1.心理活动热身游戏 篇一
形式:全体参加 道具:无 场地:室内
时间:5分钟左右 目的:热身 程序:
形式:全体参加 道具:无 场地:室内
时间:5分钟左右 目的:热身,自我介绍,尽可能认识更多的同学 程序:
4、接着再由被叫到的人接着叫别人的名字(如 3),直到有人做错或做错三次。活动三:无家可归
形式:全体参加 道具:无 场地:室内
时间:15分钟左右 目的:体会团队的归属感与踏实感 程序:
2.根据老师提示变换围成一圈的人数,组成新的“家 ”比如老师说:4人一组,所有同学就要4个人围成一组。无家可归的同学就被圈在外边。
形式:全体参加 道具:无
时间:10分钟左右 程序:
“小雨”——打响指 “中雨”——两手拍大腿 “大雨”——大力鼓掌 “暴雨”——跺脚
2.心理活动热身游戏 篇二
( 一) 热身方式。14级足球公共体育教学甲班( 以下简称足球甲班) 的孙老师采用的是普通的慢跑加热身操的方式。14级足球公共体育教学乙班( 以下简称足球乙班) 的刘老师采用的是足球移动运球与喊数抱团游戏( 喊数抱团游戏为一种运动过程中提高注意力的一项游戏,游戏方法为学生在热身过程中由教师鸣哨,同时随机报出一个数字,正在热身的同学迅速寻找身边的同学,按数字进行自由结合的游戏方法,在规定的时间内,没有主动结合成教师报出数字的同学为失败) 相结合的方式进行热身运动。
( 二) 热身过程。足球甲班的同学在慢跑的过程中有聊天,打闹的情况出现,同时,跑步的速度比较缓慢,基本上达不到热身的要求,甚至有的同学快速走都能跟上慢跑的速度,大多数学生热身操做的不充分,不到位,极少一部分同学敷衍了事。足球乙班的同学在热身运动的一开始有注意力不集中的表现,很短的一段时间内,在一部分的同学遭受到失败的惩罚后,逐渐地集中注意力,认真进行足球移动运球的条件下,仔细的去听老师的口令,在充分热身的同时提高了注意力。
( 三) 情况分析。足球班的学生男生占有半数以上,并且多数同学在日常生活中都有热爱踢足球的习惯,而且关于体育运动的基本知识比较了解。即使在这种情况下,很多学生也不能认真、主动的去进行热身活动。从反面证明了一点,大多数的人都有一种惰性,哪怕在有较充足的理论基础,没有相对的刺激性,也难达到积极的促进。而教师在这时,给予一定的刺激,合理利用体育游戏, 提高学生的注意力,将会得到更好的效果。
本次观察在侧面论证了体育课中游戏对热身运动的积极作用, 但不够充分,缺乏合理的数据支持。
游戏教学法在体育教学中具有重要的地位,可以将其看作是一种教学手段或者是一种特殊形式的教学。体育游戏的功能非常强大,是体育教学的得力助手。体育游戏既有别于一般的体育运动, 也不同于一般的智力活动,它是具有一定情节和比赛因素的身体活动,在趣味的游戏中使学生发展身体素质和个性。
同时,体育游戏不仅能丰富体育课内容,活跃课堂气氛,使学生在乐中学、趣中练,还能丰富热身运动,起到充分的热身作用。 使同学们更加快速,更加积极的参与到体育运动中来,从而更好地完成教学任务。因此,体育游戏对于全面发展学生的身心素质具有重要的作用。
( 一) 热身作用。体育课中准备部分的任务是使学生在运动前调整心理状态,调动各种生理机能,准备承受体育课基本部分教学内容及完成所安排的运动负荷,以获得理想的学习效果。不做热身运动或热身运动不充分,就很容易引起运动损伤。大多数学生由于知识的匮乏,很少或者是基本没有运动前做热身运动的意识。另外再加上学生的年龄及心理情况,导致常规的热身运动不易于为大多数学生所接受,达不到理想的热身效果。因此,体育游戏的热身功能就显得尤为突出,学生不仅从心理上乐于接受,而且还能积极调动学生的各种生理机能,达到充分的热身状态。
( 二) 提高学习积极性和趣味性。较长时间的应试教育,使大多数学生缺乏自我探索的精神,从而被动的去接受,简单的热身运动,如慢跑、压腿等。长此以往,容易使学生木讷、厌倦,从而机械的去应付这种简单乏味的活动。而丰富多彩的游戏方式则可以提高学生的注意力,反应力。更加促进学生积极的去完成游戏的规则要求,感到快乐的同时达到了热身运动的要求。
