


1.GRE阅读高分学霸传授应对术语词汇3个技巧 篇一








2.GRE词汇记熟记稳3个步骤介绍 篇二











刘邦收到一封项羽的blackmail,“请”他去鸿门赴宴。这实在是给刘邦broach(给...开口, 钻孔, 开始讨论, 提出)了一道难题,刘邦正brooding琢磨到底该去不该去,他的idea man张良发话了说:“这次我们真是站到悬崖brink/brim(本意河、碗之边)了。我们现在还没有足够的实力来跟项羽boycott,要是缺席的话,肯定会beget(书面语) 招致, 产生, 引起)麻烦的。所以我们必须去。项羽是个bilious(胆汁质的, 坏脾气的)而又bigotry(固执, 顽固)的bigot(盲目信仰者, 顽固者),但他很bloated(浮肿的, 发胀的, 傲慢的)喜欢故作bravado(虚张声势, 装作有自信的样子),所以我们只要暂时bend一下,装的budge(改变立场)一点就行了。他的subordination之中,项伯是个有着blatant(喧嚣的, 俗丽的, 吵闹的, 炫耀的) satisfaction的家伙,对他,我们要bounteous一点,只要不begrudge(嫉妒, 羡慕, 舍不得给)金银财宝就行了,真正brackish(有盐味的, 可厌的)的bore还是范增,须得小心提防。”

与此同时,项羽一方也在讨论该怎么对付刘邦。范增说:“我们千万不可belittle了刘邦,此人表面bonhomie(温和, 敦厚),不问政务,整日泡在嫔妃的boudoir(女人的会客室或化妆室, 闺房)里,似乎还是个bibulous(饮酒的, 嗜酒的, 吸水的) fellow其实一切表面现象都是bogus(<美>假的, 伪造的)的,刘邦其实是个eager beaver(海狸(毛皮))足见决不是个bromide,此人ambition之大,没人能forebode(预示, 预言, 预兆, 预感),所以尽早除掉最好。”项伯却说:“亚父说的未免太bombastic,太brutal了一点。刘邦一向从未对我们brusque(唐突的, 直率的, 粗暴的, 无礼的),亚父是不是对他有一点bias,或者神经allergy(敏感症, <口>反感)呀?海纳百brook(n),有brook (v)/arroyo则大,项王要成霸业,也要有容人之量吗。要是连刘邦这么个bucolic(牧羊的, 牧歌的, 田园风味的)也不能容岂不被天下人笑。”项羽一听也有道理呀,就boggled(用错环境了)起来,不知道该听谁的好了。

赴宴那天,刘邦故意穿着bedraggled(全身泥污的, 湿透的, 荒废的)的衣服,戴了顶blotch(大斑点v.弄脏)的bonnet就来了。宴席上,刘邦站起来致benediction(祝福)/blessing说:“尊敬的Majesty,您是如此的benevolent,我们一切belonging都拜您所bestow,没有了您boon(恩惠, 实惠, 福利)的阳光,我们都会blight。所以,请允许我代表我们这些beneficiary为你的benignity/benevolence向您这位benefactor表示谢意,我们给您带来了a bevy of beauties,还有这些毫无blemish(污点, 缺点, 瑕疵)的jade(碧玉, 翡翠, 老马)是我ancestor的bequest,送给您以表达对您长期以来不懈bolster/brace(支持)和bliss(恩赐)的敬意。”说完还专门搞了个献bouquet仪式,刘邦不愧是个blowhard,这一番braggart马屁拍的项羽心里那个blithe(愉快的, 高兴的)劲就别提了。脾气变得很benign/bland(温和的, 柔和的, 乏味的, 冷漠的, 刺激性少的),话也说漏了嘴:“你部下本来说behold你要betray谋反的,我看是在骗我了。”刘邦连忙belied说:“您就是我们的神,我哪里敢blasphemous(亵渎神明的, 不敬神的)呢,beseech(恳求, 哀求)项王莫信奸人bruit(散播)的谗言呀?”

喝过几瓶beverage之后,在范增授意之下,项庄站了起来,说:“我们这些brawny man不懂别的娱乐,只会brawl(争吵, 怒骂),我就为大家舞剑助兴吧。”说着说着,他的blade就开始向刘邦身上招呼起来。吓得刘邦脸都blanch/bleach了。幸好他的bodyguard樊哙,blare/bray一声站起来,blurt说:“让我与你一起perform吧。”很快就把项庄的势头给bridled住了。这一bout刘邦又bilk(挫败, 诈骗)了范增。


一听说刘邦溜了,范增气得巨berserk(狂暴的(地), 疯的(地)),他bristle起来berated(严厉指责, 申斥) in bombast(夸大的言辞): “你们这帮boorish(农民的, 乡土气的, 粗野的, 粗鄙的)的boor全被他给beguiled了,知道你们犯了多大的blunder吗?你们等于在阎罗殿里给自己bespeak(预订)好了位置。”无奈大家都当他是bluster/browbeat人,没有人肯听他belabor(就...作过分的冗长的讨论或分析等),看大家都没反应,他只好长叹一声:“bovine(迟钝的, 牛的, 似牛的, 耐心的)/ blunt brat(竖子)不足与谋呀。”

果然不出范增所料,不久局势突变,bellicose/belligerent(好战的, 交战国的, 交战的)的刘邦实力boost,很快就bereave(剥夺, 使失去)了项羽的一切。项羽最后被beleaguer(围, 围攻)/besiege在垓下,suicide了。




Darwin是个theological学生,但他却不肯flippant1(轻率)得相信他老师的homily。当他看透那些课堂教学不过是些fictitious和fluffy(空洞,毛茸茸)的figment1,所有的fetish 一样的doctrine不过是fetid2的dogma之后,信仰开始fluctuate,fell into fidget2了。他甚至因为不肯按照fettered的方式答题而考试flunked2。





为什么ferocious的feline的fell2上都有florid 3的fleck?

