1.高一英语模块一复习 篇一
The future technology unimaginable, go, mobile phone is very convenient.
I developed a kind of the latest model of mobile phones, and rubber difference would like, the test, you can take it in hand, tried to cheat, and when the supervisor came over, you can immediately said: “this is the difference in rubber.” In the paper, and then moved on, the supervisor, and continue to cheat, very convenient.
Kind of function with this phone is can be changed into human form, when you are happy, he will share it with you, when you are sad, he will share with you, when you are sad, he will give you, when you worry, he will give you happiness, has a very strong voice systems, languages, and identify system.
This phone is better than a computer, with convenient. On the Internet, the network is a computer 100 times, and with carry, where go to, to play games also better than the computer manipulation, and acoustic control, the appearance of mobile phones also can change, but also is the size of rubber is poor, if you want to make it big, you can unlock the function of size, as well as great.
This is developed by my mobile phone, convenient, and easy to understand.
2.高一英语模块一复习 篇二
一、创设情境, 呈现词汇
1. 将学生的生活情境再现课堂
在复习本模块的前几天, 学校刚好举行踏春野炊活动, 笔者趁机拍摄了几张本班学生参加活动的照片用做该模块的教学素材。在课堂上, 学生看到画面上瞬间定格的是自己, 注意力一下子被吸引过来, 变得兴奋而又热情。在笔者指着照片提问:“What kind of food has Student A/B/C...got?”后, 他们脱口而出画面中的食物名称:“Orange, drink, fruit, vegetable, beef, carrot, chicken, juice, melon, milk, onion, pork, potato, tomato...”当他们看到某位同学因担心饭煮不熟而买的充数“美食”——方便面时, 顿时哄堂大笑, 学生学习词汇的积极性更加高涨, 大部分学生说是“convenient noodles”, 但随即有学生给出了正确的翻译——“instant noodles”。
2. 将学生时下最为关注的话题引入课堂
随着生活水平的提高, 人们认识和了解的食品也越来越多, 一些国外的食品也为中国学生所熟悉。针对学生对学校食堂饭菜不满意这一现象, 笔者设计和组织了课堂活动:“If I am a cook, I’ll provide better food at our school.I will make...”活动唤起了学生学习中西方食物名称的兴趣和热情, 学生饶有兴趣地道出意大利的“pizza”, 美国的“fried chicken”, 日本的“sushi”, 我们的餐桌上常见的“carrot, cabbage, tofu, mushroom”等等。
二、变式训练, 巩固词汇
将食物名称按不同标准分类训练, 从不同角度复现话题词汇, 让学生始终体验“新”感觉, 从而达到维持学习本话题词汇的兴趣, 促使主题词汇量循序渐进式地扩大。
分类一:Fruit, Meat, Vegetables, Drink, Staple diet (主食)
