1.双语美文欣赏:坚持的意义 篇一
Relax. He is the same little boy you loved yesterday. I smiled trying to hold back the tears. “No he isn’t. Yesterday I dreamed he would be an astronaut. Today I am hoping he will learn to talk.”放松。他仍是你昨天爱着的那个小男孩。我笑着,试图抑制住眼里的泪水。“不,他不是。昨天我还梦想着他长大后会成为一名宇航员,今天我只希望他能学会说话。”
It was like some sort of cosmic joke. I could still recall the day that determined my fate. It was October in Ottawa and the summer breezes had given way to the autumn rainfall of leaves. The snow would begin soon. The crispness of coming frost was in the air. My casually mentioning Wyatt’s behavior to Dr. Martin aroused his worries. He started asking me questions about Wyatt’s activities, speech pattern and emotions. I still see clearly in my mind the sterility of the room and all its belongings when the doctor turned to me and said, “He almost sounds autistic.”那就像个宇宙般巨大的玩笑。我仍能忆起决定我命运的那个日子。那是在渥太华十月里的一天。秋日的纷飞黄叶取代了夏日的阵阵微风,很快就要开始下雪了,空气里弥漫着霜雪将至的那份清爽。我不经意地向马丁医生提及怀亚特的一些行为,却引起了他的担忧。他开始询问我有关怀亚特的行为、说话方式以及情绪方面的问题。我仍清晰地记得,当他转向我说“他应该是患有自闭症”时,一尘不染的诊室和内里的一切在我眼中是那么的冷酷苍白。
I couldn’t cope with that picture in my mind. I had to run to get away from this all too painful place that was reminding me of what was to be my child’s life-being strange.我无法面对脑中的那个画面。我不得不逃离那个让我感到如此痛苦的地 方——它提醒着我自己的`孩子一生将有别于常人。
I could not remember how many times I told myself, “This is normal. He is a little boy who is not talking yet,” when my asking questions met with his blank-eyed response in a restaurant; how many times I would brag, “He loves to play on his own for hours at a time and he never gets into trouble,” when Wyatt was playing games that no one else could conceive of, let alone join in while other boys in the park were playing together or in small groups huddled around a sand pail or toy truck. My life was changing direction. So was Wyatt’s.我都记不起来,多少次,在餐馆里孩子对我的提问以空洞的眼神作答时,我告诉自己“这很正常,他是个还不会说话的小孩”;多少次,当公园里的其他孩子正一起玩耍,或是小群小群围着一个沙桶或玩具火车玩时,怀亚特却玩着别人无法想象的游戏,更别说加入其他孩子中时,我会吹嘘道“他每次都喜欢独自玩上几个小时,而且从不惹麻烦。”我的人生方向在改变,怀亚特的也如此。
I started to hide Wyatt from my friends and neighbor especially from a good friend. For eight months a friend and I had been pregnant together. Our boys were six days apart. We used to have long phone talks about our babies to share some fun and loss. It was too painful to let others know about my boy acting strange. It was like a blot in my life that was supposed to be happy and wonderful.我开始不让怀亚特在我的朋友和邻居面前露面,特别是我的一个好友。我和她同在那八个月里怀着宝宝。我们儿子的出生日期只相隔六天。我们过去常常在电话里长谈我们的宝宝,分享乐与失。让他人知道我的儿子行为异常,这对我来说太痛苦了,那就像是我本该幸福美好的人生中的一个污点。
It was a Thursday afternoon and I found one half of a great pair of kitchen scissors was missing. They were unbelievably sharp and could be taken apart so they could be washed or the blades sharpened. I knew Wyatt had taken the missing blade.那是一个周四的下午。我发现厨房里的一把大剪刀少了半边。剪刀很锋利,两边可以拆开来清洗或是磨刀口。我知道那不见了的半边剪刀是怀亚特给拿走了。
“Wyatt,” I began as patiently as I could, “Do you see this” I held up the blade. “Do you know what this is?”“怀亚特,”我尽可能耐心地开始问话,“你看见这个了吗”我拿起那半边剪刀,“你知道这是什么吗?”
