


1.gre试题解析 篇一

soporific: 催眠的; Inducing or tending to induce sleep

1) causing sleep or lethargy

2) tending to cause sleep, related to sleep or sleepiness

3) producing sleep, somnific, somnolent, slumberous

4) causing drowsiness; tending to induce sleep

【近义】soporific = calming, dull, hypnotic, soothing; hypnotic, narcotic, slumberous, somnolent

【反义】soporific invigorating, provocative, exhilarating, energetic, bracing, stimulant, vitality


soporific : sleep

soporific : alertness

sopor: deep sleep

1. The movie proved to be so soporific that soon loud snores were heard throughout the theater.

2. While I am energized by the music of Bach, my husband finds it soporific and often actually falls asleep while listening to it.

3. The soporific medication should not be taken when you need to drive.


lethargy n.昏睡,倦怠

nap n.v.小睡,打盹

repose v.躺着休息,安睡

slumber v.n.睡眠,安睡

slumberous adj.昏昏欲睡的

dormant adj.冬眠的,静止的

hibernate v.冬眠,蛰伏

hibernation n.冬眠

hypnosis n.催眠状态

hypnotic adj.催眠的

mesmerize v.对……催眠,迷住

narcotic n.催眠药 adj.催眠的

opiate n.安眠药,鸦片制剂

somnolent adj.思睡的,催眠的

soporific adj.催眠的,n.安眠药

insomnia n.失眠症

2.gre试题解析 篇二
































3.(2013年全国新课标Ⅱ卷)下面是我国的“国家节水标志”,请写出该标志的构图要素及其寓意。要求:语意简明,句子通顺,不超过7 0 个字。

























3.(2013年湖北卷)请根据丰子恺先生《巷口》这幅画,围绕“盼”描写一个场景。要求:想象合理,运用两种修辞手法,字数不超过8 5 个字。








3.gre试题解析 篇三






Its subject is 襩ife-as-spectacle? for readers, diverted by its various incidents, observe its hero Odysseus primarily from without.




The author suggests that the variety of incidents in the Odyssey is likely to deter the reader from ___________________________

(A)concentrating on the poem’s mythological features.

(B)concentrating on the psychological state of the poem’s central character.

(C)accepting the explanations that have been offered for the poem’s popularity.

(D)accepting the poem’s scheme of divine justice.

(E)accepting Maynard Mack’s theory that the poem’s subject is 襩ife-as-spectacle?


原文中的from without一语是一个明显的考点。由词性推断,此处的without应为名词,显然与我们所熟知的without作介词的用法不同。这是GRE考试中常见的“熟词僻意”的考法。《韦氏大学词典》(Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary)中这样定义without的名词含义:an outer space or area。故原文应理解为“……通过其外部行为来了解这部史诗的主人公——奥德修斯。”而试题则从反面发问,题干为“作者告诉我们,阅读《奥德赛》扑朔迷离的故事情节会使读者不去关注什么”,那么依据逆向思维,答案应为“外部行为的反面”,也就是选项(B)中的“内心状态”(psychological state)。


The February Revolution overthrew a regime, to be sure, but met with so little resistance that it failed to generate any real sense of historical drama.




It can be inferred from the passage that support for the objectives of the February Revolution was ________________.

(A)negligible (B)misguided








The spelling of many Old English words has been ___________ in the living language, although their pronunciations have changed.










Although ancient tools were _____________ preserved, enough have survived to allow us to demonstrate an occasionally interrupted but generally _______ progress through history.









本题与[例3]有着很大的相似性。题目以“虽然”开头,暗示着前后半句意念相反。后半句讲“保留了足够的古代工具”,那么前半句应表现“没有保留”,或至少是“几乎没有保留”;后半句中有一短语“occasionally interrupted but generally ___________”,其中的but也暗示了其前后意念的相反。But之前的意念是“间断”,所以不难联想,之后应是“连续”。于是正确答案为(D)选项。


Paradoxically, England’s colonization of North America was _________ by its success: the increasing prosperity of the colonies diminished their dependence upon, and hence their loyalty to, their home country.









4.GRE试题和试题 篇四

(A) dote : like

(B) lal: : stray

(C) vex : please

(D) earn : desire

(E) recast : explain

Directions: Each passage in this group is followed by questions based on its content.

