1.小学英语一年级下册第一单元检测题 篇一
4.4÷11= 0.3×0.3= 0÷730= 0.03×10-0.1=
7÷5= 0.25÷0.5= 0.53×7= 125×0.5×0.8=
1.9×0.5= 29×5= 2.3×0.8= 0.2×7.6×50=
2.小学英语一年级下册第一单元检测题 篇二
教育能传递人类积累的经验, 丰富人类经验的内容, 增强经验指导生活和适应社会的能力, 从而把社会生活维系和发展起来。广义地讲, 个人在社会生活中与人接触、相互影响, 逐步扩大和改进经验, 形成道德品质和习得知识技能, 就是教育。新学期, 按照“课程标准”中的要求, “识字写字”是第一学段的教学重点, 词串识字更是教学任务的第一步。
虽然表面上看起来仅仅是几组词语, 但排列整齐、意义上有联系、读起来朗朗上口、便于记忆、教学设计新颖多样且深受孩子们的喜爱, 教起来却并不轻松。但是, 第一个单元的教学围绕识写词串展开, 一个单元的词串教学进行下来, 伴随着孩子们的成长, 我感受最深的是低年级孩子们的语文素养有了很大的飞跃, 课堂上思维活跃, 想象能力、朗读能力、语言表达能力大大提高, 我在日常教学工作中颇有成就感。
在教学过程中, 我习惯于运用多媒体教学, 将自己游玩的一些照片, 有意识地给孩子们看, 一起分享快乐。快乐之余, 有意识地培养孩子们识字、表达的能力。杜威说:“教育即生活。”教师将自己的生活感悟、生活回味和孩子们分享也是很好的教学手段。
在《识字2》第二课时的教学伊始, 我和孩子们一起欣赏了几张我在各地旅游时的照片。孩子们很羡慕, 一直追问我:“这是什么地方?真美啊, 下次我也要去玩!”等诸如此类的问题。我笑着看看他们说:“孩子们, 让我们跟着书中的小导游一起去游览祖国的广西桂林山水, 那里的景色也十分美丽, 你们想去看看吗?”话音未落, 37双炯炯有神的眼睛紧紧地盯着大屏幕, 小身板坐得笔直, 齐声回答:“想!”美好的一课拉开了序幕。
在备课的过程中, 我仔细观察了教材中的插图, 本篇插图色彩鲜艳清晰, 大篇幅的山水画给人强烈的视觉震撼。另外三幅小的插图分别展示了桂林最有特色千姿百袋、惟妙惟肖的山峰, 以及具有独特民族风貌壮乡人对歌的场景。看完照片我指导孩子们回到课本上, 细致看图, 问他们在图上看到了些什么?孩子们纷纷举起小手, 用完整清晰的话语表述出了图中的景物。观察插图, 培养孩子们细致观察图画的好习惯, 此时相机鼓励孩子畅所欲言, 爱上自我表达。
这时, 几位去过桂林的孩子都不甘寂寞, 绘声绘色地为大家介绍了桂林很多的景色。如游览过漓江清澈见底的水, 看见一座像大象一样的山, 还有跟着爸爸妈妈一起在竹筏上漂流, 等等。听了同伴们的介绍, 孩子们学习的兴趣更高了。他们纷纷举起小手, 表达看完图后自己的感受。而陈西恩同学的感受, 让我印象最深。她说:“我看到了图中的倒影。”“你能告诉大家你看见了哪些景物的倒影吗?”她说:“只有水特别清的时候我们才能看见倒影, 我在清澈见底的碧波上看到了秀峰的倒影, 就像有两个世界。水上一个世界, 水下一个世界!”此时, 孩子们情不自禁地为她鼓掌。有了好的榜样, 词儿自然就能读好了。我鼓励孩子:“你们说得这么好, 能读得更好吗?”伴随着轻音乐, 孩子们陶醉在桂林美丽的山水画卷中, 一边读着词语, 一边用心细致地感悟着中国文字的魅力。词语读得更好了, 话也说得更加连贯流畅。书本里一个个凝固的词语被孩子们优美的朗读赋予了新的生命力, 仿佛跳跃到了一幅幅秀美的风景图画中。这一节课, 我和孩子们一起享受了美景、美词, 插上想象的翅膀, 和着动人的语言, 向着美好的方向翱翔。
在第一单元的《识字1》教学过程中, 我与孩子们一同分享了我国传统的风俗和习俗。民俗知识与语言的完美结合, 让孩子们兴致盎然。他们谈论着自己在节日里与家人、伙伴们一起玩耍着丰富多彩的游戏, 仿佛也把我带回了童年时代。在理解的基础上的深层次朗读, 不仅夯实了基础, 而且韵文读出了韵味、读出了甘甜。
又如《识字4》中的词串, 孩子们找到了自学的方法, 也是我之前有意引导的方法———借助书本中的插图, 将词与图有效地结合起来进行理解, 比起死记硬背, 可以取得事半功倍的效果。孩子们还学会了自己利用字形分析生字、理解词义, 如“晴空、温暖、晾晒”都有日字旁, 因此一定和太阳有关;“眼睛、瞄准、眺望”都和眼睛有关;“东海、黄河、长江”一定和水流、江河有关, 等等。课堂此时成为了学生自学自悟的乐园, 孩子们积极思索, 探寻出了一条又一条学习词串的捷径。而我不仅轻松教学, 内心还充满了自豪和满足。我相信, 采用自己的学习方式, 孩子们习得的知识, 记忆会更加深刻牢固。枯燥的授课变成了表达自己、心与心碰撞的平台, 每个孩子都找到了属于自己的那片快乐的天地。
3.小学英语一年级下册第一单元检测题 篇三
( )1. —I only copied math homework once, and the math teacher let me say sorry in class.
—______. You really did wrong.
A. Its a piece of cake B. It serves you right
C. It doesnt matter D. It takes time
( )2. —Did the lost kid find his mother?
—Sure. When the mother saw her baby, a happy ______ crossed her face.
A. expression B. attitude C. memory D. meaning
( )3. —He cant listen and speak. How can he communicate with others?
