1.牛津小学英语教案 篇一
step 1. greeting
sing an english song.( what is this in english?)
step 2. revision
1.师提供本节课的话题“my stationery”,鼓励学生围绕此话题与教师或同学进行交谈。
3)介词in/on, 借助这两个词语,我们可以表达物品的位置。让学生举例。
4)初步掌握my/your/his/her +名词,表示某人的东西。
5)用途很广的几个交际用语: come here. excuse me. oh, i see.
1.storybook_______ 2. copybook_______ 3. knife_______
4. toy train_______ 5.tape_______ 6.stapler_______
7. school bag_______ 8. in english_______ 9. in chinese_______
10. my pen_______ 11. your ruler_______ 12. his rubber_______
13. on the bookcase_______ 14. in the school bag_______
考察book, tape, bag.(可以适当增加1-2个与它们发音类似的单词)
for example: a toy train------some toy trains
如:1. 需要打扰别人时,可以说:
建议: 对话控制在4句内,以本单元重点句型为训练重点。
1. 让复习课不要成为老师的个人演讲。不要低估学生的三言两语,耐心的引导他们学会梳理知识,培养学习能力。
2. 练习内容的设计不同考试,目的重在单元基础,不可以难、偏、怪。学生通过练习可以客观的了解知识的掌握情况,老师也可以为下面的教学找准目标。
2.牛津小学英语教案 篇二
英语是初中三大主科之一, 学生英语学习的好坏直接影响其整体学习水平。英语学习难成为广大初中生的普遍感觉, 为了不让英语成为“学习木桶”的短板, 使孩子们学好英语就成为了广大一线英语教育者的头号任务。在笔者的教学实践中, 发现了牛津英语“推进器”———情景教学法。
古代选拔人才主要的考核方式———科举, 讲究的是写八股文, 规规矩矩, 板板正正, 束缚了学子的天性, 用八股的框子框成举人、进士。新中国成立以来, 特别是改革开放以来, 国外的教育思想和方法开始传入中国, 被国人所接触, 所熟知。而国外追求个性教学、快乐教学的理念开始被很多人接受, 其中就包括情景教学法。
我国著名教育家陶行知所秉承的教育理念之一就是“生活即教育”。艺术界有一句话“艺术源于生活, 又高于生活”。我们的书本和教学理念也是如此, 而可悲的是, 有些时候, 光记着“高于生活”, 而忘了“源于生活”。有些教师在英语教学中唯课本马首是瞻, 仅就本论本, 与鲜活的生活实践脱节。结果上课打呵欠者有之, 开小差者有之, 甚至直接去“会周公”。虽然学生自身自制力不够是原因, 但是老师死板的教学方法也难辞其咎。
“情景教学法”就是专门治疗上文中提到的这一病症的良方, 此药方为:在教学时, 教师创设带有情绪色彩的、形象为主题的场景, 从而使学生产生态度体验, 帮助学生理解并获取知识, 同时使学生心理机能得到发展。将言、行、情融为一体以激发学生的情感。
情景教学法虽然为“推进器”, 但并不是“全自动智能化”的, 需要“舵主”———英语老师掌握好航向、航速。
其一, 教师要摸清整班的英语水平, 胸有成竹地掌握什么样的内容对于孩子们来说是较难的。情景教学法因为方法灵活, 需引入情境, 耗时较长, 适用于中等偏上难度的问题。
其二, 掌握好频次、频率。情景教学法趣味性强, 课堂活跃气氛好。而有些英语老师尝到甜头之后, 不分内容、场合, 太过频繁地使用, 弄得耗时过长, 反而拖堂, 引起同学们的不满。而且人之天性为“喜新厌旧”, 再新的衣服穿多了也会旧, 再新的方法用多了用烂了也惹人烦。所以, 为了能最大限度地利用好情景教学法, 教师要挑选好利用的时机和频次。
虽然牛津英语教材生动有趣, 贴近学生实际, 方便教师利用情景教学法缩短课堂与生活的距离, 但仅仅依靠课堂教学的有限时间显然是远远不够的, 所以教师可以利用课外活动课时间为学生播放一些英文经典电影。动画电影因为其语言相对简单, 节奏较慢, 而且情节活泼有趣, 尤为适合, 如Big feet (《欢乐的大脚》) , Lion king (《狮子王》) , The sound of music (《音乐之声》) 等。看完后可以准备一些情景问答题目, 鼓励学生积极学习其中的日常对话内容, 并在日常生活中使用。同时, 指导学生学唱优美动听的歌曲“So long, farewell”“Do re mi”等, 学生们喜欢上了自然就会在平时哼唱。而在节日之时举办英语歌唱大赛的话, 更会激发大家学习英语歌曲的兴趣和热情, 使学生英语能力得到极大提高。
俗话说“条条大路通罗马”, 英语学习之法并不是一成不变的。情景教学法虽然具有一定的局限性, 但是它在初中英语教学实践中的实际运用, 可以有效地提高英语教学效率, 提高学生的英语学习兴趣。
[1]黄爱玲, 齐捷锋.课堂教学情境的创设[J].中小学英语教学与研究, 2003 (7) .
[2]邢艳.让初中英语课堂教学生活化[J].校园英语 (教研版) , 2011 (5) .
[3]邹晓峰.初中英语情景教学设计策略[J].新课程学习 (社会综合) , 2009 (12) .