After reading a passage, choose the best answer to each question. Answer all questions

following a passage on the basis of what is stated or implied in that passage.

lt has been known for many decades that the appear-

ance of sunspots is roughly periodic, with an average

cycle of eleven years. Moreover, the incidence of solar

flares and the flux of solar cosmic rays, ultraviolet radia-

tion, and x-radiation all vary directly with the sunspot (5)

cycle. But after more than a century of investigation. the

relation of these and other phenomena, known collec-

tively as the solar-activity cycle, to terrescrial weather

and climate remains unclear. For example. the sunspot

cycle and the allied rnagnetic-polarity cycle have been (10)

linked to periodicities discerned in records of such vari-

ables as rainhll. temperature, and winds. lnvariably,

however, the relation is weak. and commonly ofdubious

statistical significance.

Effects of solar variability over longer terms have also (15)

been sought. The absence of recorded sunspot activity in

the notes kept by European observers in the late seven-

teenth and early eighteenth centuries has led some schol-

ars to postulate a brief cessation of sunspot activity at

that time (a period called the Maunder minimum). The (20)

Maunder minimum has been linked to a span of unusual

cold in Europe extending from the sixteenth to the early

nineteenth centuries. The reality of the Maunder mini-

mum has yet to be established, however, especially since

the records that Chinese naked-eye observers of solar (25)

activity made at that time appear to contradict it. Scien-

tists have also sought evidence of long-term solar period-

icities by examining indirect climatological data, such as

fossil recoras of the thickness of ancient tree rings. These

studies, however, failed to link unequivocally terrestrial(30)

climate and the solar-activity cycle, or even to contirm

the cycle’s past existenue.

If consistPn! and re!iab!e geo!sgigal~-arek-xologieal

evidence tracing the solar-activity cycle in the distant

past could be found, it might also resolve an important(35)

issue in solar physics: how to model solar activity. Cur-

rently, chere are two models of solar activity. The tirst

supposes that the Sun’s internal motions (caused by

rotation and convection) interact with its large-scale

magnetic field to produce a dynamo. a device in which(40)

mechanical energy is converted into the energy of a mag-

netic field. ln short. the Sun’s large-scale magnetic field

is taken to be self-sustaining, so that the solar-activity

cycle it drives would be maintained with little overall

changc for perhaps billions of years. The alternative(45)

exp)anarion supposes that the Sun’s large-sca)e magnetic

field is a remnant of the field the Sun acquired when it

formed, and is not sustained against decay. In this

model. the solar mechanism dependent on the Sun’s

magnetiC field runs down more quickly. Thus, the char-(50)

acteristics of the solar-activity cycle uvuld be expected to

change over a long period of time. Modern solar obser-

vations span too short a time to reveal whether present

cyclical solar aCtivity is a long-lived feature of the Sun,

or merely a transient phenomenon.

17. The author focuses primarily on

(A) presenting two competing scientific theories concerning solar

activity and evaluating geological evidence often cited to support them

(B) giving a brief overview of some recent scientifrc developments

in s’olar physics and assessing their impact on future climatological research

(C) discussing the difficulties involved in linkinl: ter- restrial

phenomena with solar activity and indicating how resolving that issue

could have an impact on our understanding of solar physics

(D) pointing out the futility of a certain line of sci- entific inquiry

into the terrestrial effects of solar activity and recommendine ita

aban- donment in favor of purely physics-oriented research

(E) outlinine the specific reasons why a problem in solar physics has

not yet been solved and faulting the overly theoretical approach of modern


18. Which of th.e following statements about the two models of solar

activity. as they are described in lines 37-55, is accurate?

(A) In both modgls cyclical solar activity is regarded as a long-lived

feature of the Sun, persisting with little change over billions of years.

(B) Tn both models the solar-activity cycle is hypothesized as being

dependent on the large-scale solar magnetic field.

(C) Tn one model the Sun’s magnetic fieid is thought to play a role in

causing solar activ- ity, whereas in the other model it is not.

(D) In one model solar activity is presumed to be unrelated to terrestrial

phenomena. whereas in the other model solar activity is thought to have

observable effects on the Earth.

(E) In one model cycles of solar activity with peri- odicities longer than

a few decades are con- sidered to be impossible, whereas in the other model

such cycles are predicted.

19. According to the passage, late seventeenth- and early eighteenth-century

Chinese records are impor- tant for which of the following reasons?

(A) They suggest that the data on which the Maunder minimum was predicated

were incorrect.

