


1.九年级第九单元练习 篇一




奔 艇 梦 琴 另

温 婶 映 筝 芒


yóu xì( )měi mènɡ( )

shù qín( ) jí diǎn( )

chuī yān( ) ɡuānɡ mánɡ( )

ɡuānɡ xiàn( ) zú ɡòu( )






一( )小鱼 ( )的眼睛

一( )荷叶 ( )的声音

一( )鲜花 ( )的板房

一( )游艇 ( )的笑容





一边 ,一边。


,变得更 更 。


1.建造时,先在 选好地基,挖一个坑,再在 的冰屋顶;然后, ,使光线能够射进屋里。

2.缅甸大婶 ,一只小狗向她不停地 ,它的旁边放着 。缅甸大婶一看,里面有八个




小白兔不知道太阳是什么颜色的。一天,雨过天晴,出现了一道彩虹,小白兔跑过去大声问:“彩虹姐姐,你知道太阳光是什么颜色的吗?”彩虹说:“你数(shǔ shù)一数我身上的颜色吧。”小白兔数起来:“红、橙、黄、绿、青、蓝、紫。”哦,原来太阳光有七种(zhǒnɡ zhònɡ)颜色。

1.用“ ”画出加点字的正确读音。

2.太阳光有哪些颜色?用“ ”在短文中画出来。

3.“小白兔不知道太阳是什么颜色的。”朗读这句话时适合用什么语气?( )






一、前鼻音(红色):奔 琴 温 婶

后鼻音(绿色):艇 梦 另 映 筝 芒

二、游戏 美梦 竖琴 极点 炊烟 光芒 光线 足够

三、火:炊 炊烟 氵:温 温度 湿 湿气 亻:依 依靠 你 你们

四、1.又冷又饿 又高又大 又白又胖

2.乌黑乌黑 冰冷冰冷 金黄金黄

五、示例:条 片 朵 艘 明亮 悦耳 干净 甜美

六、1.示例:丁零零 2.我 跳绳 唱歌 3.得到老师帮助的乐乐 听话 懂事了

七、1.避风的地方 坑上垒成半球形 开一个小窗

2.拉开竹门 摇着尾巴 一只小竹篮 洁白如玉

八、1.shǔ zhǒnɡ 2.红、橙、黄、绿、青、蓝、紫



2.九年级第九单元练习 篇二

本单元以讨论允许和不允许做的事情而展开学习, 在不断深入讨论过程中又学习了表示同意和不同意的表达方法以及由情态动词should构成的被动语态。为了能够增强学生开口讲英语的自信心, 第一课时充分利用多媒体教学设备, 创设与本课话题相关的情景, 如谈论青少年日常行为规范、校规、家规等。围绕着教学目标, 设计一些贴近学生实际的教学任务, 让学生辩论一些学校规章制度。学生在使用所学目标语言进行辩论时, 教师要不断地鼓励学生, 让学生勇于发表自己的真实观点和想法, 同时学会关注日常生活和学习中的各种规章制度, 对周围世界进行比较客观地认识和评价, 养成自觉遵守规则的良好习惯。


(一) 教学内容分析

学生在七年级下册第十二单元“Don’t eat in the classroom”中学过关于规章制度的讨论, 在八年级下册第二单元“what should I do?”中学过情态动词should的用法。本单元谈论的是学生非常熟悉又和生活、学习紧密相关的话题——家规、校规及其他规章制度, 能引起学生的共鸣 , 激起学习的兴趣。因此, 掌握“be (not) allowed to do/ Should (not) be allowed to do”难度不大。可以让学生结合生活实际自由谈论各种规章制度, 发表自己的观点, 并陈述同意或不同意的理由;还可以根据实际情况对各种家规、校规进行修改, 并为一些组织机构制定新的规章, 体现“为用而学、在用中学、学了就用”的新课程理念。

(二) 学生情况分析

笔者教学的对象是初三学生 (以中等生为主) , 他们具有较强的求知欲和表现欲, 所以对英语学习的模仿力很强, 但部分学生对英语学习没有自信, 害怕表现, 但又希望能得到大家的肯定。因此笔者在教学活动中尽量让这部分学生参与到课堂活动中来, 有更多的说英语的机会, 增强他们的自信心;还有一些学困生由于基础薄弱, 对完成某些任务有一定的难度, 教师可采取小组奖励的办法, 通过学生间的合作学习, 促进小组成员之间的互帮互学, 鼓励小组中的优秀成员主动帮助困难生学习, 培养学生的团队意识。提高他们综合运用语言的能力, 让他们都能体验到成功的喜悦, 使各层次的学生都有所收获。


