medicine的形容词 名词


medicine的形容词 名词(14篇)

1.medicine的形容词 名词 篇一


全新的世界 细微的变化陌生的景物超常的记忆艳丽的蔷薇 秋天的雨 香甜的气味五彩缤纷的颜料炎热的夏天光亮亮的衣裳 欢乐的歌 美丽的菊花金色的海洋金色的田野巨大的宝库

美丽的宇宙 奔腾的江河 辽阔的草原 茂密的森林 宁静的山村 繁华的都市 迷人的景色 巨大的变化 辽阔的大地 奔流不息的江河 滋润万物的雨露 茂盛的花草树木 高耸的大楼 伟大的创举

雄伟的石桥 绿色的海洋 嫩绿的叶子 美丽的花坛 蓝蓝的天空

名贵的药材 著名的港口漫长的海岸线 清澈的池水 五颜六色的焰火 五洲四海的客人 明亮的灯光 金色的草地 可爱的蒲公英 有趣的样子

淡淡的清香 勤劳的孩子甜甜的微笑高大的槐树热火朝天的劳动 古老的铜钟 笔陡的石级粗壮的树干诚实的孩子寒冷的冬天 著名的地质学家 奇怪的大石头 遥远的秦岭


匆匆地来 拼命地追 飞快地跑 好奇地看慢慢地说悄悄地走紧张地问 轻轻地摸 快活地玩甜甜地笑认真地写留心地观察 尽情地玩耍 仔细地观察 使劲地吹气婉转地回答自言自语地说专注地听

六、词语搭配 表示神态的成语:

高兴: 兴高采烈 喜不自禁 喜笑颜开 眉飞色舞心花怒放欢呼雀跃喜气洋洋 喜出望外 欣喜若狂 欢天喜地 眉开眼笑 手舞足蹈 惊慌: 大惊失色 惊惶失措

难过: 垂头丧气 愁眉苦脸 悲痛欲绝 忧心忡忡愁眉不展一筹莫展心烦意乱 闷闷不乐

其他神态: 一本正经 自言自语呆若木鸡左顾右盼 含有反义词的成语:

远近闻名 黑白相间 轻重倒置 舍近求远 头重脚轻积少成多异口同声左邻右舍 里应外合 出生入死 大惊小怪 左顾右盼 南腔北调 走南闯北 成语:

千里之行,始于足下 百尺竿头,更进一步 耳听为虚,眼见为实 人无完人,金无足赤 八仙过海,各显神通 一言既出,驷马难追 风餐露宿 日夜兼程 满载而归 如愿以偿没精打采 沉默不语

目不转睛 恍然大悟 五湖四海 举世闻名 高楼大厦 应有尽有 关联句:









2.medicine的形容词 名词 篇二

本文在以往研究的基础上, 利用已经比较成熟的词语搭配理论及语料库技术, 对《汉语水平词汇与汉字等级大纲》中的249个单音节形容词 (459个单音节形容词词项) 与名词的搭配情况进行了调查与分析。我们根据单音节形容词所搭配名词的数量将其分为“高自由度”“低自由度”和“无自由度”三类, 并从搭配能力、语义、语用三个方面对单音节形容词与名词的搭配情况进行了研究。通过调查我们发现, 单音节形容词词项与名词搭配时呈现出以下特点:

第一, 大部分词项可以直接修饰名词。在我们统计的459个词项中有271个词项可以与名词搭配, 也就是说, 有近60%的单音节形容词词项可以直接修饰名词。

第二, 所搭配名词的数量相差悬殊。可与名词进行搭配的271个词项中有144个词项只可以与10个以内的名词进行搭配, 而可以与100个以上的名词进行搭配的词项仅有7个。出现这种现象主要是受语义的影响, 同时, 搭配双方还具有选择性和限制性等特点。

第三, 所搭配名词呈现义类的特征。与某一词项进行搭配的名词可以按照意义分成不同的类别, 具体的类别取决于形容词词项的意义。例如, 与“长”搭配的名词主要涉及身体部位、服装饰品、生活用品以及自然环境等几类;与“全”搭配的主要是表示范围、时间和群体的名词。此外, 同一类形容词词项所搭配的名词在类别上也具有共性。例如, “白、黑、红、黄、绿、青、紫”等颜色词所修饰的名词主要涉及身体部位、服装饰品、生活家居、动物植物以及自然环境等。