—He can use sign ______ to tell people what he thinks.
A. words B. language C. pronunciation D. notice
( )4. —Why do I have to practice the piano every day? Its boring.
—Be patient, son. ______ makes perfect.
A. Interest B. Hope C. Attention D. Practice
( )5. —The workers are building a new railway.
—Sure they are. This railway ______ London ______ Edinburgh.
A. changes; into B. compares; with C. connects; with D. regards; as
( )6. —Mark makes it a ______ what he got as his 15th birthday gift.
—But some of his friends have already known.
A. joke B. mistake C. rule D. secret
( )7. —Why didnt you invite Jim to join us?
—I did, but he ______ several times that he was busy.
A. repeated B. called C. sounded D. told
( )8. —How can he succeed after so many failures?
—He is hard-working and good at ______ mistakes.
A. learning about B. learning from C. hearing about D. hearing from
( )9. —Our ______ work very quickly while we are taking an exam.
—Only in this way can we get better grades.
A. brains B. bodies C. skills D. minds
( )10. —We brought too much trouble to her, but she didnt seem to mind it.
—We should write her a thank-you note for her patience and ______.
A. saying B. ignoring C. giving D. understanding
Frank and Sue are married and have two young children. Frank is a taxi driver in New York City, one of the best cities in the world, and also one of the worst. Its one of the best because you never have to wait long for passengers, and taxi costs a lot, so you can make 1 money. Its one of the worst because the 2 is heavy, and everyone is in a hurry.
When Frank and Sue got married, they thought she would stay home, and take care of the children, and he would make the money to pay the 3 . But thats not the way it is. Food, clothing and their new houses cost more than he 4 . Sue has to work, too.
Since both of them work, Frank and Sue 5 the housework. “Thats the way it should be,” Sue says, “ 6 some of my friends work full time and their husbands dont do any housework. Frank does all of the cooking, and I 7 the house clean and wash the clothes.” Frank had never 8 in his life. The first night he tried, he burned the rice, and the chicken didnt taste 9 . Frank and Sue still laugh about his first dinner. Hell never be a great cook, but hes 10 fast. He likes to cook spaghetti(意大利面条) and meatballs, and they taste very good. Learning to cook was difficult for Frank, but now he thinks its 11 .
When Frank cooks, Sue washes the dishes and he wipes them. Although he likes to cook, he hates to 12 dishes. Thats why he wants to buy a dishwasher. Sue also thinks its a good idea, but they dont have any 13 money now. When they finish the dishes and the children are in 14 , Frank and Sue read, watch TV, or talk. Its the only time during the day they have the 15 to enjoy a little peace and quiet. Their work and their children dont leave them much time for themselves.
( )1. A. easy B. quick C. big D. good
( )2. A. housework B. bags C. traffic D. snow
( )3. A. bills B. meals C. houses D. clothing
( )4. A. has B. makes C. tries D. takes
( )5. A. finish B. control C. keep D. share
( )6. A. and B. though C. but D. because
( )7. A. keep B. store C. remain D. open
( )8. A. washed B. practiced C. acted D. cooked
( )9. A. right B. delicious C. strong D. fresh
( )10. A. making B. passing C. following D. improving
( )11. A. fun B. pain C. trouble D. joke
( )12. A. wash B. buy C. do D. dry
( )13. A. easy B. fast C. extra D. full
( )14. A. hand B. danger C. bed D. control
( )15. A. pleasure B. habit C. chance D. place
Mr. Thomas had always wanted to make a trip into the middle of Africa to shoot wild animals. But first he had not had enough money, and after he had married, his wife had not wanted him to leave her. At last his wife agreed to the trip if he allowed her to go, too.
“But it will be very uncomfortable,” Mr. Thomas warned her, “It will be very hot and we shall live in a tent, and it may be dangerous.”
“I dont care,” said his wife, “I want to go with you.” So they bought a big tent, camp beds and a refrigerator, which did not need electricity and many other things, which would make the trip comfortable, and went off to the middle of Africa.
The first morning, before Mr. Thomas took his gun and left the tent, he gave his wife a bell and explained to her, “If you feel in danger and you need me, ring this bell and Ill come at once.”
After a few minutes, he heard the bell and returned quickly to the tent. “Whats the matter?” he asked. “Nothing,” said his wife, “I was only trying the bell.”
Mr. Thomas went off, but after a quarter of an hour, the bell rang again. Mr. Thomas hurried back to the tent, but his wife said, “Im sorry. I want cleaning our tent, and I knocked the bell over by mistake.”
Mr. Thomas returned to his hunting, but soon he heard the bell once more. This time, when he got back to his camp, the tent was burning and Mrs. Thomas was lying on the ground, with blood running from a big cut on her leg. “Thats better!” said Mr. Thomas, “This time the bell had been used correctly!”
( )1. Mr. Thomas went to go to Africa ______.
A. because he wanted to make his wife happy
B. to make more money
C. after getting his wifes permission
D. to challenge himself
( )2. Which is NOT the reason why Mr. Thomas didnt want his wife to go with him?
A. The trip would be very hard. B. The weather was bad.
C. She would feel very lonely. D. It would be dangerous.
( )3. Mr. Thomas gave his wife a bell to ______.
A. tell him when she feels in danger B. ring for fun
C. keep the dangerous animals away D. make her less lonely
( )4. What does the underlined word “hunting” in the last paragraph mean?
A. Shooting animals. B. Traveling outside.
C. Going camping. D. Putting up his tent.
( )5. Which is TRUE according to the passage?
A. Mrs. Thomas rang the bell twice.
B. Mr. Thomas didnt believe his wife.
C. Mrs. Thomas brought trouble to his husband.
D. Someone burnt the tent and killed Mrs. Thomas.
Alices mother died when she was five years old. Although her nine brothers and sisters were loving and caring, they couldnt take the place of a mothers love. The year was 1925, and life was hard. Alice, who grew up to be my mother, told me that her family was too poor to even afford to give her a doll.
