


1.体育促进发展与和平国际日致辞 篇一

Secretary-General’s Message on the International Volunteer Day for Economic and Social



New York, 5 December 2010


On International Volunteer Day, we recognize millions of people around the world who give their time and talent to tackle global challenges: from volunteers working in their own communities on climate change adaptation and poverty reduction to those supporting global causes of peace, justice and the Millennium Development Goals.值此国际志愿人员日,我们表彰全世界数百万将自己的时间和才干用于解决各种全球挑战的人们:即那些在自己的社区从事适应气候变化和减少贫穷工作的志愿人员乃至那些支持和平、正义和千年发展目标等全球事业的人们。

Forty years ago, the United Nations General Assembly called for the establishment of the United Nations Volunteers(UNV)programme.Since then, tens of thousands of UNV volunteers have contributed to our global mission, working with many UN organizations, programmes and agencies as well as peacekeeping and special political missions.I commend the engagement of these committed volunteers.四十年前,联合国大会呼吁建立联合国志愿人员方案(志愿人员方案)。自那时起,志愿人员方案的几万名志愿人员与许多联合国组织、方案和机构以及维持和平特派团和政治特派团共同工作,推动实现我们的全球使命。我赞扬这些志愿人员的全身心投入。

I also welcome the strong growth in more recent years of online volunteering, which connects people--professionals, students, homemakers and people with disabilities around the globe--and provides them with opportunities to contribute to development and the work of the United Nations.Still relatively new, online volunteering has great potential and I encourage all partners to explore what more can be done to harness the power of the Internet in this way.我还欢迎近几年在线志愿服务的强劲增长,在线志愿服务将人们——世界各地的专业人员、学生、家庭主妇和残疾人——联系起来,为他们提供了推动发展和促进联合国工作的机会。在线志愿服务相对而言仍是新生事物,具有巨大的潜力,我鼓励所有伙伴探索在这方面还可以做哪些工作来发挥因特网的力量。

This Day also celebrates the involvement of many other volunteers working with governments, NGOs, civil society and in their own communities to improve the lives of people around them.国际志愿人员日还颂扬那些与各国政府、非政府组织、公民社会合作并在自己的社区工作的许多其他志愿人员参与改善周围人们的生活。

Volunteerism helps bring us together as individuals and societies.It is a powerful means of mobilizing all segments of society as active partners in building a better world.Together, let us strengthen the institutional frameworks that support volunteerism.Together, let us use the tenth anniversary of the International Year of Volunteers, which we mark in 2011(IYV+10), to find new areas where volunteering can make a difference.Let us honour volunteering as an expression of our common humanity and a way to promote mutual respect, solidarity and reciprocity.志愿精神有助于将我们每个人和我们的社会结合起来。志愿精神是动员社会各阶层作为积极的伙伴参与建设更美好世界的强大手段。让我们共同加强支持志愿精神的机构框架。让我们借纪念2011志愿人员国际年十周年之机,共同找出志愿工作可以有所作为的新领域。让我们崇尚志愿工作,以此表达我们的共同人性,并以此方式促进相互尊重、团结和互惠。

2.体育促进发展与和平国际日致辞 篇二


很高兴有机会能来参加这次论坛, 我们InWEnt能应邀前来参加2010中国职业学校校长论坛, 这是莫大的荣誉。

近年来, 中国在职业教育领域有了长足的发展和进步, 中国中央政府对职业教育倾注了大量的精力和关注, 中国职业教育的成功之路需要长期的关注、投入, 以及比较明确的目标定位。这次, 德国联邦政府对与中国政府在职业教育方面的合作有强烈的兴趣, 特别是在高技能技术人才培养方面的合作, 这既是一个荣幸又是一个很大挑战。到目前为止, 我们已经派出了大约80名校长来中国参与职教项目, 同时邀请了中国近500名校长到德国进行考察培训。我和在座的一些校长也比较熟悉。

今天这个论坛的主题对于校企双方来讲是很有趣的, 如何把技术发展与人才培养以及社会经济的发展结合起来是一个非常有趣的话题。职业教育与经济发展之间的对话和交流, 对于我们现在来说也是非常重要的。职业教育的发展必须建立在经济的发展。经济动态分析的基础之上, 并且影响和促进经济的发展;它不仅是政策方面的一个引领, 还是一个双向性的促进。对于InWEnt来说, 今后5年, 我们在职业教育方面的合作还需大大加强, 同时伴随中德政府在外交、经济方面合作的不断深入而同步进行。许多在华投资的德国企业在这方面也非常感兴趣, 他们非常想得到中国本土的受过专门职业教育训练的人才。