对猎物来说,那是一种feral1(凶猛的)feigned3(伪装)色。对同类来说,则是flirt1 flirtatious1的信号。





所有这些问题的答案在他头脑里feedback,使得他对传统观点有了越来越多的fissile fissure1。一种进化的概念开始在他脑袋里fledge1渐丰起来。现在他确信人类其实来自于simian/ anthropoid,当第一flock2(本指羊群鸟群)猿人开始使用flinty flint1取火之时,即人类诞生之日。他据此写下传世之作《物种起源》。


辩论中,flip1的bishop用flippant(无礼)的言词说他是个fiendish1 fiend,Darwin一方则只用felicitous1的 felicity2指出对方的言论统统是建立在floppy/flabby/flaccid1的基础之上的,都flimsy2的不堪一击。到辩论finale之时,bishop一方全像flaggy的花儿,遭遇fiasco1,灰溜溜的flee2了。



GRE考试抓住“du”规律 巧记单词

逻辑辨证记忆提示:跟duce,duct有关的英文单词围绕着“to lead(引导,带领,领导,导致)”造词。这组词的大部分单词都很好理解,只有一个词不是很好理解——subdue(vt.1.制服,使顺从,征服 2.抑制,克制)不但把“duce”去掉了一个字母“c”,而且隐含了一种英文思维,即“向下”有关的很多词都指“下级,服从”之义(sub-=under),如subordinate(a.1.下级的,级别低的n.部属,下级),defer

deduce vt.推论,推断,演绎

duce,duct来自拉丁文ducere=to lead及其过去分词ductus。




n.1.减除,扣除,减除额 2.推论,演绎 3.演绎法


a.推论的, 演绎的


n.管, 输送管, 排泄管 vt.通过管道输送


vt.诱拐, 绑架,劫持


vt.1.进行,管理2.指挥,引导3.输送,传导(热、电等) 4.(oneself)(行为)表现





n.传导性, 传导率




vt.处理不当, 干坏事 n.不正当的行为, 明知故犯








a.教育的, 教育性的




vt.1.引诱,劝 2.引起,导致


n. 1.把(某人)引入(某个单位、机构、组织或某项技能的)门

2.入学典礼,就职典礼 3.感应, 感应现 象4.归纳法


vt.1.介绍2.引进,传入 3.提出(议案等)供讨论







n.生产者, 制作者, 演出人, (电影)制片人


n.产品, 产物, 乘积


n.1.副产品 2.副作用,未意料到的结果


n.生产, 产品, 作品, (研究)成果


a.生产性的, 生产的, 能产的, 多产的




a.没有收益的, 非生产性的, 徒然的, 没有出产物的








vt.1.勾引 2.引诱,诱使,唆使




a.1.屈服的, 被抑制的2.(光和声)柔和的, 缓和的, 减弱的3.(人)温顺的


3.GRE阅读高分学霸传授应对术语词汇3个技巧 篇三




在整个GRE考试过程中,小编认为大家需要做一样工作,就是收集整理自己的 “阅读难句”,把所有文章中出现的我认为 “绕”的句子都收录下来,每天早上看20-30句。 对于那些文章后面问题牵涉到或问到的难句,更要highlight起来,并把文章的问题附在句子后面,认真学习。这样做的好处是学习如何以ETS的眼光在文章/句子中“抽丝剥茧”,“infer” 出答案,因为阅读的难题通常是 “infer” 题,而 “infer” 题的答案通常都藏在那些难句或 “闪烁其辞”的句子中。这样看多了,“infer”的能力也相应的提高了。 (Eg: This ability to quickly locate unseen prey suggests,according to the researchers,that the anteaters were using their electroreceptors to locate the nesting chambers。 à Infer --- The speed with which the anteaters located their prey is greater than what might be expected on the basis of chance alone.)


关于 “GRE阅读速度”,小编认为称之为 “理解速度”更贴切,看得再快,不理解,又有何用? 现在对于提升阅读速度比较主流的意见有两种,一种是快速读文章,然后答题1题1分钟;另一种是读文章不用太快,要边读边总结,然后答题时就容易些,更有把握些,通常也不用1分钟1题。大家可以自己尝试一下哪种方法更适合自己然后选择使用,前者对于时间的把握可能更精准一些,后者对文章main idea及结构理解得更好,准确率也高,尤其对于长文章比较适用。


