1.英文感谢信一份 篇一
一、说明信(Cover letter)
一封介绍性的信笺,介绍你自己以及你应征的目的,并有机会在其中概述你的技能和你能为公司做出的贡献,大多数公司除了要履历之外还要求附上一封说明信。(An introductory letter which introduces yourself,states your intent,and gives you an opportunity to summarize your skills and sell what you can offer to a company.Most companies require a cover letter in addition to a resume.)主要包括三部分:开场白(Anfang)、自我介绍(Selbstvorstellung)和结束语(Schluss)。
一个正规的个人鉴定,描绘出专业目标、工作经历和教育背景以及与某专业相关的其他的活动,或参加的专业组织,等等。这是一种向一个可能成为你老板的人推销你技能和专业技巧的手段。(A formal document which identifies a person,outlines professional goals,describes work history and educational background,and identifies other activities,memberships in professional associations,etc.,which are relevant to a career.It is a tool by which you market or sell your skills and expertise to a potential employer.)
一份描述你专业抱负或是职业目标的陈述报告。(A statement which expresses your professional ambitions and/or career objectives.)包括:目标(objective)、工作目标(job objective)、职业目标(career objective)、谋求职位(position sought)、希望职位(position wanted)、申请职位(position applied for)等。例:
1.Executive and Managerial管理部分:
Executive Marketing Director市场行政总监Vice-President副总裁
Assistant Vice-President副总裁助理Controller(General)管理员
Vice-President of Administration行政副总裁manager经理
Production Manager生产经理Operations Manager操作经理
Chief Executive Officer(CEO)首席执行官President总统
Chief Operations Officer(COO)首席运营官Branch Manager部门经理
Controller(International)国际监管Director of Operations运营总监
Claims Examiner主考官General Manager总经理
Property Manager房地产经理Field Assurance Coordinator土地担保协调员District Manager市区经理Regional Manager区域经理
Hospital Administrator医院管理HMO Administrator医疗保险管理
Import/Export Manager进出口经理Insurance Claims Controller保险认领管理员 Program Manager程序管理经理Insurance Coordinator保险协调员
Project Manager项目经理Product Manager产品经理
Inventory Control Manager库存管理经理Warehouse Manager仓库经理
Manager(Non-Profit and Charities)非盈利性慈善机构管理
Manufacturing Manager制造业经理Vending Manager售买经理
Telecommunications Manager电信业经理Transportation Manager运输经理 Service Manager服务经理Food Service Manager食品服务经理
Retail Store Manager零售店经理Assistant Store Manager商店经理助理
Office Manager办公室经理Administrative Director行政主管
File Clerk档案管理员Receptionist接待员Secretary秘书
Executive Assistant行政助理Executive Secretary行政秘书
General Office Clerk办公室文员Typist打字员
Inventory Control Analyst存货控制分析Staff Assistant助理
Mail Room Supervisor信件中心管理员Stenographer速记员
Order Entry Clerk订单输入文员Telephone Operator电话操作员
Shipping/Receiving Expediter收发督导员Ticket Agent票务代理
3.Education and Library Science教育部分:
Daycare Worker保育员Nanny保姆Teacher教师
Developmental Educator发展教育家Head Teacher高级教师
Foreign Language Teacher外语教师Physical Education Teacher物理教师 Guidance Counselor指导顾问Music Teacher音乐教师
Library Technician图书管理员Librarian图书管理员
Principal校长College Professor大学教授ESL Teacher第二外语教师
School Psychologist心理咨询教师Vocational Counselor职业顾问
Special Needs Educator特种教育家Teacher Aide助理教师
Art Instructor艺术教师Computer Teacher计算机教师
Coach教练员Assistant Dean of Students助理训导长
(二)个人资料(Personal Data):
主要是介绍你自己(Introduce yourself),包括个人的一些自然状况:姓名(name)、年龄(age)、出生日期(date of birth)、住宅电话(home phone)办公电话(office phone)、民族,国籍(nationality)、籍贯(native place)、家庭状况(family status)、婚姻状况(marital status)等。
在何种程度上,教育背景及工作背景适合从事某一工作。(The degree and/or depth to which a person’s work and educational background is a good fit for a particular job.)如:
1.教育背景(Educational background):
即正规学校教育/或 培训(A history of a person’s formal schooling and/or training.)包括:学历(educational history)、教育程度(educational background)、知识背景(knowledge background)、所学课程(courses taken)、专业课程(specialized courses)、进修课程(refresher course)、脱产 培训(off-job training)计算机科学(computer science)等,及掌握情况。
2.工作背景(Work background):
即专职及兼职工作经历。(A history of a person’s professional and/or non-professional employment.)包括:工作经历(work experience)、职业经历
(professional history)、具体经历(specific experience)、兼职(Part—time)、实习(Intern)、实际业绩(Performance)、工作成就(achievements)、个人能力(People)、市场开发(Marketing develop)、关键问题的解决(breakthrough)、成功的要素(Element of Success)、胜任力(Competence)、被认命的职位(appointed position)等。
你擅长的工作,你所拥有的积极的个性特点,你想向你未来老板推销的你的一些技能。实力包括较强的思想交流能力、分析能力、技术能力、管理能力、创造力、团结力和可取的个人品质。(Tasks which you feel you excel at,positive personality traits that you feel that you possess,and skills that you sell to a potential employer.Strengths can include superior communication skills,high analytical ability,technical skills,managerial prowess,creativity,people skills,and desirable personality traits.)例如:
良好的沟通能力(Good Communication skill)
敏锐的商业头脑(Sharp Business Mind)
能当机立断(I’m willing to make decisions.)