Wyatt stuffed a bunch of Fruit Loops in his mouth. No response.怀亚特往嘴里塞了一把“水果圈圈”糖,并没回答。
“Wyatt!” I forced eye contact with him. “Where are the other scissors See these” I showed him the half pair. “These are in this drawer. Where are the other ones?”“怀亚特!”我强迫他和我对视。“另外半边剪刀在哪看见这个了吗”我给他看那半边剪刀。“这半边剪刀放在这个抽屉里。另外半边呢”。
He grinned big. Ate Fruit Loops. Turned the TV on and off. Still no response.他咧开嘴大笑,吃着“水果圈圈”糖,把电视开了又关,还是没回答。
I didn’t know what to do. It was really hard. “Wyatt,” I tried once more, “Mommy wants these scissors. Can you go get them for Mommy It will make Mommy so happy if you bring me the scissors.”我不知道该怎么办。这真的太困难了。“怀亚特,”我又试了一次,“妈咪需要用剪刀。你能拿给妈咪吗如果你把剪刀的那边拿给妈咪,我会很开心的。”
“Watch Spongebob” Wyatt asked as he slid down from his kitchen stool and ran off, leaving me shaking my head and wondering in exactly which way this situation was going to end badly.“看动画片《海绵宝宝》吗”怀亚特边问边从厨房里的那张板凳上滑下来跑开,只留我一个人摇着头,不知道这种状况将会以何种糟糕的方式才能结束。
Five minutes later, I turned my head to see Wyatt coming downstair his favorite doll in one hand, the missing half pair of kitchen scissors in the other. I immediately ran over and took it from him.五分钟后,我转过头看见怀亚特走下楼梯,一手拿着他最喜欢的娃娃,一手拿着厨房那剪刀缺了的那半边。我立刻跑过去,从他手上把半边剪刀夺了过来。
“Wyatt!” I hugged him. “Thank you for bringing me the scissors! Good job! You did it! These scissors need to stay in the kitchen. These are Mommy’s scissors!”“怀亚特!”我抱着他。“谢谢你把剪刀拿给我!干得好!你做到了!这些剪刀要放在厨房里。这些是妈咪的剪刀啊!”
Wyatt laughed, looked me straight in the eye and said, “Mommy so happy!”怀亚特笑了。他直直地盯着我看,说道“妈咪好开心!”
I was on the verge of tears. A realization dawned on me that he was the best gift I had ever gotten even though he was not as normal as other children. And why did I hide him from others as if he were some dark and terrible secret No! He was my pride. It was a long, hard battle to get him to this point, expressing his wants and needs without resorting to violence in frustration. In fact, each new day brings out a new set of challenges and we have learned a lot about fighting this thing called autism. With love and patience I have found the beautiful, happy boy who would teach me more about life.我的泪水快掉下来了。我忽然意识到,他是我得到的最棒的礼物,尽管他不像其他孩子那般正常。而我为什么要把他藏起来不让别人看见,仿佛他是个见不得人的可怕的秘密不!他是我的骄傲。他走到今天,能表达出自己所需而非沮丧地诉诸暴力,这是经过了一场漫长而艰辛的战役的。事实上,每一个崭新的日子都给我们带来了一连串新挑战,而在与这被称为“自闭症”的事物抗争的过程中,我们学到了很多。带着爱和耐心,我发现这个漂亮而快乐的男孩将教会我更多生活的东西。
