


1.大学英语四六级新题型 篇一


人民网武汉6月18日电 记者田豆豆报道:记者今日从湖北省教育考试院获悉,凡自愿参加大学英语四六级考试新题型试点的考生,自2006年1月考试起,试用四级新题型,6月考试时试用六级新题型;其他考生的考试题型不变。


试卷构成 测试内容 测试题型 分值比例

第一部分:听力理解 听力对话 短对话 多项选择 35%

长对话 多项选择

听力短文 短文理解 多项选择

短文听写 复合式听写

第二部分:阅读理解 仔细阅读理解 篇章阅读理解 多项选择 35%

篇章词汇理解 选词填空

快速阅读理解 是非判断+句子填空或其他

第三部分:综合测试 完型填空或改错 多项选择 15%


篇章问答或句子翻译 间断回答


第四部分:写作 写作 短文写作 15%

2.大学英语四六级新题型 篇二

1 英汉语言差异概述

英语属于印欧语系, 是拼音文字, 汉语属于汉藏语系, 是表意文字。英语有屈折变化, 汉语没有屈折变化, 英语词义比较灵活多变, 汉语词义相对稳定严谨。英语是重形合的语言, 主要靠语言本身的语法手段联系。汉语是重意合的语言, 主要靠句子内部逻辑联系。换言之, 汉语句子的根据在语义, 英语句子的根据在语法。汉语造句以名词为重心, 以词组、散句和分句为手段, 习惯按照时间、逻辑顺序进行横排式表述, 其内部逻辑关系“含而不露”, 甚至断句不严, 外形松散, 因此汉语常被称为时间型的动态结构, 主要体现为形式自由、富于弹性。汉语句子的内部成分常常一一罗列, 呈现并排式结构, 外形上没主从之分, 层面之间没有明显的逻辑标记。有人形象地把这种句子称为“板块”式结构。英语则以“主——谓”的主干结构为中心来统领各语言成分, 句界分明, 外形严谨, 主干结构突出, 只有一个谓语动词, 是句子的中心, 借助如, 分词、介词、连词、关系代词、关系副词等的连接手段, 把句子的其他各个语法成分层层搭建, 英语句子的“主谓结构”为句子主干, 其它成分则通过各种连带附加关系附着在这条主干上, 犹如树枝与树干的关系。人们把英语句子的这种结构称作“多枝共干”型。 (郝丽萍、李红丽、白树勤, 2006)

2 英汉语言差异特点及翻译真题解析

2.1 汉语多短句, 英语多长句

汉语是以意合为特征的语言, 英语是以形合为特征的语言。这就意味着汉语中会有大量的短句并用, 这些短句靠意思连接在一起, 中间可以没有任何连接词;英语句子则有严格的语法结构, 有脉络衔接。在汉译英时, 考生要利用英语的从句、非谓语动词结构、短语等形式将汉语中的短句合并译为英语中的长句。例如:“‘结’在中文里意味着爱情、婚姻和团聚, 中国结常常作为礼物交换或用作饰品祈求好运和辟邪。” (2013年12月大学英语四级真题。) 这句话由两个分句组成, 暗含因果关系, 前句为“因”, 后句为“果”。但这种因果关系没有依托连词 (如“因为”) 来体现。如果翻译成英文, 考生可以用表示因果关系的连词来连接两个句子, 如since、as、because等。例如:“Since the‘knot’symbolizes love, marriage and reunion in the Chinese language, Chinese knots are exchanged as gifts or used as decorations to bring good luck and drive away evil spirits.”英译文使用了“since”这个连词, 将句子内部逻辑关系明确地表现出来。再例如:“中文热词通常反映社会变化和文化, 有些在外国媒体上愈来愈流行。” (2014年6月大学英语六级真题。) 这两个汉语短句都是在谈“中文热词”, 译成英语时可利用非限制性定语从句结构合并成一个复合句, 比简单译成两个英文短句, 显然更地道更符合英语表达习惯。因此, 译为:“The Chinese hot words usually reflect the social changes and culture, some of which are increasingly popular with foreign media.”

2.2 汉语多用动词, 英语多用名词

汉语重动态描写, 动词使用比较频繁, 而且汉语里的动词不像英语里的动词那样有时态变化和非谓语动词的约束, 动词甚至可以充当句子的任何成分, 使用起来相当灵活、便利。英语里的动词使用受到形态变化规则的严格限制。一个句子往往只有一个谓语动词, 大量原本应该由动词表达的概念, 常需借助于名词, 而且英语里也有大量表示动作概念的名词。例如:“为了促进教育公平, 中国已经投入360亿元, 用于改善农村地区教育设施和加强中西部地区农村义务教育。” (2014年6月大学英语四级真题。) 句中含有“促进、投入、改善、加强”等动词, 然而译成英语时, 只需选取“投入”一个动词充当谓语动词, “促进”作非谓语动词不定式处理, 表目的, “改善”和“加强”则直接转换为英语里的名词“improvement”和“enhancement”。全句可译为:“In order to promote the equality of education, China has invested 36 billion yuan for the improvement of the educational facilities in rural areas and the enhancement of the rural compulsory education in the midwest.”