(B) They syggest that the Maunder minimum can- not be related to climate.

(C) Thcy suggest that the Maunder minimum might be -’alid only for Europe.

(D) They establish the existence of a span of unusu- ally cold weather

worldwide at the time of the Maunder minimum.

(E) They establish that solar activity at the tirne of the Maunder minimum

did not significantly vary from its present pattern.

20. The author implies which of the followine about currently available

geological and archaeoloeical evidence concerning the solar-activity cycle?

(A) It best supports the model of solar activity described in lines 37-45.

(B) It best supports the model of solar activity described in lines 45-52.

(C) It is insufficient to confirtn either model of solar activity described

in the third paragraph.

(D) It contradicts both models of solar activity as they are presented in

the third paragraph.

(E) It disproves the theory that terrestrial weather and solar activitv are

linked in some way.

21. Tt can be inferred from the passage that the argu- ment in favor of the

model described in lines 37- 45 would be strengthened if which of the following

were found ta he tme?

(A) Episodes of intense volcanic eruptions in the distant past occurred in

cycles having very long periodicities.

(B) At the present time the global level of thunder- storm activity increases

and decreases in cycles with periodicities of approximately 11 years.

(C) In the distant past cyclical climatic changes had periodicities of longer

than 200 years.

(D) In the last century the length of the sunspot cycle has been known to

vary by as much as 2 years from its average periodicity of 11 years.

(E) Hundreds of millions of years ago, solar- activity cycles displayed the

same periodicities as do present-day solap-activity cycles.

22. lt can be inferred from the passage that Chinese observations of the Sun

during the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries

(A) are ambiguous because most sunspots cannot be seen with the naked eye

(B) probably were made under the same weather conditions as those made in Europe

(C) are more reliable than European observations . made during this period

(D) record some sunspot activity during this period

(E) have been employed by scientists seeking to argue that a change in solar

activity occurred during this period.

23. It can be inferred from the passage that studies attempting to use tree-ring

thickness to locate possi- ble links between solar periodicity and terrestrial

climate are based on which of the following assump- tions?

(A) The solar-activity cycle existed in its present form during the time period

in which the tree rings erew.

(B) The biological mechanisms causing tree growth are unaffected by short-term

weather pat- terns.

(C) Average tree-ring thickness varies from species to species.

(D) Tree-ring thicknesses reflecr changes in terres- trial climate.

(E) Both terrestrial climate and the solar-activity cycle randomly af~ct tree-ring


The common belief of some linguists that each

language is a perfect vehicle for the thoughts of the

nation speaking it is in some ways the exact counterpart

of the conviction of the Manchester school of economics

that supply and demand will regulate everything for the(5)

best. Just as economists were blind to the numerous

cases in which the law of supply and demand left actual

wants unsatisfied, so also many linguists are deaf to

those instances in which the very nature of a ianguage

calls forth misunderstandings in everyday conversation,(10)

and in which, consequently, a word has to be modified

or defined in order to present the idea intended by the

speaker: “He took his stick,no, not John’s, but his

own.” No language is perfec’t, and if we admit this truth,

we must also admit that it is not unreasonable to investi-(15)

gate the relative merits of different languages or of

5.新老GRE分数换算解析 篇五














1、新老成绩对照表(A new score concordance table)。ETS将给出一份成绩对照表,该表将包含老GRE成绩、新GRE成绩以及成绩百分位数的`对照,并会附上一些其他的与成绩相关的图表,便于招生机构做出招生决策。

2、新的GRE成绩对比工具(An updated GRE comparison tool)。ETS将提供一个GRE成绩对比工具,该工具将有助于比较老GRE成绩,新GRE成绩以及GMAT成绩。





6.GRE填空题目答案及解析 篇六

A. confused

B. perfunctory

C. independent

D. overt

E. exacting



role 角色,功能,职责

start out 出发,动身,启程

discretely 分离的,截然分开的

perfunctory 例行公事的,敷衍的,马虎的,不认真的

overt 公开的

7.中考数学跨学科试题归类解析 篇七

解决跨学科试题的解题策略是:首先要关注社会热点, 扩充知识面, 平时收集有关信息, 形成较强的综合素质和能力;其次要认真审题, 挖掘有用的信息, 为正确解题奠定基础;再次要讲究方法, 注重知识与技能的灵活运用, 要求同学们能将有关学科知识加以迁移、引申, 针对具体问题或现象灵活应用不同的学科知识和技能。


例1、 (2011年, 岳阳) 下列四句话中的文字有三句具有对称规律.其中没有这种规律的一句是 ()



解析:A、上海自来水来自海上, 可将“水”理解为对称轴, 对折后重合的字相同;

B、有志者事竞成, 五字均不相同, 所以不对称;C、清水池里池水清, 可将“里”理解为对称轴, 对折后重合的字相同;D、蜜蜂酿蜂蜜, 可将“酿”理解为对称轴, 对折后重合的字相同.故选B.

