1.小学二年级新学期新目标作文 篇一
1、 上课要认真听讲,要积极发言,不懂的题要问老师,错题要及时改正。
2、 要遵守班纪校规,不能乱穿马路、乱丢垃圾,下课时,不能高声喧哗,要靠右走,不能够与同学发生争执、吵闹,要和同学和平相处。
3、 老师布置的作业必须按时完成,不能拖拖拉拉,做作业时要仔细、细心,不能马马虎虎。
4、 老师吩咐的`事情要一丝不苟的完成,如果同学需要帮助,要帮助他(她)
2.小学二年级新学期新目标作文 篇二
新旧教材的编写结构基本相同, 均以单元为基本构成单位, 各单元由若干小节组成, 每节的编写结构大多为正文、“练习”, 每个单元后有“整理与复习”, 全册末尾还有总复习。但新教材中并非每节学习内容之后都配有“练习”, 此外新教材还增加了“数学文化”, 主要介绍一些数学小故事, 比如阿拉伯数字的产生, 数的产生等。
二、教材内容的比较 (如下表)
《标准》将教学内容分为“数与代数”、“空间与图形”、“统计与概率, ”“实践与综合应用”第一学段 (1~3年级) 为“实践活动”, 第二学段 (4~6年级) 为“综合应用”四个领域。
1. 在“数与代数”方面, 新旧教材的相同点是:
“亿以内数的认识”。不同点有:新教材删减了一些脱离生活实际的内容:如亿以内数的珠算, 增加了一些与生活实际紧密联系的内容, 如“计算工具的认识”、“用计算器计算”。此外, 将“乘数、除数是三位数的乘法和除法”改为“三位数乘两位数和除数是两位数的除法”, 降低了学习的难度。
2. 在“几何与图形”方面, 新教材删减了土地面积单
位公顷这些已经脱离生活实际的知识, 增加了“角的度量”、“平行四边形和梯形”。
3. 在“统计与概率”方面, 旧教材没有统计方面的内
容, 新教材增加了“统计”一章, 让学生们学会做与生活密切相关的复式统计图。
4. 在“实践与综合应用”方面, 旧教材没有相关方面
的内容, 新教材增加“数学广角”让学生学会统筹规划, 提高他们解决问题的能力。
其他方面的变化主要体现在“数学文化”方面。新教材增加了“数的产生”“十进制计数法”, 这对提高学生的数学学习兴趣、拓宽学生的视野及激励学生学好数学等方面都具有重要作用。帮助学生了解数学知识的产生、形成和发展, 拓宽他们的知识面, 让学生体会数学在人类发展中的作用, 激发他们学习数学的兴趣。
1. 习题量。
新教材习题明显少于旧教材, 仅是旧教材的67%。
2. 习题类型。
从题目的开放程度划分, 旧教材几乎全是条件完备、结论确定的封闭题, 而新教材中除了封闭题外还增加了一定的开放题, 如“商店里有四种电话机, 单价分别是128元、158元、198元、218元, 李老师带了3000元为学校选购15台同样的电话机, 有多少种购买方案?分别还剩多少钱?”由于小学生的认知水平还不高, 所以新教材中开放题的比重较小, 封闭题仍居主要地位。但其教育价值不可忽视, 它为学生独立思考、自主探索、合作交流提供了广阔的空间, 对保障学生的主体地位、激发学生的数学学习兴趣、培养学生良好的思维品质、提高他们解决问题的能力以及培养创新意识都具有重要作用。总之, 新教材的习题配置着力体现了“不同的人在数学上有不同的发展”的新课程理念。
旧教材呈现形式单一、严肃, 新教材充分考虑了学生的兴趣爱好、认知特征, 呈现形式丰富、活泼。这与《标准》对教材的呈现形式所作的明确要求———“内容的呈现应采用不同的表达方式, 以满足学生多样化的学习需求”是相一致的。