2.3 汉语多主动, 英语多被动

汉语里, 主动和被动的句法非常模糊, 虽然也有通过“被”或“把”等词体现的, 类似英语那样被动语态, 但其使用范围远远小于英语中的被动句型的使用范围。因为汉语中有很多句子在形式上是主动句, 但在意义上却是被动的, 所以翻译成英语时必须用被动句型才能表达其意义。例如:“这些资金用于改善教学设施、购买书籍, 使16万多所中小学受益。” (2014年6月大学英语四级真题。) 资金从逻辑关系看, 施动的对象, 是被人们使用, 暗含被动关系, 因此译成英语时应该用被动语态。参考译文如下:“The funds were used to improve educational facilities and to purchase books, benefiting more than 160, 000 primary and middle schools.”。再例如:“换句话说, 核能是可以安全开发和利用的” (2014年6月大学英语四级真题。) 原句中虽然不是有“被”字明显标记的被动式句, 但还是很容易看出是一个典型具有被动意义的句子, 甚至我们在原句中加个“被”字, 句子都是合理的, 如“换句话说, 核能是可以安全被开发和利用的。”因此译成英语时必须用被动语态。如:“That is to say, nuclear power could be developed and utilized without accidents.”

2.4 汉语多重复, 英语多省略

重复是汉语常用的一种语篇衔接手段, 汉语为了追求音节的平衡和句法的完整性, 往往需要重复, 而英语以简洁为宗旨, 尽量避免词语的重复。也就是说, 汉语以重复见长, 英语则以省略见长。所以汉语中如果在一句话里或相连的几句话里重复出现某个词语, 汉译英时要千方百计避免重复。例如:“烹饪不仅被视为一种技能, 而且也被视为一种艺术。” (2013年12月大学英语四级真题。) 汉语中出现两次“被视为”, 翻译成英语时, 第二个“被视为”可以省略, 译为:“Cooking is considered as not only a skill but also an art.”。如果按汉语重复结构译成:“Cooking not only is considered as a skill, but also is considered as an art.”就显得很累赘, 不合乎英语表达规范。再例如:“系列报告包括三部分:科学发展报告, 高技术发展报告, 中国可持续战略报告。” (2014年6月大学英语六级真题。) 虽然句中一共重复出现了4次报告, 但从汉语表达习惯看, 仍觉自然、通顺, 并无不妥, 但是译成英语就要避免重复了, 译成:“The report consists of three parts:science development, high-tec development and China’s sustainable development strategy.”

3 结束语

英汉语言对比知识的学习是做好翻译的基础, 考生应该多下功夫了解英汉语言的结构差异、文化思维差异、各种词类及语态的使用特点等, 只有这样才有助于考生在面对四六级考试的翻译新题型, 能够准确把握两种语言转换的语言特点, 翻译出表达地道的译文, 不仅能顺利通过考试, 更能提高自身英语能力的“真功夫”。

摘要:大学英语四六级考试最新改革中翻译题型做了非常大的调整, 由原单句汉译英改为段落汉译英, 旨在考察考生的英语应用能力, 被考生视为最难的题目类型。该文拟从英汉语言差异的角度, 以改革后的两次考试的真题为例, 探讨在语言差异方面汉译英的翻译技巧, 帮助考生提高段落翻译能力, 从而顺利通过考试, 也能提升英语综合应用能力。



[1]郝丽萍, 李红丽, 白树勤.实用英汉翻译理论与实践[M].北京:机械工业出版社, 2006:39-41.

[2]李明.汉英互动翻译教程[M].武汉:武汉大学出版社, 2009:1-6.

[3]刘宓庆.新编汉英对比与翻译[M].北京:中国对外翻译出版公司, 2006.

3.高考英语新题型 篇三









TCL,即Theme、Clue、Logic的缩写,是笔者通过对历年真题的研究和教学实践,总结出的一套高效的七选五解题法。“Theme”即“主题”,指的是要抓住文章的主旨,包括文章的大标题(title)和每个段落的小标题(subheadings),它们是体现整篇文章中心意思的关键,所有的选项都应该与文章主题联系紧密,而每个自然段设的空也一定是指向本段小标题,所以做题的第一步一定是浏览大小标题,排除无关选项。“Clue”即“线索”,指的是体现句与句之间衔接的信号,包括代词(it, them, their, this)和词汇复现(Word Repetition),词汇复现又包括相同词汇和同义词汇,这些都是句子衔接的基本方式,通过寻找空前后的句子与选项句子之间存在的这些联系线索,便能准确定位最佳选项。“Logic”即“逻辑”,指的是句子之间的逻辑关系,这些逻辑关系包括转折、递进、并列、因果等,主要体现在连词(so, because, but, although, etc.)、副词(however, also, instead, therefore, etc. )和表逻辑链接的短语(as a result, for example, in addition, in a word, etc.)中。“Logic”和“Clue”必须结合起来才能快速准确地排除干扰项,选出正确的选项,而学生往往会忽略逻辑,只根据相同词汇就草率地做出选择,掉进陷阱。Theme、Clue和Logic三个原则是相辅相成,缺一不可的,在做题的时候一定要结合起来反复斟酌才能做到准确无误。







