


1.中考英语单选分类 篇一

中考英语121个 单选陷阱题

()1.Mr Li is in his office now.Go and find him.A.maybe B.Maybe C.May be D.May

()2.Would you like my house for my birthday party?

A.come to B.to come over C.coming at D.to come over to

()3.I like but I don’t like now because I am ill.A.to sing, to sing B.singing, singing C.to sing, singing D.singing, to sing

()4.I like to keep the windows.It’s raining heavily outside.A.closed B.opened C.open D.closing

()5.It’s fine.So she the umbrella.A.needs B.needn’t C.doesn’t need D.need

()6.It seems that there a heavy rain this afternoon.A.will have B.is going C.is going to D.will be

()7.----Will you us about your trip to Tokyo?----Ok.Shall I it in English or Japanese?

A.talk, say B.tell, say C.talk, speak D.tell, speak

()8.Lily Lucy may go with you because one of them must stay at home.A.Not, but B.Neither, nor C.Both, and D.Either, or

()9.Lucy, please stop _______ me.My bike is broken.A.helping B.to help C.help D.helps

()10.They forgot their food and drink.They have nothing to eat now.A.to bring B.bring C.bringing D.brought

()11.Lucy here two years ago, she here for about two years.A.got, has got B.got, has been C.got, got D.has got, got

()12.John Hill was sentenced to ________, but he isn’t ________.He will never ________.A.dead---death---die B.death---die---dead C.die---dead---death D.death---dead---die

()13.Now open your books and read the story as as you can.A.fast B.quick C.hardly D.possible

()14.She was seen paper planes in the room.A.made B.to make C.makes D.making

()15.This is the room.A.for you to live B.for you living C.my living in D.for me to live in

()16.The students were told ______ late again.A.not to be B.don’t be C.not be D.don’t to be

()17.The students sat together, happily.A.sing B.to sing C.singing D.and singing

()18.I don’t know he will come tomorrow.he comes, I’ll tell you.A.if, Whether B.whether, Whether C.if, That D.if, If

()19.The driver drives ________ the car.A.in front of B.in the front of C.in D.on

()20.Can you tell me about the football match?

A.what today’s evening paper writes B.what does today’s evening paper say

C.what it said in today’s evening paper D.what does today’s evening paper write

()21.We met our maths teacher England lunch.A.in, for B.of, at C.from, at D.to, for

()22.Jack isn’t a soldier, is he?.A.Yes, he isn’t B.Yes, he is C.No, he is.D.No, Jack isn’t

()23.The weather in Changsha is different in Beijing.A.than that B.to it C.from D.from that

()24.I am your father, I ?

A.amn’t B.am not C.isn’t D.aren’t

()25.It was a cold spring morning that the boy left his home.A.on B.in C.at D.for

()26.The dictionary _______ well.A.sells B.is selled C.is sold D.was sold

()27.We have to do our homework for every day.A.one and half hour B.one and a half hour C.one hour and half hour D.one and a half hours

()28.We have known each other we were young.A.for B.since C.after D.before

()29.She was born in Wuhan, but Guanzhou has become her second _______.A.family B.home C.house D.country

()30.This hat was made _______ silk ______ a woman _______ China.A.of, from, in B.by, with, from C.of, by, in D.from, by, of

()31.I saw a group of students _______ in our school.A.is B.are C.was D./

()32.If you go and do some shopping tomorrow, so _______.A.I do B.do I C.will I D.I will

()33.Mr.Green is an expert doctor.He can even save _______ people.A.dead B.died C.death D.dying

()34.We will do what we can ________ you.A.help B.to help C.helping D.helps

()35.a dog is man’s best friend.A.That is true to say B.To say that is true C.It is true to say D.To say it is true

()36.Chinese team will play Japanese team.A.with B.on C.for D.against

()37.Be careful.It’s quite easy for players to get.A.hurt B.hurting C.hurted D.hurts