点评:此题以以语文中的“回文句” (顺着读、倒着读的语序都一模一样的句子) 为背景, 主要考查了生活中的轴对称现象, 题目新颖, 妙趣横生, 体验句子的对称美.理解句子的对称规律, 找到对称轴是解题的关键。


例2、 (2011年, 内江) “Welcome to Senior High School.” (欢迎进入高中) , 在这段句子的所有英文字母中, 字母o出现的频率是_______.

解析:由于这句话中共有25个字母, o出现了5次, 根据频率公式得到字母o出现的频率是

点评:本题以英语字母为背景, 主要考查如何计算事件的频率, 解题的关键是掌握频率的意义, 这是一道典型的考查基础能力的试题。


例3、 (2011年, 聊城) 被誉为东昌三宝之首的铁塔, 始建于北宋时期, 是我市现存的最古老的建筑, 铁塔由塔身和塔座两部分组成 (如图 (1) ) 。为了测得铁塔的高度, 小莹利用自制的测角仪, 在C点测得塔顶E的仰角为45°, 在D点测得塔顶E的仰角为60°, 已知测角仪AC的高为1.6米, CD的长为6米, CD所在的水平线CG⊥EF于点G (如图 (2) ) , 求铁塔EF的高 (结果精确到0.1米) 。

解析:设EG=x米, 在Rt△CEG中,


点评:本题以古老的铁塔为背景, 考查了同学们如何将实际问题转化为数学问题, 利用已知条件建立方程模型是解决问题的关键。


例4、 (2011, 安徽) 根据里氏震级的定义, 地震所释放出的相对能量E与震级n的关系为:E=10n, 那么9级地震所释放出的相对能量是7级地震所释放出的相对能量的倍数是________.

解析:根据E=10n, 当n=9时, E1=109;当n=7时, E2=107;

点评:本题以地震为背景, 主要考查已知自变量的值求函数值以及同底数幂的除法运算, 考查的比较全面, 难度适中, 实用范围广泛。


例5、 (2011年, 温州) 2011年5月20日是第22个中国学生营养日, 某校社会实践小组在这天开展活动, 调查快餐营养情况.他们从食品安全监督部门获取了一份快餐的信息 (如图) 。根据信息, 解答下列问题。

(1) 求这份快餐中所含脂肪质量;

(2) 若碳水化合物占快餐总质量的40%, 求这份快餐所含蛋白质的质量;

(3) 若这份快餐中蛋白质和碳水化合物所占百分比的和不高于85%, 求其中所含碳水化合物质量的最大值。

解: (1) 400×5%=20。


(2) 设所含矿物质的质量为x克, 由题意得:x+4x+20+400×40%=400, ∴x=44, ∴4x=176


(3) 解法一:设所含矿物质的质量为y克, 则所含碳水化合物的质量为 (380-5y) 克,

∴4y+ (380-5y) ≤400×85%, ∴y≥40,




则n≥ (1-85%-5%) ×400。

∴n≥40, ∴4n≥160,



解析:本题以调查快餐营养成分为背景, 通过给出的信息建立方程和不等式模型, 进而解决实际问题, 根据“总”、“不高于”等关键词建立方程、不等式模型是解决问题的关键。


例6、 (2011年, 泰州) “一根弹簧原长10cm, 在弹性限度内最多可挂质量为5kg的物体, 挂上物体后弹簧伸长的长度与所挂物体的质量成正比, 则弹簧的总长度y (cm) 与所挂物体质量x (kg) 之间的函数关系式是y=10+0.5x (0≤x≤5) .”