4.大学英语四六级新题型 篇四


【翻译词汇】从某种意义上说 in a sense汉字 Chinese character演化 evolve

书写形式 script form篆书 Seal script隶书 Clerical script

楷书 Regular script行书 Running script书法家 calligrapher

致使 render取得 yield旅游胜地 tourist resort

石刻碑文 stone inscription适时 in due time欣赏 appreciate


In a sense, Chinese is a very old language, and its earliest characters date back nearly four thousand years ago.During their long history of development, Chinese characters have evolved into many different script forms, such as the Seal script, Clerical script, Regular script and Running script.Chinese calligraphers usually render their Chinese characters in ways that exaggerate the form to yield artistic beauty, such as those in stone inscriptions seen in tourist resorts.Chinese calligraphy is a subject of artistic study.As your interest in Chinese character system increases in the days to come, we will introduce in due time the different schools of Chinese calligraphy, and how to appreciate the artistic beauty of Chinese calligraphy.④中国的官方语言普通话在美国的学校中突然热起来。由于中国经济在21世纪的快速发展,美国的公立和私立学校纷纷在外语课程中加入汉语这一科目,或将已有的汉语教学项目进行扩展。据统计,在美国的学校中,有5万名孩子在学习汉语。但推动汉语项目的发展不是没有遇到困难。由于缺乏受过专业训练、持有证书的教师,一些学校很难加入汉语教学的竞争。当学校聘用教师时,它们通常直接从中国招聘,这种方式为文化冲突埋下了隐患。


官方语言 official language普通话 Mandarin快速的 rapid

课程 curriculum(pl.curricula)已有的 in place缺乏 shortage

受过专业训练 professionally trained证书 certificate

招聘 recruit文化冲突 culture clash

【精彩译文】Mandarin, the official language of China, is suddenly hot in American schools.With the rapid development of China’s economy in the 21th century, both public and private schools in America are scrambling to add Mandarin to their curricula of foreign languages or expanding Chinese language programs already in place.By some estimates, as many as 50 000 children nationwide are taking Mandarin in American schools.To develop Chinese-language programs has met some difficulties.A shortage of professionally trained teachers with certificates has made it difficult for some schools to join the competition.When schools need to employ teachers, they often recruit them from China directly, which is a hidden trouble for culture clash.⑤如今,中国正步入老龄化社会,因此独生子女一代面临着巨大的工作和生活压力。中国政府开始适当调整计划生育政策,允许一些家庭在特殊情况下生育二胎。但调查显示,很多夫妻迫于不断加重的经济压力,放弃生育二胎。因此,要从根本上解决老龄化的问题不能依靠出生率的上升,最有效的办法是建立有效的社会保障制度。

【翻译词汇】 步入 step into

老龄化社会 aging society

独生子女一代 the only-child generation

巨大的 enormous调整 adjust

计划生育政策 the family planning policy

在特殊情况下 under certain circumstances由于,迫于 due to放弃 abandon

依靠 rely on出生率 birth rate有效的 effective

社会保障制度 social security system


Nowadays, China is stepping into the aging society.Therefore, the only-child generation is facing enormous pressure both from work and life.The Chinese government has begun to adjust the family planning policy and allows some families to have a second child

under certain circumstances.However, the survey shows that some couples abandon to have a second child due to the increasing financial burden.Thus, in order to solve the aging problem, the basic thing is not relying on the increase of birth rate.The best solution is to establish an effective social security system.⑥中国通过了第一部物权法,下令对北京的几百座四合院进行保护。然而,批评家们指出,所谓“保存”常常只是拆掉老房子,然后依照传统样式盖一座新的来代替。马岩松曾经说过:“现在的做法就是在假造古董,这不好。胡同吸引了很多旅游者,但这里贫困的老住户要么就像主题公园里的演员,要么就被踢出去,以便富人们可以购买这些房子。老北京的精神正在消亡。”

【翻译词汇】物权法 property law四合院 courtyard拆掉 knock down

代替 replace假古董 fake antique胡同 hutong

主题公园 theme park踢出去 kick out消亡 die away

【精彩译文】China has passed the first property law, ordering to protect Beijing’s hundreds of courtyards.But critics say, so-called “conservation” just means knocking down an old building and replacing it with a structure in a traditional style.For this, Ma Yansong’s opinion is “The way is just to build fake antiques, it is not nice.These hutongs attract many tourists.The poor, old residents are either like actors in a theme park or they are kicked out so that the rich can buy these houses.The spirits of old Beijing are now dying away.”


