1.机械专业论文中英文对照 篇一
机械制图 Mechanical Drawing
可编程序控制技术 Controlling Technique for Programming
金工实习Metal Working Practice
毕业实习Graduation Practice理论力学 Theoretical Mechanics
材料力学 Material Mechanics
数字电子电路 Fundamental Digital Circuit
机械控制工程 Mechanical Control Engineering
可靠性工程 Reliability Engineering
机械工程测试技术 Measurement Techniques of Mechanic Engineering
计算机控制系统 Computer Control System
机器人技术基础 Fundamentals of Robot Techniques
最优化技术 Techniques of Optimum
工程测试与信号处理 Engineering Testing & Signal Processing
金属工艺及设计 Metal Technics & Design
机械工业企业管理 Mechanic Industrial Enterprise Management
机械零件课程设计 Course Design of Machinery Elements
投资经济学 Investment Economics
现代企业管理 Modern Enterprise Administration
市场营销学 Market Selling生产实习Production Practice
课程设计 Course Exercise
有限元法 FInite Element
金工实习Metalworking Practice
液压传动 Hydraulic Transmission微机原理及接口技术 Principle & Interface Technique of Micro-computer微机原理及接口技术 Principle & Interface Technique of Micro-computer
数控技术 Digit Control Technique活塞膨胀机 Piston Expander
活塞式制冷压缩机 Piston Refrigerant Compreessor
活塞式压缩机 Piston Compressor
活塞式压缩机基础设计 Basic Design of Piston Compressor
活塞压缩机结构强度 Structural Intensity of Piston Compressor
活赛压机气流脉动 Gas Pulsation of Piston Pressor
货币银行学 Currency Banking
基本电路理论 Basis Theory of Circuit
基础写作 Fundamental Course of Composition
机床电路 Machine Tool Circuit
机床电器 Machine Tool Electric Appliance
机床电气控制 Electrical Control of Machinery Tools
机床动力学 Machine Tool Dynamics
机床设计 Machine Tool design
机床数字控制 Digital Control of Machine Tool
机床液压传动 Machinery Tool Hydraulic Transmission
机电传动 Mechanical & Electrical Transmission
机电传动控制 Mechanical & electrical Transmission Control
机电耦合系统 Mechanical & Electrical Combination System
机电系统计算机仿真 Computer Simulation of Mechanic/Electrical Systems
机电一体化 Mechanical & Electrical Integration
机构学 Structuring
机器人 Robot
机器人控制技术 Robot Control Technology
机械产品学 Mechanic Products
机械产品造型设计 Shape Design of Mechanical Products
机械工程控制基础 Basic Mechanic Engineering Control
机械加工自动化 Automation in Mechanical Working
机械可靠性 Mechanical Reliability
机械零件 Mechanical Elements
机械零件设计 Course Exercise in Machinery Elements Design
机械零件设计基础 Basis of Machinery Elements Design
机械设计 Mechanical Designing
机械设计基础 Basis of Mechanical Designing
机械设计课程设计 Course Exercise in Mechanical Design
机械设计原理 Principle of Mechanical Designing
机械式信息传输机构 Mechanical Information Transmission Device
机械原理 Principle of Mechanics
机械原理和机械零件 Mechanism & Machinery
机械原理及机械设计 Mechanical Designing
机械原理及应用 Mechanical Principle & Mechanical Applications
机械原理课程设计 Course Exercise of Mechanical Principle
机械原理与机械零件 Mechanical Principle and Mechanical Elements
机械原理与机械设计 Mechanical Principle and Mechanical Design
机械噪声控制 Control of Mechanical Noise
机械制造概论 Introduction to Mechanical Manufacture
机械制造工艺学 Technology of Mechanical Manufacture
机械制造基础 Fundamental of Mechanical Manufacture
机械制造基础(金属工艺学)Fundamental Course of Mechanic Manufacturing(Meta
机械制造系统自动化 Automation of Mechanical Manufacture System
机械制造中计算机控制 Computer Control in Mechanical Manufacture
互换性与技术测量 Elementary Technology of Exchangeability Measurement焊接方法 Welding Method
焊接方法及设备 Welding Method & Equipment
焊接检验 Welding Testing
焊接结构 Welding Structure
焊接金相 Welding Fractography
焊接金相分析 Welding Fractography Analysis
焊接冶金 Welding Metallurgy
焊接原理 Fundamentals of Welding
焊接原理及工艺 Fundamentals of Welding & Technology
焊接自动化 Automation of Welding工程材料的力学性能测试 Mechanic Testing of Engineering Materials
工程材料及热处理 Engineering Material and Heat Treatment
工程材料学 Engineering Materials
工程测量 Engineering Surveying
工程测试技术 Engineering Testing Technique
工程测试实验 Experiment on Engineering Testing工程测试信息 Information of Engineering Testing工程动力学 Engineering Dynamics
工程概论 Introduction to Engineering
工程概预算 Project Budget
工程经济学 Engineering Economics
工程静力学 Engineering Statics
工程力学 Engineering Mechanics
工程热力学 Engineering Thermodynamics
工程项目评估 Engineering Project Evaluation
工程优化方法 Engineering Optimizational Method工程运动学 Engineering Kinematics
工程造价管理 Engineering Cost Management
工程制图 Graphing of Engineering电机学 Electrical Motor电机学及控制电机 Electrical Machinery Control & Technology
2.建筑专业名词中英文对照 篇二
建筑占地面积:building foot print 总建筑面积:total area
