


1.英文证明书 篇一


TO:-x (某国家大使馆或领事馆):

This is the certification that (姓名),his(her) passport number is ---x(护照号码),is employer of our company.We hereby confirm he(she) is going to -x(国家) on travel.From to (时间).

We Further guarantee he(she) will comply with local law and regulation during his(her) in Thailand and will also be back on time.Meanwhile,we are willing to retain his position until they come back.

This certificate is issued to facilitate his(her) application for a visa for such a visiter.


2.居住者证明书参考 篇二







3.纯种犬鉴定证明书的参考 篇三

1月6日来源:CKU官网编辑:繁殖部-xinhongwei评论:4条14 尊敬的CKU会员朋友们,您们好!


为了促进西藏獒犬(以下简称:藏獒)犬种在国内持续发展,根据FCI于4月2日颁布的《纯种西藏獒犬犬种标准》(国际纯种犬标准230号文件,犬种中文名称:西藏獒犬,英文名称:Tibetan Mastiff or DO-KHYI)文件确定的纯种藏獒犬犬种标准以及FCI纯种犬繁殖登记规则,CKU决定自201月1日起,申请繁殖登记的藏獒犬种暂停颁发原《CKU国内纯种犬血统证书》,变更为颁发《CKU纯种藏獒犬血统证书》的单犬种血统证书管理方式,该证书价格为:200元/份。


1 自年1月1日起,CKU将颁发《CKU纯种西藏獒犬血统证书》,该血统证书为CKU在国内范围内使用的纯种西藏獒犬的血统证书。

2 自2013年1月1日起,在繁殖登记册中登记的西藏獒犬犬种如果父母血统满足4代,犬主人可以申请颁发《CKU国际纯种犬出口血统证书》,该血统书为换发成其他FCI协会国内血统书的唯一依据。

3 自2013年1月1日起,原CKU已经颁发《国内纯种犬血统证书》中登记犬种为西藏獒犬的登记犬,犬主人可以申请换发《CKU纯种西藏獒犬血统证书》。 自2013年1月1日起,关于藏獒犬种申请《CKU纯种西藏獒犬血统证书》的相关繁殖登记管理流程如下:

一 国外协会颁发藏獒犬血统书换发CKU颁发国内纯种藏獒血统书基本要求: 1 申请人应该是犬的实际所有人,申请人必须能够提供是实际犬主人的证明文件。例如:双方买卖合同副本、国际货物托运单以及原主人填写的转让证明等。 2 申请人填写《国外引进纯种犬单项登记表》,并且提交CKU认可的国际犬业组织颁发的藏獒犬血统证书或出口血统证书原件以及进出口检验(检疫)证明文件。 3 申请人应该是CKU专业会员,完成当年度会员年费交纳。

4 CKU将对申请登记信息进行公示,公示3个月之后无任何针对该犬血统投诉的情况,繁殖登记部将允许该犬进行血统书换发。

5 登记犬申请换发的原血统书上需有明确电子芯片号码(后粘贴无效),如果没有芯片号码需要补埋植CKU电子芯片。

6 每只申请换发CKU纯种藏獒犬血统书的登记犬需要留存DNA遗传基因样本,该样本用于核实祖辈以及后代犬亲子关系。

7 已经换发完毕的血统书相关信息将不能做任何修改和调整,血统证书血统登记资料的真实性由犬主人承担。

二 没有血统书的藏獒犬种申请颁发《CKU纯种犬鉴定证书》的情况,该登记犬可以通过 DNA遗传基因鉴定纯种犬的方式确认判断是否属于纯种藏獒犬,具体要求如下:

1 DNA遗传基因纯种犬鉴定登记申请人完整填写《DNA遗传基因检测犬种登记表》至CKU繁殖登记部。

2 繁殖登记部收到登记表后根据申请地区,安排工作人员对申请检测的登记犬进行DNA样本集中采集工作。

3 汇总采集收到的DNA样本后,繁殖登记部送检样本,取得结果后繁殖部将《DNA遗传基因纯种犬检测证书》颁发给申请人。

4 根据检测证书内容,如果检测证书证明申请检测犬是纯种藏獒犬,申请人可以联系CKU繁殖登记部为该犬申请换发《CKU纯种犬鉴定证书》,同时登记犬需要埋植电子芯片以及留存DNA遗传基因样本。

三 父母犬为CKU颁发的纯种藏獒犬血统书所交配繁殖的后代犬,申请血统书的具体要求如下:

1 申请人提交《新生犬登记表》至CKU繁殖部,繁殖部审核父母犬配种信息,父母犬需要拥有CKU颁发的纯种犬血统证书或纯种犬鉴定证书,并且父母犬留存DNA遗传基因样本。