通过调查证明,体育游戏在热身运动中有着不可替代的娱乐、 教育和健身作用。体育教师在体育教学中要根据教学的各个环节、 教学目的和教学对象的不同,合理、科学的运用不同的游戏方法, 激发学生学习的自觉性和积极性。在热身运动的过程中,体育教师应及时关注学生生理以及心理的变化,运用正确的体育游戏, 将热身运动充分的开展。同时,体育教师选择的体育游戏应不断增强学生的身体素质、使其熟练掌握基本技术、提高训练水平, 达到良好的教学效果,保证教学任务的完成,真正体现体育游戏的多功能。
3.常用英语课堂热身教学游戏 篇三
T:big wind blows, big wind blows
S: blows what? T:blows all the girls(means all the girls have to stand up and change their sits quickly,所有女孩子要赶紧交换位置,老师抢占一个位置,这样有一名学生将会没有椅子坐,被淘汰),老师的口令可以根据学生的服饰来进行,如:blows glasses, sports shoes等。如教师够大,也可以让学生围成圆圈进行
2.抢椅子(music chair)
摆好五张椅子放在空地,分别从AB组各请出3个学生并让学生随着音乐围着椅子转,播放快的音乐时学生要快速走或者慢跑,慢速音乐学生则相应慢走。游戏中老师可自由切换音乐或者带着S一起唱(除了参加游戏的学生),当音乐停时,S应该立即停止转动并且抢座位,最终胜出的学生所在组可加分 3.数字游戏(过3游戏)
让孩子按照顺序来报数,当报到3或是3的倍数时不能报数,只能拍手 4.Simon says
(老师说动作词组,如brush your teeth, fly, eat, jump等学生做相应的动作)但学生需要听到simon says才能做,如未听到simon says做动作了要被淘汰。老师可以把simon says改成自己的名字,如connie says 5.Wolf wolf what time is it?
(学生排在老师身后就像老鹰捉小鸡一样的,S一起问T,S:wolf wolf ,what time is it ? T: it is one / two/three/four…o’clock,学生根据老师回答的数字相应的往前走几步,但老师需要设定一个it’s dinner time,当老师回答it’s dinner time的时候,就扮成大灰狼要吃人的样子,学生此时要快速回到自己的座位上,最慢的一个被老师抓住吃掉)。
请大家一定要注意安全规则的强调,不许跑动,只能快步走回到自己的座位上,否侧犯规淘汰)6.Fingers chant
学生起立进行这个chant one finger, one finger, turn turnturn, turn to what? Turn to a brush,shuashuashua , twofinges, two fingers, turn turnturn,turn to what? Turn to a rabbit,jump jump jump threefinges,threefingers,turn turn turn,turn to what? Turn to a cat,miao,miao,miao four fingers four fingers,turn turn turn,turn to what?Turn to a dog,wangwangwang five fingers five fingers,turn turn turn,turn to what? Turn to a tiger, ao(老师就做吃人状,学生要马上坐下,最慢的一个被老师吃掉)7.萝卜蹲
(以5名学生为例;让学生站成一排,给每位学生命名,S1白萝卜,S2红萝卜,S3紫萝卜,S4绿萝卜,S5黑萝卜。从S1开始,S1说白萝卜蹲,白萝卜蹲,白萝卜蹲完黑萝卜蹲,S5要说黑萝卜蹲,黑萝卜蹲,黑萝卜蹲完。。蹲),学生慢慢淘汰 8.Happy fax(A组学生排成一竖对除了S1面对老师,其他学生全部背对学生,T悄悄给S1一个单词如brush your teeth,S1用动作传给S2,S2传给S3,最后一名学生说出这个单词)。A,B两组在固定的时间内PK,看哪组猜对的多,哪组为胜。9.How many birds can you see?