()38.Though the old woman lives , she doesn’t feel.A.alone, alone B.alone, lonely C.lonely, lonely D.lonely, alone

()39.The Greens have two _______, one is boy, the other is girl.A.kids B.birds C.baby D.childern

()40.There are shops on _______ side of the street, ______ of them do not close until 12 at night.A.both, All B.every, None C.either, Some D.other, Many

()41.----Oh, there’s someone at the door.----Let me have a look, I think is my friend.A.that B.it C.she D.he

()42.When I read the story, I felt.A.exciting, exciting B.exciting, excited C.excited, exciting D.excited, excited

()43.One billion one hundred million is.A.1,100,000,000 B.110,000,000 C.100,100,000 D.101,000,000

()44.The life we were used to ______ greatly since 1992.A.change B.changing C.has changed D.have changed

()45.Can you them in the basketball match?

A.won B.win C.beat D.beaten

()46.The train for twenty minutes when I got to the railway station.A.had been away B.has left C.had left D.has been away

()47.The number of the players in a football match ______ 24.A.are B.is C.am D.be

()48.If an accident ________ tomorrow, please send for me as soon as possible.A.will happen B.happens C.will be happened D.is happened

()49.this house now, or I will the police.A.Get out, call B.Come in, send away C.Leave, send for D.Stay, ask for

()50.There is ice in the room, so it is cold.A.too much, much too B.much too, very much C.too much, very much D.much too, too much

()51.No matter what the weather tomorrow, we’ll go skiing.A.Like B.likes C.is like D.will be like

()52.Mrs.Read teaches English and drawing.A.he B.his C.him D.Li Ming’s

()53.China lies _______ the east of Asia and ______ the north of Australia.A.to;to B.in;to C.to;in D.in;on

()54.It’s very nice ______ you to get me two tickets _______ the World Cup.A.for;of B.of;for C.to;for D.of;to

()55.I can’t say ______I want to see him again.We haven’t seen each other for ten years.A.how long B.how soon C.how often D.how much

()56.---Would you like some coffee?

---Yes, and please get me some milk, too.I prefer coffee ______milk.A.to B.with C.than D.of

()57.Father asked Edison ________.A.what was he doing that for B.why he was doing that for

C.how he was doing that for D.what he was doing that for

()58.Where was this big egg_____?

A.lied B.lain C.laid D.lay

()59._______ school, we can get much knowledge.A.Because B.Thanks for C.Thanks with D.Thanks to

()60.He will come to stay with us for _________________ next month.A.some time sometime B.sometime some time C.sometime D.some times

()61.This radio program is well worth________.A.listening B.listening to C.watching D.to listen

()62.He must be a doctor, _________?

A.mustn’t he B.must he C.is he D.isn’t he

()63.This building is taller than _________one around it.A.any other B.another one C.any D.some other

()64.---How long_______ you _______ the English dictionary?---About half a year.A.have, got B.did, buy C.have, had D.have, bought

()65.____the help of my English teacher, I did well in English last term.A.Under B.In C.With D.For

()66.The king _______himself from a leaning tree.What a pity.A.hung B.hanged C.hunged D.hang

()67.When _______the PRC______, do you know?

A.did, find B.did, found C.was, found D.was, founded

()68.He watched the game with a ______look.A.surprising B.surprised C.surprise D.surprises

()69._____the time he got up, the road had already been covered with think snow.A.For B.By C.At D.Until

()70.Water must be kept _______away.A.to run B.runs C.running D.from running

()71.He is the ______of his parents.They are very _______of him.A.proud, pride B.pride, proud C.pride, pride D.proud, proud

()72.He had lived in this city _______I moved here.But I hear that he will leave this city_______.A.long before, before long B.before long, before long

C.long before, long before D.before long, long before

()73.His son isn’t ________ to go to school.He is only four years and two months.A.enough old B.old enough C.young enough D.young enough

