模块5 Unit 2 全单元语言点详备教学案教师版(译林牛津版高二英语必修五教案教学设计)


模块5 Unit 2 全单元语言点详备教学案教师版(译林牛津版高二英语必修五教案教学设计)(精选5篇)

1.模块5 Unit 2 全单元语言点详备教学案教师版(译林牛津版高二英语必修五教案教学设计) 篇一

Welcome to the unit

1. practise vt. 练习

He is practising the piano now.

We often practise speaking English among ourselves.

2.get along/ on

1). 进展 get along with

How are you getting along with your computer?

We can’t get along well without courage.

2). 相处融洽 get along with

My cat is getting along well with my dog.

My family are getting along well with my neighbors.

3. be worth 值得

1) Be worth+名词

I paid only 10 yuan for the book, but is worth much more.

The book is worth 10 yuan.

2) be worth + doing 表被动含义

The book is well worth reading.

注意:be worthy of + 名词 或 being done be worthy to be done

The experiment is worthy of careful try.

The experiment is worthy of being tried.

The experiment is worthy to be tried.

4. What do you think are most important characteristics in a friend?

Wh + do you think + 其他部分 用以征询对方的看法或推测等。

Who do you think has got the first prize?

Where do you think we will go for a picnic?




He who betrays his country will be punished.

He betrayed his friends to the enemy. His friends were betrayed to the enemy by him.

2) 泄露(秘密) 暴露

He betrayed the news to all his friends.

2.We have been best friends since primary school. Since

1) 连词

Unemployment in that country is now at its lowest level since World War II.

She has been away from her hometown since five years ago.

2) 副词

She left her hometown five years ago. We haven’t seen her since.

3) It is … since …

It is just three days since they arrived at the mountain village. 他们到达这个山村才三天时间。


It is three years since I worked in the factory. 我不在这个工厂工作已经三年了。

3.I thought it would be quite easy and was not worried about the results.原以为

Here he comes. I thought he would be late.

I didn’t think that he had done such a stupid thing.

Worry about + sb. / sth. / doing sth 侧重于动作 be worried about 侧重于状态

He is worrying about getting a job after graduation.他正为毕业后找工作的事发愁。

There is nothing to worry about. 没什么可担心的。

He is worried about his son’s safety.他担心儿子的安危。

4.I must have sounded very proud of myself …

It must have rained yesterday, for the grand is wet.

He has a good knowledge of Beijing very well. He must have been to Beijing before.


Must be / must have done的否定式为 can’t

Mr. Smith cannot have left here for I say him just now.

5. stupid with very slow thinking

It was stupid of me to tell him the truth.我真傻告诉他真相。

That is a stupid thing to do.

6. I didn’t feel like I was overlooking my studies.

Feel like +sth/ doing sth 想要;喜欢

I feel like going shopping.我想去买东西。

She feels like eating ice-cream. 她喜欢吃冰激凌。


1) forget; not see something important忽略;漏看

I overlooked the fact. 我忽略了这个事实。

I overlooked this mistake in your paper the first time I read it.我第一次看你的试卷时没有看出这个错误。

2) look down at sth from above 俯瞰

My room overlooks the sea.

7.I was determined to be cheerful.

Be determined + to do / that clause 决心; 决定

He was determined.= He has made up his mind.

He was determined that he would try his best to finish the work.

He was determined to try his best to finish the work.


determine to do侧重动作 切是终止性动词

He has been determined to work in Xinjiang for a long time.但不能用 He has determined to work in Xinjiang for a long time.


Admit+ sth/ doing sth / that 承认; 供认 admit sth to be

The thief admitted his crime.

I admit that I was rude and I am very sorry.

He admitted having stolen sth from the bank.

I admit it to be true.

9.How they must have laughed behind my back.

How + adj/ adv +主谓 构成感叹句。但有:

How time flies!

How I regret I wasted the time when I was at school.

10.swear swore sworn make a strong promise 发誓 宣誓

I believe that it is true but I cannot swear it.我认为这是真的,但我不能保证一定这样。

He swore to speak the truth. 他宣誓要说实话。

11. forgive not to punish someone who has done something wrong 宽恕

Forgive me for coming so late.

We forgave him his mistakes.

12.tease 挪揄; 戏弄 逗弄 取笑

The naughty boy teased the dog.

The other boy teased John about his carelessness.

13.dilemma a position requiring a choice between two evils.左右为难的状况

Don’t put me into a dilemma.不要使我左右为难。

14. brilliant 1)very bright耀眼的 辉煌的

She is wearing brilliant jewels.

2)very clever才华横溢的 非常聪明的

She had a brilliant idea.

She is a brilliant student.

15.focus focus on focus sth on 聚焦 对焦

He focused the camera and took a photo.

He focused his mind on his lessons when studying.

16. badly 1) 非常

I miss you badly.

He needs the dictionary badly.

2)very seriously

You mustn’t move someone if they are badly hurt.

He was badly hurt.

17.absent-minded 合成词 adj-n+ed

Blue-eyed 蓝眼睛的 warm-hearted 热心肠的 four-legged 四条腿的

18.keep on doing 与 keep doing

The baby kept crying all night. 这婴儿哭了一夜。

He kept on learning Russian.他不断地学习俄语。

19.kind of

This kind of tree is nice.

These kinds of tree(s) are easy to grow.

20.blame blame sb / sth blame sth on sb be to blame

Bad workmen blame their tools.

He blamed his failure on the teacher.

You are to blame in this.

Word power

1.even though/ if

Even though /if you failed in an exam, you still couldn’t give it up.

Even though it is raining, we have to go to school.

2.as ;when; while

As 用来强调主句和从句中动作和事情同时发生“一边…一边…”

He looked behind as he was running.

As time went by, the tree grew taller and taller.

When 1)当什么时候 从句中的时间既可以是一段,也可以是一点。

When you telephoned me, I was drawing a picture.

When I was watering the garden, it began to rain.

2) 这时突然

I was doing my homework when he called me.

While 1)从句中用延续性动词,常用进行时态

While they were having a party, the light went out.


The husband was looking after the baby while his wife was cooking in the kitchen.

Grammar and usage

1.We had nothing to do but watch TV.

But to do/ do

They had no choice but to lie down

He can do nothing but wait.

2. rather than

I’d like soda rather than water.

He is a pianist rather than a musician.


Persuade 说服 指劝说成功 try to persuade 尽力说服 不强调劝说的结果

Persuade sb to do sth/ persuade sb into doing sth

I have persuaded him to give up smoking.

I persuaded him into doing it.

