八年级下册Unit 1课堂优秀教学反思


八年级下册Unit 1课堂优秀教学反思(精选6篇)

1.八年级下册Unit 1课堂优秀教学反思 篇一


1. 创设情景,引导自信

自信心是成功的基石,奋发的动力。因此, 上课一开始给学生创设自信的情境,是学生智慧得以发展的关键。本节课,我用孩子们百看不厌的动画片《狮子王》的片头曲创设氛围,使学生从一开始的紧张,慢慢地沉浸于动物的世界中,在这样的意境下,复习一些旧知识,不管哪类学生,都自信地积极举手发言,为整节课的学习营造了一个良好的开端.

2. 从合作中扶助自信

自信心的获得还需要他人的支持,一个班的同学有好有差,性格也各不相同.有的学生因平时比较弱而自信心不足,而有的学生因怕同学笑话而缺乏自信。为了减轻学生的心理压力,为了给每一位孩子找到自信,我在整节课中多次安排了pair work、group work.如询问各种动物吃什么?我安排了四人一组讨论。在操练How much (food) do the (animals) eat?我安排了同桌操练。最后,写作前的铺垫,我设计了五个thinking questions。同桌之间拿的是不同的试卷(一份A卷,一份B卷),通过用五个questions来向对方询问自己想要的信息。在整个过程中,通过互相的帮助,优等生发挥了优势更加自信,而学困生在优等生的帮助下自信有效提升。

3. 体验成功,感受自信

多次的失败会有消去学生的`自信,怀疑自己的能力。为了给孩子们不断地从体验成功中感受自信,我不仅在教学过程中体现由易到难,循序渐进。练习的要求更要因人而宜,分层要求。因此,在施老师的指导下,我在要求学生写作(描写动物)之前,用五个thinking questions询问动物的产地、饮食等。而五个问题的答句连起来则是一篇描写动物的小短文,而要求学生write at least five sentences,其实就是给学困生一种自信,他们只要把五句答句连起来即可,对他们来说,也能体验到成功的快乐,从快乐中感受自信。


2.八年级下册Unit 1课堂优秀教学反思 篇二

本课时教学内容为Unit 4的阅读篇章“She said helping others changed her life.”讲述的是一名大学毕业生在贫苦山区支教的感人事迹。

《英语 (新目标) 》教材从八年级下册开始每个单元后设置一个篇幅较长的大阅读, 每篇阅读都教授一项阅读策略 (Reading Strategy) , 本课时的阅读策略是“根据上下文猜测词意 (Using Context) ”。

同时在语言上, 每篇阅读都是其所在单元语法现象的一个再复习。Unit 4的语法重点是间接引语, 此阅读文章中通过呈现前几个课时学习的直接引语和间接引语, 进一步加深学生对该语法现象的理解和运用。


(一) 知识目标

1. 学生理解以下词汇:graduate, rural area, thin air, fortunately, dormitory, influence.

2. 学生掌握以下词组和句式:v-ing...may not sound (like fun) to...However, ...

There’s no difference between...and...;open up sb’s eyes to...;give sb a good start.

3. 学生进一步掌握间接引语的用法。

(二) 能力目标

1. 学生学会在部分词语缺失的情况下理解文章大意;

2. 学生学会利用上下文推断陌生词汇的意思。

(三) 情感目标

1. 学生进一步强化对志愿者工作意义的认识;

2. 学生进一步锻炼与同伴或小组合作、交流的能力。


(一) 课前学案设计

(二) 课堂教学过程设计

步骤1:教师带学生核对课前学案第3、4部分的答案, 同时对第4部分各题的解题方法进行说明;教师总体归纳第5部分学生完成情况。

设计说明:教师将课前自主学习情况进行讲评和小结, 为新课做好准备。

步骤2:引入。幻灯片上显示著名的“希望工程”宣传照——“大眼睛女孩”, 问学生能从照片中看出什么。学生们能答出她很渴望学习、她的教室环境很差, 于是教师讲述故事:多年前这张照片一发表, 国人看到贫困地区的孩子渴望学习的眼神, 纷纷伸出援助之手帮助他们完成学业。“大眼睛女孩”在热心人的帮助下已经读完大学, 现在一家银行工作。

设计说明:由一个典型的“希望工程”的事例引入主题:From her story we can see others’help changed her life.Then do you think helping others can also change one’s life?由此过渡到本节课的课文标题:“She said helping others changed her life.”