(S: how many birds can you see? T: I can see two birds.2名学生抱团,学生根据老师回答的数字来抱团,three就3名学生在一起,four就4名学生在一起。老师也可把birds换成rabbit, giraffe等)10.木头人
(S站在自己所坐的位置为控制纪律不能让学生离开座位,脚也不可以动,要求学生只能活动身体 当做robot,当T说wooden man时,学生就要保持自己正在进行的动作,不可以动,老师可以去做鬼脸或其他的方式让学生动,学生就被淘汰了)11.Simon says(西门说)
If the students hear the teacher says “Simon says” before a command, they should do and say the command.But if they don’t hear “Simon says” before a command, they mustn’t do or say the command.The one who makes mistake will sit down and be eliminated off the game.如果学生听见老师在说一个指令之前加上“Simon says”,他们就应该做或者说这个指令。假如他们在指令之前没有听见“Simon says”的,就不能做或者说。谁犯了错误的就只能坐在位置上,被淘汰出游戏。12.Action rhyme(律动游戏)
Let’s do the action together when we say the chant or the poem.Shake your body with the rhythm(读韵律诗或歌谣,跟随节奏做动作)Four games about action rhyme: a.Days of a week Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.b.Happy birthday Stamp your feet and clap your hands, Snap your fingers, turn around.Hip, hip, hooray, Maria.Hip, hip, hooray, Maria.Happy, happy, happy, happy, Happy, happy, happy, birthday.Happy, happy, happy, happy, Happy, happy, happy, birthday.c.Three little teddy bears Three little teddy bears jumped on the bed.One felt off and bumped his head.Mummy called the doctor and the doctor said “No more bears jump on the bed!” Two little teddy bears jumped on the bed.One felt off and bumped his head.Mummy called the doctor and the doctor said “No more bears jump on the bed!” One little teddy bear jumped on the bed.He felt off and bumped his head.Mummy called the doctor and the doctor said “No any bears jump on the bed.” d.Up and Down Stand up, sit down and show us one.Look up, look down and show us two.Reach up, Reach down and show us three.Jump up, jump down and show us four.Point up, point down and show us five 13.Boys and Girls.(男女生大赛)
Draw a brief boy and a brief girl on the blackboard.(be careful keep their whole body organ).Then boys and girls will have a competition.Such as “pointing competition”, “ask and answer”,“sing songs” and so on.The winner will keep their whole body.In the contrary, the loser will be rub off one of their organs.在黑板上画一个简单的男生和女生图(注意保持身体器官的完整)。然后分男生和女生两方进行比赛,如“指物大赛”、“问问答答”、“唱歌比赛”等等。赢的一方能够保持身体器官的完整,反之,输的一方每次将会被擦掉一样身体器官。14.Nose to nose.(鼻子对鼻子)
Play the games in pairs.Listen to the command and do the action.Such as listen to “hand to head”,they must put their hand to The partner’s head.Keep this motion and continue to do the next one.两个人结队对玩游戏,听指令做动作。如听到“手对头”那么双方应该把自己的手放到对方的头上,保持这个姿势继续听指令做下一个动作。15.Go and Stop.(走走停停)
The students will drop their heads and walk arbitrary when they hear the order “Go!”.And stop when they hear the order “Stop!”.When they stop they must looking for the student who is nearby and talk with him/her.(They can ask and answer questions, greeting or make a dialogue and so on.)当听到指令“Go!”的时候,学生就低下头在教室里面随意的走动。当听到指令“Stop!”的时候,他们就停下来,找到离自己最近的一个同学进行交谈。(交谈可以是问答问题,相互问候或者课文对话等等。也可以说老师指定的内容)16.Listen and Do(听指令做动作)
Listen to the command and do the action.Be careful to finish the command correctly and quickly.The last one who finish the command or make mistakes will be eliminated off the game.听指令做动作,快速而准确地完成指令。做错动作或者最后完成指令的学生将被淘汰出游戏。
1.Louder and lower.(大声小声游戏)
When the teacher say a word or a sentence loudly, the student must say of them lowly.there wise, when the teacher say lowly ,the pupil must say loudly.教师大声地说句型或单词,学生就必须得小声地说。反过来,教师小声,学生就大声 2.Mouth words.(猜口型游戏)