建筑面积 floor area,building area 地上建筑面积:ground area 地下建筑面积:underground area 整体面积需求: Demand for built area 公共绿地:public green land 备用地用地:reserved land 容积率:FAR
建筑密度:building coverage 绿地率:green ratio
绿化率:green landscape ratio 建筑高度:building height 层数:number of floors 停车位:parking unit 地面停车:ground parking 地下停车:underground parking 使用面积:usable area 公用面积:public area 实用面积:effective area 居住面积:living area 计租面积 rental area?租用面积 得房率:effien开间 bay 进深 depth 跨度 span 坡度:slope,grade 净空:clearance 净高:clear height
净空(楼梯间下):headroom 净距:clear distance
套内面积:unit constraction area 公摊面积:shared public area 竣工面积:
辅助面积:service area 结构面积:structural area
交通面积:communication area,passage area 共有建筑面积:common building area
共有建筑面积分摊系数:common building area amount coefficient
公用建筑面积:public building area 销售面积 :sales area
绿化覆盖率:green coverage ratio 层高:floor height
净高:clear height
公用建筑面积分摊系数:public building area amount coefficient
住宅用地: residential area 其他用地:
公共服务设施用地:land for public facilities 道路用地:land for roads 公共绿地:public green space 道路红线:road property line 建筑线(建筑红线):set back line 用地红线: property line,boundary line
第一轮:1st round
计划和程序:schedule and program 工程进度表:working schedule
构造材料表:list of building materials and construction 设计说明:design statement
图纸目录和说明:list of drawings and descriptions 项目标准:project standards 总结:conclusion
文本及陈述: 封皮:cover 目录:content
技术经济指标:technical and economical index 概念规划设计:conceptual master paln and architectural design
基地分析:location analysis
项目区位分析图:description of the region site and city space view analyze
概念构思说明:chief design concept 指导思想(设计主旨):key concepts 概述:introduction 宗旨:mission statement
愿景及设计效果:vision and design concept 城市空间景观分析:urban space landscape identity 绿化景观分析:landscape analysis 交通分析:traffic analysis 生态系统:ecological system 地块A:area A
模型照片:model images 案例分析:case study 草图:sketches
设计构思草图:concept sketches
规划总平面图:site plan 鸟瞰图:bird view
功能分区图:function organization 单体透视图:unit perspective 1-1剖面图:section 1-1 立面图:elevation
沿街立面图:street elevation平面图:plan
地下一层平面图:basement plan;B1 plan 首层平面图:F1 plan;ground floor plan 二层平面图:2F floor plan 设计阶段 stages of design 草图 sketch 方案 scheme
初步设计 preliminary design 施工图 working drawing平面图 plan
平面放大图 plan in enlarged scale 剖面图 section 立面图 elevation 节点详图 detail drawing 透视图 perspective drawings 鸟瞰图 birds-eye view 示意图 schematic diagram 区划图 block plan 位置图 location
示意图:schematic diagram 背景介绍:project background 报告书目的:purpose of report 专案区位背景:Context of。。
区域交通架构:regional circulation framework 区域活动架构:regional district framework 区域发展架构:regional developmentframework 基地分析:site understanding 现状土地利用:existing land use 现状交通系统:existing circulation 现状城市机理:existing city fabric 机遇与限制:opportunities and constrains 经济分析与策略:economic strategies 房地产经济:real estate market
标高 elevation
绝对标高 absolute elevation 相对标高 relative elevation 设计标高 designed elevation
海拔标高:altitude elevation above sea level 坐标 ordinate 基准点 datum mark 等高线 contour line 高差 difference in elevation 土方工程量 volume of earthwork
技术经济指标 technical and economic index 设计进度 period of design 设计范围scope of design
方案比较 scheme comparison,alter-native for competition
建筑形式architecturalstyle 自然条件 natural condition 风玫瑰图 wind rose 地形图 graphical map 现场勘查 field inspection
地质勘察资料 geological exploration data 城建规划部门 city planning department 防火等级 fire resistance rating 城市干道 city thoroughfares 回车场 turnarounds
地下水:subsurface water,ground water 地表水:surface water
汇水面积:water shed area,catchment area 洪水位:flood(tide)level 综合管沟:combination of pipe line 循环水系统:circulating water system 消防系统:hydrant system
雨水:rain water,storm water,drain water 雨水管(雨落管):down pipe,rain water pipe 淋浴喷头:shower pipe 水泵:water pump 透明度:transparency 化粪池:septic tank 管井:tube well 雨水井:gully
合成树脂:synthetic resin 晶体:crystal
检修孔:inspection hole,access hole
建筑设计规范 code for architectural design 防火规范 fire protection standards 建造投资 investment of construction 景观设计 landscaping
概算:budgetary estimate 预算:budget 决算:final accounts
建筑绘图常用词 线条:lines 曲线:curve 虚线:dotted line 实线:full line 斜线:bias line
双曲线:hyperbola;hyperbole 轴线:axis
定位轴线:locating axis 中心线:center line 等高线:contour line 箭头:arrow 索引:index
垂直:vertical 水平:horizontal平行:parallel 横向的:transverse
横向尺寸:sectional dimension
几何图形:geometrical figure 圆形:round 方形:square 矩形:rectangle