3.消除种族歧视国际日致辞 篇三




























4.体育促进发展与和平国际日致辞 篇四


2009 年2 月21 日

为期十二个月的“国际语言年”活动结束后,2009 年2 月21 日的“国












我们强烈希望,在教科文组织2008 年牵头开展的“国际语言年”宣传运


除了“语言年”活动和2008 年发起的众多促进语言的项目外,还将在今



值此第十个“国际母语日”之际,我呼吁,2008 年发起的众多宣言与行





巴黎,2月19日 ——今天,联合国教科文组织在巴黎推出了新版世界濒危语言图谱的电子版。这一互动的数字工具呈现了世界上2500多种濒危语言的更新数据,将可以得到使用者的补充、修改或实时更新。



如图谱中具体指出,199种语言的使用人数不足十人,178种语言的使用人数在十人到五十人之间。刚刚灭绝的语言中,图谱中列举了1974年随着Ned Maddrell逝世,马恩岛人所操的马恩语由此灭绝,1976年坦桑尼亚的aasax语灭绝,1992年土耳其的oubykh语随着Tevfik Esenç逝世灭绝,阿拉斯加(美国)的eyak语随着Marie Smith Jones于2008年辞世而灭绝。






澳大利亚语言学家、图谱发表的负责人Christopher Moseley说:“认为曾是殖民语言的大语种——如英语、法语和西班牙语——在世界各地都是导致其他语种灭绝的原因,那就太想当然了。事实并不尽然,因为各种因素间存在着微妙的互动。《图谱》将帮助普通大众更好地了解这些因素。”。

5.体育促进发展与和平国际日致辞 篇五

Secretary-General’s Message on the International Day against Drug Abuse

and Illicit Trafficking


New York, 26 June 2011


Drug trafficking, once viewed largely as a social and criminal problem, has transformed in recent years into a major threat to the health and security of people and regions.The $61 billion annual market for Afghan opiates is funding insurgency, international terrorism and wider destabilization.In West Africa, the $85 billion global cocaine trade is exacerbating addiction and money-laundering while fueling political instability and threats to security.Every $1 billion of pure cocaine trafficked through West Africa earns more than ten times as much when sold on the streets in Europe.毒品贩运过去基本上被视为是一个社会和刑事问题,但近年来逐渐成为危害人民健康和地区安全的重大威胁。每年610亿美元的阿富汗鸦片制剂市场正在为叛乱活动、国际恐怖主义和更大范围的破坏稳定行为提供资金。在西非,850亿美元的全球可卡因贸易加剧了吸毒成瘾现象和洗钱行为,助长了政治不稳定和安全威胁。每10亿美元的经西非贩运的纯可卡因一旦在欧洲街头售卖就可赚十几倍的钱。

Because the threat is so urgent, I recently established a Task Force to develop a UN system-wide strategy to coordinate and strengthen our responses to illicit drugs and organized crime by building them into all UN peacekeeping, peacebuilding, security, development and disarmament activities.In this way, the United Nations can integrate the fight against drug trafficking and other forms of organized crime into the global security and development agenda.由于这个威胁十分紧迫,我最近成立了一个工作队负责制定联合国全系统战略,以协调和加强我们对付非法药物和有组织犯罪的办法,为此要将这些办法纳入联合国所有维持和平、建设和平、安全、发展和裁军活动。从而使联合国能够将打击贩毒和其他形式的有组织犯罪工作融入全球安全和发展议程。

This year’s International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking is an opportunity to highlight the importance of addressing these twin threats through the rule of law and the provision of health services.Our commemoration coincides with the 50th anniversary of the 1961 Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs.今年禁止药物滥用和非法贩运国际日是一个机会,可藉此强调通过法治和提供保健服务克服这两个威胁的重要性。我们的纪念活动恰逢《1961年麻醉品单一公约》五十周年。

This Convention and the other major international drug control treaties do more than help us in the fight against drug trafficking;they protect vulnerable people through a wide range of activities to which States parties commit themselves, including education and prevention, treatment of drug dependence, care and rehabilitation for drug users, and social support.该公约和其他主要国际药物管制条约不仅有助于我们打击贩毒,而且还可通过教育和预防、戒毒治疗、吸毒者关怀和康复及社会支持等缔约国承诺开展的广泛活动保护弱势群体。

