1.美国高校毕业典礼演讲 篇一
苹果CEO史蒂夫·乔布斯(年,斯坦福大学) 记住你即将死去
亚马逊CEO杰夫·贝索斯(,卡耐基·梅隆大学) 创业是艰难之旅
《哈利波特》作者J·K·罗琳(20,哈佛大学) 我经历过如此多的失败
微软创始人兼董事长比尔·盖茨(,哈佛大学) 让科技进步消除不平等
谷歌CEO埃里克·施密特(,宾夕法尼亚大学) 我们是天生的梦想家和斗士
前惠普CEO卡莉·菲奥莉娜(,加州理工学院) 填补愚昧与智慧间的差距
2.美国高校毕业典礼演讲 篇二
1 美国大学毕业典礼的意义
美式教育采取“宽进严出”政策。即每一位求学者都有权利进入高等学府接受良好教育, 但是最终学有所成、能被授予学位的, 是那些对学业精益求精、认真履行学生义务、经得起学校严格检验的学生。在美国人眼中, 上大学不是人人都能实现的理想, 接受高等教育自然成为一种荣誉, 而顺利毕业更加证明了个人的优秀才能和良好素质。因此, 老师、家长都十分愿意到毕业典礼现场, 见证学子们汗水结晶的时刻, 为学子们欢呼喝彩;很多亲朋好友也会接受邀请, 特地前来参加毕业典礼, 所有人都会为学子们努力、坚持、奋斗、拼搏而获得的成功感到骄傲和自豪。对学生而言, 毕业典礼不仅代表着学习生涯的结束, 更表明学校已经认可了他们的付出, 肯定了他们的成绩。从这一刻起, 他们将踏入社会, 开始新的人生旅途;从这一刻起, 他们将展翅高飞, 自由翱翔于蓝天。因此, 毕业典礼不是结束, 而是新的开始。
2 罗格斯大学毕业典礼流程
2.1 前期准备
2.1.1 网上提交申请
首先, 毕业生需在网上填写表格, 写明自己是否参加毕业典礼, 几人参加;所修专业以及具体学位 (学士、硕士、博士) ;姓名如何发音;毕业证领取方式 (自取或邮寄) 等。
2.1.2 申报停车位
由于毕业生可邀请其家长、亲友参加毕业典礼, 考虑到有些参会者从外地赶来, 校方会提前划分停车区域并发放停车牌, 每名学生限预定两个车位, 遵循先申请先得原则。领取停车牌时, 学校附赠详细地图供驾车参考。
2.1.3 发放“大礼包”
校方提前给毕业生发放一个“大礼包”, 里面装有《毕业典礼手册》、《毕业典礼指南与须知》、邀请函、各种小纪念品等。《毕业典礼手册》内容丰富, 包括议程安排、校长致辞、嘉宾演讲、毕业生名单、祝贺信、校园文化特色等。《毕业典礼指南与须知》内容包括典礼仪式举行时间、地点、毕业生着装、安全须知和注意事项 (座位安排、登台位置、拍照合影) 等。
2.2 典礼期间
2.2.1 入场准备
参加毕业典礼的学生提前一小时到会场, 将学位服、学位帽穿戴整齐, 排列成队, 等待入场。此时, 亲友团已在观众席就座。
2.2.2 入场
在欢快的乐曲声中, 校长和教职员工列队入场, 他们从会场后面一直走向前面的主席台。这时, 观众席上报以热烈的掌声, 掌声表达了家长对教师的崇高敬意。随后, 旗手举旗引导毕业生进入会场, 当身着学位礼服的毕业生走进会场时, 观众席上发出阵阵的欢呼声, 毕业生和亲友团互相挥手致意。2.2.3致辞与演讲典礼开始, 校长作简短而热烈的祝辞, 祝贺毕业生迈出了人生最关键的一步, 并希望他们在新的工作岗位上发挥自己的聪明才干, 为社会作出贡献。最后, 校长提议全体毕业生起立, 面向观众席鞠躬, 对父母和亲朋好友表示衷心的感谢。此时, 整个会场沸腾了, 所有的毕业生全部起立, 向他们的父母、朋友鞠躬, 亲友团以热烈的掌声回应他们, 许多头发花白的父母流下了欣慰的泪水。这是笔者在典礼上看到的最感人的一幕, 它教会学生懂得感恩, 是教育成功的坚实基础。典礼仪式上的另一个亮点, 是校方请来一位著名的企业家, 作为演讲嘉宾给学生讲述他创业和发展的经历, 引起学生极大的兴趣, 嘉宾的精彩演讲不时赢得阵阵掌声。
2.2.4 颁奖仪式
颁发的奖项中有一个特殊奖项, 叫“服务社会杰出贡献奖”, 获奖者是一位本科生, 这名学生积极参加各种志愿活动, 有很多感人事迹, 然而在一次救助活动中, 她不幸意外身亡, 该奖项由其家人领取。颁发的奖项还有“优秀教师奖”, 该奖项的评选活动在毕业典礼前两个月由学生在网上投票选举, 而评选结果在典礼当天公布, 获奖教师十分惊喜, 上台致谢并发表获奖感言。
2.2.5 学位授予仪式
这是毕业典礼中最激动人心的时刻。每一位毕业生的姓名都被主持人大声宣读一遍;每一位毕业生都会登上主席台, 从校长手中接过毕业证书并与校长握手留念。另外, 摄影师会以国旗和校旗为背景, 为每一名毕业生拍照留念。值得一提的是, 当主持人每念到一位学生姓名, 他的亲友团就会站起来拼命地大声尖叫、吹口哨、挥舞彩球表示庆贺, 现场气氛犹如鲜花着锦、烈火烹油般的热烈。
2.2.6 拨穗及退场
当学位授予仪式完成后, 校长庄严地宣布, 罗格斯大学2012届毕业生正式毕业。此时, 全体毕业生同时将自己学士帽右侧的帽穗拨到左侧, 这一举动象征着学子们即将告别校园踏上新的人生旅途, 也象征着学子们已学有所成, 即将展翅高飞。在一片欢呼声中, 教师和学生依次退场。
2.3 后期活动
毕业典礼结束后, 大家不约而同地来到会场门前互相祝贺、拍照留念。毕业典礼在一个室内体育馆举行, 而校方在馆外布置了一个露天大帐篷并提供免费自助餐, 帐篷的四周摆放着长条桌, 桌上有点心、水果、饮料等招待来宾, 中间场地宽阔, 便于来宾相互交流。
3 启示与借鉴
参加完罗格斯大学的毕业典礼后, 笔者感到中美两国高校的毕业典礼从理念和形式上都有较大差异。第一, 美国大学的毕业典礼又叫“开始典礼”, 它认为毕业是学子人生重要的“里程碑”, 是人生新的起点、新的开始, 值得纪念和珍藏。而我国大学举办的只是毕业典礼, 没有“开始典礼”一说, 所以, 理念上有很大差异。第二, 美国学校非常欢迎家长参加孩子的毕业典礼, 希望家长能与孩子共同分享成功的喜悦、共同见证孩子成长的重要时刻。因此, 校方很早就向家长发出邀请函, 并提供住宿、停车位等, 这一点与国内做法也大不相同。我国学校的毕业典礼很少邀请学生家长参加。第三, 美国大学毕业典礼举办得隆重而又热烈。典礼上, 校长热烈的贺辞, 嘉宾精彩的演讲, 激动人心的学位授予仪式, 亲友团的呐喊助威, 使得整个会场高潮迭起, 精彩不断, 这一切都将成为学子们终身难忘的回忆。相比之下, 国内的毕业典礼就显得较为平淡, 不能给学生留下深刻的记忆。
毕业典礼作为校园文化的重要组成部分, 作为毕业生在学校的“最后一课”, 理应得到足够的重视, 举办一场成功而有意义的毕业典礼, 对学生、对学校都将产生积极而深远的影响。
3.1 邀请家长参加毕业典礼, 加强学校与家庭的交流沟通
家长亲临隆重的毕业典礼现场, 亲耳听到主持人宣读孩子的姓名, 亲眼目睹校长为孩子颁发毕业证书, 激动的心情是不言而喻的。毕业典礼后还可举办招待会, 让家长进一步了解孩子在学校的学习、生活情况, 了解学校的办学理念、办学特色, 并对学校的教学、管理、建设等方面提出意见和建议, 从而实现学校与家庭的良性互动。
3.2 邀请成功校友、知名人士作演讲, 提升学校知名度
毕业生对如何做事、与同事相处、与上司交往等很迷茫。因此, 邀请成功校友、知名人士作演讲, 为毕业生指点迷津、介绍成功经验, 将对其产生重要影响。因为“榜样的力量是无穷的”。同时提升了学校的知名度, 提高了学校的社会声誉。
3.3 让毕业典礼成为“感恩母校、开启人生新航程”的教育课堂
典礼上, 通过唱校歌、毕业宣誓、集体佩戴校徽、颁发毕业证书等环节, 营造出浓厚的情感氛围, 让毕业典礼成为生动的教育课堂;典礼上, 家长的期望、老师的叮咛、领导的嘱托, 这一切都会让毕业生备受感动, 增进学生对母校的归属感和认同感, 以母校为荣, 热爱母校, 感恩母校, 做一名对社会有用的人, 让毕业典礼成为教育学生“感恩母校、开启人生新航程”的生动一课。
3.美国的毕业典礼忠告 篇三
演讲者:刀刃(The Edge,摇滚音乐人,U2乐队吉他手)于美国伯克利音乐学院
演讲者:娜奥米·图图(Naomi Tutu,美国著名人权运动者)于美国本特雷大学
演讲者:玛丽·玛特琳(Marlee Matlin,获得奥斯卡金像奖的唯一聋人女演员)于威尔克斯大学
演讲者:比尔·克林顿(Bill Clinton,美国前总统)于密歇根大学——安娜堡分校
演讲者:迈克尔·布隆伯格(Michael Bloomberg,纽约市市长)于塔夫茨大学
演讲者:卡蒂(Katie Couric,美国哥伦比亚广播公司王牌女主播)于威廉姆斯学院
4.美国高校毕业典礼演讲 篇四