平行四边形:parallelogram 六角形:hexagon 梯形:trapezoid 椭圆形:elliptic oval 扇形:sector 直角:right angle 圆角:rounded angle 半径:radius 直径:diameter 外径:outside diameter 内径:inside diameter
展开长度:developed length 总长:overalllength
宽度:width 高度:height 厚度:thickness 薄:thin 深度:depth 单位:units 公里:kilometer 米:meter
分米:decimeter(dm)厘米:centimeter(cm)毫米:millimeter(mm)重量:weight 净重:net weight 总重:total weight 公斤:kilogram 克:gram 吨:ton 度:degree 体积:volume 数量:quantity 公升:litter 百分率:percentage
描图纸:tracing paper
一般建筑材料、建筑构件常用词 轴线,定位轴线:axis , locating axis 对称:symmetry 结构:structure 细节设计:Detailing 视线:Sightline 板:Plank
热桥:Thermal bridge 斜线:Oblique line 扶手:handrail, railing 钢结构:steel structure 饰面材料:facing materials 风口:air duct 封堵:Sealing 主墙:Chief Wall 铝板:Aluminum Sheet
真空保温板:Vip=Vacuum insulation panel 保温:thermal insulation 吸音:sound absorption
耐火材料:non-inflammable materials 磨砂玻璃:sandblased glass,rubbed glass 玻璃砖:glass brick 油漆:paint 金:gold 银:silves 铜(紫铜):copper 黄铜:brass 青铜:bronze 铝:aluminium 铸钢:cast steel 不锈钢:stainless steel 纤维板:fibre board 铁钉:nails 铆钉:rivet 螺丝:screw 螺栓:bolt
高强螺栓:high strength tensile bolt 钢筋混凝土:reinforced concrete 砂浆:mortar 水泥:cement 水磨石:terrazzo 大理石:marble 花岗岩:granite 石膏:gypsum 面砖:tile
瓷砖:enameled brick 釉面砖:glazed tile 琉璃砖:terra cotta 砖:brick 马赛克:mosaic
卫生器具:sanitary fixture 马桶: closet bowl(pan)蹲坑:squatting pan 小便斗:urinal 洗脸盆:wash basin 妇洗器:bidet 洗涤盆,水池:sink 浴缸:bathtub 淋浴:shower 地漏:floor drain 水龙头:tap 毛巾架:towel rack 肥皂盒:soap holder 手纸盒:toilet paper holder 污水池:sewage sink
厨房水池:kitchen sink 起重机,吊车:crane,monorail 壁柜:closet 消火栓:fire hydrant 窗帘:curtain 窗帘盒:curtain box 窗台板:window board 外窗台:sill
老虎窗:dormer window 天窗:skylight,monitor 百叶窗:shutter 纱窗:screen window 卷帘门:rolling shutter door 旋转门:revolving door 折门:folding door 弹簧门:swing door
双向弹簧门:double acting sping door 防火门:fire door
梯田,屋子平顶,倾斜的平地:Terrace 柱子:Column 小块土地:Plot 玄关: foyer 隔断:partition 过道:passageway 标准层:standard floor 阳台:balcony平台:terrace中庭:atrium
走廊:corridor, passageway 遮雨篷(遮阳篷):awning 入口:entrance
地下室:basement, cellar
半地下室:semi basement, sub basement公安局:police station 法院:court house 检察院:procuratorate
台北国际大厦:taibei international building
广播电视东方中心:oriental broadcasting & TV station 东方商务广场:oriental business concourse 综合行政中心:comprehensive administrative centre
和建筑有关的名词和形容词: 理性:rational;logos 浪漫:romatic 自然:nature 科技:technology 放松:relaxation 活化:reinvigoration 逻辑:logic 混乱:confusion 有秩序的:regular 完整的:integrated;whole 整齐:in order;orderliness 杂乱无章:scattered and disorderly 沉重:ponderosity
可持续发展:sustainable development 弹性:flexible 多元化:diverse 创造:creativity 启发:inspiration
人为环境:man-made environment 自然环境:natural environment 循环:cycle 二元:duality 摘要:abstract 关键词:key words 象征,代表:symbol
发展适宜性分析:Developments suitability analysis 环境分析:environmental analysis 土地使用测略:land use strategy 规划备选方案:Alternative master plans 土地使用平面:land use map 开放空间架构:open space framework 开放空间系统:open space system 区域中心: Regional/focal point 景观轴线:green axis/ finger 山谷/溪流: valley/ creek水体:water body 绿色屏障:green backdrop 山顶:hill top
景观视线分析:visual quality analysis 制高点:high point 景观点:visual focal point 标志性建筑群:signature buildings 地标建筑:landmark tower 视线通廊:view corridor
视觉景锥(视角):view cone(angle)交通动线系统:circulation hierarchy 城市干道:express way,city major road 主干道:primary road 次干道:secondary road 支路:community street 交通节点:transit node 景观环路:scenic loop 公交终点站:bus terminal 特钲分区:district character 分期开发:phasing plan 一期:phasing 1
详细规划:detail control guideline 土地需求总量分析:land demand analysis 规划结构:planning framework 启动项目:pilot projects
邓加湖社区:dengjia lake community 创意街区:creative district 湖畔社区:lakeside community
景观设计概念:landscape design concepts 主要区域:key areas 感受:to feel 交流:to interact 颂赞:to embrace
视觉景观/认知景观:visual landscape / perceptual landscape
景观分区:landscape focal point 景观风格分区:landscape identity 软景和硬景:soft and hard edges 水之广场:water front plaza 亲水步阶:steps to water
草坡休闲椅:seat walls on slopping lawn 散步道:promenade 眺望点:look out point 大草坪:the grand lawn 塔:tower
野餐聚集地:picnic area
创意空间:multi purpose open space 水岸步道:water front board work 绿廊:green corridor
声乐雕塑公园:sound sculpture park 地块界线:parcel line 建议岸线:proposed lake edge 原有岸线:existing lake edge 开放空间:open space 水闸:water gate
绿色建筑设计:green building design 节能,有能源效果的:Energy-efficient 建筑生态化:eco-architecture 生态复育:ecological restoration 热的:Thermal