And that is the solution to my cosmic riddle.而这就是我这宇宙之谜的谜底。
2.双语美文欣赏:坚持的意义 篇二
我国少数民族地区实行的双语教育, 是指借助少数民族语言文字进行教学, 进而过渡到汉语的使用和学习, 达到掌握使用多数民族语言的一种教学模式, 这是针对少数民族学生而设的一种双语教育形式。壮汉双语教育体制是我国少数民族双语教育体制中的一个组成部分, 是在广西壮族聚集区推行的一种特殊教育模式。“所谓壮汉双语同步教学法, 就是从小学一年级开始同时使用壮、汉两种语言文字, 按照一定的结合方式进行双语教学。壮汉双语‘同步’教学的基本步骤:学生在学前班阶段集中学习壮文, 要求能够熟练掌握壮文的声母、韵母、声调和拼音方法, 并能具备对壮文音节的直呼能力。在这个前提下, 从一年级开始进行壮汉双语‘同步’教学。”壮汉双语教学法, 是指在教学过程中, 同时使用壮语和汉语两种语言相辅相成的教学模式, 依据壮族儿童的思维方式使用壮语进行教学, 在儿童能熟练使用壮文的情况下逐步过渡转入到使用汉语教学, 使儿童更好地接受以汉族为主体的中华民族文化。建国后, 随着新壮文的创制, 广西的壮汉双语教学模式从50年代开始发展, 在中小学初步完成双语教学的模式, 但是到了文革期间, 这种教学模式被中断, 直至1980年, 广西区党委恢复推行使用壮文, 壮汉双语教学模式一直沿用至今, 这几十年来, 广西的壮汉双语教学模式虽然历时短暂, 但是在推动少数民族地区经济文化教育上有着积极的意义。
中央政府十分重视少数民族语言文字工作, 在中华人民共和国成立以后相继出台了一系列的尊重少数民族语言文字的基本法律和政策。如《中华人民共和国宪法》规定“各民族都有使用和发展自己的语言文字的自由”, 《中华人民共和国义务教育法》规定“学校应当推广使用全国通用的普通话。招收少数民族学生为主的学校, 可以用少数民族通用的语言文字教学”即各民族不论人口多少, 经济发展的缓慢都能享有使用发展自己的语言文字的自由。语言是文化的一部分, 语言平等也是民族平等的一个重要标志, 贯彻落实少数民族语言文字的相关规定, 不仅有力地保障了少数民族语文的使用和发展, 还更有力地推动各民族之间的平等、团结和共同繁荣发展。“马克思根据语言发展的规律, 从语言在社会和民族发展过程中的作用以及它对民族关系方面的影响出发, 主张和坚持各民族语言一律平等, 反对民族语言的任何歧视和限制。由于语言平等是民族平等的一个重要内容和标志, 这一内容和标志又将关系到每个民族的政治权利和各民族之间的友好团结, 因此, 能否尊重一个民族的语言和文字, 就是能否尊重一个民族的平等地位和合法权利的问题。”双语教学的实施是建立在依赖本民族语言文字的天然条件上, 过渡到主体民族语言的学习, 进一步掌握主体民族的族际语, 融入语言多数民族。壮汉双语教学模式就是为了让壮族儿童更快地学习掌握主体民族汉族的文化, 融入社会的发展中。
我国各民族操持不同的民族语言, 从政策上保障语言发展的平等自由, 对较弱的语言是一种保护, 保护其语言文化的独特性, 在保护的基础上才能更好地发展, 壮汉双语教学是广西壮族自治区因地制宜而采取的一种特殊教育举措。1900年广西区政府确定壮文进小学的办学方针, 即“以壮为主、壮汉结合、以壮促汉、壮汉兼通” (简称“十六字”方针) 。这个方针的制定和确立给壮汉双语教学指明了方向, “以壮为主”是基础, “壮汉结合、以壮促汉”是手段, 最终目的是为了“壮汉兼通”。这种相互促进的教学方式从根本上提高壮族地区的科技文化, 巩固和发展了民族团结友好关系, 最终达到各民族的平等、团结、繁荣进步。
提高少数民族的教育质量的关键是如何解决好双语教育问题。以南宁市为例, 长期以来, 在南宁市内或者城乡地区使用单一的汉语教育模式有很大的成效, 但是在农村地区却收效甚微。南宁市的壮汉双语设置学校总共有28所, 教学点基本上都是分布在乡镇的农村地区。这主要是顺应壮族儿童的语言和思维方式而特设的一种教育模式。广西壮族的农村地区在经济、文化上相对落后, 在农村成长的壮族儿童在入学接受教育之前接触到的都是壮语, 基本上很少使用汉语, 交流、对话方式都是用壮话进行, 如果让壮族儿童一入学就使用汉语授课, 他们无异于听天书。“广大农村的壮族群众, 特别是偏远山区还有大批人不通汉语, 尽管使用汉文教学, 但壮族的学生历来都习惯于用母语进行思维, 在接收信息和处理信息上往往要经过‘转译’等加工程序, 语言的障碍, 导致了壮族地区初等教育教学质量不高, 如识字教学、阅读教学、造句、作文和数学教学等都存在着壮汉互译的过程, 增加了教学的难度, 所以不通汉语的壮族地区教学质量同汉族地区有较大的差距。”壮汉壮语教学的实施是建立在民族教育的特殊性上, 这种教育模式更好地发挥民族语文在汉语文学习中的作用。壮汉双语教学是一种过渡型的双语教育, 其目的是将儿童从讲壮语转入到汉语的学习使用环境中, 其潜在的目的是在社会上和文化上融入汉族的生活, 也有效地解决国家基础基础教育的普及与提高的矛盾。