3.15.4 接受,收回

decent adj. 可接受的,适当的;得体的

procurement n. 接收,获得

receipt n. 收到,接到;发票,收据 (receive v. 收到)

receptive adj. 善于接受的;从善如流的 (reception n. 接待,欢迎)

recipient n. 接受者,收受者

confiscate v. 没收;充公

expropriate v. 没收;充公

forfeit v. 被罚没收,丧失;n. 丧失物

recall v. 收回;回想,回忆起;n. 唤回

recede v. 收回(诺言),后退

retract v. 收回,缩回 (retraction n. 收回,缩回)

retrieve v./n. 取回,寻回;挽回(错误) (retrieval n. 取回,补偿)

sequestrate v. 没收,扣押

withdraw v. 收回,撤退;隐居


3.15.3 获得,继承

desirable adj. 值得要的

dislodge v. 取出,逐出

eviscerate v. 取出肠及内脏

inception n. 取得学位;开端,开始

inexhaustible adj. 取之不竭的,用不完的

obtainable adj. 能得到的 (obtain v. 得到)

preempt v. 以先买权取得;取代 (preemption n. 先买权)

procure v. 取得,获得

procurement n. 获得,接收

reap v. 收获,收割

reaper n. 收割者

snatch n./v. 攫取,强夺

surcharge v. 对…收取额外费用;n. 附加费

undeserved adj. 不应得的

asset n. 财产;可取之物

belongings n. 财产,所有物

demise n. 财产转让;死亡

esoteric adj. 秘传的;神秘的

heir n. 继承人 (heiress n. 女继承人)

heirloom n. 传家宝

hereditary adj. 祖传的,世袭的

inherit v. 继承

patrimony n. 祖传的财产

sequela n. 后继者;后遗症


3.15.2 分配,散布

allocate v. 配给,分配 (allocation n. 配给,分配)

dispense v. 分配,分发

distribute v. 分发,分配某事物 (distribution n. 分发,分送)

issue v. 发给,分发;出来,流出;n. (书刊的)期

mete v. 分配,给予;测量;n. 边界

quota n. 定额,配额

ration n. 定量配给;v. 配给

redistribution n. 重新分配

bruit v. 散布(谣言)

decentralize v. 分散,权力下放

disseminate v. 散布,传播

emanate v. 散发,发出,发源

emit v. 放射(光、热、味等) (emission n. 发出,发光;放射物)

intersperse v. 散布;点缀

permeate v. 扩散;渗透

pervade v. 弥漫,普及

strew v. 撒,散播

4.GRE阅读高分学霸传授应对术语词汇3个技巧 篇四




很多时候考生可以根据自己的预测来提升自己在GRE阅读中的速度。假设你看到作者在文章中的第一句话设定为many people,prevail,past time等以这些词语做开头,那么你就要在脑海中迅速思考出一点,那就是此篇文章很有可能是关于新老观点交换类的,因为这些词后面往往会紧跟一个老观点,然后一定出新的however,but之类的转折,这就是文章中所提出的新观点。紧接着,你还要迅速分析文章中的方式论证,是老观点出现错误还是有不足之处,这些就是你在看到这种类型的文章时,你应该有的思维逻辑过程。你的思维逻辑过程将帮助你迅速的融入到文章中,因为此后的文章内容很可能与你事先判断出来的结构相符。





Our study revealed that nest-guarding long-tailed skinks (a species of lizard) homed (returned to their nests) more successfully when displaced shorter distances. There are two reasons why homing success rates decreased with increasing displacement distance. One possibility is that females were simply displaced too far to find their way home. However, this is unlikely given that some individuals managed to find their way home from each distance we used. The second possibility deals with trade-offs between the risks associated with making a long return trip and the benefits of returning. Animals should expend energy only when the associated costs are low. As reptiles increase the time spent moving, their daily energy expenditure increases dramatically. The energetic costs of returning home and the chances that the eggs will have been preyed upon during the return trip both increase substantially as displacement distance increases. For example, the 130 hours (5.5 days) that female skinks spent returning from a distance of 300 meters is sufficient for an egg-eating snake to locate and prey upon the entire clutch. However, females with larger clutches were more likely to home at distances over 50 meters. For these females, the relative fitness benefits associated with having more eggs successfully hatch may outweigh the energetic costs of returning to a nest site, even if the nest may have already been preyed upon.

1. The primary purpose of the passage is to

A. question the validity of research on nest-guarding behavior in long-tailed skinks

B. consider explanations for a finding regarding long-tailed skinks

C. discuss the importance of homing for long-tailed skinks

D. describe the relationship between clutch size and homing success in long-tailed skinks

E. identify the benefits of a behavior common among long-tailed skinks

2. The claim in the highlighted sentence assumes which of the following about the individuals that managed to find their way home from each distance?

A. They were less able to detect egg-eating predators than were the other long-tailed skinks studied.

B. They were more averse to risk than were the other long-tailed skinks studied

C. They expended less energy when homing than did the other long-tailed skinks studied.

D. They did not possess better homing skills than did the other long-tailed skinks studied.

E. They had significantly smaller clutches than did the other long-tailed skinks studied.

3. The “second possibility” implies which of the following as a possible explanation for the female long-tailed skinks that failed to home from distances over 50 meters ?

A. They had relatively small clutches

B. They were unable to find their way home

C. They lacked sufficient energy to home successfully

D. They had male long-tailed skinks guarding their clutches

E. They detected evidence of egg-eating snakes In the vicinity of their nests.



Our study revealed that nest-guarding long-tailed skinks (a species of lizard) homed (returned to their nests) more successfully when displaced shorter distances.



There are two reasons why homing success rates decreased with increasing displacement distance.



One possibility is that females were simply displaced too far to find their way home.



However, this is unlikely given that some individuals managed to find their way home from each distance we used.



The second possibility deals with trade-offs between the risks associated with making a long return trip and the benefits of returning.

第二种可能,涉及 在 长途跋涉回家的风险 与 回到的好处 之间权衡利弊。


Animals should expend energy only when the associated costs are low.



As reptiles increase the time spent moving, their daily energy expenditure increases dramatically.