3.牛津英语谋略中国 篇三
牛津英语是Linguarama在华唯一的合作伙伴,它是欧洲最大的商务语言培训机构,其创办的纯正商务英语培训已有三十余年的历史,每年为60多个国家的20,000多名顶级经理人提供专业的语言培训服务。对“纯正商务英语”,JONES博士有着这样的解释,“纯正商务英语所提供的是一个真正商务层面上的培训,包括语言层面、特殊商务礼仪,而不是综合英语加商务单词这么一个简单的概念。” JONES认为,全球经济一体化的趋势不仅要求信息共享,更重要的是传递及时,准确,这对职业经理人的素质提出了更高要求,而通过专业培训来提升沟通技能,语言表达,跨文化理解能力是有效可行的。
对中国市场发展前景,JONES博士很有信心。他认为,随着中国经济实力的进一步增强,全球经济一体化的趋势会更加明显,英语对不少中国人来说会更加重要,尤其是中国企业在参与国际市场竞争中必须走出国内,融入世界,这对英语学习的需求会更强烈,专业商务英语的需求也会更大。目前,牛津英语只在北京设立了一家培训机构,第二家正在建设之中,地点选在上海。“在中国其他城市我们也有非常明确的发展计划,这是一种与市场需求相结合的发展谋略。” JONES博士把牛津英语未来在中国的发展计划称之为“谋略”。“牛津英语重在质量取胜,而不是单纯地扩大规模。”
4.牛津英语教案 篇四
《义务教育课程标准实验教科书 牛津小学英语》5b第一单元第一教时(part b and part c)
monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, chinese, science,
computer studies.
2、能正确地理解并应用句型what day is it today ?it’s…
what lessons do you have in the … we have …
3、能用所学单词、句型问答并初步感知句型welcome back to school. nice to see you.
a. free talk
用“happy new year!’’ “welcome back to school!” “how are you?’’等日常交际用语进行问答,复习并导入新知
复习“i like english .what do you like?’’ “do you like…?’’ “how about you?’’等所学句型,渗透新知
3.present “science,social science, pe, computer studies’’
例如: i like science. what subject do you like? oh you like art. me,too. how about you/ and you? …
b. presentation and practice
1.learn “monday”
教师自由谈话引出,例如:oh, someone likes pe, but someone likes english…today is “monday”(出示自制课表),师重复该单词,生静听、模仿跟读。延续以上对话,引出:“what lessons do we have today? ”
2.present “what lessons do we have in the morning?”
引导学生用“we have┅”回答
3.learn “tuesday, wednesday…friday”
方法:渗透新句型“what day is it today? it’s…”
例如:what day is it today?
it’s thursday.
为避免单词教法的重复,在新单词的引入时还可以用让学生试读的方法,单词的拼读可通过竞赛、游戏等方法以激发学生的兴趣。同时也可加入本课所学的句型“what lessons do we have in the morning?” “we have┅”,使对话的情景更为真实,也起到了复习的作用。
c. practice
a:what day is it today?
b: it’s thursday.
a: what lessons do you have in the morning?
b: we have┅
b: what day is it today?
c: it’s friday.
2) 师利用投影进行有意义的操练,图文结合。
d、assign homework
《义务教育课程标准实验教科书 牛津小学英语》5b第一单元第二教时(read and say 和part f)
2、能正确地听、说、读写单词a subject. interesting, a week 和句型what subjects do you like ? i like…
3、能正确地运用对话中的日常交际用语nice to see you. i hape we have more. how about you?
1.play a game: “反口令”游戏
2.free talk.
a: i have a … what do you have?
b:i have a …
a:i like going sopping. what do you like?
c:i like …
a:i often going shopping on sundays. is it sunday today?
ss:no,it isn’t. it’s monday.
a: what day is it ?
b: it’s …
4. sing a song 生初步感知、熟悉歌词及旋律。
1.教学句型“what subjects do you like?” “i like…”
(由对话自然引出)t: we are having an engilsh lesson. do you like english?
ss: yes, …/no, …(师帮助学生回答)
t: what subjects do you like?(生跟读,出示板书)
s1:i like …(师作提示)
2.teach: how about you?
师指明一名学生:how about you? 生自然地理解并作答,师可稍作提示“i like…”
4.learn “interesting”
1).教师可由以上的对话what subjects do you like? do you like pe?生回答yes, i do.师可引入yes, it’s interesting.
2).say a rhyme
根据不同的学生不同的爱好这一特点,由生描述i like …,it’s interesting .一方面训练 interesting,同时也复习前面所学各种科目的单词。师总结出rhyme.
english, english, a, b, c.
maths, maths, one, two, three.
chinese, chinese, write and read.
art, art, draw and sing.
pe, pe, run and swim.
c.listen, read and say.
1.present “i hope we have more ” “a week”
(师述引出)i like pe, do you like pe? who like pe, please hands up. but we have only two in a week. i hope we have more.
单词week让学生多听几遍,读音可与 “need”比较读。也可提问:how many days are there in a week? 检查学生理解程度。在引入i hope we have more 后可改动课表, 如增加二节课,帮助学生理解。单词和句型的读应放在听清发音之后。
2.listen and answer
1).what day is it today?
2).what lessons do they have in the morning?
what do su hai and su yang like? su hai likes and su yang likes .
3.read the text by yourselves then together.