步骤3:学生第一遍阅读, 理解文章大意, 并搭配各段落的大意。

设计说明:以此训练该阅读课的Reading Strategy——First read for meaning, not for detail.

步骤4:引导学生第二遍阅读, 将文中缺失的词语放归正确的位置;通过上下文猜词法理解以下词汇, 选择其正确的意思。核对答案时教师就如何从上下文中寻找有效信息作说明和指导。

△graduate (C)

A.someone who is going to college

B.someone who is studying in college

C.someone who has finished college

△rural area (A)

A.the countryside B.the city

△thin air (B)

A.air with less fat

B.air with less O2

C.air that is not clean

△fortunately (B)

A.however B.luckily C.probably

△domitories (A)

A.rooms to sleep in

B.rooms to study in

C.rooms to play in

△influence (B)

A.发展 B.影响 C.回忆

设计说明:引导学生学会运用context来帮助理解阅读中碰到的生词。教材中仅给出了using context的阅读策略建议, 但没有给出相关的练习来指导学生, 所以这里就需要教师在充分研究教材的基础上进行创造、设计。以上6组是笔者从课文中“挖”出来的带有典型上下文的新词汇, 该练习能训练学生阅读策略。

步骤5:学生完成课本第33页的练习3a, 将自己的生活和山区孩子的作对比。

对比后可得出结论:So teaching and living there for one year does not sound like fun to you, does it?

教师抽出重点句型: (Teach) ing...may not sound (like fun) to you.However, ...


例1.Many students hate to wear school uniforms.But in poor villages children don’t even have enough clothes to keep warm.

→Wearing school uniforms may not sound like fun to you.However, ...

例2.Some of us spend a lot of money on buying snacks, mp3and cellphones.But in some rural areas children can’t even pay for school education.

→Buying snacks/...may not sound difficult for you.However, ...

设计说明:此处的重点句型操练从形式上看是语言知识的练习, 但其实句意所要传递的信息与3a的对比练习是一脉相承的, 都是意在给学生一个情感态度的冲击, 为接下来探讨文章主题作准备。

步骤6:文本深层解读。Yang Lei said helping others changed her life.HOW DID IT CHANGE HERLIFE?

为帮助学生们理清思路, 教师同时给出5个小问题帮助他们思考 (题目见后) 。

设计说明:这5个问题是基于课本第33页3b中4个问题的再创造和升华。3b中的问题仅是复习间接引语, 而笔者设计的这些问题不仅需要用到间接引语, 同时还可以从回答中归纳出志愿者工作的意义, 巧妙地将知识目标和情感目标一起实现, 一箭双雕。具体如下:

Q1:Life in the poor village doesn’t sound like fun, why did she decide to go?

Answer:young people today needed to experience difficult things.

导出:She gained new experience and felt needed.

Q2:Does she get on well with the students there?

Answer: the volunteer teachersare like big brothers or sisters to them.

导出:She made new friends and had fun.

Q3:What could Yang Lei do to help the students there?

Answer: she could open up her students’eyes to the outside world and give them a good start in life.

导出:She made others’lives better.

Q4:How did Yang Lei like her teaching experience?

Answer: she enjoyed her time very much.tWheh eanr ehae.r yearwasover, she would return to

Q5:Why did she plan to return to the rural area?Isn’t one year enough?

Answer (同时导出) :She wanted to spend time doing what she really liked.

从问题推导出的结论可以发现, 在成为志愿者帮助山区的孩子后, Yang Lei有了一个richer and happier life, 这也就回答了“How did helping others changed her life?”文章标题被清晰解读。

同时, 从各结论中归纳的“To gain new experience and feel needed;To make new friends and have fun;To make others’lives better;To spend time doing what you really care about”就是the meaning of doing volunteer work。

步骤7:在文本经过深层解读、文章主题得以剖析后, 学生重新回到课前学案上的那条数轴, 并标出他们在学习完这篇课文后对志愿者工作新的看法的坐标点。

设计说明:一篇好的课文和对其深入的解读能对学生们的价值观、情感态度产生良性、正面的影响, 原先的坐标点会否朝左侧移动是此课时的情感目标有否达到的直接体现。

步骤8:读后活动。学生在课本第33页Section 4的四个志愿者组织中选出他们愿意参与的组织, 并将原因陈述给同伴听。听者做好记录然后将同伴和自己的想法汇报给全班, 其中必须用到若干本课文中学习的新句式。

汇报的模式如:***said she would like to work for..., because she thought...

As for me, I would like to..., because I...

