1.南宁介绍英文 篇一
2.南宁介绍英文 篇二
从获得第45届世界体操锦标赛举办权直到今天, 南宁始终都处在一个紧张有序的筹备状态中。今日, 大赛在即, 南宁也交出了一份令各方满意的答卷——这既是给世界体操锦标赛的答卷, 也是南宁检阅自身城市建设与发展水平的一个机会。答卷得到了各方承认, 其实也意味着南宁已经进入一个新的高度。
10月3日至12日, 世界各地的体操健儿将共聚“中国绿城”南宁, 这里将上演一场体操竞技盛会。这是时隔15年后, 世界体操锦标赛第二次来到中国, 也是首次在广西, 在我国边疆少数民族地区举办的重要国际性体育赛事。大赛将至, 满城欢腾, 赛事的筹备也趋近完满。9月11日, 在北京举行的第45届世界体操锦标赛新闻发布会上, 自治区党委常委、市委书记、第45届世界体操锦标赛组委会主任余远辉的话掷地有声:迎接国际赛事盛会, 南宁准备好了!
对于世界体操锦标赛的筹备, 南宁已经交出了一份让各方满意的答卷。从城市建设到惠民工程, 从场馆准备到服务完善, 从赛事配套到形象宣传, 各方面的工作都已经做得妥妥当当。
世界体操锦标赛的筹备也包含城市基础建设, 良好的城市环境是办好比赛的关键因素。同时, 世界体操锦标赛是国际体育重要大赛, 它必然备受全球的关注与瞩目, 作为举办地的南宁, 更不应该错过这个向世界展现自己的机会。南宁要以积极的姿态去迎接世界体操锦标赛和全球观众的检阅。
在城市配套建设方面, 南宁采取的是“以赛促城”的策略。为了让市民更多更好地享受到盛会带来的成果, 南宁秉承“办赛事、建城市、惠民生”的理念, 紧紧抓住世界体操锦标赛举办这一契机, 再次掀起了南宁城市建设的新高潮。
为迎接世界体操锦标赛, 2014年, 南宁在城市建设方面就实施了395项城市基础设施项目。除赛事比赛场馆、配套设施建设外, 还涵盖市政基础设施建设、道路交通设施建设、城市绿化美化彩化提升等, 涉及城市建设的方方面面。为了推进项目建设“加速跑”, 今年以来, 市委、市政府抓动员抓部署抓落实, 确保服务世界体操锦标赛各项工作踏石留印、抓铁有痕。市直有关部门, 各城区、开发区主动作为、履职尽责, 强化协调服务, 为项目建设保驾护航。从业主单位、监理单位到施工单位, 由上至下形成严丝合缝的项目建设管理体系, 全力推进项目建设。围绕第45届世界体操锦标赛, 通过或新建、或改造、或提升的策略方法, 南宁的城市基础设施建设得以全面升级。
_整修前后的凤岭北枫林路。世界体操锦标赛的到来, 让南宁把城市的配套建设当作利惠民生的工程。
2014年9月1日, 五象大桥建成通车。五象大桥连接着被不少市民誉为南宁最佳居住地之一的柳沙半岛与五象新区, 其总投资约8.15亿元。在南岸, 它起于玉象路 (规划8号路) 与五象大道交叉口, 跨堤园路;在北岸, 它上跨滨江路, 止于英华路, 总长1320米。过去, 连接五象新区与市区只有南宁大桥这一座跨江大桥, 时常出现整座桥上都挤满车的场景, 而五象大桥将分流一部分车流, 为南宁大桥“减负”。曾经有市民提出疑问, 五象大桥的北岸离南宁大桥较近, 这么近的距离同时建设两座跨江大桥是否有必要?对此, 专家和南宁市各有关部门指出, 五象大桥的远期规划, 向北延伸还将与江北大道连接, 形成南北方向的一级主干路, 是连接五象新区、柳沙片区及中心城区的重要交通通道。
截至9月20日, 服务世界体操锦标赛城市基础设施的395个项目已全部开工且进展顺利, 已完工的有215个。世界体操锦标赛的到来, 也带来南宁城市建设的一个高潮, 南宁正在变得更加美丽、更加宜人。而这一轮因赛事筹备而发出的城建热潮, 也必定给南宁市民带来越来越多的福利、便利。
惠民篇:办赛事, 惠民生
在世界体操锦标赛期间, 南宁城市建设将服务世界体操锦标赛的项目、与市民日常生活休戚相关的项目和关系全市经济社会建设大局的项目作为重点工程。服务世界体操锦标赛出发点是办赛事, 落脚点是惠民生。随着城市建设的提速, 一批影响市民生活的老大难问题得到解决。
在近几年才开发的凤岭北, 有一条曾经让当地居民很烦恼的“断头路”, 即枫林路。在当地近4万居民的眼皮下, 这条路修了七八年, 修了又改, 改了又修, 就是没修好。在近8年的时间里, 居民要绕走3公里的路程才能到达位于民族大道上的公交车站。2014年2月14日, 南宁市市长周红波在检查火车东站片区基础设施建设情况时, 看到了这一情况, 要求把枫林路作为进站 (火车东站) 的主干道之一, 确保5月底前取得突破性进展。通过与相关城区、部门、业主单位的沟通协调和施工单位的加紧施工, 9月, 枫林路终于开通, 告别了尴尬的“断头路”史。
仙葫大道是连通仙葫区和主城区的主干道, 甚至多年来是唯一的通道。但是因为由来已久的路面破损问题, 被附近居民戏称为“搓板路”和“路脆脆”。尽管经过数次修补, 但仅限于“补丁上打补丁”, 一直未能解决实质性的问题。仙葫市民眼见着主市区很多路都进行了整修, 也希望市里能尽早整修仙葫大道。9月1日, 坑洼难行的仙葫大道终于旧貌换新颜。家住仙葫区的市民可以从这条修葺一新的道路一路畅通地开车去主市区上班, 以往的一路颠簸今天已被平坦舒适的翻新路面替代。
目前, 包括仙葫大道维修、机场高速路“白改黑”、快环绿化提升、凤江路扩建等道路改造提升工程以及打通“断头路”枫林路、建设五象大道体育中心站人行天桥等为民办实事项目都已宣告完成。五象—玉象立交桥等7座新桥也已建成通车, 而完成“白改黑”之后的机场高速路也从限速100公里/时提升至120公里/时。