第四, 不同性质、不同时间的语料对形容词词项所搭配名词的数量、形名搭配使用的频率等都有一定的影响。例如, “黑”在人文社科、自然科学、综合类等各类语料中所搭配名词的数量明显不同。

根据研究统计结果, 本文编制了适用于对外汉语教学的《单音节形容词与名词搭配表》。该表中的形容词以义项为单位, 表中的形名搭配形式均来自自然语料, 并且出现频率较高, 所搭配名词按意义分类排列并且标有等级。此外, 该表还对汉语、英语、俄语三种语言中具有文化含义的形名搭配进行了简单的介绍。

3.medicine的形容词 名词 篇三


本研究以学习者语料库CLEC(中国学习者语料库)为基础,来调查形容词good和名词的搭配。作为对照的母语者语料库是BNC(英语本族语者语料库)中的子库。CLEC主要包括高中生和大学生的作文,BNC收集了口语和书面语,涵盖范围广。具体的研究方法为:使用检索工具Antconc 3.2,分别在CLEC 和BNC中对节点词(即研究者在语料库中检查其搭配行为的关键词)good进行检索,除去good 和介词、形容词、动词的搭配以及good作为名词的用法之外,统计good在两个语料库中与名词搭配出现的有效频率,并进行标准化处理。按照good的用法对这些搭配词进行分类,最后从典型搭配和异常搭配的角度分析这些搭配词,找出不同语义关系下学习者和英语本族语者的使用差异。


1. 总体差异


Good在CLEC中的标准化频率为1250,在BNC中是273, 两个数字之间的差异表明中国学生有过度使用good这个词的倾向。可能的原因有:中国学习者在学习的过程中,最早学习并使用的形容词就是good,学习者认为他们很熟悉这个词语,只要是想表达“好”这个意思,都可以用这个词语。其次,中国学习者由于受到词汇量的制约,在写作中只能用一些高频形容词,而不是一些更具体的词。而英语本族语者不仅使用这些高频形容词,而且还能根据句子意思,使用更符合语义韵的词语。通过统计good的搭配词,笔者发现中国学习者使用good 搭配的词语仅有37种,包括health,job,time,teacher,use,way等,而本族语使用good 搭配的词语多达100多种,是中国学习者的3倍之多,包括idea,deal,news,time,reason/s,thing/s等。这一差异显示中国学习者习得的词汇种类不多,词汇量不够大,因而他们只能用一些早期习得的词汇,并且反复使用。另一个原因可能跟语料库有关,BNC语料库由口笔语语料库组成,涉及话题多,语料库的容量也多,因此搭配词的种类会相应的多一些。通过比较这些搭配词,笔者发现中国学生喜欢使用名词的单数形式,而英语本族语者同时使用名词的单数和复数形式。例如,中国学习者仅用good example,good result,而英语本族语者使用了good examples,good results. 这说明中国学习者对名词单复数的掌握不熟,不确定哪些情况下要用名词的单数形式,哪些情况下要用名词的复数形式,为了避免麻烦,他们选择更多的使用单数形式。另外,本族语者不仅能使用这些高频形容词描述事物,还能用更贴切的词语。如中国学习者用good care表示“好好照顾”,而英语本族语者使用 great care 或practical care.如下所示:

(1)...on a table saw. The guards are removed so great care has to be taken and hands kept well clear...

(2)...are to continue providing unconditional practical care on such a wide level then we need your support to...

2. 典型搭配和异常搭配

good可以和不同类型的名词搭配,这些名词被归纳成两类词:抽象名词和具体名词。与抽象名词搭配时通常表达的意思有以下几种:(1)sth is pleasant and enjoyable. 如good time / life / humor/job.(2)sth is of high quality and standard. 如 good food / education  / quality. (3) sth is likely to result in benefit or success. 如good news / fortune/ example /condition  / effect / luck. (4) sth is valid. 如good idea / reason / method / measure. (5) cheerful and pleasant to be with,如good mood  / humor / mind.