1. 例题中问题的设问方式不同。
新教材注意结合学生熟悉的生活情境, 给学生呈现一幅实际生活中的图画。比如, 在“口算除法”一节, 新教材呈现一幅老师给同学分发气球的画面, 有80个气球, 每班领20个, 可以分给几个班?新教材从学生熟悉的画面入手, 符合小学生由直观到抽象的认知特点, 能激发学生的学习兴趣, 调动起他们思考问题的积极性。而旧教材在与学生的生活实际相联系方面显得有些不足, 通常是直接出示例题的方式, 容易脱离学生的生活实际, 使学生感到枯燥、乏味。如:500÷100=?2400÷100=?等。
2. 学习过程及结论的得出方式不同。
在旧教材中, 是这样体现“亿以内数的读法”的:分别呈现一个五位数、七位数、八位数的读法, 然后直接得出“含有两级的数的读法”的规律。而新教材在展现知识的产生和应用中, 为学生提供了自主尝试、探索和交流的机会, 让学生在自主探索中发现含两级数的读法, 不再出现文字概括形式的读法规律。
3. 习题呈现形式不同。
新教材中题型的设计, 一方面注重与学生日常生活相联系, 另一方面又注意以一种学生喜闻乐见的形式表现出来。比如, 新教材设计了如下习题:我国发射的“神州”四号飞船绕地球一周约用90分钟, 一共绕地球108圈, 用了多少时间?
4. 新教材增加了“数学文化”这一部分, 以“你知道
吗”为标题, 主要采用连环画的方式呈现, 用图画代替纯粹的文字, 浅显易懂, 生动有趣, 易于学生阅读理解。如“阿拉伯数字的由来”由四幅生动活泼的图画和简单易懂的文字叙述学生讲述了阿拉伯数字的来历。
1.新教材注重培养学生的自主探究意识。新教材在“平行四边形和梯形”一节中, 不是直接呈现平行四边形和梯形的特征, 而是让学生画出不同形状和大小不同的四边形, 然后讨论四边形可以分成几类, 让同学们自己探索平行四边形和梯形的性质。
2.新教材注重培养学生对数学的兴趣。旧教材的编写, 由于过于注重数学的严谨性与逻辑性, 在知识的呈现方式上使学生看不到数学被发现、创造的过程, 从而容易使学生误解数学, 使学生认为数学只是一些枯燥法则和公式的堆砌, 从而失去对数学的兴趣。新教材在注重逻辑性的同时, 有意识地“拉近了与学生的关系”, 选取学生熟悉的素材, 用生动活泼的语言, 创设数学学习情境, 使学生产生亲切感, 激发学生对数学的学习兴趣。
1.新教材对教师的教学提出了挑战。传统教学中教师是课程的执行者, 教师的任务即忠实地执行套装课程, 以有效的教学方法传递这些学习内容给学生。然而新教材对教师提出了更高的要求, 它要求教师真正成为“课程设计者”的角色。在处理教材内容方面, 教师只有深入研究和分析教材, 理解教材的内涵, 才能有效地将情感、态度、价值观的培养渗透于数学教学之中, 从而实现教学的“再创造”。笔者认为, 这是一个可喜的现象, 新教材对教师提出的挑战, 要求教师成为课程设计者, 这对于促进教师的专业发展是有一定作用的。
2.新教材的习题量急剧下降———这一问题值得思考。新教材大量削减习题量, 只剩下原来旧教材习题量的一半左右。而学生的计算能力是需要通过一定数量的练习才能得以培养的。因此, 大量削减习题的作法是否妥当是一个值得思考的问题!
[1]教育部.全日制义务教育课程标准 (实验稿) [S].北京:北京师范大学出版社, 2001.
[2]人民教育出版社数学室编.小学数学第七册[M].北京:人民教育出版社, 1996.