4.read in roles
d. practice
1.look ask and answer
2.do a survey
《义务教育课程标准实验教科书 牛津小学英语》5b第一单元第三教时(part d, e, f and part g, h)
a: sing a song
1.listen to the tape
2.sing after the tape
b: free talk and revision
t:good morning, class. nice to see you.
ss: nice to see you.
t: i like running on sunday morning. do you like running?
s1:yes, i do./ no, i don’t.
t: he likes pe, so he likes running.
what subject do you like?
s2: i like science.
t: how many science lessons do you have in a week?
s2: we have two. i hope we have more.
t: excuse me .do you have science today?
what day is it today?
ss: it’s friday.
t: what lesson do you have in the afternoon?
4.利用挂图,操练句型 “what subject do you like ?”
i like … how about you?
i like …
c: look and read.
2.学习单词“trick” “minus”, 生猜其意并试读。
例如:i like maths very much. it’s┅
what’s 654 minus 456?
it’s ┅
d: design a timetable
how many subject do you have this morning?
we have ┅
how many chinese lessons do you have in a week?
we have ┅
what subject do you like?
i like┅
what lesson do you have on wednesday?
we have┅
2. make a new dialogue in pairs.
3. action.
4. design a timetable you like.
s1: today is ┅
the first lesson is┅
t: do you have any questions to ask?
s2:what subject do you like?
s1:i like ┅
s3:do you ┅
e: listen and repeat.
3.read after the tape.
4.归纳出clock, coffee, doctor,hot的共同音标,后出示图,师生共同看图说话:the hot coffee near the clock is for the doctor.
f. homework
2.能熟读并会表演read and act .
5.牛津小学英语6B教案 (49) 篇五
教学内容:6B.Unit 1E,F部分
3、巩固两会单词并学习E,F部分,两会:try again
5、歌曲《I wish I was taller》 教学重、难点:
1、提前板书重点句型、人物图片、学生调查表、2、录音机、磁带、练习册 教学过程:
Step 1.Sing a song :《I wish I was taller》
6.牛津英语教学教案 篇六
1、本单元的重点句型Whose..is this? It’s ...’s. Whose ... are they? They’re ...’s. 要求学生理解单复数的
7.牛津版初中英语阅读教学 篇七
在还没有正式开始上课的时候,老师就要调动学生的学习积极性,把英语教材里面的一些内容分别和同学们进行沟通,让同学们发挥想象力,各自提出不同的见解。然后再相互探讨,最大限度的发挥想象力。要是教师设计的问题特别简单,学生很容易回答,往往不利于激发学生思考,不利于促进学生思维的发展。所以课堂问题设计需要结合学生实际逻辑思维能力,善于变换方式与角度,激发学生的学习兴趣,能够有效提升学生的智力水平,进而促进学生英语学习效率的提高。以“The Taiwan Earthquake”(Fun with English 8A Unit 6 Reading)这部分教学为例,笔者具体设计的问题如下:
1. What was Timmy doing when the earthquake started?
2. What was the noise like finally?
3. What happened to Timmy?
4. What did Timmy have in his pocket?
5. When Timmy heard some noise,what was he doing?
8.刍议小学牛津英语词汇教学策略 篇八
英语的词汇是抽象的,但是实物是具体的,假如教师在引导学生学习单词时放置相应的实物,从而使学生觉得教室就是现实生活中的乐园,成功营造了轻松愉悦的教学氛围。譬如:我在执教《牛津小学英语》4A 中单词big, long, small, short时,在课前先把自己的衣服和鞋与一位女生对调,上课时我站在讲台上指着自己的coat和shoes说:“Look, my shoes are too small. My coat is too short.”许多学生顿时明白了我的用意;接着,我站在与我换衣鞋的那个女生旁边,并指着她的coat和shoes引导学生异口同声的说:“Look, her shoes are too big. Her coat is too long. ” 最后,我总结性说出 “She looks so funny.” 如此的学习过程达到水到渠成的效果,以后学生只要读到so funny 一词就自然联想到这有趣的的一幕。但运用直观教学法不能简单地理解为使用实物,教师应根据需要适当地选择。
在词汇教学中适当进行图片演示是直观教学中普遍使用的办法,目前使用的译林版《牛津小学英语》中新单词旁边都配相应的图片,从而使学生更愿意学习新单词,而且不容易遗忘。而文本中的插图大部分是卡通化的,比较符合小学生的心理特点。诸如教师引导学生学习bear, zebra, elephant等这一类单词时出示的图片鲜艳夺目,尤其是那些千姿百态的卡通图画一下子吸引了学生的注意力,充分调动了学生学习积极性。当然,作为教师也不能完全依赖教材的插图,应该结合现实生活实际,利用多媒体制作更具吸引力的课件,使画面声情并茂,从而进一步激发学生学习词汇的兴趣。
尽管记忆词汇的方法丰富多彩,但先让学生掌握拼读单词的基本规律是识记单词的前提条件。在平时的词汇教学中,教师应适度渗透相应的语音知识。否则,教学效果难以意料。《牛津小学英语》中虽然没有系统地为学生提供学习语音的平台,但绝不能采取拔苗助长教学方法,把48个音素短时间内全部灌输给学生,而应该把语音教学灵活渗透到词汇教学之中去,从而强化学生的记忆,有利于提高学生英语口语能力,有利于增强培养学生学好英语的信心和决心。譬如:我在教学单词bed时,先在黑板上素描一张床,然后用彩色粉笔板书单词: bed,并范读、领读这个单词,从而协调了学生的视觉、听觉等感官;同时,我还渗透元音音素[e]的教学,让学生明白单词bed中含有元音音素[e],最后再写出一系列含有该音素的egg, yes, get, let等单词,带领学生齐读,甚至还可以让学生试读少量学过的但读音规律相同的单词。再如,我在执教单词cow时,先出示clock, cat, now, how等单词的卡片,并相应渗透辅音音素[au]和[k]的教学。长此以往,学生不仅深入了解字母的基本发音规律,而且养成拼读单音节单词的习惯,教学效果喜人。
在小学英语词汇教学中,创设一定的教学情境或者语境也是不错的选择。譬如:我在执教《牛津小学英语》 4 A Unit 9 What's the matter? 的 B 部分教学时,针对表示感觉的形容词thirsty, ill, tired, cold, hot, hungry 等词汇,采取边示范、边教单词的办法:手拿一把扇子来表示 hot;弯腰摸肚表示 hungry; 双手紧抱身体表示 cold; 打扫卫生累了没精神表示 tired……在上述教学过程中,我充分利用动作和表情让学生逐步感悟、掌握这些词汇,并通过反复表演来巩固运用。由于不少英语词汇出现一词多义的现象,教师只有结合具体的语境,才能让学生真正明白其词义。诸如dear一词可以理解为“贵的”、“亲爱的”和感叹词“哎呀”,而到底是什么意思只有在具体的语境中才能确定。可见,结合一定的语境进行词汇教学是必不可少的手段。总之,教师把那些枯燥的词汇转变成了趣味化的情境与语境,有利于学生在趣味无穷的情境、语境中理解、识记词汇,教学效果显著。
9.牛津小学英语教案 篇九
时 间 2008.10.