热封闭:Thermal envelope
Linear Measure 长度单位:inch 英寸=25.4 millimetres 毫米foot 英尺=12 inches 英寸=0.3048 metre 米yard 码=3 feet 英尺=0.9144 metre 米(statute)mile 英里=1760 yards 码=1.609 kilometre
s 千米nautical mile 海里=1852 m.米
Square Measure 面积单位:square inch平方英寸=***5 sq.centimetres平方厘米square foot平方英尺=144 sq.in.平方英寸=9.29 sq.de
cimetres平方分米square yard平方码=9 sq.ft.平方英尺=0.836 sq.metr
e平方米acre 英亩=4840 sq.yd.平方码=0.405 hectare 公顷square mile平方英里=640 acres 英亩=259 hectare
s 公顷
Cubic Measure 体积单位:cubic inch 立方英寸=1*** cu.centimetres 立方厘米cubic foot 立方英尺=1728 cu.in.立方英寸=0.0283 cu.metre 立方米cubic yard 立方码=27 cu.ft.立方英尺=0.765 cu.metr
e 立方米
Capacity Measure 容积单位:
1、Britich 英制 1 pint 品脱=20 fluid oz.液量盎司=34.68 cu.in.立方英寸=0.568 litre 升quart 夸脱=2 pints 品脱=1.136 litres 升gallon 加伦=4 quarts 夸脱=4.546 litres 升peck 配克=2 gallons 加伦=9.092 litres 升bushel 蒲式耳=4 pecks 配克=3*** litres 升quarter 八蒲式耳=8 bushels 蒲式耳=2.91 hectolitre
s 百升
2.1、American dry 美制干量pint 品脱=33.60 cu.in.立方英寸=0.550 litre 升quart 夸脱=2 pints 品脱=1.101 litres 升peck 配克=8 quarts 夸脱=8.81 litres 升bushel 蒲式耳=4 pecks 配克=35.3 litres 升
2.2、American liquid 美制液量pint 品脱=16 fluid oz.液量盎司=28.88 cu.in.立方英
寸=0.473 litre 升quart 夸脱=2 pints 品脱=0.946 litre 升gallon 加伦=4 quarts 夸脱=3.785 litres 升
Avoirdupois Weight 常衡单位:grain 格令=0.065 gram 克dram 打兰=1.772 grams 克ounce 盎司=16 drams 打兰=28.35 grams 克pound 磅=16 ounces 盎司=7000 grains 谷=0.4536 kil
ogram 千克stone 英石=14 pounds 磅=6.35 kilograms 千克quarter 四分之一英担=2 stones 英石=12.70 kilogram
s 千克 1 hundredweight 英担=4 quarters 四分之一英担=50.80 kilograms 千克 1 short ton 短吨(美吨)=2000 pounds 磅=0.907 tonne 公吨 1(long)ton 长吨(英吨)=20 hundredweight 英担=1.016 tonnes 公吨
二、公制到英制换算Linear Measure 长度单位: 1 millimetre 毫米=0.03937 inch 英寸 1 centimetre 厘米=10 mm.毫米=0.3937 inch 英寸 1 decimetre 分米=10 cm.厘米=3.937 inches 英寸 1 metre 米=10 dm.分米=1.0936 yards 码=3.2808 feet 英尺 1 decametre 十米=10 m.米=10.936 yards 码 1 hectometre 百米=100 m.米=109.4 yards 码 1 kilometre 千米=1000 m.米=0.6214 mile 英里 1 mile marin 海里=1852 m.米=1.1500 mile 英里Square Measure 面积单位:square centimetre平方厘米=0.155 sq.inch平方英寸square metre平方米=1.196 sq.yards平方码are 公亩=100 square metres平方米=119.6 sq.yard
s平方码hectare 公顷=100 ares 公亩=2.471 acres 英亩square kilometre平方公里=0.386 sq.mile平方英里
Cubic Measure 体积单位:cubic centimetre 立方厘米=0.061 cu.inch 立方英寸cubic metre 立方米=1.308 cu.yards 立方码
Capacity Measure 容积millilitre 毫升=0.002 pint(British)英制品脱centilitre 厘升=10 ml.毫升=0.018 pint 品脱decilitre 分升=10 cl.厘升=0.176 pint 品脱litre 升=10 dl.分升=1.76 pints 品脱decalitre 十升=10 l.升=2.20 gallons 加伦hectolitre 百升=100 l.升=2.75 bushels 蒲式耳kilolitre 千升=1000 l.升=3.44 quarters 八蒲式耳
Weight 重量单位:milligram 毫克=0.015 grain 谷centigram 厘克=10 mg.毫克=0.154 grain 谷decigram 分克=10 cg.厘克=1.543 grains 谷gram 克=10 dg.分克=15.43 grains 谷decagram 十克=10 g.克=5.64 drams 打兰hectogram 百克=100 g.克=3.527 ounces 盎司kilogram 千克=1000 g.克=2.205 pounds 磅ton(metric ton)吨,公吨=1000 kg.千克=0.984(lon
3.酒店客房前厅专业术语中英文对照 篇三
(2)Adjoining Room(邻近房):指两间房间近连在一起。
(3)Advanced Deposit(订金):客人为了确保能有房间而提前支付给酒店一笔直按金。
(4)Advance Payment(预付金/押金):按照酒店财务规定和有关规定,前台服务员要求客人预先支付房费和不可预测费用的付费方式,如现金担保、信用卡预授权。
(6)Arrival(到店):指客人入住酒店的抵店,如: Arrvial Date。
(7)Average Daily Room Rate(平均房价):指所有住房的平均价格,它是前台的一个常用术语。即ADR.。
(15)Corporate Rate(公司合同价):指与酒店有协议而提供给公司的客人的房间价格,这类价格通常为特别价,且保密。
(16)Credit Card(信用卡):指由银行签发的一种可以作为交易的卡片,代替现金支付的凭证。
(17)Expected Departure Date(预离日期):指客人预计离店的日期。
(18)Double Sale(双重出售):指两个没有关系的客人,被错误地安排入住同一间房。
(20)Early Arrival(提前抵达):在下午两点以前到达酒店办理入住手续的客
(21)Extension(续住):经过批准后的客人延长居住。另外,有分机的意思,如 Extension Number 1102,表达分机号1102,通常表述为 Ext.No.1102。其动词 Extend,续住又可以说成Extended stay.(22)Extra Bed(加床):一般应收费。
(23)Forecast(预报/预测):预先计算日后某一段时间的住房或其他计划,例如:Weather Forecast 天气预报,Room Reservation Forecast 订房预计。
(24)Guest Folio(客人账单):指客人在酒店内消费的详细反映,指被打印出列有消费目录和价格的单子。结帐不能叫做 Folio,通常说:check,,或者Bill
(25)House Use Room:(酒店自用房):
给客人的免费房叫 complimentary room。
(26)Housekeeping(客房部):指负责清扫公共区域和客人房间卫生的部门。客房部经理,也有称为行政管家,很少叫 Housekeeping Manager, 一般称 Executive Housekeeper比较多。
(27)Housekeeping Report(管家部报表):也叫“九三九”表,即早上九点,下午三点,和晚上九点各出一份报表。是由客房部员工所做的人工检查出来的有关客房使用状态的报告,送给前台核与电脑状态进行核对差异的,即房态差异(Room Discrepency)。
(28)Late Check-out:指超过规定退房时间后的退房,通常酒店规定退房时间为中午十二点,超过这个时间退房的应该加收房租,除非得到批准。
(29)Log Book(交班本):指本部门之间员工沟通的记录本,记录本班次未做完,需要交待下一个班次跟进的。也可以记录一些重点提醒的问题,通知等。
