1.雅思写作类 篇一
Some people claim that students go to university only for finding a good job.What’s your opinion?
If people are asked why students go to university, I believe that many of the answers would be: to find a good job!It is true that job commitment is an important function of higher education.However, I think it has other functions.For one thing, students learn to be independent in university.For many, if not all, of my schoolmates, entering university is the first time to leave home and live on their own.It is hard for them at first, but to my mind this is certainly an essential part of one’s life, or else they may continue to receive parental care without getting mature as early as they should.For another thing, students know better how to get along with people during the four years’ university life.As we know, nowadays, many Chinese children are the only child at home and thus unlike people of the previous generations who have brothers and sisters, they know little about how to be tolerant and considerate to people around them.There is no doubt that universities provide us with an opportunity to learn to do s for example, we have to think of others instead of only ourselves when we share a dormitory room with others.Lastly, besides imparting knowledge, university teachers also tell their students how to be a decent person in the rest of their life.For instance, students may learn how to be generous, think critically, be responsible for themselves, their family and work, etc.It is not a rare case for a student to change for the better under the influence of his university teacher.To conclude, university education does not only prepare the students for a future job, but also teaches them important things that are to be useful all their life.
2.雅思写作类 篇二
徐望之在其《公牍通论》中列举了九十几种从三代到清末民初的公文体制, 笔者结合吴讷《文章辩体序说》和徐师曾《文体明辩序说》, 现列举诏令类公文发展的不同阶段对应的名称和意义基本如下:
“命”是命官之辞, 大曰命, 小曰令。王言同称命, 有的用以命官, 如《尚书》中的《说命》;有的用以封爵, 如《尚书》中的《微子之命》《蔡仲之命》;有的用以饬职, 如《尚书·毕命》;有的用以赏赐, 如《尚书·文候之命》。
“令”小于命, 始见于《尚书·同命》:“发号施令”。上古只有帝王对臣下的言词称为令, 秦代以后王太子、诸候王对下属都称为令。
“制”古代王言为命, 秦始皇改命为制。汉代制度:帝命有四, 其二日制书。唐朝用于赏罚、大除授、改革旧政、宽赦降虏。宋朝专用于拜三公三省等职和罢免大臣。撰制的官员称为掌制。及元、明、清都有此公文形式。
