1.初二英语教案2 篇一
第二课时 【朗读课文】 【串讲课文】
翻译:至于怨恨和诽谤那么多,那本来早就料到它会这样的。原文:人习于苟且非一日,士大夫多以不恤国事,同俗自媚于众为善,上乃欲变此,而某不量敌之众寡,欲出力助上以抗之,则众何为而不汹汹然? 翻译:人们习惯于得过且过已经不是一天了,士大夫大多数以不忧虑国家大事、随波逐流、讨好众人为上。皇帝才想改变这种状况,而我就不考虑反对派的多少,要出力帮助皇帝对抗这些人,那么大家怎么能不大吵大闹呢? 原文:盘庚之迁,胥怨者民也,非特朝廷士大夫而已;盘庚不为怨者故改其度,度义而后动,是而不见可悔故也。[ 翻译:盘庚迁都的时候,老百姓都怨恨,不只是朝廷上的士大夫而已。盘庚没有因为有人怨恨而改变他的计划,因为计划合理才行动的,这事看不出可以后悔的地方。
翻译:如果您责备我任职很久,没有能帮助皇帝大有作为,以造福于人民,那么我承认有罪过;如果说现在应当什么事情都不做,墨守成规而已,那我就不敢领教了。原文:无由会晤,不任区区向往之至。翻译:没有机会见面,我不胜仰慕到极点。【朗读课文】 第三课时 【朗读课文】
④辟邪说,难壬人。(批驳)⑤非某之所敢知。(领教)2.解释下列多义词: ①未能助上大有为(作为)为天下理财。(替)不为征利。(是)[ ②名实已明,而天下之理得矣。(表示承接关系,而且)窃以为与君实游处相好之日久,而议事每不合。(表示转折关系,然而)3.下列对“人习于苟且非一日”解释正确的一项是(B)A,人们学习苟且之事不是一天了。B,人们习惯于得过且过已不是一天两天了。C,人们对得过且过的学习已不是一天两天了。D,人们对苟且之事反对不是一天了
5.文中“ 窃以为与君实游处相好之日久,而议事每不合,所操之术多异故也 ”一句,表明王安石与司马光的争论不是个人恩怨,而是政见不一。
6.文中追述“盘庚之迁”的用意是什么? 以确凿的史实针砭当时士大夫的流俗,说明反对的人多就一定错了。证明自己的境况,与“盘庚之迁”时一样,因此决“不为怨者故改其度”,表达了改革的决心不变。7.文章最后王安石说“某知罪矣”。这是否向司马光认错?为什么? 王安石说“某知罪矣”,这不是向司马光认错。
9.作者是如何驳论的? 针对司马光“侵官,生事,征利,拒谏,以致天下怨谤也”的责难,作者先逐点驳斥“受命于人主,议法度而修之于朝廷,以授之于有司,不为侵官;举先王之政,以兴利除弊,不为生事;为天下理财,不为征利;辟邪说,难壬人,不为拒谏”。这样,有理有据有节,而“侵官,生事,征利,拒谏”,成为无中生有,司马光的论点失去了成立的基础。王安石进一步批驳,他没有否认“天下怨谤”。他认为“人习于苟且非一日,士大夫多以不恤国事,同俗自媚于众为善”,顺水推舟地指出“上乃欲变此”;再列举“盘庚之迁,胥怨者民也,非特朝廷士大夫而已”。这样,王安石从现实和历史两个方面说明“怨诽之多,则固前知其如此也。”因此,“天下怨谤”不足为奇。10,在严峻的情形面前,王安石对变法持什么态度?哪些语句体现了这种态度? 王安石坚持变法,义无反顾。
“度义而后动,是而不见可悔故也”;“如曰今日当一切不事事,守前所为而已,则非某之所敢知”等语句集中体现了王安石的态度。11.天下“怨谤”、众人“汹汹然”的真正原因是什么? 天下“怨谤”、众人“汹汹然”的真正原因是:王安石新法触犯了大地主、大官僚的利益。【课外作业】 1.整理课堂笔记。2.预习《出师表》。
3.了解新课文的内容,思考“学习建议”。【教学后记】 《石壕吏》
(2)学生根据思路提示,读诗,尝试背诵。(3)提问:诗中有几个人物形象?他们各有什么特点? 学生明确:老妪、石壕吏。老妇是主要人物形象,她在危急之下,挺身而出,主动从军,有敢于承担苦难的精神。石壕吏开头出现,中间便隐入幕后,“捉人”“一何怒”可以看出吏态度蛮横,凶暴无比。
提问:有人说:《石壕吏》中老妇的“致词”全都是吏步步紧逼出来的。你同意这个说法吗?为什么? 学生思考交流。明确:这首诗写的是一个真实的故事,情节其实并不简单,但诗人只用120个字就栩栩如生地再现了情节发展的全过程,精练到了无以复加的地步。这归功于诗人巧妙独特的构思。从诗题上看,主要人物应是差吏,但诗人对他用了暗写,一出现只用“吏呼一何怒”来点出他的威势,此后就让他转入“幕后”。对老妇则用明写,把她所说的话写成一篇“抒情独白”。仔细品味,就会发现老妇的话句句都是差吏逼出来的。情节中可能隐去了吏的“怒”“呼”。差吏一进门就问“汝家有男丁否”,老妇答曰“三男邺城戍„„”;再问“尚有他人否”,答曰:“室中更无人„„”;最后差吏仍逼着要人不已,老妇只好“请从吏夜归”。总之,差吏的“怒”“呼”贯穿在老妇陈情的全过程中,其凶横残暴不言而喻。
