


1.雅思口语话题思路解析 篇一




2.雅思口语话题解析之近水之地 篇二

The place I’m all dreaming about is the place in Mediterranean area. It can be any country, region, or any city located there, such as Greece and Morocco. The deep blue sea and unique style of housing decoration are pictures that always come into my mind. Besides that, the mouthwatering foods there are another part which makes me crazy about.



The Mediterranean has always been listed as one of the Top 10 World’s tourist attractions, especially for those newly-wed couples flying all the way from other countries and starting the hot honeymoon vacation. In China, you know, it’s not that easy to find a sea like that, and it’s boring to see modern buildings with similar shape all the time. But the Mediterranean style houses—blue and white appearance is pretty much like refreshment to the pale world, or like adding spice to meals. I guess the feeling will be fantastic!

第二段解析:这个部分的内容是继开头部分中提到的“deep blue sea and unique style of housing decoration”进行扩展描述,具体解释。

The live seafood has been another reason that pushes me coming to visit. A large range of seafood can be found in local market and seaside restaurant, such as oysters, salmon, lobsters, sea cucumbers, and so forth. Another thing, which is particularly popular on Mediterranean table, is the high quality olive oil, liquid gold as the nickname. I’m so curious about how the locals drink olive oil simply because they enjoy it too much! People there seem to lead a very peaceful life, by that I mean, they don’t worry about the pollution, for no one have the heart to destroy such art-like environment.

第三段解析:对开头部分提到的“mouth-watering seafood”进行扩展描述,通过罗列的方式举出哪些seafood。

There are so many attractions for me to go and see it someday in person; otherwise it’s still a dream. And of course, I’ll bring my father a bottle of fine wine, since it’s also the place where the best white wine comes from.

3.雅思口语话题:拥挤的地方 篇三

Where it was

When you went there

What you did there

And explain why you went there / how you felt about the crowded place.


ok, well the first place that came to mind when I saw this topic was the Beijing Metro, because I remember it being unbelievably crowded, so that’s what I’m gonna talk to you about.

And as for when I went there, well it was actually pretty recently, I suppose probably only about two or three weeks ago, so it’s still pretty fresh in my memory.

And regarding what I was doing there, well basically, I was on my way to see a friend who lives in Beijing, and she had told me that by far the best way to get around the city was using the subway, simply because the roads were so congested. So I took her advice, but it was a huge shock when I actually got into the subway station and saw just how many people there were. I mean, I knew that there would be a lot of people, but I never expected to see that many!

Although looking back on it now, I suppose what made it worse was the fact that I was travelling during rush hour, so it was a lot more crowded than I’m sure it would have been during off-peak times. And when I saw how packed the train was when it was pulling into the station, I remember thinking there was no way I was going to be able to get on. But I was in a bit of a hurry, coz I was actually already running late, so I had no choice really but to join the huge queue of people waiting. Anyway, I did somehow manage to make it onto the train, but I was pressed up against people on all sides, so it was pretty uncomfortable to say the least! I mean, it was absolutely heaving, and I literally couldn’t move at all!

Thankfully though, I didn’t have too far to travel, coz if I remember correctly, I was only on the train for about 4 stops. And when I finally got off, I remember feeling incredibly relieved, and also very grateful that I didn’t have to go through the same experience every day.

So yeah, I guess that’s pretty much all there is to say!

雅思口语题库 part2 参考范文之:拥挤的地方(a time you went to a place crowded with people)

Describe a time you went to a place crowded with people.

You should say

Where it was

When you went there

What you did there

And explain why you went there / how you felt about the crowded place

返回口语 p2 话题范文之:a place crowded with people ( 拥挤的地方 ) ,查看更多范文

1. 适用人群:全适用

2. 主题:圣地亚哥动物园

3. 故事线:最近去圣地亚哥动物园的经历给我带来了一段有趣的经历。那是一个我以前从未去过的嘈杂的地方。动物园里的周围到处都是来自动物和前来参观的人们的噪音。

My recent visit to the San Diego zoo provided me with an interesting experience. It was a noisy place that I have not been to before. The surrounding places inside the zoo were filled with noise both from the animals and people who came to visit them. Thank you for the nice cue card and hope the description will not make you feel bored as I was during my visit.

