


1.高一投掷课设计 篇一




教学目标 :













A、给每位学生分发一张纸,教师:那些同学曾经折过纸飞机? 会折的同学不仅要自己折好,而且要帮助不会折的同学共同完成。B、学生分散开始折纸飞机。看那些同学折得又快又漂亮。C、学生自由组合活动小组,开展投纸飞机活动,教师一同参与活动。(教师:我们来比一比,看谁的飞机飞得高,飞得远。)

















2.高一投掷课设计 篇二


提高学生阅读能力,优化读书效益 教学重点:

探索营造“书香校园”、发挥读书育人功能的具体方略 教学难点:

有效提高学生阅读的效率,调动阅读兴趣 教学过程:


课后要求学生交读后感 教师心得:


教师处理阅读课主要有三种方式。一是按讲读课上,二按自读课上,三上成训练课。其五,学生对阅读课的认识和表现。学生受教师的影响很大, 但总体上不重视。主要表现出四种倾向:被动接受,毫无目的;浅尝辄止,不加思考:身在教室,作壁上观;无可奈何,机械学习。其六,高中语文阅读课教学效果及现状。由于必修课教学时间紧、任务重,教师又侧重于精读课的备课、讲授,忙于抄教案、改作文。阅读课教学便走向边缘化、形式化,效率较低,效果较差。这种状况还在持续着。强调各种阅读方法的综合运用,重在训练学生的独立阅读能力、思维能力,掌握必要的阅读策略,养成良好的阅读习惯,最终达到独立阅读的要求,并切实提高学生的语文素养。


3.高一投掷课设计 篇三

Teaching Aims and Demands:

1. To learn some expression of apologies and response properly to apologies.

2. To listen focusing on key words and important sentences

Step 1 warming up

1. To invite two pairs to play two short plays.

First, Situation 1

Because today is A’s birthday, she wants to invite B to her birthday party. In the morning, A meets B on the way to the school. A invites B, but B’s father have told B that he must look after B’s younger brother at night. So B can’t go to A’s party. B apologizes for it and wish A happy birthday.

Between class, A is running around the classroom. At that time, B drops his pen and A steps on it and breaks it.

Step 2 Talking

Look at the 4 pictures on the page 36.

1) What do you think is happening in every picture?

2) Can you make a dialogue for every picture?

Complete the dialogues with proper words according to the situation given.

Step 3 Discussion

Discuss in groups, What are good manners?

After discussion, fill in the next table

Good manners Bad manners

Ask Ss:

Do you think you are a person with good manners? Can you tell us a story as an example?

Step 4 Listening.

1) Listen to the tape with this question

How many times does Bill apologize?

2) Listen to the tape for the second time, summarize two problems

3) Listen to the tape for the last time and fill in the blanks. Check the answers and exercise the expressions of apology.

4) Workbook: Listening

Homework: Make two dialogues with your partner about apologies.

Period 2. Speaking and Talking

Teaching Aims and Demands:

1. To use the expressions of apologies and possible answers freely through some situations.

2. To distinguish what good manners are and what bad manners are

Ⅰ.Step 1 Speaking. Practice different expressions.

For example:” Forgive me, I’m very sorry!” is quite formal. While “Oops, Sorry about that” is a very informal way.

To help students understand that in what situations they should use formal expression and in what situations they should use informal expressions.

In these exercise, Ss have to imagine themselves at a party. Everyone is very polite. They should talk to each other politely and make excuse when troubling others. Then ask Ss to work in groups and consider the following three situations.

Sample: Dialogue 1

A: Aren’t you going to introduce me to him?

B: Oh, forgive me. I didn’t know you hadn’t met. Danna, this is Alex.

A: Hi, Alex. Nice to meet you!

Choose three groups to reports.

Step 2 Talking

1) Read the following situations carefully

2) Divide the whole class into 6groups. Every two groups make a dialogue. One is Pros and the other is Cons. Every group should list their opinions to try their best to persuade the other group. Discuss in groups.

3) According to their opinions, two groups make a dialogue. They should be against the opinions of the other group and give their opinions.


1) Choose one of the situations in Talking to write a dialogue

2) Preview Reading

Period 3. Reading ⑴

Teaching Aims and Demands:

1 To get to know the western talk manners

2 To compare Chinese table manners with western table manners

3 Improve the reading ability of the Ss, especially the skills of summarizing and scanning.

Step 1 Warming up

1) Teacher tells a story of a Chinese at a western dinner party who made a fool of himself due to the lack of cultural background.

The story is: Once a Chinese was invited to an American dinner party. When he saw the napkin on the table, he tied it around his neck just as Chinese parents do to their children when they’re fed. As a result, he made a fool of himself.

2) Teacher then presents the tools on the table and shows how to put these knives and forks and how to use them. Then ask one student to imitate.

3) Brainstorming Judge these manners. Which are good and which are bad.

Can you speak with your mouth full?

Can you use your hand to take food from the plate?

Is it polite to touch the glasses when you toast?

Is it polite to persuade others to drink up after toasting?

Do Pre-reading, discuss in groups

Situations Rules for being polite in Chinese culture

At a dinner party

Greeting your teacher

Receiving a birthday present

Paying a visit to a friend’s house

Ask three Ss to finish this table.

Step 2 Reading

1. Ss do scanning for exercise 2( 3minutes for scanning)

In what order will the following dishes be served at a western dinner party

dessert drink main course starter soup

summarize the main idea of every paragraph

2. With following questions, listen to the tape and read carefully.

1). Instead of a hot, damp cloth, napkin is often seen at the Chinese dinner party nowadays. What sign do you think it implies? How can you use it?

2). What do soft drinks refer to? Is white or red wine a soft drink?

3). Do people say anything or keep silent when drinking to one’s health or drinking a toast? What do you usually do if you drink a toast?

Ask some Ss to answer these questions and do exercise 3


1). Do practice on P116-117

2). Preview languages study and grammar

Period 4. Reading ⑵

Teaching Aims and Demands:

1. To learn some useful expressions about table manners.

2. To learn some useful words and sentences

Step 1 Carefully Reading

1). Explain some words and expressions( apologize, table manners, impression)

2). Analyze some complex sentences( In China, you sometimes get a hot, damp cloth, to clean your face and hands, which, however, is not the custom in Western countries).

3). Sum up the text

Finish the exercise 2 on P40

①custom A.. long, thing, curly strips of pasta; usually used in Chinese and Italian cooking

②toast B. a pair of thing sticks which people in China and Far East use to eat their food with

③breast C. slightly wet

④dishes D. center.

⑤middle E. a practice followed by people of a particular group or region

⑥damp F. a utensil consisting of a small, shallow bowl on a handle, used in preparing, serving, or eating food

⑦chopsticks G. the supper part of your chest; the front part of a bird’s body

⑧tender H. the hard parts inside your body and all the animals’ which together form the skeleton

⑨spirits I. Food that is prepared in a particular style

⑩noodles J. easy to cut or chew; sb.or sth that is tender expresses gentle and caring feelings

⑾spoon K. the act of raising a glass and drinking in honor of or to the health of a person or thing

⑿bones L. strong alcoholic drinks such as whisky and Chinese Maotai

Step 2 Post-reading

1. Discussion:

We are very familiar with table manners in China. But in those years, table manners are slowly changed. Can you point out which manners are also changed? Give some examples.

2. Ask some groups to report

Step 3 Workbook

1. Finish the exercise 2 on P40 and check the answer (ask one student to show his answer).

2. Check the answers on P116-117


Write a short passage about the discussion.

Period 5 Language Study and Grammar

Teaching Aims and Demands:

1 To learn word formation and the meaning of prefixes, such as in-, im-, un-, non-

2 To consolidate the Attributive Clauses, both restrictive and non-restrictive through some exercises.

Step 1. Word study

① Explain the formation of the word and the function of prefixes.

② Do exercise on P40 to point out which of the following words have negative prefixes.

Nonstop unfold incorrect important understand

Invite unlucky impossible uniform interesting

③ Matching exercise

Un- smoking

Non- possible

Dis- able

Im- like

Answer: unable, non-smoking, dislike, impossible

④ Blank- filling with the above words( using Restrictive Attributive Clauses for example)

1). This is a nonsmoking room. You’d better go to the smoking room, which is ten meters on your right.

2). The boy who is unable to finish his work on time felt a bit sorry for himself.

3). Tom and Jack are the only ones in theirs class who dislike football.

4). It sounds impossible that the little boy who looks so shy in class would be so brave to catch a pick-pocket on bus yesterday.

Step 2. Grammar

Give some examples of Restrictive Attributive Clauses and Non-restrictive Attributive Clauses.

① Let Ss distinguish which of the following sentences are Attributive Clauses and Non-restrictive Attributives Clauses.