3.新目标英语七年级暑假练习(二) 篇三
A) 根据汉语或首字母提示,写出空白处所缺的单词。
1. The students s________for the English exam at ten last night.
2. There are lots of r________in our school.
3. How about________(游泳) at the pool in the park?
4. My parents like eating noodles with________(马铃薯) and mutton.
5. Tom’s father has a________(危险的) job.
B) 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空,完成下列句子。
1. There________(be) some beef on the table.
2. Everyone in our class________(have) a computer.
3. Please stop________(run) in the hallways.
4. Uncle Wang________(watch) TV at home yesterday evening.
5. He is my favorite________(sing).
Ⅱ. 单项选择
1. Turn right________Happy Park. My school is________your right.
A. at;on B. from;at C. in;in
2. Tony always wore a coat in the past,________now he wears a jacket.
A. because B. but C. or
3. Lucy is from________,so her nationality is________.
A. France;French B. French;France C. France;France
4. I like the movie very much. It’s________.
A. awful B. interesting C. terrible
5. He________medium height and________blonde hair.
A. is;is B. has;has C. is;has
6. I’d like________this evening.
A. going to the movies B. to go to the movies
C. go to the movies
7. Stop________. Please listen to me.
A. to talk B. talk C. talking
8. I have to practice________English every day.
A. saying B. talking C. speaking
9. Does your mother enjoy________books on the Internet?
A. to read B. reading C. read
10. He is sitting between________and________.
A. you;my B. you;me C. I;you
11. My sister and I________.
A. am doing our homework
B. are doing our homework
C. are doing our homeworks
12. What________your parents________the food?
A. do;think of B. does;think of C. do;think
13.________Nancy often________to the beach last summer?
A. Does;go B. Did;go C. Did;went
14. —________?
—She went to the supermarket.
A. Where is she from
B. Where did she live
C. Where did she go this morning
15. —Would you like some noodles?
A. Yes,please B. No,please C. Not bad
Ⅲ. 句型转换 按括号内的要求改写下列句子,每空填一词。
1. My sister read an interesting book last Sunday. (改为否定句)
My sister_________ _______an interesting book last Sunday.
2. I can see some tea in the glass. (改为一般疑问句)
________you_________ _______tea in the glass?
3. She does her homework at school every day. (用yesterday改写句子)
She_________ _______homework at school yesterday.
4. We are listening to pop music now. (对画线部分提问)
5. Nat went to a movie yesterday. (对画线部分提问)
________did Nat________yesterday?
Ⅳ. 汉译英 根据汉语句子,完成英语句子,每空填一词。
1. —毕业后你想当什么?
—What________you want to________after you finish school?
—A reporter.
2. —晚餐你想要点什么?
—_________ _______you________for dinner?
—Beef noodles.
3. —你觉得谈话节目怎么样?
—What do you_________ _______talk shows?
—I love them because they’re interesting.
4. 她个子很高,但有点瘦。
She is very tall but_________ _______thin.
5. 我刚才看到她跟朋友玩。
I________her________ ________her friends just now.
Ⅴ. 补全对话 根据对话内容,从方框中选出恰当的语句填空,完成对话。其中有一项是多余的。
A:What are you doing now?
A:Can you come out tonight?
B:I’m afraid I can’t.__2__ Why?
A:We want to go to the movies tonight. Can you go with us?
B:__3__ I never go out on school nights.
A:Oh,I know. But the movie on show tonight is really interesting.
A:It’s Friends. It’s a sitcom. What do you think of sitcoms?
B:__5__ OK! Have a good time! I have to practice my guitar.
A. I don’t mind them.
B. I am watching TV.
C. I’ll start to practice my guitar soon.
D. Mm,what is it?
E. No,I can’t.
F. Of course,I can.
Ⅵ. 完形填空
On Sunday mornings,I often get up late. After breakfast I go__1__ with my mother. There is a shop__2__ my home,so we go there on foot. The shop is new__3__ big. It has a good name——Lucky Shop. It__4__ many things,like school things,clothes and all__5__ of food. Some of them are cheap,but some of them are__6__. On Sundays the shop is__7__. Parents must take good care of their children in the shop.
The shop is open from 9 am to 9 pm every day. People working there are very__8__ and helpful. They like to talk to you and__9__ you find what you want.
