


1.雅思口语Part2:想去的国家 篇一

Describe a country you would like to visit for the first time.

You should say:

what country it is

how long you would stay there

what you would like to do there

and explain why you would like to visit this particular country.

Ok right then, well, one country that I’d really love to go and visit sometime is the States. And the reason I wanna go there is………….well, there are a few reasons really. First of all, I have some really good friends living there, and um, you know they told me if I do ever get round to going there, then I’m welcome to stay at their place, which would be great!

And another thing is that I’ve always wanted to go there, but have never quite seemed to have the opportunity, what with all my study and stuff, so I really hope that sometime in the future I’ll be able to go there.

You know, I think there would be so much to do there. I mean, first of all, I’d definitely go and see Hollywood. And if I’m not mistaken, that’s where Universal Studios is, where you can, like, go around and check out all thesets from all these famous movies that have been filmed there. So that would be pretty cool! Um, what else…..oh and the weather’s meant to be really great there, you know, sunny the whole time, at least in California anyway, which is where I’d spend most of the time, seeing as that’s where my friends are based.

And as for how long I would stay there, well I’m not actually that sure, but I suppose two or three weeks would be about right. You know, I think I’d be able to do and see most things in that time. And if I stayed any longer, I’d probably end up spending far more money than I can afford to, if you know what I mean!

But um, anyway, I think it would be an amazing place to visit, and hopefully I’ll have the chance to do so in the near future!

2.雅思口语Part2新题 篇二


Mr Moe Myaing is passing his retired life now. He lives with his family in the opposite apartment of us in Yangon. He has been living in this apartment even before we started living here. He got his retirement in the early part of the year from the Myanmar Army as a colonel. Now he loves to recall the memories of his olden days. I find interest in talking with him. He owns a tall figure with a height of six feet and two inches. Besides, he looks strong even in his 70. And he is smart with an adventurer look. He loves to pass times in physical exercise and sports. In fact, he loves to take part in different sports in the local sporting club.


I first saw him in the corridor of the apartment block. He was having some sort of physical exercise. I knew that there is a retired colonel living in this apartment but did not have idea that he would be the man. In fact, I thought the colonel would be someone less old than him. Actually, I did not have idea that he is a bit older than I thought. But later, I discovered that he is an interesting man and knows how to attract people. Often he visits my dad at our home and we also are invited to his apartment in many occasions. Now, the relationship with him and his family with mine is excellent. Sometimes, I pass my leisure hours with him and listen to his heroic activities while he served in military.


First of all, I like to appreciate his outspoken nature. He loves to speak straight. Besides, he tries to keep his promises and commitments. When he makes any promise, he is sure that he would be successful in keeping the promise. In fact, this is not his nature that without being confirmed, he makes any commitments. He is also brave and knows how to deal with difficult situations. I also like his spirit to continue physical activities in such an age. He can run faster than anyone else, takes part in sports like badminton and football. He also loves to swim. Mr Myaing took me to his swimming club and I was amazed at his performance of swimming. Further, he is a humble man and never behaves rudely with anyone. Controlling the anger is the other quality I see in him.


I admire Mr Myaing for some particular reasons. He is a highly educated and trained person. Despite being an army, he knows how to deal with the civilians while a majority of the army personnel are unable to deal with the ordinary citizens. They have some ideas that they are someone superior and to be worshipped. But there are no such arrogances in this person. He is a nice guy and loves to gossip over a wide number of issues. He loves to meet with newer people and particularly with kids. I also have learnt many aspects from him which are really effective in my real-life situations. He has taught me the matters with great enthusiasm. For all such reasons, I admire him most.




Describe an indoor or outdoor place where it was easy for you to study

Where is it

how it looks like

When do you study there

What you study there

Who you go with

Why do you like to study in this place

how much time you spend in this room

how an ideal study room should be







3.雅思口语话题part2参考 篇三

You should say:

what animal it was

where you saw it

what happened when you saw it

and explain why you thought it was interesting.



4.雅思口语part2素材积累 篇四

You should say:

what it is about

what particular time it reminds you

how often you listen to it

and explain why you think it is special to you.

I’m sure a lot of people have a song that reminds them of their first kiss or a childhood memory, but one song that always brings a smile to my face is Gangnam Style by the South Korean artist, Psy.

The song is all in Korean, so I’m not particularly sure what it is about. I know that Gangnam is a rich area of the Seoul, the capital of South Korea, a bit like Beverly Hills in California. The video for the song is very random, with tongue-in-cheek jokes about money and being wealthy.