2 CKU繁殖部向母犬主人发放《新出生幼犬登记证明》(出生纸),犬主人凭该证明向CKU申请埋植电子芯片,并且幼犬完成留存DNA遗传基因样本。 3 完成上述登记流程后,繁殖部颁发《CKU纯种藏獒犬血统书》。

4 新生幼犬登记母犬主人必须按照实际出生幼犬登记情况,申请《新出生幼犬登记证明》数量与该窝繁殖幼犬数量一致,繁殖部将不接受该窝幼犬补登记申请。 5 为保证藏獒犬种登记幼犬血统信息真实有效,如有会员投诉犬只血统问题,犬主人需无条件接受对血统书上登记信息进行DNA亲子关系检测。


4.终止劳动合同证明书(参考样本) 篇四



用人单位名称: 地 址: 联系人和电话:

劳动者姓名: 身份证号码: 工作岗位:

入职日期: 年 月 日 最后一份劳动合同期限: 解除日期: 年 月 日 本单位工作年限:(其中依法合并计入的年限为 年 个月)

依据的法律条文:《劳动合同法》第 条第 款第 项 终止原因(打√)

□劳动合同期满或工作任务完成 □劳动者死亡或失踪 □劳动者达到法定退休年龄或开始享受基本养老保险待遇 □用人单位破产 □用人单位停业


年 月 日

签 收 人:

5.金融英文参考杂志 篇五


①Journal of Finance,②Journal of Financial Economics,③Review of Financial Studies。

这三个比较起来,Journal of Finane的主编,很不喜欢纯数学的论文。可能Review Of Financial Studies是最喜欢数理模型的,当然既有理论,又有数据支持的最好。另外,Journal of Financial Economics发表的公司财务方面的文章很多,Review of Finacial Studies比较倾向于所谓的市场微观结构、资产定价和期权定价这些方面,而Journal of Finance可能是这三个里面最综合的,当然现在他的主编比较倾向于资本市场理论方面的文章,他也更喜欢数学模型一些。

6.英文简历可参考 篇六

central jinsha road shantou 515041

born: june 3,1969



excellent health

native place: zhuhai


to work as an english secretary at an enterprise with foreign investment in zhuhai


1992-present office secretary at shantou international trade development company. responsible for writing english correspondence and telecommunications to foreign trade partners.


1990-1992 secretarial course, shantou university. coursework included: secretarial principles, office administration, management, business english, english word processing, stenography, bookkeeping.


computer programming. typing 55 wpm.

personal qualities

communication skills, accuracy in handling details, cheerful personality, strong leadership and a sense of responsibility.


dechun ma, office director, shantou international trade development company. tel:8251212.










7.车间英文中英对照参考 篇七


Self and mutual inspection, make sure zero defection!杜绝不良思想,发扬优质精神!

Prevent unhealthy thinking;develop high quality inspirit.持续的质量改进,是我们永恒的目标。

Quality continuous improvement is our eternal objective.积累点滴改进,迈向完美品质。

Accumulate every improvement is led to Perfect quality


Quality-cultivation,Strengthens our team


Do not make excuses for failure, but find a way to solve it.客户满意,是检验我们工作的唯一标准。

Customer satisfaction is the only benchmark to inspect our works.没有执行力,就没有竞争力。

No implementation power;no competitiveness advantage.执行力文化,是从负责任开始的。

Implementation starts from taking responsibility


Stop waste to pursue perfection and constant improvement。节约是美德,珍惜能源点滴。

Saving is our virtue, treasure every bit of resource。


Work hard is for finishing work, concentrate is for excellent work result.首件检验不马虎,制程稳定无错误。

Strictly inspect the first part will led to Stabilize producing process.仓储管理要遵守,先进先出是基础。

Obey management rules of warehouse,First-in-first-out is essential.在工作中不断学习,在学习中不断进步。

Learn from working,continuous Improvement from learning.安全生产,人人有责,遵章守纪,保障安全。

Everyone should obey regulations to ensure safe production.多看一眼,安全保险,多防一步,少出事故。

One more glance and risk prevent will ensure safety and reduce accidents


Follow instruction;pay attention to safety in every time


Quality satisfaction can be keep the excellent through carefulness, elaboration, and attention.原始记录要可靠,统计分析才有效

Statistics validity depends on correct original record.不接受不良品、不制造不良品、不传递不良品

Unconformity products is unacceptable , un-producing, un-delivery.Defect parts should be denied and not passed as well as not manufactured.品质是做出来的,不是检验出来的Quality cannot be improved by inspection but production.每天自我检讨,品质自然更好

Daily self inspection will bring better quality.人人有改善的能力,事事有改善的余地

Employee has ability of improvement;Everything can be improved better.行动改变现实,思想决定未来

Action changes the real situation;Good thinking could drive the future


Employee is footstone, customer first, technique expert, quality first


Enhance on-site process management, strictly control producing factors.控制每一道工序,做好每一件产品