实践证明, 双语教学有利于促进思维的开发, 更能增强学生的学习能力。在壮族地区实行壮汉双语教学的学校, 学生的学习成绩普遍好于汉语单语教学的学生。上林县下设三个壮汉双语教学点, 分别为:上林县大丰镇黄周小学、上林县塘红乡石门小学、上林县塘红乡龙祥小学, 通览该县2008年秋季小学期末各校文化素质检测成绩, 发现皇周小学语文、数学的及格率分别为87.27%、89.14%, 它已经超过了小学重点校70%及格率的要求, 跟小学重点学校相比, 及格率不相上下。按照县教育局的相关要求, 小学重点校及格率要达到70%, 乡镇所在地学校要达到60%, 农村小学达到30%。而地属农村小学范围的皇周小学的及格率远远超过了30%的要求。这不能不归功于该小学实行壮汉双语教学模式对学生思维、语言的大力开发。上林县其他进行双语教学试点学校的成绩相对进行单语教学的学校的成绩要相对优秀, 如唐红乡石门小学多年来学生的初考成绩一直保持在前三名。这说明了壮语在学生掌握第二语言 (汉语) 的过程中有积极的作用, 这两种语言在教学过程中相辅相成、相互促进, 从而有效地提高壮民族在农村地区的教学质量。壮汉双语教学的模式为壮族教育发展找到了一条切实可行的道路。
语言是文化的一部分, 民族语言是民族文化的一种表现形式, 没有文化参与的语言教学就像是在展示一个没有灵魂的躯壳, 壮汉双语教学使用与壮语相伴的继承文化意识的培养和多元文化, 这是壮族教育的一个重要因素。语言和文化是相互渗透互为一个整体, 一个民族宗教、道德、文学、艺术等相关文化都需要语言来记载, 没有文字记载的民族也需要语言来口耳相传, 世代传递。民族语是维系少数民族文化、民族感情的载体和纽带, 人们在学习和使用壮语的过程也是在学习和继续自己的民族文化。“少数民族语言文化被有意识地包括在语言教学和学校物质和精神的整个环境中。这种做法尤其有助于鼓励学生加入到自己的继承文化中来。因为少数民族语言的语言能力, 并不能为在青少年时期和成年人时期对这种语言的继续使用保驾护航。因此, 如果想使少数民族语言成为一种有用的和被使用的语言, 对其文化的适应, 就显得尤为重要了。在学校中, 培育一种少数民族语言, 而不去开发其文化, 或许是在为一个将死的器官配置一只生命助动器。而在创收少数民族语言的同时, 促进其文化的发展, 则可能是为这种语言和文化注入一支维持生命的强心针”保存一种语言也是在保存一种文化, 壮汉双语教学从某种程度上来讲就是在保护壮族文化, 而壮文进学校不仅仅是立足于保护的角度而已, 更注重于再保护的基础上发展自己的文化。
广西区2001年发布的《关于进一步加强壮文进校实验工作的意见》中强调“在壮汉双语教学中, 要努力培养学生热爱本民族语言文字、热爱本民族优秀传统文化、热爱本民族人民的思想感情, 培养学生热爱汉语文和各民族的思想感情, 培养学生掌握运用壮汉双语文的基本能力, 提高学生的道德修养、思想品质、文化品味”。在步入信息化的今天, 少数民族语言濒于灭绝的危险, 这不止是在我国, 在世界上的许多国家都有这样的危机意识, 因此对民族语言文化的保护迫在眉睫。双语教学也成为一种保存语言的有效途径。壮汉双语教育成了保护和发展壮语的最佳方式, 通过教学的方式不断扩大使用壮语人口的数量, 间接上推动了壮族文化的发展。壮族聚集区有大量的民间宗教、艺术、文化, 都是使用壮文字作为记录的方式, 如壮族歌谣的古籍和资料的整理也需要壮文, 这无疑是对壮族非物质文化遗产的一种保护和传承。无论在过去还是现在, 具有民族特色的壮族文化都需要壮文来记载, 需要通过壮语这个语言载体来推动壮族文化的发展。
何谓多元文化?科林·贝克指出“多元文化主义的基本思想包括以下内容。两种语言和两种文化可以使人产生对社会的双重或多重的看法。会讲一种以上语言具有一种以上文化背景的人, 有着更大的敏感性和同情心。他们更有可能去搭建沟通的桥梁, 而不是设置壁垒和划定界线。多元文化主义不会带来同化主义环境中的减少性状态, 相反, 它赋予了人更多的东西, 使过程具有增加的性质。从理想上讲, 具有多元文化背景的人会对他人和他人的文化表现出更多的尊敬, 不像单一文化背景的人那样古板地表现出更多的偏狭和文化上的内省。”实施双语教学是实现中华民族的文化多元化发展的必由之路。各个不同民族传统文化的相互汇聚交融构成了中华民族文化的丰富多彩。少数民族文化的继承和发展也促进了中华民族文化的传承。双语教育有利于保持语言的多样性和文化的多样性。双语教育培养出大量的双语人, 这些双语人加强了不同民族之间的文化交流, 各个民族间出现大量的双语人才会产生双文化或多元文化现象。因此壮汉双语教学模式顺应了多元文化发展的潮流。
“少数民族双语教育本身亦是‘多元文化’的一个重要组成部分, 文化传承是文化内涵的重要内容, 不同的文化具有不同的传承内容, 甚至包括文化传承方法上的区分, 因此发展少数民族双语教育就是发展‘多元文化’。另外, ‘多元文化’本身意味着各民族不分大小一律平等的思想, 发展少数民族双语教育就是在语言、文化、经济、政治上寻求民族平等。”壮汉双语教育模式丰富了多元文化的内涵, 通过两种语言文化的学习, 促进壮族与汉族之间的合作和了解, 同时也给予汉族人民了解壮族的机会, 相互吸收各自的优秀文化文明, 从而促进多元文化的发展。壮汉壮语教学这种模式不仅仅是让人们学会壮汉和汉语这两种语言, 而是在学习的过程中培养人们对不同文化的接纳态度。语言上的不通往往很容易造成民族间的隔阂和误解。就如语言也常常成为种族主义的标志和象征, 但是种族主义的根源往往存在于惧怕和误解中, 因此只有促进不同语言文化背景的人们之间的交流才能构建社会的和谐, 才能真正达到各民族的共同繁荣和进步。
3.双语美文《心中的玫瑰》 篇三