(30)Net Rate(净价): 指不含服务费的房价价格。
(31)Out Of Order(坏房):指因为需要整修或进行大装修而不能出售的房间。
(32)Package(包价):指一件包含房费、餐费或其他费用的价格。住房包餐,住房包洗衣等,如本地包价 Local Package,即对本地客人提供的一种比较便宜的价格。
(33)Permanent Room(长包房):客人长期包房居住,也叫Long-staying Room.(34)Rack Rate(门市价/挂牌价):酒店公开的门市价,即在房价表(Room Tariff)上的原房价。
(36)Register Card(登记卡):指客人入住酒店时所必须填写的表格,通常包含以下内容:名字,入住日期,房价等。
(37)Room Change(换房):指客人从一个房间搬到另一个房间。
(38)Room Rate(房价):指特别给予某一个房间而定下的收费标准。
(39)Room Type(房型):房间种类。
(40)Rooming List(住客名单):指旅行社寄给酒店的团体客人的分房名单。
(41)Share With(同住):指两个客人同住一间房。
(42)Travel Agent(旅行社):指专门负责代办客人旅游、住房的机构。
(44)Vacant Room(空房):房间空的,且能马上出租的。
(45)V.I.P.(贵宾):即VERY IMPORTANT PERSON,由酒店规定的给予特别关注的贵宾。
(48)F.I.T.:即Free Individual Touerist,散客。
4.机械专业论文中英文对照 篇四
土木工程:Civil Engineering
结构工程:Structural engineering
岩土工程:Geotechnical Engineer
防灾减灾工程及防护工程:Disaster Prevention and Reduction Engineering and Protective
桥梁与隧道工程:Bridge and Tunnel Engineering
市政工程:Municipal Engineering
道路与铁道工程:Highway and Railway Engineering
建筑与土木工程:Architectural and Civil Engineering
5.服装专业名词英文对照 篇五
line skirt 斜裙
all-weather coat 风雨衣
apparel and accessories服饰 artificial fur and leather garment人造毛皮、服装
bell-bottom trousers 喇叭裤 blouse 女衬衫
business suit 职业服
Chinese style coat 中式上衣 Chinese style slack中式裤
chemical fiber garment 化纤服装 children’s wear 童装
cotton wadded jacket/trousers棉袄/棉裤 culotte裙裤
custom made 定制服装
cowboy wear牛仔服
down garment 羽绒服
down wadded trousers羽绒裤 连衣裙dress
中西式大衣 Eastern and Western style coat 夜礼服 evening dress
喇叭裙 flare skirt
裘革服装fur or leather garment 猎装 hunting
婴儿服装infant’s wear
夹克衫 jacket
牛仔裤 jeans
背心裙 jumper skirt
连衣裙 jumper suit
灯笼裤 Knickerbockers
斗篷 mantle
超短裙 mini-skirt
睡袍 night-grown
背带裙 overalls
大衣 coat
褶裙pleated skirt
睡衣袍 pajamas
旗袍 Qipao
成衣 ready-to-wear
马裤 ride breeches
丝绸衣服 silk garment
筒裙straight skirt
燕尾服 swallow-tailed coat
节裙 tiered skirt
西服裙 skirt
西裤 trousers
风衣trench coat
背心 vest
新娘礼服 wedding gown
女式服装 women’s wear
毛呢服装 woolen garment
劳动保护服 working wear
青年装 young men ‘s jacket
中山装 zhong Shan jacket
滑雪衫 Anorak
flint 紫褐色
chestnut 深灰色
putty 桔黄色
taupe 棕灰色
chino 深灰色
ecru 浅灰黄
amber 琥珀色
antique violet 古紫色
Antique white 古董白
aqua 浅绿色
aquamarine 碧绿色
azure 天蓝色
baby pink 浅粉红色
beige 米色
bisque 橘黄色
black 黑色
Blanched almond 白杏色
blue 蓝色
Blue violet 紫罗兰色
brown 棕色
Burly wood 实木色
Cadet blue 军蓝色
camel 驼色
charcoal gray 炭灰色
chartreuse 黄绿色
chocolate 巧克力色
cobalt blue 艳蓝色
coral 珊瑚色
Cornflower blue 菊蓝色
Corn silk 米绸色
crimson 暗深红色
cyan 青色
magenta 洋红色
maroon 栗色
mauve 紫红
Medium aquamarine 间绿色
Medium blue 间蓝色
Medium orchid 间紫色
Medium purple 间紫色
Medium sea green 间海蓝色
Medium slate blue 间暗蓝色
Medium spring green 间春绿色
Medium turquoise 间绿宝石色
Medium violet red 间紫罗兰色
Midnight blue 中灰蓝色
Mint cream 薄荷色
misty gray 雾灰色
Misty rose 浅玫瑰色
moccasin 鹿皮色
moss green 苔绿色
Navajo white 纳瓦白
navy 藏青
off-white 灰白
Old lace 老花色
olive 橄榄色
Olive drab 深绿褐色
orange 橙色
Orange red 橙红色
orchid 淡紫色
oyster white 乳白色
Pale goldenrod 苍麒麟色
Pale green 苍绿色
Pale turquoise 苍绿色
Pale violet red 苍紫罗蓝色
pansy 紫罗兰色
Papaya whip 番木色
Peach puff 桃色
Peru 秘鲁色
pink 粉红
plum 杨李色
Powder blue 粉蓝色
purple 紫色
red 红色
Rosy brown 褐玫瑰红
Royal blue 宝蓝色
rubine 宝石红
Saddle brown 重褐色
salmon 鲜肉色
salmon pink 橙红色
sandy beige 浅褐色
Sandy brown 沙褐色
sapphire 宝石蓝
scarlet 猩红色
Sea green 海绿色
seashell 海贝色
shocking pink 鲜粉红色
sienna 赭色
silver 银白色
Sky blue 天蓝色
Slate blue 石蓝色
Slate gray 灰石色
smoky gray 烟灰色
snow 雪白色
Spring green 春绿色
Steel blue 钢蓝色
stone 石色
tan 茶色
teal 水鸭色
thistle 蓟色
tomato 番茄色
turquoise 青绿色
turquoise blue 翠蓝色
violet 紫色
wheat 浅黄色
white 白色
White smoke 烟白色
Wine red 葡萄酒红
yellow 黄色
Yellow green 黄绿色
纺织原料 textile raw materials天然纤维 natural fibre化学纤维 chemical fibre植物纤维 vegetable fibre纺织纤维 textile fibre人造纤维 man made fibre动物纤维 animal fibre
1.机织物服装面料平纹布 plain cloth牛津布 oxford斜纹布 drill线卡 ply-yarn drill哔叽 serge灯芯绒 corduroy起绒布 fleece泡泡纱
seersucker麻纱 hair cords亚麻布 linen cloth绸 silk粗纺毛织物 woolen cloth全毛单面华达呢 woolen one-side gabardine凡立丁 valitine啥味呢 twill coating精纺花呢 worsted fany suiting法兰绒 flannel大衣呢 overcoat suiting交织物 mixed fabric府绸 poplin青年布 chambray纱卡 single yarn drill华达呢 gabardine牛仔布 denim平绒 velveteen绉布 crepe巴厘纱 voile苎麻布 ramie fabric电力纺 habotai精纺毛织物 worsted