I did not have the experience to visit a zoo. So, I went to visit the San Diego zoo with some of my college friends. The experience was outstanding. But the noise around me was intolerable. I did not have the idea that the animals could make so noise. In fact, I could not enjoy the visit there only for it being a noisy place.

I went to the zoo to see animals that I have watched only on books and movies. Actually, my parents did not allow me to move outside of the home without any important reasons. And visiting in places and meeting with friends was wasting time – they believed. But when I grew up and started studying college, they became more friendly to me and allowed all the things that they did not permit before. So, the real-life knowledge for me is limited, and I started to gain some knowledge. As part of earning knowledge, I went to the San Diego Zoo and came to know about various types of animals.

The zoo was noisy for some certain reasons. First of all, this is the place where the wild animals live and they create noise. I think they try to communicate with each other and thus create the sounds. Hence, such noises are natural from the zoo animals. Besides, when the visitors come to the zoo, they also create noises. They shout and talk, and laugh seeing the animals before them. In fact, this is the natural expression of wonder for the visitors. But since there are no restrictions about sound, they create noise after their sweet wills. So, all the sounds inside the zoo create a noisy environment.

4.盘点雅思英语口语的话题 篇四

雅思口语part 2及part 3话题如下:

Describe a time when you received money as a present.描述一个你收到钱作为礼物的时间。

You should say:你应该说:

Who gave it谁给了它

When you received It当你收到它的时候

What you did with it你对它做了什么

How you felt about it你对它的感觉


In your country, do parents give children money for doing housework?在你的国家,父母给孩子做家务的钱吗?

Is it important for children to have a right attitude towards money?对孩子来说,对金钱有正确的态度是很重要的吗?

What do you think of the saying: love of money is the root of all evil?你怎么看这句话:对金钱的爱是万恶之源?

Is it important to teach children how to manage their pocket money?教孩子们如何管理他们的零花钱是很重要的吗?

What kinds of occasions require people to send money as gifts?什么样的场合需要人们送钱作为礼物?

Describe an activity you would do when you are alone in your free time描述一个你在空闲时间独处时所做的活动

You should say:

What the activity is活动是什么

How often you do it你多久做一次

Where you do it你在哪里做呢

How you do it你是怎么做到的

And explain why you would like to do this activity并解释为什么你想要做这个活动

Part 3第3部分

How do you usually plan your free time?你通常如何安排你的空闲时间?

Do young people in your country work longer hours now than in the past?你们国家的年轻人现在的工作时间比过去长吗?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of flexible work time?弹性工作时间的优点和缺点是什么?

Describe a time you borrowed something from your friends or family描述一个你从你的朋友或家人那里借到东西的时间

You should say:你应该说:

What it was这是什么

When you borrowed it当你借的时候

Whom you borrowed it from你从谁那里借的

What you did with it你对它做了什么

And Why you borrowed it你为什么要借它


Why do some people like to borrow things instead of buying them?为什么有些人喜欢借钱而不是买东西?

What would you do if people don t return the money they borrowed from you?如果人们不归还他们从你那里借的钱,你会怎么做?

Why are people embarrassed when they borrow money from others?为什么人们在向别人借钱时感到尴尬?

Describe someone you haven t seen before but you would like to know more描述一个你以前从未见过的人,但你想知道更多

You should say:

Who this person is这个人是谁

How you knew about the person你是怎么知道这个人的

What you want to know more about this person你想知道更多关于这个人的信息

Why you would like to know this person more为什么你更想了解这个人


What kinds of people do you like to be friends with?你喜欢和什么样的人交朋友?

Do you prefer to expand your social circle or be friends with a small group of people?你喜欢扩展你的社交圈,还是和一小群人交朋友?