He was the bud that would soon blossom,but noticed thorns upon the stem and he thought,“How can any beautiful flower from a plant burdened with so many sharp thorns?”Saddened by this thought,he neglected to water the rose,and just before it was ready to bloom,it died.
So it is with people,Within every soul there is a rose.The God-like qualities planted in us at birth,grow amid the thorns of our faults.Many of us look at ourselves and a see only the thorns,the defects.
We despair,thinking that nothing good can possibly come from us.We neglect to water the good within us,and eventually it dies.We never realize our potential.
Some people do not see the rose within themselves;someone else must show it to them.One of the greatest gifts a person can possess is to be able to reach past the thorns of another,and find the rose within them.
This is one of the characteristics of love ,with love ,we can look at a person and accept that person into our life,knowing their true faults and all the while recognizing the nobility in their soul.We should help others to realize they can overcome their faults.If we show them the “rose”within themselves.they will conquer their thorns .Only then will they blossom many times over.
4.双语美文欣赏:人生如诗 篇四
Human Life a Poem
I think that, from a biological standpoint, human life almost reads like a poem. It has its own rhythm and beat, its internal cycles of growth and decay. It begins with innocent childhood, followed by awkward adolescence trying awkwardly to adapt itself to mature society, with its young passions and follies, its ideals and ambitions; then it reaches a manhood of intense activities, profiting from experience and learning more about society and human nature; at middle age, there is a slight easing of tension, a mellowing of character like the ripening of fruit or the mellowing of good wine, and the gradual acquiring of a more tolerant, more cynical and at the same time a kindlier view of life; then in the sunset of our life, the endocrine glands decrease their activity, and if we have a true philosophy of old age and have ordered our life pattern according to it, it is for us the age of peace and security and leisure and contentment; finally, life flickers out and one goes into eternal sleep, never to wake up again.