教 学 目 标 (1) Make students pay attention to their health, and how to keep healthy.
(2) Get the Ss to improve oral English by talking about the pictures.
教学重、难点 Students are expected to express their own opinions by comparing the importance of beauty and health
Encourage students to speak freely
教、学 具 A projector and some slides
预习要 求 Preview the new words and the expressions of this unit.
教师活动内容、方式 学生活动内容、方式 旁注
Step 1 Lead-in
(1) Look at pictures about some famous people, and think of the question “Is a person’s ability judged by their appearance?”
(2) Some questions about yourself:
Do you think appearance plays an important part in your life?
Which do you think is more important, looking good or feeling good?
Step 2 Talk about the pictures
“Wow! I think this blouse will make me look slimmer.”
“This is really difficult but I feel so strong.”
“You must get enough sleep to stay healthy.”
“Eating more fruit makes me feel better.”
Step 3 Discussion:
Choose one picture and have a free talk.
(1) Who is the person? (2) The reason why he/she does so as the picture shows
(3) Give some details about the picture
(An example: Jane is a high school student and she is extremely happy, because she has been admitted to university. Tonight her parents will hold a party to celebrate her success and achievements. All their friends and relatives are invited to share her happiness. However, now she is at a loss about the clothes she is going to wear tonight. She is confident about everything except her weight. She always worries about being too fat. At this moment, she has spent at least half an hour selecting clothes without success.)
Step4 Talk about questions on P41
(1) Do you think we can change our appearance by wearing different clothes?
(2) Which do you think is more important, eating well or doing exercises?
(3) What do you do to keep yourself looking good and feeling good?
Step 5 Further discussion:
Looking good Feeling good
Step 6 Homework
(1) Preview the reading text.(2) Choose one picture on P41, and write down the details about it.
Step 1: Do the following tasks:
Do you think appearance plays an important part in your life?
Which do you think is more important, looking good or feeling good?
2: find more examples:
Choose one picture and have a free talk.
(1) Who is the person? (2) The reason why he/she does so as the picture shows
课 题 M1U3 课时 10-2 Reading 主备人 Swan 授 课
时 间 2008.10.
教 学 目 标 (1) Encourage the Ss to grasp the main topics of the three letters written by two good friends---Amy’s problems, how she dealt with it and Zhou Ling’s concerns and advice to Amy.
(2) Stimulate the Ss’ interest in learning English by talking about their own opinions when it
comes to the topic “To be beautiful or to be healthy ”
教学重、难点 Find the main points in the three letters and express them.
Find the main points in the three letters and express them.
教、学 具 A projector and some slides
预习要 求 Preview the new words and the expressions of this unit.
教师活动内容、方式 学生活动内容、方式 旁注
Step 1 Lead-in
(1) Some people are overweight, some are a little fat, and some are slim. Find why people are fat.
(2) Discuss ways of losing weight.
a) going on a diet b) exercising in the gym
c) receiving surgical treatment d) taking weight-loss pills
(3) Talk about the advantages, disadvantages & examples of the ways of losing ways.
Step 2 Reading comprehension
(1) General questions: (1st reading)
Where does Amy come from?
What kind of pills did Amy take?
What caused Amy’s liver to fall?
(1) Ex C1 Choose the best answers. (2nd reading)
Questions: 1-6
Step 3 Further reading
(1) Ex C2 Find the main points in the three letters (3rd reading)
Subjects Main points
1 Dying to be thin
2 Recovering
3 Re: Recovering
(2) Ex D1 D2 Detailed understanding and learning new words in the context.
Step 4 Develop reading ability through usage
(1) Ex E Complete the letter based on the text.
Step 5 Consolidation and Expansion (Choose one of the following.)
(1) Suppose you are Amy’s best friend. What advice or suggestions would you give to Amy?
(2) Do you think pictures of film stars and models cause young people to worry about their looks? Why or why not?