Lijiang, where I was born , is beautiful.

John, who speaks Spanish, works there.


The village where I was born is beautiful.

People who speak Spanish work there.

② Explain the differences between Restrictive and Non-restrictive Attributive Clauses.

③ Fill the blanks of this passage with Restrictive and Non-restrictive

In Great Britain today good manners at table include eating with the mouth closed; not letting any of the food fall off the plate; using the knife only for cutting; and not trying to take food across the table. In other parts of the world there are also rules⑴________,but they are not the same as those of Britain. Indeed, the things⑵________are the things⑶________.In Arabia, for example, the people at a feast take pieces of food with their fingers and belch loudly⑷______.

In the Western countries there are differences between table manners⑸________.In North America it is polite to eat up meat and then put the knife down, take the fork in the right hand and eat with it. Most European people, like the British, keep the fork in the left hand and the knife in the right all the time when they are eating food⑹_____. In the British Isles and Scandinavia(Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Iceland)special knives and forks are used for eating fish. In France, Belgium and Italy, however, it is correct to keep the same knife for every course⑺______.

Table manners of course have changed with time. The earliest meals were also the simplest⑻_______, and everyone took his food from the animal or bird⑼______.The women waited on the warriors and afterwards ate the food⑽______.

Table manners did not always include quiet behavior. Quarrels often took place at table, an in the 17th century King Louis XIV of France ordered that only the knives⑾_______should be used to prevent people from stabbing each other while they were eating.

Homework: Finish the exercise On P41 and grammar on P118.

Period 6 Language Study and Grammar

Teaching Aims and Demands:

1 To learn word formation and the meaning of prefixes, such as in-, im-, un-, non-

2 To consolidate the Attributive Clauses, both restrictive and non-restrictive through some exercises.

Step 1.

① Explain the formation of the word and the function of prefixes.

② Do exercise on P40 to point out which of the following words have negative prefixes.

Nonstop unfold incorrect important understand

Invite unlucky impossible uniform interesting

③ Matching exercise

Answer: unable, non-smoking, dislike, impossible

④ Blank- filling with the above words( using Restrictive Attributive Clauses for example)

1). This is a nonsmoking room. You’d better go to the smoking room, which is ten meters on your right.

2). The boy who is unable to finish his work on time felt a bit sorry for himself.

3). Tom and Jack are the only ones in theirs class who dislike football.

4). It sounds impossible that the little boy who looks so shy in class would be so brave to catch a pick-pocket on bus yesterday.

Step 2. Give some examples of Restrictive Attributive Clauses and Non-restrictive Attributive Clauses.

① Let Ss distinguish which of the following sentences are Attributive Clauses and Non-restrictive Attributives Clauses.


Lijiang, where I was born , is beautiful.

John, who speaks Spanish, works there.


The village where I was born is beautiful.

People who speak Spanish work there.

② Explain the differences between Restrictive and Non-restrictive Attributive Clauses.

③ Fill the blanks of this passage with Restrictive and Non-restrictive

Homework: Finish the exercise On P41 and grammar on P118.

Period 7. Integrating Skills

Teaching Aims and Demands:

1. Deepen the format of letter

2. To know the structure of a thank-you letter

3. To enable the Ss to write a thank-you letter by studying the samples.

Step 1. Warming-up

Lead-in. Writing a thank-you also conveys someone’s politeness or good manners, so when we receive other’s help or gifts, we should write him a thank-you letter.

Step 2. Reading

1. Scanning

1). Ask Ss to read the text quickly, and then answer this question:

Why does Amy Zhang thank Sam and Jenny?

2). Ask one student to answer this question

2. Carefully reading

1). Ask Ss to listen to the tape, and imitate the intonation

2). Explain language points: (some important phrases and sentence structure)

think of:

I thought of my hometown when I saw the beautiful scenery.

Be busy with…

I am busy with drawing from Monday to Friday.

It is time to…

It is time to go to bed.

After explanation, finish the exercises on P42

Structure of a thank-you letter

Paragraph 1 Thank the people of what they did for you. Give some details about what you liked.

Paragraph 2 Tell the people something about yourself and the things you are doing now.

Paragraph 3 Ask the people for some details about themselves and what they are doing now. Close the letter by repeating your thanks.

Step 3 Listening

How many countries are mentioned in this passage?

Give Ss five minutes to read the passage and fill the blanks on P119. Answer other questions.

4.高一投掷课设计 篇四







三、激发兴趣 :



















从美国建国以来,就没有黑人能够在政坛上出头的.而美国的第一位黑人州长用自己的经历打破了历史的神话.他是谁?罗杰·罗尔斯,一个很普通而伟大的名字.罗杰.罗尔斯是美国纽约的第五十三位州长,也是美国第一位黑人州长,他出生在名 声狼藉的大沙头贫民窟,那儿的环境恶劣,充满暴力,而他就是从这个地方长大,凭着一个简单的信念,成为一名州长。




开学第一天,大哲学家苏格拉底对学生们说:“今天,我们只做一件最简单也是最容易做的事儿:每个人把胳膊尽量都往前甩,然后再尽量往后甩。”说着,苏格拉底示范了一遍,“从今天开始,每天做300下,大家能做到吗?” 学生们都笑了,这么简单的事情,有什么做不到的? 过了一个月,苏格拉底问学生们:“每天甩手300下,哪些同学坚持了?”有90%的同学骄傲地举起了手。又过了一个月,苏格拉底再问,这回,坚持下来的同学只剩下了八成。一年过后,苏格拉底再一次问大家:“请大家告诉我,最简单的甩手运动,还有哪几位同学坚持了?”这时候,整个教室里,只有一个人举起了手。这个学生就是后来成为古希腊另一位大哲学家的柏拉图。(——成功在于坚持,这是一个并不神秘的秘诀。)(强调高中语文学习积累要坚持)


父子两住山上,每天都要赶牛车下山卖柴。老父较有经验,坐镇驾车,山路崎岖,弯道特多,儿子眼神较好,总是在要转弯时提醒道:“爹,转弯啦!” 有一次父亲因病没有下山,儿子一人驾车。到了弯道,牛怎么也不肯转弯,儿子用尽各种方法,下车又推又拉,用青草诱之,牛一动不动。到底是怎么回事?儿子百思不得其解。最后只有一个办法了,他左右看看无人,贴近牛的耳朵大声叫道:“爹,转弯啦!”牛应声而动。美国心理学家威廉.詹姆士说:“播下一个行动,你将收获一种习惯;播下一种习惯,你将收获一种性格;播下一种性格,你将收获一种命运。”(要培养好的习惯来代替坏的习惯,当好的习惯积累多了,自然会有一个好的人生。)(强调:书写习惯、阅读习惯、写作习惯)


有个老人在河边钓鱼,一个小孩走过去看他钓鱼,老人技巧纯熟,所以没多久就钓上了满篓的鱼,老人见小孩很可爱,要把整篓的鱼送给他,小孩摇摇头,老人惊异的问道你为何不要? 小孩回答:“我想要你手中的钓竿。”老人问:“你要钓竿做什么?小孩说:“这篓鱼没多久就吃完了,要是我有钓竿,我就可以自己钓,一辈子也吃不完。”你们说,这个小孩是不是很聪明?(——重要的还在钓技。学习,不能只记住知识,更重要的是掌握 方法,形成能力。)








c.坚持作笔记,日常积累不可少。附: “学习语文十条秘笈”






6、课外练笔不放松。每天坚持写日记,记录青春的精神成长。写多了,思维就敏捷。练笔的题材广泛得很,校园中,家庭里,社会上,自己的所见、所闻、所感;都可以成为练笔内容;文体也可不限,记叙文、小说、散文、议论文、说明文、诗歌、剧本、对联…… 什么都可试试。长短也可随意,每次既可写全篇,也可写片段,还可写“小说连载”式的文学作品。写作时间最好固定在某个时间段的十分钟左右,如中午饭饱之后,傍晚遐思之时,晚自修结束之前回顾一天的点点滴滴,展望明天等等。如此坚持,高考作文到时就像写日记一样思如泉涌,一两千言,一挥而就。在高一阶段,我们首先要有量的积累,养成写的习惯,我相信同学们习惯形成之后就会对自己思想情感的抒发欲罢不能的!我要求同学们每周至少完成五篇日记,每周我值班的晚上我来检查,课代表在自修前收好放在讲台上。可能有同学会说我的日记有隐情什么的,不方便老师看。可以,我只要同学们能写就好。所以如果你愿意老师分享你的生活感悟,与你交流写作方法,你就在文末标明“可阅”,否则我不会侵犯你的隐私的!