One should be able to sense the beauty of this rhythm of life, to appreciate, as we do in grand symphonies, its main theme, its strains of conflict and the final resolution. The movements of these cycles are very much the same in a normal life, but the music must be provided by the individual himself. In some souls, the discordant note becomes harsher and harsher and finally overwhelms or submerges the main melody. Sometimes the discordant note gains so much power that the music can no longer go on, and the individual shoots himself with a pistol or jump into a river.
But that is because his original leitmotif has been hopelessly over-shadowed through the lack of a good self-education. Otherwise the normal human life runs to its normal end in kind of dignified movement and procession. There are sometimes in many of us too many staccatos or impetuosos, and because the tempo is wrong, the music is not pleasing to the ear; we might have more of the grand rhythm and majestic tempo of the Ganges, flowing slowly and eternally into the sea.
No one can say that life with childhood, manhood and old age is not a beautiful arrangement; the day has its morning, noon and sunset, and the year has its seasons, and it is good that it is so. There is no good or bad in life, except what is good according to its own season. And if we take this biological view of life and try to live according to the seasons, no one but a conceited fool or an impossible idealist can deny that human life can be lived like a poem. Shakespeare has expressed this idea more graphically in his passage about the seven stages of life, and a good many Chinese writers have said about the same thing. It is curious that Shakespeare was never very religious, or very much concerned with religion. I think this was his greatness; he took human life largely as it was, and intruded himself as little upon the general scheme of things as he did upon the characters of his plays. Shakespeare was like Nature itself, and that is the greatest compliment we can pay to a writer or thinker. He merely lived, observed life and went away.
5.双语美文《恋爱中的狮子》 篇五
Father: Don’t work too hard, my dear. It is very hot today! You might get sick。
Daughter: Don’t worry about me, Father. Why don’t you go back home? I can do this by myself。
Father: No, no. let’s finish it together quickly。
父亲:不,不!我们一起快点儿干完吧! A Lion comes down to the village from the forest. 一只狮子从森林里出来,来到村子。
Lion: Look at those two! Yum, yum. They look very delicious. It’s my lunch time. I shall eat them for lunch. Hee, hee, hee。
The Lion goes to the field。
Lion: Rrr…Rrr…I am the king of the forest! You two must be my lunch today. Get ready to die!
Father: Oh my goodness! A Lion! Where did it come from? Run away, my dear!
Daughter: No, Father! I can’t leave you here alone. I will stay with you。
Lion: You are a brave young girl! Come closer to me. Let me look at you。
The Lion takes a close look at the Farmer’s Daughter. She is so beautiful. He falls in love at first sight。
Lion: You are not only brave, but also very beautiful, my dear. You are the most beautiful girl in the world! Will you marry me?
Father: Marry you?! What do you mean? She can’t marry you!
Lion: Why not?! I am the king of the forest。
Father: Well, uh… She is too young to get married。
Lion: That doesn’t matter. She will grow old with me. Give your Daughter to me. Or else you will both die. What will you do?
Father: I must ask my daughter first. Please come back tomorrow. I will answer you then。
The Farmer and his Daughter return home。
Father: What shall we do, my dear? I can’t let you marry the Lion. But if you don’t marry him, he will eat us up。
Daughter: Don’t worry too much, Father. There must be a way. I’ll think of something. Ah ha! I’ve got it!
The Daughter whispers something into her Father’s ears。
Father: What a great idea! You are not only beautiful, but very smart, too。
The next day, the Farmer meets the Lion。
Lion: So what did your daughter say? Tell me at once!
狮子:你的女儿说了什么?马上告诉我! Father; She said she will marry you. But…
Lion: What is it? Tell me! What else did she say?
Father: She said she likes you very much. But she said she is afraid of your claws. What if you harm her by mistake? So I was thinking… Can you pull out your claws for her?