“诏”昭、告的意思。秦始皇将古代的令改为诏, 凡不属于“制度之命”者, 都以诏下达, 为人主专用的文书。汉初帝命有四, 其三日诏, 唐朝避武后讳, 改称为制, 但唐朝中时还有称诏的。大凡新君即位, 都诏告四方, 称为即位诏, 皇帝去世有遗诏。
“策书”汉朝命令中的一种。《汉书》载汉初帝命有四, 首日策书。注:“策者, 偏简也。......以命诸侯王公;右三公以罪免, 亦赐策。”它的用是由君主自上而下颁布教令, 以驱策臣下, 当时只用木简写, 所以称为策, 又与册通。《周礼》:“凡命诸侯及公卿大夫, 则策命之。”魏以后称册, 隋代用于封拜、哀讳及赠谥;唐代王言有六三日册, 立皇后、太子、封诸王, 都用册;明、清亦多用于类似的册封, 只是册用的玉金银铜的等级不同。
“敕”含有饬、戒的意思。使臣下自觉警饬, 在政事上不敢怠惰。顾炎武《金石文字记》:“敕者, 自上命下之辞。”汉制, 天子命令有四, 其四日戒书, 就戒敕。汉朝新太守上任, 皇帝都敕书或相戒约, 也用于谕诰外藩及京外官员。汉朝官长对下属, 祖、父对子孙也都可以用敕, 如《韦贤敕弘自免太常》、《丙吉教敕乳母》、《王尊教敕功曹》等。南北朝以后, 只限于朝廷使用。唐以后奖谕封赠也用敕, 和原义不合了。
“发敕”唐朝制度, 废除或设置州县, 增减官吏, 发兵。授予、免除六品以上官职, 皆用发敕。
“敕旨”旨, 意也。唐代百官奏请朝廷施行的政务, 竽帝批答用敕旨。后来又称旨。自唐迄清, 历代都用此名称。
“敕书”唐制, 皇帝行文臣僚, 凡慰谕公卿, 诫约朝臣者称敕书。
“敕牒”始于隋唐之际, 除授百官, 由门下省政事堂草拟文书经中书舍人进奏画敕字, 然后政事堂出牒公布于外, 所以又称敕牒。宋元沿用此体。又据《资治通鉴》二一O唐景云元年:唐制, 封授三品以上官称册授;五品以上称制授;六品以下称敕授。
“御札”札, 木牍。《中庸》“方策”注:“简、札、牒、毕, 同物而异名, 札木简之薄小者也。”宋代开始成为公文的专用体制, 中书省掌宣封命令, 如布告、登封、郊祀及发布君主重大号令时用, 性质同于诏令。
“敕榜”宋代君主诏令的又一体。用于戒饬、勉励百官, 晓谕军民。
春秋战国时期产生的新文种, 令, 与命相似, 是一种指挥性的行政公文体裁。令可以由王发布, 也可以由重臣或军事统帅发布, 用于颁布法令及指挥军队。本文要对比的求贤令, 并非法令, 而是由王发出的一篇呼吁性的文章, 与现代公文中通知的作用相似。笔者认为, 求贤令用“令”这一文体的原因, 一是因为是帝王发出的, 二是因为古代公文中并没有通知这一文体。
《党政机关公文处理工作条例》中有令这一公文, 其定义如下:命令 (令) , 适用于公布行政法规和规章、宣布施行重大强制性措施、批准授予和晋升衔级、嘉奖有关单位和人员。可以看出, 现代公文的令这一文种的用处已经大大小于古代公文。
应用写作主体不同于文学写作主体, 文学写作的写作主体就是文章的作者。但是应用写作, 由于工作岗位的限制, 应用写作主体往往存在两个, 一个是文书的撰写者一一隐性主体;另一个是发布文书的党政机关、社会团体、组织、企事业单位等一一显性主体。本文对比的求贤令的写作主体, 都是写作者本人。
西汉的贾谊在《过秦论》中评价秦孝公:“秦孝公据崤函之固, 拥雍州之地, 君臣固守, 以窥周室, 有席卷天下、包举宇内、囊括四海之意, 并吞八荒之心。当是时, 商君佐之, 内立法度, 务耕织, 修守战之备;外连衡而斗诸侯。于是秦人拱手而取西河之外。”
秦孝公成长在帝王之家, 受到的教育是对国家的治理和疆土的扩大, 对其影响尤其深的, 是他的父亲秦献公。这一点在秦孝公的求贤令中也有体现。
《资治通鉴》引谋士荀彧、郭嘉对曹操的评价, 说曹有十胜, 即“道、义、治、度、谋、德、仁、明、文、武”。
长篇历史小说《三国演义》里面, 因为文学上的需要, 及政治和民间对于“正统”的推崇, 而表现出明显的贬曹笔法。然而《三国志》对他的评价, 可算是魏蜀吴三国君主之中最高者, 陈寿评价曹操为“汉末, 天下大乱, 雄豪并起, 而袁绍虎视四州, 强盛莫敌。太祖运筹演谋, 鞭挞宇内, 揽申、商之法术, 该韩、白之奇策, 官方授材, 各因其器, 矫情任算, 不念旧恶, 终能总御皇机, 克成洪业者, 惟其明略最优也。抑可谓非常之人, 超世之杰矣。”
后人对曹操的评价褒贬不一, 这与评论者所处的历史时代有着密不可分的关系。之所以许多人认为他是奸臣, 是因为他行事风格不遵从封建礼教。因此他在求贤令中体现出的对人才的判定也并没有完全遵循传统的人才限定。
秦孝公《求贤令》全文:昔我缪公自歧雍之间, 修德行武。东平晋乱, 以河为界。西霸戎翟, 广地千里。天子致伯, 诸侯毕贺, 为后世开业, 甚光美。会往者厉、躁、简公、出子之不宁, 国家内忧, 未遑外事, 三晋攻夺我先君河西地, 诸侯卑秦, 丑莫大焉。献公即位, 镇抚边境, 徒治栎阳, 且欲东伐, 复缪公之故地, 修缪公之政令。寡人思念先君之意, 常痛于心。宾客群臣有能出奇计强秦者, 吾且尊官, 与之分土。