【翻译词汇】中国梦 the Chinese dream改革开放 reform and opening-up激励 inspire

包容性 inclusiveness双赢合作 win-win cooperation扩大 expand

民族复兴 national rejuvenation强大(的)powerful繁荣的 prosperous

需要 entail稳定健康的 steady and healthy应对 respond to

外部发展 external development风险 risk挑战 challenge

【精彩译文】The Chinese dream has been enriched by thousands of years of Chinese culture and inspired among other things by the past three decades of reform and opening-up.The most noticeable features of the Chinese dream include inclusiveness and win-win cooperation.These are the very features that will enable the Chinese dream to expand its global reach and be recognized by people of other nations.The Chinese dream is the dream of national rejuvenation.It is the dream of building a powerful and prosperous state, a dream of bringing happiness in the lives of the Chinese people.It entails sustaining steady and healthy economic growth, scientifically managing the Chinese society, and effectively responding to the risks and challenges of external development.⑧长久以来,人们一直对市区公园是否应该收门票的话题争论不休。一些人认为市区公园是用纳税人的钱建立起来的,是供人们休闲、娱乐的公共场所,因此应该是免费的。另一方面,还有一些人称,考虑到中国人口众多,公民责任意识淡薄的情况,一旦免费开放市区公园,这些公园会管理不善,将不可避免地受到损坏。综合考虑两种观点,我较认同后者。可以确定的是市区公园免费开放要与经济发展情况相适应,因为这需要财政的支持。因此,以中国现有的经济水平,免费开放市区公园的目标要逐步实现。

【翻译词汇】 市区公园 urban park门票 entrance fee纳税人 taxpayer

休闲 leisure娱乐 entertainment公共场所 public establishment

考虑到 considering公民责任意识淡薄 lack of a sense of civic duty

较认同 be inclined to与…相适应 proceed with财政的 financial逐步 step by step


The question whether urban parks should charge an entrance fee or not has been a source of controversy for a long time.On the

one hand, some people claim that urban parks, supposed to be places where people have leisure and entertainment, are public establishments that have been created with taxpayers’ money and thus should be free.On the other hand, some others maintain that, considering China’s large population and lack of a sense of civic duty, once the parks are free of charge, they will not be properly managed and will inevitably be damaged.When considering opinions of both sides, I am inclined to the latter view.It’s certain that free entry to urban parks should proceed with economic development, as it needs financial support.Hence, the current economic level in China reflects that free entry to parks can only be realized step by step.⑨邓小平同志曾说:“社会主义财富属于人民,社会主义的致富是全民共同致富。”构建和谐社会,就是要把民生问题作为重中之重,让广大人民群众有活干,有学上,有饭吃,有衣穿,有屋住,病有医,老有养,生活幸福,都过上好日子。自此,在就业、教育、收入分配、医疗、养老、住房等领域,一大批关注民生的实事工程接连开工,一件件事关百姓冷暖的民生大事让各族群众喜笑颜开。

【翻译词汇】邓小平同志 comrade Deng Xiaoping社会主义的致富 socialist prosperity

全民共同致富 universal common prosperity构建和谐社会 build a harmonious society

民生问题 livelihood就业 employment收入分配 income distribution

医疗 health care养老 pension关注 focus on实事工程 practical project

让…喜笑颜开 light...up with pleasure各族群众 people of all nationalities

【精彩译文】 Comrade Deng Xiaoping once said, “Socialist wealth belongs to the people, the socialist prosperity is the universal common prosperity.” Building a harmonious society is to regard people’s livelihood as the priority among priorities, to help the masses live a happy life of having jobs, going to school, having food to eat, having clothes to wear, having houses to live in, and can be cured when in disease, and can be cared when they are old.From then on, in the fields of employment, education, income distribution, health care, pension, and housing, etc., a large number of practical projects focusing on livelihood have been started one by one;every activity about people’s livelihood has lighted people of all nationalities up with pleasure.⑩最近,一些地方大学开始将方言列为某些学生的必修课程,学生们要学习当地方言,然后被评分以作为毕业的依据之一。一方面,支持此种做法的人认为,将方言列为必修课可防止其消失,从而使当地传统文化和文化多样性得以弘扬,同时城市独特的个性得以保留。另一方面,反对此种做法的人争论说,当地学生与外地学生相比有很多绝对优势,因此将方言列为必修课会引起教育不公平的问题。而且,将方言列为必修课程还会引起一些其他问题,如教材使用、师资问题和考试标准等。在我看来,方言作为传统文化不可缺少的一部分和一种交流工具,可以让学生自愿学习和使用,而不是强制完成。

【翻译词汇】方言 dialect必修课程compulsory course依据 judging factor

支持 approve消失 extinguish文化多样性 cultural diversity

弘扬 enhance个性 identity争论说 contend绝对的 absolute

引起 give rise to/bring forth考试标准 examination standard

不可缺少的 indispensable自愿地 voluntarily学习acquire

【精彩译文】Recently, it has been practiced by some local universities that dialect is made a compulsory course for some students, under which students are subject to learning the local dialect and then graded as one of the judging factors for them to graduate.On the one hand, people approving the practice maintain that it will help to prevent the dialect from extinguishing so that the local traditional culture and the cultural diversity can be enhanced, and the unique urban identity can be preserved simultaneously.On the other hand, people in opposition to the practice contend that it will give rise to the appearance of educational inequality, for the local students will enjoy absolute advantages over those from other places.Moreover, the inclusion of dialect in compulsory courses will bring forth other problems like teaching material, teachers and examination standards.As far as I am concerned, dialects, as an indispensable part of local traditional culture as well as a tool for communication, can be acquired and used voluntarily, not compulsorily.11.随着中国经济迅速发展到新的高度,中国目前已经进入了大规模消费时代,中国民众的购买力随着中国市场经济的发展而迅速增长。因此,那些追求物质生活的人们只要有购买力,就不可避免地会购买奢侈品。一项报告显示,中国的奢侈品消费总额占全球市场份额的四分之一,且位居世界第二,仅次于日本。然而,从消费观念方面来讲,很多中国的消费者还处在“炫耀性消费”的阶段,这是一种不健康的状态。奢侈品不应该是炫耀的手段,或者是与权力、财富和社会关系相关的标志。