fabric全毛华达呢 pure wool gabardine驼丝锦 doeskin 女士呢 ladies cloth粗花呢 tweed2.针织物面料 纬编针织物 weft-knitted fabric单面针织物 single knit fabric纬平针织物 plain knit fabric双罗纹针织物 interlock fabric起绒针织物 interlock fabric毛圈针织物 terry knitted fabric双梳栉经编针织物 two-bar fabric经编针织物 warp-knitted fabric双面针织物 double knit fabric罗纹针织物 rib knit fabric双反面针织物 purl fabric长毛绒针织物 high pile knitted fabric提花针织物 jacquard knitted fabric多梳栉经编针织物 multi-bar fabric
1.衬 树脂衬 resin interlining麻布胸衬 breast canvas树脂领衬 resin collar interlining绒布胸衬 breast fleece热熔衬 fusible interlining粘合衬 adhesive-bonded interlining双面粘合衬 double-faced adhesive interlining无纺布衬 non-woven interlining无纺粘合衬 non-woven
adhesive interlining有纺粘合衬 adhesive woreninterlinging黑炭衬 hair interlining马尾衬 horsehair interlining化纤衬 chemical fibre interlining针织衬 knitted interlining2.填料 棉花 cotton人造棉 artificial cotton喷胶棉 polyester wadding丝棉 silk wadding腈纶棉 acrylic staple fibre羽绒 down3.线、扣、拉链 线 thread棉线 cotton thread丝线 silk thread尼龙线 nylon thread装饰线 ornamental thread钮 button四目扣 four-hole button装饰纽扣 decorative button异形扣 special-shaped button塑料扣 plastic button玻璃扣 glass button子母扣,四合扣 snap button拉链 zipper尼龙拉链 nylon zipper涤纶拉链 polyester zipper双头拉链 zipper with double sliders装饰带 fashion tape罗纹 rib缝纫用线 twist麻线 flax thread绣花线 embroidery thread涤纶线 polyester thread宝塔线 cone of thread两目扣 two-hole button包扣 covered button羊角扣 claw button金属扣 metal button树脂扣 resin button木扣 wood button尼龙搭扣 nylon fastener tape金属拉链 metal zipper塑料拉链 plastic zipper领钩 collar clasp搭钩 agraffe橡筋 elastic ribbon弹力罗纹 elastic rib
fabric print 面料印花
flock print 植绒印花
foil print 金箔/银箔印花,烫金/烫银,箔类印花
glitter print 闪粉印
gradient print 渐变印花
HD print 厚版胶印(High Density)
heat welted print
ink print
matt rubber print
plastic print
plastisol print, rubber print 胶浆印花
PU print
puff print 发泡印花
reflect print 反光印花,反射印花
roller print
sublimation print 升华印花
welding print
rotary screen print 圆网印花
thickener 增稠剂
6.机械专业论文中英文对照 篇六
上模座upper die set成型公 form punch脱料板stripper垫板subplate/backup plate 下模座die plate滑块CAMslider 垫脚parallel误检misfeeder 托板mounting plate顶料销kick off 初始管位first start pin两用销lifter pin弹簧护套spring cage侧冲组件 cam section漏废料孔slug hole加强装置enhance equipment护套bushing止挡板stop plate扣位pocket of head导套guide bushing接刀口mismatch/cookiebites挡块stopper压块keeper对正块alignmentblock检具gage/checking fixture闭合高度shut hight料带strip正视图front view避位/空pocket间隙clearance镗孔mill hole镀钛TD coasting精锣finish mill穿丝孔first wire hole镭射laser-cut下模座lower die set电火花EDM球锁紧固定座ball-lock球锁紧凸模BALL--LOCK外购 out sourcing清角SCRAPCHOPPER尖角sharp--angle展开图EXPENSINgDWG镶件insert键销key带肩螺丝shoulder screw氮气汽缸gas spring拔牙螺丝jack screw导正装置guide equipment刀口trim line入子insert
整形公restrike forming punch挂台head导柱guide post油嘴oil nipple限位块stop block浮块lifter靠块 heel
简易模prototypetooling料带图strip layout俯视图top view公差tolerance走位travel
退磁demagnetization 真空热外理vacuum heat treatment 表面外理surface coasting沉头counter sink线割wire cutting斜度taper
上夹板/固定座 holder/retainer成刑母公forming die码模槽mounting slot导尺rail
送料板rail plate倒角chamfer销钉dowel普通弹簧coil spring三打螺丝spool毛刺burr
插针 pilot pin
顶杆lifter bolt结构图die layout/design
起吊孔handing hole侧视图cross-section view
键槽key slot沉孔counter hole
储运块storage block电火花EDM
导正块thrustblock剪口直深位trim land
上模座 upper die set下模座 lower die set上夹板 holder
脱料板 stripper镶件 insert夹板/固定座 retainer
下模板 die plate成型公 form punch成型母公form die
垫脚 parallel垫板 sub-plate/backup platebacking plate
码模槽 mounting slot
托板mounting plate滑块 cam slider导尺 rail
初始管位 first start pin误检装置 misfeeder送料板 rail plate
两用销lifter pin顶料销 kick off键销 key
止付螺丝 set screw带肩螺丝 shoulder screw销钉 dowel
弹簧护套 spring cage氮气汽缸 gas spring普通弹簧 coil spring
侧冲组件 cam sections拔牙螺孔 jack screw三打螺丝 spool
漏废料孔 slug hole导正装置 guide equipment毛刺 burr
加强装置 enhance equipment刀口 trim line插针 pilot pin
护套bushing入子insert顶杆 lifter bolt
止挡板 stop plate整形公 restrike forming punch起吊孔 handing hole
扣位 pocket of head挂台 head垫片 shim/wear-plate
导套 guide bushing导柱 guide post键槽 key slot
接刀口 mismatch/cookie bites油嘴 oil nipple靠刀:Heel of cutting punch
固定冲头公夹板:common punch holer非标易损件:non-standard wearing parts
挡块 stopper限位块(柱)stop block储运块 storage block
压块 keeper浮块 lifter导正块 thrust block
对正块 alignment block靠块 heel耐磨块:Wear Plate on cutting steel
检具 gage/checking fixture简易模 prototype tooling手板件 prototype unit/part
料带 strip料带图 strip layout结构图 die layout/design
正视图 front view俯视图 top view侧视图:cross-section view