四、学生自主质疑,深入理解诗意,进入探究阶段。学生可能提出的问题有:1.诗人同情老妇的遭遇,为何总是一言不发,难道他不该上去义正辞严指责官吏吗?临行独与老翁别,似乎也没有安慰的表示,如何理解诗人的沉默? 2.“夜久语声绝,如闻泣幽咽”,“幽咽”的人是谁? 3.石壕吏未抓年青的“孙母”而带走“力虽衰”的老妇的原因是什么? 4.石壕吏为何不抓杜甫? 先让学生分组讨论交流,然后全班交流。教师酌情给予点拨。
2.阅读《登岳阳楼》,感受诗人深沉而广阔的胸怀。登岳阳楼 杜 甫
这首诗是诗人第一次登上岳阳楼,面对洞庭湖水,产生万千感慨。诗中饱含着诗人对穷途潦倒生活的深沉慨叹:对终生壮志未酬的激愤与哀怨,对祖国多灾多难现实的忧愁与焦虑。诗人由个人的不幸遭遇,联想到万方多难的社会现实,由小天地转入大天地,由个人的悲伤转向“戎马关山”的家国之痛,反映了作者忧国忧民的深情,并以“凭轩涕泗流”之情态与开篇“今上岳阳楼”所见的壮阔气魄构成照应之势,表现了一位伟大爱国主义诗人的深沉而广阔的胸怀。●板书设计 ●活动与探究
阅读《春夜喜雨》,回答问题。春夜喜雨 杜 甫 好雨知时节,当春乃发生。随风潜入夜,润物细无声。野径云俱黑,江船火独明。晓看红湿处,花重锦官城。
问:题目《春夜喜雨》,诗中却无一“喜”字,结合诗句分析,“喜”字表现在何处? 参考答案:
2.初二英语教案2 篇二
2.在解决问题的过程中,有克服困难的信心和决心,体验战胜困难,解决物理问题时的喜悦. 教学重、难点 1.重点(1)速度的概念。
师:生活中人们是怎样比较物体运动的快与慢? 生甲:比一比,跑一段相同的距离,看谁先到达终点。
二、新课教学 1.速度的物理意义。
师:速度用来表示什么? 生:速度用来表示物体的运动快慢。
师:在通常情况下,速度等于什么? 生:速度等于物体在单位时间内通过的路程。
师:如果用“s”表示路程,用“t”表示时间,用“v”表示速度,则主着之间的关系是什么? s 生:v=
师:速度单位“m/s”与“km/h”之间换算关系如何? 师边讲解边板书: 1km/h=1000m1=m/s 3600s3.61km1m/s=1000=3.6km/h 1h3600课堂巩固练习
完成下列单位换算,写出具体换算过程。(1)54km/h= m/s(2)15m/s= km/s 师:下面请大家阅读例题(课本P24例题)。生:你觉得这道例题值得注意的是哪几点? 生:(1)路程单位km要换成m。(或将速度单位换算成km/h)(2)不能直接用速度公式进行计算的,应先写出原公式,再写出变形式。(3)计算过程要带单位。(4)小数点后面保留两位小数。
生:V1=V2=V3=20m/s 师:由此你可得出什么结论? 生甲:这辆小车作直线运动时,快慢始终不变。
我们把物体的什么运动称为匀速直线运动? 生:我们把物体运动速度保持不变的直线运动称为匀速直线运动。
生:v1=10m/s v2=13.33m/s v3=20m/s 师:由此你可得出什么结论? 生甲;天鹅在空中作直线运动时,速度越来越快。
我们把物体的什么运动称为变速直线运动? 生:我们把速度变化的直线运动称为变速直线运动。
师:本节课我们学到了什么? 生:讨论、交流得出:本节课我们学到了
1m/s 3.6
第三节 快与慢
ts=vt,t=s(变形式)v4、速度的单位:基本单位:米/秒(m/s)常用单位:千米/时(km/h)换算关系1m/s=1km/h 1km/h=3.6m/s 3.65、速度的测量
3.初二英语八单元教案 篇三
I. The title
2. Teaching aims(a. knowledge aim; b,ability c, moral education)
3. Impotant points
4. Difficult points
5. Teaching aids
step 1 Revision
Step 2 Take up new lesson
step 3 Consolidation
4.初二英语第五单元教案 篇四
The analysis of teaching material.