【翻译词汇】大规模消费时代 an era of mass consumption追求物质生活 pursue material life购买力 purchasing power因此 therefore奢侈品 luxury

占 account for市场份额 market share从…来讲 in regard to炫耀性消费 conspicuous consumption炫耀 show off与…相关 be associated with社会关系 social tie


As China has achieved new heights in its economy and recently entered an era of mass consumption, the purchasing power of Chinese people is rising along with the development of market economy.Therefore, it is inevitable that people who pursue material life buy luxuries as long as they can afford.According to a report, the total consumption of luxuries in China accounted for a quarter of the global market share and ranked second in the world after Japan.However, in regard to consumption concept, a large number of Chinese consumers are still in the stage of “conspicuous consumption”, which is unhealthy.Luxuries should not be the tools of showing off or signs associated with power, wealth and social ties.12.长江是中国最长的河流,也是世界第三长河,仅次于非洲的尼罗河和拉丁美洲的亚马逊河。长江总长度约为6 300米,发源于青海省,向东流入东海。长江流域是中国重要的农作物产区,粮、棉产量分别占全国总量的40%和30%。长江三峡大坝是世界上最大的水利枢纽工程之一,为通航、发电和运输带来了很大的便利。

【翻译词汇】长江 the Yangtze River/Chang Jiang尼罗河 the Nile亚马逊河 the Amazon

向东 eastward东海 East China Sea长江流域 the Yangtze River valley

农作物产区 agricultural base产量 output分别 respectively

长江三峡大坝 the Three Gorge Dam水利枢纽工程 water control project

为…带来便利 benefit通航 navigation发电 generate electricity


The Yangtze River or Chang Jiang is the longest river in China and the third longest in the world, after the Nile in Africa and the Amazon in South America.The river is about 6 300 km long and flows from its source in Qinghai Province, eastward into the East China Sea.The Yangtze River valley has always been an important agricultural base in China.Grain and cotton outputs make up 40 percent and 30 percent of China’s total respectively.As one of the largest water control project in the world, the Three Gorge Dam benefits for navigation, generating electricity and transportation.13.泰山称东岳,以“五岳独尊”的盛名享誉古今。按照“五行学说”,东方属木,主生发,有生命之源、万物之本的含义。这就是古代帝王通常在自己登基或晚年时到泰山封禅祭拜的原因。泰山拔地通天,气势磅礴,汉语又有“稳如泰山”、“重于泰山”之说。1987年,联合国教科文组织将泰山列为世界自然与文化遗产。

【翻译词汇】泰山 Mount Tai东岳 East Yue

五岳独尊 the most important mountain of the Five Holy Mountains

享誉 have a great reputation五行学说 the theory of five elements生发 liveliness

生命之源、万物之本 a place where nature regulated and adjusted its procedures

登基 be crowned封禅祭拜 make pilgrimages to稳如泰山 as firm as Mount Tai

重于泰山 as weighty as Mount Tai宣布 proclaim


Mount Tai, called “East Yue”, has a great reputation for the most important mountain of the Five Holy Mountains.According to the theory of five elements, the East belongs to mu, which means liveliness.Therefore, the East is a place where nature regulated and adjusted its procedures.This explains why important emperors made pilgrimages mostly to Mount Tai when they were crowned or in their later years.It is a symbol of loftiness and might, hence, there are the Chinese idioms: “as firm as Mount Tai” and “as weighty as

Mount Tai”.Mount Tai was proclaimed world natural and cultural heritage by UNESCO in 1987.14.赵州桥坐落在洨河上,距离赵县南部约2.5公里。这座桥是在公元605年至公元616年建造的。赵州桥是由中国著名的匠师李春设计的,是用石头建造的,长50.82米,宽10米,还有一个不可思议的弧形桥洞,高7.23米,跨度为37.35米。桥上的石头栏杆和柱子上雕刻着美丽的龙凤图案。这座桥是一座空腹式的圆弧形石拱桥,两边有两个小拱,这是中国最早的拱桥之一,在中国桥梁建筑史上占有重要的地位,让游客和工程师们都很感兴趣。

【翻译词汇】赵州桥 Zhaozhou Bridge洨河 Jiao River建造 construct匠师 mason 不可思议的 unusual弧形桥洞 arch跨度 span栏杆 railing

