


1.5个带有ate后缀的单词 篇一

abeyance n. 中止,暂搁

abundance n.丰富,充裕

acceptance n.接受,验收;承认

accordance n.一致;和谐;授予

acquaintance n.认识;了解;熟人

acquittance 清偿;清偿债务的收据

admittance n. 入场,入场权,准入

advance vi.前进;提高 n.进展

affiance n. 信托,婚约

appearance n.出现,来到;外观

appliance n.用具,器具,器械

appurtenance n. 附属物,附件

2.以ate为后缀的单词10个 篇二

approximate a.近似的 vt.近似

considerate a.考虑周到的;体谅的

deliberate a.深思熟虑的;审慎的

appropriate a.适当的,恰当的

delicate a.纤细的;易碎的

accurate a.准确的,正确无误的

adequate a.足够的;可以胜任的

disparate adj. 迥然不同的.,不可并论的

dispassionate adj.平心静气的

desperate adj. 什么也不顾的;拼死的;绝望的;不顾一切的;危急的;令人绝望的

cognate adj. 同词源的,同类的

commensurate adj. 同样大小的,相称的

corporate adj. 团体的,共同的

consummate adj. 完全的,完美的,v. 完成

compassionate adj. 有同情心的

affectionate adj. 挚爱的

desolate adj.荒凉的,荒芜的;孤独的;凄凉的;不幸的,被遗弃的;孤寂的vt. 使悲惨

ate eat 的过去式;eat(吃)的过去式

apostate n. 背教者,变节者

castellate n. 城主之阶级、职位或辖区

acetate n. 醋酸盐

affiliate n. 分号(公司);vt. 使…加入;使附于;合并,接纳;分支机构;附属公司;v. 加入联合

curate n. 副牧师,助理牧师

candidate n. 候选人

breastplate n. 护胸甲,腹甲,胸革带

cate n. 佳肴,美食

consulate n. 领事馆

crate n. 篓,板条箱

billingsgate n. 伦敦的鱼市场,粗暴话,骂人话

agate n. 玛瑙

carbohydrate n. 碳水化合物

carbonate n. 碳酸盐

confederate n. 同盟者,同盟国

bicarbonate n. 重碳酸盐

debate n.,vt.&vi.争论;辩论

celibate n./adj. 独身者,不结婚的.

arsenate n.『化学』砷酸盐

advocate n.辩护者 vt.拥护

delegate n.代表,委员,特派员

correlate n.互相关联的事物

climate n.气候;风土,地带

chocolate n.巧克力;巧克力糖

date n.日期

classmate n.同班同学

certificate n.证书,证件,执照

adumbrate v. (对将来事件)预示

dilate v. (身体某部位)张大,扩大

detonate v. (使)爆炸,引爆

deteriorate v. (使)变坏,恶化

corrugate v. (使)起波浪形,起皱纹

desiccate v. (使)完全干涸,脱水。

asphyxiate v. (使)无法呼吸,窒息而死

capitulate v. (有条件地)投降。

conciliate v. 安抚,调和

depreciate v. 贬低,贬值

derogate v. 贬低,诽谤

attenuate v. 变薄,变弱

adulterate v. 掺假

adulate v. 谄媚,奉承

castigate v. 惩治,严责

adjudicate v. 充当裁判,判决

aerate v. 充气,让空气进入

dehydrate v. 除去水份,脱水

devastate v. 摧毁,破坏

desecrate v. 玷辱,亵渎

asseverate v. 断言

collate v. 对照,核对

calumniate v. 诽谤,中伤

abrogate v. 废止,废除

disintegrate v. 分裂成小片,瓦解

bifurcate v. 分为二支,分叉

conflate v. 合并

amalgamate v. 合并,混合

cooperate v. 合作,协作;配合

demarcate v. 划分,划界

alleviate v. 缓和,减轻

backdate v. 回溯

decimate v. 毁掉大部分,大量杀死

cumulate v. 积累,堆积

aggregate v. 集合,合计

conglomerate v. 集聚,集团

aggravate v. 加重,恶化

abate v. 减轻,降低

bate v. 减少,降低,衰落

congregate v. 聚集,集合

concatenate v. 连结;连锁; 连接,串联,并置

arrogate v. 冒称具有……权力

3.带有dom后缀的单词10个 篇三

8 random n.随机 a.随机的

9 seldom adv.很少;不常

10 serfdom n. 农奴的身分; 农奴制度

11 thralldom n. 奴隶的身分,束缚

12 wisdom n.(古人的)名言,格言

★ 带有dom后缀的单词10个

★ dom后缀的单词5个

★ 10个y的后缀的单词

★ ite后缀的单词10个

★ 以an后缀的单词10个

★ 10个ine后缀的单词

★ 10个ism后缀的单词

★ 带ative后缀的单词10个

★ ward副词后缀的单词10个

4.ar后缀的单词5个 篇四


A tall poplar tree once stood there.


The wind set the poplar leaves rustling.


The pillar obstructed our view of the stage.


The pillar of her economic policy was keeping tight control over money supply.


Until his death in 1986 Greenwood owned and operated an enormous pear orchard.


Sweeten dishes sparingly with honey, or concentrated apple or pear juice.

5.5个some后缀的单词 篇五

lissome a. 柔软的,敏捷的

wearisome a. 使疲倦的,使厌倦的,厌烦的

darksome a. 微暗的,阴暗的,含糊的

quarrelsome a. 喜欢吵架的,好争论的,怒气冲冲的

blithesome a. 愉快的,高兴的

tiresome a.使人厌倦的,讨厌的

wholesome a.适合卫生的

meddlesome adj. 爱管闲事的

cumbersome adj. 笨重的

unhandsome adj. 不美的; 丑的

noisome adj. 恶臭的,令人不快的

gamesome adj. 好戏谑的,好玩的,好作乐的

mettlesome adj. 精神抖擞的

awesome adj. 可怕的

loathsome adj. 可憎的.,令人作呕的

frolicsome adj. 快活的,欢乐的

irksome adj. 令人苦恼的,讨厌的

gruesome adj. 令人毛骨悚然的,恶心的

winsome adj. 媚人的,漂亮的

fulsome adj. 虚情假意的,丰满的

some adj.&pron.一些

troublesome adj.令人烦恼的

handsome adj.漂亮的,清秀的

6.way后缀的单词5个 篇六


The narrow gateway left me little margin for error as I reversed the car.


He walked across the park and through a gateway.


The prestigious title offered a gateway to success in the highly competitive world of modelling.


Lyons is the gateway to the Alps for motorists driving out from Britain.

7.emia后缀的单词5个 篇七


Symptoms of anaemia include general fatigue and lassitude.


Sickle-cell anaemia is passed on through a recessive gene.


Reasonable diet is an important measure to reduce children anaemia.


The doctor analysed the blood sample for anaemia.

8.5个lity后缀的单词 篇八


Disability is a physical limitation on your life.


He qualifies for help on the grounds of disability.


She is a shining example of what people with disabilities can achieve.


Disability increases with age.

9.tent后缀的单词5个 篇九


Maybe this guy feels impotent in his professional life as well.


The characteristics of physical latent curriculum and its existent factors.


An independent opinion poll published today shows growing discontent with the government.


There are reports of widespread discontent in the capital.