在CLEC和BNC中出现的具体名词可分为3类:(1)与人有关:teacher,friend,student.(2)与物体有关:job,thing,work.(3)与地点有关:place.另外,笔者发现good与名词的搭配中,CLEC和BNC共有的显著搭配词有:job,time,way,thing,luck,idea,news and example. 这些中国学习者和本族语学习者共有的显著性搭配词被称为典型搭配。典型搭配体现了语言使用的地道性和自然性,这说明中国学习者对有些形容词名词搭配掌握得较好。

4.名词前形容词的排列顺序 篇四



其中,“限定词”包括:冠词、物主代词、指示代词、或数词,它位于各类形容词前。它本身分为三位,即:前、中、后。前位限定词有all、half、both、分数和倍数;中位限定词有冠词、指示代词、物主代词等;后位限定词有基数词和序数词,但序数词位于基数词前。如:both my hands、all half his income等。“描绘”性形容词如:beautiful、bad、cold、great等。“大长高”表示大小、长短、高低等一些词。表示“形状”的词如:round square等。“国籍”指一个国家或地区的词。“材料”的词如:wooden, woolen, stone,silk等。“作用类别”的词如:medical, college,writing desk,police car等。

5.medicine的形容词 名词 篇五

1.The children behaved beautifully.


2.A beautifully styled modal window.


3.beautifully and poetically described


4.The slow cooking mellows the flavour beautifully.


5.The instrument is beautifully made in brass.

6.comfort的形容词和名词 篇六

1、in comfort prep舒适地

2、comfort standard舒适范围

3、southern comfort威士忌桃子甜酒

4、Self Comfort自我安慰

5、comfort letter安慰信

6、take comfort得到安慰,享受舒适

7、traveling comfort运行的.平稳性

8、comfort and compensate抚恤

9、dutch comfort n.退一步想而得到的安慰

7.medicine的形容词 名词 篇七


(一) 宗旨与定位

以“引导创新、关注前沿、注重转化、讲求实用”为办刊宗旨, 展示中国肿瘤学研究先进成果与诊治经验, 发布中国抗癌协会临床诊治指南, 促进中国学术成果的国际传播, 同时向国内专业技术人员介绍国际肿瘤学最新进展, 拓展其科研思维, 指导其临床实践, 已成为沟通国内外肿瘤学领域学术交流的重要媒介。

(二) 主办单位

中国抗癌协会是中国科协主管、中华人民共和国民政部注册登记、具有独立法人资格的国家一级学会, 为亚太抗癌联盟常务理事、国际抗癌联盟中国联络处, 与多国肿瘤学术团体建立了协作关系;其43个专业委员会涵盖我国肿瘤学科学术带头人。协会重视期刊发展, 在学术性、导向性、可读性与实用性等方面给予专业指导, 其丰富的学术资源保障期刊获得高端稿源, 广泛的国外学术联系为扩大期刊传播、拓展国际合作、提高国际影响力奠定基础。

(三) 主编学术影响力

郝希山院士为我国著名肿瘤学专家, 精通肿瘤外科与生物治疗, 其主持完成的“功能性间置空肠代胃术的临床与基础研究”与“中国乳腺癌的流行趋势与预防”等项目备受国际瞩目, 承担国家攻关课题、863计划、国家自然科学基金等20余项研究。以第一完成人获得国家科技进步二等奖2项, 现担任中国抗癌协会理事长、中华医学会副会长、乳腺癌防治国家教育部重点实验室主任、国际抗癌联盟常务理事等职务, 在国内外肿瘤学领域具有重要学术地位与影响力, 能够把握学术前沿, 带动期刊发挥学术引领作用。


(一) 规范化办刊

设立了科学规范的编辑出版流程与完善的学术体系, 严格执行同行评议与三审三校制度, 对编校流程实行质控与缺陷管理;遵循国际医学期刊编辑委员会《生物医学投稿统一要求》与国际出版伦理委员会 (COPE) 相关规范, 采用国际先进投审稿系统Scholar One Manuscripts处理稿件, 编排风格国际化。对每篇稿件实行三审稿人制, 其中至少2名国外审稿专家, 主要针对文章具体内容而不是笼统地根据专业大背景来选择审稿人, 审稿人多为近期有相关文章发表的学者。基于高效的审稿与编辑工作, 论文发表时滞为3个月。

期刊建立了完善的编辑出版规范、选题论证制度、同行评议制度、编校流程缺陷管理制度、编委会章程、审稿规范、学术不端认定与处理制度、审稿专家动态管理机制、编辑学习与培训制度、优秀编委/审稿专家/作者奖励制度, 保障编辑质量与学术水平。