曹操发布了三道具有求贤目的的令, 其名称分别为《求贤令》、《敕有司取士毋废偏短令》 (《举士令》) 和《举贤勿拘品行令》 (《求逸才令》) , 历史上一般写为曹操发了三道求贤令, 因此本文对这三篇文章都要进行对比。
自古受命及中兴之君, 曷尝不得贤人君子与之共治天下者乎!及其得贤也, 曾不出闾巷, 岂幸相遇哉?上之人不求之耳。今天下尚未定, 此特求贤之急时也。“孟公绰为赵、魏老则优, 不可以为滕、薛大夫。”若必廉士而后可用, 则齐桓其何以霸世!今天下得无有被褐怀玉而钓于渭滨者乎?又得无[有]盗嫂受金而未遇无知者乎?二三子其佐我明扬仄陋, 唯才是举, 吾得而用之。
夫有行之士, 未必能进取;进取之士, 未必能有行也。陈平岂笃行, 苏秦岂守信邪?而陈平定汉业, 苏秦济弱燕。由此言之, 士有偏短, 庸可废乎!有司明思此义, 则士无遗滞, 官无废业矣。
昔伊挚、傅说出于贱人;管仲, 桓公贼也, 皆用之以兴。萧何、曹参, 县吏也;韩信、陈平负污辱之名, 有见笑之耻, 卒能成就王业, 声著于载。吴起贪将, 杀妻自信, 散金求官, 母死不归, 然在魏, 秦人不敢东向, 在楚则三晋不敢南谋。今天下得无有至德之人放在民间, 及果勇不顾, 临敌力战, 若文俗之吏, 高才异质, 或堪为将守;负污辱之名, 见笑之行, 或不仁不孝而有治国用兵之术:其各举所知, 勿有所遗。
二者的目的是一致的, 都是求贤, 那么在写作手法上有哪些异同点呢?
秦孝公的《求贤令》先是陈述秦国之前是多么强大, 土地辽阔, 称雄诸侯, 甚光美。接下来开始写秦国由盛到衰的过程, 因为国家内部政局的不稳定, 导致在诸侯之间的失利, 丑莫大焉。秦孝公巧妙地将秦国的强盛和衰退对比, 表达出了惋惜和羞耻, 接下来秦孝公又描述了献公想恢复国家强盛的意志, 但其并未完成心愿就去世了, 这个现象使秦孝公常痛于心。秦孝公通过这样的描写渗透出他此举不仅是因其个人觉得想使秦国恢复盛世, 更是继承了先人遗志, 体现出他不仅是心怀大志的皇帝同时也是时刻谨记先父遗志的孝子, 为其争夺人才赢得了良好口碑。最后, 秦孝公提出了给人才的条件, 给读者承诺, 也是一种吸引, 让有才能的人能够有意向来帮助他。
曹操的三道求贤令, 第一道发于210年, 第二道求贤令发布于214年, 第三道求贤令发布于217年。曹操的求贤令最大的写作特点就是用典, 曹操列举了许多典故, 典故中多是起先并不顺利, 但是被贤明的君主启用, 最终成为能臣之人。第一道求贤令中就已在渗透并非只有廉士可以治理国家, 第二道第三道更是层层递进, 反复强调并非只有德行好的人才可以把国家治理好, 这些内容一方面体现了曹操的用人态度, 另一方面似乎也是曹操在向世人证明自己。本文的上一部分已经说过, 世人对曹操的诟骂之词非常多, 其根本原因就是觉得曹操德行不好, 曹操在其求贤令中列举了多个德行不好但是治国很好的例子, 笔者认为, 曹操在发布求贤令时, 也有一部分想法是想说明自己可以治理好国家。
通过对比可以看出二人有根本差异, 笔者认为, 这与二人的经历密不可分。秦孝公的成长环境是皇家的教育, 注重礼仪教化, 他的求贤令也是从人们最能接受的封建礼教的点入手, 名正言顺, 理所应当。曹操在仕途上的许多事情让世人对其褒贬不一, 所以他的求贤令中反复强调的都是不看重德行, 只看重能力, 这不仅是他的需求, 也是他所希望的世人的需求。
3.微写作(描写类) 篇三
4.雅思犯罪类写作 篇四
In some countries,a high proportion of criminal acts as committed by teenagers.Why has this happened?What can be done to deal with this?(犯罪2015.06.18)
Many people do not feel safe at home or they are out.What are the causes and what can be done to make people feel safe?(犯罪2015.06.27)
People are afraid to leave their homes for fear of crimes. Some people believe that more action should be taken to prevent crimes while others think that little could be done. Discuss both sides and give your opinion.(犯罪2015.09.3)
高分范文题目:Children are committing more crimes. What are the causes of the phenomenon? How should they be punished?