He was persuaded to study harder.

He tried to persuade her but failed.

Advise 建议 有劝说的意思但不指劝说的结果 advise sb to do sth

4. note

Take notes of sth 记笔记 compare notes 对笔记


The difficult work discouraged Alan and he left school.

The village was hit by a big flood but all the villagers were not discouraged.

Discourage sb from doing sth 劝阻某人干某事。

They discouraged me from taking that step.


1)荒唐的 荒谬的 不合理的

It is absurd to argue with him without any reason.

2) 愚蠢的, 可笑的

It is absurd to ask him such easy questions.

An absurd man 愚蠢的人


1) adj everyday

There is a daily train service.

2) adv every day

The milkman comes daily to our house.

I clean my teeth twice daily.

3) n 日报

China Daily

8.come over 1)来访 过来 来玩

I’ll come over and see you.

She wants to come over to visit his teacher.

2) 突然掠过 产生

A strange idea came over his mind.

A soft smile came over her face.

9. had better

表示建议 had better do sth had better not do sth

You’d better go to school at once.

You’d better not run after dinner.

Had better put on more clothes. It is cold outside.

Better follow the teacher’s construction.

10.I would rather go swimming.

1) would rather do sth . would rather not do sth

I would rather stay here.

2) would rather sb did

I would rather you came tomorrow.

3)Would rather…than…平行结构

I would rather go to the concert than stay at home.

11.Why not visit your cousin in Japan?

表示建议 Why not do ? 也可以说 Why don’t you do?

Why not go to see a film with us?

Why don’t you go to see a film with us?

12. Isn’t it wonderful to have good friends?

否定疑问句表示说话者的批评, 责备, 惊讶等感情色彩。

Look! What a long cut! Haven’t I told you not to climb the tree?

Aren’t you my teacher? I have the right to ask you questions.



1)worried and afraid be anxious about

We are all anxious about him because he hasn’t come back yet.

Don’t be anxious if I am late.

2) wanting sth very much be anxious to do be anxious for

He is anxious for his wife’s news.

He is anxious to get a job.

I am anxious to see what the new neighbour are like.


1)suffer from/ for 遭受

Do you often suffer from headaches?

They were ready to suffer death for the sake of their country.


We all have to suffer at some time in our lives.在人生的道路上我们都要随时受苦的。

She has learnt to suffer without complaining.她已经学会了吃苦的时候不抱怨。

3.I am of the same opinion

Be of +noun

(1) 表特征,性质,质量,色泽,状况等

Of+ use, importance, help, effect, value, interest, quality, benefit, courage, character, necessity,

Computers are of great help to the technicians.

You have got an A, butg I don’t think there is anything of interest in your composition.

(2) 表共同特征,种类, 数量,度量等

Of a/ the same+ weight, age, size, kind, piece, type, height, depth, shape, color, width, length

All the houses in this street are of a piece in construction.



(1) problem, something that is difficult to understand.

His wife has disappeared; it’s a puzzle.

(2) 谜

It is a puzzle to me how he could come here.

He has found out the puzzle.

(3)v 困惑;苦思 make you think a lot because you don’t understand it

I am puzzled by the difficult question.

This mystery puzzles me.

It’s all very puzzling.

2. absorb

(1)take in water, heat, light,etc

The heat is absorbed by the water.

(2) 吸引注意力

His task absorbs him.

3.attitude 看法;态度

What’s your attitude to this idea?

I don’t like his unfriendly attitude.

4. consistent一致的,调和的,无矛盾的 be consistent with

The president has no consistent policy.

Your conduct is not consistent with what you say.



Andrew hesitated before he took the last cake.

If you hesitate too much, you’ll lose the game.

(2)不愿,hesitate to do

I always to advise my friends on what to read.

I hesitate to take the risk.

6.respond respond to

The wireless calls were soon respond to.对无线电的呼叫不久有了回答。

Bob responded to his insult with a blow. 对于他的侮辱鲍勃回敬以一拳。

Nerves respond to a stimulus.神经对刺激有反应。

The disease responds to the new drug. 这个病对新药表现出良好的反应。

7.regardless不注意的, 不关心的, 不留心的 regardless of

The boy went swimming in the deep lake regardless of his mother’s fears for his safety.


Regardless of life 不顾生命 regardless of one’s duties 不尽职责

2.模块5 Unit 2 全单元语言点详备教学案教师版(译林牛津版高二英语必修五教案教学设计) 篇二

Topic The development of science and the natural world

Functions 1 Describing popular science and modern technology

Cloning is producing an exact copy of a plant or an animal using its cells .

If you clone an embryo, you can produce valuable tissues and organs that could be used to save human lives.

2 Describing agreeing and disagreeing

If I had the chance, I would have a cloned baby tomorrow.

I believe that human cloning is totally immoral. If we interfere with nature, we will have to deal with the consequences.

I am in complete agreement with human cloning.

Vocabulary Announcement clone tissue organ mankind cell normal praise breakthrough desperate adopt ahead deliver succeed goat benefit totally race sale surely comment advance concept negative correct conduct strict field profession figure behave beast agency involve cost definitely manage laboratory queen majority conclude urge seek practice nutrition revolution biscuit perform resistant pest limit agriculture planet favor argue disaster decade rate developed dam productive acceptable

On the other hand , point out, in general, push ahead with, end up, for sale, put…in place, figure out, on one’s part, in favor of , point of view, turn out

Grammar 1. verb-ed form

If I had the chance, I would have a cloned baby.

I think the scientific advances mentioned in your article are interesting.

My grandfather was delighted to hear I passed my exams.

After the robbery, they found the front windows broken.

2. verb-ed phrases

The scientist has copied a human cell, assisted by recent advances in medical science .

Shocked by the article , the woman wrote a letter to the newspaper.

Treated with electricity, the cell tissue will split into several parts.

Skills and strategies By the end of this unit, student will be able to :

1. read a newspaper article about cloning and an article about people and the natural world.

2. listen to a discussion about growth hormones

3. discuss your ideas about cloning and conduct an interview about GM food.

4. write a formal letter about GM food and take part in a debate.

5. expand vocabulary related to organs of the body.

Culture 1. advantages and disadvantages of cloning

2. the relationship between human beings and nature

Teaching plan for period one :reading

step1: Revision

In order to organize the teaching smoothly, have students revise the new words .

1>Ask students to read the words in the box. and pay more attention to the pronunciation . Point out the mistakes if necessary.

