law?No I never break the law


Have you ever stolen something?No iam honesty


Have you ever found a work policy or rule to be distasteful?No ,we need some rules to follow


How did you handle it?I follow it


Have you ever been tempted to break a work rule or policy? What did you do?Yes,some time I want ,I control myself


Why do you want to work for our airline?Because your good reputation appeal to me你为什么想要为我们航空公司工作?

What kind of experience do you have?


Are you willing to be based wherever the company sends you? Yes,if it is necessary你是否愿意到任何公司分配的地方去?

What would you like to be doing ten years from now?I will be still full of energy and have a lot of experience


Why should we hire you?Because I can manage what I should do and I would not let you down


What are your qualifications?

你有些什么资格证书 ?

What is your biggest accomplishment?I enter a good school


What are your career goals?I want to be someone in my filed


How does a flight attendant job fit into your career goals?That can bring me close to it乘务员的工作对你的职业目标有什么作用?

What personal characteristic best describes you.Outgoing and honesty


Do you prefer to work alone or with others?Work with others


Do you consider yourself a team player?yes


Describe your team style.They are well trained , motivated,energetic.形容一下你团队工作的风格

Are you self motivated?Yes ,because I am one of my group


What motivates you?It is my characters, my goals ,my family and my friends


Describe your relationship with peers.We get along well


What kind of people do you prefer to work with?The one who are experienced,kind,honesty and easygoing


Describe your personality?I am outgoing and honesty


How do you handle criticism?I will accept it if it is right


Were you ever unfairly criticized? Never ,because I can communicate with them to avoid misunderstanding

9.面试英文自我介绍 篇九

My name is **** . (我叫****)

Im a 15 years old boy. (我是一个15岁的男孩)(具体状况自我改)

I live in the beautiful city of Rizhao.(我住在美丽的Rizhao城)(你能够把Rizhao改成自我家乡的.城市的名称的拼音)

Im an active ,lovely and clever boy.(我是一个活跃的可爱的聪明的男孩)

In the school , my favourite subject is maths . (在学校,我最喜欢数学)

Perhaps someone thinks its difficult to study well .(也许有些人认为这很难学)

But I like it.(但我喜欢他)

I belive that if you try your best, everything can be done well.(我相信每件事付出努力就会有害结果)

I also like sports very much.(我也很喜欢运动)

Such as,running,volleyball and so on. (像跑步、排球等等)

Im kind-hearted.(我很热心)

If you need help ,please e to me .(如果你需要帮忙,就来找我)

I hope we can be good friends!(我期望我们能成为好朋友)

10.英文面试 篇十



让我们先谈谈初见面的问候语。求职者带给面试官的第一印象,如果是落落大方的,会是一个很好的开始。我建议求职者可以从面试官的名字开始问候。如果面试官的桌上会有名牌,求职者可以从”Good morning, Mr. ”开始,拉近两人的距离。当面试官问求职者:”How are you?” 求职者可以回答:”Couldn’t be better!”显示出个人「愉悦的人格属性」。




在有限的面试时间里,求职者要掌握诉求的.重点,并以逻辑的方式,一一道出企业所需要知道的讯息。什是企业需要的讯息呢?是求职者的所学所能,是否可以符合企业的需要。那 ,求职者就要去研究,企业的期待为何?还有,这个职务所需要的「学历、技能、个性、态度」为何?如果求职者掌握了这些资讯,就可以在履历、自传及面试时作「对应」的准备,


●lm„„,l have an appointment with the personnel manager Mr„„for an interview about the advertised clerk at nine oclock.


●Which job would you like to apply for?


●lm interested in a position as a/an


●l think lm right person you want,and my education backgroud,qualifications and work experience perfectly match What you are looking for.


●We have very long working hours.Would you be able to work in the evening?

11.英文面试自我介绍 篇十一

Good morning!Ladies and gentlemen!It is my great honor to have this opportunity for this interview.Now please allow me to introduce myself briefly.My name isxxx, I am a senior student of Xiamen University, my major is digital media technology.Today I come here for the PM&BA intern.It’s the position I want and I am sure I can do a great job.I always like to take an active part in all kinds of social activities in my spare time, which makes me have a good skill in communication and collaboration.Otherwise, Participating in composition contest makes my sentence structure and communication skills better.Therefore, when I see this, I see not only a job, but a great challenge.If I have the honor to enter your team, I will try my best to do my job.That is all!Thank you!
