


1.太仓市政府 篇一

我校参加太仓市教育局 太仓市人民检察院组织的关于开展2011年度“法律在身边”短文竞赛方案










2.太仓市第一人民医院沟通制度 篇二






























































3.太仓市政府 篇三


















4.太仓市政府 篇四


根据苏州市评选“三会”活动先进个人的有关要求,结合我校暑期活动安排,充分发挥学校、家庭、社会的教育力量,利用、开发和挖掘各种资源,特制定2009年暑期评选 “四会”之星方案,希各班认真学习,宣传发动,全体参与,评比先进,以此指导学生度过一个有意义的暑期。



四、活动内容: 1.会自学











5.太仓市政府 篇五












1.报名时间:2015年4月28日至30日9︰00-17︰00 2.报名地点:太仓市卫生局组织人事科(太仓市行政中心6号楼9楼6B0907室)现场报名,不受理网上报名。
























6.太仓市政府 篇六


1.使学生在操作活动中,探索并了解三角形的外角的两条性质以及三角形的外角和。2.利用平行线性质来证明三角形的外角的第一个性质以及三角形 的外角和。3.会利用“三角形的一个外角等于和它不相邻的两个内角的和”进行有关计算。






1.什么叫三角形的外角?三角形的外角和它相邻的内角之间有什 么关系? 2.三角形的内角和等于多少?








(2)三角形的一个外角大于任何一个和它不相邻的内角。如图: D是△ABC边BC上一点,则有




D C 2.探索证明“三角形的一个外角等于和它不相邻的两个内角和”的方法。











7.太仓市政府 篇七

I. 第一部分 听力(30分)

第一节 听下面5段对话。每段对话读一遍

1. How much did the man pay in fact?

A $47 B.$49 C.$51

2. What made the man tired?

A. He played football last night

B .He took a lot of pictures last night.

C .He didn’t sleep until midnight.

3.Which country is the woman going to visit with her family?

A. Spain B .Greece C. France

4. What is the man’s attitude towards stopping smoking?

A .He is joking. B .He is careful. C. He is serious

5. What does the woman mean?

A. She’d like to lend her bicycle to the man.

B. She doesn’t have a bicycle.

C .She doesn’t want to lend her bicycle to the man.

第二节 听下面5段对话或独白 。每段对话或独白读两遍


6 .What did Dick think of the English and math papers?

A. The questions were very easy.

B .The questions were quite difficult.

C. He thought he may fail the exam.

7. What did Dick think of the Intelligence Test(智力测试)?

A. He thought he failed it. B. He thought he passed it. C. He thought it’s very easy.

8. What did Mary think of the English and math papers?

A. The questions were very easy. B .The questions were difficult. C. She didn’t know it.


9.What kind of man is described by the man speaker?

A. A teenager B. A young man C.A very old man

10. What color are the man’s eyes ?

A. black B. blue C. brown

11. What is the man wearing?

A. a big white sweater, white shorts and an open-necked shirt。

B. a big black sweater, white shorts and an open-necked shirt.

C. a big white sweater, black shorts and an orange shirt.

听第8段材料,回答第12-14 题

12. What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?

A. mother and son B .teacher and student C .boss and secretary

13. Why does the woman want to talk with the man?

A. Because the man failed in the exam.

B .Because the woman is a serious person.

C .Because the man often misses class.

14. How many courses does the man feel very boring?

A. Two B .Six C .Eight

听第9段材料,回答第15-17 题

15.What do you know about the man’s neighbor?

A .He’s sleeping B. He is leaving soon C. He’s making noise

16. What were the man and his friends about to do?

A. End their activity.

B. Leave where they were.

C. Apologize to their neighbor.

17. Where does the conversation take place?

A. At a hotel B. In a flat building C. In the manager’s office

听第10段材料,回答第18-20 题

18. Which sentence best describe the accident?

A. The accident was a result of drunken driving

B .Poor weather conditions led to the accident.

C. A moving truck hit a stopped school bus.

19. About what time did the accident happen?

A .Shortly before 3 p.m

B. Shortly after 3 p.m

C. Shortly before 5 p.m

20.How many traffic accidents have happened in the city this month

so far as we know?

A. 3 B. 5 C.7

II. 单项选择 (15分)

21. ------Is your headache getting______?

------No, it’s worse.

A. better B. bad C. less D. more

22. -----Will you do me a favor?