第一次分类是为了给学生起一个示范作用, 不仅分好类别而且要明确食品名称, 但每一类别的问题设计形式是不同的。笔者对这五类食物名词分别设计不同的小组活动:全班分成五个小组, 每组选取其中一类在规定时间内作答, 得分高的组获胜。Fruit组的任务是根据简笔画猜出水果名称 (如:apple, orange, banana, pear, peach...) , Drink组的任务是根据英文描述猜出饮料名称 (如:milk, juice, water, tea, coffee, Coke...) , Vegetables组的任务则以不同蔬菜的中、英文连线题的形式出现 (如:tomato, onion, potato, cabbage, eggplant...) , Meat组的任务是根据所给动物图片列举出对应的肉类名称 (如:chicken, beef, mutton, pork...) , Staple diet组的任务是用头脑风暴法联想出相关的名称, 如图1所示。
分类二:Healthy food和Unhealthy food
鉴于上一分类中复现了一定量的食品名词, 学生对本话题词汇有了一定的储备, 此时他们对于有一定挑战性的活动也会跃跃欲试。教师因势利导, 引导学生快速列举healthy food和unhealthy food, 在规定时间内列举出食品项目更多的小组获胜。这一活动促使他们回想所学词汇, 不断强化巩固所学词汇的有意识记。
分类三:Chinese food和Western food
教师设计一篇介绍中西方饮食的阅读文章“How is Chinese food different from Western food?”先鼓励学生阅读并填写出尽可能多的食品词汇以及餐具词汇, 然后按照类别作适当补充 (见表1) 。
三种词汇训练既避免了因操练形式单一而让学生感到乏味而兴趣低落, 又使本主题的食物名称词汇在这一阶段得到频繁有效的复现, 从而有利于词汇的记忆。当然, 也训练了学生说和读的能力。
三、综合运用, 升华词汇
词汇学习和复习的最终目的是为了运用, 而不仅仅是储存。经过词汇的呈现、扩大和初步巩固, 学生的学习兴趣得到了激发和维持, 学生对学习食物词汇的自信心不断增强, 接受有挑战性任务的心理承受力不断增强, 对继续学习并从学习中获得成功体验的心理期待越来越高。此时教师应趁势布置任务, 将学生的兴趣转化为内在的稳定的学习动机。
学习词汇不是机械地记忆单词, 而是运用词汇, 将词汇学习与技能训练和语言实践活动结合起来, 在真实的情境中解决具体的实际问题。笔者设计了一项含有两个活动的任务, 促使学生在所学的食物名称词汇和他们的生活经验之间建立起一种联系。任务的第一部分是说的活动:Give the following people some advice on what suitable food they should choose and give some brief reasons.让全班学生分组讨论后完成表2。
为了让每一个学生都能参与到活动中来, 顺利地完成任务, 教师可以提供一些可供选择的理由让学生参考:become stronger/growhealthily/bethinner/be better/live longer。
在讨论中, 学生交流各自关于饮食方面的生活经验, 发表个人观点和看法;在讨论中, 学生对饮食有了新的认识, 增加了一份对生活的感悟;在讨论中, 学生更加坚定了取得学习成功的信心, 增强了对下一次学习活动的期待。
这项任务的第二部分是一项写的活动:Make a pamphlet of food for people of different ages.小组分工合作编写一周食谱。要求: (1) 有封面; (2) 有目录; (3) 有理由介绍; (4) 可适当包装使食谱精美悦目。食谱的样本见表3。
3.高一英语期末复习方法漫谈 篇三
词汇记忆是英语学习的重要任务,一些同学对此颇为犯难。解决的方法很多。由于英语是表音文字,背词汇的首要策略就是结合读音记忆,做到音形结合。在高中阶段,结合语境记忆单词则越发重要。比如,背诵satisfaction,可以结合look back on the past with satisfaction记忆。这样,词语的用法和意义变得更加鲜活,印象更加深刻,也非常有利于日后的提取和运用。
同样,对于语法规则的掌握也要结合大量详实的例句。语法是对自然状态中语言使用规则的一种归纳,语用是第一位的。语法的学习要从例句分析开始,在例句的研读中体会语法规则,考查他们是如何表达意义的。此外,每学到一个新的语法现象,我们可以在大脑中加以“排演”(rehearsal),想象一个表达情境来运用规则。比如,学习虚拟语气时,我们可以利用其规则表达自己对过去的遗憾:If I hadlistened to the teacher's advice,I would havedone a better job in yesterday's test.