(二) 强化编审队伍建设

1. 编委会。

编委是期刊的灵魂与代表, 是编辑部的坚强后盾, 是打造精品期刊的有力保障。权威性期刊编委组成是全国性的, 有的甚至有国外的著名学者。打造精品期刊的前提和基础是组建一流的编委会。许多知名期刊的组稿、审稿都是通过国际化的高效编委会实现的。Cancer Biology&Medicine建立了由来自26个国家的106名优秀专家与学科带头人组成的国际化的编委会, 海外编委比例近50%。国际抗癌联盟3任主席 (Franco Cavalli, David Hill, Eduardo Cazap) 及11个国家 (或地区) 的肿瘤学/协会主席均为编委会成员。

优秀的刊物应专门制定编委会条例, 明确编委的任职条件与“责、权、利”, 严格依照编委会工作规范合理地发挥编委会的作用。Cancer Biology&Medicine编辑部积极调动编委的工作热情, 使之在撰稿组稿、审稿定稿、制定与修订期刊学术制度、国外宣传等方面发挥着重要作用。刊出文章中很多学术水平高、影响力大的稿件都来自编委投稿或约稿。编辑部还探索邀请编委作为特约组稿人策划与组织学术专辑, 收效显著。

2. 审稿专家。

国际上将学术期刊定义为经过同行评议的期刊。没有同行评议、自编自撰的期刊难以证明所发表的学术内容是否客观地反映了事物的面貌, 在学术上究竟有无创新, 因而不能称之为学术期刊。而同行评议最重要的保障就是建立一支优秀的审稿人队伍, 这是学术期刊开展同行评议的质量保障。一流刊物的学术质量靠的是一流的审稿队伍来把关, 尤其要建设好国际化的期刊, 审稿人队伍组建也必须面向国际。Cancer Biology&Medicine建立了科学严谨的审稿规范与审稿人动态管理机制。近500名审稿专家覆盖国内外肿瘤学领域领军人物与优秀专家, 具有学科与地区代表性, 能够严格执行审稿规范, 严把稿件质量, 高效审稿, 目前国外专家360名 (占72%) , 来自全球30多个国家。

3. 编辑。

学术期刊的质量取决于稿件的质量、审稿专家的选取、文章的有效编校等环节, 而编辑在这些环节中发挥着关键作用, 因此提高编辑专业能力与综合素养是建设精品期刊的重要途径。作为科技期刊的编辑, 必须具备良好的学术素质、品质素质与能力素质, 能够把握学科前沿, 守德敬业, 开拓创新。Cancer Biology&Medicine注重编辑人才建设, 通过参会、进修、继续教育、科室学习等方式打造职业化的编辑队伍, 年均参会培训继续教育20余人次。2013年派出1名编辑赴美国纽约州立大学莱文学院进修“期刊数字化与国际化”业务。2013年, 两名编辑被评为“中国抗癌协会系列期刊优秀青年编辑”, 1人荣获“中国科技期刊青年编辑骏马奖”, 近两年发表编辑专业学术论文10余篇。编辑队伍良好专业素质、编辑出版技能、英文听说读写及稿件修改能力使之能够准确甄别稿件与选取审稿专家, 能够与编委、审稿专家及作者进行有效对话, 能够促进期刊编校质量的整体提升。

(三) 提升内容质量

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摘要:总结Cancer Biology&Medicine自创刊以来面向国际办刊采取的策略与措施, 思考并归纳打造精品科技期刊、树立品牌形象、提升核心竞争力的关键要素:国际化办刊宗旨与理念、高效的编审队伍、国际化的稿源、先进的数字平台及国际宣传。



[1]蒋永忠, 严少华, 许才明, 等.《江苏农业学报》打造精品期刊的对策研究[J].农业图书情报学刊, 2010 (4)

[2]杨志华.关于学术期刊国际化的思考[J].中国科技期刊研究, 2013 (1) .

[3]张晓雪.我国学术期刊国际化面临的挑战及对策[J].科技情报开发与经济, 2013 (14) .

[4]肖宏.面向国际的学术期刊发展措施[J].编辑学报, 2001 (3) .

[5]李契女, 颜帅.编辑在把握科技期刊学术水平、创建良好学风中的作用[J].北京林业大学学报 (社会科学版) , 2007 (2) .

[6]肖宏.对“一流期刊”发展要素的有关思考[J].中国编辑研究, 2009 (00) .