-U.S.Secretary of Energy Steven Chu Madam President Faust, members of the Harvard Corporation and the Board of Overseers, faculty, family, friends, and, most importantly, today’s graduates, Thank you for letting me share this wonderful day with you.I am not sure I can live up to the high standards of Harvard Commencement speakers.Last year, J.K.Rowling, the billionaire novelist, who started as a classics student, graced this podium.The year before, Bill Gates, the mega-billionaire philanthropist and computer nerd stood here.Today, sadly, you have me.I am not wealthy, but at least I am a nerd.I am grateful to receive an honorary degree from Harvard, an honor that means more to me than you might care to imagine.You see, I was the academic black sheep of my family.My older brother has an M.D./Ph.D.from MIT and Harvard while my younger brother has a law degree from Harvard.When I was awarded a Nobel Prize, jwothe announcement, she replied, “That’s nice, but when are you going to visit me next.” Now, as the last brother with a degree from Harvard, maybe, at last, she will be satisfied.Another difficulty with giving a Harvard commencement address is that some of you may disapprove of the fact that I have borrowed material from previous speeches.I ask that you forgive me for two reasons.First, in order to have impact, it is important to deliver the same message more than once.In science, it is important to be the first person to make a discovery, but it is even more important to be the last person to make that discovery.Second, authors who borrow from others are following in the footsteps of the best.Ralph Waldo Emerson, who graduated from Harvard at the age of 18, noted “All my best thoughts were stolen by the ancients.” Picasso declared “Good artists borrow.Great artists steal.” Why should commencement speakers be held to a higher standard? I also want to point out the irony of speaking to graduates of an institution that would have rejected me, had I the chutzpah to apply.I am married to “Dean Jean,” the former dean of admissions at Stanford.She assures me that she would have rejected me, if given the chance.When I showed her a draft of this speech, she objected strongly to my use of the word “rejected.” She never rejected applicants;her letters stated that “we are unable to offer you admission.” I have difficulty understanding the difference.After all, deans of admissions of highly selective schools are in reality, “deans of rejection.” Clearly, I have a lot to learn about marketing.My address will follow the classical sonata form of commencement addresses.The first movement, just presented, were light-hearted remarks.This next movement consists of unsolicited advice, which is rarely valued, seldom remembered, never followed.As Oscar Wilde said, “The only thing to do with good advice is to pass it on.It is never of any use to oneself.” So, here comes the advice.First, every time you celebrate an achievement, be thankful to those who made it possible.Thank your parents and friends who supported you, thank your professors who were inspirational, and especially thank the other professors whose less-than-brilliant lectures forced you to teach yourself.Going forward, the ability to teach yourself is the hallmark of a great liberal arts education and will be the key to your success.To your fellow students who have added immeasurably to your education during those late night discussions, hug them.Also, of course, thank Harvard.Should you forget, there’s an alumni association to remind you.Second, in your future life, cultivate a generous spirit.In all negotiations, don’t bargain for the last, little advantage.Leave the change on the table.In your collaborations, always remember that “credit” is not a conserved quantity.In a successful collaboration, everybody gets 90 percent of the credit.Another difficulty with giving a Harvard commencement address is that some of you may disapprove of the fact that I have borrowed material from previous speeches.I ask that you forgive me for two reasons.First, in order to have impact, it is important to deliver the same message more than once.In