These measures are critical, because drug use, at its core, is a health issue.Drug dependence is a disease, not a crime.The real criminals are the drug traffickers.这些措施至关重要,因为吸毒的核心是健康问题。吸毒成瘾是一种疾病而不是犯罪。贩毒者才是真正的罪犯。

But the supply side is only half of the equation.Unless we reduce demand for illicit drugs, we can never fully tackle cultivation, production or trafficking.但供应方面只是这个等式的一半。除非我们减少非法药物需求,否则永远无法完全解决毒品种植、生产和贩运的问题。

Governments have a responsibility to counteract both drug trafficking and drug abuse, but communities can also make a major contribution.Families, schools, civil society and religious organizations can do their part to rid their communities of drugs.Businesses can help provide legitimate livelihoods.The media can raise awareness about the dangers of narcotics.各国政府有责任打击贩毒和药物滥用,而社区也可作出重大贡献。家庭、学校、民间团体和宗教组织可以各尽其能,让社区远离毒品。企业可以提供合法的生计手段。媒体可以提高人们对麻醉品危险的认识。

We can succeed if we reinforce our commitment to the basic principles of health and human rights, shared responsibilty, a balanced approach to reducing supply and demand, and universal access to prevention, treatment and support.This will foster communities free of drug-related crime and violence, individuals free of drug dependence who can contribute to our common future, and a safer world for all.我们如果对健康和人权、共同责任、均衡减少供需以及普及预防、治疗和支持服务等基本原则做出更有力的承诺,就能取得成功。这样做将有助于营造没有毒品犯罪也没有暴力的社会,促使人们远离药物依赖,并能够为我们共同的未来和一个对全体人民更加安全的世界做出贡献。

annual:一年一度的 foster:有助于,培养 commemoration:纪念活动 tackle:处理,解决

6.体育促进发展与和平国际日致辞 篇六

Recovery Begins with Teachers--Message from the heads of UNESCO, UNICEF, UNDP, ILO and Education International on the occasion of the World Teachers’Day 2010 5 October 2010 复兴始于教师

——国际组织在2010年世界教师日的联合致辞 2010年10月5日

Today, on World Teachers’Day, we pay homage to all teachers for their pivotal role in shaping children’s lives and for their critical contribution to the social,economic and intellectual development of nations.Teachers are change agents, providing the impetus for the emergence of educated communities.今天是世界教师日,值此之际,我们向所有教师致以崇高敬意,感谢他们在改变儿童的命运中发挥的关键作用,以及对各国社会、经济和智力发展做出的重要贡献。教师是变革的动因,他们推动了有教养社会的形成。

Many teachers work in extremely challenging circumstances, serving in communities with high rates of poverty,coping with violence within and outside the classroom, or confronting the demoralizing impact of HIV and AIDS on colleagues, students and families.There are those who are seeking to ensure the right to education of 18.5 million refugee children throughout the world.In countries affected by conflict, teachers are instrumental to reconstruction and peace-building.许多教师在极具挑战性的环境下工作,供职于贫困发生率很高的社区,要与校内校外的暴力作斗争,抵抗艾滋病毒和艾滋病给同仁、学生和家庭造成的意志消沉。有些教师正在想方设法保证世界各地1,850 万难民儿童的受教育权。在受到冲突影响的国家,教师们在协助重建国家、建设和平。

We take this opportunity to commend the efforts of teachers, especially female teachers,who accept to serve in high risk, deprived and disadvantaged areas, reaching out to the excluded,and bringing them the prospect of a better life through education.Teachers are also crucial to sustainable recovery and growth in post-conflict and emergency situations.In Haiti, the devastating earthquake that struck last January claimed the lives of some 38,000 pupils and 1,300 teachers and education personnel.In Pakistan, according to UN estimates, half of the 20 million people affected by the floods are children.From the outset, reactivating the education system has been a priority of the humanitarian and recovery effort in both countries.We especially honour the memory and commitment of those teachers who have lost their lives in emergency situations.我们借此机会赞扬教师们,特别是女教师们的辛勤工作。他们勇于到风险大、物质贫乏、条件不利的地区服务,向被排斥者伸出援手,用教育鼓起他们对美好生活的憧景。在冲突后和紧急局势中,教师对于可持续复兴和增长而言也是极其重要的。今年1 月海地发生的毁灭性地震夺去了38,000 名学生、1,300 名教师和教职人员的生命。在巴基斯坦,据联合国估计,有2,000 万人受到洪灾,其中半数是儿童。从一开始,重启教育系统就是这两个国家人道主义和复兴工作的优先事项。我们尤其缅怀那些在紧急局势下牺牲生命的教师,赞扬他们的献身精神。