The teacher will say words or sentences with the mouth move only and without voice.The students must look at the teacher’s mouth carefully and tell out what is the teacher saying about.教师读一些单词或句子,只做嘴型,不发出声音。学生必须得认真地看教师的嘴型,判断出是什么句子或单词,并大声地说出来。3.Remember games.(记忆力游戏)A group of students stand in line and try to remember things.The first student of the line will say a word or a sentence, the second one must repeat out what he/she says and then tell the word or sentences of his/her own.The third one must repeat out the first two student’s speaking and then tell his/her own.By this way runs the game.The last one must repeat out all the speaking above.一组学生依次站好,玩记忆力游戏。第一个学生说一个单词或句型,第二个学生必须得先复述出第一个学生说出的内容,然后才能说自己的句子或单词,第三个也得先复述出前面两个所说的内容然后再说自己的。依次类推,最后一个学生必须得重复完前面所有学生所说的东西。(教师可以适当给予说错的学生一些趣味性的惩罚,如唱歌等。)4.Judge sounds.(找声音游戏)A student closes his/her eyes.One of the other students will say something in English.He/she open the eyes and looking for the student who makes the sound and then go to talk with him/her.(ask and answer or greeting).一学生蒙住眼睛,其他学生用英语说一些句子,这个学生打开眼睛,找出声音是谁发出来的,就走到说话者的前面跟他谈话。(回答问题或相互问候)5.Looking for things.(找东西游戏)A student closes the eyes.The other student will hide something in the classroom.Then he/she will open eyes and go to look for the thing.During this time, the other student will clap their hands and say the sentence “where is/are your__?”.When he/she get nearer by the thing they will say the sentence louder, when he/she get further, they will say lower.一个学生蒙上眼睛,其他人藏他的一样东西在教室里。然后这个人就去找他的东西。在此期间,其他同学拍手并问到“where is/are your__?”。当他越靠近藏的东西,其他人就喊得越大声,相反的,离得越远就越小声。6.Voice and objects.(声音和物品)
A student closes the eyes.The other students will make some sounds behind him/her.Then he/she will judge what’s the sounds represent of? Such as judge the sound “roar” as a tiger.“bump, bump” as “playing basketball” and so on.一个学生闭上眼睛,其他的学生将在后面发出各种各样的声音,然后这个学生将要判断出这些声音代表着什么物品。比如“roar”代表着老虎“bump, bump”代表着打篮球等等。7.Listen and draw.(听音画画)a.Listen to the command and draw on the board or on exercise books.b.We also can draw blind.That means the teacher will show a whole picture to all the students in class except those who will draw on the board.The students describe the picture and then those on the platform will draw as they describe.At last , compare with these two picture.We will fine a lot of fun in the different of these two pictures.a.听指令,在黑板或在练习册上画画。
b.盲画。教师将给全班同学展示一幅完整的画,注意除了几个将要到黑板上去画画的学生不能看到画。下面的学生会一点一点的描述这幅画。上面的学生将根据他们的描述来进行画画。最后将这两幅画进行比较,寻找两副图的不同之出会大大的增加学生的兴趣。8.Pointing competition.(指物大赛)
Stick lots of pictures or words on the blackboard.Then choose two or three students(they can represent of groups)to come to the front and have a pointing competition.They must listen the command carefully and try to point to the corresponding picture or words as quickly as they can.The one who point to the correct picture first will win the points.在黑板上贴上很多图片或者单词。然后选二、三个学生(代表着组)到前面来进行指物比赛。他们必须得认真的听指令,然后尽可能快地指出相应的图或词。最先指出正确物品的学生将赢得分数。
9.Ask and answer one by one.(连锁问答)
Appointing some sentences as the passing questions and answers.After a student answer a question he must point to one of the other students and ask him/her questions.Each of the students who is pointed to must answer the front student’s question and then ask a question to the next one.One by one by this way to ask answer questions.指定一些句型作为要传下去的问句和答句。一个学生在回答了一个问题之后,必须得点出下一个同学并向他提问题。每一个被点到的同学都得回答前面一个学生的问题然后再问下一个人问题。同样方法,一个接一个连锁问和答。10.Letters makes word.(猜字母成单词)Make some blanks on the blackboard, each blank will be filled in a letter to make a word.You can appoint the word which will be made beforehand.Such as appoint the word “eye”.Make the blanks as “_ y__”.Students will guess the first letter “e” and the last letter “e” then makes the word “eye”.在黑板上画一些空格,每个空格填上一个字母可以组成一个单词。你可以事先指定一些需要猜的词。比如要猜“eye”这个单词,就在黑板上画 “_ y__”。然后学生就可以猜出第一个字母和最后一个字母都是“e”,填上去,这样就组成了单词“eye”。11.Act and guess.(演一演,猜一猜)a.The whole class.One student come to the platform, look at a picture(or a word)and then act it out.The other students will Guess what does he/she do and say it out loudly.b.Competition.The class will be divided into four groups.Each group will have two minutes to play.In this two minutes, the group members will run to the platform one by one, choose a piece of paper and act it out.The other group members will guess the meaning and say it out at once.The group get the highest point will win the game.a.全班参与。一个学生到讲台前面,看了老师手中的一幅图或一个单词/句子然后用动作表演出来,其他学生猜出他表演的内容是什么,并用英语大声地说出来。b.分组比赛。