我和他人容易共事。(I work well with others.)
我能有效进行时间管理。(I can organize my time efficiently.)
你认为你自身需要改进的地方,无论是工作习惯,还是专业知识,或是交流能力,等等。任何一个潜在的弱点必须附有能使之转变为一种潜在能力的积极有效的方法。(Areas that you perceive that you need improvement in,whether it be work habits,business knowledge,communication,etc.Any potential weakness must be spun into a positive answer which converts it into a potential strength.)例如:
我有时对自己要求过于严格。(I tend to drive myself too hard.)
我对别人的能力期望过高。(I expect others to perform beyond their capacities.)我喜欢速战速决。(I like to see a job done quickly.)
弹吉他(play the guitar)、阅读(reading)、话剧(play)、慢跑(jogging)、长跑(long distance running)、集邮(collecting stamps)、打桥牌(play bridge)、打网球(play tennis)、下棋(play chess)、旅游(traveling)、缝纫(sewing)、听交响乐(listening to symphony)、搞泥塑(do some clay scultures)
为更专门的工作(for more specialized work)
为晋升的前途(for prospects of promotion)
为更高层次的工作责任(for higher responsibility)
为扩大工作经验(for wider experience)
由于公司倒闭(due to close-down of company)
由于雇用期满(due to expiry of employment)
应聘之前应该做到对相关行业及相关职业的薪酬有个大致了解,同时最好先能确定一下自己的底线,但除金钱外,应聘者还应该将该单位的员工福利如假期,发展空间,行业前景等因素考虑进去,这样作决定时才能不目光短浅,才能符合自己事业发展的整体规划。如:基薪(Base Salary)、全面薪酬(Total Compensation)、年度奖金(Annual Bonus)、业绩奖金(Performance Units)、红利(Benefits)、津贴(Perquisites)、特殊津贴(Perquisites)、业绩股份(Performance Shares)等。
2.英文感谢信一份 篇二
From a modest start in the 1970s,the history of modern China became one of the most active fields of academic research in recent years.On the basis of the increasingly availability of source materials and the development of social science theories,the past three decades saw a substantial reassessment of China’s Republican era(1911-1949).
1 Beyond the Revolutionary Paradigm and the Anti-urban Stance
Originally,scholarly priorities were focused on the early history of the Chinese Communist Party and on the socio-economic analysis of the countryside where the Chinese revolution had achieved its first success.In the two Republican-era volumes of the Cambridge History of China,the 1911-1949 period was seen as one of destructive disintegration of an old,predominantly rural,social and political order presided over by a corrupt and ineffective Nationalist state.Accordingly,the Republican era was often perceived as a passing moment epitomized by political corruption,student movements,and revolutionary parties,a confused interregnum between the Qing dynasty and the Communist state.
Since 1980s,the scholarship has broken away from the revolutionary paradigm and the anti-urban stance of the Maoist era,and viewed the Republican period increasingly as part of a continuous transition during which China modified its traditional society and adapted to new roles in world affairs——sometimes with considerable success.[1]The research focus has shifted away from early Republican national governments and national revolutionary movements towards local social organizations,cultural history and so on.
