


1.nature的意思用法总结 篇一





In fact, nature is much better at recycling than we humans are.事实上,自然界在再循环方面比人类做得更好。

To a great extent, that is the nature of my own work.在很大程度上,这就是我工作的性质。

The goal of life is living in agreement with nature.人生的终极目标是和自然和谐相处。


1、The nature of the polymer is currently a trade secret.


2、The most amazing thing about nature is its infinite variety.


3、Rowe does a very clever riff on the nature of prejudice.


nature词组 |习惯用语

in nature 本质上,事实上

human nature 人性;人类本性

by nature 天生地;生性

nature reserve n. 自然保护区

second nature 第二天性;***惯

true nature 本性

in the nature of 具有…性质

mother nature 大自然;自然的力量

back to nature 回归自然(牧场物语)

beauty of nature 美丽的大自然,自然美

good nature n. 脾气好;温厚

law of nature 自然法则;自然定律

against nature 违反自然地;奇迹般地

all nature [美国口语]人人,万物

physical nature 物理性质

nature protection 自然保护

dual nature 二重性,双重性

sounds of nature 天籁;大自然的声音

balance of nature 生态平衡;自然平衡;自然生态平衡;自然均衡

nature conservation 自然保护;自然保育;自然保持


1.Our purpose is not only to conquer nature but also to remake nature.我们的目的不仅要征服自然,而且还要改造自然。

2.Her brusque manner concealed a caring nature.她举止粗鲁但实际上很关心他人。

3.He lived in close communion with nature.他的生活与大自然亲密交融。

4.The girl is of a confiding nature.这女孩具有轻信别人的性格。

5.Science can disclose the mysteries of nature.科学能解开自然界的奥秘。

6.Imagination is, of its very nature, unmoral.想象, 就其本质来说, 无所谓道德或不道德。

7.It wasn’t in his nature to follow blindly.盲从不是他的性格。

8.Charlotte planned to appeal to his better nature.夏洛特打算求助于他善良的一面。

9.Nature has endowed her with great musical ability.上天赋予她极大的音乐才能。

10.Nature endowed her with a beautiful singing voice.大自然赋予她一副美妙的歌喉

11.A freak of nature produced the midsummer snow.仲夏下雪是非常奇怪的自然现象选

12.He is the most impudent fellow in nature.他是世界上最厚颜无耻的家伙。

13.Emerson was so much more luminous a nature.爱默生是一个更为睿智的人。

14.Her true nature was a revelation to me.她的真实性格对我是一个新发现。

15.That is a book of the same nature.那是本同一种类的书。

16.They never vary from the law of nature.他们从不违反自然规律。

17.A hailstorm in July is a caprice of nature.七月天的一场冰雹是大自然的反复无常的变化

18.She goes to the country to commune with nature.她到农村融于大自然中。

19.One of his frailties of human nature is laziness.他的弱点之一是懒惰。

20.It’s unlikely that this gully was produced by nature.这个溪谷不大可能是自然出现的。

2.marriage的意思用法总结 篇二




The news of their marriage knocked me for a loop.他们结婚的消息使我大吃一惊。

It was a pleasant surprise to learn of her marriage.得知她结婚是件令人惊喜的事。