(3) What do you think is the best way to keep healthy? Why?
Step 6 Homework
Read the whole text (1) to know what Amy had to stay slim and how she recovered.
(2) to learn some language usages
Step 1: Discuss ways of losing weight.
a)going on a diet b) exercising in the gym
c) receiving surgical treatment d) taking
stepII Talk
Talk about the advantages, disadvantages & examples of the ways of losing ways.
课 题 M1U3 课时 10-3 Reading language points 主备人 Swan 授 课
时 间 2008.10.
教 学 目 标 (1) Encourage the Ss to raise reading ability by focusing on language points.
(2) Get the Ss to grasp the new language usage in the text by learning them.
教学重、难点 Language usage:
used to do sth be/get used to sth/ doing sth use sth to do sth be used to do sth
touching; exciting; moving; disappointing, interesting… (arouse the feeling…) touched; excited; moved; disappointed, interesting… (be made to feel…)
教、学 具 A projector and some slides
预习要 求 Preview the new words and the expressions of this unit.
教师活动内容、方式 学生活动内容、方式 旁注
Step 1 Revision
Check the language usage in the text
(1) words & phrases (2) Non-restrictive attributive clauses (3) ‘however/but’ (4) Question tags
Step 2 Language points (Learn and use)
(1) I used to go to the gym three times a week, but I don’t work out any more.
used to do sth be/get used to sth/ doing sth use sth to do sth be used to do sth 区别和用法
It used to be thought that the Earth was flat, but now everyone knows it is round.
Dr Ma used to work in a children’s hospital in Nanjing, usedn’t /didn’t he?
I never got used to going to bed so late.
Computers are used to do a lot of work in many companies.
(2) I used to go to the gym three times a week, but I don’t work out any more.
Many famous actors keep fit by working out in the gym every day.
The room smelled wonderful but they could not work out where the smell was from.
(3) I’m trying to lose weight because I’m so ashamed of my body.
be ashamed of sb./sth./doing.../ be ashamed to do.../ be ashamed that…
(4) Since I’m preparing to act in a new TV play, I’m taking weight-loss pills called Fat-less, which are quite popular among young women here.
Since you have a three-day holiday, why not go to the countryside to enjoy the quiet life there?
(5) They contain a harmful chemical that caused my liver to fail. contain / include区别和用法
To keep fit, we should always avoid food containing too much fat.
The price includes the postage charges.
My pet dog has caused me a lot of trouble. What caused him to fall off his horse?
Step 3 Consolidation
Read the text and find the sentences containing the language usages we have just learned.
Step4 Homework
(1) A1/A2(P102) (2) B1/B2(P103) (3) Learn the new words by heart.
(be made to feel…)
The excited children were opening their Christmas presents. (excite)
She was deeply moved when she watched the moving film. (move)
Step 3 Consolidation
Read the text and find the sentences containing the language usages we have just learned.
Step4 Homework
(1) A1/A2(P102) (2) B1/B2(P103) (3) Learn the new words by heart.
Step 1: Discuss ways of losing weight.
2.have a dictation
Take notes.
课 题 M1U3 课时 10-4 Word power 主备人 Swan 授 课
时 间 2008.10.
教 学 目 标 (1). Learn and master the new words about sports
(2). Enlarge the knowledge about sport
教学重、难点 Talk about sports to learn new words
Remember some new names of sports
教、学 具 A projector and some slides
预习要 求 Preview the new words and the expressions of this unit.
教师活动内容、方式 学生活动内容、方式 旁注
Step 1 Lead-in
Talk about the 10th National Sports in Nanjing:
(1) What have Nanjing people done for the 10th National Sports ?
(2) What can I do for this sports meeting?
(3) How many kinds of sports can you name ?
Free talk about yourself.
(1) Of all kinds of sports, which do you like most?
(2) Are there any school clubs in your school? Have you ever joined one? If not, are you planning to join one?
Step 2 Read and speak
(1) Part A on page 46
(2) Find all the names of clubs
Step 3 Further study
Talk about expressions of the pictures about sports:
badminton tennis boxing fencing
weightlifting squash shooting volleyball
basketball football aerobics triathlon
Step 4 Read and understand
(1) Complete the exercise of Part C on page 47.
(2) Some questions for you :
1) What suggestions does Zhou Ling give to Amy?
2) Zhou Ling gives specific advice to Amy about the exercise she can do after the operation: Firstly, if Amy wants to get strong and have some fun with friends,_________________.
If Amy just wants to build her strength up by herself, Zhou Ling advises her to__________________.
If Amy only wants to have some fun and exercise with some of her friends, she can try_________________.
(3) Types of sports Part D (P47)
Do you know which are indoor sports and which are outdoor sports? Think more!
boxing beach volleyball fencing
gymnastics skiing baseball…
Step 5. Homework
(1) Learn all the new words by heart.
(2) Make sure you know how to use it.
Step 1:Answer the following questions
Read and speak
(1) Part A on page 46
(2) Find all the names of clubs
Take notes.
课 题 M1U3 课时 10-5 Grammar and usage 主备人 Swan 授 课
时 间 2008.10.
教 学 目 标 (1) Master the usage of non-restrictive Attributive Clause.
(2) Practice about all kinds of Attributive Clause.
教学重、难点 (1) Non-restrictive Attributive Clause.
(2) The usage of “which” and “that” in Attributive Clause.
(3) Some special usage of “that” in Attributive Clause
Remember some new names of sports
教、学 具 A projector and some slides
预习要 求 Preview the new words and the expressions of this unit.