Make sure each step under control, make each part qualified.质量是企业永恒的主题,是企业的生命。

Quality is the theme forever and the life of enterprise


Today’s quality is led to the market of tomorrow.●建有质量文化的质量体系,创造有魅力、有灵魂的质量。

Build the culture and quality system, create quality with fascination and soul.●以质量求生存,以质量求发展,向质量要效益。

Surviving and developing as well as benefit by quality,质量是企业的生命,质量是企业的效益,质量是企业发展的动力,质量靠全体员工去保证。Quality is our life and benefit of enterprise, power of enterprise development.●质量放松,劳而无功。

8.财务主管英文简历参考 篇八

Personal information


Gender: male

Nationality: han

Age: 34

Marital status: unmarried

Professional name: accounting

Major: finance and economics

Political status: the masses

Graduated from: China university of geosciences

Graduation date: June

Highest degree: junior college

Computer level: proficient

Work experience: over 10 years

Height: 160 cm

Weight: 55 kg

Location: xinluo district

Domicile: xinluo district


Expected to be engaged in occupation: financial supervisor, accounting part-time

Expected salary: negotiable

Expected working area: xiamen city, fujian province

Expected job nature: full-time

The quickest time to get to work: anytime

Need to provide housing: no


Education background:

School name: China university of geosciences (September - December )

Professional name: accounting degree: junior college

School name: longyan financial school (September - July )

Professional name: accounting degree: secondary school

Location: certificate: accounting certificate

School name: longyan agricultural school (September - July 2003)

Professional name: auto application and maintenance education: middle school

Training experience:

Work experience

Company name: longyan fortune hotel co., LTD. (March - March )

Industry: tourism ・ hotel & catering service company nature: private. Private enterprises

Company size: 200 ~ 500 people working place: longteng road sports park, xinluo district

Job title: host accountant

Company name: shun hua junyue hotel, fuqing (June 2008 - March 2010)

Industry: tourism ・ hotel & catering service company nature: private. Private enterprises

Company size: 200 ~ 500 people working place: fuqing yuhong road

Job title: accountant

Company name: quanzhou red earth clothing production co., LTD. (June - June 2007)

Industry: trade ・ commerce ・ import and export company nature: private. Private enterprise

Company size: 200 to 500 people working:

Position: warehouse management, factory accounting

Self assessment

Self-evaluation: being bold, sensitive to Numbers, good faith, good communication ability. Since 2002, I have been engaged in financial work since 2008. I am familiar with financial work management, internal affairs, external affairs workflow and personal career development. Have rich social experience. Accounting is a management activity, not just a simple bookkeeping, a tax, a report, a solid accounting foundation, a good work ethic, and a good financial team. I have worked in the hotel industry, advertising industry, manufacturing industry, entertainment industry, fast consumer goods industry and other industries, and accumulated rich experience in internal and external accounting work and related tax work procedures; Ability of organization, management and leadership; To be an accountant, to have a good general view, to provide reliable financial information for the company“s forecast and decision making, and to formulate a set of financial regulations that are most suitable for the development of its own enterprise; Be good at analyzing the various situations of the enterprise, all in the enterprise interest as the center.

Language ability

Language name mastery degree

Good English

Mandarin good




性别: 男

民族: 汉族

年龄: 34

婚姻状况: 未婚

专业名称: 会计学

主修专业: 财经类

政治面貌: 群众

毕业院校: 中国地质大学

毕业时间: 6月

最高学历: 大专

电脑水平: 精通

工作经验: 十年以上

身高: 160cm


现所在地: 新罗区

户籍: 新罗区


期望从事职业: 财务主管以上,会计兼职

期望薪水: 面议

期望工作地区: 福建厦门市

期望工作性质: 全职

最快到岗时间: 随时到岗

需提供住房: 不需要



学校名称: 中国地质大学(9月-12月)

专业名称: 会计学 学历: 大专

学校名称: 龙岩市财经学校(9月-7月)

专业名称: 会计学 学历: 中专

所在地: 证书: 会计证

学校名称: 龙岩市农业学校(9月-207月)

专业名称: 汽车应用与维修 学历: 中专



公司名称: 龙岩市财富酒店有限公司(3月-3月)

所属行业: 旅游・酒店・餐饮服务 公司性质: 私营.民营企业

公司规模: 200~500人 工作地点: 新罗区龙腾路体育公园内

职位名称: 主办会计

公司名称: 福清市顺华君悦大酒店(206月-203月)

所属行业: 旅游・酒店・餐饮服务 公司性质: 私营.民营企业

公司规模: 200~500人 工作地点: 福清市元洪路

职位名称: 会计

公司名称: 泉州红地服装制作有限公司(6月-206月)