其实在城市建设中, 重点项目建设一直是很多人眼中难啃的“硬骨头”。但是办法总比困难多, 借着筹备世界体操锦标赛的东风, 南宁以以往鲜见的气势和决心, 强力攻克、解决难题, 用超常力度、超常举措完成了诸多重点项目的建设, 也给市民带来诸多福利。
场馆篇:“即便明天就进行比赛, 问题也不大”
在广西体育中心围绕着体育场兴建的场馆群里, 有一座椭圆形、远观如一片张开的嫩叶的场馆建筑, 它就是专门为世界体操锦标赛建设的比赛场地——广西体育中心体育馆。在南宁获得世界体操锦标赛举办权, 并承诺要举办一次成功的世界体操锦标赛时, 比赛主场馆广西体育中心的体育馆还正在紧张建设中, 广西体育中心配套工程综合训练馆、体育宾馆、新闻中心所在依然是一片荒地。
今日建成的体育馆, 处于体育中心西南面, 总建筑面积35817.9平方米, 建筑层数最高4层, 总高度40.8米, 由主比赛场地和配套的训练馆组成, 按照能够承办全国性运动会、区域性国际运动会和部分国际、国内重大单项体育赛事的标准进行设计, 兼顾赛时和赛后的功能。同时, 为了凸显“中国绿城”的风采, 在体育馆场外的空地进行了绿化、美化、彩化的提升。从今年5月到9月, 南宁市快马加鞭, 不断完善世界体操锦标赛筹备工作。按照体操比赛要求和标准, 完成了兴奋剂检查站等20多项场馆、场地的改造与完善, 比赛场馆和综合训练馆已基本具备世界体操比赛、训练、转播等专项需求条件。
体育馆内观感觉非常凉爽, 馆内观众席均为橘红色的座椅, 其中还有部分无障碍座席和看护席, 设计非常人性化。此外, 作为世界体操锦标赛的热身场馆——综合训练馆也一切准备就绪, 并已经投入使用。2014年8月11日, 国际体操联合会副秘书长尼古拉斯·布尔潘尼来南宁考察, 看了世界体操锦标赛场馆后满意地说:“即便是明天进行比赛, 以这样的设施情况来说, 问题也不大。”
2014年春节前夕, 自治区党委常委会召开扩大会议, 自治区党委书记彭清华向全区广大干部群众发出号召:以更大决心, 下更大力气, 举全区之力办好世界体操锦标赛。会议还决定, 成立由自治区主席陈武担任组长的第45届世界体操锦标赛自治区领导小组。至此, “广西迎世锦”的号角吹响。2月, 第45届世界体操锦标赛自治区领导小组召开第一次会议。陈武在会上提出, 要以承办此次赛事为契机, 推进我区的建设、开放和发展, 提升南宁市城市建设和管理水平, 做到“让来过南宁的人耳目一新, 让没来过南宁的人大吃一惊”。
南宁服务世界体操锦标赛的步伐也骤然加速。在3月18日南宁市召开的迎接第45届世界体操锦标赛动员大会上, 南宁市委书记余远辉要求全市上下要进入“临战的状态”, 以饱满的热情、昂扬的斗志, 奋战200天, 奋力做好世界体操锦标赛筹备冲刺阶段各项工作, 掀起迎接世界体操锦标赛的新高潮, 确保成功举办一届高规格、高水平的世界体操锦标赛, 并以此为契机努力实现南宁市经济社会大发展、城市面貌大改观、市民素质大提升, 充分展示南宁作为中国面向东盟的桥头堡城市的良好形象。
政府的号召也激起了邕城青少年服务世界体操锦标赛的热情, 共青团原计划招募1050名志愿者参与世界体操锦标赛场馆核心区域服务, 短短一个多月, 仅收到的邕城各高校报名人数就超过26000人。8月1日起, 南宁市40个世界体操锦标赛志愿服务站正式运营, 志愿者已全部上岗, 开展世界体操锦标赛知识宣传、文明礼仪宣传、应急医疗、免费饮水、信息咨询、导游导购、交通指路、手机应急充电等志愿服务工作。志愿者纷纷表示, 服务工作虽繁杂琐碎, 但在服务来自各地的运动员时, 他们都将以饱满的热情、亲和的态度去面对, 用微笑服务八方宾客。
特别值得一提的是, 南宁市一直以来着力实施的“美丽南宁·整洁畅通有序大行动”, 在此次世界体操锦标赛筹备工作中也扮演了非常重要的角色。南宁加大了对占道经营、城中村环境、农贸市场和各种交通乱象的整治力度。城市环境改善的同时, 越来越多的南宁人以自己的实际行动加入服务世界体操锦标赛的行列中。讲秩序, 不插队;重礼仪, 讲公德;不粗言秽语, 不乱丢乱吐……如今, 生活在邕城的人们, 正用最朴实的行动践行着社会主义核心价值观, 诠释着“文明”的真正内涵, 用自己最精彩的一言一行为南宁圆梦添彩。
医疗服务是世界体操锦标赛顺利进行的一个重要保证。世界体操锦标赛期间, 南宁将指派61名医护人员、12台救护车组成20个医疗小组, 承担广西体育中心赛场现场的医疗保障工作任务。在赛场外围, 也已确定广西医科大学第一附属医院、南宁市第二人民医院、广西体育创伤专科医院3家医疗机构为世界体操锦标赛定点救治医疗机构。为做好酒店赛事接待服务工作, 旅游部门在接待酒店举办了服务技能提升专题培训, 组织14家世界体操锦标赛指定接待宾馆前厅、餐厅、客房等200多名服务人员开展了岗位接待技能实操培训。由南宁市公安局主导的安保工作则从“细、实、严、难”入手, 以练兵和实战相结合的方式, 先后进行了两次全局安保实战演练, 200多次模拟警情演练。出租车司机被组织起来学习英文单词, 商场服务员对着镜子练起了“完美微笑”, 人行道上出现了“老妈妈巡逻队”……数百万南宁市民正以百分百的热情期待着世界体操锦标赛和四方宾客的到来。