------With pleasure.________

------Go and ask John to return the money he owes me.

A. I beg your pardon? B. What’s that? C. No problem D. At your service

23.The young man was determined to leave,_________ his parents’ disagreement.

A. by means of B. regardless of C. due to D. in favor of

24. -----My boy, you’d better _______ what you have been treated.

-----Why? I’m almost killed.

A. put down B. put up with C. put up D. put away

25. I’m going to the supermarket this afternoon. Do you have anything _______?

A. to be buying B. to buy C. for buying D. bought

26. ________ the meeting himself gave them a great deal of encouragement.

A. The president will attend B. The president to attend

C. The president attended D. The president’s attending

27. With a lot of difficult problems ________, the newly-elected president is having a hard time.

A. settled B. settling C. to settle D. being settled

28. The wound might ______ if it can’t be treated properly.

A. get infecting B. get infect C. get infected D. get to infect

29. The building project _______ next month is, I think, not easy _______ on time.

A. being carried out; to complete B. carried out; to be completely

C. to be carried out; to complete D. to be carried out; complete

30. Because of his poor English, the boy couldn’t make himself _________.

A. understand B. understood C. understanding D. to understand

31. Alice returned from the manger’s office, _______ me that the boss wanted to see me at once.

A. having told B. tells C. to tell D. telling

32. _________in the queue for half an hour, Tom suddenly realized that he had left his wallet at home.

A. To wait B. Have waited C. Having waited D. To have waited

33. ----There is a story here in the paper about a 110-year-old man.

----My goodness! I can’t imagine_______ that old.

A. being B. to have been C. to be D. having been

34. _________ your essay carefully before you hand in, some mistakes can surely be avoided, I think.

A. Having checked B. As long as you check C. Check D. While checking

35. All the attention of the fans _______ the China’s nationwide youth singing competition these days.

A. has concentrated to B. was paid to C. has been focused on D. was fixed on


The child in the hospital bed was just waking up after a throat (喉咙) operation. His throat 36 , and he was afraid. However, the young nurse 37 by his bed smiled so 38 that the little boy smiled back. He 39 to be afraid. The young nurse was May Paxton 40 she was deaf (聋的). May Paxton gratuaded 41 the Missouri School for the Deaf near the year 1909. Three years 42 ,she went to see Dr Richardson about 43 a nurse. Dr Richardson was one of the founders of Mercy Hospital of Kansas City. 44 had never heard of a deaf nurse. She told May that her 45 would be very low and that the work would be 46 . However, May said that did not frighten her. Dr Richardson was 47 her, and accepted May as a student nurse.

Dr Richardson never 48 her decision. 49 , she was so pleased with May’s work that she later accepted two other deaf women as student nurses. The 50 was Miss Marian Finch, who was hard of 51 . The second was Miss Lillie Bessie. These three were 52 “ the silent angels (天使) of Mercy Hospital” during the 53 they worked there.

Dr Richardson often 54 her faith in the girls’ ability to learn nursing. She wrote to May, “For three years, you have been with us--- It is wonderful to me that no man, 55 or child ever, to my knowledge, made a complaint (投诉) against you---”

36. A. damaged B. cut C. hurt D. wounded

37. A. lying B. standing C. crying D. jumping

38.A. cheerfully B. sadly C. shyly D. weakly

39. A. began B. forgot C. continued D. stopped

40. A. but B. so C. for D. and

41. A. as B.in C. with D. from

42. A. ago B. later C. then D. before

43.A. becoming B. hiring C. seeking D. changing

44. A. You B. We C. She D. He

45. A. money B. check C. pay D. price

46. A. easy B. difficult C. joyful D. disappointing

47. A. satisfied with B. ashamed of C. sorry for D. angry with

48. A. liked B. thought of C. regretted D. believed

49. A. In public B. In a hurry C. In surprise D. In fact

50. A. first B. one C. other D. others

51. A. reading B. listening C. hearing D. writing

52. A.told B. called C. chosen D. offered

53. A. year B. month C. term D. time

54. A. spoke of B. said C. heard of D. noticed

55. A. boy B. person C. woman D. girl

IV. 阅读理解(40分)


Geena David knew she wanted to be a movie star when she was very young. She was not sure what gave her the idea, but she wanted to look like a movie star. “I have a lot of pictures from my childhood of me wearing sunglasses,” she says. “I used to wear them to watch TV.”