When I hear the song, it takes me back to my time at university. I can remember when it first started to appear on the internet, on social media and video sites like YouKu. I would watch it with my roommates in my dorm and in class on my phone. Then it really took off and it seemed to be everywhere, in shops, on TV and especially in bars and nightclubs.

Back then I used to listen to Gangnam Style all the time, you couldn’t really escape it, but nowadays it isn’t played so often. It’s been overtaken by new catchy songs like Xiao Pingguo, which means ‘little apple’.

5.一月雅思口语part2新题 篇五

Do you like handwriting?

Do you think handwriting can reflect/show one’s characters?

Do you think hand-written letters are better?

Do you think we should keep writing by hand?

If possible, would you prefer receiving a hand-written letter?

Do you think writing letters (by hand) is important?

Who you’ve written letters for? How did they feel when receiving your letters?

Do you prefer sending letters or emails?

How often do you send emails?

Which email you received was the most exciting one?

9 Films/Movie stars

Do you often watch movies?

How often do you go to the cinema?

Did you often go to the cinema when you were a child?

What kinds of movies do you like?

Do you prefer watching movies alone or with someone else?

Did you enjoy going to the cinema when you were a child?

Would you like to be a movie star? [New]

What’s your favourite movie star? [New]

Are international film stars popular in China? [New]

10 Colours

What’s your favourite colour? Why?

Do you like dark colours?

Do you prefer light or dark colours?

Do you think different types of people like different colours?

What colour would you choose to paint the walls of your room?

Did you like some bright colours?

Do you think colours can affect a person’s mood?

Do you think a car’s colour is important to you?

11 Sunglasses

Do you like wearing sunglasses?

Do you often wear sunglasses?

What kinds of sunglasses do you like to buy?

Would you like to buy someone a pair of sunglasses?

Have you ever lost a pair of sunglasses?

How often do you wear sunglasses?

Do you think you’ll spend a lot of money buying a pair of sunglasses?

12 Sports and Exercises

What sport/exercises you like to do? Why?

What exercises/sports do Chinese like to do?

What kinds of sports are very popular in China?

Would you like to participate in the Olympic Games?

What’s your favourite sports star?

Do you prefer doing outdoor or indoor exercises?

Do you prefer doing exercises alone or with other people?

13 Weather & Seasons

What seasons do you like? Why?

Which season is your favourite?

What do you usually do in different seasons?

Do you do the same thing in different seasons?

Would you prefer to have (or live in a place that has) the same climate all year, or a place that has different seasons?

Does your country often rain? Do you like it?

Do you like living in a dry area or a humid area?

Have you ever changed your plan because of the weather?

14 Something you do in the morning/Morning routine

What do you usually do in the mornings?

When you were a child, what did you usually do in the mornings?

Do you make a plan in the morning?

Do you usually do the same things in the mornings?

Did you do the same morning routines in your early ages?

Do you think having breakfast is important?

How important it is to have breakfast?

Do you want to change your daily routines in the future?

6.雅思口语Part2话题答案 篇六

So you see, it’s kind of a funny and sad history story, and somehow it’s usually told as a cautionary tale of how one beauty can topple a country.


drop-dead 极其引人注目的

gorgeous 华丽的 灿烂的

bug 烦扰

racked his brains 绞尽脑汁

warning beacons 警告航标(灯)

summon 召集

hilarious 滑稽的

had a point 有道理

burst out laughing 突然笑出声来

please 取悦

cautionary tale 警世故事

topple 颠覆 推翻

最新雅思口语Part2话题答案:a decision made by someone that you disagreed with

1. What the decision was?

2. How it was made?

3. What you disagreed with?

7.雅思口语part2近期改变 篇七

what it was

when caused it

what do you do for the change

and explain how do you feel about it


I would like to talk about the time I first moved to Changsha for college. It’s one of the major changes in my life till now I have to say.

Firstly, I was born in the north of China. We have drier winter, while Changsha, which is a southern city is probably the most humid city in the world. The constant rain is killing me. And the food in Changsha is too spicy and salty for me. I am not used to having too many spices and chili in the food. Also, I can’t really understand the local language.


Besides, college study is totally different from high school study, including in study methods and subjects. For example, you don’t have anyone to supervise you or motivate you on your own things. You can only rely on yourself.


Another significant change for me is the living environment. I used to live with my parents and have my own room, while in college, I have to live with 5 other girls in a small dormitory. We even don’t have a private bathroom.It’s utterly inconvenient when you have to share the bathroom with so many other people, like more than 70 people.


