


1.简单自我介绍英语版带中文 篇一

hello everyone。

now let me talk about myself。

my name is _____。i was born in _____。there are _____people in my family, my father is a _____, my mother is a _______。and as everyone know,im a student。everyone has his own interests。as for me,i like reading books,playing basketball,listening to the music and so on。now today we are in the same class,i hope we will get on well with each other。thanks。




2.幼儿简单英语自我介绍 篇二

Good morning,ladies and gentlemen. I am Leo from x School. I am a sunny boy. My family love me and I love them too. My mom works very hard every day. She comes home very late in the evening. Do you know how to help the parents at home?Let me tell you about that.

Usually my dad cooks for us. Sometimes I help my dad to wash the vegetables. Sometimes I set the table. I always wash the dishes when we finish eating. After I finish my homework I often water the flowers. I also look after my pet fish. I feed the fish before I go to bed.

I really enjoy helping my parents at home. Do you think I am a helpful boy?I think so!Thank you!

3.应聘时简单英语自我介绍 篇三



Dear Sir/Madam:


Thank you for your first start reading, giving me the opportunity to you goes to my cover letter.I Jiangxi Vocational College of Economics an d Management Department of Logistics Management 2010 graduates with the same number of our students, graduate an d harvest in sight, waiting for the test of the community an d look forward to your choice.I was born in rural areas, studying in the city, so honest an d generous Chinese farmers an d urban people”s traditional virtues of a strong confident personality in me to get the perfect combination, which I have good social adaptation.University for three years to hone more I experience the significant increase in overall capacity strengthening, personal qualities to be a qualitative leap.Bao Jianfeng from sharpening out, plum blossom from the bitter cold, looking back, slowly an d study hard more than a dozen set, I split the air waves in the vast Xuehai cut, to seek the knowledge of the mountain.To pursue their studies of the exquisite, the pursuit of ambitions to achieve, manifestation of the pursuit of personal values, learning career, I have sought all-round development in physical an d moral.I sweat pour out of fruitful results.college three years, I have every year are very outstan ding professional achievements, an d received third-class scholarship.Not only that, but also repeatedly been assessed “outstan ding cadres” college, many times the individual literary works in the College of Competition award.Knowledge while at the same time I did not forget to shape their own character, honesty, unity an d good to my usual style, aggressive, hard work is my unique personality.To accompany raising their overall quality, I have actively participated in school a variety of meaningful activities outside;addition to specialized courses, I was the other after-school elective courses, including literature, psychology, acCounting, management, etc., in order to broaden their knowledge.usually either studying or living, I have to deman ding their own, I will put this character to the work which, strive to improve their ability to work, make their businesses grow gradually with the growth.”Decade of sword, frost edge never try ”, I sincerely hope to become a member of your organization, I will, with enthusiasm an d tenacity of character to work hard an d cooperate with colleagues, contribute to savings for many years as a unit wisdom an d skill.urge acceptance letter, is hope, I await your good news!I believe my ability, but I believe you are the right choice!give me a chance, I will have you a miracle!


Respected business leaders:

4.简单机场面试英语自我介绍 篇四

Your interviewer (PM) good morning, my name is XX, XX years old this year, is the 13 aviation professional student XX school. I love sports, especially basketball, basketball competition and the free time teachers and classmates, and I was the class is responsible for sports, exercise, exercise and work class-break setting-up exercise. Cooperate with the teacher to organize sports activities in PE class. As a student, I am aware of the importance of knowledge, although dont know how to use it in the future work, but whether it is the culture knowledge or professional knowledge, I have a serious learning.

In order to strengthen their own independent ability to survive during the summer vacation, a tobacco companies in my hometown to work, is mainly responsible for handling the work, work very hard, but still insist on down, I think the growth in the working process. This time I would like to apply for a job is often XX, I thought, the main work. The passengers at the airport counter for registration, inspection certificates, baggage check-in, seat allocation and ticket, so we need a person is responsible, careful, diligent, hard-working spirit, I have to do all kinds of challenges ready for work, I hope that the interviewer can give me a chance. Thank you.