(一) 语言知识目标

1. 掌握语言结构 should (not) be allowed to do, 学会表达 agree 和 disagree。

2. 对目标语言的听力训练。

(二) 情感态度目标

通过了解和反思自己的言行举止是否符合中学生日常行为准则、规范自己的言行, 养成自觉遵守规则的良好习惯和优良品德; 正确看待“家规”“班规”“校规”等, 并能认真遵守;理解父母、教师的合理建议对自己成长的重要性。


(一) 教学重点

1. 词汇:teenager, choose, pierce

2. 词组:too wild, too silly, too young, not seriousenough, not old enough, not calm enough, get earspierced

(二) 教学难点

结构:should be allowed to,

should not be allowed to


(一) 步骤 1:导入 (5 分钟)

T: An exchange student comes to our classtoday. He wants to know some rules about ourschool.

通过投影展示以下活动名称, 学生以四人一组活动, 各自谈论在学校里能做哪些, 不能做哪些。

What rules do you have at our school?

We should sweep the floor every day.

We should not arrive school late.

We should not take mobile phones .


sweep the floor, clean the blackboard, fightw it hothers , arrive school late , take mobil ephones等等。

多媒体呈现表格, 小组讨论填表


( 二 ) 步骤 2:呈现 (25 分钟)

1.Introduce the new structure: allow sb. to dosth. / don’t allow sb. to do sth.

多媒体呈现 :

Teachers allow us to eat in the dinning hall.

Teachers don’t allow us to eat in the classroom.

2. 小组活动:

全班50人分成12组, 每组4人


(1) 用纸片做成12个签, (其中有2个签画有小红旗) , 由组长抽签, 抽到带有小红旗的签的两个组进行比赛。

(2) 第一轮用am/is/are allowed to结构说句子, 比赛小组每人2次机会, 但是不能重复出现句子, 否则为失败。第二轮用am/is/are not allowed to结构说句子, 规则同第一轮。获胜小组会得到一面红旗并在全班中挥舞以示胜利。

(3) 在重新抽签 (不含已参加过的小组) , 规则同2.

参考短语:sweep the floor, fight with others, eat in the dinning hall, eat in class, take mobilephones等, 可以自己自由发挥。

设计意图:由熟悉的结构引入新的结构, 并采用小组活动使每个学生能够参与其中熟练短语和句子结构, 达到开口说的目的, 有助于学生理解下一环节, 从而使新授课的内容达到高潮。

3. 被动语态:

(1) 定义 : 表示主语是动作的承受者 .

(2) 构成 : 助动词be+ 及物动词的过去分词。助动词有人称、时态和数的变化。

(3) 含有情态动词的被动语态:情态动词+ be +及物动词的过去分词。

(4) 用法:当我们不知道谁是动作的执行者, 或者没有必要指出谁是动作的执行者, 或者只强调动作的承受者时, 要用被动语态。

4.复习过去分词的构成 :

(1) 规则变化

watch---watched practice---practiced

study---studied stop---stopped

(2) 不规则动词的过去分词:

am/is /are---been have/has---had

write---written do---done go---gone

5. 教学1a

(1) 教师明确任务要求, 给出一定的指导。强调重点词汇:teenager, choose, pierce。

(2) 让—位学 生大声朗 读1a中的句子。 确定学生理解了每个句子之后, 让学生发表自己的看法:agree or disagree。

(3) 在学生掌握了结构be allowed to的基础上, 进—步介绍带有主观态度的新结构:

should (not) be allowed to, 告诉学生这—结构增加了情感态度, 表示应该被允许和不应该被允许。

(4) 学生完成1a之后, 让不同的学生发表意见:agree or disagree. Why?

6. 投影展示练习

我会做:这个环节要求学生快速抢答做4个转换句子, 将allow sb.to do变成be allowed to do并用投影展示答案。

1.They should allow us to have part-time jobs.


2.We should allow children to spend time with their friends.


3.The teacher should allow Anna to finish thepicture.


Parents should allow children to choose theirown friends.