动词搭配1:consider sth./doing sth.(考虑……)
动词搭配2:be considered to do…(被认为做……)
动词搭配3:be considered as…(被认为是……=be regarded as…,be thought of as…)
名词搭配:take…into consideration(考虑到……=take…into account)
形容词搭配1:a considerate hostess(考虑周到的女房东)
形容词搭配2:have a considerable impacton(对……有相当大的、重要的影响)
4.高一英语模块一复习 篇四
1.High school is a time of discovery, learning and hard work!2.Going to a British high school for one year was a very enjoyable and exciting experience for me.3.I sat next to a girl whose name was Diana.4.He also told us that the best way to earn respect was to devote ourselves to study and achieve high grades.5.We also had different students in some classes, so it was a struggle for me to remember all the faces and names.6.I found that the homework was not as heavy as what I used to get in my old school.7.My English improved a lot, as I used English every day and spent an hour each year reading English books in the library.8.I was very lucky to experience this different way of life.9.Upon finishing his studies , he started travelling in China.10.Eric runs in after it, followed by a big dog, walking very slowly.11.The room is in a mess, with pizza boxes on the floor and dirty dishes in the sink.12.Both being a teenager and being a parent can be very difficult.However, don‟t give up.With a little bit of patience and communication, many of these problems can be solved.13.I‟m taking weight-loss pills called Fat-Less, which are quite popular among young women here.14.Things change so quickly.15.Nothing is more important than health.16.Many people, some of whom are not overweight at all, are always going on a diet or taking weight-loss pills, which are often dangerous.17.Healthy eating along with regular exercise is probably the only way to become fit.18.Walking and riding your bike count, and so do school sports.19.If you follow the suggestions above, you will look and feel much better in no time at all!20.I am strongly against smoking.21.As we can see, smoking does more harm than good, and students should not pick up the habit.模块二
22.Standing inside were lots of strange creatures with white skin and large black eyes.23.When asked about the possibility that Justin was taken by aliens, Detective Sam Peterson, who has
taken charge of the case , told journalists, “sometimes people make up such amazing stories.”
24.While we have not dismissed the idea , we are looking into other possibilities as well.25.That‟s one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.26.The Yeti is said to be a large, hairy animal that walks on two feet like a human being.27.We‟ll be travelling by camel with local guides, camping in tents and sleeping on the ground.28.We‟ll live with the local people in their villages, and eat and drink whatever they do, including cow‟s blood.29.Mountain climbing can be very tiring, and many people feel sick as the atmosphere gets thinner, so Colin and I will make sure that we get plenty of rest.30.I can‟t wait to hear what Africa is like.31.Hilton described a beautiful kingdom where three rivers joined together, steep mountains reached to the sky, and fields of long grass covered the earth.In this perfect world lived people who had discovered how to stay young forever.32.Nature has provided Shangri-la with endless natural treasures, making the land a happy home for the local people.33.Some amazing people have changed our world for the better through their thoughts and actions.34.By the 1920s, he had become an explorer, searching