Lion: Why yes! I can do anything for her! Come back tomorrow。
The Lion goes back to his cave and pulls out all his claws. He is so happy. He can’t wait to marry the Farmer’s Daughter. 狮子回到他的洞中,拔掉了所有的爪子。他太开心了。他迫不及待地要迎娶农夫的女儿。
Father: Hello there, Lion. Did you pull out all your claws?
Lion: I pulled all of them out. Look for yourself! They are all gone. Now tell her to come to me。
Father: But wait! There is one more thing. She said she is also afraid of your teeth. They are too sharp. What if you harm her with them? So I was thinking… Can you pull out all your teeth as well?
Lion: That is not a problem. I can do anything for her. I will pull out all of my teeth. Come back tomorrow with your daughter。
Father: I shall tell her. See you tomorrow, Lion。
This time the Lion goes back to his cave and pulls out all of his teeth. He looks into the mirror and smiles. He is excited about tomorrow’s wedding.
Lion: Good morning, Farmer. I pulled out all of my teeth. Look for yourself! Now I have no sharp claws and no sharp teeth. I did everything as your daughter asked. I can’t harm her anymore. Where is she now? Where is my bride? Bring her to me. I want to marry her right now。
Father: She is not coming here today. And she is not marrying you either!
Lion: What?! What do you mean? I pulled out my claws and teeth for her. She said…
Father: Lion, you are so nave. You have no claws nor teeth. I am not afraid of you anymore. I won’t give my Daughter to you. Take this! And that!
Lion: Ouch, ouch! Hey, what are you doing? That hurts。
Father: Go away before I really hit you. Go, I say! Go!
Lion: What have I done? Boo-hoo-hoo。
MORAL: Wisdom can save you from all kinds of trouble。
6.双语美文欣赏:坚持的意义 篇六
Job interviews can be mildly terrifying for anyone, but they’re extra-extra-terrifying for introverts. Here, some tips for giving a great first impression, even if your instincts are to go hide in a corner.
“I’ll just wing it” should not be a line in any introvert’s arsenal—that’s especially be true for interviews. Whether you enlist a pal to run through questions with you ahead of time or just practice in front of a mirror, go through an entire mock interview out loud until it feels natural.
Introverts aren’t naturals at self-promotion, so take stock of the things you’re best at and figure out a no-nonsense way to talk about them. We find it easier to talk quantifiably (“At my last company, my press materials brought in 12 new clients”) rather than with bravado (“I’m a terrific writer. Everyone knows it.”).
Off-the-cuff comments and free-flowing conversations aren’t typically where introverts shine, so instead of leaving things up to chance, brainstorm a list of all the questions you think your interviewer will ask you and prepare your answers accordingly.
We’re not saying you should put on a hat and a pair of those fake moustache glasses, but scoping out the area where your interview will be proves majorly comforting come go time. Map out your route (or even try it the day before) to minimize travel-related stress and triple-check the weather to make sure you’re dressed appropriately. (No introvert wants to show up a sweaty mess.)
If you’re uncomfortable in what you’re wearing, it’ll show on your face and in your body language. Before an interview, take some time to select pieces that make you feel like the boss you are.
In the days leading up to an interview, introverts might start to feel insecure about their inward-facing qualities. Don’t! Instead, try talking up your more positive introverted tendencies right there in the interview. For example, many introverts are detail-oriented, thoughtful, creative and serious self-motivators.
If you can help it, don’t schedule back-to-back interviews. Allow yourself to regroup after each one by booking a massage, setting aside time to read a good book or making a favorite meal for dinner—pretty much anything that constitutes self-care.
7.双语新闻英语美文 篇七
All horses to participate in the Olympic Games will have to go through quarantine before and after entering Hong Kong, the venue of the events.
The official in charge of the work said the purpose of the process is to ensure health for the horses.
The horses are subject to one-week quarantine in six quarantine centers located in North America, Europe and Oceania (Australia and New Zealand), according to an arrangement made between a Hong Kong agency, the International Equestrian Federation and the World Organization for Animal Health. Only those horses with health certificates are qualified for the competition.
Internationally recognized experts will make body temperature, blood and urine checkups to make sure the horses are not infected by any epidemic diseases.