Teachers provide continuity and reassurance,both during and after natural disasters and other crises.By giving hope for the future and providing structure and a sense of normalcy, they help to mitigate the effects of conflict, disaster and displacement.They provide much-needed psycho-social support to ease the trauma of children and youth who have witnessed extreme violence, or lived through the destruction of their homes and the loss of family members.Supporting teachers in post-crisis situations is an investment in peace and development.无论是在灾难及其他危机期间,还是在其过后,教师都起到了承前启后和安抚民心的作用。他们给儿童以未来的希望,为其提供某种组织结构,使其有一种常态感,从而降低了冲突、灾难和流离失所的影响。他们提供急需的社会心理支持,以抚平目睹极端暴力或历经家庭毁灭或失去亲人的那些儿童和青年的创伤。支援危机后地区的教师,就是投资于和平与发展。

While many governments are making efforts to protect education budgets, teachers’jobs, salaries and decent teaching/learning conditions, we are deeply concerned by the probable impact of the global economic slowdown on the teaching profession.As a catalyst for human growth and development, education is key to the achievement of all the Millennium Development Goals(MDGs)and Education for All(EFA)targets.But without sufficient numbers of well-trained and professionally motivated teachers, we risk falling short of the promise made ten years ago at the World Education Forum to the world’s children and youth,because teachers are at the heart of the education system.许多国家政府正在设法保护教育预算、教师的职位、薪水和适宜的教学条件,但是全球经济增长放缓可能对教师职业造成的冲击令我们深为关切。作为人类增长与发展的一个推手,教育是实现所有千年发展目标(MDGs)和全民教育(EFA)目标的关键所在。可是,没有足够多训练有素、有职业进取心的教师,我们就有可能兑现不了十年前在世界教育论坛上向全世界儿童和青年做出的承诺,因为教师是教育系统的灵魂。

On this Day we call for adherence to the ILO/UNESCO Recommendation concerning the Status of Teachers(which was adopted on this date in 1966)and to the 1997 UNESCO Recommendation concerning the Status of Higher Education Teaching Personnel.The moral force of these Recommendations remains as pertinent as ever.Low status, low salary and poor working conditions infringe on the rights of teachers whilst discouraging talented young people from joining and remaining in the teaching profession.The situation must be redressed at a time when the world needs an estimated 10.3 million new teachers to reach internationally-agreed education targets by 2015.值此教师日,我们呼吁各方遵守国际劳工组织-教科文组织《关于教师地位的建议书》(于1966 年的今天通过)和1997 年教科文组织《关于高等教育教学人员地位的建议书》。这两项建议书的伦理力量一如既往,切合时代大潮。地位低、薪水少、工作条件恶劣,这一切都侵犯了教师的权利,使那些有才华的年轻人望而却步,不敢加入并留在教师队伍中。这种局面必须予以纠正,因为要在2015 年之前实现国际商定的教育目标,全世界目前还需要新增大约910万教师。

The quality of teacher training is equally important.Teachers who are well-trained and adequately remunerated are better equipped to provide a decent education and be active promoters of the values of citizenship,peace and intercultural dialogue.Governments are therefore urged to continue investing in viable national policies and programmes for teacher training,recruitment, and incentives so that teachers remain and develop within the profession.At the same time,we urge development partners to support governments, particularly in developing countries, in their determination to invest in well trained teachers.We also call for greater efforts and structures of social dialogue that give teachers a voice in decision-making through their democratically elected organizations.Without teachers’inputs to shape education reforms, recovery processes are not likely to achieve all their goals.师资培训质量同样重要。训练有素并得到合理报酬的教师,更能提供良好的教育,更有可能成为公民、和平和文化间对话等价值观的积极宣扬者。因此,我们敦促各国政府继续投资于教师培训、招聘和激励等可行的国家政策和计划,使教师们留在这个行业并从中发展提高。另外,我们敦促发展伙伴支持各国政府,特别是发展中国家政府投资于训练有素的教师的决心。我们还呼吁加倍努力,建立社会对话机制,使教师能够通过他们民主推举的组织,在决策过程中表达自己的意见。在制定教育改革中没有教师的参与,复兴工作就不可能实现其全部目标。