The energetic costs of returning home and the chances that the eggs will have been preyed upon during the return trip both increase substantially as displacement distance increases.



For example, the 130 hours (5.5 days) that female skinks spent returning from a distance of 300 meters is sufficient for an egg-eating snake to locate and prey upon the entire clutch.

比如说,雌石龙子花 130 小时(5.5 天)跋涉 300 米回窝,已经足够蛇定位以及吃掉所有的蛋。

(clutch 一次产或孵的蛋)


However, females with larger clutches were more likely to home at distances over 50 meters.

然而,守着大窝的雌性仍然更可能在被移动超过 50 米的情况下回窝。


For these females, the relative fitness benefits associated with having more eggs successfully hatch may outweigh the energetic costs of returning to a nest site, even if the nest may have already been preyed upon.


(fitness 最早讲这个概念在 15 / 36 P1,有兴趣的同学去翻



1. The primary purpose of the passage is to

A. question the validity of research on nest-guarding behavior in long-tailed skinks

B. consider explanations for a finding regarding long-tailed skinks

C. discuss the importance of homing for long-tailed skinks

D. describe the relationship between clutch size and homing success in long-tailed skinks

E. identify the benefits of a behavior common among long-tailed skinks

选 B

评估 对 一项关于长尾石龙子的观察发现 的多种解释。

finding 就是有的回窝,有的不回。

2. The claim in the highlighted sentence assumes which of the following about the individuals that managed to find their way home from each distance?

A. They were less able to detect egg-eating predators than were the other long-tailed skinks studied.

B. They were more averse to risk than were the other long-tailed skinks studied

C. They expended less energy when homing than did the other long-tailed skinks studied.

D. They did not possess better homing skills than did the other long-tailed skinks studied.

E. They had significantly smaller clutches than did the other long-tailed skinks studied.

选 D



One possibility is that females were simply displaced too far to find their way home. However, this is unlikely given that some individuals managed to find their way home from each distance we used.

不妨把句 3 - 4 连起来看。

句 3 说,一些雌石龙子不回家,单纯是因为找不到路了,to far to find their way home 。句 4 则否认了这种可能 this is unlikely,因为有一些始终要回家,也成功地回了家。





你注意到了吗,两种情况的区别只在于 trade-offs 对收益与风险的权衡,不在于认路的能力,即文章的作者认为所有石龙子都一样认路,想回家就一定能找到路。



其实,这道题非常犀利地指出了文章逻辑的不足。作为一项意在考察蜥蜴是否回家的研究,竟然因为有的蜥蜴成功回家,就假设所有蜥蜴都像上帝一样认路。回头再看看,这道题中竟然一个科学家的名字都没出现过,我怀疑这篇 “ 文章 ” 是 ETS 编的,而不是改写的,故意卖个逻辑上的破绽好出题。

3. The “second possibility” implies which of the following as a possible explanation for the female long-tailed skinks that failed to home from distances over 50 meters ?

A. They had relatively small clutches

B. They were unable to find their way home

C. They lacked sufficient energy to home successfully

D. They had male long-tailed skinks guarding their clutches

E. They detected evidence of egg-eating snakes In the vicinity of their nests.

选 A

注意问法,从 “ second possibility ” 出发推断可能的解释。根据句 10 - 11 可选出 A 。其实 B / C / E 都是比较有可能的推测,只是因为文章的逻辑缺陷,三者都得不到表达。


When selecting a nest, the female of the river blenny (a small fish) appears to be sensitive to both size and orientation. Blennies deposit their eggs preferably in nests under large stones and in nests facing southeast. Southeast-facing nests contain larger egg clutches, a fact that cannot be completely explained by differences in nest stone sizes. Moreover, in a recent study, current speeds upstream of the nest and at the nest entrance were similar for nests facing southeast and those facing in other directions. A southeast-facing entrance per se thus seems to be the specific nest feature preferred by females, rather than the effect of selective positioning on current at nest entrance. The reasons for this preference are unclear, however.

1. The passage is concerned with which of the following

A. Determining the different ways in which current speeds can influence the nesting preferences of female river blennies

B. Establishing nest orientation as a determining factor in egg laying among female river blennies

C. Questioning the importance of nest size as an influence on egg laying among female river blennies

D. Comparing the features of female river blennies that face southeast with those of nests facing in other directions

E. Examining how female river blennies determine the relative importance of nest size versus nest orientation

2. The author of the passage considers “current speeds” in order to

A. identify a factor that undermines the significance of nest stone size for female river blennies

B. indicate one possible advantage of river blenny nests that do not face southeast

C. eliminate a possible explanation for a nest orientation tendency among female river blennies

D. indicate why female river blennies are sensitive to both size and orientation of possible nests

E. suggest a reason why many female blennies prefer southeast-facing nests


When selecting a nest, the female of the river blenny (a small fish) appears to be sensitive to both size and orientation.



鳚 [blenny]



Australian blenny (Ecsenius axelrodi) in East Timor.




Blennies deposit their eggs preferably in nests under large stones and in nests facing southeast.



Southeast-facing nests contain larger egg clutches, a fact that cannot be completely explained by differences in nest stone sizes.



Moreover, in a recent study, current speeds upstream of the nest and at the nest entrance were similar for nests facing southeast and those facing in other directions.



upstream 逆流的,向上游的

upstream of the nest 我理解为,巢是不动的,upstream of the nest 指水流冲刷巢,也就是那块石头的速度



A southeast-facing entrance per se thus seems to be the specific nest feature preferred by females, rather than the effect of selective positioning on current at nest entrance.