教师活动内容、方式 学生活动内容、方式 旁 注
Step 1 Lead-in
(1) T shows a picture of Brad Pitt. T gives 3 blanks to be filled in using information from the picture involving restrictive Attributive Clauses
(2) T shows another picture of Zhang bozhi. T gives 2 blanks to be filled in using information from the picture involving non-restrictive Attributive Clause.
(3) Ask Ss to find out the differences between these sentences.
That is, Comma;
The Non-restrictive Attributive Clause can be left out;
We can’t use “that” in this kind of sentence;
We can’t miss the relative words, either.
Step 2 Initial knowledge of Non-restrictive Attributive Clause
Find out the Non-restrictive Attributive Clause on page 42-43 (Reading).
Step 3 Non-restrictive Attributive Clauses
(1) T gives Ss some more examples and tells Ss that we can use “which” to refer to the whole main clause, and we can’t use “that”. Some exercises are available as well;
(2) T gives Ss some more examples and tells Ss that we can use most/ all/ some/ both/ part + of + whom/ which to express a complete or partial quantity. Some exercises are available as well;
(3) More exercises.
Step 4 Further study of the Attributive Clauses
“That” must be used in Attributive Clause in the following cases:
(1). the antecedent is all, few, little, much, something, nothing, anything, none, one, etc.
(2). The antecedent is modified by all, any, every, each, few, little, no, some, etc.
(3).The antecedent is modified by an ordinal or superlative
(4). The antecedent is modified by only, very, last, etc.
(5). The antecedent refers to people and things.
(6). A sentence begins with who or which.
(7).A relative pronoun functions as predicative.
More examples are available in each part.
More exercises are available as well.
Step 5 Summary and homework
A brief summary of the usage of Attributive Clauses
Complete the exercises on page 48-49.
Step 1 know the
knowledge of Non-restrictive Attributive Clause
Further study of the Attributive Clauses
Take notes.
课 题 M1U3 课时 10-6 Grammar 主备人 Swan 授 课
时 间 2008.10.
教 学 目 标 (1) Master the usage of non-restrictive Attributive Clause.
(2) Review the usage of all kinds of Attributive Clause.
(3) Review the usage of intonation, and learn how to read question tags.
(4) Learn and master the form of question tags.
教学重、难点 Some special forms of the question tags.
教、学 具 A projector and some slides
预习要 求 Preview the new words and the expressions of this unit.
教师活动内容、方式 学生活动内容、方式 旁 注
Step 1 Lead-in
T shows a picture, and tells a story of “shmily”. A old couple keep playing the “shmily” hide and seek game. They write “shmily” on a piece of paper, and hide it in their house. Sometimes, they hide it under a cup, sometimes they hide it under a book. And the meaning of “shmily” is ‘see how much I love you’.
T: Do you say “I love you” to your parents? And how do you say it?
S: …
T: Do your parents say “I love you” to you? If they are too shy to say “I love you” to you, you can ask them, “You love me, don’t you?” and remember, in a rising intonation. When we expect the other person to agree with us, the question tad has a falling intonation.
Step 2 Question tags
T introduces the definition of question tags and the basic usage of question tag.
(1) We use a negative question tag at the end of a positive statement; we use a positive question tag at the end of a negative statement;
(2) Words like neither, none, nobody, nothing, few, little, never, hardly or seldom are considered negative;
(3) We use a personal pron. like I, we, you, he, she, it or they in a question tag.
(4) We use an auxiliary verb, model verb or be in a question tag.
(5) After an imperative clause, we use will you. After Let’s, we use shall we.
Some exercises are available as well.
Step 3 Language points
T asks Ss to read out the answers and T introduces the important language points as well.
(1). consider
a. 考虑consider sth./doing sth.
b. consider 认为 +that clause/ sb. to be
c. consider as 认为……是……
(2). be skinny= be very thin
(3). lift weights(4). side effect
(5). achievement(6). take the risk
(7). read your post
Step 4 Homework
P51, A, B; P104, C1, C2
Step tells a story of “shmily”
introduces the definition of question tags and the basic usage of question tag.
Take notes.
课 题 M1U3 课时 10-7 Task 主备人 Swan 授 课
时 间 2008.10.
教 学 目 标 (1) Practise students’ language skills of listening, reading, speaking and writing
(2) Help students to learn 2 skills of finding information
教学重、难点 教学重点: Find and underline the main ideas
教学难点: Find and circle the key words
教、学 具 A projector and some slides
预习要 求 Preview the new words and the expressions of this unit.
教师活动内容、方式 学生活动内容、方式 旁注
Step 1 Introduce two skills of finding information:
(1) Read the questions carefully before you begin.
(2) Skim the passage, and look for main points and key words.
Step 2 Practise
(1) Find the main ideas and key words in a passage:
Main idea: I think too many people take weight-loss pills without really knowing that they can damage their health.
Key words: cause liver failure; worried about her figure;
health is priceless; eat properly
(2) Read two pictures about “Better Body Gym”, and find the main points and key words.
(3) Passage understanding
Some questions about the above two pictures;
1.Membership fee:
2.Number of gyms in the city:
1.____ 2.____ 3.____
3.What do you get for free?__________________________________________
4. How big is each gym?
5.Can you get advice from a personal trainer?
Yes______ No______
6. How can you find out more?
Step 3 Practise listening
1.One in Jinshan Road; one near the King Hotel
3.Provide with your ID number
Step 4 Practise writing
(1) Complete a letter to your friend. Explain why you think he should join the gym by using the given information .