Describe a time that you looked for information from the Internet描述一个你从网上寻找信息的时间

You should say:

When it happened当它发生

What you were looking for你要找的是什么

Where you were searching on the Internet你在网上搜索的地方

And how you felt about the information以及你对这些信息的感受


What ways can people get information these days?这些天人们能得到什么信息?

What are the differences between getting information from library and getting information from newspaper?从图书馆获取信息和从报纸获取信息有什么不同?

Describe a family business you know描述一个你知道的家族企业

You should say:你应该说:

What the business it这是什么生意

How you know it你是怎么知道的

What products It sells它卖什么产品

Who the customers are客户是谁

And how you like It以及你喜欢它的方式


What are the advantages and disadvantages of family business? -low to be a successful businessman in your country?家族企业的优点和缺点是什么?-在你的国家,做一个成功的商人?

3o people in your country like to work for big companies or small companies?你们国家的人喜欢为大公司或小公司工作吗?

Do you think globalization is a positive development?你认为全球化是一个积极的发展吗?

Describe something given to you that you really need向你描述你真正需要的东西

You should say:你应该说:

What it is它是什么

Who gave it to you是谁给你的

Why you need it为什么你需要它

And how you felt about it.以及你对它的感觉。


What things do young people like to buy?年轻人喜欢买什么东西?

Why do people buy things that are not necessary?为什么人们会买一些不必要的东西?

What should parents do when their children ask for things their friends have?当孩子们问他们的朋友有什么事情时,父母应该怎么做?

Is consumption important to a country?消费对一个国家很重要吗?

Describe an interesting person you would like to meet描述一个你想要见的有趣的人

You should say:你应该说:

Who this person is这个人是谁

What this person does这个人做了什么

Why you think this person is interesting为什么你认为这个人很有趣

And what you want to do with this person你想对这个人做什么


Do you have many friends in your community?你的社区里有很多朋友吗?

How do technology help on the relationship between people?技术如何帮助人们之间的关系?

Do people feel safe in China?在中国人们觉得安全吗?

Describe something you made that you gave to other people描述你给别人做的事情

You should say:你应该说:

What it was这是什么

What it was like它是什么样子的

Who you gave It to你给了谁

And how you felt about It.以及你对它的感觉。


Have you received anything that were made by the giver?你收到过送礼人做过的任何事吗?

When receiving a gift, do you prefer something that was self-made or something bought in stores?当你收到礼物的时候,你更喜欢自制的东西还是在商店里买的东西?

Which is better, self-made food or food that you buy?哪一个更好,自制的食物或者你买的食物?

Are art classes important in schools?艺术课在学校里很重要吗?

9-12月雅思口语part 2话题汇总图3

Describe an experience that you were scared描述一种你害怕的经历

When it happened当它发生

Where you were你在哪里

Who you were with你和谁在一起

Why you were scared为什么你害怕

How you felt about it你对它的感觉


What should people do when they feel scared?当人们感到害怕时,他们应该做些什么?

Is it ok to frighten others?吓到别人是可以的吗?

Why is it easy for some people to be scared?为什么有些人很容易被吓到?

Do children like to scare others?孩子们喜欢吓唬别人吗?

How do people usually get frightened?人们通常是如何被吓到的?

Describe a time when you had some medicine吃药

You should say:你应该说:

When it happened当它发生

Who gave it you是谁给了你

Why you had it你为什么要这么做

And how you felt about it以及你对它的感觉


What do you think of buying medicine online?你认为在网上买药怎么样?

In your opinion, why do some people dislike taking medicine?在你看来,为什么有些人不喜欢吃药呢?

Some people say medicine is harmful. Do you think so?有些人说药物是有害的。你这样认为吗?

What do you think of fake medicine?你觉得假药怎么样?

Describe a television program/ film that made you laugh描述一个让你开怀大笑的电视节目/电影

You should say你应该说

What the program is程序是什么

When you watched it当你看着它的时候

Who you watched it with和你一起看的人

Why it made you laughed为什么会让你笑


What kinds of things do Chinese people do to be happy?中国人民做什么事来让自己快乐?