Early movie actors started wearing sunglasses not because they looked good, but because their eyes hurt. The lights used on movie sets were extremely bright and could cause a painful problem known as “Klieg eyes”. It was named after the Klieg brothers who invented the lights. Actors wore sunglasses to give their eyes a rest. But when movie stars began wearing their sunglasses in public, they quickly became a must.

Eventually actors started wearing sunglasses in their movies as well as on the street. Audrey Hephburn wore ultra-cool Ray-Ban sunglasses in the 1961 movie, Breakfast at Tiffany’s. As a result, Ray-Ban sunglasses started to appear more and more in the movies. In 1979, Ray-Ban “Wayfarers” were worn by Jake and Elwood in The Blue Brothers. Tom Cruise wore Ray-Ban “Aviator” sunglasses in the 1986 hit, Top Gun. Then in , Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones made Ray-Ban “Predator” sunglasses famous in Men in Black.

Of course sunglasses aren’t just a fashion statement. The main reason to wear sunglasses is to protect our eyes against UV radiation. UV radiation can damage our eyes, so people now choose their sunglasses carefully. But you don’t have to give up style for safety. The choice of frames and lenses available these days is huge. So you can protect your eyes and still be the coolest person on the beach..

56. What is mainly discussed in this passage?

A. The use of sunglasses.

B. The history of sunglasses.

C. The sunglasses wearing.

D. Why movie stars like to wear sunglasses.

57. Why did Geena David like to wear sunglasses?

A. She was a movie star.

B. She wanted to follow a movie star.

C. Wearing sunglasses was good to her eyes.

D. It was good to wear sunglasses when watching TV.

58.Early actors’ eyes hurt because ______.

A. they wore sunglasses

B. they went out in the sun too much

C. the lights on movie sets were too bright

D. their scripts were written in very small writing

59. Now people wear sunglasses ______.

A. just to protect their eyes

B. for fashion and to protect their eyes

C. because of bright lights

D. because movie stars wear them


It looks like a mobile phone, but the service is much cheaper. It acts like a mobile phone, but only in your own city. Beyond the city walls, it’s useless.

“Little Smart”, also called “xiaolingtong”, has always been compared to mobile phones. But actually, it is more like one of those cordless phones(无绳电话) used around the home. The only difference is that this one reaches much further than from the bathroom to the living room. It can travel across an entire city.

Cheap costs are the main reason for the success of Little Smart. It costs 25 yuan a month for the line and about 0.1 yuan per minute to use. A mobile phone, on the other hand, can cost four or five times as much. What’s more, unlike mobile phones, there’s no fee(费) for incoming calls. So these low charges have attracted many users.

But, Little Smart is not really that smart. Users often complain about its bad voice quality. And there are not as many stations to pick up its signals as there are for mobiles. “I couldn’t receive a phone call if I was on a bus,” said Li Ping, a user in Hangzhou. “It worked fine when I stood still, but there were breaks in signal when I was moving.”

Scientists are trying to make Little Smart more user-friendly. Messaging and Internet access(接入) have been added to the service. And the latest Little Smart handset even has color screen..

60. Why is Little Smart popular in China?

A. It looks like a mobile phone.

B. The service is much cheaper.

C. There is no fee for incoming calls.

D. All of the above.

61. Why are users not satisfied with Little Smart?

A. They can’t hear each other clearly out of the city.

B. There are so few stations for Little Smart to pick up its signals.

C. When you use it, you must stand up.

D. The charges are low.

62. The underlined word “handset” in the last paragraph means “______”.

A. the hand bag B. telephone

C. service D. mobile phone

63. What can we infer from the passage?

A. It’s wrong to say that Little Smart is smart.

B. Scientist are trying to make Little Smart smaller.

C. Little Smart will be better than today.

D. People will change Little Smart into a mobile phone.


Shopping for clothes is not the same experience for a man and a woman. A man goes shopping because he needs something. He knows what he wants, and his purpose is to find it and buy it, the price is the less consideration. All men simply walk into a shop and ask the assistant for what they want. If the shop has it, the salesman immediately produces it, and the business of trying it on is done at once. All being well, the bargain can be and often completed in less than five minutes, with hardly any chat and to everyone’s satisfaction.

For a man slight problems may begin when the shop does not have what he wants. Then the salesman tries to sell the customer something else. He usually says,“I know the jacket is not the style. But would you like to try it on? It happens the color what you wanted.”Few men have patience with this treatment, and usually the reply is,“This is the right color and maybe the right size, but I should be wasting my time and yours trying it on.”