柱子 column龙凤 dragon and phoenix空腹式的 open-spandrel占有 occupy


Zhaozhou Bridge was built on the Jiao River about 2.5 kilometers away from the south of Zhaoxian county.The bridge was constructed in AD 605-616.Designed by a well-known Chinese mason, Li Chun, it’s made of stone, 50.82 meters long and 10 meters wide, with an unusual arch that is 7.23 meters high with a span of 37.35 meters.The stone railing and columns on the bridge were carved with beautiful dragon and phoenix designs.One of the earliest Chinese arch bridges with a long open-spandrel arch in the middle and two small arches on each side, this bridge occupies an important place in the history of Chinese bridge building and has been of interest to tourists and engineers alike.【汉译英】波士顿咨询公司最近做的一项研究显示,到2020年中国将会有2.2亿家庭收入在2万到100万美元的富裕消费者。这些消费者中75%住在 “较小城市”。随着网络的发展,较小城市的消费者的一种必然趋势是他们更加依赖社交网络服务上的信息。很多网络顾客都是通过微信、微博和QQ空间分组的。据估计今年中国将会有2.5亿消费者进行网购,位于四线城市的消费者平均每人会花费他们50%或者更高的工资在网购上,这一数据要比一线城市的消费者的花费高。

5.大学英语四六级新题型 篇五

Part II Listening Comprehension(30 minutes)

Section A

Directions: In this section, you will hear two long conversations.At the end of each conversation, you will hear some questions.Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once.After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C)and D).Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1with a single line through the centre.Conversation One

Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard.1.A)He invented the refrigerator.C)He was admitted to a university.B)He patented his first invention.D)He got a degree in Mathematics.2.A)He started to work on refrigeration.B)He became a professor of Mathematics.C)He fell in love with Natasha Willoughby.D)He distinguished himself in low temperature physics.3.A)Discovering the true nature of subatomic particles.B)Their explanation of the laws of cause and effect.C)Their work on very high frequency radio waves.D)Laying the foundations of modern mathematics.4.A)To have a three-week holiday.C)To patent his inventions.B)To spend his remaining years.D)To teach at a university.Section A

Directions: In this section, you will hear two long conversations.At the end of each conversation, you will hear some questions.Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once.After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C)and D).Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1with a single line through the centre.Conversation One

W: Hello.M: Hello, is that the reference library? W: Yes.Can I help you? M: I hope so.I rang earlier and asked for some information about Denys Hawtin, the scientist.You asked me to ring back.W: Oh, yes.I have found something.M: Good.I’ve got a pencil and paper.Perhaps you could read out what it says.W: Certainly.Hawtin, Denys.Born: Darlington 1836;died New York 1920.M: Yes.Got that.W: Inventor and physicist.The son of a farm worker, he was admitted to the University of London at the age of fifteen.M: Yes.W: He graduated at seventeen with a first class degree in Physics and Mathematics.All right?

M: Yes, all right.W: He made his first notable achievement at the age of eighteen.It was a method of refrigeration which arose from his work in low temperature physics.He became professor of Mathematics at the University of Manchester at twenty-four, where he remained for twelve years.During that time he married one of his students, Natasha Willoughby.M: Yes.Go on.W: Later, working together in London, they laid the foundation of modern Physics by showing that normal laws of cause and effect do not apply at the level of subatomic particles.For this he and his wife received the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1910, and did so again in 1912 for their work on very high frequency radio waves.In his lifetime Hawtin patented 244 inventions.Do you want any more? M: Yes.When did he go to America? W: Let me see.In 1920 he went to teach in New York, and died there suddenly after only three weeks.Still, he was a good age.M: Yes.I suppose so.Well, thanks.Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard.1.What do we learn about Denys Hawtin when he was 15? 2.What did Denys Hawtin do at the age of 24? 3.For what were Denys Hawtin and his wife awarded the Nobel Prize a second time? 4.Why did Denys Hawtin go to New York? Conversation Two

Questions 5 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard.5.A)The injury of some students.B)A school bus crash on the way.C)The collapse of a school building.D)A fire that broke out on a school campus.6.A)Teaching.C)Having lunch.B)On vacation.D)Holding a meeting.7.A)A malfunctioning stove.C)Violation of traffic rules.B)Cigarettes butts left by workers.D)Negligence in school maintenance.8.A)Sent a story to the local newspaper.B)Threw a small Thanksgiving party.C)Baked some cookies as a present.D)Wrote a personal letter of thanks.Conversation Two

W: This is Lisa Meyer in the WBZ newsroom, talking with Mike Bassichis, who is the director of the Gifford School, about the cleanup from last week’s fire and what the possible cause of that blaze may have been.M: We’re getting ready for our entire staff to return early from vacation tomorrow whereupon we are going to move into temporary classrooms.And the other buildings that did not burn are being de-smoked.As to the cause of the fire, all we know is that we were having trouble with the pilot lights since we bought the stove in July and it had been serviced three times.Well, as a matter of fact, we think it was a malfunctioning stove that may have caused the fire.Nothing definite yet has been determined.W: Have you heard from other schools or other institutional users of this stove that have had the same problem? M: No.I wouldn’t know anything more about the stove itself.All I know is that this fire went up so quickly that there’s been a suspicion about why it went up so quickly.And it may be that there was a gas blast.But, again, this has not been determined officially by anybody.W: I got you.When do kids come back to school? M: Next Monday, and we will be ready for them.Monday January 4.We’re just extremely thrilled that no one was hurt and that’s because of the fire fighters that were here, nine of them.They’re wonderful.W: And I’m sure you send your thanks out to them, uh?