()74.Will you please make ________ for me? I must be together with my baby.A.a room B.room C.a space D.rooms

()75.I will help you if I _______.A.am able B.will be able C.can be able to D.am able to

()76.I think _______impossible to learn English well in a short time.A.that B.this C.it D./

()77.Older people should ________ politely.A.speak to B.be spoken C.be spoken to D.spoken to

()78.I will _______ until your father comes back home.I have something important to talk with him.A.not wait B.leave C.wait D.not to wait

()79.He is afraid _______the narrow bridge because he is afraid _______ into the water.A.to cross, of falling B.of crossing, to fall C.to cross, to fall D.of crossing, of falling

()80.You’d better go to bed early on weekdays, _______ you?

A.hadn’t B.didn’t C.weren’t D.needn’t

()81.My parents went to work, leaving me _______ the homework at home alone.A.to do B.did C.for doing D.doing

()82.Your pen writes_______.Where did you buy it?

A.good B.nice C.neat D.well

()83._______ the population by the year 2050?

A.How many will be B.How much will be C.What will be D.What will

()84.I saw him _______ your room when I walked past yesterday afternoon.A.entering into B.to enter C.enter D.enter into

()85.I’d like something _______ English.Could you make some for me?

A.real B.really C.true D.truly

()86.The teacher said that light _______faster than sound.A.travelled B.is travelling C.travels D.to travel

()87.Everyone agree ______ you ______ your plan.A.with---with B.with---to C.to---with D.to---to

()88.The bottle is made ________ glass while the wine in it is made ________ grain.A.of---of B.of---from C.from---of D.from---from

()89.The United States ________ smaller than China.A.are B.is C.were D.was

()90.You can’t do your exercise ______ pencil.You must do it ______ a pen.A.with---in B.with---with C.in---with D.in---in

()91.Today my sister is feeling ________ to go to the factory.A.enough good B.good enough C.enough well D.well enough

()92.The population of the world grows fast.There will not be enough room for people to stand ______ the

earth.A.in B.on C.in on D.on in

()93.The books were covered ______ Mr.Wang ______ some cloth.A.by---by B.by---with C.with---by D.with---with

()94.Tom is better ________ English than me while I do better ________ Math than him.A.in---in B.in---at C.at---in D.in---in

()95.Teaching is the greatest work ________ the sun.A.in B.on C.under D.around

()96.Let’s go shopping, ?

A.do we B.shall we C.will you D.won’t you

()97.Tom’s got few friends in China, ?

A.doesn’t he B.does he C.has he D.hasn’t he

()98.Nothing is wrong with your car, ?

A.isn’t it B.is it C.aren’t they D.is nothing

()99.interesting work you have done!

A.What B.What a C.What an D.How

()100.When I swam the river, I felt something follow me under water.A.cross B.across C.acrossed D.crossed

()101.________ wonderful time we had in the park yesterday!

A.What B.What a C.How a D.How

()102._______ the students from that university will be the volunteers of the 29th Olypic Games held in

Beijing.A.Hundred of B.Three hundred of C.Three hundreds D.Three hundred

()103.He set off ________ the direction of the river.A.for B.to C.on D.in

()104.I am so glad to see you back in Beijing and how long _______ in New York.?

A.have you stayed B.did you stay C.do you stay D.will you stay

()105.---It’s nothing serious, ________, doctor?

---________, I’m afraid.You’d better atay in hospital and have an operation at once.A.isn’t it, No B.is it, Yes C.isn’t, Yes D.is it, No

()106.---I’m going to Qingdao and stay there for a week.---________ you are there, would you please buy some books for me?

A.If B.While C.Since D.As soon as

()107.---The rain came to a stop the night before.The fields are still full of water.---It _______ for nearly a week

A.has rained B.had rained C.would rain D.was raining

()108.---I tried to make Kate ________ her mind, but I found it hard.---Well, I saw you ________ that when I went past.A.change, do B.changes, doing C.to change, do D.change, doing

()109.---I’m too busy ________ to my family often.---Why not call them instead?