5.中文自我介绍 篇五

各位老师,大家上午好。我是xxx,来自xx大学xx专业。很高兴能够有机会参加xx大学举办的夏令营。(插播一下,咱们夏令营真的很好,不仅能够了解到很多新的知识,还能够近距离的接触大牛级的人物和先进的仪器,也认识到了自己的不足和差距,很感谢咱们的夏令营。)关于我自己,我将分三个部分来介绍自己。关于学习,我是一个学习能力很强的人,乐于接受新知识,对于新内容怀有好奇心,喜欢探索,大一大二连续两年的综合素质测评成绩均为xxx。关于社会实践,我是一个积极乐观的人,我积极参加各种社会实践活动,曾连续两年担任年级长,并曾任团委副书记,喜欢奉献、乐于助人(serve people),从中也收获了一定的领导能力、沟通能力,锻炼了团队合作精神等,更重要的是学会平衡自己的生活(balance my life)(handle)。关于未来,我喜欢过有目标的生活,并且愿意为之奋斗。我希望从事研究工作,也希望能够在自己喜欢的领域做出一些成绩,真正有利于社会和周围的人。(by people,from people,for people)目前正在考虑做一个关于xxx方面的研究。也希望老师可以关于这个方面给予宝贵意见。通过夏令营,我学了很多,如果能够留在xx大学继续心理学学习的话,我将会十分高兴。也一定会认真、努力地踏实走好每一步,给自己一个未来,给xx一份精彩!谢谢老师!

6.中文自我介绍 篇六





7.小学中文自我介绍 篇七

我有不少优点,我酷爱学习,其中英语是我的最爱。每天我都要听录音磁带,背单词背课文对我来说都是张飞吃豆芽——小菜一碟。二年级暑假我就报名参加了英语辅导班。在安吉尔英语班,我的表现特别出色。我善于发现问题,经常向Miss冯请教不懂的问题。为此,Miss冯没少夸我,说我是个爱动脑筋的好孩子。在Miss冯的精心指导下,我对英语的兴趣越来越农浓厚了。今年五一节我和爸爸妈妈去西安世园会游玩,在法国馆我看中了一座埃菲尔铁塔的模型,那模型太漂亮了:宝石蓝的塔身,上面镶嵌了很多钻,在灯光的照射下闪闪发光。我爱不释手,高举着问那个法国商贩:“How much?”“Fifteen。”那个法国商贩很快回应了我旁边的顾客对我交口称赞:“这个孩子真了不起,居然能和老外会话!”我听了,心里美滋滋的。现在我的英语会话水平更高了,每天妈妈下班时我就会问妈妈:“How are you today?”妈妈则会说:“I am fine,tanks.”说完后我和妈妈总会相视一笑。



8.考研复试自我介绍(中文) 篇八





9.简单自我介绍英语版带中文 篇九

Conversation 1

M: Excuse me, are you Miss Green?

W: Yes.May I help you?

M: May I introduce myself?

W: Yes.M: I’m a new student in the school.My name’s John.W: Nice to meet you, John.M: It’s a pleasure to meet you, Miss Green.Conversation 2

W: Simon, may I introduce you to Linda? You don’t know each other, do you? M: No.I’ve not had the pleasure of meeting her yet.W: How do you do? I’m pleased to meet you.M: How do you do?

W: Please sit down.Help yourself just like you are at home.W: What would you like to drink?

M: A cup of coffee, please.Conversation 3

W: Mr.Green, I’d like to introduce you to Mr.Brown.M: How do you do, Mr.Brown? It’s a pleasure to get to know you.W: My pleasure, Mr.Green.I look forward to an excellent relationship with your company.M: I propose a toast to the health of everyone here and to the success of our negotiation.W: Okay, let’s make a toast.Conversation 4

M: Good evening, Mr.Wu.W: Good evening, Mr.Smith.M: Have you met my wife, Mary?

W: No.I haven’t had the pleasure.M: Mary, this is Mr.Wu, my new Chinese friend.W: How do you do, Mr.Wu? Welcome.M: How do you do?

W: Have a glass of wine, Mr.Wu? And let me introduce you to some of my guests Conversation 5

M: How do you do? My name’s Jin Tao.Glad to meet you.W: How do you do? I’m Yang Li.Glad to meet you, too.M: May I introduce Mr.Wang to you? Wang Yang.He is from China.W: Hi, Mr.Wang.I’m glad to meet you.M: Hi, Miss Yang, I’ve heard so much about you.W: Me, too.M: Let’s have a seat.Conversation 6

M: Good afternoon, Mrs.Smith.I’d like you to meet my girl friend, Sally.W: Hello, Sally, I’m glad to meet you.M: It’s a pleasure to meet you, too, Mrs.Smith.I’ve heard so much about you.W: Oh, thank you.John has often talked about you, too.Conversation 7

M: Hello, may I introduce myself to you? I’m Zhou Mei.W: I’m Jack.Pleased to meet you.M: Pleased to meet you, too.Are you here with your family? W: No.My family is in England.M: Are you studying here?

W: Yes.I’m studying Chinese.M: What do you think of our city?