The analysis of students.
The analysis of teaching aims and demands.
The analysis of teaching importances and difficulties.
The analysis of teaching methods.
The analysis of teaching procedures.
Blackboard design.
Teaching reflection.
Well, firstly, I`ll talk about Part 1 the analysis of teaching material. My teaching topic is... from Unit...Go For It Junior English Book 1A, which published by People Education Press. In this period, the main language function is to practice listening and speaking skills around....as well as the communicative skills of.....
Then I`ll talk about next part the analysis of the students. It is known to us that most of students had learned English for about....years. They are curious about new things and have a strong desire to learn better. However, their Engish tearning level are different from each other. They need teachers` help and encouragement in their further study.
Next I`ll talk about teaching aims and demands. There are knowledge aims, ability aims and emotional aims. The knowledge aims are to enable the students to master the new words.....the phrases....and the sentenses.....The ability aims are to obtain the abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing around.....to train the students` abilities of using language, to guide the students to talk about....using the expressions of....and to develop the students` ability of creative thinking and cooperative study. The emotional aims are to enable.....
Let`s move on to another part: the analysis of teaching importances and difficulties. The teaching importances are....The teaching difficulties are.....
Next is teaching methods. I use...methods in my lesson. There are multimedia computer assisted instruction, task-based activities, situational approach, total physical response or the audio-lingual method.
Now I`ll talk about teaching procedures. According to five steps teaching method, I design my lesson into five steps.
Step 1 is warm-up. Here I`ll....By this, the students can be interested in it and pay their attention to our class easily and....
Step 2 is lead-in. Here I`ll....By this, the students.....
Step 3 is presentation. Here I`ll.....By this, the students......
Step 4 is practice. Here I`ll....By this, the students......
Step 5 is homework. Here I`ll......By this ,the students.....
Next is my blackboard design. I`ll design it like this.....
At last, I want to say, to be a good teacher is my dream. I think a teacher is not only a guide for sudents, but also a friend of them. If I were a teacher, I would build a close relation with my students, helping them not only on their study but also on their lives. I`ll try my best, and I have confident that I can do it.
Ok, that`s all. Thanks for your listening. Good-bye.
5.新目标初二英语下册第9单元教案 篇五
Unit 9
Have you ever been to an amusement park? Teaching Goals:
1.Talking about past experience 2.New language(1)Sentence patterns: Have you ever been to an amusement park? Yes, I have./ No, I haven’t./Me neither.(2)Some new words and phrases: neither, have a great time,seen, theme, attraction, especially, discover, population, fear, brave, excellent, all the year, dark, environment, whenever, spring, autumn, awake, type, equator, season, temperature, Indian, wonderful.1.The use of “present perfect tense ”
2.Write a passage including “present perfect tense”
The first period Teaching Aims:
1.Learn and master the new words and phrases:
amusement, neither, have a great time, me neither, have you ever been
2.Talk about past experience(present perfect tense)
3.Train the students’ speaking and listening ability.Important Points of Teaching
1.Train the students’ ability by talking past experience(present perfect tense)
2.Train the students’ listening ability by listening practice.Difficult Points of Teaching
1.How to lead in Present Perfect Tense
2.How to practise the students’ listening and speaking Teaching Methods:
1.Talk about fun places to arouse the ss’ interest in the past experience.2.Asking-and-answering activities to improving the ss’ speaking ability.Teaching Aids:
1.a tape recorder
2.the blackboard
3.a computer with Powerpoint Teaching procedures:
Step1: Greet and Lead-in
T: Nice to meet you, everyone.SS:
T: Have you ever been to……?
S1: Yes, I have.(help the student to answer this way)
T: When did you go there?
S1: I went there…..T:(asks more students)
S2: No, I haven’t.(Help the student to answer this way)
(Note: Ask more students to answer the questions above, if the same negative answer, help answer “ me neither”)
Step2: Asking-and-answering activities with the target language
(Show pictures of space museum, amusement park, aquarium, zoo, water park)1:(the teacher asks, and the students answer.)
T: Have you ever been to the space museum?
S1: Yes, I have.S2: No, I haven’t.S3: Me neither.(Note: Ask more students to answer the question)
:(the students ask, the teacher answer as above)
Step3: Pairwork
T: Now, ask and answer questions with your partner about the places in the pictures show here.E.g.S1: Have you ever been to an aquarium?
S2: No, I haven’t.How about you?