世界体操锦标赛是世界给南宁的一个机会, 而南宁则以全民的真诚与热情, 还给世界一个精彩。
2014年4月18日, 南宁举行新闻发布会, 向全球公布了第45届世界体操锦标赛会徽和吉祥物。
早在2012年8月28日, 组委会即面向社会公开征集赛事会徽、吉祥物。随后从2012年9月1日至11月2日, 组委会共收到来自全国的参赛作品137件。2012年11月15日, 来自各领域的9名评委从137件参评作品中初选出会徽、吉祥物入围作品各10件。最终, 中共南宁市委市政府领导及组委会选定了会徽第36号作品和吉祥物第14号作品。
入选会徽的36号作品, 其作者庞敏聪是广西玉林人, 毕业于广西艺术学院, 现为北京雅森品牌设计机构设计总监。在广西土生土长的庞敏聪, 为会徽设定了“跨越腾飞”的设计主题, 他以南宁二字的拼音首字母“N”为主体创意形象, 寓意南宁“宁静致远, 开放发展”的向上精神。标志又以一个腾空而起的形态指称体操运动, 既表现了南宁特色, 又展示了现代体操运动敢于拼搏、勇于创新的价值取向和文化形象。
入选吉祥物的第14号作品, 作者是河南洛阳的郭文俊, 是洛阳巨尔乳业首席设计师, 在标识、吉祥物、包装等设计创作上颇富经验与创见。他入选的作品是一对以广西白头叶猴为原型、做着体操动作的男女孩童, 分别取名叫“南南”、“宁宁”, 直称主办地“南宁”。设计还融入了壮锦、祥云、朱槿花等元素, 整体色彩呈中国红、黄两种喜庆色彩, 充分表达了南宁市民对运动健儿的良好祝愿和对四海宾朋的热诚欢迎。
从获得第45届世界体操锦标赛举办权一直到今天, 南宁始终都处在一个紧张有序的筹备状态中。今日, 大赛在即, 南宁也交出了一份令各方满意的答卷——这既是给世界体操锦标赛的答卷, 也是南宁检阅自身的城市建设与发展水平的一个机会。答卷得到了各方承认, 其实也意味着南宁已经走进了一个新的高度。
3.英文自我介绍:向客户介绍自己 篇三
dear ms. chen,
as advertising and marketing companies are increasingly being called upon to
provide information about web usage to their customers, it is daily more profitable
to find experienced internet marketers to manage a companys marketing
through my marketing/research experiences and my masters thesis, which
particularly focused on the growing importance of safety and virus protection in streaming advertisements, i am certain i could give you valuable assistance in satisfying your customers needs with regards to internet marketing.
i will be completing my masters degree in june and would appreciate a moment
of your valuable time so that i can show you how i can help your company meet
its goals.
i am sure my services would be useful to you, and i will call you in early june to
discuss the interview. please feel free to email any questions to me at wdjlw@www.wdjlw.cn
thank you for your time and consideration.
4.英文求职自我介绍 篇四
from a middle class family, i was born in hsin ying, tainan on october 10th, 1965.my father is a civil official at tainan city government.my mother is a house wife good at cooking.although i am the only child of my parents, i am by no mans a spoiled one.on the contrary, i have been expected to be a successful man with advanced education.i study hard at school.besides texts knowledge,journalism is my favorite;whenever reading, my heart is filled with great joy and interesting.“being good is must;successful, however, is plus.” father adopts the idea of his father.especially in military service, i