2>Have them fill in the blanks and call back the answers individually.

step2: Lead-in

1>If possible , show some pictures of the first cloned mammal, Dolly , to students. Tell them:

Dolly was the fist cloned mammal created by a Scottish scientist and his group I 1996. Dolly was world famous because she was exactly the same as her mother, in appearance and in genes. However, Dolly’s existence was controversial and she caused widespread discussion about whether humans should use cloning to create large animals, like sheep or human beings. Some people believe that cloning can help cure many diseases and save lots of people’s lives. However, others insist cloning is dangerous both technologically and ethically. They think cloning , especially human cloning , violates the laws the nature.

This is to encourage students’ interest in the unit topic as it may be unfamiliar to most of them. You can ask students to surf the Internet first to refer to other sources for further information

2>Have students read the instructions and study the six pictures one by one. Ask them to pay attention to the main feature of cloning, which is that the cloned animals or plants are exactly the same as original ones. And during this course, encourage students to say more about these cloned animals and present more cloned ones as well.

3>Ask one student to read the three questions below the pictures to make sure that everyone understands them. Allow students to form groups of four or six to discuss the three questions and make sure that each student has a chance to speak.

Ask several groups to report their answers to the class. Allow different opinions and encourage further discussion.

Step3: Listen and answer:

Ask students to listen to the tape carefully and answer the following easy questions to gain the main idea of the article.

1>Does the article give an anti-or pro-cloning point of view, or both?

2>What was the name of the first cloned mammal?

3>Is Pauline Carter pro- or anti- cloning?

step4: Fast reading and decide true or false questions.

Ask students to read the article fast and decide true or false questions.

If the question is wrong, encourage students to correct them.

Step5: Detail reading

Ask students to read the article again and carefully and find the reasons why people are pro- or anti- cloning in the article and letters and write them down in the form.

This part serves as a strengthening activity to let students find out why people are pro- or anti- cloning. Make sure that students understand the scientific article and identify the relevant supporting information within the given time. After students finish the exercise, check the answers as a class.

step6: Fill in the blanks

This part aims to get more familiar with the article and some useful words.

step7: Language points :

1>For this part, teachers need to take time to let students take part in the activity as much as possible so as to let them understand the article clearly.

2>Also, if students take part in this activity as much as they can , their ability to translate sentences can be improved in some way.

3>After teachers give the right answer, they can let students to repeat the answer to make sure of it.

step 8: Homework:

Write a composition about cloning .

Teaching Plan for Period Two: word power

step1: Brainstorming

Before beginning this section, you can first review what students know about the formation of words. Write down the following words on the blackboard.

able agree appear lead novel regular respect

Then tell students that they are going to hear several questions: To answer the questions , you need to us4e the words on the screen to help you , but you need to add some letters to the words first

!>You can’t find your new pen. What happened to your pen?(It disappeared)

2>You want to get the book on the top shelf, but you are not tall enough. Do you think you will be able to reach the book?( I am unable to do so)

3>The two groups don’t agree with each other . They argued fiercely. So what is the problem between them called? (Disagreement)

4>Many people respect Mr. li and think he is a good man. He helps people out and is a good citizen and friend . so can you find a word to describe Mr.Li ?(Respectable)

5>Miss Wang has published several books. She loves her job writing novels. So what is Miss Wang’s occupation?(She is a novelist )

6>You can’t find the order of the numbers in a groups of members. So can you find a word to describe the order of the numbers? (It is irregular)

7>Some ads say that if you take their pills, you will be healthy, look younger, become smarter and sleep better. what can you say about these kinds of ads. (They are misleading.)

Ask students to think about what these prefixes and suffixes mean. Encourage them to think of more words that can be added with these prefixes and suffixes.

step2: Ask students to look at page 46 . On page 46, there are two tables about prefixes and suffixes and their meanings. Ask several students to read the instructions for the class. Then ask students to work in pairs and read the examples to each other. Tell them that they need to explain the meanings of the sample words in their own words to their partners. Select several pairs to present their explanations to the class. Check for mistakes and mispronunciation.

Ask students to work in pairs and find more examples to add to the tables. You may hold a class competition and set the time limit at five minutes . The pair with the most correct examples wins. Encourage students to use a dictionary or a thesaurus.

step3: Ask students to focus on the exercise on page46, which serves as a strengthening exercise to check students’ understanding and application of the words they learnt on page46. In order to fill in the blanks , students have to understanding the passage and the exact meanings of the prefixes and suffixes. Ask students to complete the exercise individually first and then check the answers as a class.

step4: Discussion

Work in groups and try to find more words which can be added prefixes and suffixes.

Help students make a brief conclusion about the prefixes and suffixes they have learnt in this section. Ask students to make a list of prefixes and suffixes and meanwhile give more examples. You can divide students into several groups and complete the activity together. Make sure that every student take part in the activity.

step5: organs of the body

Ask students to try and revise what they have learnt about the different expressions about organs. You can ask one student to act as a teacher. The student can point to any part of his or her body and invite his or her classmates to do the activity, The purpose of this is to help students become more familiar with these expressions.

Then present the picture on the screen and name the parts of the body as many as they can.

step6: Expand their vocabulary for body parts.

Also present a picture of the body and encourage ss to name the parts as many as they can. At the same time make sure they pronounce the words correctly.

step7: Review

As this part is very important for every student, and these words can be used often in our daily life. So let students read all these words after you. Pay more attention to their pronunciation.

You may ask several students to read these words individually as a check.

step8: Fill in the blanks.

Ask students to focus on part B. Tell them to read the passage individually first . Make sure they understand the passage. Afterwards, ask students to complete the passage individually, then check the answers as a class.

step9: Homework:

Revise what we learned in this class and prepare for the checking.

Teaching Plan for Period Three: Grammar and Usage

verb-ed form:

Here students will learn that a verb-ed form can be used like an adjective or an adverb in a sentence serving as attribute, predicative and object complement. When the verb-ed form is used as an attribute , it can be changed into an attributive clause. Students will also lean that a verb-ed form can be used after some verbs like stand sit and lie to show the tow actions are happening at the same time. They should be able to identify different functions of the verb-ed form in different sentences.

step1: Have students identify the part of speech of the verb-ed form in the following sentences:

1>If I had the chance , I would have a cloned baby.

2>a dark-haired man went into the room.

Tell them in the above sentences the verb-e forms are used as adjectives.

Then encourage them to give more sentences like these.

step2: Tell students that a verb-ed can appear after a noun to modify the noun like an attributive clause does. You can provide students with more sentences as on the big screen and have them change the verb-ed form into the attributive clause.

step3: Decide the part of speech for verb-ed forms in the following sentences.