5.高一投掷课设计 篇五


















































































6.高一投掷课设计 篇六

浙江省黄岩中学 王精红 王晨溢 陈佩君 丁瑛 毛海晨 冯丽红 许威


本单元中心话题是“伟大女性”。谈论了普通女性, 着重介绍了世界上不同民族、不同领域中的非凡(杰出)女性及其成就。各部分的内容都是围绕这一中心话题而进行设计的。

“热身”(Warming up) 部分呈现四幅杰出女性的照片,引出杰出女性这一话题。 要求学生说出她们的姓名及主要成就,然后通过提问和讨论,让学生了解杰出女性取得辉煌的成就必须付出艰辛这个道理,并以此激励自己。在这阶段的语言实践中可培养学生概述人物特征的能力。

“听力”(Listening)部分的内容就是一则对话,谈论old school photos 中的人物及其过去和现状。要求学生根据材料,正确记录所谈及的人物的特征、专长及现状并对陈述的句子进行正误判断。让学生通过“听”学习描述人物的形容词,为后面的“口语”部分打下基础。“口语”(speaking) 由两部分组成。一是看图描述人物,呈现了三幅不同身份女性的照片,要求学生根据照片对人物进行描述,训练学生恰当使用形容词描述人物品质的能力。二是小组活动,一个学生想出一个著名女性人物,其他学生轮流提问并通过对方回答内容推断该著名女性人物是谁,本活动旨在活跃学生思维和课堂气氛。




语言学习(Language Study)分词汇和语法两部分。词汇部分设计了10个语境,帮助学生加深对新词汇的理解和记忆,训练学生在语境中理解词汇的能力。指导学生养成通过语境记忆词语的方法。本单元的语法项目是主谓一致。主要是群体名词作主语的用法。如果群体名词指整体概念,谓语动词用单数形式;如指个体成员时,谓语动词用复数形式。具体包括三个步骤:1.主谓一致的语法规律和例子;供学生自主学习并探究群体名词主谓一致的变化规律。2.机械性操练,用动词的适当形式填空,检验学生自主学习的结果,强化群体名词一致规律的掌握。3.不定代词的人称指代。

学习技能(Integrating Skills)部分包括读、说、写三种,其中读说结合,通过阅读和讨论,掌握用典型事例刻画人物性格特征的写作手法,了解成功女性应具备的条件和品质,进一步培养概括能力和描写能力。叙述人物时做到观点与材料相统一,善于用具体生动的事例去表现人物。随后提供范文,要求学生会写fan letters,旨在让学生运用写作方法。




Teaching Plan for Unit 17 Great Women

1.Warming up, Listening and Speaking



(3)Listening in Work Book

2. Talking

(1)Warming up

(2)Talking in Work Book

(3)Extended reading

3. Reading



4. Post-reading



(3)Extended reading

5.Language Study

(1)Word Study


6.Integrating skills






inspire vt. 鼓舞、感动、激发、启示

admire vt. 赞美;钦佩;羡慕

regret. n. 懊悔,悔恨 vt. 为……感到遗憾;后悔

increase vt./ vi 增加;增大

value vt. 估价;评价;重视

threaten vt. 恐吓;威胁;预示危险

bother vt. 烦扰;打扰 vi. 烦恼;操心

generous adj. 慷概的;大方的

cheerful adj. 愉快的;高兴的

mean adj. 卑鄙的;吝啬的

warm-hearted adj. 热诚的,热心的

cold-hearted adj. 冷漠的;无情的

tense adj. 紧张的,拉紧的

miserable adj. 痛苦的;悲惨的

dishonest adj. 不诚实的

dull adj. 迟钝的;无趣的;呆滞的

optimistic adj. 乐观的

extreme adj. 极端的;极度的;偏激的

stormy adj. 暴风雨的;多风暴的;激烈的

shelter n. (U)避难;保护,隐藏 (C)避难所,隐藏处


be about to do 即将,正要做某事

around the corner 很近

struggle through 艰难地渡过

find…doing 发现---处于(状态)

increase to增加到

none of毫无,一个也没有

lie down躺下;(风)渐息

at the top of one’s voice以最大的嗓音

tie to系在,栓在

(be) in good health身体状况好,健康

put up a tent 搭起,架起帐蓬

make a decision作为决定

give up放弃

think of考虑、想起、记起

come to terms with 甘心忍受(不愉快的处境)

rise to fame 出名

lead…to… 通向,导致


inspire (vt.) → inspiring (adj.) inspired(adj.) inspiration(n.)

admire (vt.) → admiring (adj.) admirer(n.) admirable (adj.) admiration(n.)

value (vt.) → valuable (adj.) valueless(adj.) value(n.)

extreme (adj.) →extremely (adv.)

cheerful (adj.) → cheerfully (adv.) cheer (vt.)


(1)It has often been said that life is difficult as it is.

(2)…during the next week the wind grew stronger and I found myself spending a whole day in my tent.

(3)I was moving forward over a slope that seemed safe when suddenly without warning my world dropped out from under my skis.

(4)In her television shows she makes it possible to talk about great moments and difficulties in people’s lives.

(5)I had travelled only two hours one day when the winds increased so much that I had to put my tent up before the winds became too strong.


主谓一致,主要是群体名词作主语的用法。如果群体名词指整体概念,谓语动词用单数形式;如果指个体成员时,谓语动词用复数形式。主要群体名词有: band, club, company, minority, police, party, public, audience, class, government, enemy, team, group, enemy, family etc.




Teaching Plan

Period 1 Warming up, Listening and Speaking


1.Train the students’ listening ability.

2.Master some words describing people and use them correctly.

Step 1 Warming up

In March, there is an important international festival. Ask and answer:

Qs: 1.What festival is it? (Women’s Day)(show a picture of Women’s Day)

2.Is there Men’s Day? (No)

3.Why is there a special festival for women?(In the old time, women were looked down upon and badly treated. By creating this festival, the government just intends to raise the women’s position in society.)

4.What will you say to your mother?(Thank you)

5.What do you think of your mother?(patient, hard-working, kind, caring, careful, etc.)

Most ordinary women like our mothers have such excellent qualities. They are worth respecting.

6.What about girls?(lovely, charming, cheerful, etc.)

Step 2 Pre-listening

Look at the photos of four girls-- Lily, Rose, Jane and Sandra. They are Alice’s old school friends. Everyone has their school days. It gives us great pleasure to look at the old school photos and talk about the old school friends. Now let’s share the pleasure with Alice and the other women.

Step 3 While-listening

Tell the students that they will be listening to a dialogue of two young women. Alice tells Lucy about her old school friends.

For Part 1, the students have to listen carefully to the descriptions that Alice gives of four of her classmates: Lily, Rose, Jane and Sandra. Look at the three questions in the chart and make sure that they understand what they should listen for.(This listening material can be divided into four parts for the four girls. The students can listen to each part twice, and then check the answers at once.)

For Part 2, students should listen carefully to the descriptions of the four women, the relations between them and Alice and their qualities. They have to fill in the blanks with the correct words.(The students should listen to the material as a whole, and then check the answers.)

Step 4 Post-listening

Well done! From the listening material, we have got some useful expressions to describe women and girls. Now let’s make a list of adjectives for describing them. The adjectives can be positive or negative. Boys give a list of positive words and girls try to give a list of negative words. Let’s see who can give as many as possible.

positive negative

strong smart honest friendly warm kind cheerful popular generous pretty hard-working pretty charming helpful optimistic warm-hearted talented learned fashionable naive caring patient responsible patient weak stupid lazy dishonest mean tense cold unkind dull cunning cruel cross cold-hearted selfish

Step 5 Picture-talking

Show Picture 1 and ask:

1.What can you see in the picture?

2.What does she look like?

3.What kind of woman do you think she is?

Ask individual students for details. Then the teacher give suggested answers, emphasizing the adjectives and useful expressions used to describe women.

Suggested answers:

Photo 1: There is a woman in an office. She’s about middle-aged and dressed in a gray jacket. She’s talking on the phone. She is holding a pen in her right hand to write down some information from the phone call. The desk she is working at is perhaps a reception desk. There’s a pile of papers on her left. There’s also a bag with sunflower seeds. There’s an empty chair beside her with what looks like a computer. There are some plants on the window sill. The woman seems to be a hard-working person. You can see that she’s very careful, because she is listening attentively, and has a pen and writing pad ready to make notes. I don’t think people like her are unfriendly, but she may be a bit cold. She could be a manager or an office worker.

Step 6 Gathering

Ask students to gather expressions used to describe this woman.

1.The woman seems to be …

2.I don’t think people like her…

3.She may be…..

4.She could be….

5.I can see that…

Besides, more expressions can be used for describing a woman. Individual students can brainstorm them, or they are presented directly by the teacher if it is difficult.