The reasons for this preference are unclear, however.


1. The passage is concerned with which of the following

A. Determining the different ways in which current speeds can influence the nesting preferences of female river blennies

B. Establishing nest orientation as a determining factor in egg laying among female river blennies

C. Questioning the importance of nest size as an influence on egg laying among female river blennies

D. Comparing the features of female river blennies that face southeast with those of nests facing in other directions

E. Examining how female river blennies determine the relative importance of nest size versus nest orientation

选 B


establish 此处解释为 确定、证实。

A 错。句 5 告诉我们,水流速度没啥区别 similar 。

C 错。文章没有质疑大石偏好,只在句 2 提了一下:Blennies deposit their eggs preferably in nests under large stones and in nests facing southeast.

D 错在 features of female river blennies,没有讨论鱼,只讨论了巢,水流什么的。

E 错。没有比较两种因素哪个更重要。

2. The author of the passage considers “current speeds” in order to

A. identify a factor that undermines the significance of nest stone size for female river blennies

B. indicate one possible advantage of river blenny nests that do not face southeast

C. eliminate a possible explanation for a nest orientation tendency among female river blennies

D. indicate why female river blennies are sensitive to both size and orientation of possible nests

E. suggest a reason why many female blennies prefer southeast-facing nests

选 C




综上,选 C 。

5.GRE考试写作部分高分词汇替换 篇五


naturally, as a result, consequently, not surprisingly, quite understandably, predictably, presumably

contribute to, result in , the result can be identified in…, ascribe … to ..,

attribute … to…, derive from.., spring from, arise from


in addition to that, besides, apart from, let alone, not to mention, quite conscious of, moreover

C 并列

Coupled with, combined with, going hand in hand with,integrated with…, entwined with..


It is, however, nevertheless, in spite of , regardless of, unaware of,for all that …, heedless不在意的 of .., nonetheless



We, everyone: any reasonable/sensitive soul/mind, talented minds, elite minds, versatile minds, personality, figures, celebrity, idiots, philosophic minds, genius

More and more: increasingly number of …..

Big: enormous, tremendous, gigantic, titanic, astronomical, vast, boundless

Very: extremely, overwhelmingly, undeniably无可否认地, remarkably, voluminously庞大地, excessively, exceedingly, tangibly, impressively, shockingly

Famous: renowned, celebrated, accomplished, distinguished, prominent, eminent, outstanding, preeminent

Good: spectacular, amazing, unbelievable, incredible, magnificent, adorable, fantastic, fascinating, admirable, respectable, charitable, adorable, awesome, terrific, majestic

Bad: nightmarish, disgusting, despicable可鄙的, monstrous, appalling, abhorring, repelling, repulsive

Important: significant, essential, basic, fundamental, indispensable, crucial, critical, decisive, determinant, dominant, predominant, infallible

Say, Believe,think: suppose, hold, claim, maintain, presume, assume, contend, argue, declare, I am convinced, conclude

Improve, better: further, promote, enhance, reinforce, strengthen, consolidate, cement巩固, nurture, relieve, recover

Everyone knows: it’s a truth universally acknowledged that,

It can never be denied, it is undeniable that

It goes without saying that

It is self evident that

It is highly advisably, imperative, remarkable that

It comforts one to know that…

F 顶尖副词:

Excessively, unbelievably, shockingly, reasonably, logically, tremendously, remarkably, noticeably, tangibly, perceptibly, hopefully, incredibly, amazingly, fundamentally, excessively, extremely, overwhelmingly, sharply, dramatically, drastically, justifiably, convincingly, ignorantly, fantastically, hardly, barely, sparsely, surprisingly, unexpectedly

G. 列举事例段落常见的开头语:

The case/ story of .X stands as an undisputed confirmation of …..that…

.X remains a solid evidence of ….

Adding further credibility/plausibility to the argument is the story of X.

My conviction stands on the following three…



1. basic framework /基础框架

2. efficiency in school management /学校管理的效率

3. coordinated and balanced program of development /计划发展的协调与平衡

4. input in education /教学投入

5. optimize the teaching staff /优化师资队伍

6. communal participation /公共参与

7. incoming labor force /引进劳动效力

8. pre-service education /预备服务教育

9. undergo job-specific training /经历明确的职业培训

10. enhance the moral awareness of…… /增强…道德观念

11. professional ethic /职业道德

12. key disciplinary areas/ priority fields of study /关键学科领域/研究的重点领域

13. short 2- to 3- year higher education两到三年的短期高等教育

14. literacy class /文化阶层

15. age bracket /年龄段

16. inculcate教育

17. school-ager /处于上学年龄的人,学生

18. exhaustion of human resources /人力资源的枯竭

19. school dropout/ leaver /辍学者

20. foundation /基础(教育)




1.Throw. Throw原本指的是人在马背上,被马突然摔在地上。因此就有了这样的用法,表示使处于、使陷入(某种状态中)。如Thousands were thrown into homeless by the war. (战争使千万人无家可归。)

2.Pitch. Pitch除了表示投、掷等意思外,还可以指定标准、用合适的角度、方式表达。这是由于在古希腊的时候,运动会上往往会通过投掷标枪确定一条合格线,因此这个词就慢慢有了定标准这层意思。如The program was pitched at just the right level.( 大纲所定的水平恰到好处。)