Particularly,cities,as the locus of modern and vibrant centers of economic,social,and cultural change,have received a growing interest in both China and abroad.Actually before the1970s,cities and urban life were not of major interest to scholars researching modern Chinese history,perhaps because,as Mark Elvin and G.William Skinner suggested,scholars were“bemused by the fact that the Maoist revolution came from the countryside and seem?ingly(though only seemingly)bypassed the cities as agents of change.”[2]In The Chinese City between Two Worlds which was published in 1974,Elvin and Skinner asserted the his?torical significance of cities in China,and launched studies on the modernization of traditional Chinese cities.As they indicated,“China’s first encounter with modern industrial civilization took place in the cities;it was in the cities too,that Chinese efforts at moderniza?tion began.”
2 Remaking Chinese Cities in Early Twentieth Century
The early twentieth century,from the last decade of the Qing dynasty(1644-1911)through the republican era(1911-1949),saw a major effort to remake Chinese cities,which before had been treated mainly as hubs for trade and seats of central government.Thethrusts of reformist efforts concentrated in a few spheres,above all,remaking the urban spatial regime(architecture and urban planning),and sprucing up the city and its people(sanitation and public hygiene).[3]Drawing on Western models as well as established Chinese institutions,urban reformers began to apply modern city planning and administration,and sought to remake Chinese cities clean,healthy,safe,orderly,efficient,productive by promoting a new type of orderly and productive urban community.This kind of urban transformation,with both physical and social manifestations,has been acquiring historians’earnest concerns.
Since the 1980s,some studies have crossed the old chronological boundaries like 1911,and centered on the last years of the Qing dynasty and the republican period,when Chinese administrators and entrepreneurs attempted to come to terms with and/or take advantage of the new urban culture developing in the foreign-run areas of the treaty ports.[4]
Some scholars have investigated a much broader range of issues related to the physical,political,social and cultural transformation of the modern Chinese city,for instance,Michael Tsin’s on Guangzhou municipal government,Kristin Stapleton’s on urban planning and administration in Chengdu,Frederic Wakeman’s on the Shanghai police,Ruth Rogaski’s about Bureau of Public Hygiene in Tianjin,Brett Sheehan’s on banks,and Shi Mingzheng’s urban infrastructure in warlord Beijing,and other researches about public utility companies.These studies,mostly focusing on one aspect of a specific city,articulate the development of new institutions and infrastructure in modern Chinese cities,and make diversified evaluations of urban reformist projects.
Besides,certain amount of works puncture the modern fa?ade and present a much more complex view of republican Chi?nese cities.Beyond male-dominated elites,some studies have paid attention to the experiences of the industrial working class,sojourners and migrants from the countryside,and women of different classes and statuses.Others explore urban culture through tourism,newspapers,popular novels,pictorials,radio broadcasting,movies,and other popular forms of entertainment.They attempt to uncover connections between urban popular and consumer cultures,and issues whose significance extends beyond the city itself,such as nationalism,the construction of gender identity in a changing society,and Chinese modernity.
3 Shanghai as a Research Focus
Among the existing works on modern Chinese cities,research on Shanghai has flourished since the 1980s.As China’s largest city with its economic and cultural dominance,it has become a singular focus.Marie-Claire Bergere’s The Golden Age of the Chinese Bourgeoisie,1911-1937 connects Republican China’s failed democratic institutions to the relationship between the city’s financial elites and the political authorities.[5]Jr.Parks M.Coble’s The Shanghai Capitalists and the Nationalist Government,1927-1937 refutes the Maoist thesis that the Nationalist regime was bourgeois in class composition.[6]Concerning the lower level of Shanghai society,Emily Honig’s Sisters and Strangers:Women in the Shanghai Cotton Mills,1919-1949 shows that workingclass consciousness in Shanghai was conspicuous only by its absence.[7]Elizabeth J.Perry’s Shanghai on Strike examines the division of the labor force into levels of skill and groups of common places of origin and explores the political significance of such divisions in affiliations with the Nationalists versus the Communists.[8]
Other scholars devote their attention to the social tension and political unrest that troubled the city for most of the Republican period.Po-shek Fu,in Passivity,Resistance,and Collaboration:Intellectual Choices in Occupied Shanghai,1937-1945,presents typologies of moral and political choices made by Shanghai writers living under Japanese military occupation.[9]Jeffrey N.Wasserstrom,in Student Protests in Twentieth-Century China:The View from Shanghai,analyzes the symbolic mediation of collective political protests.[10]How the city was administered and whether it was effectively controlled is masterfully explored by Frederic E.Wakeman in Policing Shanghai,1927-37.[11]How the newly ascendant Guomindang regime established control of this complicated city via the Shanghai municipal government from 1927 to1937 is the subject of Christian Henriot’s informative study,Shanghai,1927-1937:Municipal Power,Locality,and Modernization.[12]On the other side of law and order,Brian Martin studies the Green Gang,[13]and Gail Hershatter analyzes the world of Shanghai’s prostitutes.[14]