science, it is important to be the first person to make a discovery, but it is even more important to be the last person to make that discovery.Second, authors who borrow from others are following in the footsteps of the best.Ralph Waldo Emerson, who graduated from Harvard at the age of 18, noted “All my best thoughts were stolen by the ancients.” Picasso declared “Good artists borrow.Great artists steal.” Why should commencement speakers be held to a higher standard? I also want to point out the irony of speaking to graduates of an institution that would have rejected me, had I the chutzpah to apply.I am married to “Dean Jean,” the former dean of admissions at Stanford.She assures me that she would have rejected me, if given the chance.When I showed her a draft of this speech, she objected strongly to my use of the word “rejected.” She never rejected applicants;her letters stated that “we are unable to offer you admission.” I have difficulty understanding the difference.After all, deans of admissions of highly selective schools are in reality, “deans of rejection.” Clearly, I have a lot to learn about marketing.My address will follow the classical sonata form of commencement addresses.The first movement, just presented, were light-hearted remarks.This next movement consists of unsolicited advice, which is rarely valued, seldom remembered, never followed.As Oscar Wilde said, “The only thing to do with good advice is to pass it on.It is never of any use to oneself.” So, here comes the advice.First, every time you
celebrate an achievement, be thankful to those who made it possible.Thank your parents and friends who supported you, thank your professors who were inspirational, and especially thank the other professors whose less-than-brilliant lectures forced you to teach yourself.Going forward, the ability to teach yourself is the hallmark of a great liberal arts education and will be the key to your success.To your fellow students who have added immeasurably to your education during those late night discussions, hug them.Also, of course, thank Harvard.Should you forget, there’s an alumni association to remind you.Second, in your future life, cultivate a generous spirit.In all negotiations, don’t bargain for the last, little advantage.Leave the change on the table.In your collaborations, always remember that “credit” is not a conserved quantity.In a successful collaboration, everybody gets 90 percent of the credit.Here is my final piece of advice.Pursuing a personal passion is important, but it should not be your only goal.When you are old and gray, and look back on your life, you will want to be proud of what you have done.The source of that pride won’t be the things you have acquired or the recognition you have received.It will be the lives you have touched and the difference you have made.After nine years at Bell labs, I decided to leave that warm, cozy ivory tower for what I considered to be the “real world,” a university.Bell Labs, to quote what was said about Mary Poppins, was “practically perfect in every way,” but I wanted to leave behind something more than scientific articles.I wanted to teach and give birth to my own set of scientific children.Ted Geballe, a friend and distinguished colleague of mine at Stanford, who also went from Berkeley to Bell Labs to Stanford years earlier, described our motives best: “The best part of working at a university is the students.They come in fresh, enthusiastic, open to ideas, unscarred by the battles of life.They don’t realize it, but they’re the recipients of the best our society can offer.If a mind is ever free to be creative, that’s the time.They come in believing textbooks are authoritative, but eventually they figure out that textbooks and professors don’t know everything, and then they start to think on their own.Then, I begin learning from them.”