3.Blood. Blood鲜血。猎人在猎狐和狗在第一次出猎前给它们尝血的味道。引申后表示使新手取得初次经验。如Many revolutionary devotees were blooded in Wuchang Uprise.( 武昌起义使很多热血志士首次经受革命的洗礼。)



如在ISSUE 中提到:Uses language fluently, with varied sentence structure and effective vocabulary.即语言流利,使用多变的句型和有效、令人印象深刻的词汇。ARGUMENT中提到:Demonstrates control of language, including diction and syntactic variety,即展示对语言的掌控,包括用词和用句的多样性。通过这两条,不难看出,阅卷人在“词”这块的要求其实很简单——effective(有效、印象深刻)和variety(多样化)。而在写作中,恰到好处地使用“小词”就可以帮助你的文章达到上述两个要求。

首先要说明一点,所谓“小词”并非俚语。由于评分标准明确要求使用standard written English(标准书面英语(论坛)),因此非正式的俚语、俗语、外来语都不被建议在写作中使用。“小词”——smart word,指的是一些看似稀松平常普普通通的单词的精妙用法。主要包括以下几种情况:



1.Flatter. Flatter指谄媚、奉承。拟物后可以表示(照片、画像等)比真人好看。如You are surely flattered by this dress.(你穿这衣服更漂亮了。)

2.Flirt. Flirt最熟悉的意思是调情,而事实上,它还可以表示不当真的对待、玩笑地对待。如Flirt with the idea of resigning (脑子里一直浮现辞职的念头)

3. Conspire. conspire形容人同谋、密谋,也可以形容事物联合发生共同导致(不良后果)。如Wretched weather, nasty food and disgusting companions conspired to reduce my picnic to be a wet blanket.(糟糕的天气,难吃的东西,不喜欢的人,我的野餐真倒霉。)

4.Coax. Coax指人用好话劝、哄诱,指物的时候作耐心地处理、小心摆弄的意思。如Pianists have their own difficulties on the piano hammers that hit the string have to be coaxed not to sound like percussion.(钢琴演奏家也有自己的困难处,钢琴上的用来击弦的小锤务必仔细摆弄,以免听起来像打击乐。




1.Bridge. Bridge,桥梁。桥梁的作用很显然是连接,因此它做动词就可以表示连接、消除(隔阂、鸿沟等)。如bridge chasm, silence, difference, generation gap(弥合裂缝,打破冷场,消除分歧,弥合代沟)

2.Budget. Budget名词表示预算,动词为合理安排。如She is extremely busy, so she has to budget her time carefully.(她忙极了,所以必须好好安排时间。)

3.Toy. Toy是玩具的意思,由这个名词演变出的动词可以表示漫不经心地考虑、摆弄。如She toyed with a pencil, brooding on something like a hen.(她摆弄着铅笔,似有心事。)

6.GRE阅读高分学霸传授应对术语词汇3个技巧 篇六





7.GRE阅读高分学霸传授应对术语词汇3个技巧 篇七




例题:Brutus is often held up as the embodiment of ______–-yet, while it is true that he deceived his friend, Julius Caesar, one must not forget that Caesar had become both a danger to himself and the Republic.

(A) wisdom

(B) prudence

(C) treachery

(D) selflessness

(E) perfidy

(F) cowardice


如果大家在面对上面这道题目时跳过题目直接看选项,很容易就会发现A和B似乎在含义上相当接近。放到句子里似乎也读的通。但如果仔细看过题目,大家就会发现,本题的解题线索是“deceived his friend“。而根据整句的意思,此处应该填入的是跟deceive相关的词汇。这样一来,AB尽管是一对近义词,但在本题中就不是适合的选项。而在所有选项中,C的意思相当接近,而D和F则偏差较大。至于剩下的E,认识的同学自然知道它是C的近义词,而不认识的同学也可以通过排除法做出选择。实际上,E本身也是GRE词汇,只不过比较冷僻,可能有不少同学没有背过。


2.9.3 通知

acquaint v. 通知;使…熟知

advertise v. 通知;做广告

apprise v. 通知,告诉

promulgate v. 宣传;颁布(法令)

publicize v. 宣传,引人注意

commentary n. 实况报道;(对书等的)集注

reportage n. 报道,报道的消息,报告文学

informer n. 告发者,告密者


2.7.1 叙述,描述

cite v. 引述,引用

citation n. 引证,引用文,传票

excerpt n. 摘录,选录,节录

quote v. 引述,引用

dictate v. 口述;命令;(听写)

discourse n. 论述,演讲

expatiate v. 详述,细说

iterate v. 反复重申,重做

recapitulate v. 扼要重述

reiterate v. 重申,反复地说

narrative adj. 叙述的,讲故事的 (narrate v. 叙述)

particularize v. 详述,列举

adduce v. 举出(例证);给予(理由)

enumerate v. 列举,枚举

relate v. 讲述;有关联

blazon v. 精确描绘;n. 纹章,装饰

cameo n. 生动刻画;浮雕宝石;(演员)出演

characterization n. 描绘,刻画

characterize v. 描述或刻画…的特点

delineate v. 描画

depict v. 描绘,描画

pinpoint v. 精确地找出或描述;adj. 非常精确的

portray v. 描绘,描述

retouch v. 修描;润色


2.12.2 诽谤

aspersion n. 诽谤,中伤

besmirch v. 诽谤

calumniate v. 诽谤,中伤

calumny n. 诽谤,中伤 (calumnious adj. 诽谤的)

defame v. 诽谤,中伤

denigrate v. 诽谤,污蔑 (denigration n. 诋毁,贬低)

derogate v. 诽谤,贬低

derogatory adj. 诽谤的,不敬的

detraction n. 诽谤,贬低

libel v./n. (文字)诽谤,中伤

libelous adj. 诽谤的

malign v. 诽谤,中伤;adj. 邪恶的

scandal n. 恶意诽谤;丑闻

slander v./n. 诽谤,诋毁

slanderous adj. 诽谤的

traduce v. 诽谤,中伤

8.GRE阅读高分学霸传授应对术语词汇3个技巧 篇八


1. With a large range of potential jobs to choose from, X.X are more likely to …

2. It is absolutely true that people nowadays undergo great pressures that come from various aspects, including work, school, economy, and so forth.