In December 1982, I had a job at a bank. One afternoon, we were decorating (装饰) the tree in the bank hall, getting ready for the Christmas season. One of my customers came to me with a beautiful handmade dolls. She was taking orders for Christmas. I decided to get one for my daughter, Katie, who was almost five years old, and one for my mother, one with gray hair and glasses: a grandmother doll.
Things really started to fall into place when a friend had told me that his dad, who played Santa Claus in my area—would be willing to make a visit on Christmas morning to our home to send my Katie her presents!Knowing that my parents would be there as well, I began to get ready for what would turn out to be one of the most memorable days of my mothers life.
Christmas Day arrived, so did Santa Claus. Katie was surprised that Santa had come to see her at her own house, the happiest I had ever seen her in her young life.
As Santa turned to leave, he looked once more into his bag and took out one more gift. As he asked who Alice was, my mother replied that she in fact was Alice. Santa handed her the gift, along with it was a message card.
My mother couldnt speak but only clasped (拍打) the doll she waited fifty-seven years to receive as tears of joy ran down her cheeks. That doll, given by“Santa”, made my mother the happiest “child” alive.
( )6. When Alice was young, ______.
A. she wasnt happy being cared by her brothers and sisters
B. her brothers and sisters hoped to give her mothers love
C. a doll was too much for her family to afford for her
D. the writer decided to make her dream come true
( )7. The writer wanted to buy the handmade dolls ______.
A. because the seller was one of her customers
B. so that she could send one to her mother and daughter
C. if her parents would be at her home for Christmas
D. though she was not paid well
( )8. The underline sentence “Things really started to fall into place” in paragraph 3 means ______.
A. everything was going on well
B. I couldnt believe my ears
C. things were going out of my control
D. my friend decided to play Santa for me
( )9. Why was the writer sure it would turn out to be one of the most memorable days of her
mothers life?
A. Because her mothers child dream would come true.
B. Because they would have a special guest on that day.
C. Because her daughter would have a doll at the age of five.
D. Because it would happen on the day of Christmas.
( )10. Which of the following is NOT TRUE?
A. It was actually Santa who sent Alice the doll.
B. Katie didnt expect that Santa would come to her home.
C. Alice was sixty-two years old that year.
4.小学英语一年级下册第一单元检测题 篇四
一填空 每空3分共30分物体的冷热程度可以用()来描述,通常用符号()来表示 2一般情况下,水受热时体积()受冷时体积(),我们把水的这种变化叫()()()()都有热胀冷缩的性质。
二判断 每小题2分共20分
3火车的铁轨之间留有空隙,设计的原理是()性质。A金属的热胀冷缩B金属的热缩冷胀。C金属传递声音本领强 4热传导本领都很强的物体是()
A木头 铝铁B塑料 泡沫 铜。C铝铜铁
5.小学英语一年级下册第一单元检测题 篇五
二、我会判断1、2、3、4、5、6、7、骨骼就是指某一块骨头…………………………………………()骨骼又硬又结实,可以生长……………………………………()肌肉占到人体重量的40%………………………………………()人体静止不动时,身体内的肌肉也停止运动…………………()多吃脂肪和蛋白质可以强健骨骼和肌肉………………………()我们感觉骨骼、关节、肌肉的主要办法是摸…………………()骨头里有骨髓和血管 ……………………………………………()
肩关节屈伸运动 膝关节桡尺关节旋转运动 指关节肘关节
6.小学英语一年级下册第一单元检测题 篇六
7.小学英语一年级下册第一单元检测题 篇七
Ⅰ. 词汇
A. 根据句意及句中划线部分所示时间,从右栏的A,B,C,D,E五个选项中选择正确答语。
1. —What’s the time?—It’s 7:50.A. six thirty
2. —What time is it?—It’s 6:30.B. nine o’clock
3. —What time do you play volleyball?
—We play volleyball at 4:15.C. four fifteen
4. It’s 9:00 now. Let’s go to bed.D. eleven forty
5. It’s 11:40. It’s time for lunch.E. seven fifty
B. 根據句意,从括号中选出合适的单词填空。
6. We begin our classes______ (at, on) 8:00.
7. What time does she get______ (up, to) school?
8. Her mother usually gets up at______ (about, after) six thirty.
9. We often play tennis______ (after, in) school.
10. We’re always busy______ (in, at) the morning.
11. People love to listen______ (to, between) the music.
12. On Sundays Rick doesn’t always get up______ (early, late).
13. A: Do you______ (play, collect) sports every day?
B: Yes, I usually play basketball after school.
14. A: Do you want to______ (know, think) about Richard’s morning?
B: Yes, please tell me some.
15. Selina always______ (has, does) lunch at home.
C. 根据句意,在空白处填上所缺的单词,完成对话。每空填一词。
16. A: What______is it?
B:______seven o’clock.
17. A: Can you______the piano?
B: No, I______ .
18. A: Do you like running?
B:______ , I do.
A: What time do you usually run?
19. A: What time______he have breakfast?
B: He usually______ breakfast at six twenty.
20. A:______ six now, Marry. Please______up.
B: OK. Mum.
Ⅱ. 单项选择
1. He usually practices his guitar______ .
A. after breakfastB. 8:30C. go to bedD. sleep late
2. It’s cold outside. Please______your coat.
A. put it onB. put onC. put them onD. put on it
3. I like to sleep______longer in the morning.
A. a littleB. manyC. someD. any
4. In Rick’s family his mother______breakfast.
A. doB. makesC. makeD. cook
5. —______do you usually watch TV in the evening?
—I usually watch TV at seven.
A. WhenB. What’sC. WhatD. What day
6. —What time does Sue do her homework?
—She usually______ her homework at six.
A. doB. don’tC. doesD. doesn’t
7. Scott works very long______ .
A. hourB. timesC. a timeD. hours
8. She works all night. So she is very______ .
A. sadB. tiredC. favoriteD. scary
9. I usually get up at around six-thirty,______I eat breakfast at six-forty.
A. and thenB. butC. afterD. last
10. Steve usually watches the early morning news______ .
A. by TVB. on TVC. on the busD. by bus
Ⅲ. 情景交际
A. 重新排列下列句子,使它们成为一段意思通顺、完整的对话。
1. Do you watch TV in the evening?
2. At about 6:15.
3. Do you usually play volleyball after class?
4. What time do you have breakfast?
5. At 6:00.
6. Yes, but only on weekends.
7. When do you play volleyball?
8. No, I don’t.
9. What time do you get up?
10. In the afternoon.
B. 根据交际情景,在空白处填入所缺的单词,完成对话。
A: Selina! 1 eight o’clock. You must 2 up.