王刚同学在阅读上面材料时就发现部分内容被墨迹污染, 被污染部分是确定函数关系式的一个条件, 你认为该条件可以是:________ (只需写出一个) 。


点评:本题以弹簧长度与所挂物体的关系式为背景, 主要考查由已知自变量范围的值求出对应的函数值, 进而补充所需要的条件, 这是一个条件开放题, 答案不唯一。


例7、 (2011年, 连云港) 在日本核电站事故期间, 我国某监测点监测到极微量的人工放射性核素碘-131, 其浓度为0.000 0963贝克/立方米.数据“0.000 0963”用科学记数法可表示为。

解析:由科学记数法的定义a×10-n (1≤a≤10) 知, a=9.63, n=5, 所以数据“0.000 0963”用科学记数法可表示9.63×10-5为贝克/立方米

点评:本题以人工放射性核素碘-131的含量为背景, 主要考查了科学记数法的意义, 明确科学记数法的形式a×10n、a的取值范围及n的确定方法是解决此类问题的关键。


例8、 (2011年, 黄石) 为响应“红歌唱响中国”活动, 某乡镇举行了一场“红歌”歌咏比赛, 组委会规定:任何一名参赛选手的成绩x满足:60≤x<100, 赛后整理所有参赛选手的成绩如表 (一)

根据表 (一) 提供的信息得到n=________。



点评:本题以“红歌”歌咏比赛为背景, 主要考查利用题目中的信息求事件的频率, 掌握频率的意义是解决问题的关键。


例9、 (2011年, 山东烟台) 在全民健身环城越野赛中, 甲乙两选手的行程y (千米) 随时间 (时) 变化的图象 (全程) 如图所示.有下列说法: (1) 起跑后1小时内, 甲在乙的前面; (2) 第1小时两人都跑了10千米; (3) 甲比乙先到达终点; (4) 两人都跑了20千米。其中正确的说法有 ()


解析:利用图像可判断 (1) (2) (4) 正确, (3) 错误, 故选C.

点评:此题赋常规题以新背景, 体现了数学与现实生活的紧密联系性。试题考查函数图像的识别, 解题关键是能够将实际问题情境与函数图像相互转换, 能够从图像的横、纵两个方向分别获取信息, 判断相应的实际意义。

8.GRE填空高难题型实例解析 篇八


例1:There has been much hand-writing about how unprepared American students are for college. Graff reverses this perspective, suggesting that colleges are unprepared for students. In his analysis, the university culture is largely (i)______ entering students because academic culture fails to make connections to the kinds of arguments and cultural references that students grasp. Understandably, many students view academic life as (ii)______ ritual.

Blank (i)

primed for

opaque to

essential for

Blank (ii)

an arcane

a laudable


此题两个空格是孤立的,可以分别通过与各自相关的逻辑关系来进行推断。空格(i)可以通过第一、二句话的描述来进行推断,同时也可以用 “because academic culture fails to make connections to the kinds of arguments and cultural references that students grasp”进行推断,表示的是对学生来说“unprepared”的意思,即负面的评价,所以答案为“opaque to”。同理,空格(ii)也要表明学生对学术生活“不理解”的态度,因此答案为“an arcane(known or knowable only to the initiate)”。

例2:Most artists maintain an attitude of (i)______ toward their own work. They know, better than any critic would know, how their art (ii)______ their ambitions. The artist would demand of his admirer, Do you really think this is the best I am capable of? Henri Cartier-Bresson’s dismissal of his life’s work in photography, however, is (iii)______: it seems almost contempt, or even hatred, not just for his achievement but for the medium itself.

Blank (i)

extraordinary hubris

irremediable disdain;

healthy disrespect

Blank (ii)

falls far short of

eventually transcends

subtly realizes

Blank (iii)

entirely comprehension

at another level altogether

at odds with his achievement

此题为包含三个空格,但是和例3不同的是它的空格不再是孤立的,而是存在相互的逻辑关系。首先从空格(ii)后的句子可以看出,艺术家对自己的能力是不确定的,是怀疑的,所以空格(ii)应该体现出对“ambitions”的不确信和怀疑,即负面动作。因此,空格(ii)答案为“falls far short of”。此时,空格(i)应该和空格(ii)体现同样的含义,即“对自己的能力缺乏信心”,因此“healthy disrespect”为正确答案。空格(iii)则是相对孤立的,由它前面的“however”可以看出,空格(iii)要体现和前面两个空格相对的含义,所以“at another level altogether”为正确答案。





1.For many years, Americans have had a love affair with ferryboats. Feries are said to relieve our frayed nerves after we’ve stewed in bumper-to-bumper traffic, and conventional wisdom also says ferries (i)_____ congestion and air pollution by getting us out of cars. Unfortunately, this (ii)_____ notion recently has (iii)______ several West Coast mayors, who have in consequence eagerly pursued the implementation of ferry service in their cities.