1. We should be allowed to have part-time jobs.

2. Children should be allowed to spend timewith their friends.

3. Anna should be allowed to finish the picture.

4. Children should be allowed to choose theirown friends.

设计意图:帮助学生理解la中的句子, 投影展示练习这个环节巩固了学生allow的用法。

7. 教学 Section A - lb, 2a, 2b

利用多媒体课件中的Section A - 1b, 2a , 2b进行听力练习。

(1) 认识新词汇:teenager, earring, get their earpierced, do homework with friends

do part-time jobs, too wild / young / silly …, not serious / calm / old…enough

(2) 教师先帮助学生明确要求, 并且给出—定的指导。

(3) 让学生朗读其中的句子, 问题。

(4) 播放录音, 核对答案。


8. 练习


The telephone _____ (invent) by Bell in 1876.

The trees may _____ (plant) in spring.

Teenagers should not _____ (allow) to drive.

English _____ (speak) in Canada.

Math must _____ (study) well.


was invented , be planted , be allowed , is spoken, be studied


(三) 步骤 3:巩固和拓展

1. 学生列出青少年应该被允许做的和不应该被允许做的事情, 列表之后进行 free talk。

设计意图:要求学生重点结合Section A -1c和Section A - 2c的内容进行小组活动, 以便能更自然, 更正确地使用所学的语言。


结构:should be allowed to, should not be allowed to

词组:too wild, too silly, too young, not serious enough, not old enough, not calm enough

设计意图:创设贴近学生实际情况的情境, 真实而富有趣味, 激发了学生的参与意识, 巩固了本课的新知。

(四) 步骤 4. 小结

1. 利用媒体资源中课件中的内容复习Grammar Focus.

2. 总结并回顾本节课所学到的重点知识。

(五) 步骤 5:作业

1. 用结构 be (not) allowed to do 列出课堂上介绍的—些事情;

2. 用 should, must, may 等情态动词各写出 5 个被动语态的句子。

(六) 步骤 6:板书设计


(一) 评价内容

本节课通过展示练习, 巩固与拓展这两个环节, 如果全班80℅的学生能够按要求学习或完成句子, 那么就达到了预期的教学目的本课的教学难点即得到突破。这是评价本课是否成功的更重要的标准。

(二) 评价方法

小组活动汇报, 基本全体学生都能说出一个正确的句子即可符合标准;

3.新目标九年级Unit15练习 篇三

1. Mother told me that the sun ____ from the east.

A. roseB. raisesC. risesD. raised

2. If your work ____, you can go out.

A. is doneB. has done C. is doD. will do

3. A new modern hospital ____ here in three years.

A. will buildB. was builtC. will be builtD. builds

4. This is the place ____ we worked.

A. whichB. whereC. whatD. that

5. I have never seen such a beautiful girl ____ my life.

A. forB. ofC. inD. to

6. The room is ____ for me to live ____.

A. fit; /B. suitable; inC. suit; inD. suitable; /

7. Please take back ____ you said.

A. thatB. whatC. whereD. which

8. ——How was the weather yesterday?

——It was terrible. It rained ____. People could ____ go out.

A. hardly; hardlyB. hardly; hardC. hard; hardD. hard; hardly

9. We want to ____ our ____ house.

A. own; ownB. own; ownerC. owned; ownD. owning; own

10. He looked at the man ____.

A. to surprisedB. in surprisedC. in surpriseD. to surprise

11. Animals are our friends. We must try ____ the endangered animals.

A. to saveB. savingC. savesD. saved

12. Do you know who ____ America?

A. discoveredB. foundC. findsD. discovers

13. I’m against ____ the animals.

A. killB. to killC. killingD. killed

14. How often do you ____ your sister?

A. hearB. hear ofC. hear fromD. listen

15. Maybe we can save a lot of trees if we reuse the ____ paper.

A. recyclingB. recycledC. to recycleD. recycles


When Margie first arrived in Beijing, she couldn’t speak any Chinese, and she knew very __1__ about China. Food was a big __2__. She couldn’t use chopsticks. We usually use our right hand to __3__, or fork or spoon. For the first two or three weeks, she used to take a fork and a spoon __4__ her when she went to eat in restaurants.

It took her a few weeks to get __5__ to Chinese food. She didn’t really like it at first. She thought it was too oily. Also, she doesn’t eat much rice. She usually eats bread, and her bread is quite __6__ from most bread in China. Chinese bread is usually light and sweet. She can’t eat bread like __7__, so in Beijing she makes her own bread at home. Well, she is a Muslim(伊斯兰教信徒). She isn’t __8__ to eat pork. But that isn’t really a problem. After she’d __9__ in Beijing for about a month, she found out that there were Muslims here, too, and lots of Muslim __10__! Most of them serve Xinjiang food, which is very similar to the food she eats. So now her food problems are solved.