12.Three seconds.(三秒钟快速抢答)
The teacher will show the students some pictures for three seconds.In this three seconds, the students must look at these pictures and try to remember all of them as possible as they can , then say out the pictures in the right order.The student who say out the pictures in the right order first will win the point.老师出示一些图片或单词,只给学生看三秒钟。三秒钟之内学生必须记住这些图片,然后按正确的顺序说出来。第一个抢说出答案而且顺序正确的学生将获得分数。13.Ten questions.(十个问题)
The manager will hide something or a picture in a big box.The other student will ask some questions to guess what is it.Such as “is it red?”“Is it an animal?” “Is it big or small?” and so on.But they must guess out the thing in ten questions.If the students cannot say out the answer in ten questions, they will lose the game.组织者在盒子里藏着东西或图片,其他学生向他提问提以猜出盒子里是什么东西。比如提问“is it red?”“Is it an animal?” “Is it big or small?”等问题来确认盒子里物品。但是学生必须在十个问题之内猜出物品,否则视为失败。14.Pass messages.(传递信息游戏)a.Pass saying.传话 The class divide into several groups and stand on lines.The teacher pass a word/a sentence to the first student of the line.that student will pass the word/sentence on, till the last one.(be careful pass them secretly)The group which pass the word/sentence correctly and quickly will win the game.全班分成几个组,排队站好。老师对排头的学生悄悄说句话,这个学生将这个句子传说给第二个,按此方法一直传到最后(记住要悄悄的传,秘密的传)。到最后能够传得又快又正确的组将获得胜利。b.Pass writing.传 写
The teacher write a word/a sentence in a paper and show it to the first student of the line.The student must remember the word/ sentence and write it down then show for the second one.One by one pass the word/sentence by this way till the end.The group which write the word/sentence correctly and quickly will win the game.全班分成几个组,排队站好。老师写一个单词或句子给排头的第一个同学看,这个同学看过了之后记下来并默写出来再给第二个看,第二个默写下来给第三个看。按此方法把这个单词/句子传下去直到排尾。传得又快又正确的组将获得胜利。c.Pass action.传动作
Students stand on lines and turn back to the platform.The teacher pats the first student on the shoulder, so he/she should turn to the teacher and look at the teacher’s action.Then he/she should pat the second student on the shoulder and pass the action on, one by one pass the action by this way till the end.The group which pass the action and tell out the meaning correctly will win the game.学生站成排背对讲台。老师拍一下排头学生的肩膀,该学生转过头看老师,老师将传一个代表着某个单词或句子意思的动作给他。这个学生记住动作,然后拍第二个学生的肩膀,等他回过头来后同样传这个动作。按此方法,一个接一个地把动作传下去,到最后的一个同学时,他得做出动作并且说出是什么意思。最后传得正确而且说出意思正确的组将赢得比赛。15.Words collection.(词语大收集)
a.Beginning letter collection.(相同开头字母词语大收集)
The teacher shows a letter.The students will find out those words which beginning with the letter.教师出示一个字母,学生找出以这个字母为开头的单词。b.A letter collection.(包含相同字母词语大收集)
The teacher shows a letter.The students will find out all kinds of words that include the letter.教师出示一个字母,学生找出包含有这个字母的所以单词。c.Type words collection。(同类词语大收集)
The teacher give a topic word such as “colors”, the students will find out those words of the type, such as “red, green, blue” and so on.教师出示一个主题词,学生找出从属于这一类主题的其他词语。如主题词为“colors”,学生就找出“red, green, blue”等属于“colors”类的词语。16.Happy Family(快乐家庭)
Each group has a set of word cards.Those cards are all mixed together.The group members should range those cards to a corresponding group.Such as “apple”, “banana” should be ranged into group “fruit”.The group which range the words quickly and correctly will win the game。
每个组有一套混乱了的词卡,组员们合作将这些词卡归类。如单词“apple”, “banana”应归类到“水果”一组。能够归类得又快又正确的组将赢得比赛。17.Description 描述抢答
The manager will describe something in English.The other students will guess out what is he/she describing about.The one who guess out the things first will win the point.主持者用英语描述某样物品,在描述的过程中,其他学生将猜出这个物品是什么,在最短的描述中最先猜出答案的学生将获得比赛分。18.What is missing?(什么东西不见了?)