for the tombs of the Egyptian kings.35.Upon their entering the tomb, Carter‟s lucky pet bird, which he had left in Cairo, was swallowed by a snake.36.He too visited the tomb, only to catch a high fever the next day.37.If breathed in, they can result in illness or even death.38.What is certain, though, is that „the curse of the mummy‟ remains a riddle to this day.39.All my years of training as an explorer have finally paid off.40.Not only have we learnt a lot of English from her, but we have also learnt a lot about the cultures of foreign countries.unit 1M2
Tales of the unexplained
Welcome to Reading
1.a missing boy 一个失踪的男孩
2.carry out/make an interview 进行采访 3.be full of 充满
4.run into sth/sb =come across sth/sb偶然遇见 5.step up 加速,加紧 6.show up=turn up 出现
7.put on his favorite CD播放他最喜爱的CD 8.do/make research on sb.对…进行研究 9.look into…调查
10.make up a story/an excuse 编造故事/借口 11.take charge of 负责 12.according to 根据
13.make much progress 取得很大进步
14.be disappointed with sb;be disappointed at/about sth.对…感到失望
15.search for other witnesses 寻找其他目击证人 Word Power to Grammar 1.carry out outer space explorations 进行外太空探险
2.launch sth into space 把…发射到太空 3.so far=up to now直到现在 4.dream of doing sth 梦想做某事 5.come true 梦想等的实现 6.separate from 从…分离 7.pick them up把它们拾起;
8.pick up some English学得一些英语;9.pick up the news收听新闻
10.take off脱下;起飞;take a day off;休假一天 11.the solar system 太阳系 12.be connected to 与相关
13.take the underground 乘地铁 Task:
1.conduct /do a survey制作问卷调查
2.at a time;一次 at one time;曾经 at times;有时at no time;决不 in no time立即 3.divide…into;把…分成… 4.avoid doing sth/sth 避免做 5.follow a rule 遵循规则 6.point out 指出
7.in the last/past few months 在过去的几个月里 8.in return 作为回报
9.shake hands with 和…握手
10.had intended to do本打算做但没做 11.a number of questions;许多
12.the number of …的数目
13.draw a conclusion 得出结论
14.arouse the students‟ interest in doing…引起学生们做某事的兴趣
15.take measures/steps to do sth.采取措施做… 16.be willing to do 乐意做 Project:
1.for centuries 几个世纪以来 2.a human being 一个人 3.run after
4.in length 在长度方面 5.be similar to 与…相似
7.become convinced 相信
8.make its way to… 努力朝。。前进 9.be linked to 与。。有关联 10.continue to do
继续做 11.solve the mystery 解迷
12.have the chance to do sth.有机会做某事
13.see sth with one‟s own eyes 亲眼所见 14.in one‟s view= in one‟s opinion
Revision of Unit 2 Wish you were here Phrases from page 21 to 25:
1.have experience in doing sth 在…方面有经验
an experienced teacher 一个有经验的教师 2.be busy with sth
be busy(in)doing sth 忙于做… 3.spend … on sth/(in)doing sth
it takes sb some time to do sth 花费…时间做… it costs sb some money 花费某人…钱 sb pays some money for sth 为…付款 4.be ready to do 准备做、乐意做
be prepared to do … 准备好做… 5.do lots of extraordinary things
做很多不同同寻常的事 6.camp in tents 在帐篷里宿营 7.on clear nights
在天高气爽的晚上 8.in the dark 黑暗中
9.go white-water rafting进行白浪漂流
10.in case 万
in case of 万
11.including sth= sth included 包括某物
12.supplies of food and water 食物、水的供给
supply sb with sth
supply sth to sb 提供 13.follow the tracks of wildlife
follow the custom of local people
follow one‟s advice/ suggestions
14.get as close as possible to sb尽可能地接近某人 15.even though=even if
尽管;即使 16.worry about
be worried about
17.scare … away
把…吓跑 18.up close
靠近地 19.feel sick
生病;恶心 20.make sure that
确保、保证 make sure of …
确保、保证 21.look forward to hearing from you
look through a piece of newspaper
look out for dangers 当心危险 look down upon/on sb
轻视;瞧不起 Phrases from page 26 to 37: 1.keep warm/ quiet 保暖;保持安静
keep a diary
写日记 2.remind sb of sth
remind sb to do sth 提醒某人做某事 3.as well as sth
连同;和 4.lose one‟s way