1. A. fewB. little C. much D. a lot

2. A. question B. difficult C. jobD. problem

3. A. eatB. have C. eating D. take

4. A. for B. toC. ofD. with

5. A. used B. useC. using D. to use

6. A. different B. differenceC. difficult D. difficulty

7. A. it B. theseC. that D. those

8. A. needed B. wantedC. askedD. allowed

9. A. been B. arrived C. eatenD. like

10. A. familiesB. people C. schoolsD. restaurants



If money was everything, all millionaires(百万富翁) would have true love, true friendship, good health and a long life. However, this is not always true.

Nothing else is more pleasant than the three words which are “I love you”. But can “love” be bought? I’m afraid not. Love means to give, not to take. To every person, health and a long life are probably the most precious(宝贵) things. Well, can health and a long life be bought with money? The answer is “no”.

Of all, the longest living people in the world, few of them are millionaires. True friendship can’t be bought, either. In a word, where money is worshiped(崇拜), money can cause brothers to quarrel, lovers to hate, strangers to fight and so on. No matter how much money you have, it is not still enough to make you a happy person if you have no one to laugh with, no one to cry for.

1. According to this passage, which of the following do you think is right? ____.

A. Money is everything

B. Money isn’t necessary

C. Money is important, but not the most important

D. With no money, with no success

2. What’s the most important thing for every person according to the writer’s ideas? ____.

A. Only money B. Health and a long life

C. Only friendshipD. A、B and C

3. Which sentence of the following is TRUE according to the passage? ____.

A. If you don’t have much money, you can’t get more money

B. You may have a long life even if you are poor

C. Every year many people die in the world because their family is poor

D. If you are rich, you will have less friendship

4. In fact, all millionaires ____.

A. have much money B. die earlier

C. love their moneyD. have true love

5. What does the sentence “Love means to give, not to take.” mean in Chinese in this passage? ____。

A. 爱意味着给你,而不能带走B. 爱是可以得到的,不要走开

C. 爱意味着奉献,而不是索取D. 爱是可以索取的,而不必付出



On Sunday, April 22, people all over the world will take time out to appreciate(珍惜) the Earth that we all share. It’s Earth Day, a special day to learn about our planet and how to take care of it.

On Earth Day, some listen to speeches about the environment. Others help clean up their communities or conserve(节约) water and electricity at home. Your parents may even decide to take a day off from driving their cars. Maybe you, your friends and your school have a plan to celebrate Earth Day, too.

One Man’s Big Idea

The idea for Earth Day came from a U.S. senator(参议员), who was worried about pollution and the health of plants and animals. In 1969, he decided that a special day to teach everyone about the things that needed changing in our environment could really help our planet.

The idea quickly caught on(流行起来). In 1970, the first Earth Day was celebrated. More than 20 million people in cities all over the U.S. took part. Since then, Earth Day has been used to educate people about their role in taking care of our planet.

A Global Celebration Now

Earth Day has become a global celebration. In 1990, 200 million people from 140 countries took part in marches(游行), clean-ups(卫生扫除), tree planting and other environmental events on Earth Day.


1.The passage is mainly about how Earth Day came from.

2.On Earth Day, people usually don’t work and walk around.

3.In 1970, people celebrated the first Earth Day in America.

4.Earth Day is a special day to learn about our planet and how to look after it.

5.Earth Day is only celebrated in the USA.


It’s only Brandon Roy’s first year in the NBA, but he already seems like an old hand.

“He’s so smooth(得心应手的). It seems like he never turns the ball over,” Denver’s Carmelo Anthony said. “He doesn’t seem like a rookie(新人). He’s going to be the One in Portland.”

The Portland Trail Blazers(波特兰开拓者队) guard won the Rookie of the Year on May 2. In his first year, Roy led all newcomers with averages of 16.8 points in 57 games. He helped his team to win 11 times more than last season.

Brandon also surprises with his vision(眼光) of the court. He always takes the chance to try to score.

Roy said he practices hard and it pays off. Roy was born in Seattle, USA. The 23-year-old guy, 198cm and 103kg, is one of the few basketball players who did four years in college. He played for the University of Washington team to improve his skills. He also studied in the busy off-season (休赛的) to complete his degree. This all prepared him well for the NBA games.