My students, post doctoral fellows, and the young researchers who worked with me at Bell Labs, Stanford, and Berkeley have been extraordinary.Over 30 former group members are now professors, many at the best research institutions in the world, including Harvard.I have learned much from them.Even now, in rare moments on weekends, the remaining members of my biophysics group meet with me in the ether world of cyberspace.I began teaching with the idea of giving back;I received more than I gave.This brings me to the final movement of this speech.It begins with a story about an extraordinary scientific discovery and a new dilemma that it poses.It’s a call to arms and about making a difference.In the last several decades, our climate has been changing.Climate change is not new: the Earth went through six ice ages in the past 600,000 years.However, recent measurements show that the climate has begun to change rapidly.The size of the North Polar Ice Cap in the month of September is only half the size it was a mere 50 years ago.The sea level which been rising since direct measurements began in 1870 at a rate that is now five times faster than it was at the beginning of recorded measurements.Here’s the remarkable scientific discovery.For the first time in human history, science is now making predictions of how our actions will affect the world 50 and 100 years from now.These changes are due to an increase in carbon dioxide put into the atmosphere since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution.The Earth has warmed up by roughly 0.8 degrees Celsius since the beginning of the Revolution.There is already approximately a 1 degree rise built into the system, even if we stop all greenhouse gas emissions today.Why? It will take decades to warm up the deep oceans before the temperature reaches a new equilibrium.If the world continues on a business-as-usual path, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change predicts that there is a fifty-fifty chance the temperature will exceed 5 degrees by the end of this century.This increase may not sound like much, but let me remind you that during the last ice age, the world was only 6 degrees colder.During this time, most of Canada and the United States down to Ohio and Pennsylvania were covered year round by a glacier.A world 5 degrees warmer will be very different.The change will be so rapid that many species, including Humans, will have a hard time adapting.I’ve been told for example, that, in a much warmer world, insects were bigger.I wonder if this thing buzzing around is a precursor.We also face the specter of nonlinear “tipping points” that may cause much more severe changes.An example of a tipping point is the thawing of the permafrost.The permafrost contains immense amounts of frozen organic matter that have been accumulating for millennia.If the soil melts, microbes will spring to life and cause this debris to rot.The difference in biological activity below freezing and above freezing is something we are all familiar with.Frozen food remains edible for a very long time in the freezer, but once thawed, it spoils quickly.How much methane and carbon dioxide might be released from the rotting permafrost? If even a fraction of the carbon is released, it could be greater than all the greenhouse gases we have released to since the beginning of the industrial revolution.Once started, a runaway effect could occur.The climate problem is the unintended consequence of our success.We depend on fossil energy to keep our homes warm in the winter, cool in the summer, and lit at night;we use it to travel across town and across continents.Energy is a fundamental reason for the prosperity we enjoy, and we will not surrender this prosperity.The United States has 3 percent of the world population, and yet, we consume 25 percent of the energy.By contrast, there are 1.6 billion people who don’t have access to electricity.Hundreds of millions of people still cook with twigs or dung.The life we
enjoy may not be within the reach of the developing world, but it is within sight, and they want what we have.Here is the dilemma.How much are we willing to invest, as a world society, to mitigate the consequences of climate change that will not be realized for at least 100 years? Deeply rooted in all cultures, is the notion of generational responsibility.Parents work hard so that their children will have a better life.Climate change will affect the entire world, but our natural focus is on the welfare of our immediate families.Can we, as a world society, meet our responsibility to future generations? While I am worried, I am hopeful we will solve this problem.I became the director of the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, in part because I wanted to enlist some of the best scientific minds to help battle against climate change.I was there only four and a half years, the shortest serving director in the 78-year history of the Lab, but when I left, a number of very exciting energy institutes at the Berkeley Lab and UC Berkeley had been established.I am extremely privileged to be part of the Obama administration.If there ever was a time to help steer America and the world towards a path of sustainable energy, now is the time.The message the President is delivering is not one of doom and gloom, but of optimism and opportunity.I share this optimism.The task ahead is daunting, but we can and will succeed.We know some of the answers already.There are immediate and significant savings in energy efficiency and conservation.Energy efficiency is not just low-hanging fruit;it is fruit lying on the ground.For example, we have the potential to make buildings 80 percent more efficient with investments that will pay for themselves in less than 15 years.Buildings consume 40 percent of the energy we use, and a transition to energy efficient buildings will cut our carbon emissions by one-third.We are revving up the remarkable American innovation machine that will be the basis of a new American prosperity.We will invent much improved methods to harness the sun, the wind, nuclear power, and capture and sequester the carbon dioxide emitted from our power plants.Advanced bio-fuels and the electrification of personal vehicles make us less dependent on foreign oil.In the coming decades, we will almost certainly face higher oil prices and be in a carbon-constrained economy.We have the opportunity to lead in development of a new, industrial revolution.The great hockey player, Wayne Gretzky, when asked, how he positions himself on the ice, he replied,“ I skate to where the puck is going to be, not where it’s been.” America should do the same.The Obama administration is laying a new foundation for a prosperous and sustainable energy future, but we don’t have all of the answers.That’s where you come in.In this address, I am asking you, the Harvard graduates, to join us.As our future intellectual leaders, take the time to learn more about what’s at stake, and then
act on that knowledge.As future scientists and engineers, I ask you to give us better technology solutions.As future economists and political scientists, I ask you to create better policy options.As future business leaders, I ask that you make sustainability an integral part of your business.Finally, as humanists, I ask that you speak to our common humanity.One of the cruelest ironies about climate change is that the ones who will be hurt the most are the most innocent: the worlds poorest and those yet to be born.The coda to this last movement is borrowed from two humanists.The first quote is from Martin Luther King.He spoke on ending the war in Vietnam in 1967, but his message seems so fitting for today’s climate crisis:
“This call for a worldwide fellowship that lifts neighborly concern beyond one’s tribe, race, class, and nation is in reality a call for an all-embracing and unconditional love for all mankind.This oft misunderstood, this oft misinterpreted concept, so readily dismissed by the Nietzsches of the world as a weak and cowardly force, has now become an absolute necessity for the survival of man … We are now faced with the fact, my friends, that tomorrow is today.We are confronted with the fierce urgency of now.In this unfolding conundrum of life and history, there is such a thing as being too late.”
The final message is from William Faulkner.On December 10th, 1950, his Nobel Prize banquet speech was about the role of humanists in a world facing potential nuclear holocaust.“I believe that man will not merely endure: he will prevail.He is immortal, not because he alone among creatures has an inexhaustible voice, but because he has a soul, a spirit capable of compassion and sacrifice and endurance.The poet’s, the writer’s, duty is to write about these things.It is his privilege to help man endure by lifting his heart, by reminding him of the courage and honor and hope and pride and compassion and pity and sacrifice which have been the glory of his past.”