The teacher will show some pictures to students for a while.Then pick out one of the pictures secretly and show them to the students again.The student must find out What is missing.老师给学生看一些图,只看一会儿。然后秘密而快速地抽走其中一张,再让学生看这些图,学生必须尽快地找出少了哪一张。19.Bingo(宾果游戏)
Make a chart.Then fill in the words appointed beforehand.(The students can fill in the words arbitrary to the chart.)The teacher will call out those words one by one and the student will cross out the words.When they cross the words to be a line(no matter horizontal, stand or slant)They will cry out “Bingo!”。
制作一个表格,在表格里面填上预先指定的单词。(学生可以随意的把单词填在格里,不用按顺序)。然后老师将一个一个地随意读出这些单词,学生根据老师的指令,把听到的单词划掉。当他们的划掉的单词正好在表格的同一条线上的时候(横、竖、斜都可以),就赶快喊出“Bingo!”。表示他成功了。20.Crossing Bridge.(过桥游戏)Two students make a bridge with a bridge keeper stand beside.If the student wants to cross the bridge, they must answer the bridge keeper’s question correctly, or they will can’t cross it.(We can make two or more bridges, and the student must answer two or more questions.The one who can cross all of the bridges smoothly will be the winner.)两个学生搭成一条桥,旁边站着一个守桥人。其他的学生如果想过桥就必须得正确地回答守桥人提出的问题,否则就过不去。(我们可以搭更多的桥让学生过,他们就得回答更多的问题。能够回答所有问题,顺利度过所有桥的学生就是胜利者。)21.拍皮球:(操练数词和加法运算句型)
(3)教师突然停下,问一个学生“What’s the number?”该学生应该答,“Nineteen”。如果他答对了,该组得分,并由该学生接替教师拍球,游戏继续进行,如果他讲错了,就让别的学生纠正。
(5)变化:教师拍球时可以在中间来个停顿。如先拍4下,停一停,再拍3下,接着问:“What’s the number?”学生应答“Seven”“Four plus three is seven.”
老师请一个学生A随便想一个课本中出现过的单词,告诉大家这个词总共有几个字母,假设猜想单词school,就在黑板上画 _ _ _ _ _ _,并画出个小人上吊的架子,由大家或者分小组猜单词,假设同学们猜字母O,单词school中出现了,就在黑板上预留的位置中填写此字母,_ _ _ o o _ 当同学们猜测的单词为school中并未出现的字母,则将在黑板空白处标上次字母,并为上吊小人填上一笔。若小人全部画齐,单词仍未猜出,则出单词的人赢,若猜出此单词,则为大家赢或该小组赢。
5、老师指出黑板上的单词,让各个一号读出,速度最快且正确的获胜,给其所在的组加分。)24.二人转 turn and turn 游戏说明:两名学生各持一张单词卡片,根据教室口令读单词,同时观看另外一名学生手中的单词卡片,另外一名学生也一样,哪一位同学快速读出了而且正确,就可以给改组得分。该游戏用于对单词的掌握程度。25.运气球:pass the balloons 游戏说明:两边的学生边运气球边说单词,看哪组学生运球快,单词读得也最准确。26.火眼金睛:eyes and ears 游戏说明:适合复习环节使用,即老师摆口型,不出声音,学生根据来说的口型猜单词和句子
27.谁最快 who is the best? 游戏说明:适合单词的总体操练,老实说 one two go 老师手中的卡片如果是平放的,学生们就做着说单词,如果卡片是立起来的学生就立刻站起来说,谁最快就给他奖励。28.“碰地雷”
4.心理健康游戏活动 篇四
分享:当你落单时,你的心里是怎样? 当你找到依靠时,心里又是什么感觉?