1 economic pressure, parents busy with work
2 small family
3 pressure from parents and from school as well
How to punish them:
1 deprive of freedom
2 work for local community
Youth crime contributes significantly to the increasing crime rate in the modern society. There is no doubt that these young delinquents take their punishment, but I prefer in different ways.
The reasons for this phenomenon are worth of scrutiny. In China with the economy booming, pressure from competition at work and business force parents to work hard, leaving insufficient time to their children. Without enough love from the family, these adolescents tend to do something astounding, sometimes slip beyond control. In addition, the one child policy in my country also contributes to higher crime rate because these little “emperors” are brought up in such a way that some of them are self-centered and tolerant of little. When confronted with difficulties or injustice, they are prone to resort to violence. Although spoiled, they have to live up to the high expectation of their parents in the name of love. Under such pressure from the family and school as well, they tend to be rebellious to their parents and teachers, in some cases the society as a whole.
When teenagers commit crimes, surely penalty should be given, especially the youth who commit serious crimes such as homicide or rape. No one should be excluded from justice, and justice has to be served. Depriving criminals of their freedom by imprisoning them, no matter how old they are, is the most effective measure to prevent crime and protect the lawful civilians in the society. Violent teenagers are as dangerous as their mature counterparts, hence should be put behind bars until they are no longer a threat to the public security.
On the other hand, most teenager crimes are minor, like vandalism, fighting or theft which does not do serious harm to victims. The immature behave in an illegal but less violent manner mostly for fun, or to show their courage to impress their peers or to attract their busy parents’ eyes. In these cases, they should be given some opportunities to be corrected and eventually come back to the right track rather than being judged as adults who commit crime deliberately with full awareness of the consequences of their conduct. Instead of being jailed, young lawbreakers can be forced to repair the damage to their neighborhood or local community, and offer their sincere apology to the victims or do some community duties such as serving the elderly in local nursing home.
To sum up, I personally reckon that political policy and the utilitarianism of educators should be responsible for today’s increasing juvenile delinquency. I agree with harsh treatment under the circumstances of serious crime. But if the offence is not major, adolescent criminals should be given alternative punishments like community service in order to reform them to be lawful citizens rather than being jailed.
Task:Many people are afraid to leave their homes because of their fear of crimes. Some people believe that more actions should be taken to prevent crime, but others feel that little can be done. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
Sample answer:
With a rapid increase of crime, more citizens are scared of aggressive acts all over the world. As to whether more measures can be taken to stop crime, there is an endless debate. From my personal view, although more actions cannot fully guarantee the security of the whole society, it is not the reason for which people can surrender to violence.
Clearly, actions such as enacting more strict laws and legislation can effectively curb the frequency of crime. Fearing punishment is usually the mature of humans, so when they are informed of the consequence of committing crimes, they are more prone to stop doing anti-social acts. In addition, providing more education contributes to raise people’s safety awareness and consequently prevents crime. As the Internet prevails information about laws and legislation are more achievable, and thus there is a possibility that people are given more opportunities to learn how to distinguish right from wrong.
However, feasible measures are still not a panacea to the establishment of a completely safe society. If governments fail to guarantee a basic living standard for their citizens, crime rate will hardly be controlled. It is widely believed that a decent job and sufficient disposable income can reduce the possibility of committing socially unacceptable behaviour. The insecurity of society can also be attributed to the fact that it is less possible for governments to eradicate all factors leading to crime. Illegal drugs and alcohol are more accessible than before. People may have to commit crimes in order to get these items.