9.gre阅读高分快速突破经验 篇九













GRE阅读文章有一个明显的特点:逻辑条理性强。因此在阅读的过程中一定要把握文章的脉络。平时训练时要一边读一边想:这是个历史现象吗?是对这个现象作解释还是评价?这是新观点还是老观点?作者是什么态度?这才是active reading。













Promptly 迅速地 reiterate 重申

Propagate 传播 relatedness 关联性

Propel 推进 relegate 把…归类

Propensity 倾向 remainder 剩余物

Prophet 提倡者 rendering 描绘

Proportionally 相应地 renunciation 放弃

Protogynous 雌性先熟的 repay 补偿

Provocation 激怒,挑衅 repel 排斥

Psychologically 心里上地 repellent 驱除剂

Publicize 宣传 replicate 复制

Publisher 出版商 representativeness 代表性

Pulley 滑轮 repressive 镇压

Qualification 资格,先决条件 repulsive 排斥的

Racist 种族主义者 reradiate 再辐射

Rainfall 降雨量 resell 转售

Ramifications 结果,分支 resettlement 重新安置,重新定居

Ratify 批准 respiration 呼吸

Ration 配额,定量配置 restatement 再次声明


Pregnancy 怀孕 rationale 基本理由,基本原理

Prehistory 史前时代 rationalize 使…合理化

Preliterate 有文字之前的 reaggregate 重新聚集

Preoccupation 全神贯注 realization 实现

Presidential 总统的 reaper 收割机

Preventable 可预防的 reappearance 再现

Prevention 预防 receptive 易于接受的,愿意接受的

Primate 灵长类动物 recital 独舞表演

Privileged 有特权的 recombine 重新组合

Probabilistic 或然论的,盖然论的 recoverability 可恢复性

Proceed 出自 recreate 重新创建

Prodigality 铺张浪费 recreational 娱乐的

Prodigious 不可思议的,令人惊恐的 recycle 使…再循环;重复利用

Producer 制片人 redistribution 重新分配

Productivity 生产力 reductive 减少的,还原的

Progeny 后代 reef 暗流

Programmer 程序员 reexamine 重考;再检查

Prohibitively (价格)过高地 reflectivity 反射能力

Proletariat 无产阶级 refreshingly 令人耳目一新的

Prominently 明显地 refugee 难民

10.GRE阅读高分学霸传授应对术语词汇3个技巧 篇十




主题题,态度题如何解决呢?首先我们需要了解GRE考试的评价体系。对于激进的(进化论)左的(马列)上纲上线的,通常不与支持,对于以政治干涉学术,尤其反对。对于歧视弱者,损害弱者尤其反对,弱者恒强。Should, must, should have 等词也是负评价,应然不然。选项中极端的,进行人生攻击的,模棱两可的,谄媚的,马上排除,因为这是学术考试。选项过分极端的副词,也要小心,如表示绝对的言辞。







Of Homer’s two epic poems, the Odyssey has always been more popular than the Iliad, perhaps because it includes more features of mythology that are accessible to readers. Its subject (to use Maynard Mack’s categories) is “life-as-spectacle,” for readers, diverted by its various incidents, observe its hero Odysseus primarily from without; the tragic Iliad, however, presents “life-as-experience”: readers are asked to identify with the mind of Achilles, whose motivations render him a not particularly likable hero. In addition, the Iliad, more than the Odyssey, suggests the complexity of the gods’ involvement in human actions, and to the extent that modern readers find this complexity a needless complication, the Iliad is less satisfying than the Odyssey, with its simpler scheme of divine justice. Finally, since the Iliad presents a historically verifiable action, Troy’s siege, the poem raises historical questions that are absent from the Odyssey’s blithely imaginative world.

17. The author uses Mack’s “categories” (lines 4-5) most probably in order to

(A) argue that the Iliad should replace the Odyssey as the more popular poem

(B) indicate Mack’s importance as a commentator on the Iliad and the Odyssey

(C) suggest one way in which the Iliad and the Odyssey can be distinguished

(D) point out some of the difficulties faced by readers of the Iliad and the Odyssey

(E) demonstrate that the Iliad and the Odyssey can best be distinguished by comparing their respective heroes

18. The author suggests that the variety of incidents in the Odyssey is likely to deter the reader from

(A) concentrating on the poem’s mythological features

(B) concentrating on the psychological states of the poem’s central character

(C) accepting the explanation that have been offered for the poem’s popularity

(D) accepting the poem’s scheme of divine justice

(E) accepting Maynard Mack’s theory that the poem’s subject is “life-as-spectacle”

19. The passage is primarily concerned with

(A) distinguishing arguments

(B) applying classifications

(C) initiating a debate

(D) resolving a dispute

(E) developing a contrast

20. It can be inferred from the passage that a reader of the Iliad is likely to have trouble identifying with the poem’s hero for which of the following reasons?