“He’s an extremely mature(成熟的) kid. It’s the first thing you notice when you meet him. The way he talks and deals with people—for a rookie, it’s amazing,” said Kevin Prichard of the Trail Blazers.

Now Brandon Roy is aiming higher for himself, “I’m going to continue to work hard and be a team guy, and hope good things keep coming to me.”



1. A manatee is a kind of g____ animal.

2. These are polar bears. They are kind of a____.

3. K____ are famous animal in Australia.

4. This river is over 6,000 f____ long.

5. We should e____ the children to be polite to others.


1. 那个慈善机构为穷人提供食物和衣服。

The charity ____ food and clothes ____ the poor.

2. 毛笔是用竹子和羊毛制成的。

A brush is ____ ____ bamboo and wool.

3. 这个裙子不适合李梅。

This skirt ____ ____ ____ ____ Li Mei.








提示词:大学生a college student 第29届奥运会the 29th Olympic Games 志愿者volunteer

Jan. 26, 2008

Dear Sir/Madam,



4.二年级第九课时练习一教案 篇四




2+ 80= 6+80= 54—50=

39—3= 90—30= 89—9 =

77—70= 60 + 6= 70—50=










b.二年级人数和一年级差不多, “差不多”是什么意思?








5.九年级第九单元练习 篇五

二. 1-5 BADCB 6-10 CDABD

三. 1-5 ADCBC 6-10 DBCCA

11 T 12 F

13. At first, the competition was (held) for the people who lived in the local village.01

14. 这些比赛仅仅是人们参加的疯狂比赛中的几种。

15. Three.

四. 1. at home 2. answer 3. dangerous

4. Would you like to go with me 5. Don’t worry

五.1. Australians 2. sadness 3. painful 4. praised 5. sensed 【0:4】

六. 1. In that case 2. in time 3. Once in a while / From time to time

4. in total 5. feels like eating / wants to eat

七. 1. money 2. collected 3. flew 4. before 5. built 3原创作品

6. tallest 7. sides 8. how 9. wheel 10. shocked

八. One possible version:


6.八年级上册英语第九单元重点词组 篇六

1、on saturday afternoon 在星期六下午,

2、have to 必须,

3、prepare for 准备,

4、go to the doctor去看病,

5、have the flu 患流感,

6、help my parents给父母帮忙,

7、come to the party 参加晚会,

8、meet my friend见朋友,

9、go to the party 参加晚会,

10、too much homework 太多的家庭作业,

11、go to the movies去看电影,

12、another time下次,

13、last fall 去年秋天,

14、hang out 闲逛,

15、after school 放学后,

16、on the weekend 在周末,

17、study for a test备考,

18、visit grandparents 拜访爷爷奶奶,

19、the day before yesterday 前天,

20、the day after tomorrow后天,

21、have a piano lesson 上钢琴课,

22、look after 照看,

23、accept an invitation 接受邀请,

24、turn down an invitation拒绝邀请,

25、take a trip 参加郊游,

26、at the end of this month在本月底,

27、look forward to 期望/渴望,

28、the opening of…开幕/开业,

29、reply in writing 写回信,

30、go shopping 购物,

31、do homework 做作业,

32、go to the concert参加音乐会,

33、not…until 不…直到才


1、invite sb. to do sth.邀请某人做某事,

2、what a/an + 形容词 + 可数名词单数 (+ 主语 + 谓语)!

3、help sb. (to) do sth 帮助某人做某事,

4、what + 形容词 + 名词复数/不可数名词(+ 主语 + 谓语)!

5、be sad to do sth. 做某事感到悲伤,

6、see sb to do sth /see sb doing sth看见某人做某事,

7、the best way to do sth.做某事的最好方法,

8、have a surprise party for sb为某人举办一个惊喜的晚会,

9、look forward to doing sth. 期望做某事,

10、reply to sth/sb.回答某人/回答某事,

11、what’s today? 今天星期几,几月几日?

12、what’s the date today?今天几月几日?