A.writing B.to write C.written D.write

()110.---Have you found the information about famous people _______ you can use for the report?

---Not yet.I’ll search some on the Internet.A.which B.who C.what D.whom

()111.---Few films made at home are interesting, ________ they?

---But I don’t think every film from Hollywood is worth seeing, and some of them are as _______ as ours.A.aren’t, terrible B.are, boring C.are, enjoyable D.aren’t, attractive

()112.---Can you give me some suggestions? I failed my math exam last time.---Work hard, _______ you’ll pass the exam next time.A.and B.but C.or D.so

()113.This painting ________ to a museum in New York in 1977.A.sells B.sold C.was sold D.is sold

()114.---I didn’t see you at the meeting yesterday.---I ________ for a long distance call from my wife in America.A.had waited B.waited C.would wait D.was waiting

()115.---Do you know his address?

---He _______ me about his address but I’m afraid I have lost it.A.tells B.told C.is telling D.have told

()116.---May I put my bike here?

---No, you ________.You should put it over there.A.couldn’t B.needn’t C.mustn’t D.won’t

()117.I who _______ your father can decide it.A.is B.am C.are D.be

()118.Tom is one of the students who ________ from the USA in our school

A.comes B.coming C.come D.to come

()119.Tom is the only one of the students who _______ from the USA in our school.A.comes B.coming C.come D.to come

()120.The man _______ in the back row is out headmaster.A.seats B.sits C.seated D.sat

()121.---Excuse me, could you tell me ________ ?

---There is a bank on the second floor.You can make it there.A.where I can change money B.how I can get to the bank

C.if there’s a bank near here D.where the bank is








116.CBCAC 121.A

2.小心!高考英语单选陷阱题 篇二




1.Speaking of all the songs he has written, I think this is probably his ________ one. (2007全国卷II第10题)

A. better-knownB. well-known C. best-knownD. most-known


2.A poet and artist ________ coming to speak to us about Chinese literature and painting tomorrow afternoon. (2006江苏第34题)

A. isB. are C. was D. were

分析:误选B。许多同学看到and后,马上想到主语不止一个人,谓语动词要用复数,所以选了B。但实际上“a poet and artist”共用一个冠词修饰,表示一个人,这个人既是诗人又是艺术家。主语是单数,谓语当然要用单数,再结合句子时态,选A。




1.He and his wife are of the same ________; they both want their son to go to college. (2007陕西第12题)

A. soul B. spiritC. heart D. mind


2.—I'm dead tired. I can't walk any farther, Jenny.

— _____, Tommy. You can do it! (2006江西第22题)

A. No problemB. No hurry

C. Come onD. That's OK

分析:误选B、D。这是我们中文里的习惯说法:“我太累了,走不动了。”“没关系/别急,你能行的。”于是就选了B或D。但实际上,英语中一般是不会这么讲的。根据西方文化习惯,听到“我走不动了”这句话的人要么会鼓励对方继续走下去,要么会建议休息一会儿。而题干第二句的后半部分很明显是答话人在鼓励第一句话的发出者。所以,要选C。Come on的意思是“加油!”




Mary, _________ here — everybody else, stay where you are.(2006全国卷I 第35题)

A. comeB. comes

C. to come D. coming

分析:一个破折号,使一个很简单的句子变得看似有些复杂。许多同学看到题后都在想,这个句子是什么类型的复合句,忽略了题干实际上就是破折号连接的两个祈使句——要求Mary做come here这个动作;要求everybody else做stay where you are的动作。所以,这道题选A。




Nobody believed his reason for being absent from the class _______ he had to meet his uncle at the airport. (2006重庆第33题)

A. whyB. that

C. where D. because

分析:乍一看,题干是个很复杂的从句,不容易理解。但实际上,题干中只是插入了“for being absent from the class”这样一个定语成分。把这个干扰信息去掉后,题干可简化为:Nobody believed his reason _____ he had to meet his uncle. 此时,我们很容易就能发现“he had to meet his uncle”其实是“reason”的同位语从句,而现在这个同位语从句缺引导词。答案很容易找到,应选B。




— When do we need to pay the balance?