(A) The hero is eventually revealed to be unheroic.

(B) The hero can be observed by the reader only from without.

(C) The hero’s psychology is not historically verifiable.

(D) The hero’s emotions often do not seem appealing to the reader.

(E) The hero’s emotions are not sufficiently various to engage the reader’s attention.

Flatfish, such as the flounder, are among the few vertebrates that lack approximate bilateral symmetry (symmetry in which structures to the left and right of the body’s midline are mirror images). Most striking among the many asymmetries evident in an adult flatfish is eye placement: before maturity one eye migrates, so that in an adult flatfish both eyes are on the same side of the head. While in most species with asymmetries virtually all adults share the same asymmetry, members of the starry flounder (starry flounder: (美洲)箭齿鲽,星斑川鲽) species can be either left-eyed (both eyes on the left side of head) or right-eyed. In the waters between the United States and Japan, the starry flounder populations vary from about 50 percent left-eyed off the United States West Coast, through about 70 percent left-eyed halfway between the United States and Japan, to nearly 100 percent left-eyed off the Japanese coast.

Biologists call this kind of gradual variation over a certain geographic range a “cline (cline: n.[生]渐变群(一种生态特征))” and interpret clines as strong indications that the variation is adaptive, a response to environmental differences. For the starry flounder this interpretation implies that a geometric difference (between fish that are mirror images of one another) is adaptive, that left-eyedness in the Japanese starry flounder has been selected for, which provokes a perplexing questions: what is the selective advantage (selective advantage: 选择有利性) in having both eyes on one side rather than on the other?

The ease with which a fish can reverse the effect of the sidedness of its eye asymmetry simply by turning around has caused biologists to study internal anatomy, especially the optic nerves, for the answer. In all flatfish the optic nerves cross, so that the right optic nerve is joined to the brain’s left side and vice versa. This crossing introduces an asymmetry, as one optic nerve must cross above or below the other. G. H. Parker reasoned that if, for example, a flatfish’s left eye migrated when the right optic nerve was on top, there would be a twisting of nerves, which might be mechanically disadvantageous. For starry flounders, then, the left-eyed variety would be selected against, since in a starry flounder the left optic nerve is uppermost.

The problem with the above explanation is that the Japanese starry flounder population is almost exclusively left-eyed, an natural selection never promotes a purely less advantageous variation. As other explanations proved equally untenable, biologists concluded that there is no important adaptive difference between left-eyedness and right-eyedness, and that the two characteristics are genetically associated with some other adaptively significant characteristic. This situation is one commonly encountered by evolutionary biologists, who must often decide whether a characteristic is adaptive or selectively neutral. As for the left-eyed and right-eyed flatfish, their difference, however striking, appears to be an evolutionary red herring (red herring: n.熏青鱼, 转移注意力的话).

21. According to the passage, starry flounder differ from most other species of flatfish in that starry flounder

(A) are not basically bilaterally symmetric

(B) do not become asymmetric until adulthood

(C) do not all share the same asymmetry

(D) have both eyes on the same side of the head

(E) tend to cluster in only certain geographic regions

22. The author would be most likely to agree with which of the following statements about left-eyedness and right-eyedness in the starry flounder?

I. They are adaptive variations by the starry flounder to environmental differences.

II. They do not seem to give obvious selective advantages to the starry flounder.

III. They occur in different proportions in different locations.

(A) I only

(B) II only

(C) I and III only

(D) II and III only

(E) I, II, and III

23. According to the passage, a possible disadvantage associated with eye migration in flatfish is that the optic nerves can

(A) adhere to one another

(B) detach from the eyes

(C) cross

(D) stretch

(E) twist

24. Which of the following best describes the organization of the passage as a whole?

(A) A phenomenon is described and an interpretation presented and rejected.

(B) A generalization is made and supporting evidence is supplied and weighed.

(C) A contradiction is noted and a resolution is suggested and then modified.

(D) A series of observations is presented and explained in terms of the dominant theory.

(E) A hypothesis is introduced and corroborated in the light of new evidence.

25. The passage supplies information for answering which of the following questions?

(A) Why are Japanese starry flounder mostly left-eyed?

(B) Why should the eye-sidedness in starry flounder be considered selectively neutral?

(C) Why have biologists recently become interested in whether a characteristic is adaptive or selectively neutral?

(D) How do the eyes in flatfish migrate?

(E) How did Parker make his discoveries about the anatomy of optic nerves in flatfish?

26. Which of the following is most clearly similar to a cline as it is described in the second paragraph of the passage?

(A) A vegetable market in which the various items are grouped according to place of origin

(B) A wheat field in which different varieties of wheat are planted to yield a crop that will bring the maximum profit

(C) A flower stall in which the various species of flowers are arranged according to their price

(D) A housing development in which the length of the front struts supporting the porch of each house increases as houses are built up the hill

(E) A national park in which the ranger stations are placed so as to be inconspicuous, and yet as easily accessible as possible

27. Which of the following phrases from the passage best expresses the author’s conclusion about the meaning of the difference between left-eyed and right-eyed flatfish?

(A) “Most striking” (line 4)

(B) “variation is adaptive” (line 19)

(C) “mechanically disadvantageous” (lines 3738)

(D) “adaptively significant” (lines 48-49)

(E) “evolutionary red herring” (line 54)