After entering Hong Kong, the horses will again go through a 10-day quarantine to avoid contact with local horses and infection by any diseases. The Hong Kong authorities will provide each horse with a single shed. There are five stables, each containing over 50 such sheds. Medical services will be on hand for each stable. Serious cases can be treated at a Hong Kong horse hospital.
The participating horses are usually accompanied and taken care of by their own boys. However, Hong Kong is ready to provide such services if needed.
The horses, if in healthy condition, can conduct training at their respective stables during the quarantine period. In addition, they can take training for another week before participating in the Olympic competition.
Vocabulary :
International Equestrian Federation:国际马术协会
urine checkups:尿检
8.感悟人生双语美文 篇八
Yes, that is true. I will be in my nice work clothes, jamming while driving or stopped at a traffic light. I get weird looks from some people and others laugh. Personally, I love to get lost in the rhythm of a song which leads me to share with you the importance of being silly!
The definition for the word silly, according to the dictionary is: stupid, foolish and nonsensical. I know many people do not want to look foolish. So they walk around all serious, which in all honesty, is foolish!
No one is perfect, I repeat: no one is perfect. I don’t care how educated, how thin, how beautiful, how simple, how frugal, how rich, and so on… No one is perfect! So why pretend to be something you are not?
Life is so short… You never know when this beautiful journey will be over, so why waste a single second on being so full of rigidity? Here is a quote by Souza, that I think says it all and is a great recipe for life:
“Dance as though no one is watching you, Love as though you have never been hurt before, Sing as though no one can hear you, Live as though heaven is on earth.”
When we were kids, we had no idea of what limitations were and we had no care in the world so we could do things without worrying about how we appeared to others. However, as we grew up, we lost that childlike innocence.
So don’t lose the child that still lives within you. The next time you feel down, go turn on your favorite song, and sing and dance along like there is no tomorrow. Or watch something that makes you laugh. Laughter is the best medicine to whatever ails you and nothing is better than laughing so hard that your tummy hurts. Trust me, you will feel a whole lot better, and who doesn’t want to feel good?
9.一些中英双语美文赏析 篇九
Grandpa Hodge was the most popular sage in the village because he was so philosophic in speaking and doing things that everyone revered him as “Grandpa Wisdom”.
One day, a man hurried to Grandpa Wisdom and said, “Grandpa, I have a piece of news to tell you…”
“Wait a moment,” Grandpa Hodge stroked his beard and cut him short, “Have you sifted the news you will tell me with three sieves?”
“Three sieves? Which three sieves?” the man asked with puzzlement.
“The first sieve is Truth. Is the news you will tell me true?” Grandpa Hodge asked, narrowing his eyes.
“I don’t know because I overhead it from the street.”
“Now let’s check it with the second sieve,” Grandpa Hodge went on, “If the news you will tell me is not true, it should be friendly.”
The man hesitantly answered, “No, just the other way round…”
Grandpa Hodge once again interrupted him, “So let’s use the third sieve. Can you tell me if the news that is exciting you is very important?”
“It is not so important,” the man answered with embarrassment.
Grandpa Hodge patted the shoulder of the man and said significantly, “Now that the news you will tell me is not true, friendly or important, please don’t tell me. Then it won’t trouble you and me.”
The man took a tumble and never spread the overhead news ever since.
10.双语诗歌欣赏钢琴 篇十
Softly in the dusk, a woman is singing to me;
Taking me back down the vista of years, till I see
A child sitting under the piano, in the boom of the tingling strings
And pressing the small, poised feet of a mother who smiles as she sings.
In spite of myself, the insidious mastery of song
Betrays me back, till the heart of me weeps to belong
To the old Sunday evenings at home, with winter outside
And hymns in the cozy parlor, the tinkling piano our guide.
So now it is vain for the singer to burst into clamor
With the great black piano appassionato. The glamour
Of childish days is upon me, my manhood is cast
Down in the flood of remembrance, I weep like a child for the past.
11.意大利的圣诞习俗双语美文 篇十一
In Italy, there is no Santa, but instead there a woman called a Befana that performs the general duties of Saint Nick. The story is that the three wise men stopped during their travels and asked a woman for food and shelter. She said no, but later realized her mistake when it was too late. She now travels the earth looking for the baby Jesus and on January 6th, she leaves kids a sock filled with candy or a lump of coal.