— _____ September 30. (2006北京第22题)

A. InB. By

C. During D. Within

分析:对话的第二句是个省略句,单凭这句不容易看出句子结构,容易误选。所以答题时,要先补全句子。根据对话的第一句,补全后的回答应为:We need to pay the balance_____ September 30. 很显然,四个选项中,只有B是正确的。选B。




— The last one _____________ pays the meal.

— Agreed! (2007全国卷I 第25题)

A. arrivedB. arrives

C. to arrive D. arriving

分析:这道题从语法角度看C、D都可以选。但仔细看题干,我们会发现这组对话实际上是一些人在讨论还没发生的事情,说最后一个到的人付钱,并且其他人都表示同意,所以,这个“the last one”应该还没到,arrive的动作自然只能是将要发生,所以选C。


3.中考英语作文分类 篇三

hainan is a good place to have fun playing.there are lots of beaches and sea.last winter,i went to hainan with my whole family.

first,i went to the museums .and sat in public gardens.

next, i went diving with my parents.my brother went swimming with my cousins,and we took many photos.

4.中考英语作文分类及释析 篇四

2. More than three quarters of the information on the Internet is in English。

3. It is used by travelers and business people all over the world。

★ 垃圾分类英语作文

★ 中考作文素材分类:宽容

★ 中考英语作文模板及范文

★ 中考英语范文

★ 中考语文诗句的分类

★ 中考英语优秀作文范文

★ 宁夏中考英语作文

★ 中考英语作文写作技巧

★ 广西中考英语作文范文

5.中考英语单选分类 篇五






3.参考词语:红绿灯traffic lights, 缺乏交通安全意识lack traffic safety awareness 遵守交通规则obey the traffic rules Chinese Styles of Crossing Streets Chinese styles of crossing streets has been a hot topic on the Internet recently.______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 【答案】One possible version: Chinese style of crossing streets has been a hot topic on the Internet recently.Nowadays, many people cross streets without looking at the traffic lights.Why? I think there are two main reasons.Some people lack traffic safety awareness.Besides, some people are so hurry that they don’t want to wait for the green lights.However, it has brought danger to themselves as well as to others.So I hope something must be done to avoid traffic accidents.For example, whoever breaks the traffic rules should be punished.As middle school students, we should obey the traffic rules.What’s more, I will try my best to advise people to obey the rules.Only in this way can we cross streets safely.【2013江苏连云港】书面表达(满分20分)

76.每个人都拥有梦想,而实现梦想需要行动。请你根据所给图片写一篇题为“Take action to realize our dreams”的英语短文。你的短文应包括以下内容:(1)描述图片内容,如情景、人物(Frank)、动作等;并简要表达你的观点;(2)谈谈你的梦想,及如何实现。注意:


Take action to realize our dreams All of ue have dreams, but how can we realize our dreams? 【答案】

Take action to realize our dreams All of us have dreams, but how can we realize our dreams? From the pictures, we know that Frank dreamed to become a doctor when he was 15 years old.However, 45 years later he still dreams to be a doctor lying in bed.It is clear that he lives in the dream without any actions.This is the reason why he has failed to realize his dream.I also have a dream.I wish to work as an engineer when I grow up.I will study hard every day and improve my abilities to get ready for mu future job, so that I can make my dream come true(98 words)

【2013 浙江湖州】


76.和谐,玉润心田;文明,风暖校园。情节和下面所提供的漫画和提示词,以 “Doing our part”(从我做起)为题写一篇短文,内容必须包括:

1.简单描述图中人物行为,并简述你的看法; 2.发表你的校园文明倡议。

提示词:talk loudly;drop litter;save food;get along well with 要求:1.条理清楚,又表明自己观点的句子;可适当发挥。2.文中不能出现校名、人名、地名等真实信息。3.80——100词。文章开头已给出,不计入总词数。

Doing Our Part

From the picture, we can see that the boy ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 【答案】

One possible version: Doing Our Part From the picture, we can see the boy is dropping litter outside the trash bin.The ground looks dirty.I think what he does is wrong.As middle school students, it is our duty to behave well and try to make the school more beautiful.We shouldn’t talk loudly in public.Dropping litter is not allowed in or out of school.Never waste food while eating in the dining room.Also we are supposed to get on well with the classmates.Being polite to teachers is also very important.In a word, if every can do out part, we can make a difference to the world.【2013湖北宜昌】书面表达。共一题,计15分。


提示词:jaywalk vi.乱穿马路;run the red light 闯红灯 注意: 文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名。词数80 —100。

___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 【答案】

Last Friday afternoon, when I was on my way home from school, I saw a group of people jaywalking at the crossing.A volunteer tried to stop them, but no one listened to him.Instead, they ran the red light quickly.Just then, a bus came.One of them was nearly hit by the running bus.In my opinion, jaywalking is a bad habit.It puts not only yourself but also 3

other people in danger.I hope all of us should keep the traffic rules and stop running the red light.Look both sides / ways when you cross the road.【2013山东济南】XI.书面表达(10分)

根据所给图画,用英语写一篇约80词的短文。要求完整叙述图画内容。参考词汇:blind adj.盲的,瞎的 stick n.拐杖

_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 【答案】

Last weekend Xiaoming went to the park with his mother and sister.It was sunny and there were some people and traffics in it.They played very happily.When they wanted to have taken photos, Xiaoming saw an old blind man far from them, he was walking with a sick alone.He thought it was very dangers for the old man.So Xiaoming ran quickly to the man and help the man walk on by catching the stick.When the blind man’s daughter found him, she thanked Xiaoming and praised him.At this moment, the photographer took the precious photo.【2013福建泉州】B

6.中考成语题分类解析 篇六


例1 (贵州毕节)古有一县官下乡体察民情,行至一穷秀才家门前,见门上贴着一副对联,上联为“二三四五”,下联为“六七八九”。县官看后离去,第二天派人给秀才送来所需物品。你知道对联暗含什么意思?请用一个成语概括: 。



例2 (山东东营)下图是中国环境标志图形,仔细观察主体部分(汉字和英文除外),写一段解说文字。要求:说明内容包含构成要素、造型特点及其含义,至少用上一个成语。




例3 (湖北荆门)请你用成语或俗语写出《行路难》和《出师表》中隐含的典故。(各写一个即可) (注:选段为《行路难》和《出师表》)



例4 (安徽芜湖)写出与下面人名有关的成语。


(1)杜鹏程( ) (2)王任重( )

(3)刘海粟( ) (4)焦若愚( )



例5 (云南大理、楚雄、丽江等)选段中与陆游诗句“山重水复疑无路,柳暗花明又一村”意境相似的一个成语是 ,源于本文且借指不受外界影响的地方或幻想中的美好世界的一个成语是 。 (注:选段为《桃花源记》)

例6 (山东德州)用意思相近的成语替换下面句子中划线部分的内容,写在句后的横线上。



例7 (山东枣庄)第二段中加点的“亦步亦趋”喻指一味模仿别人,请写出两个与之意思相近的成语。 (注:选文为《比正路还长的巷子》)




例8 (湖南湘潭)






例9 (福建厦门)根据文段内容,解答问题。





站立着,我们当像一棵树——一棵( )的参天大树!


A. 玲珑剔透 B. 器宇轩昂

C. 锐不可当 D. 抑扬顿挫



7.中考英语单选分类 篇七

()1.---I didn’t see your father at the party last night, why?