If you come to my home,I can__10__ you there to have a look.
1. A. swimming B. fishing C. shopping
2. A. at B. in C. near
3. A. and B. or C. but
4. A. buys B. sells C. gives
5. A. pieces B. bagsC. kinds
6. A. cheap B. expensive C. good
7. A. quiet B. big C. crowded
8. A. well B. right C. friendly
9. A. help B. ask C. answer
10. A. take B. pass C. wait
Ⅶ. 阅读理解
Once there lived a very exact(严谨的) man. One day when he was walking in the street,an old woman came over and asked him,“Excuse me,where is the nearest restaurant?”
“You have to cross(穿过) a bridge and then turn to the right.”
“And is the bridge long?”
“No,it’s just thirty meters long.”
The old woman thanked him and went towards the bridge.
Suddenly she heard someone running after her.
“Stop(站住)!” the man was shouting. “I’m very sorry. I just remembered the bridge is forty meters long. If you go thirty meters and then turn to the right as I told you,you’ll fall into the river.”
1. One day when an exact man________,an old woman came over.
A. was shouting to a boyB. was doing morning exercises
C. was walking in the streetD. was listening to the radio
2. The old woman wanted________.
A. to go to a restaurantB. to buy some vegetables
C. to take a busD. to see a film
3. The man said the bridge was________first.
A. forty meters long B. a kilometer long
C. thirty meters long D. thirty-four meters long
4. The man was running after the old woman because________.
A. he just remembered the way to the restaurant
B. he just remembered the real length(长度) of the bridge
C. he wanted to go to the restaurant with her
D. he wanted to tell her his name
5. If the man didn’t tell the woman the real length of the bridge,the woman would________.
A. fall into the river B. lose her way
C. be angry with him D. also find the restaurant
An English student goes to a city of Australia to study there.__1__ Today he is walking down a street with a map.__2__ The word “Room” is on it. “What a nice room!” he says. “ 3 The sun will come into the room in the day. I’ll take it. ”__4__ The sun is always on the north(北面) in the day.
A. The windows are on the south side(南边).
B. He walks around the city to look for a warm room.
C. But he is wrong.
D. He sees a small board(木板) in the window of a house.
E. So he is right.
5. What’s the best title for the passage?
A. A Student. B. A Room. C. A Day. D. The Sun.
People eat different things in different parts of the world.
In South China,we eat rice every day. Sometimes we eat it two or three times a day,for breakfast,lunch and supper. We usually eat it with fish,meat and vegetables.
The Japanese eat rice,too. They also eat a lot of fish. They sometimes eat raw(生的) fish. In Africa,maize(玉米) is the most important food. People there make maize into flour(面粉). From this flour they make different kinds of bread and cakes.
In western(西方的) countries such as Britain,Australia and the USA,the most important food is bread or potatoes. People there usually make their bread from flour. They cook the potatoes in different ways. In England the most popular food is fish and chips. Sometimes people cook this food at home,but usually they buy it from the shop. They eat this food at home,in their work place,in the park or on the road. People call it “take-away” food.
1. This passage is about________.
A. food B. drink C. clothes D. ways of life
2. Who sometimes eat fish when it isn’t cooked?
A. People in China. B. People in Japan.
C. People in Africa. D. People in Britain..
3. The most important food for African people is________.
A. rice B. fish C. vegetables D. maize
4. Which of the following countries is called “a western country”?
A. One of the countries in Africa. B. Japan.
C. China. D. Australia.
5. People eat “take-away” food________.
A. at home B. on the way to school
C. in their office D. A,B and C
Ⅷ. 书面表达
请根据下表内容,以“My Mother’s Busy Day”为题写一篇短文。要求:70个词左右,语句通顺。
Ⅰ. A) 1. studied 2. rules 3. swimming 4. potatoes 5. dangerous
B) 1. is 2. has 3. running 4. watched 5. singer
Ⅱ. 1-5 ABABC 6-10 BCCBB 11-15 BABCA
Ⅲ. 1. didn’t,read 2. Can,see,any 3. did,her
4. What’re,doing 5. What,do
Ⅳ. 1. do,be 2. What,would,like 3. think,of 4. a,little/kind,of
5. saw,play,with.