8.medicine的形容词 名词 篇八

I have a confession, and its one that Im sure my Chinese colleagues will berate me for: When it came to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), I was a bit of a doubter.

I didnt doubt that Chinese medicine could be effective. I just wasnt sure that in this age of modern medicine, where pharmacies have come to resemble Hogwarts Potions Labs, whether Chinese remedies could just be replaced by something bottled or brewed in your local chemist and for a third of the price.

Its a doubt, as well, that has gained some traction in the West. One recent U.S. study, conducted at the University of Maryland, had 23 patients given real acupuncture and 24 given sham acupuncture, with needles being inserted into random parts of skin. In both cases, both the doctors and the patients believed their treatment was real. When the treatment was completed, both test cases reported that they experienced pain relief and that their symptoms had improved.

So for me the question remains: Are acupuncture and other forms of TCM effective remedies, or are they only effective because patients expect them to work?

This was the question that was burning inside me when I visited the Guang An Clinic in Beijing. And it was a question for which I would endure some amount of pain, in search of an answer.

The Guang An Clinic is quite a remarkable institution. Primarily comprised of retired doctors and medical practitioners, the clinic deals with patients who might otherwise be unable to afford medical care. As an Australian who has come to view my own national health care with a fair amount of cynicism, this kind of passion for serving the community was quite overwhelming.

Guang An also sets itself apart from other Beijing hospitals through its specialization in TCM. Unlike Western medicines, TCM is much more than simply a method of treating sickness and pain. It is an entirely unique way of conceptualizing the human body and its seemingly infinite number of functions. I thought I was suffering from a bad back and an aching foot. For my doctor, it was a much more complex affair.

For her, there was an imbalance in my natural energy or qi that needed rectifying. The rhythm and flow of my qi, which courses through the “meridians” of my body, had been disrupted and needed to be re-stimulated, and jolted back into motion.

This stimulation could be achieved through two TCM treatments: acupuncture and ba guan, or cupping.

While I had done my research before coming to the Guang An Clinic, there was very little that could have prepared me for the rather bizarre sensual assault that were these two treatments.endprint

The cold metal of the needles pried open the knotted sinews of my shoulders, exploring the crevices of my back with their tiny fingernails. The doctor then attached the electrodes to the needles, warning me of the oncoming sensation of pins lurching up and down inside my skin. I could feel the electricity pulsating through my body, my skin seemingly hurling up and down in a continuous, wave-like stream.

And yet, after all this peculiar discomfort, I was told that this was only the appetizer. Acupuncture may be widely known (if not widely understood) in the West, but ba guan was like something from another planet.

Ba guan is believed to play a similar function to acupuncture—it mobilizes blood flow in order to promote healing. The intricate process of ba guan—of creating a small amount of suction by placing and then quickly removing a flaming cotton ball inside a cup and then placing the cup on the effected part of the body—was something I had to learn about after my treatment. With my head buried in a pillow, the only signs I had of the treatment were the flashes of flame that popped into my periphery and the painful sucking sensation on my back. Almost a week later, I still bear the marks of the procedure—a series of large circular bruises that look like I was in the firing line of a particularly vicious paintball attack.

While I wouldnt exactly call myself a born again convert, my experience of TCM has put to rest a number of my previous doubts. And in response to my initial question, as to the effectiveness of TCM, well, maybe its not quite that straightforward.

Attempting to hold acupuncture and ba guan to the same standards as modern medicine is in many respects a futile exercise. As Chinese medical expert Manfred Porkert explains, they just arent really equivalent. TCM is as much a spiritual remedy as it is a physical remedy. And the mysterious force of qi is not something you could find using a thermometer or stethoscope (though many have tried).

If you were to hold TCM to the same standard, however, you would find a wealth of evidence pertaining to its effectiveness. Studies have shown that acupuncture can be an effective treatment for obesity, kidney damage, high blood pressure and post-surgery pain. The most intriguing of Western studies has even suggested that acupuncture pressure points can be revealed via CT scanning.

But perhaps this is all beside the point. Did the treatment alleviate the stiffness in my back and the pain in my foot? Absolutely. Was that simply a psychological effect, a result of my expectation that I would feel better? Quite possibly.