5.美国高校毕业典礼演讲 篇五
World Bank Group President Jim Yong Kim 世界银行行长金墉
Boston, Massachusetts, United States 马萨诸塞州的波士顿,美国
May 3, 2013 2013年5月3日
President Joseph E.Aoun, Distinguished faculty members and administrators, Members of the Class of 2013, Ladies and gentlemen
约瑟夫·E·奥恩校长,尊敬的各位教职员工,2013届毕业班的全体同学们,女士们,先生们,It’s a great privilege to be here today with all of you, especially the members of the Class of 2013 and your families and friends.You should be very proud.This is a day for memories, a day to savor.A day, also, to join in honoring those who two weeks ago responded so courageously in the face of tragedy—including Northeastern students and staff who provided critical care and support to victims of the attack.今天在这里与在座的各位、特别是2013届毕业生以及你们的家人和朋友欢聚一堂,是一个莫大的荣幸。你们应该感到非常自豪,这是难以忘怀的一天,值得体味的一天,这一天我们也要对那些在两周前勇敢面对悲剧的人们、包括东北大学的学生和员工致敬,他们为爆炸受害者提供了重要的关爱和支持。
It’s an honor for me to stand before you today just at the moment when you are leaving this great University and about to step into your life, the script of which is yet to be written.Throughout my years in the academy, I’ve loved commencements because they embody those rare moments in our modern culture when ritual, tradition and a bit of pageantry brighten our lives.此时此刻,我站在各位面前,正值你们即将离开这所伟大的学府,即将踏入你们的人生,人生脚本还是一张白纸之际,我深感荣幸。在我投身学术界的岁月里,我曾很喜欢毕业典礼,因为它代表着我们现代文化中那些罕见的时刻,当仪式、传统和一点点排场照亮了我们的人生。
But I’m sure many of you are more than a little concerned about what the future will bring, and I just want to say to you today that not only is your future uncertain, but the overwhelming likelihood is that it’s far more uncertain than you think.And you know what, that’s a good thing.A recent study by a group of psychologists in the journal Science found that people are extremely poor at predicting their futures.The study showed that, for example, a typical 20-year-old woman’s predictions for life changes in the next decade of her life were not nearly as radical as the typical 30-year-old woman’s recollection of how much she had changed in her 20s.In other words, 20-year-olds had little idea of just how much they would change over the next ten years.This sort of discrepancy persisted among respondents all the way into their 60s.但是我敢肯定,你们中许多人对于未来将会带来什么很有点担心,我今天只是想对你们说,不仅仅是你们的未来不确定,而最大的可能性是,它远比你所想的更不确定。你们知道吗,这是一件好事。几位心理学家最近在《科学》杂志上发表了一篇研究论文,他们发现人极其不擅长预测自己的未来。他们的研究显示,例如,一个典型的20岁女性对自己未来十年人生变化的预测绝不像一个典型的30岁女性对自己在20来岁时有多大变化的回忆那么激进。换句话说,20岁的人对于自己在未来十年会有多大变化几乎没有概念。这种差异在受访者中一直延续到60多岁的人。
This study’s findings are essentially the story of my life.In fact, even before I was born, given the obstacles my parents faced, I would never have predicted that I would, in fact, be born.My father spent his childhood in North Korea and, at the age of 17, escaped across the border into South Korea, leaving his parents, his brothers and sisters, his entire extended family--everything he had ever known – behind.He had no money.Still, he managed to enroll in the Seoul National University Dental School and became a dentist.He told me stories about how he had so little money he often could only afford to buy lunch from the illegal noodle vendors on the street.Once when he was eating his contraband pasta next to the vendor, police came and chased after the vendors and their customers.But while he ran, my father kept eating his noodles because he knew he wouldn’t be able to afford another bowl for some time.这项研究结果基本上也是我的人生故事。事实上,即使在我出生之前,鉴于我的父母所面临的重重障碍,事实上我都不敢预测我还会出生。我的父亲在北朝鲜度过了他的童年,他在17岁那年偷越边境逃到韩国,离开他的父母、他的兄弟姐妹、他的所有亲朋好友,离开了他所熟悉的一切。他身无分文。但他还是设法进了首尔国立大学牙科学院,后来成为一名牙医。他告诉我,他口袋里只有一点点钱,常常只能买得起街上非法小摊贩卖的面条当午餐。有一次,他正在无照小摊旁边吃面,警察来了,警察赶走了小摊贩和他们的顾客。但我的父亲一边跑一边还在吃他的面,因为他知道他还得过一段时间才能再买得起一碗面。
My mother was born in China near Shanghai among a small community of Korean expatriates.After returning to Korea, on a day she will never forget, her mother--my grandmother--went outside to hang the laundry and never returned, probably either kidnapped or killed by North Korean soldiers.With the war closing in around her, at the age of 15, my mother became a refugee and literally walked, with her younger brother on her back, for 200 miles to escape the fighting.Luckily, she was able to resume her schooling in a tent in the southern city of Masan.She was a good student and with great luck she received a scholarship from a secret women’s society in the United States and was able to enroll as a freshman at Scarritt College in Nashville, Tennessee.我的母亲出生在中国上海附近的一个韩国侨民居住的小社区。回到韩国后,有一天,她永远都不会忘记,她的母亲也就是我的外祖母出去晾衣服就再也没有回来,她可能是被北朝鲜士兵绑架或杀害了。随着战争的临近,我的母亲在15岁时成了难民,为了躲避战火,她背着她的小弟弟徒步走了200英里。幸运的是,她在南部马山市的一顶帐篷里得以继续学业。她是一个好学生,非常幸运地获得了美国一个秘密妇女学会提供的奖学金,进入田纳西州纳什维尔的斯卡里特学院。
Through almost unthinkably divergent and unlikely paths, my parents ended up meeting in New York City at a Christmas party that gathered together the few hundred Korean students who were living in the United States at that time.They fell in love, married in New York, where my older brother was born, then returned to Korea.通过几乎是无法想象的完全不同和不可能的路径,我的父母最终在纽约市的一次圣诞聚会上邂逅相遇,那次圣诞聚会聚集了几百名当时居住在美国的韩国学生。他们坠入爱河,在纽约缔结良缘,生下我哥哥,然后回到韩国。
I was born in Seoul and when I was five, my family moved back to the United States and we eventually settled in Muscatine, Iowa.My father opened his dental practice, and my mother set to work on her PhD in philosophy at the University of Iowa.In the late 60’s, influenced by my mother’s passion for social justice, we watched the civil rights and anti-war movements unfold from our living room in Muscatine.We lived, as you can tell, the classic All-American, Korean family grows up in a small town in Iowa story.We fully embraced our lives in the heartland of this great country.我出生在首尔,在我五岁时我的家人搬回到美国,我们最终定居在爱荷华州的马斯卡廷,我的父亲开了自己的牙科诊所,我的母亲在爱荷华大学研修博士学位。在上世纪60年代,受我母亲热衷于社会公正的影响,我们看到民权和反战运动从马斯卡廷我们家的客厅展开。你们可以想象,我们有着在爱荷华州一个小镇的经典的美籍韩国家庭中成长的经历,我们完全拥抱了在这个伟大国家中心地带的生活。