S1: …
Step4: Explain(Show the sentence: Have you ever been to an amusement park?)Explain the uses of “have ever been”(present perfect tense)
Step5: Listening practice(1 b)
T: Now, let some other students talking about their past experience.Are these students ever been to these places? Check the boxes.(Play the recording.When it finishes, check on the students’ answers.If necessary, play the recording again)
Step 6: Answer the students’ questions about the text.Homework
1.Remember the words and phrases
2.Understand the uses of “ present perfect tense ”
The design of writing on the blackboard
Unit 9
Sentences space museum
Have you ever been to …..? amusement park
Yes, I have.No, I haven’t./ Me neither.万州天兴国际中学 陈家全 2006.4.Unit 9 Have you ever been to an amusement park? 重庆万州天兴国际学校 英语组
The Second Period Teaching Aims : 1.Learn and master the words and phrases: Water World, Fun Times Amusement Park , River Park ,go skating ,ride our bikes;2.Train the ss’ listening and speaking ability by talking about past experiences
Teaching Important Points:
1.Design a conversation about their past experiences 2.Improve the ss’ listening and speaking ability Teaching Difficult Points: 1.Make the ss clear how to talk about past experiences 2.How to improve the ss’ listening and speaking ability Teaching Aids: 1.a tape recorder 2.the blackboard Teaching Procedures;Step1.Greeting and Lead-in T: Hello,boys and girls S: T: Have you ever been to an aquarium? S: T: Have you ever been to Xi Shan Park? S: T: Have you ever been to a zoo? S: T: Have you ever been to Hainan Island? Do you love water sports? If you do, you should go to Hainan Island.It’s the second largest island of China.The capital, Haikou, is a pretty city with an interesting flower market.In the south of the island, there are many beautiful beaches.Every year, water sports, especially swimming, diving and surfing attract large numbers of tourists to the island.Hainan Island is the place to be, whether it’s summer or winter.Step2: Point to the map.Say you will hear the conversations.Each conversation is about a different place on the map.Circle the places you hear.(2a)1.Repeat the words below:
Water World, Fun Times Amusement Park, River Park, Center Street , Theater, Green Street, Aquarium, subway 2.Play the recording the first time.The students just listen.3.Play the recording the second time.This time the teacher asks ss to circle places on the map.4.Check the answers.Answers : space museum, aquarium, zoo, water park, river park
Step3: Practice in understanding the target language in spoken conversation.(2b)1.Read the instructions to the class
2.Point out the statements about the three conversations.Ask a different student to read each set of statements.3.Play the recording again.Ask some students to circle the word true or false after each statement.4.Check the answers.Answers: 1).T T T
3)FTT Step4: Pairwork.Look at the map above and role play conversations.Talk about where you have been, where you want to go, and how you are going to get there.(2c)1.Ask two students to read the sample dialogue.2.Ask ss to work in pairs.Talk about where you have been, where you want to go, and how you are going to get there.3.Ask a few pairs of students to present their conversations.Such as: A: Have you ever been to a zoo? B: Yes, I have.….Step 5: Grammar Focus
1.Review the grammar box 2.Ask some students what they think the word ever means in the question, Have you ever been to an aquarium? Help the ss understand that it means at some indefinite time in the past, possibly a year ago, possibly several years ago.Contrast that sentence with this sentence without the word ever: Did you go to the aquarium on Saturday? This sentence is asking about one specific time in the past.6: Homework: Exercise book P32 Presentation on the Bb:
Water World
Fun Times Amusement Park River Park
go skating
ride our bikes;Center Street
Green Street Aquarium
The 3rd period 重庆万州天兴国际学校 英语组
Teaching aims:
1.Learns to master the new words and phrases: hear of,principal,theme park, all the time, take a ride.2.Train the students’ speaking ability by talking about past experience.Teaching aids: 1.the blackboard 2.a photo of Disneyland in HK Teaching procedures: Step 1
Greeting and lead-in T: Good morning, class Have you ever been to HK? S: No.T: Do you know a Disney park in HK? S: Yes we all know.T: What other Disney parks have you ever heard of.S: …..T: OK.Let us stop here.Here is a photo of Disneyland.Who can describe it? Hands up, please.S: It is a nice picture.There are some interesting things in it.Oh, it is about the Disneyland in HK.T: Good!Do you want to go to the Disneyland in HK? S: Sure.T: You are so active.Supposing you are in the Disneyland, which places do you want to see? S: ….Step 2: Read the text.Please look at the useful expressions, then practice making dialogues by using them.Theme park, take a ride , attraction, hear of Then the teacher walks around, give help to the groups, and discusses with ss for a few minutes.T: Are you OK? S: Step 3: T: I will ask some groups to perform their conversations.Ask and answer.T: Have you ever been to an amusement park? S: T: What places have you ever been to? S: Step 4: Homework 1.Supposing you have been to Disney, and write a composition on your experience there.2.Write an article on one of your trips outside using mostly perfect tense.Blackboard Design: 1.hear of E.g.: I have heard of the news.2.Disney character 3.amusement park=theme park 4.attractions e.g.: there are a lot of attractions in Disneyland.5.Roller coaster 6.All over
all over China
all over the world 7.all the time e.g.: I get annoyed when he talks to me all the time.8.take a ride Give a ride to
You can take a ride on the boat.He always gives a ride to me.Unit 9 Have you ever been to an amusement park? 重庆万州天兴国际学校 英语组
The Fourth Period Teaching Aims :