6.She seems to me to be the kind of woman who …

7.The impression (that) she makes on me is….

8.I think she is the kind of person who ….

9.She looks as if….

10.She doesn’t seem…

Step 7 Group work.

Show Picture 2 and 3. Get the students to describe them, making use of the adjectives and useful expressions. Remind the students that it is not important to describe these people as they really are, but what impressions they have of them. They may refer to the questions below:

1.What can you see in the picture?

2.What does she look like?

3.What kind of woman do you think she is?

4.What could she be?

Work in groups and have a discussion. After the discussion, the leader reports. Then the teacher gives the suggested answers:

Photo 2:

There’s a girl using a mobile phone. She’s wearing a red jacket. I can’t see her face very well. From the way she’s dressed, I think she’s perhaps a cheerful and friendly person. She might be a student.

Photo3: In Photo 3, there’s a mother feeding her baby. The baby is sitting in a special chair. The impression she makes on me is that of a woman who is friendly, caring and warm.

Step 8 Listening

You see, ordinary women have different personalities. They play an important role in different fields. Among them, some have made efforts to allivate poverty in their communities to make life better. The Women’s World Summit awards special prizes to these people, like Mrs Adetona and Mrs Zeng. Listen to the tape and hear how they earned their prizes.

Suggested answers:

1.Why do some women get the award that is talked about?

Women may get the award when their ideas or work have helped to make life better in their villages.

2.How has Mrs Adetona helped women in her village?

Mrs Adetona has helped women in her village (get loans) to start small businesses.

3.Why was Mrs Adetona’s work important?

Mrs Adetona’s work was important because with her help now more than a thousand people can take care of their families and send their children to school.

4.What did Mrs Zeng teach women in her village? Write down two things.

Mrs Zeng taught the villagers 1)how to plant potatoes, 2)how to take care of sheep and 3) how to take care of the environment by planting trees on the hills around the village.

5.What happened to Mrs Zeng in ?

In 2002 Mrs Zeng was chosen to be one of the village leaders.

Step 9 Summary

Today we’ve done some listening and speaking, especially we have learned to describe people.


Divide the students into four groups to collect information about these great women: Song Qingling, Madam Curie. Pearl S Buck, Mother Teresa, including their family and achievements.


①www. english.upenn.edu/



④www. ceemast.csupomona.edu/nova/curie.html

⑤www. nobel.se/peace

⑥www. ewtn.com/motherteresa

Period 2 Talking


1.To encourage students to express their admiration for famous women and their achievements.

2.Make the students know the fact that women should get the same opportunities as men in different fields.

Step 1 Lead-in

Yesterday we learned to describe women. Most women are ordinary women, like our mothers, aunts or sisters. However, they play an important part in our life. It has often been said that women hold up half sky. In this half sky there are some shining stars-outstanding women. Some have become very famous, but we cannot say that all outstanding women are famous. However, they are all great women. Today, we just learn about some great women.

Step 2 Picture-talking

Show the pictures of Song Qingling, Madam Curie, Pearl S Buck and Mother Teresa. Ask the students the question: What kind of people do you think they are?

Get them to use the useful expressions to describe them.

Step 3 Group work

Yesterday you were asked to search the Internet for information about them. Now you have a discussion in groups, and then your leader should give us a report. Your report may cover these questions:

1.Who were they?

2.When did they live?

3.Where were they from?

4.What kind of work did they do?

5.What are they known for?

Suggested answers:

Song Qingling married Dr Sun Zhongshan in 1915. She was the vice-president of the People’s Republic for many years. She busied herself with various welfare activities, ranging from heading the women’s Federation to a number of committees involving (orphaned) children.

Maria Curie (1867-1934) was born in Poland, moved to Paris and studied chemistry and physics there. She married Pierre Curie and together they studied radioactive materials and discovered radium. In 1911 she received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry. Her death in 1934 was almost certainly due to radiation in her work.

Pearl S.Buck(1892-1973) was born in the USA but grew up in Zhejiang Province after her parents moved to China in 1895. She first learnt Chinese and was later taught English. From 1910 to 1914 she studied in America and then returned to China. In 1931 she wrote her best-known novel, The Good Earth. She won the Nobel Prize for literature in 1938.

Mother Teresa of Calcutta (1910-) was a world famous Catholic nun. From the age of 18 she worked in India to help the poor. For more than 20 years she took care of people who were often mentally or physically disabled. She was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1979. In , she was honoured with the name of Blessed Teresa.

Step 4 Game

Besides these four great women, there must be more great women who really inspire you. Let’s play a game. Student A thinks of a famous woman, comes to the blackboard, writes the name on a piece of paper and folds it so that it can’t be seen. One of the other students begins by asking questions about her. Student A may only answer “yes” or “no”. If the answer is “yes”, the student can ask more questions. If the answer is “no”, another student gets a chance to ask questions. Keep asking questions until you know who she is.

Example: B:Is she Chinese? A:Yes, she is.

B:Is she a famous actress? A:No, she isn’t.

C:Is she good at sports? A:Yes, she is.

C:Has she ever been a world champion? A:Yes, she is.

C:Does she play table tennis? A:Yes, she does.

C:Is her name Deng Yaping? A:Yes, it is.

Some possible great women:

Deng Yaping, Miss Nightingale, Helen Keller, Madam Thatcher, Marilyn Monroe, Wu Zetian, Zhao Wei etc.

Step 5 Pre-talking

As we all know, there are many famous women in all fields, including politics, science, literature and peace. All these fields were usually occupied by men. But it has proved that women can do as well as men. They have got many prizes and achieved fame and fortune. Fans, flowers and applause are all around them. What we have seen is their success and their fame. Ask questions :

1.Do you admire them? Why?

2.Is it easy for them to reach their achievements?

3.What qualities have made them stand out?

Fame and achievements never come easy. In addition to that, the career of women is often less smooth than that of men. They have to overcome obstacles. It has often been said that life is difficult as it is. For women it sometimes seems twice as difficult.

4.Was it more difficult in the past?

In the old time, girls used to be looked down upon. They didn’t learn to read or write. When they got married, what women were expected to learn was how to “catch” husbands and then to keep them happy by running a comfortable home. They couldn’t go out to work. In modern times, great changes have taken place. Please turn to Workbook Page 95 Talking. Look at the graph.

Step 6 Role Play

The graph shows us that the number of women taking part in higher education in China is actually very high. And their members are on the rise. So if women get out of school with a high level of education, why is it difficult for them to get high-level jobs?

Suppose you are all members of a group that must decide who will be the new manager in the department store where you work. A woman has applied for this job and you discuss whether she can get the job or not. There are five roles:

1)First, there is the boss of the company.

2)Second, there is the manager who is leaving. It is his job that the woman wants to take.

3)Third, there is a colleague who will have to work together with the manager.

4)Fourth, there is a worker. The new manager will be his or her boss.

5)Finally, there is the owner of the company who will help the others to make a decision.

The students will be divided into groups of five. In each group, there are five roles. The role of the fifth student is the owner of the company who will help the others make the best decision. The boss will start the discussion. Later, ask one group to act it out.


B: Okay. As we all know M, the manager here will leave next month. So our company will hire a new staff member. We have received many letters from men and women who would like to take this job. In this meeting, we hope to make a decision whom to give the job. M, maybe you can say something first.

M: OK. Well, we all know that my job is no easy one. Therefore we are looking for somebody who is responsible and has good communication skills. There is no need to say that we are looking for somebody who is hard-working and loyal to our company. I think the person for this job must be good at dealing with people and he or she must be a real team worker. The job is difficult because sometimes there can be conflicts between staff. You have to be a strong kind of person and hold a firm stand.

B: Well. Together with the owner of the company, we have already looked at most letters and made some choices. Manager of this department is an important job in our company and that’s why I want that person to be a strong and inspiring personality. Qualities that the right person for this job should have are that he or she is friendly and warm, but also strong and smart. We are now left with two, a man and a woman. I would like to hire the man, because I think a man will do this job better. But the woman has better qualifications and although she does not have as much work experience as the man. It looks as if she could do the job well. The owner of the company has said, well maybe he can explain himself.

O: Yes. I have no preference for myself. I believe both the man and the woman could do the job very well. The things, however, I would like all of you to consider are: 1. It might be good if we had more female managers in our company, so the management team could learn more from different experiences, and 2. Most staff that the new manager has to work with are women. I know there never were any problems with X, but I have also heard that some colleagues in the department would welcome a woman in this position. We are here to hear their opinion, before making a decision.

C: Well, many of our colleagues are women and they do their jobs just as well as the men. I think it could be either a man or a woman, though I prefer we choose a woman. It is very pleasant to work with different people and because there are already so many men working as managers in the company, it might be a good idea to hire the woman.