1>The cake was left untouched on the table.

2>The girl lay trapped under the wreckage.

Tell them in these sentences the verb-ed forms are used as verbs.

step4: Point out that the verb-ed form can express different meanings : the passive meaning and the past meaning. You can provide students with examples as on the screen and have them decide whether the verb-ed forms are used as passive or past meanings. and then ask them to change the sentences into attributive clauses

step5: Tell students that a verb-ed can be part of a compound with and adverb or a noun before it. You may present more examples and have students translate these Chinese phrases into English.

step6: Have students read point 2. Tell students that a verb-ed can be used as the predicative of a sentence. You may present more examples for them to understand better.

Then let students give more examples.

step7: Have students read point3. Tell them that verb-ed form can be used as the object complement of a sentence. You can provide students with more examples.

step8: Have students read part2. Tell them that a verb-ed form can be used after verbs like stand, sit and lie to show that the tow actions are happening at the same time.

step9: work in pairs and give a summary for the usage of the verb-ed form.

step10: Fill in the blanks

Have students read the article in part A on page49 and complete it with the correct verb-ed forms from the box. Then check the answers as a class.

step11: consolidation

Have students rewrite the following sentences with verb-ed form.

These sentences all contain an attributive clause so students need to change the attributive clause into verb-ed forms as a change.

verb-ed phrases :

In this section , students will learn that a verb-ed phrase is actually a verb-ed followed by an object and/or adverbial. They are expected to know that verb-ed phrases can be used to express the time, the reason and the condition. They will also compare the verb-ing forms with the verb-ed forms used as adjectives.

step12: Ask one of the students to read the instructions on pate50. Give them more examples of verb-ed forms used on its own or followed by an object and/ or adverbial. Then let them decide whether the verb-ed phrases are used to express time, reason. or condition . And have students change the verb-ed phrased into clauses.

step13: Rewrite sentences:

Have students change the clauses (time , reason, condition ) into verb-ed phrases as a change.

verb-ed and verb-ing used as adjectives.

step14: Have students read the instructions of verb-ing and verb-ed forms used as adjectives . Make sure that students know the difference between the two forms and ask students to choose the correct words from the brackets.

step15: Have students read the conversation in Part B on pae51 and complete it with the correct forms of the verbs in the brackets . Then check the answers as a class. or ask students to act it out in pairs.

step16: Revision:

Revise what we learned in this class and prepare for the checking.

Teaching Plan for Period Four : Task

step1: Game

To get ss interested. organize students into groups of ten and play a game called “Chinese whisper”

You prepare a sentence with about ten words for the game. At the beginning of the game, you whisper the sentence to the first students of each group. Ask him/her to pass it to the next orally. Make sure the third students will not hear the sentence. Then the second students pass the sentence to the third ones. The game continues until the sentence is passed to the last student in the groups. You may limit the time to two minutes. Have the last student in each group report the information to the class. The groups coming up with the correct answer win. At the same time, you can write or attach the correct answer on the screen and ask students to find what mistakes each group has made. Ask more able students to analyze what kind of mistakes they are.

Remind ss that when information is passed between several people, some details will often be mistakenly reported then ask them to discuss what they can do to avoid reporting the incorrect information and share their answers as a class.

step2: Ask students to read the guidelines in skill building one and make sure what they should do to change the wrong information.

step3: Listen and correct

If necessary play the tape one more time.

step4: confirming information

This section is designed to help ss develop their listening skills. They will read notes about GM food and confirm the information on the notes while listening to a conversation. Students need to correct and make changes if necessary.

step5: Conducting a discussion

Encourage students to think of different ways to ask for opinions and introduce new ideas. Write down their answers and collect them on the screen.

step6: Organize ss into groups of four and encourage them to study the interview form together. Ask them to discuss what questions they may ask about each heading and add a sixth heading. Make sure that each member of each group take part in the discussion and practices the useful expressions they have learnt.

step7: Make up a dialogue and ask students to act it out in pairs in front of the class.

step8: Homework:

3.模块5 Unit 2 全单元语言点详备教学案教师版(译林牛津版高二英语必修五教案教学设计) 篇三

第一部分 词汇学习

1. get long 相处;进展;过活

How are you getting along/on with your work? 你的工作进展得怎么样?

Jack is easy-going and everyone likes to ____ _____ ____ him. 杰克是个随和的人,大家都喜欢和他相处。

______________________________________________? 这些年过得怎么样?

get through 做完;通过(考试);看完,度过,用完;(电话)接通

We’d better ______ _______ the things at hand ___ ______ ___ _________.


To everyone’s relief,_________________________________________.


I must get through the book before Saturday. 我必须在星期六之前看完这本书。

_____________________________________________. 我试着给父母打电话,但是接不通。

Her friends helped her to get through the first awful weeks after Bill died.


归纳:get across _____________

get about 走动;(消息等)传开

get away ______________

get back 回来,回到;取回,恢复

get down 从….下来,记下

get down to _______________

get into 卷入,进入

get off 从….下来;动身,出发

get on 登上;(with)与….相处

get out 逃走;(消息的)泄露;出版,发表

get over ________________________________

get together 聚集,集合

get up 起立,起床

get rid of ____________________

2. admit vt.& vi 准许进入;容纳;容许;承认

Luckily, he ____ _________ _______ a key university this year. 幸运的是,今年他被一所重点大学录取。

The cinema admits about 3000 audience. 这家电影院可容纳大约3000名观众。

The rescue admits of no delay. 营救工作不容耽搁。


I admit my mistake.

I admit making a mistake.

I admit that I was wrong.

3. keep one’s word(=keep one’s promise) 遵守诺言

break one’s word (=break one’s promise)_________

give one’s word 许诺

eat one’s word 认错,收回前言

in a/one word ___________

in other words ____________

in words 用语言

word for/by word 逐字逐句的

leave word 留言

get in a word 插话

have a word with ___________

have (a few) words with ___________________

Word came that ….. ___________

have/get/receive word that …… 收到….消息

4. forgive (forgave, forgiven)vt. 原谅,宽恕;赦免,免除

She forgave him and never argued with him. 她宽恕了他,以后再也不和他吵架了。

__________________________________. 请原谅他的粗鲁。

Won’t you forgive me such a small debt? 请你免了我这么小小的一笔债好吗?