There are important studies of Republican Shanghai’s national and international businesses like Big Business in China:Sino-Foreign Rivalry in the Cigarette Industry,1890-1930.[15]On merchant organizations,Joseph Fewsmith and Bryna Goodman examine respectively the transformation of such groups in Republican society.[16]
Besides,Shanghai Sojourners contains discussions of many important aspects of Shanghai’s social,political,and cultural history and draws together new research findings made by several of the scholars named above.[17]Lu Hanchao’s Beyond the Neon Lights unforgettably describes the housing projects known as Stone Portals(shikumen)as a locus for the daily life of Shanghai urbanites.Leo Oufan Lee,in Shanghai Modern,remaps Shanghai’s cultural geography,marking out the intricate relations between city and coloniality in the1930s and 1940s.[18]In Shanghai Splendor,Wen-hsin Yeh sketches the rise of a new maritime and capitalist economic culture among Shanghai's middle class,and uncovers the socio-cultural dynamics that shaped the people and their politics.[19]In Cinema and Urban Culture in Shanghai,1922-1943,the contributors,representing the disciplines of film,literature,and ethnomusicology,seek to redefine concepts of cinema and urban culture in Chinese historiography.[20]Traditional performing arts have also received attention.For instance,Carlton Benson examines the transformation of tanci,a popular storytelling genre,and Jin Jiang dissects the rise of the Yue Opera actress in a changing urban public culture,both to highlight the social and cultural changes in Republican Shanghai.[21]
Together these micro-histories of Shanghai offer a kaleidoscopic view of China's leading metropolis as the major site of Chinese modernization in the twentieth century.They present a multi-layered,diversified,cosmopolitan urban fabric interweaving the new and the old,the modern and the traditional.To certain degree,these works have reflected a growing integration into Chinese studies of not-sonew developments in sociology and cultural studies as well as growing access to Chinese archives,which has facilitated a burgeoning of research on topics that were previously largely inaccessible.
However,Shanghai cannot represent the full range and diversity of the urban experience in modern China.The history of modern Chinese cities,in Joseph W.Esherick’s words,lies“beyond Shanghai”.Esherick’s Remaking the Chinese City correspondingly examines other cities like Tianjin,Changchun,Chengdu,Hangzhou,Beijing,Nanjing,Wuhan and Chongqing,seeking to address,in a comparative way,issues that affected modern cities in China and the world.[22]And as researchers from history,political science or international studies,these authors obviously directed much attention to social manifestations,but gradually,some of them have started to turn to spatial practices for their evidence.
4 The Issue of Urban Space
Since the 1990s,the issue of urban space has been advanced as part of the agenda for research in modern China.For instance,Shi Mingzheng deals with the public space to investigate the roles of both the state and society in Beijing’s transformations.He argues that the late Qing and early republican reforms transformed urban space,and the interplay of official and private forces–the municipal government and local gentry and merchants–shaped the outcome.[23]
Regarding the built environment and people’s consciousness of space as a crucial factor to the formation of urban identity in Republican Beijing,Dong Yue scrutinizes spatial and administrative transformations of Republican Beijing,the pattern of power relations revealed in the struggle among different forces to control urban spaces,and statesponsored projects to construct new public,symbolic,and ceremonial spaces.In conclusion,she develops the concept of“recycling”,which describes and theoretically frames a primary mode of material and cultural production and circulation that came to characterize Republican Beijing.[24]
Besides,focusing on the construction of the symbolic legitimacy of a capital city,Charles Musgrove delineates the scientific methodology used to plan the Nationalist Nanjing,the aesthetic experiments used to construct it,the reinvention of traditions used to make official spaces seem sacred and etc.His intention is to demonstrate that the legitimacy was the product of conflicts,rather than the unanimity under the charisma of the late Sun Yat-sen.[25]
In addition to capital cities,Peter Carroll investigates the late nineteenth and early twentieth century transformation of Suzhou’s intellectual,physical,and social urban spaces as government officials,business elites,and common citizens strove to remake a traditional city into a vibrantly modern and distinctly Chinese urban center.[26]There are also studies exploring the changing urban landscapes in cities like Hangzhou,Ningbo,Chengdu,Xiamen,Dalian and so on.