M: Qualities that the right person for this job should have are that he of she should be honest, strong and hard-working. And as far as I can see, both men and women can have all these qualities. The most important thing is that the job gets done.

C: Sure. Maybe men and women have different ways to solve problems, but we should not say that it isn’t a good thing. I’m sure a female manager will hold her stand in conflicts and can be strong.

W: I haven’t met this person. I’m not sure whether we should take a man or a woman. I suppose if both are equal in many ways, I agree with the owner that we should take a woman. In some ways it would be easier for female staff to talk to a female manager. She might understand some problems better. I believe that women should get the same opportunities provided that she is well qualified and possesses the qualities we feel are needed. On the other hand I am sure that if everybody feels that the man is the better of the two, then we should decide to take him.

B: Well, that should not make any difference. I think the person for this job could either be a man or a woman. The qualities that the right person for this job should have are to treat all staff, men and women equally. …

Step 6 Summary

Today we’ve learnt something about some great women in the world. From what we’ve learnt we can understand that women are equal to men. If we want to succeed, we must work hard.

Just as Madam Curie says: “Life is not easy for any of us. We must work, and above all must believe in ourselves. We must believe that each of us is able to do something well and that, when we discover what this something is, we must work hard at it until we succeed.”


1.Extended reading---Read four passages about Song Qingling, Madam Curie, Pearl S Buck, Mother Teresa to get more information.

2.Search the Internet for facts about Antarctica and Arctic.

Period 3 Reading


1.Train the students’ basic reading ability by getting to know something about a famous woman named Helen Thayer.

2.Let students have strong wills and determination if they set their goals.

Step 1 Lead-in

Show some pictures of winter scenery, the North Pole and the South Pole, etc. While asking and answering, the teacher should present some new words.

Ask Qs:

1. Are they beautiful?

2.Is it cold or hot?

3.Where is the coldest place? (The North Pole and the South Pole/Antarctica)

4.What countries are part of the North Pole and South Pole?

Countries that are part of the North Pole: Norway, Sweden, Russia, Finland, The USA, Canada, Greenland, Denmark

Countries that are part of the South Pole: Chile, Argentina, South America, Australia, New Zealand

5.What’s the weather like there?

(extremely cold, stormy, windy, 24 hours of day or night) (show videos)

6.What animals live on the North Pole and the South Pole

Some animals that live on the North Pole: polar bear, wolf, snow fox, seal, walrus, reindeer, moose, killer whale

Some animals that live on the South Pole: penguin, seal, walrus, whale

7.Why do polar bears never eat penguins?

Polar bears live on the North Pole while penguins live only on the South Pole.

Step 2 Pre-reading

1.Do you want to go there and have a look at these animals with your own eyes?

2.If you want to go there, what will you take with you? Why?(While asking and answering, teaching some new words and expressions.)

1)warm clothes 2)dark sun-glasses 3)ski/snowshoe

4)tent (put…up for shelter) 5)sled (pull… dogs) 6)ice pick

7) matches. 8)maps 9)stove 10)backpack

3.What doesn’t need to be brought? (Drinking water)

4. Will you travel alone to the South Pole?

5.If a person was alone in Antarctica, what would the person be like in your opinion?

The person should be strong, young, energetic, healthy and brave.

The person should have a strong will, great courage and determination.

It’s clear to see that being in Antarctica alone is a dangerous journey of challenge. Can you imagine a woman of 60 years old making a solo expedition in Antarctica? The woman is called Helen Thayer.(呈现图像)

Step3 Skimming

Task 1 Now please read the text fast to find out:

Did Helen Thayer finish her solo expedition? (No)

Task 2 Then show the six simple drawings in the wrong order. Ask them to rearrange the pictures in the right order.

Step 4 Scanning

Then the teacher explain each picture by asking and answering some questions. Meanwhile, some important and difficult language points in bold should be explained.

Picture Detailed Information

1 1)What did she do at 50?

2)What did she decide to do at 60?

3)When did she begin her journey?

2 1.What was the weather like?

2.How was the weather later?

3.How many hours did she travel when the winds increased?

3 1.When was her birthday?

2.How did she spend her birthday?

4 1.What happened when she was moving forward over a slope?

2.How did she rescue herself?

3.Why do you think she could rescue herself?

5 1.How did she hurt herself?

2.What did she do after the accident happened?

3.What’s the result of the accident?

6 1.What decision did she make?

2.Why did she make such a decision without regret?

Suggested answers.

Picture 1

1.She traveled to the North Pole alone.(alone:by herself.)

2.She decided to travel alone in Antarctic.

3.On Nov. 1st, 1997.

Picture 2

1.It was fine. The sun shone 24 hours a day. The wind was icy but not very strong.

2.Later it turned to be stormy weather. The wind grew stronger into a howling storm.

3.She had traveled only 2 hours one day.

Picture 3

1.It was on Nov. 12.

2.She thawed a frozen cake(一块结冰的蛋糕) over the fire, placed a candle on the top, lit it and sang “happy birthday to me.”

Picture 4

1.She fell into a deep hole and was hanging on the ropes(which were) tied to the sled.

2.It took her a long time to climb out carefully.

3.It is because of the self rescue training she had had.

Picture 5

1.She had a bad accident with the sled and hurt her leg.

2.She struggled to her knees(挣扎着跪起来) and put her tent up for shelter on her hands and knees.

3.She couldn’t stand on(stand on 用。。。。。。站立)her left leg and her head was woozy?

Picture 6

1.She decided to end the journey.

2.Because she had met the challeges(迎接挑战) of solo travel in an extreme climate and she had to think of her family.

2.Multiple choice.

1)Antarctica is another name for _______.

A.the North Pole B.China C.Russia D.the South Pole

2)Helen Thayer was born on ________

A.Nov.1,1937 B.Nov.12,1937 C.Nov.22,1947 D.Nov.1,1997

3)On the 22nd day of the expedition Helen Thayer had an accident. What happened?

A.She was attacked by a polar bear.

B.She was blown away with her tent by the storm.

C.She fell into a hole which was a few hundred feet deep.

D.She had an accident with the sled and hurt her leg.

4)What decision did Helen take after the accident?

A.She spent a whole day in her tent.

B.She waited till she got better and continued her journey.

C.She gave up and went back home.

D.She was thankful for all the training she had had.

Key:1.1.D 2.B 3.D 4.C

Step 5 Listening

Listen to the tape, and follow it. Explain some language points.

Title Para Language points

1 1.what else, but (what else would I do but…)

2.be about to do

2 1.be just around the corner

2.struggle through…

3 1.increase to…

2.threaten to do sth.

4 1.die down

2.at the top of one’s voice

5 1.tie …to…

2.be thankful to sb. for sth

6 be in good health

7 1. lying on the ice (If I lay on the ice)

2. be woozy from…

8 Wait to get better or give up?

(Should I wait to get better or give up?

Step 6 Retell

Ask the Ss to retell the text using about 100 words. Then ask some students to act it out.


1.Make use of the pictures.

2.Use the first person to retell.

One possible version:

On November 1st, 1997, I began my solo travel to Antarctica in order to celebrate my 60th birthday. For the first days, the weather was very good and there was bright sunshine. But soon, the day was cold and stormy. I traveled slowly because of the bad weather. On Nov 12, I celebrated my birthday in a special way. During my expedition, I came across some accidents: I once dropped out from under my skis and fell into a hole; I couldn’t stand on my left leg and my head was woozy from hitting the ground and so on. However, I overcame those difficulties thanks to my training I had had. It is an experience I shall never forget and shall value for the rest of my life.

Step 7 Discussion

(Group work)What can we learn from Helen Thayer’s solo expedition?

Suggested answers:

1)The sweetest grapes hang the highest.最甜的葡萄在最高的树梢。

2)Where there is a will, there is a way.有志者事竟成。

3)Perseverance is vital to success.毅力是成功的重要条件。

Step 8 Song.

Enjoy a song----- It’s A Long, Long Road To Travel Alone

I always thought I’d like to roam

One day I started alone

Out in this old wide wicked world

Away from friends and home

It’s a long long road to travel alone

And when the day is gone

No place to pillow my head at night

Only on the cold stone

I’ve traveled around from town to town

Now it’s time that I settled down

I’ve had my fill of rambling around

And now I am homeward bound

One day a letter came to me

And this is what it read

Come home my boy to the old homestead

Your father and mother are dead

It’s been a long road to travel alone

I wish I had never roamed

I thought I’d soon see my mother and dad

But now I am left alone


1. 假设你是Helen Thayer,请你选择下面的日期写一篇探险日记。

Nov.12,1997 / Nov.22,1997

2.Surf the internet for more information about Helen Thayer.