(2) Write a letter to recommend a gym to a friend
Step 5 Homework
(1) Find information about a club.
(2) Invite your friend to join it.
and look for main points and key words.
Find the main ideas and key words in a passage:
Main idea:
Practise writing
课 题 M1U3 课时 10-8 Task 2 主备人 Swan 授 课
时 间 2008.10.
教 学 目 标 (1) Get the Ss to focus on note-taking skills by studying and practising.
(2) Encourage the Ss to use abbr, key words and symbols in taking notes.
教学重、难点 教学重点:
(1) Use abbreviations & contractions.
(2) Write down the key words.
(3) Use symbols
(4) Use punctuations
(5) Interviewing classmates about exercise and taking note
教、学 具 A projector and some slides
预习要 求 Preview the new words and the expressions of this unit.
教师活动内容、方式 学生活动内容、方式 旁 注
Step 1 Lead-in
Guess the meanings:
Mon Tues Wed Thur Fri Sat Sun Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec mor afn min sec hr ﹥ ﹤ ↑↓ A Q ABC BA circamara SOHO contd Art Fest
Step 2 Note-taking
1 use abbreviations & contractions:
PRC NO. Dept e.g. SH1 I’D shan’t won’t mfr Art Fest
2 Write down the key words.
(1)Model: Gym can be expensive = Gym memberships can sometimes be very expensive.
(2) Practice: Let’s try.
3 Use symbols
(1) Model: By swimming regularly, jogging, drinking lots of water and getting plenty of sleep, I can be healthier. swimming + jogging + water + sleep →healthier
(2) Practice: Let’s try.
Step 3 Listening practice:
1 The number seven bus is not on time. No. 7 bus isn’t on time.
2 Our department is increasing the number of teachers. Our dept is↑the no. of teachers.
3 I’d like to see the manufacturer. I’d like to see the mfr.
4 Senior High 1 has a bigger class than Senior High 2. SH1 has a ﹥class than SH2.
5 The People’s Republic of China was founded in 1949. PRC was founded in 1949.
Step 4 Interviewing classmates about exercise
(1) Listen to the speaker and take notes about the equipment available in the gym.
(2) Interview your partner. (3) Tell your class what exercise your partner does.
what basketball/dancing/football /gym / running / swimming
Why fit / fun / healthy / strong
When Often/sometimes/ seldom /never
Whom classmates / family /friends
Step 5 Using punctuation
(1) Do you know these punctuation
(3) marks? , . ? ! : ; ‘ ’ ’ - -
(2) Practice: Let’s try:
Step 6 Consolidation
Write an e-mail to your friend recommending Better Body Gym.
Step 7 Homework
Exx D1 & D2
Guess the meanings
Listening practice:
Listen to the speaker and take notes
课 题 M1U3 课时 10-9 Project 主备人 Swan 授 课
时 间 2008.10.
教 学 目 标 (1) Get the Ss to know about proper health and fitness so that they can take care of themselves.
(2) Improve the students’ ability of making a survey and making a questionnaire.
教学重、难点 教学重点: (1) Read the passage about health.
(2) Make a survey about health.
教学难点: (3) Complete a report about health.
教、学 具 A projector and some slides
预习要 求 Preview the new words and the expressions of this unit.
教师活动内容、方式 学生活动内容、方式 旁 注
Step 1 Lead-in
T shows two pictures, one is Nicole Kidman, and the other is Victoria Beckham. Ask the Ss whether they know them? What do they think about them? Do they think they’re beautiful? What is beauty in their eyes?
Step 2 Skimming
(1) Try to get the main idea of each paragraph.
(2) Try to get the general idea of the whole passage.
Step 3 Introducing the project
Make a booklet about how healthy the students in our school.
Step 4 The procedures of doing the project
(1) Planning:
Get into groups(4-6)
Clear assignments
Decide which group your group will survey.
(2) preparing:
Make a questionnaire.
Give out and collect the questionnaires.
Record and analyze the statistics.
Write the report.
(3) Producing:
a. You can make a questionnaire based on the following points: How many; How often; Have you; How much; Do you
A sample questionnaire is provided as a reference as well.
b. Remember to talk to the teacher to get enough time to give out and collect your Questionnaire.
c. Record and analyze statistics and remember to compare your figures with the numbers and percentages the reading article provides.
d. Report should include the following parts:
the class, grade;
how many Ss answered the Qs;
(3) presenting:
Present the reports to the class
Step 5 Homework
Complete the project
课 题 M1U3 课时 10-10 Project 主备人 Swan 授 课
时 间 2008.10.
教 学 目 标 (1) Improve the students’ ability and provide practice.
(2) Make a booklet about health.
(3) Master the usage of some useful words and expressions.
教学重、难点 Present a report about health to the whole class.
Present a report about health to the whole class.
Make a survey about health
教、学 具 A projector and some slides
预习要 求 Preview the new words and the expressions of this unit.
教师活动内容、方式 学生活动内容、方式 旁 注
Step 1 Lead-in
T shows Ss the rules of how to present.
1. Report should include the following parts:
the class, grade;
how many Ss answered the Qs;
2. Each group member should report on part of the results.
Step 2 Presentation
T values which group did a better job, and also invites the Ss to talk about which they like best, and why.
Step 3 How to make a booklet
A booklet will include…
Cover contents reports appendix
Step 4 Language points
T introduces some language points in the article to Ss.