辨析:forgive, excuse与pardon

excuse “原谅”,语气较轻,后接过错、疏忽或犯过失的人,常用与口语中。

Excuse me for getting in a word. 原谅我插话。

pardon “宽恕,赦免”之意,更侧重于免除因犯罪而应付的责任或惩罚之意。普通用法中pardon me 与 excuse me 意义相仿。

forgive 该词与pardon有时可以通用,但往往在免于惩罚和追究之外,还含有丝毫不带怨恨之意。

When you grow up, you will know the truth and _________ me.


After the revolution all political prisoners were _________.


_______________ me for being late. 请原谅我来晚了。

5. focus vt.& vi. 集中注意力;聚焦;调焦距 n. 中心点;焦点,焦距

She always wants to be the focus of attention. 她老想成为人们关注的焦点。

All eyes were focused on the chairman. 大家的目光都集中在主席身上。

I have a camera with automatic focus. 我有一架自动对焦的照相机。

In class, you’d better _______ ________ _________ ____what the teacher says.


拓展:focus on/upon sth. 集中注意力在….

in focus 焦距对准;清晰的

out of focus 焦距没对准;模糊的

come into focus (某物)轮廓明显、清晰;(问题等)突出

bring….into focus 对好焦距;使变得清晰

6. as a result 结果;因此 (=as a consequence)

He didn’t study hard. As a result, he failed to pass the exam.


He ate some bad fruits. ___________, _____________. 他吃了些坏水果。因此,他病了。

比较:as a result of 由于….的原因;作为…..的结果

result from 因…..而引起 (=be caused by)

result in 导致;致使 (=lead to)

He was killed ______________________________. 他因车祸而身亡。

His failure _______ _______ ____ __________. 他的失败是由于他的粗心造成的。

The workers fear that the company’s reorganization will result in layoffs.



due to/ because of / thanks to/ owing to / as a consequence of

As a result of / Thanks to / Owing to / Because of the bad weather, the sports meeting has to be put off. 由于糟糕的天气,运动会不得不延期。

7. mean 的一词多义

(1)vt. 意欲,打算; 意味着,意思是;对…..当真

What do you mean by saying that? ______________________?

Missing the train means _______________________. 错过火车意味着再等一个小时。

I meant to call on you, but I’m too busy. ___________________________________。

I said I would help you, and I meant it. _________________________________。

(2)adj. 刻薄的、卑鄙的、吝啬的

The man __ _____ ______ _____ money. 那人对钱很吝啬。

The stepmother __ _____ ______ ___ him. 继母对他很刻薄。

拓展: meaning n. 意思 meaningful adj. 有意义的 meaningless adj. 没意义的

means n. 方法,办法;手段

8. stand vt. & vi. 容忍,忍耐;经受,承担;处于….的状态

The color of the cloth won’t stand washing. 这种布的颜色不耐洗。

When I came in, the door stood open. 我进来时,门是开着的。

She can’t stand being teased in public. 她不能忍受在公共场所被人嘲笑。

拓展:stand out 突出,显眼;引人注目

stand for 代表,代替;象征

stand by 站在一边;支持某人

9. apologize vi. 道歉

apologize to sb. for sth./doing sth. = make an apology to sb. for sth./ doing sth.


I must _________ _____ giving so much trouble while I am here.


He ______ ___ ________ ___ the teacher for his being late. 他因迟到而向老师道歉。

拓展:接受道歉 accept an/one’s apology

10. blame vt.& n. 责备,谴责;过错

They blamed the failure on me. 他们把失败归咎于我。

They blamed the secretary for the delay of the plan. ______________________________。

The car driver took the blame for the accident. ______________________________。

It is Jack, not I, that should ___ ___ ________. 是杰克,而不是我该受责备。

归纳:blame sb. for sth. 因某事而责备某人

blame sth. on/upon sb. 把责任归咎于某人

be to blame 应受责备(不能说 to be blamed)

take the blame for 承担….的责任

11. doubt vt. 怀疑,疑问; n. 怀疑,疑惑

There is no doubt that-clause 毫无疑问

There is no doubt about sth. 毫无疑问

There is some doubt whether-clause 对某事有些疑问

Doubt 作动词用后接宾语从句时,肯定句中用whether或if 引导从句,在否定句和疑问句中用 that

There is no doubt ______ he will win the prize. 毫无疑问他会获奖。

There is some doubt ________ he will come on time. 他是否能准时来还是疑问。

I don’t doubt ______ he is honest. 我不怀疑他是诚实的。

I doubt _________ we have enough food to go. 我怀疑我们是否有足够的食物去维持。

Do you doubt ______ he will give us a hand? 你怀疑他能否给我们帮助?

拓展:without doubt 无疑地

in doubt (about) 不确定

no doubt (that) 无疑

12. embarrass vt. 使窘迫,使尴尬;使局促不安

What he said made me very __________ at once. 他说的立刻使我很尴尬。

He was embarrassed by debts. 债务使他局促不安。

Meeting adults embarrassed the shy child. _____________________________。

拓展: embarrassment n. 困窘;尴尬

embarrassed adj. 难堪的,尴尬的

embarrassing adj. 令人难堪的,使人尴尬的

13. strength n. 力量,力气;实力

拓展:strong adj. 强壮的,坚固的

strengthen v. 加强,巩固

辨析:power 指权力、职权;电力、功率;大国、强国

energy 指能量、精力

force 指武力、暴力、军力

strength 指体力、强度、力量

To help you will be outside my ______. 帮你将超出我的职权范围。

He is a man full of ______. 他是一个精力充沛的人。

He regained his _______ and stood up. 他重新聚力站了起来。

In 1998, he joined the air ______. 他加入了空军。

14. persuade vt. 劝说;使相信;说服

At last, I persuaded him to give up smoking. 我终于说服他戒烟了。

How can we persuade them into accepting our views?


Can you persuade him out of the foolish plan? _________________________?

She persuaded me of her ability. _______________________

The man persuaded the police that he was not guilty. 这个人使警察相信他是无罪的。

辨析:persuade 是成功地劝说某人做某事

advise 劝某人做不一定会成功

try to persuade 劝不一定成功

We ______ ___ ________ _____ ___ _____ ______, but he wouldn’t listen.


15. delay vt.& vi. 耽搁,拖延;推迟

n. 延缓,延迟;阻塞;拖延

The train was delayed five hours. 火车被延误了五个小时。

After a delay of an hour, we started off again. 耽搁了一个小时之后,我们再次出发了。

It is your own fault to delay sending out these invitations. ___________________________。

The man couldn’t have been saved, if he hadn’t been sent to hospital without delay.