On World Teachers’Day, we appeal to governments, communities, national and international institutions worldwide to renew their commitment towards teachers, particularly in the poorest countries and those affected by conflict or disasters.Recovery begins with teachers.We can best honour teachers by giving them decent working conditions to fulfil their mission of preparing the younger generation to become responsible citizens, equipped with the knowledge and skills to shape a sustainable future.在世界教师日来临之际,我们呼吁世界各国政府、各个社区、国家和国际机构再次向教师,尤其是最贫穷国家、冲突国家和受灾国家的教师做出承诺。复兴始于教师。我们为教师提供体面的工作条件,使他们能够履行将年轻一代培养成具备创造可持续未来的知识和技能且负责任的公民的使命,就是对他们的最好奖赏。

Join us today,5 October 2010,in celebrating teachers around the world!今天,即2010年10月5日,同我们一道向世界各地的教师们表示祝贺吧!

Irina Bokova, Director-General of UNESCO 联合国教科文组织总干事伊琳娜·博科娃 Juan Somavia, Director-General of ILO 国际劳工组织总干事胡安·索马维亚 Helen Clark, Administrator of UNDP 联合国开发计划署署长海伦·克拉克

7.体育促进发展与和平国际日致辞 篇七


——国际组织在2010年世界教师日的联合致辞 2010年10月5日

Today, on World Teachers’Day, we pay homage to all teachers for their pivotal role in shaping children’s lives and for their critical contribution to the social,economic and intellectual development of nations.Teachers are change agents, providing the impetus for the emergence of educated communities.今天是世界教师日,值此之际,我们向所有教师致以崇高敬意,感谢他们在改变儿童的命运中发挥的关键作用,以及对各国社会、经济和智力发展做出的重要贡献。教师是变革的动因,他们推动了有教养社会的形成。

Many teachers work in extremely challenging circumstances, serving in communities with high rates of poverty,coping with violence within and outside the classroom, or confronting the demoralizing impact of HIV and AIDS on colleagues, students and families.There are those who are seeking to ensure the right to education of 18.5 million refugee children throughout the world.In countries affected by conflict, teachers are instrumental to reconstruction and peace-building.许多教师在极具挑战性的环境下工作,供职于贫困发生率很高的社区,要与校内校外的暴力作斗争,抵抗艾滋病毒和艾滋病给同仁、学生和家庭造成 的意志消沉。有些教师正在想方设法保证世界各地1,850 万难民儿童的受教育权。在受到冲突影响的国家,教师们在协助重建国家、建设和平。

We take this opportunity to commend the efforts of teachers, especially female teachers,who accept to serve in high risk, deprived and disadvantaged areas, reaching out to the excluded,and bringing them the prospect of a better life through education.Teachers are also crucial to sustainable recovery and growth in post-conflict and emergency situations.In Haiti, the devastating earthquake that struck last January claimed the lives of some 38,000 pupils and 1,300 teachers and education personnel.In Pakistan, according to UN estimates, half of the 20 million people affected by the floods are children.From the outset, reactivating the education system has been a priority of the humanitarian and recovery effort in both countries.We especially honour the memory and commitment of those teachers who have lost their lives in emergency situations.我们借此机会赞扬教师们,特别是女教师们的辛勤工作。他们勇于到风险大、物质贫乏、条件不利的地区服务,向被排斥者伸出援手,用教育鼓起他 们对美好生活的憧景。在冲突后和紧急局势中,教师对于可持续复兴和增长而言也是极其重要的。今年1 月海地发生的毁灭性地震夺去了38,000 名学生、1,300 名教师和教职人员的生命。在巴基斯坦,据联合国估计,有2,000 万人受到洪灾,其中半数是儿童。从一开始,重启教育系统就是这两个国家人道主义和复兴工作的优先事项。我们尤其缅怀那些在紧急局势下牺牲生命的教师,赞扬他们的献身精神。