M: Well, we’re sending out thanks to them in a letter or in any other way we can.I heard a story today where one of our kids actually baked some cookies and is taking it to the fire department, to give it to them.Questions 5 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard.5.What were the speakers talking about?

6.What were the school staff doing at the time of the accident? 7.What was supposed to be the cause of the accident? 8.What did one of the kids do to show gratitude? Section B

Directions: In this section, you will hear two passages.At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions.Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once.After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C)and D).Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.Passage One

Questions 9 to 11 are based on the passage you have just heard.9.A)It is a trait of a generous character.C)It is an indicator of high intelligence.B)It is a reflection of self-esteem.D)It is a sign of happiness and confidence.10.A)It was self-defeating.C)It was the essence of comedy.B)It was aggressive.D)It was something admirable.11.A)It is a double-edged sword.C)It is a unique gift of human beings.B)It is a feature of a given culture.D)It is a result of both nature and nurture.Section B

Directions: In this section, you will hear two passages.At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions.Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once.After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C)and D).Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1with a single line through the centre.Passage One

In today’s personality stakes, nothing is more highly valued than a sense of humor.We seek it out in others and are proud to claim it in ourselves, perhaps even more than good looks or intelligence.If someone has a great sense of humor, we reason, it means that they are happy, socially confident and have a healthy perspective on life.This attitude would have surprised the ancient Greeks, who believed humor to be essentially aggressive.And in fact, our admiration for the comically gifted is relatively new, and not very well-founded, says Rod Martin, a psychologist at the University of Western Ontario.Being funny isn’t necessarily an indicator of good social skills and well-being, his research has shown.It may just as likely be a sign of personality flaws.He has found that humor is a double-edged sword.It can forge better relationships and help you cope with life, or it can be corrosive, eating away at self-esteem and irritating others.“It’s a form of communication, like speech, and we all use it differently,” says Martin.We use bonding humor to enhance our social connections, but we also may employ it as a way of excluding or rejecting an outsider.Though humor is essentially social, how you use it says a lot about your sense of self.Those who use self-defeating humor, making fun of themselves for the enjoyment of others, tend to maintain that hostility toward themselves even when alone.Similarly, those who are able to view the world with amused tolerance are often equally forgiving of their own shortcomings.Questions 9 to 11 are based on the passage you have just heard.9.How do people today view humor according to the speaker? 10.What did the ancient Greeks think of humor? 11.What has psychologist Rod Martin found about humor? Passage Two

Questions 12 to 15 are based on the passage you have just heard.12.A)She is a tourist guide.C)She is a domestic servant.B)She is an interpreter.D)She is from the royal family.13.A)It is situated at the foot of a beautiful mountain.B)It was used by the family to hold dinner parties.C)It was frequently visited by heads of state.D)It is furnished like one in a royal palace.14.A)It is elaborately decorated.C)It is very big, with only six slim legs.B)It has survived some 2,000 years.D)It is shaped like an ancient Spanish boat.15.A)They are interesting to look at.B)They have lost some of their legs.C)They do not match the oval table at all.D)They are uncomfortable to sit in for long.Passage Two(female voice)

And now, if you’ll walk this way, ladies and gentlemen, the next room we’re going to see is the room in which the family used to hold their formal dinner parties and even occasionally entertain heads of state and royalty.However, they managed to keep this room friendly and intimate and I think you’ll agree it has a very informal atmosphere, quite unlike some grand houses you visit.The curtains were never drawn, even at night, so guests got a view of the lake and fountains outside, which were lit up at night.A very attractive sight.As you can see, ladies and gentlemen, the guests were seated very informally around this oval table, which would add to the relaxed atmosphere.The table dates from the eighteenth century and is made of Spanish oak.It’s rather remarkable for the fact that although it is extremely big, it’s supported by just six rather slim legs.However, it seems to have survived like that for two hundred years, so it’s probably going to last a bit longer.The chairs which go with the table are not a complete set—there were originally six of them.They are interesting for the fact that they are very plain and undecorated for the time, with only one plain central panel at the back and no arm-rests.I myself find them rather uncomfortable to sit in for very long, but people were used to more discomfort in the past.And now, ladies and gentlemen, if you’d like to follow me into the Great Hall … Questions 12 to 15 are based on the passage you have just heard.12.What do we learn about the speaker? 13.What does the speaker say about the room they are visiting? 14.What is said about the oval table in the room? 15.What does the speaker say about the chairs? Section C

Directions: In this section, you will hear recordings of lectures or talks followed by some questions.The recordings will be played only once.After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C)and D).Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.参考答案