7.九年级第九单元练习 篇七

1. I get some ____ about the town.

A. informationB. informationsC. messageD. news

2. The library is ____ the bank ____ the post office.

A. among; andB. among; or C. between; andD. between; in

3. Can you tell me ____ get a storybook?

A. what I canB. what can I C. where I canD. where can I

4. We decided ____ some apples.

A. buyingB. to buyC. boughtD. buy

5. Nine ____ pounds a week? That’s very good.

A. hundred ofB. hundreds ofC. hundredsD. hundred

6. Do you often ____ a telephone call to your friends?

A. makeB. haveC. takeD. buy

7. The girls preferred ____ the hill rather than ____ in the river.

A. to climb; to swimB. to climb; swim

C. climbing; swimmingD. climbing; to swim

8. I don’t know ____ I should do.

A. howB. whereC. whatD. when

9. During last summer vacation, I ____ go swimming.

A. used to B. was used forC. was used toD. was used as

10. You shouldn’t point _____ anyone who is disabled.

A. inB. atC. forD. of

11. You aren’t ____ eat or drink while having a meeting.

A. supposedB. supposingC. supposed toD. supposing to

12. It’s very important ____ us ____ hard.

A. for; to studyB. of; to studyingC. for; studyingD. of; studying

13. We never go to the Central Park, ____?

A. have weB. do weC. haven’t weD. don’t we

14. The music makes me ____.

A. happy B. happilyC. more happilyD. happilier

15. Did you have fun ____ basketball?

A. playB. to playC. playingD. played


Lu Xun was one of the greatest __1__ in China.

Once Lu Xun spoke to some young people about the study of foreign languages. He said, “You must not give up(放弃) studying foreign languages __2__ even a day. To master a language, words and grammar rules are not enough.You must do a lot of __3__. Take a book and read it __4__ you finish it. At the same time __5__ the words in the dictionaries and study grammar rules.When you read a book, very often you __6__ it hard to understand. Never mind. Put it away and start another one. In a few months __7__ half a year, go over the first book once again; you are sure __8__ much more than before.Young people have good memories.If you learn a few words every day and keep on reading all the time, in four or five years, you will certainly __9__ read books __10__ the foreign language. ”

1. A. workersB. singers C. teachersD. writers

2. A. inB. for C. overD. of

3. A. readingB. read C. to readD. readings

4. A. beforeB. afterC. whenD. until

5. A. look inB. look overC. look upD. look for

6. A. findB. see C. getD. think

7. A. andB. but C. or D. not

8. A. to understandB. understandC. understoodD. understanding

9. A. can B. able to C. are able toD. be able to

10. A. of B. inC. withD. about



Tom, a poor man, was out of work and did not know how to make a living. One day he read in the newspaper that a man was wanted to work in a zoo.

“That would be wonderful,” he thought. “I like animals, and looking after them would be very interesting.”

So he went to the office of the zoo and asked for the job.

“You look like a smart(灵巧的) boy,” said the manager(经理). “You can start work tomorrow.”

“What must I do?” asked Tom.

“Well, you see,” said the manager, “our big monkey has just died and it will be two months before we can get another one, so we want you to take its place.”

“You want me to take the place of a monkey!” cried Tom angrily.“Do it yourself; you look more like a monkey than I do.”

“Don’t take it like that,” said the manager. “I know you do not look like a monkey, but we will dress you up. We have dried(弄干) the monkey’s skin(皮) and when you wear it, no one will recognize(认识) you. Then all you have to do is to play about in the small room to make the children laugh. It is a nice easy job and you’ll be well paid.

Tom thought about it for a while. He did not like the idea at all, but one cannot go hungry. So he took the job. The next day he started work. He quite enjoyed it. He climbed up and down the bars(铁条) of the cage, stood on his head and jumped from branch to branch of a big tree that grew in the room. He ate the bananas the people gave him. The only thing he did not like was the tiger in the cage next to his. But, as there were strong bars between them, he was soon not worried about his dangerous neighbour.

One day he climbed up to the top of the bars that separated(分开) the two rooms. Suddenly he fell—not on his own side of the bars, but into the tiger’s cage. That great animal was sleep at that time, but the noise of Tom’s fall woke him up. He stood up and looked round to see what had happened. Tom had only one thought—to climb up the bars again as quickly as possible and to get back safely into his own cage. But he had hurt his feet so badly that he could not move. He had to cover his face with his hands so as not to see the tiger coming. The next few seconds seemed like hours. Then he heard the tiger speak quietly in his ear, “Don’t be afraid, old man! Like you, I’m a human being(人类), too.”


1.Tom was very poor and he had no job.

2.As he liked animals, he went to the office of the zoo and asked for the job.

3.Tom looked like a monkey, so the manager wanted him to take the place of a monkey.