realized it more precisely.people said: military service makes a boy to man, i agree that.i realized the importance of english and began to study
5.英文个人介绍专题 篇五
my personality alacrity is bright, the love makes friend
i like to read some philosophy books usually,我平常喜欢阅读一些哲理性的书籍,i love to discuss a problem with friends together,我爱和朋友们一起讨论问题,know me to feel very happy with everyone,认识大家我感到很高兴,hope in the day of aftertime to get along with everyone delectation.希望在今后的日子里与大家相处愉快。
6.简历英文自我介绍 篇六
I come from ******, the capital of *******Province.I graduated from the ******* department of *****University in July, 2001.In the past two years I have been preparing for the postgraduate examination while I have been teaching *****in NO.****middle School and I was a head-teacher of a class in junior grade two.Now all my hard work has got a result since I have a chance to be interview by you.I am open-minded, quick in thought and very fond of history.In my spare time, I have broad interests like many other younger’s.I like reading books, especially those about *******.Frequently I exchange with other people by making comments in the forum on line.In addition, during my college years, I was once a Net-bar technician.So, I have a comparative good command of network application.I am able to operate the computer well.I am skillful in searching for information in Internet.I am a football fan for years.Italian team is my favorite.Anyway, I feel great pity for our country’s team.I always believe that one will easily lag behind unless he keeps on learning.Of course, if I am given a chance to study ****** in this famous University, I will stare no effort to master a good command of advance ******.I graduated from shanxi Normal University in July, 2009.In the last year, I have been preparing for the postgraduate examination while I have been teaching Chinese in teli middle School and I was a head-teacher of a class
in senior grade one.Now all my hard work has got a result since I have a chance to be interview by you.I am highly-motivated and reliable person with excellent health and pleasant personality.I have ability to work well with others.