Period 4 Post reading


1.To develop some in-depth understanding skills by correctly evaluating Helen Thayer.

2.To inspire students to aim high , work hard and keep on working to reach their goals. Sometimes they should find solutions or different ways to reach their goals if their results are not very good or they have difficulty.

Step 1 Lead-in

Ask some Ss to share the diaries about Helen Thayer’s solo expediton with the whole class.

Step 2 Post-reading

(Group work)

1.Do you admire Helen Thayer?

2.What kind of woman is Helen Thayer? Why?

Suggested answers:

brave It is unusual for women of her age to do things like that.

strongThe description of the terrible weather conditions and the ways she deals with her accident.

perseverantShe has the power to go on even when the circumstances or conditions are very hard.

responsibleShe demonstrates this by her good decision to stop and not risk her life after her accident.

honestThe description of her journey.

Step 3 Appreciation

(Individual work)

Ask Ss to find out the beautiful sentences which make deepest impressions on them. Then paraphrase them.

1.Another-journey of challenge and danger was about to begin.

Paraphrase: I was going to start another journey of challenge and danger.

2.I found myself spending a whole day in my tent.

Paraphrase: Suddenly I found that I had been spending a whole day in my tent.

3.I was thankful for all the training I had had.

Paraphrase: I was rescued by myself all because of the training that I had had.

4.It is an experience I shall never forget and shall value for the rest of my life.

Paraphrase: This experience will affect my life in the future.

5.Within a few minutes the winds increased to a howling storm that threatened to blow me and my tent away, but none of that happened.

6.A few days later, I was moving forward over a slope that seemed safe when suddenly without warning my world dropped out from under my skis.

notes: The sentence structures of No.5 and No. 6 should be analysed carefully and the personification should be pointed out.

Step 4 Discussion

Task 1(Pair work)

Some people think Helen Thayer is a failure because she didn’t finish her extreme travel. Do you agree? What’s your point of view?

Suggested answers:

Helen Thayer shows us that no matter whether we are men or women and no matter what age, we can set ourselves goals and work hard to achieve them. In the process of getting there. She experienced difficulties and set-backs. After a bad accident, she realized that she could not reach her goal in any possible way, or her ambition was too high for her. She gave up and go back home. It is reasonable. We shouldn’t risk our life. We can change our ways or methods to reach the goal. In a word, Helen Thayer is a success.

Task 2(Group work)

1.What about your own goals in life?

2.How will you try to reach them?

Some advice:

A.You must set goals (what you are really good at and what you most like to do)

B.In any cases, work hard and keep on working to reach your goal.

C.If your results are not very good or you have difficulty, you must think about this carefully. You have to go on or make a decision. The most important thing is to believe in yourself and not to give up too early.

Step 5 Extended reading

Read the passage about Helen Thayer--First Woman to Solo Any of the World’s Poles in order to get more information about her extreme travel to the North Pole.(show a picture of Helen Thayer with her faithful dog called Charlie.)

Helen Thayer

--First woman to Solo Any of the World’s Poles

Helen Thayer, born and educated in New Zealand enjoyed a lengthy career as an international discus thrower, representing three countries, New Zealand, the country of her birth, Guatemala, where she lived for almost four years with her husband Bill, a helicopter pilot, and then the United States. Later in 1975 she won the USA national luge championship, gained All American honours and represented the USA in luge competition in Europe. She was a cross country ski racer and instructor, a kayak racer, high altitude mountain climber and climbing instructor. She climbed the highest mountains in New Zealand, (Mount Cook), North America, (Mount McKinley), former Soviet Union, (Peak Lenin and Peak Communism). She also climbed in Mexico, and China, in addition to a multitude of the highest peaks in the rugged Cascade Mountains where she and Bill live in the Cascade foothills.

In 1988 Helen and her husband Bill, decided to create a series of educational projects for students K to 12 throughout the world.

The first project would be a journey to the North Pole. It was the barren islands, the hardy plant life, the arctic animals which have adapted to one of the world harshest climates and the sea ice which Helen would have to travel across that made her realize that this would be the place to begin the educational programs. Polar bears were her special fascination and she was not to be disappointed. This is home to one of the largest populations of Polar bears in the world.

In 1988, at the age of 50, Helen decided to walk alone to the North Pole without the aid of aircraft, dog teams or snow mobiles. She was totally unsupported. She walked and skied, pulling her own 160 pound sled filled with all her supplies. Her only companion was Charlie, a black Canadian Eskimo Husky. Charlie’s only job was to walk at Helen’s side to protect her from polar bears. He did his job well. He saved her life at least once. They were confronted by seven polar bears, one at a time, throughout the almost month- long journey of 364 miles. Helen made her way around the entire North Pole area.

She began on March 30 and finished on April 27. It was a long and lonely journey. Helen’s expedition was the only one going to the magnetic North Pole in 1988, therefore she had no warning of the ice conditions which lay ahead of her.

Then she wrote a book about her journey to the Pole titled Polar Dream with a foreword by Sir Edmund Hillary, published in the USA by Simon& Schuster.

Helen traveled most of the journey across the sea ice photographing and taking notes as she went. Because the North Pole is constantly in motion, she traveled to the area of the Pole. The Canadian Geological Survey gives expeditions, air charter services and scientists the yearly coordinate of the Pole which is the approximate center of a large area.

When Helen arrived in the area of the Pole she traveled a roughly triangular path throughout the area. Although it meant walking and skiing many more miles it was only by walking around the area that Helen could photograph and describe in her educational program, the various islands of the North Pole.

After she returned home her first job was to gather her photographs and notes into a programme of education for students K to 12. The educational programme has reached students in 38 countries. To date Helen has spoken to more than 450,000 students in schools, classrooms and school conventions.

Polar Dream is an adult book but is also popular in classrooms as a study project. Not only is the book the real life story of this historical journey but it is a factual account of this interesting place close to the top of the world.

And it is the story of a faithful dog called Charlie who traveled at Helen’s side watching for polar bears. Charlie went home with Helen and lives with three other dogs, 4 goats and two donkeys. He runs with the Thayer’s daily hikes and climbs mountains. He truly enjoys a life of luxury. As Helen will tell you, “What Charlie wants, Charlie gets”

Ask and answer some questions:

1.What did she do?

2.How many high mountains did she climb?

3.Why did she decide to make the journey to North Pole? Did her husband support her?

4.Who was her only companion on the journey? How did it help her?

5.What has become of her companion?

6.In what way did she travel throughout the area of the North Pole? Why?

7.Did she finish her journey? How long did it last?

8.What book did she write about her journey to the North Pole?

Suggested answers:

1. She enjoyed a lengthy career as an international discus thrower. She was a cross country ski racer and instructor, a kayak racer, high altitude mountain climber and climbing instructor.

2. She climbed the highest mountains in New Zealand, (Mount Cook), North America, (Mount McKinley), former Soviet Union, (Peak Lenin and Peak Communism). She also climbed in Mexico, and China, in addition to a multitude of the highest peaks in the rugged Cascade Mountains where she and Bill live in the Cascade foothills.

3. In 1988 Helen and her husband Bill, decided to create a series of educational projects for students K to 12 throughout the world. /Yes.

4. Her only companion was Charlie, a black Canadian Eskimo Husky. Charlie’s only job was to walk at Helen’s side to protect her from polar bears.

5. Charlie went home with Helen and lives with three other dogs, 4 goats and two donkeys. He runs with the Thayer’s daily hikes and climbs mountains. He truly enjoys a life of luxury.

6. She traveled a roughly triangular path throughout the area. Although it meant walking and skiing many more miles, it was only by walking around the area that Helen could photograph and describe in her educational program, the various islands of the North Pole.

7.Yes./ She began on March 30 and finished on April 27.

8. Polar Dream.


1.Suppose you are a reporter on a magazine named “Great Women”. You’re going to write a report about Helen Thayer after the interview with her.

(Group work): Work in groups and discuss how to write the report, what to write and how to describe Helen Thayer. Then finish it.

2.Preview “Language Study”.

Period 5 Language Study


1.To practise using some words and expressions in the unit.

2.To help the students to draw the grammar rules for Subject-Verb Agreement and put them into practice.

Step1 Game

In the last several periods, we’ve learned some new words. Let’s play a game:

Two students from each group are standing face to face. Some words are shown on the screen. One of them explains them one by one either by body language or by giving situations, the other tries to say the word by guessing its meaning. The one who guesses the most in the given time will win.

The words are as follows: generous, warm-hearted, threaten, tense, thankful, candle, miserable, cheerful, mean, shelter, slope, solo, mean, inspire, challenge, optimistic, value.