make one‟s way
5.run out of sth= sth run out用完(某物)
6.make progress(in sth)(在…方面)取得进步 7.places of interest
名胜古迹 8.as you can see 正如你知道的那样 9.wake up
醒来;叫醒 10.in(total)silence 默不作声地
in total
总计;总共 Phrases from page 38: 1.would like to do sth 想要做…
would like sb to do sth 想要某人做 2.stay young forever
3.be covered with/by
被、由…覆盖着 4.tourist spot
旅游景点 5.leave sb at a loss for words 让某无法用言语形容 6.be home to sb 是…的家园 7.live in harmony with nature
与自然和谐共处 8.provide sb with sth
provide sth for sb
9.have something in common 有些共同点
U3M2 The curse of the mummy Words and phrases: 1.win a Nobel Peace Prize 赢得诺贝尔和平奖 2.of all time 自古以来,有史以来 3.have an effect on对…有影响
4.during one‟s lifetime在某人一生中 5.be curious about sth对…很好奇 be curious to do sth.好奇地做某事 6.set sail for someplace起航去某地 set foot on/in…踏足,涉足
7.be known as被称为…,作为…出名 8.make a great discovery做出重大发现 9.as well as连同;也;和(= along with/ together with)
10.right away立即;马上
= at once/ in no time/ immediately 11.fall ill(with a fever)生病发烧
have a high fever发高烧 12.upon/on doing….一…就… 13.be present at 出席
14.result in =lead to 导致(疾病、损失等)15.not long after…之后不久(= shortly after)16.have sth to do with 与…有关
have nothing to do with 与…无关 17.result from smoking 由…导致的 18.would rather do sth 宁愿做某事 19.pay off(努力)得到回报 pay(money)for the meal 付款 pay attention to 注意 pay a visit to sb 拜访 20.compare… with 与…相比 21.dream of doing sth 梦想做… 22.base on 以…为基础,基于… 23.a great deal of money 大量的 24.at full speed 全速
at speed of 以…速度
25.take flying lessons 参加飞行课程 take examination 参加考试 take tests 接受测试
26.achieve great success 取得巨大成功
make great achievements取得巨大成就 27.break the world records打破世界记录 28.inspire sb to do sth 激励某人做某事 29.graduate from 毕业于…
30.catch/draw/attract sb‟s attention 抓住,吸引某人的注意力
31.make one‟s dream a reality 实现梦想
live one‟s dream
make one‟s dream come true 32.take… in orbit使…进入轨道 33.join the army/party参军/入党
34.prove(=turn out)to be right 证明是正确的 35.be fit for 胜任,合格
36.win sb the status of 为某人赢得…的地位 37.be described as 被描述为… 38.go down in history 载入史册
39.be proud of..以…为骄傲,以…为自豪 40.look up to sb 尊敬,敬佩
5.高一英语模块一复习 篇五
反意疑问句 = +
-------- --------
-------- --------
1, 谓语部分为be, 助动词,情态动词
①There is a dog,? ②They are not students,?
③He plays basketball well, ? ④You went to the park,?
⑤She can speak English well,? ⑥We need not do it again, ?
重点:疑问部分== 谓语(肯定or否定) + 主语
2, 当陈述部分的主语是everybody, everyone, someone, nobody, no one, somebody等合成代词时,或主语是these 和 those时
①Somebody phoned while I was out, ?
②Everyone enjoyed the party, ?
③These are your friends Tom and Jack, ?
3, 当陈述部分的主语是不定代词everything, nothing, anything, something,时,或主语是指示代词this, that时
①Everything seems all right now, ?
②Nothing is kept in good order, ?
③This is important,?
4,陈述部分带有seldom, hardly, never, rarely, few, little,nowhere, nothing等否定词或半否定词时
①Bob rarely got drunk, ?
②Few people know him,?
①He was unsuccessful, ?
②Tom dislikes the book, ?
①Don’t open the door,
②Give me some water,
③Let’s have a break,
④Let us have a break,
①She says that I did it,
②He thinks that you are right,
如果主句的主语是第一人称(I/we),结构为I/we + think/believe/know/imagine/suppose/guess/expect 开头的主从复合句时,
①I think he is right,
②I don’t believe she knows it,
I wish to go to Beijing for a short visit,
①You must do it right now,
②You must be Mary,
①He need wear a hat,
②He needs to be told,
1. Linda ate nothing this morning, ___?
A. didn’t she B. was she C. did she D. wasn’t she
2. He has never ridden a horse before, ___?
A. does he B. has he C. hasn’t he D. doesn’t he
3. - He seldom came here, _____?
- Yes sir.