Ⅴ. 1-5 BCEDA
Ⅵ. 1-5 CCABC 6-10 BCCAA
Ⅶ. (A) 1-5 CACBD
(B) 1-5 BDACB
(C) 1-5 ABDDD
Ⅷ. One possible version:
My Mother’s Busy Day
My mother is a nurse. She is always busy.
She often gets up at 5:30 in the morning;then she cooks breakfast for us. At 6:45 am,she goes to work by bus. At 12:00,she has lunch in the hospital. At 5:30 in the afternoon,she buys vegetables for dinner. At 6:00 pm,she cooks dinner for us. After dinner,she has to do some washing and cleaning.
4.小学二年级新学期学习计划 篇四
5.新学期目标三年级作文 篇五
6.小学二年级新学期新目标作文 篇六
7.新目标七年级下期末测试题(二) 篇七
1. ____ great fun it is to go boating in such fine weather!
A. WhatB. HowC. What aD. How a
2. ____ birthday is in July, but ____ is in November.
A. Your, herB. His, myC. My, hersD. His, her
3. Mike bought me ____ Christmas gift. It was ____ umbrella.
A. a, a B. an, anC. a, anD. an, a
4. Linda often helps her mother ____ housework in the evening.
A. doesB. doC. didD. doing
5. Peter does well ____ science. That is, Peter is good ____ science.
A. at, atB. at, inC. with, forD. in, at
6. Let’s ____ a rest, shall we?
A. goB. haveC. havingD. has
7. There are heavy clouds. It ____ like rain.
A. isB. feelsC. wouldD. looks
8. Zhou Jielun is popular ____ us. We all like him.
A. forB. withD. toD. in
9. Where ____ you go ____ vacation last summer?
A. do, forB. did, inC. do, onD. did, on
10. ——Would you like some drinks?
——____, ____.
A. No, pleaseB. Yes, much thank
C. Yes, I’d likeD. Yes, please
11. ——What do you think of talk shows? ——____. Which is wrong?
A. I love themB. I can’t stand them
C. I don’t mind them D. I think of talk shows very much 12. ——How was your weekend? ——____.
A. It’s greatB. It’s OK
C. TerribleD. I have a good time
13. He was really ____ after a long holiday.
A. relaxedB. relaxes C. relaxingD. relaxs
14. ——How about ____ a walk after supper?
——Good idea!
A. takeB. to takeC. takingD. takeing
15. ——____, but can you tell me the way to the post office.
A. I’m sorryB. SorryC. Excuse meD. Hello
16. ——Would you like to go boating this weekend?
——I’d like to, ____ I am too busy.
A. soB. andC. orD. but
17. Your mother has to get up early every morning, ____?
A. hasn’t sheB. isn’t sheC. doesn’t sheD. didn’t she
18. ——What are you doing now?
——I ____ a letter to my pen pal.
A. writingB. am writeC. am writingD. am writeing
19. There is ____ rain in the south in spring.
A. muchB. manyC. a lotD. a few
20. Listen! Who ____ in the next room?
A. singsB. is singingC. sangD. singing
21. Judie doesn’t like chicken, and I don’t, ____.
A. tooB. alsoC. as wellD. either
22. ——Would you like ____ cup of coffee?——No, thanks.
A. the otherB. anotherC. othersD. other
23. ——____ do you go back to your hometown?
——Twice a year.
A. How longB. How soonC. How farD. How often
24. My Chinese teacher usually ____ a pair of glasses.
A. puts onB. wearsC. withD. is wearing
25. ——May I ____ your bike? ——Certainly, here you are.
A. lendB. borrowC. keepD. lent
26. ——____ did you come to school yesterday?
——By taxi.