(1) Word focus
life-style regular count control concentrate
(2) words to be learned from old words
energy, skip
(3) phrases to be noticed along with
in the long term a good amount of sleep
as a matter of fact in no time
Step 5 homework
Make a booklet
report on part of the results
make a booklet
10.牛津小学英语教案 篇十
一、Teaching goals
1. Target language: new words and sentence structure
2. Ability goals: Practice the students’ listening, speaking, reading and writing.
二、Teaching important and difficult points
Listening and writing.
三、Teaching aids
A tape recorder and a computer.
四、Teaching procedures and ways
Show pictures to students to introduce the topic of this part
A legendary person is a person who is very famous and who is talked by a lot of people. Often, legendary people are real people who lived a long time ago, so the information you find about them might be true but some of it might be impossible or do not exist.
Skill building 1: finding information about a legendary person
In order to find which information is real and which is not, you can listen out for the following expressions which people often use when discussing something which might not be real:
He/She is said/supposed to…
He/She is known/described/pictured as …
People believe that …
According to the stories, he/she …
Apparently, he/she …
I have heard that he/she …
Step 1: taking notes about Father Christmas
A. Listen to a TV programmer about Father Christmas and fill in as much of the note sheet as possible.
B. Now listen to the second half of the programmer and finish the notes above.
Answers: 1) fat 2) white 3) red suit 4) black 5) North 6) toys 7) 12 8) deliver 9) presents 10) tree 11) bed 12) pies 13) green 14) 1931
Host: Good morning. Today, I am going to interview someone who knows a lot about Father Christmas.
Steve Smith is the owner of a toy shop. Now, Steve, I wonder if you could quickly summarize who Father Christmas is and what he does.
Steve: Well, the character Father Christmas has been around for hundreds of years, and he is known to many children around the world as the person who brings them Christmas presents. He is often described as a happy, fat man with long white hair and a long white beard and moustache, dressed in a red suit with a black belt and black boots. However, he hasn’t always dressed like that. A famous advertisement used a picture of him wearing red in nineteen thirty-one, but before that, he was usually drawn wearing green.
Host: Father Christmas comes to visit us at Christmas time, but where does he spend the rest of the years?
Steve: Well, he is said to live near the North Pole with his wife and lots of little creatures called elves. The elves are his friends. They help make toys. He also has twelve reindeer that help him deliver the presents on Christmas Eve.
Host: When I was a child, I used to write to Father Christmas, so that he would know what I wanted.
Steve: Many children do that several months before Christmas. They write to tell what presents they would like for Christmas. One of the traditions in the UK is for children to take the list of presents they want and put it in the chimney.
Host: What happens after that, on Christmas Eve?
Steve: According to stories, on Christmas Eve, Father Christmas puts all of the presents onto his sled and flies across the sky with his twelve reindeer. Once Father Christmas arrives at a house, he goes down the chimney and places presents for the children in stockings or in front of the family Christmas tree. Some people hang the stockings by their beds, but most people hang them by the fireplace. Many people say that Father Christmas likes to eat mince pies, so they always leave some out for him to eat. Many people also leave a carrot out for the reindeer.
Host: I didn’t know that! I’ll have to remember that in the future. Now we have time for one more question. Do you know where the idea for Father Christmas came from?
Steve: There is a connection between Father Christmas and ST Nicholas, who was a saint from hundreds of years ago. You can find more about ST Nicholas on the Internet.
Host: Steve, thanks for talking to us today. I suggest that anyone who wants to find out more about Father Christmas should look on the Internet. There are many sites and there is much information about
Read the article about Father Christmas on a web about ST Nicholas ON Page 59, and then answer the following questions.
1. Where did ST Nicholas come from?
--- ST Nicholas came from a village called Myra in Turkey.
2. Why is Father Christmas modeled after him?
--- Because he was very kind and generous especially to young people.
3. What is the origin of Father Christmas coming down the chimney?
--- Father Christmas threw small bags of gold down the chimney to help the three daughters in a poor family get married.
4. Where did the idea of hanging stockings near the fireplace come from?
--- One of his bags of gold fell into a stockings hanging up to dry over the fireplace.
5. What does ST Nicholas look like?
--- He is tall and thin with no beard and wears the traditional clothes of a priest.
Skill building 2: asking questions about cultural differences
Step 2: finding out about different Christmas traditions
● Is Father Christmas the same in every Western country?
● What is Father Christmas called in different country?
● Do people in Western countries all send presents to others on 24 December?
Make a dialogue about the questions using the following structure.
● Is/Are…the same everywhere?
●What is/are …called in each country?
● Which…is/are different in each country?
● How is/are…different in each country?
Skills building 3: writing a story about a legendary figure
1. When you write a story a legendary figure, you need a way to start the story to get your readers interested.
● I am going to tell you a story about…
● I am sure you have all heard about … Well, I am going to tell a story about him/her.
2. Then you need to give descriptions of the legendary figures:
who he/she is
what he/she looks like
the different aspects of his or her character
what he/she does
who the character is based on
other interesting facts
e.g., the different names that are used for him/her around the world
Step 3: writing a story about Father Christmas
●Opening sentence_________________
● Identity______________________
● Appearance____________________
● Personality_______________________
● Occupation____________________
● Origin_____________________
● Other interesting facts___________
1. Write a story about Father Christmas.
牛津小学英语5A Unit 6 Doing Housework教案第一课时12-28