1.商务英语会谈中的谈话轮廓 篇一
advance payment 预付货款advising bank 通知行 anticipated returns 预期收益assets liquidity 资产的流动性 associate company 联合公司,联营公司authorized bank 授权银行 balance sheets 资产负债表bar code 条形码
beyond one’s means 难以承受,超出某人的承受能力bottleneck constraints 瓶颈制约 breach a contract 违约breed risk takers 栽培富于冒险精神的人士 Bs/L(Bills of Lading)提货单CFR/Cost and Freight 离岸加运费价 CIFC/Cost, Insurance, Freight and Commission 到岸加佣金价 CIF/Cost, Insurance and Freight 到岸价(成本费加保险费加运输费)click-through rate 点击率competitive convergence 竞争趋同共存 convertible foreign currencies 可兑换的外币deferred payment 延期付款 Document Against Acceptation 承兑交单Document Against Payment 付款交单 export-oriented economy 外向型经济franchise 特许经营 Free Alongside Ship 装运港船边交货价Free On Board 离岸价 Free Over Side 目的港船边交货价fund utilization rate 资金利用率 goods re-exported 转口商品grace of payment 支付宽限 hard currency 硬通货incentive mechanism 激励机制 initial offerings 原始股insolvency 资不抵债
institutional shares 法人股intangible assets 无形资产 marginal cost 边际成本market-adjusted rates 市场调节价 negative growth 负增长payment on delivery 交货付款
place excessive demands 要价过高quota-free products 非配额产品 recapitalize 资产重组reserve the right 保留权利 technology-intensive 技术密集型transit trade 转口贸易 unitary exchange rate system 单一汇率制
The letter of guarantee should reach us two months before shipment is due, as stipulated in contract.担保函必须在合同规定的装运期前两个月到达我方。
Some development projects in China, such as the western development strategy, aim to meet the core infrastructure needs, and this is an area where we have got very particular strengths.中国的某些开发项目,如西部开发战略,是以满足核心基础建设的需要为目标的,而这一领域正式我们的强项。
This makes UK your natural partner because our record on innovation and discovery is envied across the world.这说明了英国能成为你们的自然合作伙伴,因为我们在革新与探索方面所取得的成就令世界羡慕不已。
We are a leader in the development of public-private partnerships, which involve the public and the private sector working together to provide infrastructure and services.我们在公共与私有合作方面处于世界领先水平,也就是公共部门和私有部门之间进行合作从事基础建设和提供服务。
The private financing initiatives have enabled us to develop our infrastructure more cost effectively, more quickly and to a higher quality.私有融资的启动让我们能够在基础建设方面更节约成本、速度更快、质量更高。
The UK remains the premier location in Europe for software investments and high value and development, and this is despite the global pressures on the information and communication industries.尽管在信息和通讯产业方面来自有来自全球的压力,英国仍然在软件投资和高价值研发方面保持它在欧洲的中心地位。
a great variety of models 款式多样all-time high 历史最高记录 anniversary celebration 周年庆典a ready market 畅销 attractive and durable 美观耐用biannual 一年两次的
complete range of articles 品种齐全corporate image 企业形象 crisis consciousness 危机意识customized service 人性化的服务 grid system 系统网络make debuts 首次亮相
management principles 经营方针pillar-free exhibition units 无柱展区 promotional mix 促销组合raise the profile 提升形象
rebate 回扣,折扣scope and scale of the exhibition 展览会的范围和规模 specialty retailer 专业零售商superior quality 质量上乘 technology transformation 技术改造top the list 位居首位 warranty 保修,质量担保win the bid 中标
标志性建筑 landmark building滨河快道 Binhe Expressway 参展商 enterprise exhibitor 产、研、发相结合 integration of production, research and development 场地布置 site layout;space assignment出口型的 export-oriented 打开了解世界的窗户 open a window to see the outside world 多功能厅 multi-functional hall服务设施完善 full range of service and facilities 腹地 hinterland顾客第一、信誉第一 customer first, credit first 广告传单 fly sheet广告经纪人 advertising broker 国际标准展位 international-standard booth会场布局图 layout 会议主持人 moderator货到交付 delivery on arrival 集装箱班轮航线 container shipment route结交客户 develop relations with customs近在咫尺 near at hand酒店式公寓 apartment guesthouse 开创了新时代 initiate a new era 科技成果产业化 industrialization of scientific and technological achievements 名特产品 famous brand product目标市场 target market 目录册 catalogue平季(旺季和淡季之间的峰肩期)shoulder season 全面提升展会的层次 fully upgrade the exhibition 认为价格 artificially low/high price人文古迹 locations of ancient culture legacy 商誉 credit in business特价日 red tag day, bargain day 现场注册 on-site registration星级饭店 star-rated hotel 优惠政策 preferential policy占地22万平方米 cover 220,000 square meters 招商引资 invitation for bid中小企业 small and medium enterprises 著名旅游景点 renowned scenic spot租赁物品 rental items 例句篇:
Every country possesses sites of local or national interests, which are a source of national pride.每个国家拥有自己地方的历史名胜、民族的历史名胜,它们是民族的骄傲之源。
The sites that are nominated for inclusion on the list are chosen for their unique qualities and for being the best examples of our cultural and natural heritage.那些被提名列入名单的遗迹之所以被选中,是因为它们的独特性,因为他们出色地代表了我们的文化遗产和自然遗产。
The three-day exhibition is the most exclusive opportunity to meet potential clients from around the world.三天的展览是不可兼得的机会,让你遇到来自世界各地的潜在客户。
Through EXPO, visitors will be exposed to the cultural aspect of a country.Moreover, it enables a country to promote trade development with other countries.通过世博会,参观者可以感受到一个国家的文化,而且,它还会促进国与国的贸易发展。City Conference and Exhibition Center, occupying an area of 470,000 square meters and a total construction area of 160,000 square meters, is composed of the main building and wing building.城市会展中心占地47万平方米,总建筑面积16万平方米,由主楼和附楼组成。Being 432m in length, 105m in width and 42.6m in height, the main building contains 5 floors.主楼长432米,宽105米,高42.6米,共5层。
Central air conditioner, automatic fire alarm, closed circuit TV watching system, communication network, public broadcasting and cable TV are all available in the exhibition hall.展览大厅配有中央空调、自动火警、闭路电视、通讯网络、广播和有线电视。
To provide convenience to all the exhibitors, City Conference and Exhibition Center has set up an Exhibition Service Center.It offers all kinds of services, such as advertising designing, special decorating advertisements, renting additional exhibition equipment, water, electricity, gas, engineering and transporting exhibition items.为所有参展商提供方便,城市会议展览中心设立了展会服务中心,提供各类服务,诸如广告设计、特殊装饰广告、出租多余展览设备、供水、供电、工程和交通工具。
City Conference and Exhibition Center possesses a professional staff.Following the principle of “customers first”, the whole staff of the Center will provide complete, high-quality, efficient and quick services in order to gain the success of all events held in the Center.城市会议展览中心拥有一支既有理论知识又有实践经验的会展专业队伍,全体同仁秉承“顾客第一”的原则,为在此进行的会议展览活动提供优质、高效、快捷的服务。我相信举办世博会将会为上海提供国际交流的舞台,促进上海与国际发展接轨。
I believe the holding of the Expo would give Shanghai an arena for international exchanges and help speed up the city’s move to keep up with the global trend of development.世博会将为13亿中国人民打开了解世界的窗户,也会为外国人了解中国历史、文化和成就提供机会。
The Expo will open a window for the 1.3 billion Chinese people to see the outside world as well as offer an opportunity for foreigners to learn about Chinese history, culture and achievements 世博会会址占地2260公顷,将成为重环保、服务设施完善、旅游资源丰富的都市区域。The Expo, with an area of 2,260 hectares, will produce an environmental-friendly urban district with flourishing service and tourism industries.深圳国际会展中心位于城市中心区,是深圳最大的单位建筑,它占地22万平方米,东西长540米,南北宽282米,总高60米,地上6层,地下2层,总建筑面积28万平方米。Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Center is located in downtown area of the city.It is the largest single building in Shenzhen, covering about 220,000 square meters, extending 540 meters from east to west, 282 meters from south to north.The building stands up to 60 meters, including 6 floors above the ground level and 2 floors beneath it.The total construction area tops 280,000 square meters.本次交易会是规模最大、客商最多、展位最广、成交额最高的区域性国际经贸盛会。The Fair is the largest regional international trade fair with the most traders, the greatest variety of exhibits and the most onsite deals.本届交易会展览面积达10.35万平方米,设标准展位5346个,分4个专业展区,参展企业3500余家。
The Fair boasted an exhibition area of 103,500sqm.There were four specialized exhibition areas with 5,346 standard booths and over 3,500 enterprises.我们希望本次展览能够帮助英国人民以及世界其他地区的人民了解中国的今昔。
We hope that the exhibition will help the British people and people from other parts of the world learn about the past and the present of China.我们希望这次活动能够促进中英两国的交流,加强对两国文化的理解,缩短东西方的差距。We expect this program to promote the exchanges between China and the UK, to enhance the mutual understanding between the two cultures, and to narrow the distance between the East and the West.