A. contribute to

D. provocative

G. captivated

B. reduce

E. misguided

H. confused

C. cover up

F. cynical

I. outraged


2.Given children’s active fantasy lives, one might think of truthfulness as (i)_____ virtue in young children, but it turns out that lying is the more(ii)_____ skill. A child who is going to lie must recognize the truth, intellectually conceive of an alternate reality, and be able to convincingly sell that new reality to someone else. Therefore, lying(iii)_____ cognitive development and social skills in a way that honesty simply does not..

A. an instinctive

D. advanced

G. undermines

B. an acquired

E. practical

H. forgoes

C. a conscious

F. mundane

I. demands



1. that Seiberg and Witten lack celebrity can be explained by the _____nature of their pursuit: the mathematical exploration of four-dimensional space.

A. pedestrian

B. esoteric

C. compelling

D. global

E. unequivocal


2. Politicians who invoke the founders of the United States in support of their views seem to imply that the founders consistently concurred in their own views when in reality they were a highly _____ group of thinkers.

A. erudite

B. innovative

C. predictable

D. contentious

E. methodical


3. Investors are grateful that the attorney general has stepped in to pursue inquiries into misfeasance in the financial markets, given that the regulators officially charged with policing the industry have been _____.

A. diffident

B. meticulous

C. straightforward

D. implacable

E. tenacious

答案: A


1. Coagulation factors are useful proteins whose simple names---many are known only by Roman numerals--_____ their importance and the specificity of their roles in the thinning and clotting of blood

A. nullify

B. obviate

C. mitigate

D. belie

E. mask

F. accentuate

答案: DE

2. Progressive and reactionary populist movements are not necessarily_____: each may, and usually does, possess the features of the other.

A. dichotomous

B. untenable

C. unsustainable

D. contradictory

E. subversive

F. efficacious

答案: AD

3. Even the cleverest use of time management techniques is powerless to _____ sum of minutes in a person’s life, so people squeeze as much as they could into each one of them.

A. justify

B. quantify

C. augment

D. enrich

E. measure

F. extend


1. Investors are grateful that the attorney general has stepped in to 瀀甀爀猀甀攀 inquiries into the misfeasance in the financial markets, given that the 爀攀最甀氀愀琀漀爀猀 officially charged with policing the industry have been ______.

A. tenacious

B. diffident

C. meticulous

D. implacable

E. straightforward

2. Despite the abundance and importance of maize, its biological origin has been a long-running mystery. The bright yellow, mouth-watering treat does not grow in the wild anywhere on the planet,

so its (i)______ is not at all (ii)______.

Blank (i) Blank (ii)

A. utility D. helpful

B. popularity E. important

C. ancestry F. obvious

3.Biologists have little (i)______ drawing the link between the success of humanity and human(ii)______. Indeed, many biologists claim that this attribute, the ability to (iii)_____, or, to put it more sharply, to make individuals subordinate their self-interest to the needs of the group, lies at the root of human achievement.

Blank (i) Blank (ii) Blank (iii)

A. consensus regarding D. resilience G. reflect

B. compunction about E. sociability H. communicate

C. justification for F. uniqueness I. cooperate

4. Aerial viewings of the gigantic stone horse attributed to the Native American Quechuan people fail to _____ the considerable artistry required to create the piece: the horse appears crudely constructed unless carefully examined from the ground.

A. reveal

B. justify

C. manifest

D. mitigate

E. diminish

F. undercut

5. Even though the original settlement may not hold up, it at least proves that the deadlock can be broken and that a hitherto _____ party is ready to bargain.

A. implacable

B. unyielding

C. impeccable

D. flawless

E. unqualified

F. capricious

6. His premiership, seemingly cast-iron a year ago, is now so vulnerable that even a good day at the office does no more than buy him a few weeks of ______ from rebels within his own party.

A. controversy

B. reproach

C. respite

D. relief

E. blame

F. deference

7. The laboratory maze has ever grown ever less ______ since it was invented; instead of hoping to lose a rodent in a labyrinth,today’s scientists design mazes to elicit a few simple, easily measurable behaviors.