拓展:delay doing sth. 耽搁做某事

without delay 毫不耽搁地;立刻

16. discourage vt. 阻止,劝阻;使灰心,使气馁

拓展: courage n. 勇气

encourage vt. 鼓励

discouraged adj. 泄气的


discourage/ prevent/ stop/ keep/ sb. from doing sth.

Don’t let one failure discourage you, try again.


When you meet with any difficulty in life, ______ ___ __________.


Parents should ________ ____ _______ _____ ________.


17. suffer vt. 遭受,经历;vi. 受痛苦,受损失,患病(from)

She _____ ________ ______ a headache. 她正经受头痛之苦。

The city suffered serious damage from the earthquake.


Be careful, or our work will suffer. 细心一点,否则,我们的工作会受损失。

He cheered up again after suffering defeat. 遭受失败后,他又重新振作起来。

18. absorb vt. 吸收;吸引 (常接液体、声、热、光线、杂质、知识等作宾语)

Dark surfaces absorb more heat from the sun. 深色的物体表面能从太阳吸收更多的热量。

He is so clever that he can ______ ____ ________ _______ in class.


absorbed adj. 专注的,全神贯注的 (和in搭配)

The boy sat there, absorbed in thought. 那个男孩坐在那里,沉思着。

The old man ____ _______ ___ the book. 老人全神贯注地读这本书。

拓展:be absorbed by 被….吞并;被…..所吸收

absorb one’s attention 吸引某人的注意

第二部分 单元难点学习

1. I must have sounded very proud of myself after the test, saying loudly how easy it was and how I was sure to get a good mark. 考试之后,我的口气听上去想必很是自鸣得意,因为我嚷嚷着说那次考试是多么容易,还说我肯定能取得好成绩。

(1)must have done 表示对过去的事情进行肯定推测,译为“一定已……”

Mary must have some trouble; she keeps crying over there.


His brother ________________________________. 他弟弟肯定把那本杂志带走了。

另外,must 可以对现在进行肯定推测

_______________________, for the light is on. 灯亮着,他一定在家。

He must be sleeping now. 他现在一定在睡觉。

拓展:must 表示肯定推测,而could/may/might 所表示的推测可能性依次递减。

According to the radio, it might/could rain this evening. 根据电台的预报,今晚可能有雨。

He might/may have been punished by his parents yesterday.


can 表示可能性时,只能用于否定句和疑问句。

What she said can’t be true. 她的话不可能是真的。

Who can it be over there? 那儿的人是谁?

(2) loudly adv. 大声地,含有喧闹、嘈杂之义

aloud adv. 出声地,侧重于让人听见之义,常和read,think,call,cry,speak连用

loud adv. 大声地,声音通常比较悦耳。Adj. 大声的

(3)be sure to do 一定,务必。表示说话人的推测、判断或提醒。

He is sure to succeed. 他一定会成功的。

Be sure to come tomorrow. 明天务必要来。

2. I was so upset that I felt like crying. 我伤心得想哭了。

feel like a. 感到想做,想要 (后接名词、句子、动名词)

b. 摸起来像

Do you _____________________? 你想喝杯茶吗?

I don’t _____ _____ ______ ____. 我不想出去。

I feel like he has betrayed us 我觉得他已经背叛我们了

The elephant felt like a snake. _______________________。

3. Afterwards, I went to the playground. I was determined to be cheerful, but Hannah sensed something was wrong. 后来,我去了操场。我决定要让自己高兴起来,但汉娜还是感到哪儿有些不对劲。

be determined to do sth. “下决心做某事,决定做某事”

He ____ _______ ___ _____ ____ _____ and serve the country. 他决定参军报效祖国。

determined 还可以作形容词,意思是“坚定的”,作定语。

Only a determined man can gain great success. ___________________________。


make up one’s mind(s) to do sth.

do what sb. can to do

do all that sb. can to do sth.

try one’s best to do

go all out to do sth.

4. Yesterday, I saw him talking to another boy, peter, and I cannot help wondering if he wants Peter to be his best friend instead of me. 昨天,我看到他和另外一个叫彼得的男生在说话,我禁不住想,他是不是希望彼得取代我,成为他最要好的朋友。

cannot help doing sth. 忍不住,情不自禁

Hearing the news, ____ _______ ____ ______ ____ 听到这个消息,他情不自禁地哭起来。

He just can’t help it. He has to obey orders. ________________________________。

拓展:can’t help (to) do 不能帮忙做某事

can’t help but do sth. 忍不住,不得不

help sb. to do 帮助某人做某事

help sb. with sth. 帮助某人做某事

help sb. out 帮助某人摆脱困境

help oneself to sth. 随便吃;自取;请便

with one’s help 在某人的帮助之下

be of help = helpful 有用的,有帮助的

5. Football is very important to me, but so is our friendship. 足球对我来说是很重要的,但友谊对我也同样重要。

a. so + be/have/助动词/情态动词 + 主语 表示前面一种肯定的情况也适用于后者,主语和谓语进行了倒装。

I like English, __________________. 我喜欢英语,我兄弟也如此。

He can dance well, _______________. 他舞跳得不错,玛丽也如此。

b. so + 主语 + be/have/助动词/情态动词 表示说话人对前面的一种情况进行确认,主语和谓语不倒装。(前后句主语是同一人)

“ Tom hopes to be a teacher.” “So he does.” “ 汤姆希望当老师。”“他确有此意。”

--The film is very good. --So it is . 电影真不错。的确是。

c. so it is/was (the same) with sb./sth. 该结构也表示前面的情况也适用于后者,但不同的是,上文可能有两个分句或两个(或以上)既有肯定也有否定的情况。

He likes English but he is not good at it. ___________________. 他喜欢英语但是并不擅长。杰克也如此。

YaoMing was born in Shanghai and has become an image of her. ___________________.


6. I have no doubt he will succeed. Maybe one day he will make it to the Olympics! 我毫不怀疑他会成功。也许有一天他会在奥运会上有出色的表现!

a. I have no doubt that 相当于 There is no doubt that “对……毫不怀疑”

b. make it 意为“规定世间;做成;成功;赶到;”

-- Can we catch the train? -- I hope we can make it.


-- What about Sunday? -- OK, let’s make it.


When he made it to school, the class had begun. _____________________________。

7. When asked they usually hesitate before responding, “ My best friend? ……”


句中when asked = When they are asked 当状语从句中的主语和主句的主语一致且后有be动词,则主语和be动词可以省略。

_______ ________, water can be changed into steam. 当水加热时,它会变成水蒸气。

I won’t go to the party ______ _______. 除非被邀请,要不然我不去参加这个舞会。

The word can be left out if ____ __ ____ ____. 如果这个词第二次使用,它可以被省略。

8. We have been friends ever since.

ever since a. 作副词,意为“从……之后一直”,和现在完成时连用。

He moved here in 1998 and he’s been here ever since.


b. 作连词,意为“从……以来一直”,也和现在完成时连用。

I_____ _______ her ever since she was a child.