B: Oh, dear! Where 3 my clothes? I want to 4 5 my school clothes.
A: Look, your clothes are in the chair. Do you want to have 6 ?
B: 7 , thanks. I have no 8 . I have to go now.
A: Where are you going?
B: I’m going to 9 . I’m late.
A: Do you know today is Sunday?
B: Oh, we don’t have any lessons 10 Sunday.
Ⅳ. 句型转换按括号内的要求完成句子。
1. He has breakfast at six-thirty every day.(改为一般疑问句)
2. the, bus, hotel, takes, he, the number 7, to(连词成句)
3. he, reads, in, morning, the, English, always(连词成句)
4. does, family, have, Rick’s, a, shower(连词成句)
5. usually, the, leaves, at, bus, nine-fifteen, he(连词成句)
Ⅴ. 汉译英将下列句子译成英语。
1. 我们家总是早上洗澡。
2. 你们什么时候吃晚饭?
3. —你晚上什么时候做作业?
4. 学生们下午4点回家。
5. 汤姆通常大约10点左右睡觉。
Ⅵ. 阅读理解
3:00 pm Cook with Mrs Lee
3:30 pm Children’s Hour
4:30 pm Cartoon Time
5:00 pm Uncle Tom’s Story Time
5:30 pm Sports World(体育世界)
6:30 pm News and Weather
7:00 pm Top Ten Songs of the Week
1. Mr Chen wants to know the weather(天气)for tomorrow. Which programme(节目)can he watch?
2. Peter likes football and basketball. Which programme can he watch?
3. Who teaches cooking on TV?
4. What time does Cartoon Time start?
5. Jane comes home at 5:00 pm. Can she watch Children’s Hour?
Ⅶ. 书面表达(10分)
Unit 12My favorite subject is science.
Ⅰ. 单项选择
1. —What’s the date today?
A. It’s June 2ndB. It’s the May 5th, 1995
C. It’s SundayD. It’s Tuesday
2. —When do you have your P.E. lesson?
—On______ .
A. the morningB. the Friday morning
C. Friday morningD. the morning Friday
3. Do you see______ ?
A. the picture in the wallB. picture on the wall
C. the picture on the wallD. the picture on wall
4. Now please look at______ .
A. Lesson NinthB. Ninth Lesson
C. Lesson NineD. Nine Lesson
5. The trees are______the river.
A. overB. onC. nearD. under
Ⅱ. 单句改错从A,B,C,D中找出错项,并加以改正。
1. Bai Jie favorite subject is science.
2. Why does Xiang Yu and you like math?
3. After class I have gymnastics at two hours.
4. I like me music teacher, Miss Tian.
5. Math is difficult, and interesting.
Ⅲ. 句型轉换按括号内的要求改写下列句子。
1. My favorite subject is biology.(对划线部分提问)
2. My math teacher is Miss Yu.(对划线部分提问)
3. I have lunch at twelve o’clock.(对划线部分提问)
4. I have English on Wednesday.(改为否定句)
5. Bai Jie likes history very much.(改为一般疑问句)
Ⅳ. 完形填空
This is 1 classroom. It is a 2 room. 3 forty 4 in our class. You can see 5 desks and chairs in it. You can also see 6 near the window. The flowers on it are very beautiful. Can you see two maps 7 the wall? One is the map 8 China. 9 is 10 .
1. A. weB. ourC. usD. we’s
2. A. difficultB. interestingC. wellD. nice
3. A. There isB. It hasC. There areD. There have
4. A. studentsB. a studentC. studentD. the students
5. A. someB. anyC. anD. forty the
6. A. a teacher deskB. teacher’s desk
C. a teacher’s deskD. teachers’ desk
7. A. inB. atC. onD. by
8. A. inB. ofC. onD. for
9. A. The otherB. AnotherC. OtherD. The another
10. A. a map for the worldB. the map from Japan
C. the map of the worldD. the map of world
Ⅴ. 閱读理解
Hello, everybody. My name is Xie Kai. I was born on March ninth, 1990. I’m in a junior middle school in Xinle City. I like our school very much.
Today is Monday, October 27th. This is the busiest day in the week. In the morning, at 8:00 I have Chinese. Chinese lesson is interesting. Our Chinese teacher, Mr Wang, has a good way to make his lessons lively and interesting. All the students in our class like him very much. Then at 9:00 o’clock, we have math. I don’t like math, because it’s difficult. Next, at 10:10, I have English. I like English very much. At 11:10, I have P.E.. That’s my favorite subject. I have lunch at the school at 12 o’clock. In the afternoon, I have two lessons. At 2:00, I have science. It’s difficult, but it is interesting. After that, I have music. Music is relaxing. I like my music teacher, too. She is young and beautiful. Then we can go to different clubs. I’m in a football club. Football is my favorite sport.
1. How many lessons does Xie Kai have on Monday morning?
2. What’s his favorite subject?
3. Why does Xie Kai like his Chinese teacher?
4. What club is he in?
5. What’s the date today?
Key to Unit 11:
Ⅰ. A. 1-5EACBD
B. 6. at7. to8. about9. after10. in11. to12. late13. play
14. know15. has
C. 16. time, It’s17. play, can’t18. Yes, At19. does, has
20. It’s, get
Ⅱ. 1-5 ABABA6-10 CDBAB
Ⅲ. A. 9-5-4-2-3-8-7-10-1-6
B. 1. It’s2. get3. are4. put5. on6. breakfast7. No8. time
9. school10. on
Ⅳ. 1. Does he have breakfast at six-thirty every day?
2. He takes the number 7 bus to the hotel.
3. He always reads Egnlish in the morning.
4. Does Rick’s family have a shower?
5. He usually leaves the bus at nine-fifteen.
Ⅴ. 1. Our family always have/take a shower in the morning.