To conclude, reasonable actions including making severe policies and offering educations are of great help to control criminal events. However, they may still not be able to ensure a secure living environment for people if fundamental needs of materials cannot be fulfilled.
(296 words)
Task:Young people who commit crimes should be treated in the same way as adults by authorities. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Sample answer:
It is sometimes argued that young lawbreakers should be tried as adults for crimes. I personally believe that this is partly reasonable.
On the one hand, those who participate in violent crimes should not be treated differently than adult offenders. This is because most crimes, such as rape or murder, are thoughtful, deliberate and cunning in its planning and execution. If our courts trend toward a more lenientposition, then the related laws and punishment will not have a deterring effect on teenagers. As a result, teenagers are likely to commit horrible crimes since they are aware that they have legal protection. What’s worse, these teens might recommit after they are released from jails. In some cases, the lighter sentencing might also lead to resentment towards the judicial system as victims might argue that these young offenders do not confess what they have done. This could also result in insecurity in our society eventually.
On the other hand, the circumstances of a crime and its motivation should be taken into consideration when it comes to juvenile delinquency. For example, because of distress and hunger, some teens may turn to stealing food or robbery during a period of famine. Under this circumstance, harsh punishment, such as long-term jail might not be the best solution. In my view, most of the young offenders lack parenting and self-discipline, which would mean that other alternatives, such as community service and rehabilitation might be better alternatives for them.
In conclusion, I feel that it is vitally important for judges and state legislators to ensure the justice equality regardless of the criminal’s age.
(268 words)
Task:Some people who have been in prison become good citizens later. Some people think that they are the best people to talk to school students about the danger of committing a crime. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Sample answer:
A child’s education has never been about learning information and basic skills only. It has always included teaching the next generation how to become law-abiding citizens. While some people claim that those ex-prisoners are the best teachers to raise the awareness regarding laws, I believe that other measures are equally effective.
Obviously, ex-prisoners play a vital role in cutting youth crime. This is because those released prisoners have witnessed the horrors happened in the jail and they may also experience some of them. At the same time, they can share the tears and sorrows they suffered in the jails and the harm they have brought to the victims and their family members. This is more impressive than the traditional lectures given by professors. By listening to a wide range of real cases in person, young generation will realize the consequence of the irresponsible behavior deeply and discipline themselves strictly in the future.
Nevertheless, I believe other alternatives should be taken into consideration as well. It is common for people to have a fear towards criminals, especially those who have committed violent crimes and therefore face-to-face conversation between the young and people with a criminal record might be inappropriate in some cases. By contrast, policemen normally have a good impression among youngsters and they can become the active voice in reducing juvenile delinquency. Apart from them, parents can certainly be the first to help children learn the differences between right and wrong since they are the people who know their children best in the world.
In my opinion, it is the responsibility of every member of a society to help the young generation to become good citizens.
(276 words)
Task:In some countries, a high proportion of criminal acts are committed by teenagers. Why has this happened? What can be done to deal with this?
Sample answer:
In recent years, the proportion of crimes committed by teenagers has increased dramatically and this has caused a widespread discussion. Media violence and unstable family life may be the two main factors leading to adolescents’ criminal tendency. Both of them will be discussed in detail below, followed by solutions.
The lack of family life should take responsibility for juvenile delinquency. Most parents educate their children in an impropriate way like beating and abusing. Even now, may parents still hold a view that a good son is a product of the rod. This educational method will leave children a misleading impression about violence when they are very young, and they are more likely to become real offenders in the future. To solve this problem, parents should adjust parenting at home, interacting with their children more frequently and giving more attention and care especially emotional needs.
Excessive exposure to media violence also plays a big role in the increase of youth crime. As we all know, the violence shots are prevalent in many films and TV games, which affects young people the most. Teenagers who lack self-discipline tend to imitate their fantasy hero’s criminal behavior after watching action films in real situations. Actually, these teenagers are misled by their heroes. In this case, the government should set a rating and censorship system in order to control the amount of violence, threat and horror on screen.