As you might imagine, there weren’t a lot of Asians in Iowa in the 60’s and 70’s but happily, one of the most popular shows at that time was Kung Fu, the story of a former Shaolin priest, half-Chinese, half-American, who comes to the United States to find his American father.So while we were outsiders in Iowa in a profound sense, at least the bully kids left us alone, because they thought all Asians knew Kung Fu.I played quarterback on the high school football team--but don’t be too impressed, we had the longest losing streak in the nation by the time I was done with my senior year.Years and years went by without a single victory.It was said that grandfathers of my teammates had contributed to the multi-generational streak.正如你们可以想象,在60年代和70年代爱荷华州的亚洲人并不多,但令人高兴的是,当时最受欢迎的一个节目是《功夫》,故事讲的是一个少林和尚,一半中国血统,一半美国血统,到美国来寻找他的美国父亲。所以,虽然我们从深层意义上讲在爱荷华州属于外人,但至少爱欺负人的孩子不招惹我们,因为他们认为所有的亚洲人都会功夫。我在高中橄榄球队打四分卫,但别以为我们有多了不起,在我大四的时候我们是全国连败最长的队。一年又一年,我们一次都没赢过,有人说,我同学的爷爷们早就为子孙后代的连败打下了基础。
After high school, I eventually ended up at Brown University, and I remember one particular day vividly.My father picked me up at the airport after I flew back to Muscatine from Providence, and when we were driving home, he asked me, ―So what are you thinking of studying?‖
I told him I was excited about philosophy and political science.我说我对哲学和政治学很感兴趣。
I thought I could make a difference in the world and I was thinking of going into politics.我认为我可以改变这个世界,我在考虑从政。
My father put on the blinker, pulled off the road, and turned off the car.我父亲打开车子的闪光灯,把车开到路边停下。
He turned to me in the back seat.他转过身来对坐在后座上的我说:
―Look,‖ he said, ―once you finish your medical residency, you can do anything you want.‖ ―瞧,你只要完成了医生实习期,就可以做任何你想做的事情。‖
You see, my father knew all about uncertainty.He knew that it’s impossible to be sure about where you might end up in life.And he worried that his own success might have deprived his children of the opportunity to understand deeply the meaning of running away from the noodle police while, of course, finishing your noodles.He wanted me to have a skill and he wanted me to butt my head up against the joy but also the hard reality of finishing medical school, finishing residency and caring for patients in life-or-death situations.你们看,我的父亲十分懂得不确定性。他很清楚,一个人不可能知道自己最终会做什么,而且他很担心自己的成功有可能会使自己的子女没有机会深入理解从警察身边跑开、当然同时还要吃完剩下的面条意味着什么。他希望我掌握一门本领,他希望我能够有效地抵抗读完医学院、完成实习期和在生与死的情景中照顾患者的喜悦与残酷的现实。
I’m so grateful to my father.我很感谢我的父亲。
So far I’ve told you that life is uncertain, but you already knew that.What I really want you to know is that you have abundant tools to face that uncertainty and to lead an extraordinary life, even beyond your wildest dreams.到目前为止,我告诉你们说人生是不确定的,但你们已经了解了这一点。我真正想让你们了解的是,你们拥有大量的工具来直面这种不确定性,成就不平凡的人生,甚至超出你最疯狂的梦想。
Roy Baumeister is a psychologist who has devoted his career to studying the qualities in human beings that lead them to achieve what he calls ―positive outcomes.‖ In this fascinating field, researchers have found that two traits are most consistently associated with success: intelligence and willpower.In Baumeister’s book entitled Willpower, we learn that efforts to permanently increase intelligence have failed, but people can in fact improve their willpower.Baumeister and his colleagues have shown that taking certain actions to improve willpower is the surest way to a more successful life.Moreover, they’ve shown that willpower is like a muscle that can be built with practice, but also that if you don’t actively exercise your willpower, your capacity to do so will atrophy just like your stomach muscles if you stop doing sit-ups.They’ve even learned that because willpower is associated with a certain part of your brain, maintaining glucose levels in your blood to feed that part of your brain is critical for sustaining your willpower!
Looked at from another angle, a group of researchers has shown that, more than talent, practice is what determines mastery over any given skill or ability.Malcolm Gladwell, in his book Outliers, popularized an important body of work that showed that the path to mastery required 10,000 hours of practice.Books with titles like ―talent is overrated‖ have been published to make the point.从另一个角度看,一些研究人员已经证明,与天赋相比,实践才是决定能否掌握任何技能或能力的主要因素。马尔科姆·格拉德威尔在他的《局外人》一书中推广的一项重要研究成果表明,达到精通之路需要10000个小时的练习,《天赋被高估了》等书的出版就是为了说明这一点。
Now I want you to know that there’s really good news here, especially for Northeastern graduates.By graduating today, you’ve shown your families and the world that you have plenty of IQ points to accomplish anything you set out to achieve.Willpower, discipline and focus--the essential qualities for success that everyone needs--are in your hands to develop and build.As Baumeister shows in his book, you can indeed go to the willpower gym and come out mentally buff, ready to take on the world.现在,我希望你们了解,这实际上是个好消息,尤其是对东北大学的毕业生来说。通过今天的毕业,你们已经向家人和世界证明,你们有足够的智商完成你们决定去做的任何事情。意志力、纪律和专注——每个人都需要的成功的必备素质——就掌握在你们手中,靠你们去开发和建立。鲍迈斯特在他的书中揭示,你的确可以去意志力健身房,强健精神,准备好挑战世界。
Now about the 10,000 hours it takes to achieve mastery.Well, because you’ve studied here at Northeastern, you’ve got a head start.My own estimate is that, through your cooperative education in which you’ve received both classroom knowledge and practical knowledge, you all deserve at least a couple of thousand hours of discount off the standard 10,000.Good for you and congratulations!