A. WhyB. WhereC. WhenD. How
27. Shenzhen is my second ____. I love it. It’s a beautiful city.
A. home B. familyC. roomD. house
28.The Browns ____ to Paris last Monday.
A. flyB. fliedC. flewD. flies
29. ——Hi, ____ I speak to Cindy?
——Speaking, please.
A. mayB. willC. mustD. need
30. ——____ of noodles would they like?
——They’d like beef carrot noodles.
A. What sizeB. What otherC. What kindD. What
Bruno is a young man of twenty. He’s very__1__and likes sports.But he likes footballbest. He always plays football or watches football matches if he’s __2__.
One Saturday afternoon there was a football match. The young man was __3__ because he got a __4__. After lunch he went to the stadium(体育场). On his way there,__5__ was wrong with his car. He had to stop to mend it. When he drove it again, he looked at his __6__and found there was only ten minutes left. He was __7__to be late for the match and drove fast. At the turning he didn’t stop though(尽管) the lights were red. The __8__ stopped him and asked, “Why didn’t you wait for a __9__?Didn’t you see the red lights?”
“Yes, I did, sir,” said Bruno. “__10__ I didn’t see you.”
1. A. shortB. strongC. thin
2. A. freeB. busyC. kind
3. A. happyB. sadC. friendly
4. A. bookB. ballC. ticket
5. A. somethingB. anythingC. everything
6. A. clockB. handC. watch
7. A. worriedB. afraidC. careful
8. A. doctor B. policemanC. teacher
9. A. daysB. hoursC. minute
10. A. ButB. SoC. Or
1. She has a nice watch.(变为复数)
____ ____ nice ____.
2. My sister read an interesting book last Sunday. (变为否定句)
My sister ____ ____ an interesting book last Sunday.
3. Jack does his homework after supper. (变为否定句)
Jack ____ ____ his homework after supper.
4. We are listening to pop music now. (对划线部分提问)
____ you ____ now?
5. Nat went to a movie yesterday. (对划线部分提问)
____ did Nat ____ yesterday?
6. My father works on a farm. (对划线部分提问)
____ ____ your father work?
7. What’s the weather like in Shanghai? (改写句子,句意不变)
____ ____ the weather in Shanghai?
8. How beautiful the flowers are!(改写句子,句意不变)
____ ____ ____ they are!
9. I was not a little tired after a long walk. (变为一般疑问句)
____ ____ not a little tired after a long walk?
10. How does your friend like soap operas? (改写句子,句意不变)
____ does your friend ____ ____ soap operas?
Mr Smith moved to another town, and soon he needed a new doctor, so he went to see one. He sat down in the waiting room and looked round. The doctor’s name was on the wall. Suddenly(突然) Mr Smith re-membered: There was a classmate with the same name in his class at school, and he became a doctor!
When he went in to see the doctor, he remembered a young stu-dent, and was very sorry to see how old this man was. He said to him,“Good morning, doctor!Did you go to King High School?”
The doctor answered, “Yes, I did.”
“Were you there from 1942 to 1946?” Mr Smith asked.
“Yes, I was,” the doctor answered. “How did you know?”
Mr Smith laughed and said, “You were in my class.”
“Oh?” the doctor said and looked at him carefully for a few min-utes. “What were you teaching?”
1. Mr Smith ____ town, so he needed a new doctor.
A. caught a cold B. went to live in a new
C. went away from anotherD. visited
2. Mr Smith thought of a classmate of his when he ____.
A. saw the old doctor
B. saw the doctor’s name on the wall
C. saw the picture of the doctor
D. talked to the doctor
3. When Mr Smith found the doctor was old, he ____.
A. felt happy B. felt unhappy
C. felt pleased D. felt quite angry
4. The doctor thought Mr Smith was his ____ in King High School from 1942 to 1946.
A. friendB. teacherC. classmateD. monitor
5. Mr Smith thought the doctor was old, but the doctor thought Mr Smith was ____.
A. as old as heB. much younger
C. even(更) olderD. a little younger
Now people make their living with their hands. But Tom makes his living with his feet. A very good living, isn’t it?