In conclusion, family life and media violence are main triggers of juvenile delinquency. Parents should transform their ways to care and educate their children. Meanwhile, governments should provide a healthy environment on the screen.
(267 words)
Task:Young people who commit serious crimes should be punished in the same way as adults. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
1. 应该,严肃的法律能起到一种威慑作用,让青少年们不敢再次犯罪。举例,今天我们对于青少年罪犯的法律惩罚实在是不痛不痒,甚至是太仁慈了,这让年轻人藐视法律,他们会想,即使犯罪也没什么大不。所以像成年人那样惩罚他们很必要,比如说关监狱,而不是简单地口头教导。这些痛苦的惩罚让年轻人不敢随便挑战社会法规。
2. 然而,年轻人的司法体系应该更加灵活一些,这是因为年轻人很年轻,不成熟,他们的犯罪动机很可能不是那么邪恶。举例,成年罪犯的抢劫动机很明确,就是通过袭击他人来获取财富。相比之下,青少年伤害他人的行为很可能只是因为来自同伴的压力,或是因为一时冲动。考虑到他们并不是有意要犯罪,所以给他们较轻的判罚是可以理解的。
Should young criminals be punished on the same level of adults, as some people argue? Personally, I agree with is assertion partially, while it underestimates the importance of a flexible judgment on youngsters.
The main reason of using the same standard to punish the youth is, it deters them from further crimes. Today, the main cause of juvenile crimes increasing is a lenient juvenile judicial system and milder punishments like lighter sentences, shortened prison terms, or even probation. Youngsters think they can always get off easily, regardless the seriousness of crimes. Therefore, it is necessary for juvenile offenders to be tried as strictly as adults, which lets these youngsters know that they are not exempt from heavy penalties, and not given any special consideration because of their age factor. By this way, their desires of making illegal activities would be inhibited.
However, to a large extent, juvenile judicial system should be flexible. Psychologically speaking, youngsters under the age of 18 are immature, with less social experience and concepts about social rules, or with no recognition about the consequence. In many cases, young criminals have no idea that what they do is illegal. For example, compared with adult criminals who have the definite plans and goals to make money by hunting or killing victims, the testimony of many teenage thieves and robbers proves that their movements are purposeless, and the main reasons for them to do so are no more than peer pressure and impulsiveness. Therefore, when it comes to the fact that adult criminals are intentional but young ones are unintentional, it is reasonable to treat and trial them differently.
In conclusion, a flexible juvenile judicial system should be encouraged. Although a strict punishment to young offenders as adults might be a profound education for young generations, sentences on young offenders should be lighter, considering the fact that their intentions of breaking law are fundamentally different from that of adults.
5.雅思写作广告类话题精选 篇五
Societywould benefit from the ban on all forms of advertising because it may serve nouseful purpose, and can even be damaging. To what extent do you agree ordisagree?
1. 广告的优势多多。第一,它能帮助刺激产品和服务的销量,特别是将那些新品牌引入市场。第二,很多公益性广告能教育大众。举例,很多广告反对暴力和歧视广告塑造了年轻观众的价值观。
2. 然而,很多广告包含了虚假信息,或是鼓励大众进行过度消费。举例,这会说服观众去购买不合适的,不需要的产品。
Itis undeniable that advertising industry has grown in the last years, positiveand negatives points of view have born among the people opinion due to theimpact over life consume. I particularly believe that it has a lot ofadvantages, but it should be regulated correctly.
Advertisinghas several benefits. Firstly, it helps to promote products and services amongpeople; it is especially true when a new brand and trends are being introducedon the market. Secondly, it is a powerful tool to induce sales and revenues bymany modern businesses; As a result, a lot of companies invest much money todevelop strategies on media to close their products to the customer. Lastly,adequate advertisements are useful to inform and educate our society. Forinstance, strong campaigns against violence, abuse and discrimination have hadexcellent results in schools among young people.