A. didn’t he B. does he C. doesn’t he D. did he
4. Everything seems all right, _____ ?
A. does it B. don’t they C. won’t it D. doesn’t it
5. Nobody was absent from the meeting, ____ ?
A. was it B. were they C. wasn’t he D. weren’t they
6. One can’t be too modest, can _____ ?
A. one B. he C. it D. we
7. No one failed in the exam, _____ ?
A. was he B. did one C. did they D. didn’t he
8. I’m a little late for class, _____ I?
A. amn’t B. am not C. isn’t D. ain’t
9. Neither you nor I am a artist, _____ ?
A. am I B. aren’t we C. are we D. ain’t I
10. He can’t be her father, _____ he?
A. is B. isn’t C. can D. can’t
11. They have no time to visit the museum, _____?
A. do they B. haven’t they C. don’t they D. will they
12. You have John do the work, _____?
A. do you B. don’t you C. haven’t you D. have you
13. You’d better go at once, _____ you?
A. hadn’t B. did C. didn’t D. don’t
14. You’d rather work than play, _____ you?
A. hadn’t B. wouldn’t C. didn’t D. mustn’t
15. You dare not do that, _____ you?
A. don’t B. do C. dare D. daren’t
16. You must be tired, _____ you?
A. mustn’t B. needn’t C. aren’t D. can’t
17. He dislikes the two subjects, _____ he?
A. does B. doesn’t C. is D. isn’t
18. These tools are useless now, _____ ?
A. are they B. aren’t they C. is it D. isn’t it
19. He used to get up at 6:30, _____ he?
A. didn’t he B. did he C. used he D. wouldn’t he
20. I wish to go home early, _____ I?
A. can B. must C. may D. do
21 He ought to win the first prize, _______ he?
A. mustn’t B. oughtn’t C. shouldn’t D. Both B and C.
22. Let’s go there by bus, ___?
A. will you B. shall we C. don’t you D. will you
23. Let us go to play football, ___?
A. will you B. shall we C. do we D. are we
24. Don’t forget to give Polly some food and change her water, ___?
A. will you B. shall we C. won’t you D. do you
25. - Pass me the dictionary, _____?
- Yes, with pleasure.
A. would you B. will you C. won’t you D. wouldn’t you
26. - What beautiful weather, _____ ?
- Yes, it is.
A. is it B. isn’t it C. am I right D. do you agree
27. What kind people, _____ they?
A. aren’t B. are C. won’t D. will
28. There is little water in the glass, ____?
A. isn’t there B. isn’t it C. is it D. is there
29. - They don’t seem to answer the phone.
- There isn’t anybody at home, _____?
A. isn’t there B. is there C. isn’t it D. is it
30. There won’t be any concert this Saturday evening, _____ ?
A. will there not B. will there C. is there D. won’t
31. - I guess she taught herself Japanese, ______?
- Yes.
A. don’t I B. did she C. do I D. didn’t she
32. I don’t believe you are right, _____ ?
A. are you B. do you C. won’t you D. do
33. She doesn’t think that Tom sings best in the class, _____ ?
A. does she B. doesn’t she C. does he D. doesn’t he
34. I told you that everybody couldn’t do it well, _____ ?
A. didn’t I B. could they C. could he D. did I
35. I know you didn’t want to hurt me, _____ ?
A. did you B. didn’t you C. do I D. don’t I
36. If my father were here he would be very happy, _____ ?
6.高一英语模块一复习 篇六
Language points
1. prefer :
a: Which kind of transportation do you prefer?
I prefer train.
I prfer to take a train.
I prefer taking a train.
I prefer taking a train to taking a bus.
I prefer to take a train rather than take a bus.
2. persuade: Then she persuade me to buy one.
用法总结: ____________________________.
She persuaded her son to change his mind.
I advised him to gve up, but he didn’t.
3. insist: She insisted that she organise the trip properly.
He insisted that he should be treated fairly.
He insisted that he was right.
The baby insisted on coming with me.
1. 我坚决主张我们马上开始。
2. He insisted that he had done nothing wrong.
4. experience
n. ___________ He is a teacher with much experience.
___________ Travelling along the river is really an interesting experience.
v. ____________. You can experience nature while travelling.
He is an experienced teacher.
5. breathe:词性 ________.读音__________.
breath: 词性_________.读音__________.
1. After graduating from college, … 词性:_____________.
After he graduated from college, …. _____________
After graduation from college,…. ______________
2. She didn’t know the best way of getting to places
= the way ________________.
= the way that _____________________.