设计说明:此设计让学生巩固词汇, 加强与同伴合作、交流的能力, 并再一次复习间接引语, 同时将已经形成的情感态度在实际语言运用中体现出来。


设计说明:学生将知识目标、情感态度、阅读策略等加以内化, 并及时对本节课的学习情况作自我评价。

(三) 课后学案设计


How well did you do in this class?Color the stars.★☆for“Not bad”;★★for“Very good”.

(1) 在部分词语缺失的情况下理解文章大意;☆☆

(2) 利用上下文推断陌生词汇的意思;☆☆

(3) 进一步掌握间接引语的用法;☆☆

(4) 进一步强化对志愿者工作意义的认识;☆☆

(5) 进一步锻炼与同伴或小组合作、交流的能力。☆☆


Can you finish these sentences with the new words we just learned today?



Can you understand the underlined words according to the context?



Please choose one task that you would like to do after class:

1.Do you feel like starting a new volunteer group?What would your group do?Please make a poster to tell us about your plan.Don’t forget to give your group a nice name!

2.In the coming Qingming Holiday, would you volunteer to do something helpful for your community?Write what you have done and how you feel.


3.八年级下册Unit 1课堂优秀教学反思 篇三

A) 根据句意,用括号内所给词的适当形式填空。(5分)

1. My mother goes to Beijing ____(two) a year.

2. Can you find the ____(different) between this box and that box?

3. I ____(hard) ever see him now.

4. Do you want to meet that ____(interview)?

5. You should look after your ____(healthy).

B) 根据句意及首字母提示,完成下列单词拼写。(5分)

6. Do you like drinking m____?

7. Please t____ this sentence into Chinese.

8. I’m a student. I’m in Class One, G____ One.

9. Do you often eat j____ food?

10. My favorite p____ is the CCTV news.


always, every day, often, sometimes, never, hardly ever

1. He ____ gets up at six o’clock, seven days a week.

2. How ____ do you go to the movies?

3. It ____ rains here. It’s usually sunny and warm.

4. Some of my friends exercise every day and hardly ever eat junk food, but most of them eat junk food ____.

5. I can’t swim. So I ____ go to the beach to swim. Sometimes I go there with my friends to run.


1. Is your bike broken? Let ____ you.

A. me to helpB. I helpC. me helpD. I to help

2. Doing morning exercise is good ____ your health.

A. toB. inC. forD. with

3. The woman can’t ____ his son in the park.

A. readB. watchC. lookD. find

4. Li Lei works in England. He comes to China ____.

A. three time a year B. three times a year

C. three times yearD. three time year

5. ——When did you lose your dog?


A. Three days laterB. Three days ago

B. In three daysD. For three days

6. ——____ do they play football?

——Every day.

A. How soonB. How much C. How manyD. How often

7. His mother wants him ____ at home today.

A. staysB. stayed C. to stayD. staying

8. Here ____ the results ____ the student activity survey.

A. is; withB. are; of C. is; ofD. are; with

9. ____ homework, they do their homework on Sunday.

A. As forB. As to C. As ofD. As from

10. These days Mrs Li looks ____ healthy.

A. niceB. prettyC. heavyD. cool

11. ____ he is ill, ____ he goes to school.

A. Although, butB. /, / C. Although, /D. But, although

12. They watch TV ____.

A. one a weekB. once a week C. one the weekD. once week

13. The old man is well because he often ____.

A. exercisesB. drinks C. sleepsD. play

14. ——____ do you read English books?

——Twice a day.

A. How manyB. How much C. How longD. How often

15. Lily usually starts the day ____ breakfast.

A. withB. fromC. atD. of



1. ——Could you help me?


——Could you help me?

——____ ____.

2. Can you take care of my little dog?

Can you ____ ____ my little dog?

3. They often play basketball on Saturdays and Sundays.

They often play basketball ____ ____.

4. When does he go to see a film?

When does he ____ ____ ____ ____?

5. Pandas are a little interesting.

Pandas are ____ ____ interesting.


1. Ann ____ (go) to the police station this morning.

2. Look!The students ____ (swim) in the river.

3. Li Lei often ____ (help) me with my Chinese.

4. Where ____ (be) you last night?

5. What about ____(play) football now?


It’s September 1st, and we’re all back to school. It’s good to __1__ all my teachers and friends again. They all __2__ fine.

We’re in Grade Eight this year. We have __3__ new subjects. I’m not very __4__ at Chinese, but Han Mei says she can __5__ me. I think I can __6__ it better.