But my experience didnt begin and end with the pain relief that the treatment gave me. There was something invigorating about the experience, which I have struggled to put my finger on. My back doesnt feel “fixed” in the way that surgery may “fix” a broken bone. Instead, my body feels deeply refreshed. As if someone has washed and cleansed me from the inside out, with all impurities sucked and zapped from my body. Much like the feeling you have after a spa or aromatherapy, there is a reinvigorating quality to TCM, which is not entirely physical. Maybe its emotional or psychological. Or just maybe, as many practitioners believe, its something spiritual?

9.remain的形容词和名词 篇九

The main thing is to remain calm.


As chairman, I must remain impartial.


You can remain anonymous if you wish.


Dealers said investors remain bearish.


They remain unshaken in their loyalty.


★ remain用法总结

★ remain的过去式和用法例句

★ 四字形容词

★ 形容词和副词

★ benefit形容词

★ rain形容词

★ agree的形容词

★ use的形容词

★ fun的形容词

10.medicine的形容词 名词 篇十

Yunnan Baiyao Group Co. Ltd. announced it has improved its product information disclosure as required and claimed its products are safe as its special processing technology has greatly reduced the toxicity of the aconitum. However, it still didnt disclose the full formula of Yunnan Baiyao on the grounds that it is classified as a national-level secret recipe.

In contrast, when the company broke into the U.S. market as a dietary supplement in 2002, it revealed the entire formula, as required by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. The discrepancy led to a public debate on whether Chinese medicine, like Yunnan Baiyao, should be protected by a national-level secret recipe system. Supporters believe the protection is conducive to supporting the Chinese medicine industry in furthering innovation. Others argue that keeping the ingredients secret deprives consumers of their right to know what is in their medicine. The following are excerpts of opinions:


Yang Yue (Expert on traditional Chinese medicine): Although there are questions, the national-level secret recipe system is necessary in protecting intellectual property of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). The protection should be intensified rather than weakened by dis- closing the secret recipes. TCM is the pearl of Chinese peoples wisdom and talents over the history of more than 5,000 years. The WTO permits countries to make individual policies to protect their traditional culture and knowledge. For example, India introduced a protection system on the intellectual property of its precious ancient books, requiring anyone who uses them to pay. However, China lacks such a protection, resulting in many precious multi-herbal formulas being lost and claimed by other countries. Therefore, the system can better protect our traditional medicine.

Wang Yingan (Expert on traditional Chinese medicine): The research and development of Western medicine depends on advanced and sophisticated equipment and large capital investment. Even if the recipes were disclosed, it is not easy to be counterfeited. However, once formulas of Chinese medicine are open, everyone is able to produce it. If so, how can we protect the herbalists legal rights and interests as well as their initiative to develop more eutherapeutic recipes?

The relationship between doctors and patients should be based on trust, not on trading drugs. In ancient China, patients turned to a doctor for help because they believed the doctor was able to cure them, not because the doctor was certified to practice.

However, nowadays, the medical system overemphasizes certification. And the fundamental standard to evaluate good doctors and medicine is ignored, leading to the market rife with fake doctors with certifications that are not helpful but only add an economic burden on patients.

At this critical time, should we choose medicine with a published formula and state certification, or give a shot on Chinese medicine of secret recipes that may rescue a life?

Of course, this type of Chinese medicine to save lives should be prescribed by doctors with authentic skills. Therefore, only when the medical circle gets rid of formalism with certifications as the only standard, and upholds curative effects as the principle to judge doctors and medicine, could patients find real benefits.

Xu Xinming (Lawyer on intellectual property rights): We should learn why there are national-level secret recipes before discussing whether the recipes should be publicized. Intellectual property rights include patents, trademarks, copyrights and commercial secrets. The protection of new drugs is mainly based on patent law. Western medicine is well protected under this system, while Chinese medicine isnt. Borrowed from Western countries, the [Chinese] patent law doesnt consider the characteristics of Chinese medicine to cover it under comprehensive protection.

The multi-herbal formulas of Chinese medicine are based on accumulation of experience. Different from the research and development of current drugs, there are few technological elements in Chinese medicine. Therefore, it cannot be well protected by patent law. Protecting the recipes is especially important to the development of the Chinese medicine industry. At the current stage, we shouldnt abandon the traditional way of protection and adopt the international standard immediately, as the move will be a fatal strike to the industry of Chinese medicine.


Li Jie (Nanfang Daily): It is OK to establish a national-level secret recipe system to protect TCM and support the industry. However, overprotection will only spoil the industry. The government gives an eternal protection of Chinese medicine, which jeopardizes innovation in the industry as well as consumers health.