2. What time/When do you have/eat supper?
3. —When do you do your homework in the evening?
—After supper.
4. The students go home at four in the afternoon.
5. Tom usually goes to bed at around/about ten in the evening.
Ⅵ. 1. News and Weather.2. Sports World.3. Mrs Lee.4. 4:30 pm.
5. No, she can’t.
Ⅶ. One possible version:
Xiao Li is my friend. She is a good student. She gets up at six in the morning. At six-thirty she runs. She eats breakfast at seven. At seven forty-five she goes to school by bike. School starts at eight o’clock. At twelve she eats lunch.
Key to Unit 12:
Ⅰ. 1-5 ACCCC
Ⅱ. 1. A. Bai Jie→Bai Jie’s2. B. does→do3. D. at→for
4. B. me→my5. C. and→but
Ⅲ. 1. What is your favorite subject?
2. Who is your math teacher?
3. What time /When do you have lunch?
4. I don’t have English on Wednesday.
5. Does Bai Jie like history very much?
Ⅳ. 1-5 BDCAA6-10 CCBAC
Ⅴ. 1. He has four lessons on Monday morning.
2. P.E. is his favorite subject.
3. Because his Chinese teacher, Mr Wang, has a good way to make his Chinese lessons lively and interesting.
4. He is in a football club.
8.七年级历史第一单元检测题 篇八
1、学习隋唐史后四位同学作了主题演讲,你认为能准确地概括这段历史的基本特征是( )
A、文明初露曙光 B、分裂奔向统一
C、繁荣与开放 D、封建国家陷入危机
2、唐玄宗统治前期,政治清明,经济空前繁荣史称( )
A、文景之治 B、光武中兴 C、贞观之治 D、开元盛世
3、以上盛世局面出现的共同原因是( )
③都在思想文化上实行高压政策 ④都重视生产技术的改进
A、①③④ B、①②③ C、②③④ D、①②④
4、历史上把唐朝的全盛时期称为( )
A、文景之治 B、贞观之治 C、开元盛元 D、康乾盛世
5、杜甫的“稻米流脂粟米,公私仓廪俱丰实”的诗句反映了唐朝的( )
6、“开元盛世”局面出现的原因不包括( )
A、唐玄宗励精图治 B、唐玄宗崇尚节俭
C、有贤臣魏征为其处理政事 D、劳动人民的辛勤劳动
7、关于唐朝人日常生活的.叙述,错误的是( )
A、饮茶之风盛行全国 B、棉布成为人们的主要衣料
C、在越窑可以买到最好的青瓷制品 D、长安城内的居民居住在坊里
8、唐朝的国际性大都市指的是( )
A、洛阳 B、长安 C、扬州 D、成都
9.我国是茶的故乡,俗话说“开门七件事,柴米油盐酱醋茶”,那么饮茶之风在全国盛行是在:( )
A.隋朝 B.唐朝 C.明朝 D.清朝
10.唐代瓷器闻名于世界的工艺珍品是:( )
A.唐三彩 B.白瓷 C.青瓷 D.景德镇瓷器
11.如果你生活在唐代,下了选项中最能体现你所穿的丝织品技术高超这一特点的是:( )
12、下列叙述错误的是来源于( )
A唐三彩是世界工艺的珍品 B唐都长安是一座国际性的大城市
C安史之乱后唐朝日趋衰落 D唐太宗时,饮茶之风在全国盛行
13、下列哪项措施是唐玄宗所为( )
A戒奢从简 B合并州县 C重视地方吏治 D重视发展生产
9.小学英语一年级下册第一单元检测题 篇九
③1角5分 2、一件衣服的价格大约是()。
③32元 3、一个书包的价格大约是()。
★ 三年级语文随堂检测题训练
★ 五年级数学下册期末检测试题
★ 五年级上册数学随堂练习题
★ 四年级下册数学同步检测题全套
★ 四年级数学下册期中试题检测题
10.小学英语一年级下册第一单元检测题 篇十
Ⅰ. 听录音,选出相应的图片。读一遍。(每小题1分,共5分)
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Ⅱ. 听录音,根据你所听到的内容选择最佳答语。读一遍。(每小题1分,共5分)
()6. Who has a computer game?
A. Peter. B. Jenny.C. Ed.
()7. What ball does Jack have?
A. Soccer ball.B. Baseball.C. Volleyball.
()8. Who plays tennis?
A. Peter.B. Tony.C. Ann and Tony.
()9. What ball do they play?
A. Ping-pong.B. Baseball.C. Basketball.
()10. Which sport does the girl think is difficult?
A. Golf.B. Baseball.C. Tennis.
Ⅲ. 听一段长对话,根据对话内容选出最佳选项。读两遍。(每小题1分,共5分)
()11. Why doesnt Mike want to play baseball?
A. Because its boring.B. Because its difficult.C. Because its relaxing.
()12. Why doesnt Mike want to play tennis?
A. Because he doesnt have a tennis racket.
B. Because he wants to watch TV.
C. Because he is not good at it.
()13. Does Mike like playing tennis?
A. Yes, he does.B. No, he doesnt.C. We dont know.
()14. Why doesnt Mike watch TV?
A. Because its interesting.B. Because its boring.
C. Because he doesnt have a TV.
()15. What sport are they going to do?
A. Theyre going to play basketball.B. Theyre going to play soccer.C. Theyre going to go skating.
Ⅳ. 听短文,填入所缺词语,每空词数不限。读两遍。(每小题1分,共5分)
I have a good friend. His name is Frank. He likes ____________(16) very much, so he has a great sports collection. He has ____________(17), eight ping-pong balls, and six ____________(18). He likes baseball best, so he has nine baseballs and ____________(19). He has four tennis rackets. Every day he ____________(20) with us after school.
Part Two 笔试部分 (80分)
Ⅴ. 单项选择。(每小题1分,共10分)
( )21. ______ your brother have a computer game?
A. DoesB. AreC. Do D. Has
()22. — Lets play computer games?—______. Lets go.