Tom’s story began in a very small city in England. His parents were very poor(贫穷). Seven people lived in their small house. Tom had no place to play but in the street. Tom’s father often played football. Little Tom wanted to play football, too. So his father made a nice ball for him to play. The little boy played it every day.
At last Tom learned to play a real football, and after a few years he could play football very well. Now Tom is one of the best football play-ers.
6. Tom makes his living with his ____.
A. handsB. headC. feetD. legs
7. Tom’s parents lived in a ____ city in England.
A. smallB. bigC. newD. old
8. Tom wanted his father to ____ him a football to play.
A. buyB. borrow C. buildD. make
9. A few years later Tom was ____ at playing football.
A. well B. goodC. badD. nice
10. Tom plays football ____ than many other players.
A. harderB. worse C. best D. better
A: Hello! May I __1__ __2__ Lucy, please?
B: __3__ __4__, please (Lucy, it’s for you).
C: Hello!__5__ is Lucy.
A: Hi, Lucy. This is Ann. Would you like to go to the park with me?
C: __6__!I’d __7__ to go with you. __8__ shall we meet?
A: __9__ the school gate.
C: OK! Thanks a lot.
A: You’re __10__.
以My English Teacher为题,写一篇短文,介绍从外国来的英语老师。
内容应包括:1.外表形象;2.内在品质; 3.兴趣爱好; 4.所在国籍;5.家庭情况;6.师生关系。词数60-80。
8.小学二年级新学期新目标作文 篇八
1. a A. h B. s C. m D. f
2. q A. o B. s C. p D. u
3. s A. a B. x C. i D. j
4. d A. f B. i C. b D. h
5. m A. s B. a C. o D. k
1. Ii ____
2. Uu ____ ____
3. Hh ____ ____ ____
4. Bb ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____
5. Mm ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____
1. I am(缩写形式)____
2. It’s(完全形式)____
3. two(同音词)____
4. you(同音字母)____
5. yes(反义词)____
1. This is ____(I) pen.
2. Is it ____(you) book?
3. ____(my) am He Xu.
4. How are ____(your)?
5. Excuse ____(I). What’s your name?
1. ——Are you Jim Green?
A. Yes, I’m B. Yes, I amC. No, I amD. Not, I’m not
2. This is Kate Green, ____.
A. Mr Kate B. Miss KateC. Miss Green D. Mr Green
3. ——Hello! Are you Mr Du?
——No, I’m not.
A. Hello B. Sorry
C. That’s all rightD. Excuse me
4. Can you spell ____ name, please?
A. you B. your C. yours D. it
5. This ____ Zhou Hua.
A. is B. are C. am D. be
6. Welcome ____ England!
A. to B. at C. in D. /
7. ——____ is “A”? ——It’s here.
A. How B. What C. Where D. Who
8. ——How do you do?
A. Fine, thank you, and you? B. How do you do?
C. Thank you. D. OK.
9. ——____. Are you Song Jing?
——Yes, I am.
A. Sorry B. OK C. Good D. Excuse me
10. ——Thank you.
A. Thank you, too B. You’re welcome
C. That’s right D. See you
take…out of, put, writer’s, dictionary, that,
found, sharpen, games, in English, hear
1. My penceil is too blunt. Will you ____ it a little?
2. If you have a lot of new words in this reading, you have to look them up in this ____.
3. We like to ____ some small presents ____ my mother’s handbag as soon as she gets home.
4. ——Is ____ your ruler?
——Yes, of course.
5. This time we can ____ a new song on the air.
6. Who can sing this song ____?
7. I often see many children play ____ after school.
8. Miss Forgetful usually finds her things at the lost and ____.
9. ——Shall we ____ the fruits in the middle? ——Certainly.
10. ——Have you heard of that famous ____ name? ——No, never.