1.Learn and master the words and phrases: understand, it’s fun to …,an English-speaking country, an exchange student, travel the world, 2.Train the ss’ listening and speaking ability Teaching Important Points: 3.Improve the ss’ listening and speaking ability 4.Learn some listening skills Teaching Difficult Points: 3.Make the ss clear how to talk about past experiences How to improve the ss’ listening and speaking ability Teaching Aids: 1.a tape recorder 2.the blackboard Teaching Procedures;Step1.Greeting and Lead-in T: Hello, boys and girls.S: T: Please read the conversation on the exercises book:
A: Have you ever been to an aquarium? B: Yes, I have.I went there last month.Have you ever been to a zoo? A: Yes, I have been to the zoo many times.B: Have you ever been to a space museum? A: Yes.Of course.What about you? B: Me, too.A: What about an amusement park? Have you ever been there? B: No, never.A: Neither have I.Let’s go to Fun Times Amusement Park.Step2: Review earlier vocabulary and introduces some new words.(1a)1.Read the instructions to the class.Some of these reasons are important to you.Some of the reasons may not be important to you.2.Read each sentence to the class.Ask different ss to say each sentence in their own words.For example: I have to means that I must do something.It is necessary.I want to travel means I enjoy visiting other cities and other countries.3.Read the instructions again and put 1 after the most important reason that you learn English.Put 2 after the second most important reason and continue the same way.4.Do a quick check to ss which reasons the students think are the most important.Step3: Provide guided oral practice using the target language.(1b)1.Read the instructions to the class.2.Point to the sample dialogue.Ask two students to travel it to the class.3.Talk about your reasons for studying English with your partner.Have conversations like the sample dialogue.4.Ask a few pairs to present their conversations to the class.Step4: Provide listening practice using the target language.1.Read the instructions to the class 2.Point out the sample answer.Say one of the questions the teacher asks is how you spell your last name.3.Play the recording the first time.Ss just listen.4.Play the recording a second time.Ask ss to circle their answers.5.Check the answers.a, c, d,f Step5: Practice in understanding and writing the target language.1.Read the instructions to the class and point out the questionnaire.Ask a student to read the headings at the left.2.Play the recording.Ask ss to fill in the answers.3.Check the answers.Ask ss to write the five answers on the board.Step6: Practise using the target language.(2c)1.Read the instructions to the class.2.Point to the sample dialogue.Ask two ss to read it to the class.You can start your conversation like this one.3.Ask ss to work in small groups.4.Ask a few pairs to present their conversation to the class.5.Step7.Homework Exercise book P38 Blackboard Design It’s fun to …
an English-speaking country
an exchange student
travel the world
The Fifth Period
Teaching Aims:
1.Learn and master the new words and phrases: attendant, discover, requirement, guide, foreign, film
2.Train the ss’ reading ability by 3a.3.Train the ss’ writing ability by 3b and 3c.Teaching important points: 1.Train the ss’ writing ability by 3b and 3c 2.Train the ss’ reading and writing ability.Teaching Difficult Points: How to improve the ss’ reading and writing ability Teaching Methods:
1.Fast reading to improve the ss’ reading ability.2.Discuss to make every student understand the article better.2.Pair or group work to make every student take part in the activities in class.Teaching Aids:
1.A tape recorder 2.The blackboard 3.Multimedia Teaching Procedures: Step1: Greetings and Lead-in.T : Nice to meet you, everyone.S :
T : What have you done already? S1…….s2……s3…….s T : Have you ever been to…? S1…….s2……s3…….s T : Where has…gone? S1…….s2……s3…….s A few minutes later, the teacher had better make a conclusion: Come to the Hilltop Language School and change your life.Here’s what two of our students said about our school.Step2: Fast reading Please read the article(read as quickly as possible)and answer the questions: 1.What does Mei Shan do? 2.How long has she had the job? 3.Why did she want the job? 4.How long did she study English? 5.What kind of job does David want? 6.Has he ever been to an English-speaking country? 7.How long has he been studying at the school? 8.What other job is he thinking of doing? Step3: Careful Reading
1.Very good.Now read the article as carefully as possible.Learn the unknown words.2.A few minutes later, show new words and learn them with the ss.3.Then ask some students to tell the answers.Step4: Discuss and recite: 1.Now close your books.Listen to the tape and try to recite the article.Then discuss with your partners what you’ve learned in the passage.2.After listening, the teacher may join some groups to discuss what they are talking about.3.After a few minutes, ask some groups to give their opinions.Step5: writing Write an article about yourself for the school magazine.1)the kind of job you want 2)How long you have been studying English? 3)Why did you start studying English? 4)What do you like best about studying English? Tell the class about yourself Find someone who Complete the survey on page 86 Homework: Write an article about yourself.Blackboard Design
Please read the article(read as quickly as possible)and answer the questions: 1.What does Mei Shan do? 2.How long has she had the job? 3.Why did she want the job? 4.How long did she study English? 5.What kind of job does David want? 6.Has he ever been to an English-speaking country? 7.How long has he been studying at the school? 8.What other job is he thinking of doing? Expressions: 1.a flight attendant 3.get the job
5.such as
7.think about
6.初二英语教案2 篇六
Lesson 67 ( The third period )
一、Teaching aims and demands.