A. That sounds boringB. That sounds interesting
C. Youre welcomeD. See you
( )23. I ______ have a volleyball.
A. dontB. doesntC. notD. no
()24. Peter watches them ______ TV.
A. forB. underC. inD. on
( )25. Do you play sports ______?
A. every dayB. everydayC. a day D. one day
( )26. He ______ basketball in the afternoon.
A. doesB. watchC. takes D. plays
( )27. I dont like the game. Its ______.
A. funnyB. interestingC. boringD. relaxing
( )28. Jane doesnt have many balls. She has ______ one.
A. lotB. not C. orD. only
()29. They have pens, pencils, books, and ______ other things.
A. littleB. manyC. much D. very
( )30. We have many ______: basketball, volleyball and ping-pong.
A. clocksB. rulersC. clubs D. keys
Ⅵ. 翻译下列句子,每空一词。(15分)
31. 他没有一个篮球。
He ______ ______ a ______.
32. —咱们打排球吧。
—______ play volleyball.
—That ______ ______.
33. 埃德有少量的体育用品收藏。
Ed ______ a ______ sports ______.
34. 你有一个网球吗?
______ you have ______ ______?
35. —她有一个棒球吗?
—______ she ______ a baseball?
—No, she ______.
Ⅶ. 完形填空。(每小题1分,共10分)
I am American.36name is Anna. I am eleven. I37two friends. They are38 .
39names are Kate and Susan.40 all like sports. I41soccer ball. Kate likes
42, too. Susan likes basketball. She43 three basketballs. We 44 basketball after school. We often watch the games45TV.
( )36. A. MyB. HisC. HerD. Your
( )37. A. amB. do C. haveD. has
( )38. A. boysB. brothers C. sistersD. friend
( )39. A. Their B. My C. HerD. Our
( )40. A. She B. We C. He D. It
( )41. A. am B. likeC. likesD. dont
( )42. A. volleyball B. baseball C. ping-pongD. soccer ball
( )43. A. isB. have C. hasD. are
( )44. A. playsB. play C. are play D. do play
( )45. A. onB. in C. to D. at
Ⅷ. 阅读理解。(每小题2分,共20分)
Peter and Barry are from America. They like playing football. They usually play football after school. Bill is their classmate. Hes an English boy. He likes playing basketball. And he is a member(成员) of the School Basketball Team (校篮球队). He is 13. Mr Wang teaches them Chinese. His class is very relaxing and interesting. They all love him.
( )46. Is Bill an English boy?
A. Yes, he is.B. No, he isnt.C. No, he is an American boy. D. We dont know.
( )47. Peter and Barry are ______.
A. ChineseB. friendsC. EnglishD. American
( )48. ______ is their Chinese teacher.
A. Mr WuB. MikeC. Mr LiD. Mr Wang
( )49. Bill is a ______ player.
A. volleyballB. ping-pongC. tennisD. basketball
( )50. Peter and Barry like ______.
A. playing basketballB. playing volleyballC. playing footballD. watching TV
Ed is sixty-six, but he looks young(年轻的). He has two children—one is a son and the other(另一个) is a daughter. He has ten tennis rackets, seven baseballs, nine soccers and eight volleyballs. But he never plays sports. He only likes collecting sports things. His son Neal likes soccer. He is a member of the City Soccer. Every day he plays with his friends. And Eds daughter Nancy likes volleyball. But she doesnt play it. She watches it on TV!
( )51. How many sons does Ed have?
A. One.B. Two.C. There.D. Zero.
( )52. Does Nancy have any brothers?
A. No, she doesnt.B. Yes, she does.
C. No, she only has a sister.D. We dont know.
( )53. Do Neal and Nancy like sports?
A. No, only Nancy likes sports.B. No, they dont.
C. Yes, they do.D. We dont know.
( )54. Who plays soccer every day in Eds family?
A. Nancy. B. Ed.C. Neal.D. Nacy and Neal.
( )55. Does Nancy play volleyball?
A. No, she doesnt. B. No, she only plays tennis.
C. Yes, she does. D. We dont know.
Ⅸ. 短文填空。(每小题1分,共10分)
Tony has a s56collection. He has t57basketballs, t 58 tennis rackets, one football, and f 59ping-pong balls. He p 60basketball every day. His favorite (最喜欢的) sport i 61ping-pong. He thinks (认为)its i 62 . But he d 63like (喜欢) volleyball. He thinks its b 64 . He only w 65volleyball game (比赛) on TV.