---I think he ______ in two days.A.will be back

B.came back

C.was comin()2.What ___ useful machine!And _______ machine is made in Shanghai.A.a;a


C.a;the()3.Lucy doesn’t have an eraser.Let me give ______ to ____.A.Mine;him


C.her;mine()4.The more we look at the picture, _________.A.the better we like

B.the less we like it

C.we like it less()5.My parents ______ Beijing for ten years.A.have been in

B.have gone to

C.have been to()6.Is there ____ to tell me? I’m waiting for you.A.something

B.anything else

C.anything other()7.A boy _________ Jim phoned you last night.A.to call


C.called()8.After class, I like playing computer games and chatting ____ my friends____ the Internet.A.to, by

B.with, on

C.for, in()9.---Must I hand in my exercise book now, Mr.Zhao?

---No, you _____.You may give it to me tomorrow.A.needn’t


C.can’t()10.Lucy is always the best in different exams in our class because she is a _______ girl.A.helpful


C.hard-working()11.He is so clever that he _____ by every teacher in the school.A.loves

B.is loved

C.loving()12.He felt very _____, so the doctor looked _____.A.bad, him over

B.badly, him over

C.bad, over them()13.I want to be a teacher when I ______.A.grow up

B.get up

C.stand straight()14.It’s said that thousands of trees ____ in the forest since last year.A.are cut down

B.were cut down

C.have been cut down()15.---Nobody except Jim and Tom ____ still in the dining hall when I passed by just now

---What on earth ____ they __________ there?





()1.---What color shirt would you like to buy, blue or green?

---______.I’d like a yellow one.A.neither


C.Either()2.Bill likes telling lies.His mother keeps telling him not to, but _______ doesn’t help.A.which


C.she()3.When I walked past her house, she was heard _____ in her room.A.sang


C.singing()4.There ________ a football game on TV this afternoon.A.is going to be

B.is going to have

C.is going to play()5.---How long did the match ______ ?

---Two hours.A.begin


C.was on()6.In order to protect our earth, something ______ to stop the cutting.A.must do

B.must be done

C.must be do()7.Sorry, you speak ____ quickly _____ I can’t follow you.A.too, to

B.so, that

C.as, to()8.---We have a lot of rules at my home.----____________.A.So do we

B.So we do

C.So we have()9.The fruit should be well _____ during winter.A.keep


C.to keep()10.---What are you thinking about?---I’m thinking about ____ a new car.A.to buy


C.bought()11.---Have you ever __________ my stamps?---Yes, I _________ them on your desk yesterday.A.saw, saw

B.saw, seen

C.seen, saw()12.The bamboo ____ for making baskets.A.use

B.is using

C.is used()13.---Will Mrs.Bill be here soon?

---I can’t tell.Let’s go and __________ when the plane arrives.A.find out


C.look for()14.You _______ to watch the games with our fans.A.won’t be allowed

B.will allowed not

C.don’t allow()15.Thanks ____ the policeman, the woman found her son at last.A.of




()1.---I don’t like fish ___ beef.---I don’t like fish ____ I like beef very much.A.and, or

B.and, but

C.or, but()2.Neither he nor his parents _______ Paris before.A.has been to

B.has gone to

C.have been to()3.I have ______ this library book for two weeks.Now I have to ___________ it.A.borrowed, lend

B.kept, return

C.borrowed, return()4.My father didn’t want to _______ so much money on the coat, for other things had ______ him a lot.A.pay, spent

B.spend, taken

C.spend, cost()5.---I hope all of you have a good weekend.---__________.A.I’m very glad to hear that.B.I’ll stay at home watching TV.C.Thank you, the same to you.()6.Here is _______enough, please don’t make lots of ____.A.noise, noise

B.noisy, noise

C.noise, noisies()7.---How long has he ________ the dictionary?