Onthe other hand, others argue that advertising has a negative impact, such as itgives false information and extreme consume is encouraged by a high quantity ofadvertisements on radio, TV and internet. Consequently, children could bepersuaded and influenced by unreal and overacted behavior showed on them. Incontrast of this, many companies and governments have started to regulatedthose announce and his content. For example, notes have been printed on coversrelated to the risk to get any product in excess or even changes made in theart and photos such as human body modifications or unreal effects.
6.雅思犯罪类写作解析 篇六
Prison is certainly a place where criminals can be made to understand what wrong they have done to other people and why what they have done before is not socially acceptable. In this way, these criminals will have a better chance to come back to normal life. On top of the remedial function, prison can serve as a deterrent for those with an inclination to crime. The likelihood of losing freedom in prison can most effectively stop them from doing harms to the society and other individuals.
Better education can also bring down the overall crime rate in any community, and it is the most desirable preventive measure against crime. To start with, education improves people’s moral standards which enable them to tell right from wrong so that they will build a robust inner wall against any antisocial behaviors. More importantly, people with better education are always able to find a satisfying career that will reward them with a decent life, and they will never think of committing any crime.
In conclusion, prison with its remedial and deterrent function and education with its preventive function are both needed in order to make this world a safer place for all of us to live in.(273 words)
1. violate the law 违法;犯法
2. Address the problem of... 解决......问题
3. Come back to normal life 回到正常生活
4. On top of 除了......
5. Remedial 挽救的;补救的
6. Deterrent 威慑(的)
7. Bring down 降低
8. Preventive 预防的
9. Robust 牢固的
10. Antisocial 反社会的
11. Reward 回报(n.& v.)
Many people are afraid of leaving house because of crime. Some think more action should be taken to prevent crime, but others think little can be done. What is your view?(题目来源:9月3日大陆雅思大作文)
7.雅思写作类 篇七
可是, 在学生实际的写作训练中, 我发现他们的作文不仅材料雷同, 甚至连写法也基本一样。例如, 在以“母爱”为题的作文里, 大都是写母亲“雨夜送医”、“冒雨送伞”、“病床之前关爱备至”等;而以“赞颂老师”为题的作文里, 大都是写老师“耐心教育”、“带病工作”、“无私奉献”等。学生的写作角度单一, 缺少变化。作文中不仅出现千人一面的情况, 而且高、大、全的人物形象和绝对完美的爱也充斥了学生的作文。
造成学生写作模式化的原因, 一方面是传统的作文教学套路禁锢了学生的创造性思维, 使学生对生活的触觉迟钝了;另一方面, 受中国自古以来的文化和思维方式的影响, 我们习惯了——赞, 就不遗余力地赞;贬, 就不留余地地贬。公式化、脸谱化的英雄人物曾对几代人的成长有过重要的意义, 但现在却严重制约了新世纪学生的创造性思维。在这种思维模式的影响下, 学生笔下的人物怎会不显得乏味、平板?要改变这种现象, 打破这种固有的思维模式, 我们就要引导学生真切地体会生活的丰富性、人性的多样性。
人物的缺陷美大体有两种, 一种是形体上的, 可见的。《巴黎圣母院》中的卡西莫多 (钟楼怪人) 、断臂的维纳斯就是这类人的代表。另一种是性格气质上的, 可感的。黛玉的“小心眼”、晴雯的“使性子”则是这类的代表。文艺作品中借助缺陷美来表现“人性美”, 具有独特的审美意义:一是可以让人物更加真实可感;二是可以使人物更有个性, 更富有趣味性和生动性;三是可以使人物的缺陷同美好互相映衬, 更加突出艺术形象之美。