二、Organization. be omitted.
Answer the following questions.
1. Where did the old woman live?
2. Why did she want to see the doctor?
3. Why did she take the Indian’s arm?
4. Why did she talk slowly?
5. What did the doctor say?
6. Why did everyone laugh?
四、Teaching of new lesson. (用幻灯显示)
1. Listening:Listen to the tape for Lesson 67, then read after aloud.
2. Drills and practice:
1) Read and act dialogue 1 in pairs.
2) Learn the sentences and then repeat them.
3) Complete the following sentences (1-10).
3.Language points. (用幻灯显示)
1)Why are you (still) in bed? 你为什么还在床上?
in bed,意为“睡觉”、“在床上”、“卧床”;名词bed前面不加定冠词,谓语动词一般用be,强调状态。又如:
She is in bed with a cold. 她感冒卧床(休息了)。
Don’t read in bed. It’s bad for your eyes.
2)You must get up and get ready for school.
get ready for sth. 意为“为某事做好准备”。如:
We must get ready for class. 我们必须做好上课准备。
3)If you don’t go soon, you’ll be late.
If it doesn’t rain tomorrow we’ll go skating.
4)I don’t feel very well.
I’m quite well. Thank you. 我身体很好。谢谢。
5)What’s wrong? 你怎么啦?
What’s wrong与What’s the matter的意义及用法一样,可以接介词with把问及的人或事物连起来。如:
What’s the matter with your eyes? (What’s wrong with your ears?)
6)…you mustn’t eat anything until you see the doctor.
…not …until…,意为“直到……才……”。如:
He didn’t learn to swim until he was ten. 他直到十岁才学会游泳。
I don’t know anything about it until you told me.
When she reached home she had a short rest. 当她到家时歇了一会儿。
After I finished my homework, I went to bed. 做完作业之后我才去睡觉。
He thought hard before he began to write. 他写作前构思了许多。
I am going to be a doctor when I grow up. 我长大后要当医生。
五、Design for exercises.
熟读课本里对话和句子;完成Wb L67 Exx. 1-3.
2.Additional exercises.
only ten minutes walk to the train station.
At of the is old worker.
you the pen the room.
When I , my father a .
5.并不是每个人都会包饺子。 can make dumplings.
1. 他做完了作业后休息一会儿。 .
2. 你姐姐当医生前在哪里上学? .
3. 昨天你回家时天正下着雨吗? .
4. 如果你小心点就不会伤着自己。 .
5. 电影完了他们才乘公共汽车回家。 .
1.The boy went there by bus.
The boy the bus get there.
2.Get up early and you’ll be in time.
You don’t get up early, you’ll be .
3.At that time trains didn’t run very fast.
At that time trains very .
4.He looked round but he saw nothing.
He looked round but he see .
5.People were enjoying themselves at that time.
People were a at that time.
1. Do you know who likes sing in your class?
2. When the teacher came in, the students stopped to talk.
3. I’ll get back it soon.
A. 1.It takes, to 2.the head, queue, an 3.Maybe, put, in 4.Not everyone
B. 1.When he finished his homework, he had a short rest.
2.Where did your sister study before she became a doctor?
3.Was it raining when you came home yesterday?
4.If you are more careful, you won’t hurt yourself.
5.They didn’t go home until the film was over.
C. 1.took, to 2.If , late 3.ran, slowly 4.didn’t, anything
5.having, good time
7.初二下册英语冀教版教案第一单元 篇七
Teaching Content:Mastery words and expressions: rather, shower, rise, rose, risen, set Oral words and expressions: thunder, storm, sunrise, sunset Teaching Aims: Talking about weather Teaching Important Points: 1.Describe the weather in spring;2.Talk about the temperature.Teaching Difficult Points: Describe the nature phenomenon.Teaching preparation: the pictures of spring Teaching Aids: audiotape;flashcards;pictures Type of lesson: new lesson Teaching Procedure: Step1.Free talk 1.What weather do you like? Why or why not? 2.What sports can you do in this season? Step2.Come to “THINK ABOUT IT”
Let the students work in groups and answer the following questions: 1.Look outside.What’s the weather like today? 2.How does this weather make you feel? Step3.Listen to the tape and answer the following questions: 1.What’s the weather like today?2.It is snowing, isn’t it?