避位/空 pocket间隙 clearance公差 tolerance走位 travel行程stroke
镗孔 mill hole真空热处理 vacuum heat treatment退磁
镀钛TD coating表面处理 surface coating倒角 chamfer精锣(缩)finish mill沉头 counter sink沉孔 counter hole
穿丝孔 first wire hole线切割(缩)wire cutting电火花(缩)EDM
镭射(缩)laser-cut斜度 taper剪口直深位 trim land
1.pilot pierce 导正冲孔2.trim 飞边/切边3.idle 空步4.draw 拉伸
5.flange 翻边/围边6.forge/coin 镦薄7.repress 回压8.restrike 整形
9.reel 卷圆 10.ribbon 压筋11.draw hole 翻孔/抽牙12.lance 切舌 刺破
13.flatten 拍平14.coin burr 压毛刺/拍披锋/面压15.cut off 切断/切离
Tool No.(模具编号)
Part No.(产品编号)
Part name(产品名称)
Stock thickness(材料厚度)
Stock width(料宽)
Shut height(闭合高度)
Feed height(送料高度)
Total die weight(模具总重量)
7.机械专业论文中英文对照 篇七
一、石材分类 花岗岩:granite 大理石:marble 板岩:slate 石英岩:quartzite 沙岩:sandstone 洞石:travertin 石灰石:limestone 玉石:onyx
台面板各种说法:counter top, worktop, benchtop, pre-feb(美国)水槽:sink 台下盆:under mouth 台上盆:upon mouth 不锈钢:stainless steel 单水槽:single bowl 双水槽:double bowl 洗碗盆:dish washer 冰箱:refrigeratory 微波炉:micro-wave 橱柜:cabinet
烧烤炉:barbecue(B.B.Q)消毒柜:disinfection-box 炉头:stove
陶瓷洗手盆:ceramic basin 浴室台板:vanity top
水龙头孔:faucet hole , tap hole 管道:tube 支撑柱:support 覆盖 贴面:clad 干挂:metal fixing 配件:filling
配套:replacement 开关:switch 螺丝丁:screw 混合:mix 筛斗:strainer
厦门中恒天下 美国服务器 外贸网站设计
不同变化:color vary 色差:variation 斑点:spot 裂纹:crack 凹坑:pit 颗粒:grain
射线:color radial(扫花)平整:plant 角度:angle
不规则:irregular 公差:tolerance 斜边:chamfer 倒角:bevel
2片拼接:2pieces join
规格板/薄板:tiles 大板:slabs
长条板:small slabs(strips/half slabs)台板:counter top 浴室台板:vanity top 厨房台板:kitchen tops 中岛:island
台阶:steps(台阶踏面tread,升面riser)拼花:inlay(wall panel/pattern)窗台:window cills 门槛:threshold 装饰线条:decoration line(strip)小圆柱:round post(balusters)柱子:pillar 柱基(扶手):upside base for round post(armrest)柱帽:column claddings
罗马柱:column(roman column)车止石:vehicle-stop, car stop 树围:stump
雕刻品:sculpture(statues)墓碑:tombstone,monument 骨灰盒:urn 花瓶:vase
蘑菇石:mushroom stone 小方块:cobble stone 鹅卵石:pebble stone
厦门中恒天下 美国服务器 外贸网站设计 路沿石:curbstone(kerbstone)地铺石:paving(pavers)盲人石:blindman stone
机切面:sawn(cut)surface 磨光面:polished surface 亚光面:honed surface
火烧面:flamed(thermal)surface 荔枝面:bush hammered surface 喷沙面:sandblast surface 龙眼面:line chiseled surface 菠萝面:pineapple surface 自然破面:natural split stone 异形加工:sharp processing 加工边:processing edges 倒角:chamfered(beveled)倒半圆:half round(half bullnosed)
倒全圆:full rounded(or single bullnosed)加牛鼻钩:full bullnosed “S”形边加工:ogee edge 弧度:radian
Water proof 防水面
feature water 用于流水
waterproof liquid 防水剂 Sharp processing 异行加工
round post(balusters)小圆柱(栏杆柱)
upside base for rounds post(armrest)柱基(扶手)
small slab(strips/half slabs)长条板
Straight 直磨 pencil round 倒1/4圆
single full bullnose 单牛鼻子
dupont 棋子边 ogee 鸭嘴边
fading mister 45度衔接角
E:山脉 L:类似蘑菇石 F:八字(倒角)G:断面
8.机械专业论文中英文摘要 篇八
This article mainly discusses the design idea and the design process of the PLC based strapping machine controlling system.It includes the sequence control of the cylinder moves of the strapping machine, the fixed-length shear servo control of the steel packing, and the designs of the Man-machine interface.The thesis introduces the strapping machine’s studying condition both at home and abroad, illustrating the necessity of owning the strapping machine of the Independent intellectual property rights;analyzing the workflow and the control requirements of the given structure strapping machine;designing and choosing the hardware of the strapping machine’s pneumatic system and the corresponded controlling system;establishing the mathematical model of the fixed-length shear servo control;choosing the touch screen to do designs of the Man-machine interface;doing detailed descriptions to the important and difficult process of the PLC controlling system.The strapping machine’s controlling system designed by this thesis owns the functions of counting steels automatically according to the setting
9.机械专业英文求职信 篇九
When you visit this page, you have to success, I opened the door first. Thank you in another life I am about to embark on a new journey time, give me a valuable opportunity. You hope that it is different from the hands of a number of identical copies of the job materials, and can help you in the intense market competition and knowledge-based economy recorded tide you are looking for a comprehensive talent.