Part A 单项填空:

1. Mary never does any reading in the evening, _____________. (05全国)

A. so does John B. John does too

C. John doesn’t too D. nor does John

2. ――The woman biologist stayed in Africa studying wild animals for 13 years before she returned.

―― Oh, dear! She ____________ a lot of difficulties! (05江苏)

A. may go through B. might go through

C. ought to have gone through D. must have gone through

3. ―― Is Bob still performing?

―― I’m afraid not. He is said _____________ the stage already as he has become an official. (05江苏)

A. to have left B. to leave

C. to have been left D. to be left

4. ―― The boss said we had only three days to finish the work.

―― Don’t worry. We have already ______ two thirds of it. (06四川)

A. got down B. got through C. given in D. given away

5. ―― There is a story here in the paper about a 110-year-old man.

―― My goodness! I can’t imagine ___________ that old. (06 江苏)

A. to be B. to have been C. being D. having been

6. Who is _________ the fire?

A. to blame for starting B. to blame to start

C. to be blamed for starting D. to be blamed to start

7. Next came a horse, swimming bravely, but we were afraid that the ____________ of the current (水流) would prevent its landing anywhere before it became exhausted.(疲惫的)

A. power B. force C. strength D. energy

8. ________ I entered the room he was __________ in his book and didn’t notice me.

A. When; devoted B. While; deep C. When; absorbed D. While, puzzled

9. The number of deaths from heart disease will be reduced greatly if people ___________ to eat more fruit and vegetables. (04上海)

A. persuade B. will persuade C. be persuaded D. are persuaded

10. There is no doubt ___________ he’s an honest boy, so there is no doubt _______ his honesty.

A. whether; for B. that; of C. what; about D. why; of

Part B 词汇练习:

1. Due to the bad weather, we had to d_______________ the sports meeting.

2. I tried to d______________ him to give up smoking, but I failed.

3. He is hard to deal with because he is as s_____________ as a donkey.

4. I have no d________________ that he will win the first prize.

5. Don’t feel a________________ about her safety.

6. Some students have wrong a____________ towards study.

7. He listened with a p_____________ look on his face because he couldn’t understand it.

8. She is s_____________ from stomachache now.

9. He decided to help me without any h__________________.

4.模块5 Unit 2 全单元语言点详备教学案教师版(译林牛津版高二英语必修五教案教学设计) 篇四

Part One: Important Words and Phrases

1. be (well ) worth sth / doing (只用主动); be worthy of sth / being done;

be worthy to be done

2. get along / on (well) with sb: 与sb 相处(好)

get along/on with sth: 在….进展

How are getting along with your English study?

3. betray sb, feel betrayed by sb; betray secret to sb

4. feel like doing sth I was so upset that I felt like crying.

feel like+ 从句 I didn’t feel like I was overlooking my studies.

5. overlook a fact; overlook the city from air

6. admit doing sth / 从句:承认I admitted how badly I had done.

He admitted having broken the window

admit sb into/to sp: 允许…进入… be admitted into a college:被一所大学录取

7. keep one’s word / promise / secret ; make a promise

8. stare at sb:盯着 glance at sb: 盯一眼 glare at sb: 怒视…

9. forgive sb for …. be forgiven for…

10. I have a dilemma. I am in a dilemma.

11. focus one’s mind/attention on…

12. as a result = so as a result of…= because of…

13. be mean with money; be mean to sb, say mean things to hurt me

14. be guilty of murder: 有罪的 be guilty about telling a lie: 内疚的

15. be cruel to sb

16. bitter taste, bitter memory, bitter enemy

17. apologize (to sb) for … make an apology (to sb) for….

18. have the/no right to do sth

19. embarrass sb, be embarrassed about…

20. be to blame (for…): 应该对…负责

注: 无被动语态 You are to blame for the accident.

比较: blame sb for sth, be blamed for sth

The boy was blamed for breaking the window.

21. avoid/escape/miss doing sth

He is lucky to avoid being hurt. 注: 常用被动形式

22. be gifted at football

23. ruin our friendship

24. delay the sports meet, delay doing sth; without delay

25. persuade sb to do sth / into doing sth 注: 强调 “ 说服了”这种结果.

比较: advise sb to do sth, try to persuade sb to do sth

26. take care (of…), look out / watch out (for…)

27. in everyday/daily life

28. stay up (late) at night

29. discourage sb from doing sth, encourage sb to do sth

30. for sure/certain:肯定 One thing is for sure-It is easy.

No one knows for sure what happened

31. Moving to a new town or area can be a trying time.

32. be anxious about her safety., be anxious to study abroad

33. suffer heavy loss / hunger and cold / pain, suffer from a headache

34. for free = free of charge

35. get through ( to sb): I tried calling you, but I couldn’t get through.

get through the exam: 通过考试 get through with the task= finish/complete sth

36. hesitate to do sth, without hesitation

37. be consistent with…与…一致

The results are totally consistent with our earlier research.

be consistent in…:在 … 一致

She is not consistent in the way she treats her children.

38. respond to…, in response to

Part Two: Sentence Patterns

1. Other children say we are no fun, but we like it that way.

It is great fun. 注: fun为不可数名词

2. I must have sounded proud of myself, saying loudly how easy the test was.

Hannah must have deliberately told everyone about my mark.

注: 情态动词+ have done: 可表示对过去或已发生的事的猜测

3. I was determined to be cheerful.

I was determined to win. “坚定/决地要做某事”

比较: I determined to go there on my own (= I decided to go….)

4. I don’t think I can ever forgive her. 注: 否定前移

I don’t think your plan will work.

5. Football is very important to me, but so is our friendship.

注:so表示 “也…”要倒装; 表示 “的确如此”不倒装

– You made a mistake. – So I did.

6. I can’t stand seeing our team lose. ( 不能忍受做某事)

7. I can’t help wondering if he wants Peter to be his best friend instead of me.


比较: I am busy with my work, so I can’t help clean the house. (不能帮助做…)

8. He seemed absent-minded and as a result of his careless playing, we lost the game.

(= because of…)

9. You have every right to feel betrayed by your friend if she did tell (的确告诉过)your secret to others, but it seemed unlikely that she did.( It is unlikely that从句= sb/sth is unlikely to do sth)

10. Did you feel jealous of your friend’s mark? If so, the problem lies with you, not her.

注: 是 “if it is so”的省略形式; 又如: “ if not, if possible/necessary”

11. I have no doubt(=don’t doubt) he will succeed.

注: “ I don’t doubt +陈述性的从句”; “I doubt+疑问性的从句”

比较: I doubt whether he can succeed.