Now how does a woman go about buying clothes? She does so in the opposite way. She has never fully made up her mind what she wants and she is only having a look around. She is always open to persuasion, indeed she considers of great importance what the saleswoman tells her, even what her friends tells her. She will try a number of things. Highest in her mind is the thought of finding something that everyone thinks suits her. Most women have excellent sense of value when they buy clothes. They are always trying to find an unexpected bargain. Faced with a roomful dresses, a woman may easily spend an hour going from one counter to another before selecting the dress she wants to try on. It takes a great deal of time but gives great joy. Most dress shop supply chairs for the waiting husbands.

64. When a man is buying clothes, he _______________.

A. puts price before quality

B. chooses things that others think suitable for him.

C. does not mind the price he has to pay for the right things.

D. buys good quality things, so long as they do not cost too much.

65. When a man cannot get what he wants, he ________________________.

A. buy something of the same color in a slightly different style.

B. usually does not buy anything.

C. will try on some other clothes of the same style.

D. waste time in buying something else.

66. What does the passage tell us about women’s shopping for clothes?

A. They welcome suggestion from anyone.

B. Women seldom consider buying cheap cloths.

C. Women often buy things without thinking.

D. They listen to advice but never take it.

67. The most obvious difference between men and women shopper is___________

A. that men do not try clothes on in a shop while women do.

B. that women bargain for their clothes and men don’t.

C. that women do their shopping standing up while men do theirs sitting down.

D. the time they take over buying clothes.


The medical world is gradually realizing that the quality of the environment in hospitals may play an important role in helping patients to be better.

As part of a nationwide effort in Britain to bring art out of the museum and into public places, some of the country’s best artists have been called in to change older hospitals and to soften the hard edges of modern buildings. Of the 2,500 national health service hospitals in Britain, almost 100 now have valuable collections of present art in passages, waiting areas and treatment rooms.

These recent movements were first started by one artist, Peter Senior, who set up his studio at a Manchester hospital in northeastern England during the early 1970s.

He felt the artist had lost his place in modern society, and that art should be enjoyed by a wider audience.

A common hospital waiting room might as many as 5,000 visitors each week. What a better place to hold regular exhibitions of art! Senior held the first exhibition of his own paintings in the outpatients waiting area of the Manchester Royal Hospital in 1975, believed to be Britain’s first hospital artist . Senior was so much in demand that he was soon joined by a team of six young art school graduates.

The effect is striking. Now in the passages and waiting rooms the visitors experience a full view of fresh colors ,playful images, restful courtyards.

The quality of the environment may reduce the need for expensive drugs when a patient is recovering from an illness. A study has shown that patient who had a view onto gardens needed half the number of strong painkillers compared with patients who had no view at all or only a brick wall to look at.

68. Some best artists have been called to_______________________.

A. pull down older hospitals and build up new ones.

B. make the corners of the hospital’s building round.

C. bring art into hospitals.

D. help patients recover from illness.

69. Peter Senior is ________________________________.

A. one of the best artists in Britain.

B. A pioneer in introducing art into hospital.

C. One of the young art school graduates.

D. A kind painter who brings only his paintings into hospitals.

70. From this text, we’ve learnt that _____________.

A. artists in Britain have completely lost their places in modern society.

B. patients should be encouraged to learn art

C. hospitals in Britain should be charged into art hospitals

D. art should be encouraged in British museums.

71. After the improvement of the hospital environment ____________

A. patients no longer need drugs to kill their pains.

B. patients needn’t buy any expensive drugs.

C. patients need fewer painkillers when they are getting better after illness.

D. Patients can take fewer pills each time


An American study has examined the effects of a low-fat diet on the health of woman. The study has found that such a diet does not reduce the risk of at least one kind of cancer, heart disease or stroke.

For years, medical experts have thought that a diet that is low in fat helps reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease. Researchers with America’s National Institutes of Health created a study to test this theory. It is one of the largest studies ever done on this subject.

The researchers have studied the health of almost50,000 women for eight years. These women were between the ages of 50 and 79. The women in one group reduced the fat in their diet to twenty percent of their total daily food supply. They also increased their daily servings of vegetables, fruits and grains. The other group of women did not make any dietary changes. The researchers compared the two groups.