A. intricate

B. convoluted

C. extensive

D. prevalent

E. effective

F. useful


1. B

投资者非常感激律师介入调查金融市场中的不法行为,考虑到本应该负责进行监管调控的监管者没有起到作用。(diffident:reserved in manner)

2. CF


3. BEI


4. AB


5. AB

尽管最初的决策没有维持下去hold up:maintain in a state ,但是至少证明了僵局可以被打破,迄今为止毫不妥协的政党开始讨价还价。

6. CD


7. AB


1. For many years, Americans have had a love affair with ferryboats. Ferries are said to relieve our frayed nerves after we’ve stewed in bumper-to-bumper traffic, and conventional wisdom also says ferries (i)_____ congestion and air pollution by getting us out of cars. Unfortunately, this (ii)_____ notion recently has (iii)_____ several West Coast mayors, who have in consequence eagerly pursued the implementation of ferry service in their cities. (高频题)

A. contribute to

D. provocative

G. captivated

B. reduce

E. misguided

H. confused

C. cover up

F. cynical

I. outraged

2. Politicians who invoke the founders of the United States in support of their views seem to imply that the founders consistently concurred in their own views when in reality they were a highly _____ group of thinkers.(高频题)

A. erudite

B. innovative

C. predictable

D. contentious

E. methodical

3. Investors are grateful that the attorney general has stepped in to pursue inquiries into misfeasance in the financial markets, given that the regulators officially charged with policing the industry have been _____.(高频题)

A. diffident

B. meticulous

C. straightforward

D. implacable

E. tenacious

4. The modest but functional new wing finally gives the museum the _____ to serve its visitors properly, including multiple entrances to eliminate the lines that used to snake around the building.(高频题)

A. visibility

B. wherewithal

C. reputation

D. solemnity

E. panache

5. The researcher noted that microbes, although _____, make up far more of the living protoplasm on Earth than all humans, animals and plants combined.

A. invisible

B. omnipresent

C. diminutive

D. ubiquitous

E. minuscule

F. ethereal

6. Aerial viewings of the gigantic stone horse attributed to the Native American Quechuan people fail to _____ the considerable artistry required to create the piece: the horse appears crudely constructed unless carefully examined from the ground.

A. reveal

B. justify

C. manifest

D. mitigate

E. diminish

F. undercut

7. Harper Lee’s narration in To Kill a Mockingbird is _____, mixing an adult’s and a child’s perspective according to no logic other than the immediate exigencies of the plot.

A. a paradigm

B. a hodgepodge

C. a model

D. an innovation

E. a patchwork

F. an embarrassment

8. Changes made to ecosystem in order to achieve a goal, such as food production or flood control, often _____ significant unforeseen trade-offs between other important products and service the ecosystems provide.

A. predict

B. delay

C. foretell

D. obscure

E. yield

F. engender

9. The (i)_____ of molecular oxygen on Earth-sized planets around other stars in the universe would not be (ii)_____ sign of life: molecular oxygen can be a signature of photosynthesis (a biotic process) or merely of the rapid escape of water from the upper reaches of a planetary atmosphere (an abiotic process).

A. dearth

D. a controversial

B. presumption

E. an unambiguous

C. detection

F. a possible

10. Given children’s active fantasy lives, one might think of truthfulness as (i)_____ virtue in young children, but it turns out that lying is the more (ii)_____ skill. A child who is going to lie must recognize the truth, intellectually conceive of an alternate reality, and be able to convincingly sell that new reality to someone else. Therefore, lying (iii)_____ cognitive development and social skills in a way that honesty simply does not.(这个题高频到可怕,已经不想看到你了)

A. an instinctive

D. advanced

G. undermines

B. an acquired

E. practical

H. forgoes

C. a conscious

F. mundane

I. demands

11. Despite the abundance and importance of maize, its biological origin has been a long-running mystery. The bright yellow, mouth-watering treat does not grow in the wild anywhere on the planet, so its (i)_____ is not at all (ii)_____.

A. utility

D. helpful

B. popularity

E. important

C. ancestry

F. obvious

12. Even though the original settlement may not hold up, it at least proves that the deadlock can be broken and that a hitherto _____ party is ready to bargain.

A. implacable

B. unyielding

C. impeccable

D. flawless

E. unqualified