I like English very much. Zhang Hong likes English, __7__. But she needs help. I __8__ I can help her.

Mr Hu is our new English teacher. He __9__ know all of us, so he has our names on a piece of paper and __10__ our names before he begins his lesson.

1. A. seeB. watchC. findD. look

2. A. doB. seeC. lookD. sound

3. A. a lotB. someC. lotD. much

4. A. wellB. goodC. badD. nice

5. A. learnB. giveC. helpD. need

6. A. doB. playC. lookD. feel

7. A. eitherB. veryC. muchD. too

8. A. am afraidB. thinkC. am sorryD. want

9. A. doesn’tB. don’tC. doesD. do

10. A. givesB. callsC. asksD. tells



Mary is an American girl. She is now in Beijing with her parents. Mary doesn’t know much Chinese, but she is studying it. She often speaks Chinese with her Chinese friends. Sometimes they can’t understand her, because she can’t speak Chinese very well.

It’s Saturday morning. She goes out. She is walking in the street. She wants to go to the zoo to see the elephants and monkeys, but she doesn’t know how to get there. She asks a Chinese boy the way. The boy can’t understand her. Then she takes out a pen and a piece of paper. She draws an elephant on it, and shows the picture to the boy. The boy understands, and shows her the way to the zoo.


1. Mary is ____.

A. ChineseB. EnglishC. JapaneseD. American

2. Mary is in ____ with her parents now.

A. ShanghaiB. BeijingC. New YorkD. London

3. Mary doesn’t know how to get to ____.

A. the zooB. the parkC. her homeD. her school

4. Mary can’t speak ____ very well.

A. EnglishB. England C. ChinaD. Chinese

5. At last the boy ____.

A. can understand Mary’s Chinese B. takes her to the zoo

C. shows her the way to the zoo D. draws a picture for Mary, too


James wrote a play for television about a family who came to England from India, and the play was very interesting. It was bought by an American TV company(公司).

James was then invited to go to New York to help them. He lived in Washington, which is an hour away from New York by air. The plane was going to take off at 8:30 in the morning. So he had to be at the airport at about 7:30. He ordered a taxi for 6:30 and went to sleep. He forgot to wind the clock, and it stopped after midnight. Also the driver of the taxi had to work very late that night and he got up very late the next morning.

James woke with the feeling that something was wrong. He looked at his clock. It stood there silently with the hands pointing to ten past twelve. He turned on the radio and knew it was ten. He was late for the plane.

He was just preparing his coffee when the radio sent out another news, “Reports are coming in of a plane crash(飞机坠落) near Washington airport. A Boeing 707 fly to New York crashed shortly after taking off this morning. Plane number 2234…” James suddenly turned pale(苍白).

“My plane,” he said aloud. “If I haven’t been late, I’d have been on the plane!”


1. James was a writer from England.

2. He had to reach the airport at half past eight.

3. James would like to take a taxi at six thirty.

4. The driver came to pick him up on time.

5. When he turned on the radio he heard the speaker saying that he missed the plane.

6. James was lucky because he was not able to get on the plane.

7. The plane crashed while flying towards London.

8. Sometimes bad things can change into good ones.



All students=100% Most students=51%-99%

4.八年级下册Unit 1课堂优秀教学反思 篇四

本单元的语法: 1.复习一般过去时;

2.学习不定代词和不定副词的用法。1.本单元出现的动词不规则过去式有: 1)isam--was是


3)go--went去 4)buy—bought买

5)take--took拿走 6)dodoes—did 7)feed—fed喂

8)see—saw 看见

9)eat—ate 吃

2.不定代词和不定副词的用法: 不定代词和不定副词


(2)一般情况下以some开头的不定代词和不定副词用于肯定句,以any开头的不定代词和不定副词用于否定句、疑问句;以no开头的不定代词和不定副词表示否定含义(no one为两个单词);


He has something important to do.他有重要的事情要做。(肯定句用something,形容词important放后)

10)havehas—had 有,吃











Did you buy anything special?(一般疑问句用anything,形容词special放后)Did you go anywhere interesting last month?上个月你去令人感兴趣的地方了吗?