Sample situation:

T: The Wangs are my neighbours. One evening, someone knocked at my door. I opened and saw the son with a basket of ripe and nice oranges. He said his uncle had brought them a lot from the countryside and his mother wanted him to give some to me for a taste. Before I could express my thanks, he moved to the next house. The Wangs are always ready to have their neighbours share the things their relatives bring them. What do you think of the Wang’s Family? And what about their son?

S: ( The family are generous, and the son is generous, too.)

Step 2 Word Study

I. Turn toSB Page 32 Word Study Complete these sentences with the words from the box.. Some words may not be used.

II.Turn to page 97 and finish Exx 1 and 3 as quickly as possible

Step 3 Grammar

Task 1 Multiple choice

1)A library with five thousand books ______ to the nation as a gift.

A.is offered B.has offered C.are offered D.have offered

2)Growing around the lake ______ wild flowers of different colors.

A.is B.are C.was D.has been

3)Each of the hotel’s 3000 rooms ______ with air conditioning and television.

A.has equipped B.were equipped C.is equipped D.are equipped

4)Different areas of the country _______ own customs.

A.have their B.have its C.has their D.has its

5)The Olympic Games, which ______ held every four years, ______ the most important event in the world.

A.are,is B.are,are C.is,is D.is,are

Suggested answers:

1)A 2)B 3)C 4)A 5)A

Task 2 Conclusion

From the exercises we know that singular nouns are used with singular verbs while plural nouns are used with plural verbs.

Task 3 Filling the blanks with the correct verb form.

1)Our little group ______ complete again.

2) ______ your group want to stop for lunch now?

3)Our family ______ not poor any more.

4)The Smith’s family all ______ Chinese.

5)The army ______ helping to clear up after the floods.

6)The army ______ the important task to keep the peace.

7)Our class______ better than any other classes at playing basketball in our school.

8)Our class______ playing a basketball match tomorrow.

9)The team ______ going to play a match on Saturday.

10)This international organization ______ going to open an office in Beijing.

11)The government ______ to build new villages in the north.

12)The government ______ holding a meeting this evening to discuss the problems.

Suggested answers:

1)is 2)Do 3)is 4)speak 5)are 6)has 7)is 8)are

9)is/are 10)is 11)is 12)is/are

Task 4 Conclusion

From the exercises we know that Collective nouns can have a singular or plural verb. If the noun refers to a whole unit, the verb is singular. If it refers to the individual members of a unit, the verb is plural. Such collective nouns are: army, class, family, club, company, audience, committee, public, party, government, crowd, police, band, minority and so on.

Task 5 Practice

Get the Ss to make sentences with collective nouns as subjects(Show pictures of two families and two groups).

1)The whole family are watching TV.

2)His family is a big one.

3)The group are having a discussion.

4)This group is bigger than that one.

Task 6 Practice

Finish Students’ Book Page 33 Exx 1 and 2 as quickly as possible.

Step 4 Project

(Group work) Each group is asked to prepare a paper for testing Subject-- Verb Agreement.

The number of exercises should be 10, and the form is unlimited. You can refer to the exercises and checkpoint we’ve finished. Then each group exchange the papers with each other. Correct the mistakes while doing it. The best one will be printed out for your homework.


1.Read SB Page 155 Subject-Verb Agreement carefully to get more rules.

2.Finish the paper for testing Subject-Verb Agreement.

3.Finish WB Page

4.Put the sentences into English.

1) 四班正在讨论怎样学好英语。












Suggested answers:

1)Class Four are discussing how to learn English well.

2)Every student has taken part in the sports meeting.

3)Either he or I am to go.

4)Neither Liu Jun nor Wei Guo will come/is coming.

5)There is a pencil-box, a watch and some books in the schoolbag.

6)Nobody knows anything about it.

7)Every one/Each of us knows what he is thinking about.

8)None of us has been to Canada.

9)Neither of us has been to Canada.

10)Both Zhou Lan and Yang Pei like sports.

11)The police are/is asking them questions.

12) Three hundred and forty plus six hundred and sixty is/are one thousand.

Period 6 Integrating Skills


1To learn how to use examples to support your opinions.

2.To learn to write a fan letter.

Step 1 Pre-reading

1. There are many famous women in all fields. Let’s enjoy some pictures of them.

(Show pictures of famous women such as Deng Yaping, Miss Nightingale, Helen Keller, Madam Thatcher, Marilyn Monroe)

2. (individual work)What do you think is needed in order to be a successful woman?

(A successful woman should be intelligent, determined, hard-working, energetic, strong, responsible, perseverant and endurant.)

Step 2 Reading

As we have seen, women often experience more difficulty reaching high positions. In America and many other places it is even more difficult when people are coloured. In addition to that, people from poor, remote areas or small villages and towns also often have more difficulty in going to good schools and finding good jobs than people who have grown up in bigger cities. Today we’ll read a passage about such a black woman from a poor village in America. (Show the video of her interviewing Marilyn Monroe).But now, she is the Number One TV personality.

Step 3 Skimming

Read the passage to find out how Oprah Winfrey achieved success.

(Hard work and discipline lead to her success)

Step 4 Scanning

Task 1 Ask Ss to read each paragraph and find out the main idea for it.

Task 2 When asking for main ideas for each paragraph, the teacher ask more questions for details.

Title Para Main Idea Detailed Information

: 1

: Oprah Winfrey is not just a very successful TV Personality in the USA, She is also a woman who has inspired millions.

1)What is Oprah’s Programme about?

2)Why is Oprah Winfrey not just a very successful TV personality in the US, but also a woman who has inspired millions?

2 Her family 3) What about her family?

3 She was an extremely bright girl at school. 4)Why was she an extremely bright girl at school?

5)What did she learn from her father when she lived with him?

4 Her work experience. 6)What did she do?

7)Why is her show one of the most popular television programmes in history?

5 Oprah Winfrey’s wonderful career inspires many people to fight for success.

Suggested answers:

1)In her television shows she makes it possible to talk about great moments and difficulties in people’s lives. Her another programme about literature is popular as well.

2)Oprah Winfrey is not just a successful TV personality. She has inspired millions of people through her talk shows. She helped people by giving information about difficulties that they had in their lives and talked about things that people could not or were afraid to talk about. In that way she helped people come to terms with problems that worried them or for which they could not find solutions.

3)For her family, life seemed to hold no promise.

4)She asked her kindergarten teacher to let her go to school sooner and she also skipped the second grade of primary school. A few years later, she won a college scholarship that allowed her to go to university.

5)Hard work and discipline could lead to self-improvement.

6)Worked part-time on a radio programmeStarted working for different television stations became the host of “AM Chicago”

7)Oprah’s show is one of the most popular in history. The history of television is of course not very long. Oprah has been successful with her TV programme for more than 20 years.

After asking and answering, the teacher can present the table below for the students to have a better understanding about how Oprah Winfrey reached her success.

a successful TV personality

a woman who has inspired millions

work for television talk about /great moments/ difficulties

help / come to terms with

program about

literature / popular

win many prizes

go to university Host a talk show

AM Chicago →

The Oprah Winfrey Show for over 20 years.

a bright girl

6-14 hard won a college


part-time job on a radio program


born in a poor family

skip second grades

hard work discipline self-improvement success

Step 5 Listening

Go through the passage while listening to the tape. The teacher may explain some language points.

I.difficult expressions:

1.come to terms with 甘心忍受

2.bother sb. about sth. 麻烦某人某事

3.inspiring/ inspired令人鼓舞的/备受鼓舞的

4.hold no promise 毫无希望

5.lead to…= cause 引起,导致

6.so far 到目前为止,和现在完成时连用。

7.inspire sb. to do sth. 鼓舞某人做某事

8.within reach在某人所能够得着的范围

II.difficult sentences:

1….made it possible to talk about great moments…

2.Ophrah Winfrey is a black woman whose rise to fame is an inspiring story

3.For Many women such hardship would be too heavy to bear

Step 6 Role play

(Group work) Suppose you were Oprah Winfrey. Now you are at work. You work on a radio programme. People who have something that bother them or have something they can’t talk with others often ask you for help…

Problem 1: Student A has a problem with his friend. He lost 100 yuan last week and he thought it was his new friend who took it because he was with him all the time that day. But he can’t make a check on his friend and he doesn’t want to lose his friend. He wonders what to do.

Problem 2: Student B has a problem with his parents. He thinks that what his parents say is to ask him to work hard and do well in the college entrance exams. Their goal is his son should go to key university. What they care most is his marks and his health. He is unhappy at home. In this way he can’t get on well with his parents.

Problem 3: Student C is good at singing and dancing. Of course she is pretty. She wants to be a famous singer or a film star. She wonders how she can achieve success.

Problem 4: Student D is struck by one of his classmates. He is sure he loves her. It has a very bad effect on his study. He doesn’t know what to do.