1. It was my sister who first had the idea to cycle along the Mekong River.
I saw him in the street yesterday.
What he said was interesting.
I didn’t leave here until I finished my work.
2. When are we leaving and when are we coming back?
3. It was fun especially as it gradually became much warmer.
Fun 词性:________名词.
It is fun to have a cool drink .
What fun it is to jump and sing in a one-horse open sleigh!
Have fun!
4. Once she has made up her mind, nothing can change it.
Once 1. 意思:__________adv.. I have been there once.
Translation: __________________________________________.
2. 意思:__________conj. Once you understand the rule, you’ll have no
further difficulty.
Once seen, it can never be forgotten.
1. prefer a. prefer+n
b. prefer+to do
c. prefer+doing
d. prefer doing to doing
e. prefer to do rather than do
translation: I prefer washing to cooking. Or I prefer to wash rather than cook.
I prefer going there on foot to going there by bus.
I prefer to go there on foot rather go there by bus.
2. persuade 总结:persuade sb. to do sth.
Translation: 她说服他儿子改变了主意。
I persuaded him to go there though he didn’t want to.
Compare: = I tried to persuade him to give up, but he didn’t.
Translation: 我试图说服他放弃,但他不听。
3. insist
总结 a. insist +宾语从句(should +原形)
b. insist +宾语从句(should 可省略)
c. insist +宾语从句 (陈述语气)
d. insist on +doing
translation:I insist that we (should) begin at once.
4. experience
n. 不可数名词
v. 体验
扩展 :形容词
5. breath n. /breZ/ breathe v. /br`:/
1. after 词性:介词 连词 介词
类似用法; before
2=the way to get to places
= the way that we could get to places
1. 构成: It is(was) +that(who)+其它成分
还原:My sister first had the idea to cycle along the Mekong River.
It was I who saw him in the street yesterday.
It was him who I saw in the street yesterday.
It was in the street that I saw him yesterday.
It was yesterday that I saw him in the street.
It was what he said that was interesting.
It was not until I finished my work that I left here.
2. 用法:现在进行时表将来
类似句子:Where are we staying at night?
3 fun:不可数名词
4 曾经,一度 adv. 我曾经去过那里。
7.高一英语模块一复习 篇七
Part One: Important Words and Phrases
1. be (well ) worth sth / doing (只用主动); be worthy of sth / being done;
be worthy to be done
2. get along / on (well) with sb: 与sb 相处(好)
get along/on with sth: 在….进展
How are getting along with your English study?
3. betray sb, feel betrayed by sb; betray secret to sb
4. feel like doing sth I was so upset that I felt like crying.
feel like+ 从句 I didn’t feel like I was overlooking my studies.
5. overlook a fact; overlook the city from air
6. admit doing sth / 从句:承认I admitted how badly I had done.
He admitted having broken the window
admit sb into/to sp: 允许…进入… be admitted into a college:被一所大学录取
7. keep one’s word / promise / secret ; make a promise
8. stare at sb:盯着 glance at sb: 盯一眼 glare at sb: 怒视…
9. forgive sb for …. be forgiven for…
10. I have a dilemma. I am in a dilemma.
11. focus one’s mind/attention on…
12. as a result = so as a result of…= because of…
13. be mean with money; be mean to sb, say mean things to hurt me
14. be guilty of murder: 有罪的 be guilty about telling a lie: 内疚的
15. be cruel to sb
16. bitter taste, bitter memory, bitter enemy
17. apologize (to sb) for … make an apology (to sb) for….
18. have the/no right to do sth
19. embarrass sb, be embarrassed about…
20. be to blame (for…): 应该对…负责
注: 无被动语态 You are to blame for the accident.
比较: blame sb for sth, be blamed for sth
The boy was blamed for breaking the window.
21. avoid/escape/miss doing sth
He is lucky to avoid being hurt. 注: 常用被动形式
22. be gifted at football
23. ruin our friendship
24. delay the sports meet, delay doing sth; without delay
25. persuade sb to do sth / into doing sth 注: 强调 “ 说服了”这种结果.