Saving lives tops gaining profits. Bayer aspirin monopolized the U.S. market for only 17 years and didnt apply for an extension in 1919 when the patent expired. The inventor of penicillin gave up the medicines patent so that it could be produced on a large scale and affordable to more people.

You Yunting (Lawyer on intellectual property rights): TCM is part of traditional Chinese culture. In domestic markets, the government has issued laws and regulations to protect some famous Chinese patented medicines. When the medicine is exported overseas, both the laws and customers of the importing countries require the medicine manufacturer to reveal the formulas. In order to gain a presence in the U.S. market, Yunnan Baiyao has disclosed its full ingredients according to local regulation.

The companys discrepancy finally led to domestic consumers dissatisfaction. Some say the company could use the patent law to protect its formula, which, in my opinion, often turns out to be impractical. The technology applied for protection by patent law should be novel and original. Yunnan Baiyao, as a traditional medicine, was developed in the last century with no novelty. Furthermore, for a successful application, an invention has to publish its core technique. And there is a validity period for a patent of 20 years, after which, the invention will be attributed to the whole society. Western medicine manufacturers have adapted to this system by establishing a clinical research and business model to fully apply the patent when it is valid. But for Chinese medicine, the validity period of 20 years is too short to make the formula profitable.

Despite this situation, there are ways to protect Chinese medicine producers so they can survive. In line with international conventions and Chinese domestic laws, the formula of Yunnan Baiyao can be classified as trade secret. The company could learn from Coca Cola, which discloses its basic ingredients but protects the core proportion of each ingredient and techniques to process them. In this way, the protection of both consumers rights to know and the companys interests will be satisfied. It is time for the government and Chinese medicine manufacturers to abandon the national-level secret recipe system.

Chen Hao (China Economic Herald): The national-level secret recipe protection system will not protect TCM. The State Council issued a regulation to protect Chinese medicine in 1992 stipulating those classified as A-level protection categories will get certification to prevent their processing techniques and ingredients proportion from being disclosed. However, the protection doesnt mean medicine manufacturers can add illegal ingredients in their formulas.

In the short run, the medicine and its manufacturer could gain rapid development with the secret recipe protection system. While in the long run, the move destroys fair competition and such rights may be abused by some enterprises.

Learning the basic ingredients of a medicine is a patients right. Disclosing the formula doesnt mean an enterprise has to give full ingredient proportions or processing techniques.

11.medicine的形容词 名词 篇十一


She sets great store by her appearance.


The Dutch player will make his first appearance for Liverpool this Saturday.


He gave every appearance of enjoying himself.


The dog was similar in general appearance to a spaniel.


When she lost all her money, she was determined to keep up appearances.


★ act名词

★ 网络名词

★ think名词

★ absent名词

★ such后加什么名词

★ embarrass名词

★ determine的名词

★ stressful的名词是什么

★ 描述的名词英文

12.medicine的形容词 名词 篇十二


The conclusion of the book was disappointing.


The play was built up to be a masterpiece but I found it very disappointing.


Our defeat was expected but it is disappointing nevertheless.


Midfielder Elliott has shown disappointing form recently.

13.如何区分名词.动词和形容词 篇十三













如:名词—— 北京---(不)北京(ㄨ)



如: 形容词



































14.多个形容词修饰名词的顺序 篇十四

限定词--数词--描绘词--(大小,长短,形状,新旧,颜色) --出处--材料性质,类别--名词

a small round table

a tall gray building

a dirty old brown shirt

a famous german medical school

an expensive japanese sports car


1) tony is going camping with ___ boys.

a. little two other b. two little other c. two other little d. little other two

答案:c。由“限定词--数词--描绘词--(大小,长短,形状,新旧,颜色) --性质--名词”的公式可知数词,描绘词,性质依次顺序,只有c符合答案。

2) one day they crossed the ____bridge behind the palace.

a. old chinese stone b. chinese old stone c. old stone chinese d. chinese stone old

答案a. 几个形容词修饰一个名词,他们的排列顺序是:年龄,形状,大小+颜色+来源+质地+用途+国家+名词。

3) ---- how was your recent visit to qingdao?

---- it was great. we visited some friends,and spent the ___days at the seaside.

a. few last sunny b. last few sunny c. last sunny few d. few sunny last



those + three + beautiful + large + square