7.教师英文自我介绍 篇七
General Introduction
I am a third year master major in automation at Shanghai Jiao Tong University, p.R.China.With tremendous interest in Industrial Engineering, I am writing to apply for acceptance into your ph.D.graduate program.Education background
In 1995, I entered the Nanjing University of Science & Technology(NUST)--widely considered one of the China’s best engineering schools.During the following undergraduate study, my academic records kept distinguished among the whole department.I was granted First Class prize every semester, and my overall GpA(89.5/100)ranked No.1 among 113 students.In 1999, I got the privilege to enter the graduate program waived of the admission test.I selected the Shanghai Jiao Tong University to continue my study for its best reputation on Combinatorial Optimization and Network Scheduling where my research interest lies.At the period of my graduate study, my overall GpA(3.77/4.0)ranked top 5% in the department.In the second semester, I BECame teacher assistant that is given to talented and matured students only.This year, I won the Acer Scholarship as the one and only candidate in my department, which is the ultimate accolade for distinguished students endowed by my university.presently, I am preparing my graduation thesis and trying for the honor of Excellent Graduation Thesis.Research experience and academic activity
When a sophomore, I joined the Association of AI Enthusiast and began to narrow down my interest for my future research.In 1997, I participated in simulation tool development for the scheduling system in prof.Wang’s lab.With the tool of OpenGL and Matlab, I designed a simulation program for transportation scheduling system.It is now widely used by different research groups in NUST.In 1998, I assumed and fulfilled a sewage analysis & dispose project for Nanjing sewage treatment plant.This was my first practice to convert a laboratory idea to a commercial product.In 1999, I joined the distinguished professor Yu-Geng Xis research group aiming at Network flow problem solving and Heuristic algorithm research.Soon I was engaged in the FuDan Gene Database Design.My duty was to pick up the useful information among different kinds of gene matching format.Through the comparison and analysis for many heuristic algorithms, I introduced an improved evolutionary algorithm--Multi-population Genetic Algorithm.By dividing a whole population into several sub-populations, this improved algorithm can effectively prevent GA from local convergence and promote various evolutionary orientations.It proved more efficiently than SGA in experiments, too.In the second semester, I joined the workshop-scheduling research in Shanghai Heavy Duty Tyre plant.The scheduling was designed for the rubber-making process that covered not only discrete but also continuous circumstances.To make a balance point between optimization quality and time cost, I proposed a Dynamic Layered Scheduling method based on hybrid petri Nets.The practical application showed that the average makespan was shortened by a large scale.I also publicized two papers in core journals with this idea.Recently, I am doing research in the Composite predict of the Electrical power system assisted with the technology of Data Mining for Bao Steel.I try to combine the Decision Tree with Receding Optimization to provide a new solution for the Composite predictive problem.This project is now under construction.Besides, In July 2000, I got the opportunity to give a lecture in English in Asia Control Conference(ASCC)which is one of the top-level conferences among the world in the area of control and automation.In my senior year, I met prof.Xiao-Song Lin, a visiting professor of mathematics from University of California-Riverside, I learned graph theory from him for my network research.These experiences all rapidly expanded my knowledge of English and the understanding of western culture.I hope to study in depth
8.英文自我介绍 篇八
I was born in a small village of Shan Dong Province on April 4th,1968.When I was young,my family was very poor,so I had to work to earn money to help my parents after class when I was in the middle school.In 1986 I was admitted by University of International Business and Economics(or:UIBE)to pursue a bachelor degree in Economics.My major is accounting in Department of International Business Management.The undergraduate education gave me a wide range of vision and taught me how to cooperate with others.I developed several professional interests in Accounting,Finance,and International Trade.The following eight-year working experience offered me a good chance to give full play to my creativity,intelligence and diligence.In 1990-1993,I worked as an assistant to funding manager in China National Technical Import and Export Corporation.In 1993-present,I was employed by China Kingdom Import and Export Corporation to be the Manger of Financial and Accounting Division.I do believe that with my hard early life,solid educational background and ample working experience,I would be an excellent student of you MBA program.MY PERSONAL ACCOMPLISHMENT:
After graduating from UIBE,I was employed as the assistant to the funding manager by China National Technical Import and Export Corporation.After reading a lot of related files,and analyzing the overall funding situation of the corporation,I found that the loan policy was not been put into effect.So we have thousands of millions RMB loan with very high interest rate while a large amount of cash in bank with very low interest rate was idle.I reported this to my supervisor,and then we studied and revised the loan policy.This revision saved the corporation approximately RMB thirty millions yuan.In order to raise the funding effectiveness,after one years hard work,I developed the internal banking system within the corporation based on the actual funding supply and need of the different divisions and projects.This internal banking system made full use of the corporation funding resources,and due to this,I was highly praised by the president of the corporation.WHY CHOOSE YOUR MBA PROGRAM?