56. s______57. t______ 58. t______ 59. f______ 60. p______
61. i______ 62. i______63. d______ 64. b______65. w______
Ⅹ. 书面表达。(15分)
11.小学英语一年级下册第一单元检测题 篇十一
第三样事,我仍要教你们勇敢地笑 那清泉见了我笑得叮咚咚地响
7.请在下面横线上分别填写含“雪”“雨”“星”“夜”四字的古诗文。(6分)(1)山回路转不见君,雪上空留马行处。(岑参《白雪歌送武判官归京》)(2)天街小雨润如酥,草色遥看近却无。(韩愈《早春呈水部张十八员外》)(3)好雨知时节,当春乃发生。(杜甫《春夜喜雨》)(4)孤舟蓑笠翁,独钓寒江雪。(柳宗元《江雪》)(5)七八个星天外,两三点雨山前。(辛弃疾《西江月》)(6)夜发清溪向三峡,思君不见下渝州。(李白《峨眉山月歌》)8.(2016,宿迁)学校正在开展“手机悄然影响生活”的语文实践系列活动,请你参与并完成相关任务。(6分)(1)【活动一 漫画手机】学校组织了一次漫画比赛,要求用漫画的形式表现手机对生活的影响。下面漫画是一幅获奖作品。请用简明的语言说出漫画反映的社会现象。(2分)
(2)【活动二 他山之石】活动中大家就校园手机管理问题搜集了大量资料,认为以下两所高校的做法值得借鉴,请你分别指出其值得借鉴之处。(每空不超过12字)(2分)①北京某高校在教室门口放收纳袋,要求学生把手机放进收纳袋之后,再到座位上学习。此举已取得一定成效,校园里出现了“不做‘低头族’,专心把书读”的新气象。
②发挥手机的积极作用(3)【活动三 愈辩愈明】学校组织了一次“中学生有没有必要带手机进校园”的辩论赛,正方认为“有必要”,反方认为“没必要”。请你选择立场并简述理由(不少于两点)。(2分)示例一:正方。手机现在已经成为人们生活必不可少的交流工具,有了手机,人与人之间的交流更加便捷有效。通过手机进行交流,已经成为人们日常生活的重要组成部分,带手机进校园无可厚非。__示例二:反方。现在大多数同学已经成为“低头族”,缺乏对手机的控制力,带手机进校园,使得学生上课玩手机,分散学习的注意力,导致学生成绩的下降。
(一)(14分)沁园春·雪 毛泽东
13.阅读全文后,请以“云”为陈述对象概括文中关于云的“风景”。(3分)①乱云汇聚→②云雨交加→云与鸦黑白相映→③白云映蓝天→云是“会走路的花” 14.根据要求解答下列两小题。(6分)(1)体会第④段“踮起脚尖就能扯下一块云,抖抖就是一阵雨”这句话的表达效果。(2分)“踮起脚尖就能扯下一块云”,用夸张手法,说明云很低,“扯下”一词将云形象化,“抖抖就是一阵雨”写出了雨水之多,写出了雨与云的关系。
⑧未看完信,方医生早已泪盈眼眶。雪儿像为亲生母亲擦拭泪水一样为方医生擦去眼角淌下的泪,稚气地问:“爸爸,你为什么也哭啊?纸上写的什么,给我念念好吗?” ⑨方医生抱起雪儿缓缓站起来,凝望着窗外翩翩起舞的雪花,像往日感受雪花的心跳一样,感受着雪儿的心跳,他亲了亲雪儿红苹果般的脸说:“等到你考上大学的时候,一定会念给你听的。”
(选自《精选小小说》,有删改)17.请从方医生的角度,将小说的主要情节补充完整。(2分)领养弃婴——困惑黑影——了解真相——感受心跳 18.仔细品味第⑤段中画线的句子,联系上下文,揣摩“女人”此刻的心理活动。(3分)通过“放下”“把脸扭了过去”等动作,写出了女人掩饰内心的痛苦和愧疚,不想让雪儿知道真相的心理。
12.小学英语一年级下册第一单元检测题 篇十二
1、最大的两位数○最小的三位数,○里应填( )。
③= 2、6037中的”6”表示( )。
③6个一 3、比较位数相同的两个数的大小,应从()位比起。
③个 4、与998相邻的两个数是( )。
③997和999 5、最大的四位数与最小的五位数相差( )。
③1000 6、用5、8、2、4四个数组成最大的四位数是( )。
③8542 7、在6808,8608,8860中,最小的数是( )。
③8860 8、由4个千,6个十,8个一组成的数是( )。
③4608 9、写数时,哪位上一个也没有,就在哪位上写( )。
③2 10、二年级图书角藏书208本,学校图书室藏书比二年级图书角藏书多得多。学校图书室藏书可能有( )本。
③298 七、解决问题
列式:答案 答:我是。
列式:答案 答:一共需要个窝。
列式:答案 答:剩下的需要个窝。
13.小学英语一年级下册第一单元检测题 篇十三
Part One 听力部分(20分)
Ⅰ. 找出与你所听到的句子意义相同或相近的选项。(每小题1分,共5分)
( ) 1. A. My teacher likes glasses.B. My teacher wants to buy glasses.
C. The man with glasses is my teacher.
( )2. A. He likes his father.B. His father likes him.C. He is like his father.
( )3. A. My son often reads outside the classroom.B. My son likes reading books about class.
C. My son likes reading books after class.
( )4. A. Mary is good-looking.B. The beautiful girl is looking for Mary.
C. Mary looks like the beautiful girl.
( )5. A. She has new clothes.B. She has a new look.C. She washed her hair.
Ⅱ. 听五段小对话,找出问题的正确答语。每段对话读一遍。(每小题1分,共5分)
( )6. A. Shes thin with long brown hair.B. Shes short and medium build.
C. Shes medium build with long black hair.
( )7. A. The girls history teacher.B. The girls art teacher.
C. The girls Chinese teacher.
( )8. A. No, she isnt.B. Yes, she is.C. Shes good at English.
( )9. A. A math teacher.B. A music teacher.C. An English teacher.
( )10. A. Its near the womans.B. Its in front of the womans.
C. Its behind the womans.
Ⅲ. 听下面两段大对话,每段对话后有几个小题,从题中所给的三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段对 话读两遍。(每小题1分,共5分)
听第11段对话, 回答第11至12小题。
( )11. Who are they talking about?
A. Tan Hua.B. Tan Xiao.C. Tian Xiao.
( )12. He likes wearing__________.
A. a black suitB. a red sweaterC. a yellow shirt
听第12段对话, 回答第13至15小题。
( )13. What does the girl look like?
A. She has big eyes and a big nose.B. She has short hair.
C. She is very tall and beautiful.
( )14. What does the boy look like?
A. He is much taller than the girl.B. He is medium height.
C. He has a beard and his hair is brown.
( )15. Do the boy and the girl go by at the same time?
A. Yes, they are.B. Yes, they do.C. No, they dont.
Ⅳ. 听短文,选出最佳答案。读两遍。(每小题1分,共5分)
( )16. The girl is_________years old.
A. 17B. 15C. 13
( )17. The girl is________.
A. tallB. thinC. fat
( )18. The girls hair is________.
A. blackB. blondeC. brown
( )19. Today the girl is wearing a________sweater and ________pants.
A. red; yellowB. yellow; blueC. red; white
( )20. What is the girl good at?
A. Playing.B. Reading.C. Chess.
Part Two笔试部分(80分)
Ⅰ. 单项选择。(每小题1分,共10分)
( )21. —What ________ he ________ like?
—Hes tall and thin.
A. is; lookB. does; looksC. does; lookD. is; looks
( )22. My father is very humorous(幽默的). He loves ________ jokes.