These studies,taking the changing urban landscape as a new forum for discussions,have considerably engaged new developments in cultural history and urban studies.Informed by Michel Foucault’s problematization of disciplinary power,many of them examined the city as a site of both cultural production and cultural representation,and correspondingly presented diversified and complex pictures of the internested physical,intellectual,and social transformations within late Qing and early Republic cities.
5 Conclusion
3.一份爱加上两份感谢 篇三
4.给妈妈的一份最温暖的感谢信 篇四
妈妈的脾气总是阴晴不定,一会儿严厉,一会儿暴躁,一会儿又眉开眼笑。要是我认真自觉的完成作业,妈妈就变得眉开眼笑,好温柔哦。要是我做作业马虎或考试考得不好,妈妈的脸就像翻书一样,马上刮起“雷阵雨”。要是我做错事,妈妈又会很严厉的批评我。。。。。。 我的妈妈又很爱唠叨,因为我比较粗心,老是丢三落四,所以妈妈会不厌其烦的唠叨着:“铅笔削了吗?书包整理好了吗?”妈妈就像一个“复读机”,每天早上准时响起:“上课要认真,考试不能粗心,做完要检查。”虽然妈妈的唠叨很烦,但确实帮了我不少呢。
5.一份外贸英文自荐信[范文模版] 篇五
forthcom in June from 20, My name is CHEN Quan.006 in Nanj Normal Univers graduate, to take thi career, I with a sincer heart and career pursuit in good faith, recommend their own.through the care guidanc of mentor as well as their own work hard, From the threshold of the dai into the University.I gradual becam abl to adapt to a new era of commun colleg student
I serious study, and to make a knowledge-bas builder of social lai a solid foundation.In college.plai to their strengths, and tap their own potential, and thu improv their learn abil and analyt abil to deal with the problem.At the same time, I also did not forget to pai attent to more aspect of the qualiti of their own culture, to borrow a larg number of variou type of books, to cultiv their own character, so.While studi at the school serv as Minist of propaganda Depart of the hospital, the hospit debat team
I also activ take part in a varieti of social practic activities, and achiev a certain score.In addition.which ha an independ plan bodi to implement a large-scal promot activities.In social practice, I try to studi success people, will hone their own quality, and enhanc interperson commun skills, cultiv teamwork philosophy, studi a varieti of corpor culture, base in good faith, and strive to becom professional, high quality, plastic of good talent.your compani is will to caus thrive achievements, Thank you for your busi schedul to give me concern.but also wish you a success and good health!
6.英文感谢信一份 篇六
1、Cover Letter(求职意向书)
英文简历最好有一份Cover Letter,将你为什么加入该公司,个人能力是否和所对应的岗位匹配,你的强项在哪里,再表一下决心。
2、CV、Resume、Personal Profile的区别:现在常有人把CV和Resume混起来称为“简历”,精确来讲,CV(Curriculum Vitae)源于拉丁语,应是“履历”的意思。在美国,CV主要是用于申请学术、教育、科研职位,欧洲、中东、非洲和亚洲等地,CV更常用于应征工作。而源于法语的Resume才是“简历”的意思。
Personal Profile 是更加精炼的个人介绍,着重点为工作业绩、学术成果等,一般不涉及太多个人信息。
3、Gender 和Sex不要搞混:Gender是社会性别,Sex是生物性别,也叫自然性别。Gender 是更加地道的简历用语。例如:Gender: Male/Female.
4、Contact Information(联系方式):国外的简历联系地址要写得很详细,国内一般不要求,但电子邮件一定不要写现在公司的地址。另外因为人才流动量大,一定要写清楚现在的城市。例如:5F, **Building,Chaoyang District, Beijing,China.
6、Spelling Check (拼写检查)、Grammar Check一定要找别人进行,语法要保持一致。建议在描述工作经验时尽量用动词开头。例如:Coordinate with Account Manager; Is responsible for strategy,planning, marketing/positioning; Skilled in working across business segments.
7、工作经历要用数字。工作经历和经验的描述多用数字说话,写明主要业绩。例如:Published 20 articles, worked for almost 10 years, served 50 customers.
8、Bullet Point (要点式):在陈述工作经历、教育背景时,注意用要点式,不要用1、2、3等有逻辑关系的方式。
*Education Background
*Working Experience
*Personal Skill
1、表格化: 国内许多企业喜欢请应聘者现场填写表格,求职者的两张中英文简历表格,看似工整,实则无形中把思想也框在里面,无法行文发挥。
5、Mobility (流动性):大型企业或集团基本均在全国或世界各地设有办事处或分公司,英文简历上若可注明你期望工作的城市,是否可以被调动去其他城市,将会在职场上遇到更多机会。