比较: advise sb to do sth, try to persuade sb to do sth
26. take care (of…), look out / watch out (for…)
27. in everyday/daily life
28. stay up (late) at night
29. discourage sb from doing sth, encourage sb to do sth
30. for sure/certain:肯定 One thing is for sure-It is easy.
No one knows for sure what happened
31. Moving to a new town or area can be a trying time.
32. be anxious about her safety., be anxious to study abroad
33. suffer heavy loss / hunger and cold / pain, suffer from a headache
34. for free = free of charge
35. get through ( to sb): I tried calling you, but I couldn’t get through.
get through the exam: 通过考试 get through with the task= finish/complete sth
36. hesitate to do sth, without hesitation
37. be consistent with…与…一致
The results are totally consistent with our earlier research.
be consistent in…:在 … 一致
She is not consistent in the way she treats her children.
38. respond to…, in response to
Part Two: Sentence Patterns
1. Other children say we are no fun, but we like it that way.
It is great fun. 注: fun为不可数名词
2. I must have sounded proud of myself, saying loudly how easy the test was.
Hannah must have deliberately told everyone about my mark.
注: 情态动词+ have done: 可表示对过去或已发生的事的猜测
3. I was determined to be cheerful.
I was determined to win. “坚定/决地要做某事”
比较: I determined to go there on my own (= I decided to go….)
4. I don’t think I can ever forgive her. 注: 否定前移
I don’t think your plan will work.
5. Football is very important to me, but so is our friendship.
注:so表示 “也…”要倒装; 表示 “的确如此”不倒装
– You made a mistake. – So I did.
6. I can’t stand seeing our team lose. ( 不能忍受做某事)
7. I can’t help wondering if he wants Peter to be his best friend instead of me.
比较: I am busy with my work, so I can’t help clean the house. (不能帮助做…)
8. He seemed absent-minded and as a result of his careless playing, we lost the game.
(= because of…)
9. You have every right to feel betrayed by your friend if she did tell (的确告诉过)your secret to others, but it seemed unlikely that she did.( It is unlikely that从句= sb/sth is unlikely to do sth)
10. Did you feel jealous of your friend’s mark? If so, the problem lies with you, not her.
注: 是 “if it is so”的省略形式; 又如: “ if not, if possible/necessary”
11. I have no doubt(=don’t doubt) he will succeed.
注: “ I don’t doubt +陈述性的从句”; “I doubt+疑问性的从句”
比较: I doubt whether he can succeed.
There’s no doubt + (that )从句, There is no doubt about sth
12. Maybe one day he will make it to the Olympics. (成功做到/及时赶到)
13. Speaking of friends(“说到/起朋友”, 现在分词短语作状语),
I’ve met some nice people here in London and I think we might become close friends.
14. I decide to write rather than email you. (而不是,常接动词原形)
prefer to do sth rather than do sth
15. We have been friends ever since. (= since then, 与现在完成时连用)
16. They are still sitting on the sofa, absorbed in conversation. (“沉浸/专注于…中”, 分词短语表伴随)
17. What in the world do they have to talk about? (= on earth “到底/究竟”)
18. Boys and girls have / hold different attitudes towards friendship.
19. It has also been shown that many boys can’t name a single best friend.
20. When asked, they usually hesitate before responding.
注: when (they are) asked的省略, 当从句主语与主句主语一致时,从句中的 “主语+ be” 可省略 Unless invited, I won’t go to the party.
When spoken to, he kept silent.
21. Friendship between girls are based on / upon (以…为基础)
shared feelings and support.
22. When a boy is said to have( sb/sth + be said to do ) a best friend, it’s likely that they two share little about their feelings with one another.
23. Boys share activities, while girls share feelings. (表对比, “然而”)
While (尽管)cloning human is illegal in some countries, some scientists are pushing ahead with research.
24. Regardless of (无论/不管)what friendship are based upon, the important is both of them are friendship.
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