A. tellingB. tellC. to speakD. speaking
( )23. There is ________ hair on his head.
A. a fewB. a littleC. fewD. many
( )24. When the teacher came into the classroom, all the students stopped ________.
A. talk B. talkedC. to talkD. talking
( )25. Does Li Yuchun ________ a new look?
A. hasB. haveC. withD. in
( )26. Our English teacher loves ________.
A. tell jokesB. to tell jokesC. say jokesD. saying jokes
( )27. I dont like country music, but my husband ________.
A. doB. doesC. didD. is
( )28. Shes a singer. She is good at ________.
A. singingB. to singC. singsD. sang
( )29. The young man ________ glasses is my teacher.
A. wearB. putsC. put onD. with
( )30. —Can you play ________ chess?
—Yes,I can. I can play it very ________.
A. the; wellB. /; wellC. /; goodD. a; much
Ⅱ. 根据首字母提示完成单词。(每小题1分,共5分)
31. I like the tall girl. She is the c________ of the school basketball team.
32. This famous artist has long c________ hair.
33. My uncle loves to tell j________.
34. The man is medium h________ and medium build.
35. Tomlooks cool when he w________ glasses.
Ⅲ. 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。(每小题1分,共5分)
36. When you leave the room, please remember ________(turn) off the light.
37. My friend Sally always tells ________(fun) stories to us.
38. Everyone in China ________(like) the Spring Festival(春节).
39. I am always the first one ________(come) to school.
40. Please stop ________(talk). Its time for the meeting.
Ⅳ. 按要求完成下列句子,每空一词。(每空1分,共10分)
41. She is tall with long curly hair. (对划线部分提问)
________ does she ________ like?
42. She has short hair.(改为复数)
They ________ short ________.
43. He is fat. He wears glasses.(两句合并为一句)
He is fat ________ ________.
44. My father likes reading and writing.(对划线部分提问)
________ does your father like ________?
45. I think he has something to say.(改为否定句)
I ________ think he has ________ to say.
Ⅴ. 完形填空。(每小题1分,共10分)
Look! This is a photo of our class. The man__46__a beard is our English teacher, Mr. Hu. He isnt young, but he isnt __47__. He is a tall man. He has a round__48__ and black hair. The man __49 __him is our Chinese teacher, Mr.Wang. I think he is very clever because he has__50__hair. He likes__51__jokes. Do you know the man __52__ black. He is our math teacher, Mr. Wu. He is good at__53__ math. He sings __54__.
Thats__55__. There are fifty students in our class. We all like them.
( )46. A. on B. with C. in D. has
( )47. A. oldB. fatC. beautifulD. heavy
( )48. A. eyeB. nose C. handD. face
( )49. A. withB. next C. besideD. after
( )50. A. little B. a littleC. few D. a few
( )51. A. telling B. sayingC. talking D. speaking
( )52. A. in B. of C. in the D. wears
( )53. A. teach B. teaching C. to teachD. teaches
( )54. A. good B. muchC. well D. best
( )55. A. strangeB. happyC. relaxing D. surprising
Ⅵ. 阅读理解。(每小题2分,共20分)
I have a son. Hes four years old. Hes short with curly hair. Hes smart and funny.
One day he came into the house and showed me a caterpillar (毛毛虫) on his arm. I was afraid of caterpillars, but I dont want my son to know about this. So I said, “Tony, why dont you take the caterpillar back outside? His mother is looking for him.”
Tony went out and I was pleased. A few minutes later, he came back into the house. There were two caterpillars on his arm this time. “Look! I found the mother!” he said to me excitedly.
( )56. Tony looks like clever.
( )57. The writer is brave because she asks her son to get two caterpillars.
( )58. Tony understood his mother well.
( )59. The writer felt pleased at last.
( )60. Tony was excited because he followed his mothers advice.
2.26-meter-tall Yao Ming first appeared in the NBA on October 23, 2002 and got 6 points for the Houston Rockets in the game. The next day, he got 13 points in another game.
Most people think that Yao Ming is a born basketball player. But Yao said, “When you watch it on TV, it looks very easy. But when you are playing in the NBA, it is really not so easy.” He said that joining the Houston Rockets was a new start and a new chanllenge. “I hope that through very hard work I can make everyone happy and help the Rockets win more games,” he said.
Yao Ming speaks some English. Both he and his teammates can understand each other. They dont think there is a language problem. The people of Houston have shown great interest in him and they hope Yao Ming will bring new energy to the Rockets. The team has started having lessons to learn more about China, and many people who work for the Rockets have learned to speak some Chinese.
( )61. On which day did Yao Ming get 13 points?
A. On October 22.B. On October 23.C. On October 24.D. On October 26.
( )62. Yao Ming said that ________.
A. playing in the NBA was difficultB. it was hard to watch NBA games on TV
C. he was a NBA starD. it was boring to play basketball
( )63. The people of Houston hope Yao Ming will ________.
A. speak excellent EnglishB. bring new energy to the Rockets
C. become the NBA games starD. teach them how to play basketball
( )64. From the passage we can know that Yao Ming ________.
A. works hard for his teamB. made the highest score in his first NBA game
C. cant understand his teammatesD. teaches the Rockets workers Chinese himself
( )65. The passage is probably ________.
A. an advertisementB. a noticeC. a news reportD. an instruction
Ⅶ. 阅读理解填词。(每小题1分,共10分)
Doyouknow JackieChan? I thinkeverybodyk__66__him.He is a p __67__Chinese movie star.He is g__68__at Chinese kung fu.Jackie Chan is not tall but heisquite s__69__. All of my c 70likehis action m __71__. And we also like his big n__72__.He has a son c__73__Fang Zuming.He is a__74__a movie star.But I dont like his movies a lot.I dont think he is as good as his f__75__.
66. k________67. p________68. g________69. s________70. c________
71. m________72. n________73. c________74. a________75. f________
Ⅷ. 书面表达。(10分)
请以My friend为题,用英语写一篇不少于60词的短文,内容包括其年龄、爱好、外貌特征等。
PEP 小学六年级英语下册第一单元测试题 姓名听力部分09-22