1. Good morning, class!
2. What’s your name, please?
3. Can you spell your name, please?
4. How do you do?
5. Excuse me! Are you Mr Green?
6. Sorry!
7. Nice to meet you.
8. See you later.
9. Thank you.
10. Good afternoon.
A. That’s all right.
B. My name is Hao Xiu.
C. No, I am not.
D. Good morning, Mr Du.
E. Yes, L-I-N, Lin, T-A-O, Tao.
F. How do you do?
G. Nice to meet you, too.
H. See you.
I. Good afternoon.
J. You’re welcome.
A: Good afternoon, Sir.
B: Good afternoon. What’s __1__ name, please?
A: __2__ __3__ is Li Lan. __4__ do you __5__?
B: How __6__ __7__ do? __8__ you __9__ your name, __10__?
A: __11__ L-I, Li, L-A-N, Lan.
B: Thank you.
A: __12__ __13__. __14__!
B: __15__!
A: __16__ __17__. Are you Mr Read?
B: No, I’m __18__. I’m Mr Brown.
A: __19__.
B: __20__ all right.
Hi, my name’s Kay. Look, what’s this in English? It’s a backpack. It’s my backpack. What color is it? It’s black. Oh, what’s that in English? It’s a cap. It’s not my cap. It’s Victor’s cap. Victor is my brother. Is this Victor’s watch? No, it’s my father’s. His name is Tim. He is a teacher.
1. Victor is Kay’s brother.
2. Kay has(有) a watch.
3. The cap is Victor’s.
4. Kay’s backpack is red.
5. Kay’s father is a teacher.
Sam: What’s this? It’s an American eraser. It is made(被制造) in our hometown(家乡). But it isn’t mine. Hi! Jim, is this your eraser?
Jim: No, it isn’t. Maybe(可能) it’s Ann’s, I think.
Sam: Excuse me, Ann.
Ann: Yes?
Sam: Is this your eraser?
Ann: No, it isn’t. I think it’s Lucy’s.
Sam: Lucy, is this your eraser?
Lucy: Oh, yes. Thank you very much.
Sam: That’s all right.
Jim: Look! What are those?
Lucy: I think they are oranges.
Ann: No, they aren’t. I think they are apples—yellow apples.
Jim: Are they in a box?
Lucy: No, they are in a basket(籃子).
Sam: Whose are they?
Lucy: Sorry, we really(确实) don’t know.
1. At last(最后) the eraser is ____.
A. Ann’s B. Lucy’s C. Jim’s D. Sam’s
2. What are those in the basket?
A. Bananas B. Apples C. Pears D. Oranges
3. ——Whose apples are those?
A. Lucy’s B. Sam’s C. Jim’s D. No one knows
4. Sam and Jim are ____ boys.
A. Chinese B. Australian C. American D. Japanese
5. Which of the following is right? ____.
A. Ann knows the eraser is Lucy’s
B. Lucy knows whose the apples are
C. Sam knows the eraser is Lucy’s
D. Some oranges are in the box
I am an American girl. My name is Lucy. I am a new student. I am twelve years old. Now I am in Class Six, Grade One. My teacher is Miss Gao. I have a sister. Her name is Lily. We are twins. We look the same. She is in a different school.
I am on duty this morning. At school I help my teacher put her map, ruler, and pictures on her desk. I tell my teacher everyone is here. But I am wrong. Jim is not at school. I don’t know where he is. I think he is at home.
1. Lucy is ____ girl.
A. an English B. an America C. an American D. English
2. Lucy is ____ student.
A. an B. an old C. a new D. not a old
3. Lucy is in ____.
A. Class One, Grade Six B. a different school from Lily
C. Mr Gao’s class D. American
4. Lucy is ____.
A. right B. careful(小心的)
C. not wrong D. wrong
5. Jim is not at school. ____.
A. Lucy doesn’t know where he is, either
B. He is ill
C. He’s in Lily’s class
D. He is not at home
9.小学二年级新学期新目标作文 篇九
10.新学期新风貌小学四年级作文 篇十
11.新学期小学五年级作文 篇十一