所属行业: 贸易・商务・进出口 公司性质: 私营.民营企业

公司规模: 200~500人 工作地点:

职位名称: 仓管,厂部会计


自我评价: 为人豪爽,对数字敏感,诚信,沟通能力较强。20出道,2008年开始从事财务工作至今,熟悉财务工作管理,内部事务,外部事务工作流程,注重个人职业发展。有丰富的社会阅历。会计是一项管理活动,不只是简单的记账、报税、出报表,需要扎实的会计基础,良好的职业道德,以及一个优秀的财务团队;本人从事过酒店业、广告业、生产制造业、娱乐业、快消品行业等行业的会计工作,积累了丰富的内外账工作经验和涉税工作流程;具备一定工作组织能力,管理能力和领导能力;做会计要拥有优秀的大局观,为企业预测、决策提供可靠的财务信息,制订一套最适合自身企业发展的财务规范;善于分析企业的各种情况,一切以企业利益为中心。


语种名称 掌握程度

英语 良好

普通话 良好









9.质量证明书英文怎么说 篇九






兹证明我厂或我公司所提供的 生物除臭设备(产品名称)原产地是 江苏扬州,特此证明。

制造商:扬州森源伟业废臭气净化设备制造有限公司 signature for on behalf of the manufacture: name:篇二:翻译证明材料 mti翻译实践证明材料






【简介】: 大学英语四级 cet4(collegeenglishtestband4certificate)大学英语六级cet6(collegeenglishtestband6certificate)英语专业四级 tem4(testforenglishmajorgrade4certificate)英语


大学英语四级 cet4(college english test band 4 certificate)大学英语六级

cet6(college english test band 6 certificate)英语专业四级 tem4(test for english major grade 4 certificate)英语专业八级 tem8(test for english major grade 8 certificate)普通话等级考试 national mandarin test(level 1, 2, 3;grade a,b,c)日语能力考试 japanese language proficiency test(level 1, 2, 3, 4)商务日语能力考试 business japanese proficiency test 商务英语证书 business english certificate 雅思 ielts(international english language testing system)托福 toefl(test of english as a foreign language)bec初级(bec preliminary level,缩略为bec pre.)bec中级(bec vantage level,缩略为bec van.)bec高级(bec higher level,缩略为bec hi.)导游资格证书 guide certificate 秘书证 secretary card 中级涉外秘书证 intermediate foreign secretary card 会计证 accounting certificate 会计从业资格证书: certificate of accounting professional 初级职务(助理会计)证书 sub-accountant certificate preliminary level 中级职称 intermediate certificate 管理会计师证书: certificate in management accounting 注册会计师证书:(cpa certificate)certificate of certified public accountant 注册金融分析师(cfa)chartered financial analyst 特许公认会计师(acca)the association of chartered accountants cad工程师认证证书 cad engineer certification 电工证 electrician certificate 技工证书 technician certificate 教师资格证 teacher certification 心理辅导教师资格证书 psychological counseling teacher certificate 报关员资格证书 clerk for the customs declaration 报关员证书 customs declaration certificate 人力资源从业资格证书 qualification of human resources practitioners 驾驶证 driver’s license 国家司法考试证书 national judicial examination certificate(lawyers qualification certificate)

律师资格证书 attorney’s certificate 企业法律顾问执业资格证书 enterprise counsel qualification certificate 法律顾问 legal adviser 律师助理证 assistant lawyer certificate 会计从业资格证 certificate of accounting professional 初级会计职称 junior level accountant 中级会计职称 medium level accountant 高级职称 advanced level accountant 注册会计师 certified public accountant(cpc)

注册税务师 certified tax agents(cta)经济师 economist 精算师 actuary 审计师 auditor 统计师 actuary 物流师职业资格证书 certificate of international logistics specialist 国际物流师 certified international logistics specialist(cils)特许市场营销师 certified marketing manager(cmm)初级营销职业证书 introductory certificate in marketing 市场营销职业证书 certificate in marketing 国际商务谈判师 certificated international professional negotiator(cipn)投资咨询师 investment counselor 人力资源管理 human resource management(hrm)中国职业经理人资格认证 certificate of chinese professional manager 中国职业经理人 chinese professional manager(cpm)注册国际投资分析师 certified international investment analyst(ciia)注册金融分析师 chartered financial analyst(cfa)注册金融策划师 certified financial planner(cfp)

认证金融理财师 associate financial planner(afp)篇四:建筑证书中英文翻译


certificate of real estate ownership(房地产权证)

由政府部门颁发的关于某土地上所建建筑权属、地理位置、建筑面积等的证书。房屋所有权年限等于土地使用年限。新的房地产权证包括土地使用权信息和房地产权信息。建设工程完工时,对工程质量进行验收检查,合格后由建设质量监督总站颁发建设工程竣工验收备案证书。construction permit(施工许可证)