To conclude, I am still adapting myself to the new environment and the new life. Like people always say, we’ll have to embrace the change.

8.雅思口语Part2:想去的国家 篇八






1.If you smile when one is around, you really mean it.

如果你独自一人笑了,那是真心的笑。--Andy Rooney

2.Wonders are many,and nothing is more wonderful then man.


3.The proper function of man is to live,but not to exist.

人应该生活,而非单纯生存。--Jack London

4.The great advantage of telling the truth is one’s so much more likely to sound convincing.

说真话最大的优势就是听上去很可能更令人信服。--Susan Howatch

5.Misers are no fun to live,but they make great ancestors.

与吝啬鬼生活毫无乐趣,但他们却为后人称道不已。--Tom Snyder

6.There is not a heart but has its moments of longing,yearning for something better,nobler and holier than it knows before.


7.Conquer fear of death and you are put into possession of you life.



8.He that is once born,once die.


9.The more alternative,the more difficult the choice.

选择越多越难抉择。--Abbe D’Allaiva

10.The fox changes his skin but not his habits.


11.forgiveness to the injured does belong;but they never pardon who have done wrong.

受害者有权宽恕,但他们永远也不能原谅那些害人者。--Dryden 加德莱顿

12.There is a time to speak and a time to be silent.


13.People with tact have less to retract.

智者悔少。--Arnold Glasgow阿诺德·格拉斯哥

14.To do injustice is more disgraceful than to suffer it.


15.Regardless of how much patience we have,we would prefer never to use any of it.

无论我们有多大的耐心,我们都希望永远不要用到它。--James TO.O’Brien詹姆士·T·奥布赖恩

16.Some folks never exaggerate--they just remember big.

有些人从来不有夸张—他们只是记错了。--Audrey Snead奥德丽·斯尼德


17.Thieves respect property;they merely wish the property to become their property that they may more perfectly respect it.

盗贼尊重财产权,他们只是希望财产能变成他们的财产,因为这样,他们才能更尊重这财产权。--G.K.Chesterton G.K.切斯特顿

18. In a way,nobody sees a flower really. It is so small;we haven’t time.And to see takes time,as to have a friend takes time.

在某种意义上,没有人真正看过一朵花。花那么小,我们又没有时间,要看可要花时间的,就像交朋友也要花时间。--Georgia O’keeffe乔治亚·奥基夫

19.How majestic is naturalness.I have never met a man whom I really considered a great man who was not always natural and simple. Affectation is inevitably the mark of one not sure of himself.

自然是多么高贵呀。我从不认为不自然不简单的人是真正伟大的人。矫揉造作不可避免的会暴露不能肯定自己的人。--Charles Daves查尔斯·戴夫斯

20.The worst bankrupt is the person who lost his enthusiasm.

9.雅思口语Part2新题预测 篇九


I heard that there had been some problem with water leaking in their house, thus, they needed torip the floor out to find the problem of water pipe system hidden inside. Besides, they also took that chance to re-decorate their house. That’s why the noise of hammers, saws, drills seemed endless on the whole day. Because the owners didn’t have much time off from work, they had to begin very soon in the morning. I must say that the staccato hammer drill at the crack of dawn woke up all of citizens in the neighbour, and prevented us from going back to sleep again. As my house is next to theirs, I almost could feel that the walls shook and it drove meinsane.


Though being so bothered by the noise, I couldn’t do anything but for standing it, hoping it could end as soon as possible. After 2 hours, I nearly went crazy with that noise, so I called up my friends and asked them out for cafe and shopping.

10.雅思口语Part2话题答案 篇十

I still remembered that freezing afternoon, all the audience gathered at Nanjing International Expo Center. To my friend and me, this was a once-in-a-life chance so we excitedly discussed that we should take a lot of photos from the second we enter the studio hall.

Well perhaps plan never runs smoothly cause when we sat down in the fabulous studio hall we were informed that no one was allowed to take photos or videos during the whole recording process. The staff told us that some audience used to take photographs secretly and post them on the Internet ahead of the telecast just in order to steal the spotlight. They were proud to give away the spoiler but it was no doubt a nuisance to the television station.

Although I wanted to take just one picture as a memento and my friend also looked sad, we decided to comply with the rules and packed up our electronic devices. To be honest that night was still amazing and I enjoyed the show even though no photo was taken.

最新雅思口语Part2话题答案: a piece of good news that you received

You should say:

what this news was

when and where you heard it

how you heard it