The result of the study show the different diets have little effect on the health of the women. Both groups had the same rates of heart disease and colorectal cancer(直肠). The researchers said the women who followed the low-fat diet might have less risk of breast cancer. But the difference was so small that it was not considered important.

Experts say the results are important for both men and women. Some critics of the study fear many people will think that diet is not important. Other studies have shown that a healthful diet is still important, but so are other choices. For example, exercising, avoiding smoking, and keeping a normal body weight are also necessary for good health.

Other experts noted the study called for reducing total fat instead of the kinds of fats that are not healthful. For example, fats in some foods like fish and nuts are considered good for human health. Unhealthful fats include saturated(含饱和脂肪酸的) fats and trans-fats. The study did not note differences between these two kinds of fats. Experts also said that dietary changes might need to begin earlier in life to have a greater effect on disease and cancer prevention. Some researchers suggested the study would have shown better results if the women had eaten even less fat.

72. Studies show that a low-fat diet probably reduces the risk of __________.

A. heart disease B. stroke C. colorectal cancer D. breast cancer

73. The following statements are true about the last paragraph EXCEPT that_______________.

A. the results of the study are also important for men.

B. some experts think that we should reduce total fat including healthful kinds.

C. the studied women should have taken much less fat

D.. change your diet now and you’ll have a quick effect on disease prevention

74.Which of the following is NOT mentioned to keep healthy?

A. Keeping a healthy diet B. Being in a good mood.

C. Avoiding smoking. D. Keeping a normal body weight.

75. What is the conclusion drawn by the study?

A. Keeping a diet is not necessary. B.. Taking more fat if necessary.

C.There are differences between fats. D. Low-fat diets alone do not reduce health risks.


V. 对话填空题(10)

W: Tom you are learning English in an evening school, 76a _______ you?

M: Yes, English is very important, you know.

W: Didn’t you 77e________learn it when you were a college student?

M: Yes. But I have found my English is too 78l_________ since I 79b________

to work in this company.

W: Don’t you think you are too old to learn it?

M: Oh, no. I’m much 80y__________ compared with Karl Marx ; he began to

learn Russian in his fifties. He 81n__________ stopped learning foreign

languages in his 82l___________.

W: So he knew many foreign languages, didn’t he?

M: Yes. He 83c___________ read all the leading European languages and 84w__________

in three – German, French and English. He was a man of a great

talent 85f____________ language.

VI. 单词拼写 (10)

86. I don’t like her unhelpful a_________.

87. The car crash wasn’t an accident; it was a d________ attempt to kill him.

88. You should a________ to her for stepping on her foot.

89. The discovery e________ his reputation.

90. He was arrested because he has done something i_________.

91. It’s a _________(辩论) about the punishment for criminals.

92. She was in a __________(进退两难) as to whether to stay at school or get a job.

93. This country is wasting its _________(资源) on building old-fashioned ships.

94. He is a _________(固执的) child who won’t obey his mother.

95.The government has promised to take __________(措施) to help the unemployed.

VII. 书面表达(15)


存在的问题 1.不尊敬老师、家长等;



对荣辱观的认识 1.以遵纪守法关心集体、勤奋学习等为荣


将认识落实在行动中的打算 …………


1. 词数:120左右。短文的开头已为你写好,不计入总字数。

2. 内容可适当发挥,注意行文连贯。

Recently we have had a class meeting to discuss what is considered to be honorable behavior and what is shameful. ________________________________________________________________

_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _




1---5 CCBAB

6---10 AABBB

11---15 ABCAB

16---20 AACBC


21-25 ABBBB 26-30 DCCCB 31-35 DCABC


36-40 CBABD 41-45 DBACC 46-50 BACDA 51-55 CBDAC


56-59 CBCB

60-63 DBBC

64---67 CBAD

68---71 CBDC

72-75 DDBD


76.aren’t 77.ever 78.limited 79.began 80.younger

81.never 82.life 83.could 84.write 85.for


86.attitude 87.deliberate 88.apologize 89. established 90. illegal

91. debate 92. dilemma, 93.resources, 94.stubborn, 95. measures

One possible version:

To be frank, some students don’t respect their teachers or parents, and some don’t take their studies seriously and cheat in exams. Even there are some students who litter around, making the school dirty.

It is really a pity to see these things in our school. We think it honorable to obey the rules and regulations of school and care much about our class . It is also worthy of praise for studying hard. On the other hand, it is shameful to break school rules, to be selfish or to make little effort to achieve success.