3.what’s the temperature?4.is it going to rain today, isn’t it? Step4.Read the text and check the answers.Read the text in roles.Step5.Practice:Work in three students.Suppose you are a weather reporter.Now report today’s weather to the others in your group.Then report it to the class.Step6.Practice:Make up a dialogue between two or three students in class.It is about the weather in spring.Let some students act it out before the class.Step7.Homework 1.Find something that represents spring and show it to the class next time.2.Finish off the activity book.Lesson 2: It’s Getting Warmer!
Teaching Content:Mastery words and expressions: become, became, become, fact Oral words and expressions: daylight, melt, lightning, fascinating Teaching Aim: 1.Know something more about spring;2.The compound words.Teaching Important Points: 1.When does spring begin? 2.How many hours of daylight are there on March 21st? 3.What is the weather like? Teaching Difficult Points: the compound words Teaching Preparation: some pictures of spring Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, some pictures Type of lesson: new lesson Teaching Procedure: Step1.Let the students on duty reports the weather to the class.The others listen and decide it is right or wrong.Step2.Listen to the tape and answer the following questions: 1.What’s the date today?
2.How many ways can you write dates? 3.How many hours of daylight are there on March 21st? 4.What is spring weather like? 5.What is the temperature of the air near lighting? Step3.Read the text and check the answers.Step4.Listen to the tape again and imitate after it until they can read it fluently and correctly.Step5.Ask the students to ask other questions according to the text.You can begin like this: 1.When does the sun rise in the morning and when does it set in the evening? 2.Does it snow in early spring? 3.What is sometimes with thunder and lighting? Step6.Come to “LET’S DO IT”.Work in groups and discuss these questions.Then let them report it to the class.Step7.Homework 1.Finish off the activity book.2.Write a composition about spring.Summary: We are enjoying spring now.We can feel it is warmer than before.But not all of us know when the sun rises in the morning and sets in the evening.Let the students observe after class, write it down and report it to the class.It can cultivate the students’ interests of learning
English.Lesson 3: Postcards!
Teaching Content:Mastery words and expressions: road Oral words and expressions: outdoors Teaching Aim: 1.Grasp how to write a letter and the address.2.Know more about the spring in China and Canada.Teaching Important Points: 1.Find the differences between China and Canada in spring.3.Find the differences between the clothes that we wear in winter and in spring.Teaching Difficult Points: 1.What’s the weather like in Edmonton?
2.How to express one’s idea easily in a letter? Teaching Preparation: a postcard Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, postcards Type of lesson: new lesson Teaching Procedure: Step1.Free Talk:Let the students work in three and talk about the sports that we often do in spring.Then give a talk for the class.Step2.Have a match Read the text and see who read it best.Remember to encourage the students who preview the new lesson.Step3.Listen to the tape and read after it.Play the tape for several times until they can read it fluently and correctly.Step4.Ask the students to find questions and solve them.They can ask the questions like this: 1.How did Li Ming go to school on March twenty-first? 2.What’s the temperature that afternoon? 3.What time does the sun rise this morning? 4.Is it snowing in Canada? 5.When does it often snow in winter? 6.Did Danny fall in the snow? Step5.Come to “THINK ABOUT IT”
Write a postcard to your friend to introduce the weather here.Then write the address and stick a stamp on it.Mail it in the post office.Step6.Homework 1.Finish off the activity book.2.Listen to the song in Lesson 4.Summary:Written English is an important part in English learning.Practice is the key to it.Do they have the spelling mistakes or the grammar mistakes in the writing? Find out and help them come over it.Pay more attention to the writing because it’s an important part of communication.Lesson 4: Sun Is Rising Teaching Content:Mastery words and expressions: one by one, change Oral words and expressions: hillside, gently, blossom Teaching Aim: Enjoy the beauty of the spring Teaching Important Point: Grasp the changes that spring bring us Teaching Difficult Points: How to use “warm” and “gently”.Teaching Preparation: something that represents spring Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures or flowers Type of lesson: new lesson Teaching Procedure: Step1.Read the song aloud as a poem.This song has this song has common English words: come with me, through the trees, one by one, the flowers blossom.Translate these expressions into English.Step2.Play the audiotape and let the students just listen with the eye closed.Step3.Play the tape again and let the students sing with it.Step4.Explain the common English expressions.Step5.Practice the song a few times, with and without the audiotape.Step6.Come to “LET’S DO IT”.STEP7.Homework 1.Finish off the activity book.2.Write down what you can see in spring.Summary We use this lesson to cultivate the students’ sense of enjoying English songs.Pay attention to the rhyme, rhythm and repetition in the song.Learning English songs is a little difficult from Chinese songs.Find the ways in which we can learn fast.Lesson 5: Fun in the Sun Teaching Content:Mastery words and expressions: shall, kick Oral words and expressions: cycling, How/What about„? Shall we„? Teaching Aims: How to enjoy oneself in spring.Teaching Important Points: 1.the sports that we do in spring.2.some drills: How about„? Let’s„ Teaching Difficult Points: How to advice sb.to do sth.Teaching Preparation: basketball and soccer Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards and balls Type of lesson: new lesson Teaching Procedure:Step1.Listen to the tape of Lesson4 again, then let’s sing the song together.Step2.Listen to the tape and answer the following questions: 1.What’s the degree?