Is laughing beneficial to children, how about old people?笑对孩子有益,老年人怎么样?

Describe a book you have recently read描述你最近读过的一本书

You should say:你应该说:

What type/kind of book it was它是什么类型的书

What it was about它是关于什么的

Where you read it你在哪里读到的

How you felt about the book?你对这本书的感觉如何?


In your country, who would ask children to read, schools or parents? Do you prefer paper books or E-books?在你的国家,谁会要求孩子们读书,学校或家长?你喜欢纸质书还是电子书?

Do you think printed books will continue to exist?你认为纸质书会继续存在吗?

Do you think parents should continue reading?你认为父母应该继续阅读吗?

What kind of books do children read?孩子们读什么样的书?

Describe a law/rule that you think is good描述一个你认为很好的法律/规则

What it is它是什么

HOW you knew it你是怎么知道的

Who it affects谁影响

Why you think it is good为什么你认为这很好


What kind of people can become police officers?什么样的人可以成为警察?

Do you think both men and women can be police officers?你认为男人和女人都可以当警察吗?

Do you think police officers are paid too much?你认为警察的薪水太高了吗?

Is kindness the most important quality of a police officer?善良是警察最重要的品质吗?

Do all Chinese people obey the law?所有的中国人都遵守法律吗?

Describe a person who helps to protect the environment描述一个帮助保护环境的人

You should say:你应该说:

Who this person is这个人是谁

How this person is这个人是怎样的

How this person protects the environment这个人是如何保护环境的

What difficulty this person has faced这个人面临的困难是什么

And how you feel about this person以及你对这个人的感觉

Part 3

Is it important to teach students environmental protection school?教学生环境保护学校很重要吗?

How can people protect the environment?人们如何保护环境?

Do you think it is necessary to make environmental protection as a subject?你认为有必要把环境保护作为一个主题吗?

What is the environmental education?什么是环境教育?

Describe an important decision made with the help of other people好多建议

You should say:你应该说:

When it happened当它发生

Who helped you to make the decision是谁帮你做决定的

And how you felt about it以及你对它的感觉

Part 3

When young people are to make a decision, should they listen to some advice?当年轻人要做决定的时候,他们应该听一些建议吗?

Who will be helpful when making decision in your country?在你的国家做决定的时候谁会有帮助?

Should we trust the advice given by strangers for making decisions?我们是否应该相信陌生人给出的建议?

Do you think it is advisable listening to others’ advice when making decisions?你认为在做决定时倾听别人的建议是明智的吗?

Who is more likely to make bad decisions, men or women?谁更有可能做出错误的决定,男人还是女人?

Describe an interesting talk or lecture描述一个有趣的演讲或讲座

You should say:你应该说:

When you heard it当你听到它的时候

Where you heard it你听到的地方

What it was about它是关于什么的

And explain why you think it was interesting并解释为什么你认为这很有趣

Part 3

What kinds of people should be invited to give a speech?什么样的人应该被邀请发表演讲?

In what occasion would you be a good listener?在什么情况下你会成为一个好的倾听者?

What is required to be a good public speaker?成为一个好的公众演讲者需要什么?

Is listening to speeches important to children?听演讲对孩子们很重要吗?

Will Chinese people feel nervous when it comes to public speaking?在公共演讲方面,中国人会感到紧张吗?

Describe a place you plan to travel to that is far away from your home 离家远行

You should say:你应该说:

Where it would be它会在哪里

How you would like to go there你想怎么去那里

What you would do there你在那里会做什么

And explain why you would like to go there并解释你为什么想去那里

Part 3

Where do Chinese people like to travel to?中国人喜欢到哪里旅游?

Do people in your country like to have holidays?你们国家的人喜欢度假吗?

What are the disadvantages of working overtime?加班的缺点是什么?

Why do some people prefer to stay at home during holidays?为什么有些人喜欢在假期呆在家里?