There’s no doubt + (that )从句, There is no doubt about sth

12. Maybe one day he will make it to the Olympics. (成功做到/及时赶到)

13. Speaking of friends(“说到/起朋友”, 现在分词短语作状语),

I’ve met some nice people here in London and I think we might become close friends.

14. I decide to write rather than email you. (而不是,常接动词原形)

prefer to do sth rather than do sth

15. We have been friends ever since. (= since then, 与现在完成时连用)

16. They are still sitting on the sofa, absorbed in conversation. (“沉浸/专注于…中”, 分词短语表伴随)

17. What in the world do they have to talk about? (= on earth “到底/究竟”)

18. Boys and girls have / hold different attitudes towards friendship.

19. It has also been shown that many boys can’t name a single best friend.

20. When asked, they usually hesitate before responding.

注: when (they are) asked的省略, 当从句主语与主句主语一致时,从句中的 “主语+ be” 可省略 Unless invited, I won’t go to the party.

When spoken to, he kept silent.

21. Friendship between girls are based on / upon (以…为基础)

shared feelings and support.

22. When a boy is said to have( sb/sth + be said to do ) a best friend, it’s likely that they two share little about their feelings with one another.

23. Boys share activities, while girls share feelings. (表对比, “然而”)

While (尽管)cloning human is illegal in some countries, some scientists are pushing ahead with research.

24. Regardless of (无论/不管)what friendship are based upon, the important is both of them are friendship.

★ 人教版英语7年级下第六单元复习教案 (人教版英语七年级)

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★ 人物描写一组教学设计一等奖

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5.模块5 Unit 2 全单元语言点详备教学案教师版(译林牛津版高二英语必修五教案教学设计) 篇五

To learn the passage Teenagers’ friendships

To help students to learn and use English practically

To help students to understand about the differences between teenage boys’ and girls’ friendships

To apply what they have learnt to prepare an oral report to present to the class

Teaching Key Points:

The usages of the words like attitude, regardless etc.

Teaching Difficulties:

How to complete the oral report

Teaching Procedure:

Step One: Reading

T: (Greet the class as usual) In this unit, we mainly talked about friendship. It plays an important role in our lives. Everybody needs friends. However, girls and boys have different types of friendships and different attitudes towards friendship. Next please read the passage about different attitudes teenage boys and girls have about friendships and answer the following questions:

1) What puzzles Robert?

2) What’s the difference between girls and boys in their attitudes towards friendship?

3) What are boys’ and girls’ friendships each based on?

Suggested Answers:

1. Some things about Amanda and her friends. (He can’t understand what girls can talk about for so long.)

2. Girls always have a lot to talk about with their best friends and have more friendships than boys. Boys cannot name a single best friend.

3. Girls’ friendships are based on shared feelings and support while boys’ are based on shared activities or interests.

T: Very good! Then do you agree with these differences between teenage boys’ and girls’ friendships?

Ss: …

Step Two: Giving an oral report

T: Ok, next we will plan and conduct a survey and prepare an oral report to present to your class. Let’s complete it step by step.


Work in small groups. You will discuss and decide on a certain topics on the different attitudes between boys and girls. Circle one of the topics below or write down one of your own.

favourite food hobbies the future

family school subjects music

My own topic: ____________________________________________

(Make sure that all the group members agree on the topic they choose and that different groups choose different topics.


Now that you have chosen your topic, your group will need to discuss and agree on an answer to each of the following questions:

1) What is the primary purpose o our survey?

2) How many questions we will ask?

3) Who will take our survey?

Discuss the tasks listed below and decide which group member will responsible for the task. Write the names beside the work each member is going to do .

1) Write survey questions/Design the survey ____________________

2) Conduct the survey and calculate the results __________________

3) Write the report _________________________________________

4) Present the oral report ____________________________________

( Ask students to discuss the three major questions first. Then they should decide what each group member will be responsible for to finish each task. Set a deadline for it.)


Members responsible for writing the survey questions need to write multiple-choice questions that can be answered quickly and are easy to total when the survey is complete. The entire group should agree on and approve the questions.

A sample Questionnaire

Tick the answer which most applies to you.

1. Are you a boy or a girl

Boy □ Girl □

2. How many best friends do you have?

A lot □ A few □ None □

3. How often do you have a long conversation with your friends?

More than three times a week □ Once a week □

Seldom □ Never □

4. What topics do you usually talk about with your best friends?

Hobbies and interests □ Families and friends □

School and study □ Emotions and feelings □

Future plans and dreams □

5. Do you share your secrets with your best friend?

Always □ Sometimes □ Never □

6. Do you think boys and girls have the same attitudes towards friendship?

Yes □ No □

7. If you choose No to Question 6, what different attitudes do you have?

Girls seem to have a lot to talk about with their best friends. □

Girls’ friendships are based on shared feelings and support. □

Boys’ are based on shared activities or interests. □

Girls have more friendships than boys. □

(T shows the above as a example to help students to complete the project and students can remove some of them or add their own questions.)

Conduct the survey and calculate the results. Add up the total number for each response and then calculate the differences between answers given by boys and girls.

Students writing the report need to briefly discuss the conclusions the group has drawn, based on the survey results. This should include the different answers given by boys and girls as well as similar answers.


After the report is written, it is time to present your findings to the clad in an oral report.

Discuss the conclusions the group has come to regarding differences between the attitudes of teenage boys girls.

Answer any questions your classmates have about your survey or results.

Post a copy of your survey and results on the display wall of your classroom.

Step Three: Language Points

1) attitude n. 姿势,姿态;心态,看法

e.g. People’s attitude towards the accident varies widely.

e.g. What’s your attitude towards the result of the foot match?

take an attitude of … 采取……态度

take a/an … attitude towards sb/sth 对某人或某事采取/抱有……态度

2) regardless adj. 不管……的;不顾……的(同of连用,作状语)

e.g. He says what he thinks, regardless of other people’s feelings.

e.g. The goal is to make higher education available to everyone who is willing and capable regardless of his financial situation.

adv. 无论如何;不管;不顾

Step Four: Homework:

To do Parts B1 and B2 on page 91 in Workbook