2.What will Danny wear tomorrow? 3.What will they do after school? 4.Why don’t Danny like basketball?
Step3.Read the text and check the answers.Then read the text again.Step4.Act the dialogue out in front of the class.Step5.Make up a similar dialogue according to the text.Let’s the students act it out in front of the class.Step6.Come to “PROJECT”.Divide the class into several groups.Write the answers down.Ask the several groups to change their answers.Step7.Homework 1.Finish off the activity book.2.Review the last lesson.Summary Spring is a beautiful season.It’s the favourite season of many people.In this season, everything begins to turn green.Spring represents the beginning.We have many things to do in it.We can fly kites and play ball games.Running in the wind is what we like to do in our childhood.Lead your students to think hard what they like to do in this season.Let them talk freely in the class.Lesson 6.Danny the babysitter
Teaching Content:Mastery words and expressions: playground, hold, hold on, come down, push Oral words and expressions: babysitter, babysit, Debbie, bar, swing, swung Teaching Aims: 1.We should love each other.2.The duty of a babysitter Teaching Important Points: 1.How to demonstrate one thing clearly.3.Cultivate the spirit of loving each other.Let’s love life and peace.Teaching Difficult Points: Some verb phrases: turn around, hold on, fall off, run to, come down, climb on, give sb.a push Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures Type of lesson: new lesson Teaching Procedure: Step1.Work in pairs.Tell your partner what you did after school yesterday.The teacher walks around to provide help if necessary.Step2.Skim the text and ask questions by the students themselves.Then solve them by themselves, too.Let some students write their questions on the blackboard.Then let others answer them.Step3.Listen to the tape and read after it until they can read it correctly and fluently.Step4.Ask some students to come to the front and act it out.Pay attention to who is clever enough to add something new.Step5.Retell the story in a third person.Step6.Come to “THINK ABOUT IT”.In a group of three, make up a “babysitting” role-play.Ask volunteers to act it out.Then it’s the other students’ turn.Step7.Homework 1.Finish off the activity book.2.suppose one day, you become a babysitter, what will you do? Summary When we practice in the class, don’t forget to give chances to the poor students.When they have a little progress, encourage them to work hard.That’s what a good teacher should do.Lesson 7: Danny’s “Debbie” Day
Teaching Content:Mastery words and expressions: herself Oral words and expressions: partly, all day Teaching Aims: 1.Learn to write a diary.2.What do we write in a diary.Teaching Important Points: When we are babysitters, what can we do? Teaching Difficult Points: the Past Tense Teaching Preparation: some toys Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, some toys Type of lesson: new lesson Teaching Procedure:Step1.Work in groups.Retell Lesson 6 in Past Tense in a third person.Step2.Read the text silently by students themselves.Then answer the questions in the activity.Check the answers in the class.Step3.Listen to the tape and read after it.Some students may think it is easy to listen with the book.Then listen to the tape again with the book closed.At the same time, the teacher asks some students to repeat some sentences to see if they can listen clearly.Step4.Let some students read the text aloud in front of the class.Let’s have a match.Who can read it fast and correctly? Step5.Practice Work in groups.Write down experience that you have ever been a babysitter.Do you think it easy to be a babysitter? Why or why not? Step6.Come to “LET’S DO IT”.Step7.Homework 1.Finish off the activity book.2.Do the exercises on Page 9.Summary Can you write down your experience clearly? We often write in a time order.Expressing your ideas in English is not easy.So give the students more chance to practice.Writing is also an important way to check the grammars.Lesson 8: Unit Review Teaching Content: Mastery words and expressions from Lesson1 to Lesson8.Oral words and expressions from Lesson1 to Lesson8.Teaching Aims: 1.Know about more knowledge in spring.There are many things that we don’t know before.2.What sports do people usually do in China and in Canada? Teaching Important Points: 1.What’s the weather like in spring? 2.The sports that we do in spring.Teaching Difficult Points: The using of some expressions: Let’s„, shall we„?turn around, come down, finally, then Teaching Preparation: pictures Teaching Aids: audiotape, flashcards, pictures Teaching Procedure: Step1.First let’s sing the song together.Step2.Talk with your partners about the differences between the sports that we do in China and in Canada.Step3.Have you ever been a babysitter? Let some students talk about their experience in front of the class.Step4.Finish the exercises on Page7.Find some difficulties and solve them in front of the class.Step5.Let some students talk about what we learn in this unit.What do they want to say about spring? Step6.Homework 1.Finish off the exercises in activity.2.Prepare for a small quiz.Summary
The aim of teaching is not what they learn.The most important is to teach them how to learn.Cultivate the ability of learning by themselves in the class.Encourage them to find and solve questions