But in addition to thinking about uncertainty and willpower, there’s one more thing I want you to try to will yourself to remember today.I want you to think about how you can use time effectively and for good in this complex world.但是,除了思考不确定性和意志力之外还有一件事,我希望你们能够用自己的意志力记住今天,我希望你们想一想怎样才能有效地利用时间,在这个复杂的世界里持之以恒。
Back in Iowa, my mother used to read to me the writings of Martin Luther King, Jr.In Dr.King’s ―Letter from a Birmingham Jail,‖ he writes about understanding the urgency of the present.He writes about an experience with a white moderate--an ally of the civil rights movement--who wrote to him saying that he, Dr.King, was in too great a hurry and that ―the lessons of Christ take time to come to earth.‖ African Americans, the moderate argued, would eventually--eventually--be granted their full civil rights.早在爱荷华州时,我的母亲曾经读马丁·路德·金的著作给我听。金博士在 ―寄自伯明翰监狱的信‖中写了他对现实紧迫性的理解。他写道与一位白人温和派人士、民权运动盟友的交流,此人写信给他,说他金博士过于性急,―基督的教义传播人世,总要花费时日‖。这位温和派人士认为,非裔美国人最终——他是说最终——会获得完全的民权。
Dr.King responded, and I quote: “Such an attitude stems from a tragic misconception of time and a strangely irrational notion that there is something in the flow of time that will inevitably cure all ills.Actually, time itself is neutral.It can be used destructively or constructively.More and more I feel that the people of ill will have used time much more effectively than the people of goodwill.We will have to repent in this generation not merely for the hateful words and actions of the bad people, but for the appalling silence of the good people.” End quote.金博士回应说,我在此引用他的话:―这样的态度乃源自对时间的可悲误解,源自一种不合理的奇特观念,认为在时间之流当中,会有什么东西必将疗治所有的邪恶。实际上,时间是中立的东西;它可以用于建设,也可以用于破坏。我越发觉得,邪恶的人之利用时间,将会比善良的人更其有效。我们得在这一代进行忏悔,不仅因坏人们充满仇恨的言辞与行为,也因好人们骇人听闻的沉默。‖引语完。
With all the willpower I can muster, I try to bring the sense of urgency in Dr.King’s words to my work today.I do this with an understanding that I still have no idea of what the future may bring.After all, I had no idea that I would not only get my medical degree but also a PhD in anthropology.I had no idea that I would help found an organization, Partners in Health, with my colleague Paul Farmer and eventually work in 10 countries around the world.I had no idea that my experience at Partners In Health would lead to my taking charge of the World Health Organization’s HIV/AIDS efforts and starting a campaign to treat 3 million people by the year 2005.And with only minimal experience in academic administration, I became President of Dartmouth College.Finally, completely out of the blue, last year President Obama asked me to stand as a candidate to lead the World Bank Group.我集中全部的意志力,试图将金博士所说的紧迫感带入我今天的工作。我这样做是因为我了解我仍不知道未来可能会带来什么。毕竟,我没有想到我不仅获得了医学学位,而且还获得了人类学博士学位。我没有想到,我会和我的同事保罗·法莫一起帮助创建了一个机构―健康伙伴‖,并最终在全世界10个国家开展了工作。我没有想到我在―健康伙伴‖的工作经历会导致我主管世界卫生组织的艾滋病工作,并开展了一场到2005年治疗3万名艾滋病患者的运动。我只有很少的学术管理经验,却担任了达特茅斯学院的院长。最后,就如晴天霹雳一般,去年奥巴马总统邀请我作为领导世界银行集团的候选人之一。
Always with some trepidation, I embraced these unexpected opportunities, and now I find myself in one of the most interesting jobs in the world.The World Bank Group is an extraordinary organization, founded in the 1940’s to rebuild Europe after World War II.Over the 66 years of its existence, it has become the premier development institution in the world.虽然总是有些诚惶诚恐,但我接受了这些意外的机会,现在我发现自己做的是世界上最有意思的工作之一。世界银行集团是一个非同寻常的机构,成立于1940年,初衷是在二战之后重建欧洲。在其存在的66年里,它已成为世界上最大的发展机构。
Just two weeks ago, our governing body endorsed a target to end extreme poverty by 2030--just 17 years from now.Our Governors, who are made up of the Ministers of Finance and Development of 188 member countries, also endorsed a goal to boost shared prosperity, so that the bottom 40% of income earners in our member states can share in economic growth.Our Governors also emphasized that prosperity must be shared with future generations, which means that we will be leaders in tackling climate change.Climate change has the potential to wipe out many of the development gains of the past decades and plunge people back into poverty.就在两周前,我们的理事会批准了一个目标,即,到2030年,从现在起在短短17年时间里终结极度贫困。我们的理事会由188个成员国的财政和发展部长组成,他们还通过一个目标,就是促进共享繁荣,使我们成员国里处于收入最底层的40%人口可以分享经济增长的成果。我们的理事会还强调,必须让子孙后代共享繁荣,这就意味着我们将在应对气候变化方面发挥领导作用。气候变化有可能使过去数十年的发展成果毁于一旦,使人民重新陷入贫困。