谚语有云:“金无足赤, 人无完人。”真实是艺术的生命, 即使有时候作者需要把人物神化, 但只要作者还要依据生活进行创作, 最终还是要对人物进行人性的描写的。《三国演义》里的刘备素有“长厚”的美誉, 可看做是封建社会里贤君的范本, 这可能也是作者创作的本意, 然而作者也不得不直录事实:至今民间仍流传着“刘备摔子——收买人心”的歇后语;鲁迅批评《三国》“欲显刘备之长厚而似伪”, 可见“伪”的一面也是刘备形象深入人心的缘由之一。
二、缺陷美是独特的, 富有个性的
美好是雷同的, 而缺陷却是独特的。外形的缺陷是千人千般, 内心的缺陷更有千差万别。《红楼梦》中, 史湘云是个“咬舌子”, 把“二”说成“爱”却无损她的聪颖活泼;《水浒》里, 黑旋风李逵粗鲁莽撞, 可他的憨直忠勇又让人觉得可爱;《西游记》中, 猪八戒馋嘴、偷懒、好色、贪小便宜, 却不会让读者对他产生厌恶感。古往今来, 大凡成功的艺术形象, 恰恰由于这些若隐若现的瑕疵而显出一种璞玉浑然的光彩来。
三、缺陷与美好映衬, 让人物形象更美
瑕不掩瑜, 作品中的人物形象往往因作者恰到好处地写出其外形和内心的某种缺陷而别具魅力。电视剧《士兵突击》里王宝强塑造的许三多, 一出场的时候他是一个长相极其平凡, 没有远大理想, 性格懦弱的人, 到了部队里又总给班上拖后腿, 喜欢依赖人, 缺乏主见, 在战友眼中是一个不懂得变通, 土得掉渣的人。但就是这样一个平凡得扔到人海里再也找不出来的人, 却赢得了许多观众的喜爱。为什么呢?他的缺点不但没有掩盖住他的优点, 反而更突出了人物的美好品质——性格纯朴、吃苦耐劳、待人忠诚。他就像我们身边的千千万万的普通人一样。作品没有刻意塑造人物的高、大、全, 而是让他带着这些缺点慢慢成长为一个英雄。他正契合了观众心中的“平民”情结, 使每一个人都在这缺陷中找到了自己, 这样的人物更有生活气息, 更具感人的艺术魅力。
缺陷之所以为美, 就在于它的真实。生活本来就是不完美的。我们追求真善美, 但真善美并不等于一切圆满。我们应该努力从不和谐中去思考和谐, 从不圆满开始去追求圆满, 这就是生活的真谛。
写作中, 可以通过哪些缺陷描写来丰富人物形象, 让人物形象更美呢?其实, 人物的外貌、性格、言行、经历等, 都是我们可以着手的方面。
怎样巧写缺陷, 使人物形象更有血有肉呢?方法有三:展现缺陷, 挖掘亮点;描写缺陷, 丰富人物;感悟缺陷, 深化主题。
8.雅思写作类 篇八
之前笔者曾经接待过一名学员,英文能力很好,参加了雅思考试,出来的成绩为:听力8.5分,阅读9分,口语7.5分,但写作只有5.5分。该学员不服结果,申请复议写作成绩,复议后维持“原判”。为诊断该学员的问题,笔者让该学员在官方给定的考试时间(20分钟)内完成一篇小作文。笔者要求其写作的题目出自《剑桥雅思考试全真试题集7》Test 2(53页),该题目给出的图表如左下角所示。学员用了18分钟快速完成了以下这篇作文。
The diagram illustrates the general consumption of fish and meat in a European country during a 25-year period.
First of all, it can be concluded from the chart that beef was once the most popular meat choice for this country. In 1979, the average beef consumption per person per week was almost 220 grams. Then it started to fluctuate downward but with some exceptions. Around 1989, the leading position of beef was finally taken over by chicken, and by the end of 2004, the weekly consumption of beef was only around 100 grams, making it the second most popular meat choice.
In contrast to the dropping trend of other meats, chicken consumption told a totally different story. Although chicken started out at just 140 grams per week, the people in this country went on to enjoy it more and more. By 2004, chicken was unquestionably the No.1 meat choice for this country.
The trend of lamb consumption was very similar to that of beef. Beginning at 150 grams per person per week (and the second most popular meat at that time), consumption kept on going down, and finally reached just above 50 grams in 2004, much less than that of beef and chicken.
Last but not least, in 1979, the weekly consumption of fish was already barely more than 50 grams. Then it slipped down slowly and moderately. In 2004, the weekly data pointed to less than 50 grams, still the least popular meat.
In conclusion, during the 25-year period, beef, lamb and fish consumption decreased, while chicken consumption went in the opposite direction. In 2004, chicken was the most popular meat choice, followed by beef, lamb and fish.