(一般疑问句用不定副词anywhere,形容词interesting放后)(4)不定代词和不定副词做主语时,后面的动词用单数形式。Everyone is here today.今天每个人都在这里。


1.go on vacation去度假 go to the mountains 上山/进山

2.stay at home呆在家go to the beach去海滩 visit museums 参观博物馆 go to summer camp去夏令营

3.study for tests为考试而学习备考

go out出去 4.quite a few相当多,不少(后跟可数名词复数)He has quite a few friends.他有不少朋友;

take photos照相 time大部分时间

5.buy sth for sb = buy sb sth为某人买某物

My mother bought me a sweater=My mother bought a sweater for me.我妈妈给我买了一件毛衣。

most of the 6.taste good.尝起来很好

taste(尝起来)、look(看起来)、sound(听起来)为感官动词,后跟形容词 The food tastes delicious.这食品尝起来非常可口。The T-shirt looks beautiful.这件体恤衫看起来很漂亮。The songs sound beautiful.这些歌曲听起来很优美。

7.have a goodgreatfun time过得高兴,玩得愉快(=enjoy oneself)They had a good time yesterday.= They enjoyed themselves yesterday.他们昨天玩得很开心。

8.(P3,3a)go shopping去购物 9.nothing…but+动词原形:除了……之外什么都没有

He had nothing to do at home but read yesterday.昨天他在家除了读书无事可做。10.seem to do sth:好像… I seem to know him.我好像认识他。

seem+(to be)+形容词:看起来…The work seems(to be)easy.这工作看起来很容易。

11.keep a diary记日记

arrive in+大地方:达到某地

(get to +地方:达到某地)arrive at+小地方:达到某地

(get的过去式为got)He arrived in Beijing yesterday.他昨天达到北京。


Tom got home yesterday evening=Tom arrived home yesterday evening.昨晚汤姆到家。

13.decide to do sth:决定做某事

He decided to go home.他决定回家。14.try doing sth.尝试做某事

try to do sth.尽力去做某事 The boy tried riding bicycle.这个小孩试着骑自行车 He tried to help the old man.他尽力帮助这个老年人。15.feel like给…的感觉;感受到

16.in the past 在过去

walk around四处走走

enjoy doing sth:喜欢做某事

He enjoys playing basketball.他喜欢打篮球。

17.difference(名词,差异,差别)----different(形容词,不同的)18.start doing sth:开始做某事(= start to do sth)He started doing his homework.他开始做家庭作业。

19.over an hour一个多小时

(over超过,多余 = more than)20.too many 太多,后接可数名词复数。

Mother bought too many eggs yesterday.昨天妈妈买了很多鸡蛋。too much 太多,后跟不可数名词,修饰动词作状语。

We have too much work to do.我们有很多工作要做。Don’t talk too much.不要说太多。

much too 太,后跟形容词或副词The hat is much too big for me.这帽子对我来说太大。

You’re walking much too fast.你走地太快了。

分辨三者的口诀: too much, much too, 用法区别看后头:much 后接不可数,too 后修饰形或副。too many 要记住,后面名词必复数。

21.because of 因为,后接名词、代词或动名词(即动词+ing),不能接句子。

because因为,后跟句子。He can’t go to school because of the rain.他因为下雨没去上学。(rain为名词)

He was late for school because of getting up late.他因为起晚而上学迟到。(get为动词)

= He was late for school because he got up late.I don’t buy the shirt because it was too expensive.我没有买这件衬衣因为它太贵。

22.enough(足够的)与名词连用,一般放在名词前 He has enough money.他有足够的钱。(money为名词)enough(足够的)与形容词或副词连用,enough放在后面。He is old enough to go to school.(old为形容词)

23.forget doing sth.忘记已经做过某事(已经做完)forget to do sth.忘记去做某事(还未做)(forget的过去式为forgot)

Don’t foget to close the door.不要忘记关上门。(门还未关)

He forgot closing the door.他忘记已经关上门了。(门已经关上,但是他忘了)


He ate one apple,he wanted another two apples.他吃了一个苹果,还想再要两个。

25.so+形容词+that+句子:如此…以至于… too+形容词+to do sth:太…以至于不能…

形容词+enough to do sth:足够…能够做某事(注意三个句型有时可以互换)He is so young that he can′t go to school.他如此年轻以至于不能去上学。

= He is too young to go to school.他太年轻以至于不能去上学。= He isn′t old enough to go to school.26.tell sb(not)to do sth:告诉某人(不要)做某事

5.八年级地理下册教学反思 篇五


地理学科对我来说不是专业,再加上地理学科在学校、社会、家长、包括学生在内都视为 “副科”。因此学生不重视,学习上不肯下大功夫,怎样才能使学生喜欢地理课,爱上地理课,在平时的教学中我也在中苦苦的思索着。












6.八年级历史下册教学反思 篇六