Teachers provide continuity and reassurance,both during and after natural

disasters and other crises.By giving hope for the future and providing structure and a sense of normalcy, they help to mitigate the effects of conflict, disaster and displacement.They provide much-needed psycho-social support to ease the trauma of children and youth who have witnessed extreme violence, or lived through the destruction of their homes and the loss of family members.Supporting teachers in post-crisis situations is an investment in peace and development.无论是在灾难及其他危机期间,还是在其过后,教师都起到了承前启后和安抚民心的作用。他们给儿童以未来的希望,为其提供某种组织结构,使其 有一种常态感,从而降低了冲突、灾难和流离失所的影响。他们提供急需的社会心理支持,以抚平目睹极端暴力或历经家庭毁灭或失去亲人的那些儿童和青年的创 伤。支援危机后地区的教师,就是投资于和平与发展。While many governments are making efforts to protect education budgets, teachers’jobs, salaries and decent teaching/learning conditions, we are deeply concerned by the probable impact of the global economic slowdown on the teaching profession.As a catalyst for human growth and development, education is key to the achievement of all the Millennium Development Goals(MDGs)and Education for All(EFA)targets.But without sufficient numbers of well-trained and professionally motivated teachers, we risk falling short of the promise made ten years ago at the World Education Forum to the world’s children and youth,because teachers are at the heart of the education system.许多国家政府正在设法保护教育预算、教师的职位、薪水和适宜的教学条件,但是全球经济增长放缓可能对教师职业造成的冲击令我们深为关切。作 为人类增长与发展的一个推手,教育是实现所有千年发展目标(MDGs)和全民教育(EFA)目标的关键所在。可是,没有足够多训练有素、有职业进取心的教 师,我们就有可能兑现不了十年前在世界教育论坛上向全世界儿童和青年做出的承诺,因为教师是教育系统的灵魂。

On this Day we call for adherence to the ILO/UNESCO Recommendation concerning the Status of Teachers(which was adopted on this date in 1966)and to the 1997 UNESCO Recommendation concerning the Status of Higher Education Teaching Personnel.The moral force of these Recommendations remains as pertinent as ever.Low status, low salary and poor working conditions infringe on the rights of teachers whilst discouraging talented young people from joining and remaining in the teaching profession.The situation must be redressed at a time when the world needs an estimated 10.3 million new teachers to reach internationally-agreed education targets by 2015.值此教师日,我们呼吁各方遵守国际劳工组织-教科文组织《关于教师地位的建议书》(于1966 年的今天通过)和1997 年教科文组织《关于高等教育教学人员地位的建议书》。这两项建议书的伦理力量一如既往,切合时代大潮。地位低、薪水少、工作条件恶劣,这一切都侵犯了教师 的权利,使那些有才华的年轻人望而却步,不敢加入并留在教师队伍中。这种局面必须予以纠正,因为要在2015 年之前实现国际商定的教育目标,全世界目前还需要新增大约910万教师。The quality of teacher training is equally important.Teachers who are well-trained and adequately remunerated are better equipped to provide a decent education and be active promoters of the values of citizenship,peace and intercultural dialogue.Governments are therefore urged to continue investing in viable national policies and programmes for teacher training,recruitment, and incentives so that teachers

remain and develop within the profession.At the same time,we urge development partners to support governments, particularly in developing countries, in their determination to invest in well trained teachers.We also call for greater efforts and structures of social dialogue that give teachers a voice in decision-making through their democratically elected organizations.Without teachers’inputs to shape education reforms, recovery processes are not likely to achieve all their goals.师资培训质量同样重要。训练有素并得到合理报酬的教师,更能提供良好的教育,更有可能成为公民、和平和文化间对话等价值观的积极宣扬者。因 此,我们敦促各国政府继续投资于教师培训、招聘和激励等可行的国家政策和计划,使教师们留在这个行业并从中发展提高。另外,我们敦促发展伙伴支持各国政 府,特别是发展中国家政府投资于训练有素的教师的决心。我们还呼吁加倍努力,建立社会对话机制,使教师能够通过他们民主推举的组织,在决策过程中表达自己 的意见。在制定教育改革中没有教师的参与,复兴工作就不可能实现其全部目标。

On World Teachers’Day, we appeal to governments, communities, national and international institutions worldwide to renew their commitment towards teachers, particularly in the poorest countries and those affected by conflict or disasters.Recovery begins with teachers.We can best honour teachers by giving them decent working conditions to fulfil their mission of preparing the younger generation to become responsible citizens, equipped with the knowledge and skills to shape a sustainable future.在世界教师日来临之际,我们呼吁世界各国政府、各个社区、国家和国际机构再次向教师,尤其是最贫穷国家、冲突国家和受灾国家的教师做出承 诺。复兴始于教师。我们为教师提供体面的工作条件,使他们能够履行将年轻一代培养成具备创造可持续未来的知识和技能且负责任的公民的使命,就是对他们的最 好奖赏。