---For two years.A.borrowed


C.kept()8.Paper is made ____ bamboo and many other things, while this old book is made ____ silk.USA is made _________ 48 states.A.of, from, up

B.of , from , up of

C.from, of , up of()9.Maria is as ________ as Kate.A.taller


C.tall()10.Nothing serious.You just caught ________ cold.A.a bit

B.a bit of

C.a little of()11.---Do you know _________ to Mike?

---Yes, he had an accident.A.what did happen

B.what happened

C.what was happened()12.Don’t spend _____ time __________ computer games.It’s a waste of time.A.too much, on

B.much too, on

C.too many, in()13.Today, the forest have almost gone.People must _____ down too many trees.A.stop cut

B.stop from cutting

C.be stopped from cutting()14.Do remember ______ all the lights when you leave the classroom.A.to turn up

B.to turn off

C.to turn on()15.___________ you don’t hurry, you’ll miss the last flight.A.If




()1.Boys and girls, I’ll have ________ to tell you.A.important something

B.something important

C.anything important()2.The match had ____ for half an hour when I got to the football field.A.lasted

B.be lasted

C.being on()3.I am one of the ________ of my grandfather.A.cousins


C.grandsons()4.We must learn how to do the work better with _______ money and ________ people.A.little, fewer

B.fewer, less

C.less, fewer()5.You missed _______ “s” in _________ word “island”.A.a, a

B.an, a

C.an, the()6.The price of this kind of trousers ________ than before.A.are very expensive

B.are more expensive

C.is much expensive()7.___________, or we shall be late for the party.A.Come up

B.Hold on,C.Hurry up()8.---Excuse me.Has Lucy got a pencil sharpener?

---I think she has got ______.A.it


C.some one()9.The trees _____ twice a week in such hot weather, _________ they will die.A.can’t be watered, because

B.must be watered, or

C.need to be water, and()10.These shoes look very good.I want to know ______.A.how much cost they are

B.how much do they cost

C.how much they cost()11.---I went diving with my friends last Sunday.---Wow!That ______ really good.A.seems


C.sounds()12.---Eric, would you mind lending me your MP3?

---____________.A.Yes, here you are

B.Of course not

C.Yes, please()13.My mother always _________ newspaper every morning.A.look throught

B.looks through

C.looks though()14.---How is your English course getting on?

---Don’t mention!I have ___________.A.give up

B.gave up

C.given it up()15.---How many people are there in your town?

---There are about nine _______ people in our town.A.millions

B.millions of



()1.---How did you get on?

---__________ A.Fine, I got some great shots.B.You are kidding.C.I bet you do!()2.Do you understand _______ the teacher said in class?



C.if()3.---Do you know the boy on the left ?

---It’s a friend of _______.A.his


C.my brother()4.The good idea made all of us ________.A.healthy


C.terrible()5.The horse is getting old and can’t run _______ it did before.A.as faster as

B.so faster as

C.as fast as()6.Tom is sad.Everyone is trying to __________.A.pick him up

B.dress him up

C.cheer him up()7.---You sister isn’t a nurse, is she?

---__________.She teaches Chinese in a primary school.A.No, she isn’t

B.Yes she is

C.Yes, she isn’t

()8.---Do you think it will rain tomorrow?

---________.It hasn’t rained for a whole month!It is so dry.A.I’m sure it will

B.I hope not

C.I hope so()9.---would you please give some _____ on how to learn English well?

---________.A.advice, Certainly

B.advices, Yes, I can

C.advice, Please not()10._________ of us are students here.Look!The girl with fair hair is our teacher.A.All

B.Not all

C.None()11.---Would you mind if I sit here?

---___________.It’s for Mr.Brown.A.Not at all

B.Never mind

C.Better not()12.I _________ my English book was in my school bag, but in fact I ________ it at home.A.remember, forgot

B.think, left

C.thought, left()13.He always check money ________.A.on his owner

B.by him

C.on his own()14.Don’t keep the door _________ when you go out.A.open

B.to open

C.opened()15.His idea is quite different _____ mine.A.for