Work in groups and do the role play. Then get the Ss to act it out.

Step 7 Writing

You know, Oprah Winfrey is not just a very successful TV personality in the USA, she is also a woman who has inspired millions. She gets many fan letters every day. She enjoys reading them. Here is a letter from one of her fans(SB Page 35). Read it and go on to read tips on writing and try to find out how to write a fan letter. Use it as a model and write a letter to a famous woman you admire, and read to each other in the group.

Guided writing


刘玉玲(英文名:Lucy Alexis Liu)1986年12月2日生于美国纽约,从小立志想成为演员。大学毕业后,边打工边为争取角色而到处试镜,不断碰壁却不气馁,终于有了回报。因演电视戏剧《艾莉的异想世界》(Ally Mc Beal)中的吴琳一角而开始令人瞩目。她在成龙的动作喜剧片《西域威龙》(Shanghai Noon)中饰演公主。接下来,因演《霹雳娇娃1,2》(Charlie’s Angels)而大红大紫,风靡全球。同时自19以来也获得了不少国际性奖项。

One possible version:

Dear Miss Liu,

My name is Emily Li. I am 17 and live in Zhejiang, China. I wish to tell you how much I like your films and your performance. I am a big fan of your work. I have seen you on TV and in movies many times. My favorite movie is Charlie’s Angels.

I really admire you and all the good work that you do. I know you had dreamed of becoming an actress since you were a little girl. After college, you took a number of different part-time jobs while waiting for your fortune. In the beginning, your acting career seemed to be going nowhere, but you didn’t give up. Your persistence slowly began to pay off. Now you are world-famous because of your hard work. I hope to be just as successful as you are when I grow up.

Good luck to you always. I wish you a lot of success in the future.

Your fan and friend,

Emily Li

Step 8 Assessment

(Group work)Exchange the writing with the group members according to the following criteria for the content

1)Does the writer follow the format for informal letters?

(address +date at the top, opening and closing)

2)Does the letter give enough detail about the writer’s hero and his or her work?

1) Does the writer express his or her admiration?

Each group recommends one letter to show to the class.


1.Finish reading the Integrating Skills on the workbook..

2.Go over the whole unit and do self-assessment. .

3.Surf the Internet about Oprah Winfrey.





Warming up

1. It is said that…据说

It is said that he has gone abroad.

He is said to have gone abroad. 据说他已出国。

He is said to go abroad. 据说他将出国。

He is said to be writing a new book. 据说他正在写一本新书。

2. inspire vt.鼓舞,激发

We’re trying to inspire him with confidence. 我们正努力鼓舞他的自信心。

The present excellent situation inspires us to win still greater victory. 目前的大好形势鼓舞我们去争取更大的胜利。

inspiring adj. 鼓舞人心的,吸引人的。

We regard Lincoln as an inspiring leader.

The Yellow River Cantata is inspiring. 黄河大合唱是振奋人心的。

inspired adj. 受灵感启发的

The artist told me that was an inspired work of art. 这位艺术家告诉我那是件得自灵感的艺术品。

3. as it is 根据现在情况看,就以现在样子 (常用句子开头与结尾)

I thought things would get better, but as it is they are getting worse. 我原以为情况会好转,但照现在的样子看,只会更糟。

4. twice as difficult as it is 是….的两倍…(困难)

The room is twice bigger than mine.这个房间比我的房间大两倍。

The room is twice as big as mine. 这个房间是我的房间两倍。

The room is twice the size of mine. 这个房间是我的房间两倍。

Notes: A是B的几倍

倍数 +as+ 形容词/副词的原级 +as

倍数 + the +名词(size, length, width, height)+ of …


倍数+比较级+ than

5. admire vt.钦佩,羡慕 admire somebody for something因。。。而羡慕某人

I admire him for his success.我佩服他事业有成。


1. become of (命运等)降临,使遭遇= happen to

What will become of the children if their father dies? 若他们的父亲死了,这些孩子的遭遇将怎样?

I don’t know what has become of him. 我不知道他的遭遇如何。

2. used to do/ would do


would do 强调过去经常发生的动作,较为主观地表达说话者的感慨,富有感情色彩。

Used you to take a walk after the supper?你过去晚饭后常常去散步吗?

When at college, he would go swimming with his classmates. 上大学时,他常与同学一起游泳。

3. generous 慷慨大方的

He is generous with his money in helping others. 他用钱大方,慷慨助人。

It was generous of them to share their meals with their out-of-work neighbours.他们让失业的邻居与其共餐,甚为慷慨。


1. What kind of people do you think they are?

可以用于插入语的动词还有 “suppose, guess, believe, imagine, expect.”

Who do you imagine will come to the party? 你想谁会来参加聚会。

What do you suppose happened to him? 你猜想他出了什么事。

2. think of 想起,想到,打算

think back to 回想

think highly/ well of 高度评价

think little/badly of 认为不好

think over 仔细考虑

think about 考虑


1. 不定式作定语的三种情况


I have some letters to answer today. 今天我有几封信要回。

I want to get something to read during my holiday. 我想找点东西假期里看。

Please give me some paper to write on. 请给我几张纸用。


You must find a person to help you in the field.你必须找个人帮你干地里的活。

We need someone to send for a doctor. 我们需要个人去请医生。

I was the first woman to travel alone to the North Pole. 我是第一个独闯北极的女性。(=who traveled)


There is no need to worry about him. 没有必要为他担忧。

What’s the best season to go climbing? 什么是爬山的最佳季节?

I’m sure about his ability to complete the task alone. 我肯定他独立完成任务的能力。

2. grow/go+adj, 变成。。。。。。。

grow 逐渐变成,强调过程

The music grew faint as the band marched away. 音乐随着乐队走远而渐渐减弱。

After taking the medicine she grew fat. 吃了那药后,她变胖了。

go 变成(某种状态),通常表示不好的变化。

go red 变红 go mad 发疯 go hungry 挨饿

3 .just around the corner =likely to happen soon.

Victory was just around the corner. 胜利即将在眼前。

A big storm was just around the corner. 一场大风暴即将来临。

5. find oneself +形容词/介词短语/分词 发现自己来到某处/或处于某种境地

When day broke, we found ourselves in a small village at the foot of the mountain. 天亮时,我们发现自己来到了那山脚下的一个村子里。

When he came to life, he found himself in hospital. 他苏醒后,发现自己在医院里。

I found myself surrounded by a group of children. 我发现自己被一群孩子包围。

I found the success greater than I had expected. 我发现这一成就比我预期的更大。

6. 过去进行时/过去完成时/be about to do…+when….

过去进行时+when… 正在做。。。突然。。。

过去完成时+when… 还没(刚刚)。。。就。。。

be about to do…+when… 正要去做。。。突然。。。

I had finished my supper when suddenly someone asked me to eat out. 我刚吃过晚饭,这时有人邀请我出去用餐。

I was about to go out when the telephone rang. 我正要出去,电话就响了。

They were having a drink when a Frenchman came to them. 他们正在喝酒时,这时一个法国人来到他们身旁。

7. drop out 掉落,掉出

One of his teeth had dropped out.


8. be thankful to sb. for sth./that….

I’m thankful to you for all your help. 我感谢你这一切的帮助。

You should be thankful that you have caught the train. 你赶上了火车应该感到高兴。

9. stand on 用…站立

stand on one’s head 用头倒立

stand on one leg like a cock 金鸡独立

10. 现在分词短语,表示条件, 相当于一个条件状语从句。

Going straight down the road, you will find the department store.

(= If you go straight down the road, you will find the department store.)

Working hard at your lessons, you will succeed. (=If you work hard at your lessons, you will succeed.)

11. die down/ die away/die out

die down (风/雨)逐渐平息,由强变弱。火(熄灭)

The wind has died down obviously 风已明显减弱。

The flames die down. 火焰熄灭了

die out 死光,不流行,消失

The kind of birds has died out in this area. 这种鸟已经在这一地区灭绝了。

The custom of wearing vests seems to be dying out. 穿马甲的习惯似乎在逐渐消失。

die away 指(风,声音等)渐渐消失

His footsteps died away in the darkness. 他的脚步黑暗中消失了。

12. somehow adv. 以某种方式,莫明其妙地;不知怎么地

We must stop her from seeing him, somehow. 我们得想个办法不能让她跟他来往。

Somehow I must leave for Paris. 我必须得设法前去巴黎。

Somehow I don’t feel I can trust him. 不知什么缘故,我觉得不很信任他。

13. value

vt. 重视 You should value your parents’ advice. 你应该重视你父母的劝告。

n. 价值,价格 His discovery is of great value. 他的发现很有价值。

14. 200-mile 数词+名词(单数)复合形容词