By setting such bold targets for our organization and setting an expiration date for extreme poverty in the world, our Governors have given us the gift of focus and urgency.We will now use time to drive forward what we hope will be a signal achievement in human history.通过给我们的机构设定这种大胆的目标,为消除世界上的极度贫困设定期限,我们的理事会赋予我们着眼点和紧迫感。现在,我们要花时间来推进我们期望成为人类历史上的一项标志性成就。
In closing, my challenge to you is this: set bold goals, deliberately and consciously build your willpower, and use your time well.You are so fortunate.Northeastern’s co-op program and emphasis on experiential learning make this one of the most innovative educational models in the world today.With co-op options now in more than 70 countries, in all types of organizations, this University has given you an unexcelled preparation for global citizenship.As countries around the world, including the United States, search for ways to overhaul higher education, they’re looking to Northeastern’s example.Through your hard work in these past four years, you’ve acquired something exceptional: the foundations for critical and self-critical thinking, joined to the practical skills to solve tough problems in the real world.最后,我对你们提出的挑战是:设定大胆的目标,有意识和自觉地建立自己的意志力,用好你们的时间。你们是如此幸运,东北大学的合作教育计划和对体验式学习的重视,是当今世界上最具创新性的教育模式之一。合作模式已在70多个国家、各种类型的机构中推广,这所大学为你们成为全球公民做了极好的铺垫。世界各国、包括美国都在寻找改革高等教育的路径,他们也在研究东北大学的案例。通过你们在过去四年的努力,你们获得了一些特殊的资质:批判和自我批判思维的基础,结合解决现实世界中棘手问题的实用技能。
These are extraordinary qualifications.They give you power--and responsibility.这些都是非凡的资质,它们赋予你们力量,还有责任。
Like my father on the streets of Seoul--though in a different way--you face a world of uncertainty.Don’t fear that uncertainty.Embrace it.Use it.Uncertainty means that nothing is predetermined.Uncertainty means that the future is yours to shape--with the force of your will, the force of your intellect, and the force of your compassion.Uncertainty is freedom.Take that freedom and run with it.And don’t forget to eat some noodles as you go.You’ll need the glucose.就像在首尔街头的我的父亲,虽然以不同的方式,你们都面对着一个充满不确定性的世界。不要害怕这种不确定性,去拥抱它,去利用它。不确定性意味着没有什么是预先确定的。不确定性意味着未来需要你们去塑造,用你们的力量,你们的意志,你们智慧的力量,你们同情心的力量。不确定性就是自由,抓住这种自由,带着它奔跑吧,别忘了一边跑一边吃点面条,你需要葡萄糖。
6.美国大学毕业典礼上的经典语录 篇六
7.美国高校毕业典礼演讲 篇七
我曾确信自己唯一想做的事情是写小说,但是我的父母都来自贫穷的家庭,都没有上过大学, 他们认为我异常活跃的想象力只是滑稽的个人怪癖, 并不能用来付住房贷款,或者确保得到退休金。他们曾希望我去拿一个职业文凭,而我却想读英国文学。最后,我们达成了一个回想起来双方都不甚满意的妥协:我改学现代语言。可是等到父母一走开,我立刻报名学习古典文学了。我忘了自己是怎么把学古典文学的事情告诉父母的,他们也可能是在我毕业那天才第一次发现。在这个星球上的所有科目中,我想,他们很难再发现一门比希腊神学更没用的课程了。
现在,我不会站在这里和你们说失败很好玩。我生命的那段时间非常灰暗,那时我还不知道我的书会被新闻界认为是神话故事的革命, 我也不知道这段灰暗的日子要持续多久。很长一段时间里,任何出现的光芒只是希望,而不是现实。
那么,我为什么还要谈论失败的收益呢? 那是因为,失败意味着和“非我”脱离,失败后,我找到了自我,不再装成另外的形象,我开始将所有的精力都放在我关心的工作上。如果我在其他方面成功过,可能就不会有一定要在自己的领域内获得成功的决心。我变得自在,因为,我已经经历过最大的恐惧,而且我还活着。我有一个值得我自豪的女儿,我有一台陈旧的打字机和很不错的写作灵感。我在失败堆积而成的硬石般的基础上开始重筑我的人生。
人类和在这个星球上的其他生物不同, 人类能够在没有自我经历的情况下学习和理解。他们可以设身处地地思他人所思、想他人所想。
而且,许多人根本不喜欢训练他们的想象力。他们宁愿在自己的经验范围内维持舒适的状态,也不愿麻烦地去思考这样的问题:如果他们不是现在的自己,那么应该是什么感觉呢? 他们拒绝听到尖叫,拒绝关注囚牢,他们可以对任何与他们自身无关的苦难关上思维与心灵的大门,他们可以拒绝知道这些。
我可能会羡慕那些以这种方 式生活的人,但我不认为他们的噩梦比我少。选择在狭小的空间生活会导致精神上的恐惧症, 而且会带来它自身形成的恐怖。我想,那些任性固执的缺乏想象力的人会看到更多的怪物,他们常常更容易感到害怕。
甚至于, 那些选择不去想他人所想的人可能激活真正的恶魔。因为,虽然我们没有亲手犯下那些昭然若揭的恶行,我们却以冷漠的方式在和邪恶串谋。
18岁时,为了寻找那时的我无法描述的目的 ,我踏上了古典文学的探险道路 ;当走到尽头的时候,我学到了很多东西,其中之一就是希腊作家普卢塔克的这句话:“我们在内心的所得,将改变外界的现实。”这是一个令人惊讶的说法,然而,它在我们生命中每一天都会被证明一千多次。这句话部分地说明了我们和外部世界不可分离的联系,我们只能通过生命存在来接触别人生命的事实。
但是你们,哈佛大学2008届的毕业生们,你们对别人的生活会有多少关心呢? 你们应对困难工作的智慧与能力,你们赢得和接受的教育,给了你们独特的地位和责任,甚至你们的国籍也使你们与众不同。你们中的很大一部分人属于这个世界上唯一的超级大国(美国)。你们投票、生活、抗议的方式,你们给政府施加的压力,会产生超越国界的影响。那是你们的特权,更是你们的负担。
如果你们选择用你们的地位和影响力来为没法发出声音的人说话; 如果你们选择不仅认同有权的强势群体,也认同无权的弱势群体;如果你们保留你们的能力,用来想象那些没有你们这些优势的人的现实生活,那么,不仅你们的家庭会为你们的存在而感到自豪,为你们庆祝,而且,那些因为你们的帮助而生活得更好的数以千万计的人,也会一起来为你们祝贺。我们不需要魔法来改变世界,我们已经在我们的内心拥有了足够的力量,那就是,把世界想象成更好的力量。
8.美国高校毕业典礼演讲 篇八