4.At last Tom took the job because he didn’t want to go hungry.

5.When Tom started work, he didn’t like it at all.

6.He did nothing in the cage.

7.There was a tiger next to the cage of the monkey.

8.One day Tom climbed into the tiger’s cage.

9.Tom was afraid of the tiger so he didn’t move.

10.Neither the monkey nor the tiger was real.


Mr King went into his usual coffee shop one Sunday morning. He sat down on one of the seats at the counter(柜台). Many other people came in also, but most of them did not stay long.

After a quarter of an hour, a young man and a young woman came in. There were only two empty seats at the counter, one on Mr King’s left, and the other on his right. The woman sat on one, and the young man on the other, but Mr King offered(提出) to change places with the man at once so that he and the young woman could be together.

“Oh, that isn’t necessary(必要的),” the young man said, but Mr King insisted(坚持). When the young man and the woman were side by side, the young man said to her, “Well, this kind gentleman(绅士) wanted us to sit together, so may I introduce myself? My name’s Tim. What’s yours?”


1. Did Mr King usually go to that coffee shop?

____, he ____.

2. When did a young man and a young woman come in?

____ ____ after Mr King arrived.

3. Where were the empty seats?

On ____ ____ of Mr King.

4. What did Mr King think when the young man and the young woman came in?

He thought that they had already known ____ ____.

5. What did the young man think of Mr King?

He ____ ____.


A farmer had a cow. He took very good care of his cow. One day it was ill, and he was very worried. He telephoned a vet.

“What’s the problem?” the vet asked him when he arrived.

“My cow’s ill,” the farmer said. “I don’t know what’s the matter with her. She’s lying down and doesn’t eat. She’s making a strange noise.”

“The vet looked at the cow. She’s certainly ill,” he said, “and she needs to take some very strong medicine.”

He took a bottle out of his box, put two pills into his hand and said, “Give her these. The pills should make her better.”

“How should I give them to her?” the farmer asked.

The vet gave him a tube(管子) and said, “Put this tube in her mouth, then put pills in the tube and blow. That’s all make it.”

The next day the vet came to the farm again. The farmer was sitting outside his house and looked more worried.

“How’s your cow?”the vet asked.

“No change,” the farmer said, “and I’m feeling very strange myself.”

“Oh?” the vet said, “why?”

“I did what you said,” the farmer answered. “I put the tube in the cow’s mouth and then put two pills down it.”

“And?”the vet asked.

“The cow blew first,” the farmer said.

1. From the story, we know that a vet is ____.

A. the farmer’s friendB. a milk factory

C. a hospital for cowsD. a doctor for animals

2. The farmer asked the vet for help when his cow ____.

A. couldn’t lie downB. didn’t eat the pills

C. couldn’t make any noiseD. was ill

3. What medicine did the vet give the farmer? ____.

A. A bottle of pillsB. A long tube

C. Two pillsD. A small box

4. The vet taught the farmer how to ____.

A. blow the tubeB. make the cow take the pills C. take the medicineD. put the tube in his mouth

5. Which of the following is true? ____.

A. The cow didn’t eat the pills

B. The cow got better after taking the medicine

C. The vet came and gave the farmer another cow the next day

D. The farmer waited outside the vet’s house the next day


1. We u____ him to stay in hospital, but he refused.

2. Frank goes either fishing or boating in his s____ time.

3. The discarded paper can be used by r____.

4. Thank you for c____ for my dog.

5. Mr Zhang works 18 hours a day to r____ money for his children’s



1. 他不得不学会怎样赚钱来养活自己。

He had to learn ____ ____ ____ ____ to support himself.

2. 吉姆努力学习汉语以便来中国工作。

Jim works hard to learn Chinese ____ ____ he can come to work in China.

3. 这个桌子是由木头制成的。

The desk ____ ____ _____ wood.

4. 你能告诉我去电影院的路吗?

Could you tell me ____ ____ ____ the cinema?

5. 笔是用来写字的。

The pen ____ ____ ____ ____.



1. 生命离不开水;

2. 饮用水在减少;

3. 水污染严重;

4. 应该保护和再利用水。


1. 根据所给题目,请用英语写一篇短文或对话;

2. 写短文:词数不少于80个;

3. 写对话:与一个知心朋友交谈,双方对话各不少于五句;

4. 表达真实,内容连贯正确,语言流畅。



8.九年级第九单元练习 篇八





















































第四关 时间