9.酒店介绍英文作文 篇九
The hotel named “Home Hotel”, it means stay in the hotel make you as comfortable as in your own home.The hotel located in CuiHua Road, YanTa District, Xi’An.It’s about 1 kilometer far from our campus.The transportation is very convenient for many public buses could reach there at any day time.You needn’t worry to find it, for the hotel is surrounded by a post office in the south and a private clinic in the east.(81)
The hotel is of Five-Star, the capacity of the hotel is large enough to hold 1000 people at the same time.There are facilities such as swimming pools and inside gyms for you to exercising.Meanwhile, there are some recreational facilities like coffee bars and reading room in the top floor of the hotel for you to relax.(58)
10.英文个人自我介绍 篇十
Hello, everyone, I call XX.大家好,我叫XX。
My personality alacrity is bright, the love makes friend 我的性格活泼开朗,爱交朋友
I like to read some philosophy books usually, 我平常喜欢阅读一些哲理性的书籍,I love to discuss a problem with friends together, 我爱和朋友们一起讨论问题,Know me to feel very happy with everyone, 认识大家我感到很高兴,Hope in the day of aftertime to get along with everyone delectation.希望在今后的日子里与大家相处愉快。
11.博士英文自我介绍 篇十一
Good morning, Dear Professors:
It’s my honor to introduce myself.My name is chenchen, I am from qingyang County anhui Province, April 6 I was born in a common family, and my parents are workers, I love and respect them very much.We were delight with my becoming a fresh man in September 1994.Luckily, I was permitted to be a graduate student after 5 years colorful life on campus.I received my Bachelor degree 2005 in anhui agriculture university Institute of(College of)Resources and Environmental Science, then a Master degree 2009 in anhui agriclture University of Science and Technology.For those 7 years my major was Die Design.Before I received my Master degree, I had done the subject of meteorology.For the past 3 years, I have been in anhui agriculture College, where I have been and still am a teacher.I teach students Machine Design etc.I have published more than 10 first-author papers.That’s all, thanks!
Good afternoon, my dear teachers.I am great honored to be here for this interview.Now allow me to give a brief self-introduction.My name is XX, XX years old, born in XX province.I spent my college life in XX.During my campus life, I was getting to know my major—XX and loving it gradually.Thanks to my passion for this profession, I had an idea to get further studies.Then I chose the XX to continue my study because I think our school can give me the higher platform to increase my knowledge.Now I am proud to be a master graduate student in our school.I have had nearly XX years’ graduate experience in our school.In the period of this time, I learned a variety of expertise and was inspired by a lot of teachers in their classes.At the same time, I worked involved in a number of practical projects under my tutor’s guidance.Those experiences have given me a wonderful opportunity to put the theoretic knowledge into real practice.Only in this way can we master the knowledge we’ve learned firmly.As the saying goes:”genuine knowledge comes from practice.” I think that practice is more important to my major and it’s a good way to get a better understanding of my profession.All in all, I not only improved my ability to learn knowledge, but also be influenced by the academic atmosphere in our school.Maybe this is the main reason why I once again chose here to continue my studies.At last, I want to introduce my personality.I am a cheerful person,but sometimes I am careless and indecisive when faced with some unimportant things.I prefer to stay in somewhere quiet at ordinary time.My hobbies are reading, running and fitness.Of course, I think going to travel with friends occasionally is also a good choice for me.That’s all, thanks!