Part II

Listening Comprehension Section A 1.C 2.B 3.C 4.D 5.D 6.B 7.A 8.C Section B 9.D 10.B 11.A 12.A 13.B 14.C 15.D Section C 16.B 17.D 18.A 19.C 20.A 21.B 22.C 23.D 24.A 25.B 1.段首段尾句:任何一个篇章第一句话往往是重点


3.总结性质的词汇:in brief, in particular, in short, all in all, generally speaking, conclude, conclusion, in a word, so , you see, in fact, we can say, ok, anyway 4.重复性质的信息:指实词重复

5.首段转折:在第一段中出现but,however, yet, instead, today 后往往是正确答案


Although, though, even though, despite, in spite of, however, but, yet, well, not…but…, instead, on the other hand, unexpected, unexpectedly, unfortunately, fortunately 7.因果关系:重因轻果

6.六级翻译新题型 篇六

China is the largest developing country in the world and its population accounts for about 22 percent of the world’s total.For a long period of its history, China has been plagued by poverty for various reasons.In the mid-1980s, the economy of an overwhelming majority of the rural areas in China grew dramatically by virtue of their own advantages, but a small number of areas still lagged behind because of the constraints of their economic, social, historical, and natural conditions.The Chinese government, while working on all-round economic and social development, has nationwide implemented a large-scale program for development-oriented poverty relief in a planned and organized way.With the main objective of helping poverty-stricken people solve the food and clothing problems, this program has gone a long way toward alleviating poverty.难点精析

1.发展中国家:英语中对应的表达为developing country,该句结构简单,直译即可。: :

2.人口约占世界总人口的„„:此句紧接上文,和前面一个分句共享一个主语China,为了指代清楚并且避免重复,此处的“人口”可译为its population。表达“(数量、比例上)占”有一个常用的词组account for。“世界总人 口”如果直译的话是the world’s total population或者the total population of the world,但是由于该分句的主语中已经出现了一次population,故此处可将total活用作名词,意为“总数”。

3.在过去相当长的时期里:该分句如果直译的话可译为for a long time in the past,但是根据语境,此处“相当长的时期”指的是“中国历史中的一个很长的时期”,又由于该分句所在句的主语随后紧接着出现,因:

而可以意译为for a long period of its history。!

4.由于诸多原因:此处较为简单,可以有多种译法。“由于”可以用because of, due to, out of来表达,也可以用一个简洁的单词for。“诸多”的表达方式也有很多,如many, various, a lot of, lots of等。因而该分句可简洁地译为for various reasons。:

贫困一直困扰着„„:表达“被贫困所困扰”较为常用的译法是be plagued by,由于此处表达的是过去已经发生并且其影响持续到现在的一种状态,因而注意时态要采用现在完成时。此处可译为„has been lagued by poverty。

20世纪80年代中期„„发展相对滞后:该句较长,翻译时要注意平衡句子的结构。“经济发展较快”中的: “经济”指的是“中国农村绝大多数地区的经济”,在翻译时可以照此调整一下句子的语序。“滞后”常用lag behind 来表达

7.大学英语四级听力新题型应试技巧 篇七








新闻的写作一般采用倒金字塔结构(The Inverted Pyramid Style),所谓倒金字塔也就是按新闻报道最重要的五个W和一个H头重脚轻地安排材料,把新闻的高潮和结论放在最前面的导语里,然后以事实的重要性递减的顺序来安排材料。请看下面一个例子:

Heavy rain and over-flooding rivers have caused the flooding in some parts of U.S.Midwest and eastern regions of U.S.as well.Melting snow and new snow’s fall in Midwest state of Michigan and Indiana have driven rivers over their banks and have cut off electricity to thousands of customers.In the eastern state of Pennsylvania and New Jersy and West Virginia,flooding has damaged homes and forced evacuations in several countries.



In contrast to the conciliatory condolences from the ANC leadership,the Pro-Afrikaans Action Group,an outfit campaigning for Afrikaner rights and culture,which they consider under threat,said this week that Mr.Botha may eventually be seen in a more benign light.

在这句话中,主语部分比较复杂,除了本身句子主语“the Pro-Afrikaans Action Group”外,还附加了“an outfit campaigning for Afrikaner rights and culture”同位语来对主语进一步补充说明;在同位语后面还用了一个定语从句修饰。











8.大学英语四六级新题型 篇八


文 徐鸿鸣














38 Having confidence in your-self will help you make better choicesbecause you can see what the bestoutcome would be for your well-being.

39If you've been betrayed,youare the victim of your circumstance.But there's a difference between be-ing a victim and living with a"victimmentality".At some point in all of ourlives.we'll have our trust tested or vi-olated.

A. Learn to really trust yourself.

B. It is putting confidence insomeone.

C. Stop regarding yourself as thevictim.

D. Remember that you can ex-pect the best in return.

E. They've been too badly hurtand they can't bear to let it happenagain.

F. This knowledge carries over intheir attitude toward their future rela-tionships.

G. Seeing the positive side ofthings doesn't mean you're ignoringwhat happened.


38.A.本段主要讲述一个人要学会信任自己。选项A-Learn to re-ally trust yourself正好反映这一主旨。