What kinds of activities do people like to do for holidays?人们喜欢在假期里做些什么活动?

Describe a complaint that you made and you were satisfied with the result 投诉建议

You should say:你应该说:

When it happened当它发生

Who you complained to你向谁投诉

What you complained about你抱怨什么

And why you were satisfied with the result为什么你对结果感到满意

Part 3

Is it necessary for companies to set up customer service?公司是否有必要建立客户服务?

What products or services do people in your country like to complain about?你们国家的人喜欢抱怨什么产品或服务?

Do you think customers’ complaints will improve products or services?你认为客户的投诉会改善产品或服务吗?

Would you buy things in the shops which you have made complains before?你会在你以前抱怨过的商店里买东西吗?

5.雅思口语话题 篇五

You should say:

When you invited them

Where you had the dinner at home or at the restaurant

Why you invited them

And how you felt about this dinner


Describe a historical building you have been to

You should say:

Where it is

What it looks like

What it is used for now

What you learned there

And how you felt about this historical building

6.雅思口语话题预测 篇六


when it comes to the social networking, i used to log in the weibo constantly, where i could conduct effectively communication with friends. in addition, i also got the latest news about about their current lives or studies

2.Are you a social person?


to give a definition of social is not an easy thing. personally speaking, i don’t think that i am a person that belongs to social type. for the majority of the time, i’d rather to stay alone and concentrate on the study that i am into.

3.What kinds of people do you like to be friends with on those websites?


to tell the truth, most of the people on those websites are my classmates. but the people that i want to be friends with, are those i guess i have to say, probably at least we share a lot in common. for instance, we are the huge fan of same rock star, or probably we are fond of the same sports types.

4.Is it easy to find real friends on a social networking websites?


i don’t agree with that saying that it is not easy to make real friend on social networking websites. based on my own experience, i made some close friends from the social networking network by taking part in some activities, organized by some clubs.

5.What kinds of chatting app or software do Chinese people like to use?


7.雅思口语话题:Exciting 篇七


1.what it was and when you did it 2.whether you were alone or with other people 3.if you would like to do it again 4.and say whether you think your life is really exciting


Do you often go to the theatre/the opera/ concerts/exhibitions? Tell me a little about the last time you went to a cultural events What kinds of cultural events do people like to go to in your city? Is it expensive to go to such events? Do you think that such events are important in people’s lives? Have you ever participated in a cultural event ?


If someone were to write a book about your life, would the title be something like The Predictable Tale of(Insert Your Name Here)’s Monotonous Existence — or would it be The Exciting Escapades of(Your Name)’s Wild and Adventurous Life ?

Your real life probably falls somewhere in-between agonizing monotony and wanton exhilaration — perhaps long stretches of boredom(or busyness)interspersed with moments of joy.(And even fun and joy can become predictable with repetition.)

8.雅思口语常见话题剖析 篇八

A classmate=best friend=a child you know=happy person.

A family member=an old person who influenced you the most=someone you admire

A good friend

A happy person=a successful person

A person who has influenced you

A person you would like to spend a day with=successful person=famous person

A successful person

An ethnic minority group不大会考,可以说在澳洲的华人

A character in TV show or films=happy person=successful person

Describe a child

Describe a colleague=successful person

Describe a family member

Describe a famous person

Describe a music group or singer in your country=famous person

Describe your neighbor=your best friend

Describe your parents=family member

Describe your personality and its advantages结合自己的工作谈自己性格的优点

Describe your teacher=a friend


Describe your favorite book选一本工具书,encyclopedia of pets 之类的`,不用写内容,只要谈书的作用就行了

9.雅思口语话题最喜欢的衣服 篇九


范文分析:I bought the coat last year at the beginning of autumn when the weather started to get colder. It was easy to buy because I had had the exact same coat before; my old coat was starting to look a bit worn out, so I decided to buy a new version. As I knew which size I needed, I simply went online and found the best offer; I bought it through a shopping website, and it was delivered to my house a few days later.