归属感:心理学研究表明,每个人都害怕孤独和寂寞,希望自己归 属于某一个或多个群体,如家庭,有工作单位,希望加入
活动规则:石头 剪刀 布 做法:两者发拳,输者的双手搭在赢者的肩上,每组赢者两两继续发拳,输者的双手搭在赢者的肩上,这样,形成一条龙。然后跳《兔子舞》。
5.心理游戏活动策划书 篇五
6.小学英语课堂热身活动总结 篇六
1.Alphabet Song(略)2.Apple Song Apple round, apple red, apple juicy, apple sweet, Apple, apple, I love you.Apple sweet I love to eat.3.Big thumb up Big thumb up, big thumb down, clap your hands, turn around;Big thumb up, big thumb dowm, stamp your feet, turn around;Big thumb up, big thumb down, come here, ……, go back sit down.(可自由扩充)4.Big bad wolf Who’s afraid of the Big Bad Wolf, Big Bad wolf, Big Bad Wolf, Who’s afraid of the Big Bad Wolf, La Ha Ha Ha Ha…….(Ss go back)5.Elephant Elephant, elephant, why is your nose so long? That’s because my mother’s nose is also very long.6.Indian boys One little, two little, three little Indians;four little, five little, six little Indians;Seven little, eight little, nine little Indians;ten little Indian Boys.(From 10 to 1)7.London Bridge London Bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down, London Bridge is falling down, my fair lady.8.Walking Song A.Walking, walking, walking, walking;Jump, jump, jump, jump, jump, jump;Running, running, running, running, running;running, now we stop.B.Walking, walking, walking, walking;one plus one, one plus one;Running, running, running, running, running, running;equals two, equals two.(改编)9.Happy Song If you’re happy, and you know it, you clap your hands;if you’re happy, and you know it, you clap your hands;
if you’re happy, and you know it, and you really want to show it,if you’re happy and you know it, you clap your hands.(stamp your feet, give me a kiss, say “Hurrah”)
10.Head shoulders knees and toes Head, shoulders, knees and toes, knees and toes, knees and toes, Head, shoulders, knees and toes, eyes, ears, mouth and nose.11.Eyes, Eyes Eyes, eyes, shuar….shuar….shuar….;Ears, ears, Ah….Ah….Ah….;Nose, nose, no, no, no;Mouth, mouth,(kiss),(kiss),(kiss)Hands, hands,(clap),(clap),(clap);Feet, feet,(stamp),(stamp),(stamp), Angry, angry, Hern, Hern, Hern;Shy, shy, Hern, Hern, Hern Cry, cry, Wuu, Wuu, Wuu;Happy, happy, Haa, Haa, Haa 12.Where is thumbkin? Where is thumbkin? Where is thumbkin? Here I am.Here I am.How are you this morning? Very well and Thank you.Run away, run away.(pointer, tall man, ring man, pinky)13.Rain, rain, go away Rain, rain, go away, Come again another day, Little kay wants to play,(little kids/children)Rain, rain, go away.14.Beehive Here is a beehive, where are the bees, Hidden away, and nobody sees, watch and see them come out of the hive, One, two, three, four, five, zzzzzzzz……..15.Try to find a good friend Fry to find, try to find, try to find a good friend, Solutions and shake your hands, you and I are good friend.16.What are you doing? What are you doing? I am jumping/running/walking/swimming.What are you doing? I am laughing.Ha ha ha ha hi hi hi …… 17.Fingers 1 finger, 1finger, turn turn turn, turn to what, turn to a brush, shua shua shua 2 finger, 2finger, turn turn turn, turn to what, turn to a rabbit, jump jump jump 3 finger, 3finger, turn turn turn, turn to what, turn to a fork, yummy yummy yummy 4 finger, 4finger, turn turn turn, turn to what, turn to a cat, meoow meoow meoow 5 finger, 5finger, turn turn turn, turn to what, turn to a tiger, ouuu ouuu ouuu 6 finger, 6finger, turn turn turn, turn to what, turn to a cow, murnn murnn murnn 7 finger, 7finger, turn turn turn, turn to what, turn to a snake, s s s 8 finger, 8finger, turn turn turn, turn to what, turn to a gun, bunn bunn bunn 9 finger, 9finger, turn turn turn, turn to what, turn to a hook, 1 2 3 10 finger, 10finger, turn turn turn, turn to what, turn to a stone, paper scissors stone 18.Everybody look at me Everybody look at me, please shake your body, I want to know if you are happy.Oh, my body, you and me.19.Shakula Shakula, shakula, shakula to U;Shakula, shakula, shakula to N;Shakula, shakula, shakula to M;Shakula, shakula, shakula to you and me.20.Up and Down Up, up, touch your head;Down, down, touch your toes;Up and down, turn around;Wiggle your body, please sit down.21.Funny Face Two big eyes, one little nose, two big hands, ten little toes, one big mouth, two small ears, Long straight hair, what a funny face, ha ha ha ha, make a funny face, ha ha ha …….22.Shake shake Shake, shake, head to toes;shake, shake, mouth to ears;shake, shake, ears to eyes.23.Row your boat A.Row, row, row your boat;gently down the stream;Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily;life is but a dream.B.Walk, walk walk in the sun;walk in the sun;
Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily;walk in the sun.(jump--wind, run—rain)24.Teacher, teacher, what do you see? Teacher, teacher, what do you see? I see a bird singing in the tree.(teacher)Bird, bird, what do you see? I see a fish swimming in the sea.(bird)Fish, fish, what do you see? I see a frog looking at me.(fish)Frog, frog, what do you see? I see a pig watching TV.(frog)Pig, pig, what do you see? I see a ……aho, I want to go peepee!(pig)25.Wash and dry Here is some soap and shampoo, here is a towel just for you, Here is a pair of slippers, too.And a bathmat just for you.Wash your body, wash your hair;Dry your body, dry your hair.Wash yourself and dry yourself, Every where!26.I’m hungry
I’m hungry, have some cake.Yum, yum.Can I have some more.That’s all, there is no more.No more? No more!No more? No more!(hungry—cookie;thirsty—milk;thirsty—juice)27.Twinkle, little star Twinkle, twinkle, little star.How I wonder what you are.Up above the world so high, like a diamond in the sky.Twinkle, twinkle, little star, How I wander what you are.28.Numbers 1-10 1, 1, run, run, run;2, 2, go the zoo;3, 3, swim in the sea;4, 4, stay by the shore;5, 5, find a beehive;6, 6, pick up the sticks;7, 7, go to 7-11;8, 8, stand by the gate;9, 9, from a line;10, 10, catch the hen.29.Numbers 1-5 1, 1, there is one sun;2, 2, there are two shoes;3, 3, there are three trees;4, 4, there are four doors;5, 5, there are five knives.30.Hey, Hey 1, 2, Hey, hey.How are you today? 1, 2, Hey, hey.It’s a nice day.1, 2, Hey, hey.Happy birthday!1, 2, Hey, hey.Children’s day!Yeah!31.Hocky Pocky You put your right hand in, you put your right hand out;You put your right hand in, and you shake it all about;That’s what it is all about.(left hand, right foot, left foot, right hip, left hip, right shoulder, left shoulder, head, wholeself)32.Kangaroo I can jump, jump, jump, I can jump, jump, jump, I’m a little kangaroo.33.Sunshine You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy, when skys are grey.You never know dear, how much I love you, please don’t take my sunshine away.34.Jump hop I jump, I hop, I run, run, run;I jump, I hop, I turn around;I jump, I hop, I bend my knees.(可续编)35.On the bus People on the bus go up and down, up and down, up and down, People on the bus go up and down, all through the tow.(the babies-Hernn Hernn;the mothers-shh.Don’t cry;the cows-nurnn…)36.Week Song Sunday la la la;Monday la la la;Tuesday la la la;Wednesday la la la;Thursday la la la;Friday la la la;Saturday la la la 37.Fish song Fishes, fishes, where are you? Can you show me where they are.Fishes, fishes, there they are.Some are swimming in the lake(sea).38.Weekends song Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday.Are days of week.Saturday and Sunday, Saturday and Sunday are weekends.It’s great!39.What are you doing I’m listening to music.I’m reading a book.I’m writing a letter.Come here and look.I’m playing football.I’m talking to you.I’m doing my homework.And you doing it too? 40.There is a word/fruit/…..in my mind.41.Jack and Jill Two little black bird sitting on the hill;one named Jack, the other named Jill.Fly away Jack, fly away Jill;Come back Jack, come back Jill.42.Barney Theme Songs Barney is a dinosaur, From our imagination, And when he’s tall he’s what we call, A dinosaur sensation.43.Hello everyone stand in a row Bend down bend down, touch your toes, Hello everyone stand in a line, Hands up hands down close your eyes.44.Happy Happy Happy Everyday
La la la La la la Happy Everyday.(快乐大本营开场曲的调子)44.Sunny Sunny Sunny It’s a sunny day.Come on, let’s go, let’s go to play.Oh, yeh.It’s a sunny day.45.Good morning(song)Good morning.I’m your teacher.Good morning.You’re my student.Good morning.What’s your name? My name is Jack.Please stand up!Please sit down!Good morning.I’m your teacher.Good morning.You’re my student.Good morning.What’s your name? I’m Lily.Please stand up!Please sit down!Good morning!Good morning!Good morning…!46.Dinner’s ready
Breakfast’s(Lunch’s, Dinner’s)ready.It’s on the table.Breakfast’s(Lunch’s, Dinner’s)ready now.Where’s the knife, the fork, the spoon.Where’s the placemat, Where’s the plate.Sorry, we’re late.That’s OK.47.Boys and girls stand in a line.Bend down, bend down, touch your toes.Boys and girls stand in a row.Stand up, stand up, close your eyes.48.Come on children.Come and see.See a place for you and me.Come on children.Come to me.Happy, happy, A.B.C.49.A.B.C.D.E.F.G.I’m good.Listen to me.H.I.J.K.L.M.N.I’m happy.Try again.O.P.Q.R.S.T.U.I’m cute.How about you? V.W.X.Y.Z.I’m nice.Do you know me?
50.Hello, hello, A.B.C.Hello, hello, 1, 2, 3