I was the Southwest University of Science and Technology Manufacturing Science and Engineering, a third year student, majoring in mechanical design and manufacture of automation and the direction of the numerical control technology, and the other minor professional e-commerce school. For enterprises and institutions in the search for a computer-related management or technical work, such as: administrative clerical , web page design / computer art, web site planning / information editing, network management, but also willing to engage with the professional CNC Technology the management of the technical work.
As an undergraduate, “eligible Canadian talent” is always my goal. I am in school among the best academic performance and actively participate in various extra-curricular activities, have been a number of certificate, as the new century, college students, I am well aware of only learning of this expert knowledge is not enough, so I read all books and participated in various training courses extremely useful learning, to enrich themselves at the same time has also been a number of witnesses certificate authority. After three years, the efforts of the University, I have high theoretical and practical ability, good interpersonal skills, able to adapt to the new environment. Computer and English knowledge, I work a strong sense of responsibility, awareness and innovative, willing to engage in challenging work. And, with a certain degree of organization, social skills. Passion for the unknown fields, self-confidence. There is considerable potential for development, in order to constantly improve themselves. I am willing to endure hardship, working harder, bit by bit from the start, always at work to keep the faith and courage to innovate up the attitude of optimism. Believe they would be capable of a variety of computer-related management and technical work. Computer is my biggest passion and expertise, can be said to be a computer enthusiast. Through self-learning to master a lot of computer knowledge, and now has passed the National Computer Rank Examination three (network), the National Computer Rank Examination II, and passed the companys graphic image ADOBE certified engineers. Now the level of a specific computer as follows:
Proficiency in: Office software, VISUAL BASIC, C, FOXBASE, JAVA, ASP and other programming language and 3D modeling
Proficient: PHOTOSHOP, COREDRAW, AUTOCAD and other graphic image software
Master: Computer hardware and software knowledge, basic knowledge of networks, to skilled and network and maintenance, with the small and medium-sized enterprises the ability to engage in network management.
IV contains a hurry, and now I know how deeply: Yesterday, the accomplishments have become history, the glorious future depends on making unremitting efforts in this down-to-earth to be realized. In this era of gorgeous and colorful with each passing day, only to build capacity, improve quality, and tap the potential inherent to the community in the midst of fierce competition. I am about to leave school at the time, I learned to carry a young man filled with knowledge and passion and dreams, sincere and heartfelt ourselves to your organization. Shanwai楼外楼Castle, strong in the more strong in the hand, but I firmly believe that:to be useful! Although I am very ordinary, but I do not mediocrity. Despite the large number of candidates, I may not necessarily be the best, but I am still very confident, will prove that I am the most worthy of your choice now!
Give me a chance, I will fulfill their duties will not only let you satisfied with the more you will be returned to a pleasant surprise! ! At this point, I look forward to your eye look静候佳音. I believe your trust and my strength will bring us success together!
Finally, once again Thank you for reading this letter and look forward to your reply as soon as possible. Units prosperity!
10.机械专业论文中英文对照 篇十
Yangzhou University, Jiangsu, 22500
5Xiangbin Bu
Dear Sir/Madam:
I am a senior at Yangzhou University and expect to graduate in July 2006.I take the liberty of writing you to apply for a position in your hospital.Majoring in Gynecology and Obstetrics Sciences, I have been doing great in it!I performed well in both fundamental courses such as probability and statistics and major-related courses.Thanks to my hard working and firm grasp of knowledge, I performed well in my main courses in the past three consecutive years.Also worth mentioning is my Computer proficiency.I have been the clerk of network of my school.What’s more, I have been paying close attention to improving abilities and skills of dealing with real world problems throughout the college life.Through various practical activities and part-time jobs, I have substantially strengthened my skills of problem-solving and communication.As far as my personality is concerned, I am an enthusiastic and dedicated person who would never yield to difficulties easily.I am willing to work hard and long independently as well in my work team to accomplish the task at the best level.In addition, I have inquisitive and analytical mind, tact and good sense of humor.Enclosed with this letter is my resume, which provides further details regarding my educational backgrounds and achievements.please feel free to contact me if there is anything I could do to facilitate your assessment.If I am hired, I will prove myself one of the most valuable assets you ever have in your business.Thank you for your time and consideration.Your prompt reply in this matter would be greatly appreciated.Sincerely yours,Xiangbin Bu
April 13,2000
p.O.Box 36
BIIT University
Beijing,China 100000
Dear Sir/Madam:
Are you searching for a telecommunications manager with expertise in project management and team leadership?
I specialize in creating and implementing high-performance strategies that directly impact growth and profitability of large telecommunications companies.In addition to my knowledge of business processes, I also offer proficiency in telecom software development and cutting-edge technologies.I am relocating to Shenzhen and would be interested in opportunities with your firm.Currently, I serve as manager for BIT Company‘s Information Industry Division.Briefly, some of my accomplishments include:
Developed a tool to track and forecast price,quantity,and revenue, which enables client to monitor business performance
Implemented a customized end-to-end testing process and SQL database
机械设计与制造专业是做什么的 机械设计与制造专业简介12-23