


1.ing作后缀的单词20个 篇一

bacteriologist n. 细菌学家;

Baptist n. 施洗者约翰,施洗者,浸信会教友;

biologist n. 生物学家;

botanist n. 植物学家;

buddhist n. 佛教徒;

capitalist n. 资本家,资本主义者;

cardiologist n. 心脏病学家;

casuist n. 决疑者,诡辩家;

chauvinist n. 沙文主义者,盲目的爱国主义者;

chemist n.化学家;药剂师;

chiropodist n. 手足病医生;

christ n. 救世主(耶稣基督); int. 天啊!;

coexist vi. 共存。

2.yer后缀的单词20个 篇二

foyer n. 门厅,休息室

imployer 雇主

lawyer n.律师;法学家

layer n.层,层次;铺设者

minelayer n.布雷舰艇

payer 付款人,付款单位

player n.比赛者,选手

prayer n.祈祷,祈求

sawyer n. 锯木匠,漂流水中的.树木,食木虫

slayer n.杀人者

soothsayer n. 预言者,占卜者,算命者

sprayer n. 喷出水沫的人,喷雾,喷雾器

3.tend后缀的单词20个 篇三

He refused to attend out of sheer perversity.


She agreed to attend but jibbed at making a speech.


There are no compulsions on students to attend classes.


Mandela will attend an outdoor concert in his honour.

4.ty后缀的单词20个 篇四

liability    n.责任;倾向;债务

liberality    n. 慷慨,心胸开阔

liberty    n.自由;释放;许可

locality    n.位置,地点,发生地

lofty    a.高耸的;高尚的

longevity    n. 长寿

loyalty    n.忠诚,忠心

lucidity    n. 明朗,清澈,透明

luminosity    n. 发光;光明,光辉

lusty    adj. 精力充沛的

magnanimity    n. 宽宏大量

majesty    n.威严,尊严;陛下

majority    n.多数;大多数

malignity    n. 邪恶,恶毒

malleability    n.可锻性;延展

5.以ian作后缀的单词10个 篇五


Librarians spend a lot of time classifying books.


The students put the books on the library desk, and the librarian checked them in.


English tense system has long been a focus of linguists and grammarians.


The computer can alter the Serials Librarian and produce a bindery notice.

6.fy为后缀的单词20个 篇六

7 codify v. 编码

8 crucify vt. 十字架上钉死

9 declassify v. 撤销,保密

10 defy vt.向…挑战;蔑视

11 deify v. 奉为神,崇拜

12 detoxify v. 除去…的毒物

13 dignify vt. 增威严,使高贵,故做显贵

14 disqualify vt. 使丧失资格

7.ion 为后缀的单词20个 篇七

assassination n. 暗杀;

assertion n. 断言,主张;

asseveration n. 断言,誓言;

assimilation n. 同化,同化作用,消化;

association n.协会,团体;联合;

assumption n. 假设;

attention n.注意,留心;注意力;

attestation n. 证明,证实;证据;

attraction n.吸引;吸引力;引力;

attribution n. 归属;

attrition n. 消磨,磨损;

8.变ify后缀的单词20个 篇八

gratify v. 使高兴,使满足;

horrify vt. 吓,使战悚,惊骇;

humidify vt. 使湿润;

identify vt.认出,识别,鉴定;

indemnify v. 赔偿,偿付;

intensify vt. 加强;

justify vt.证明…是正当的;

magnify vt.放大,扩大;

modify vt.更改,修改;修饰;

mollify v. 安慰,安抚;

mortify v. 使屈辱,使痛心;

mystify vt. 使...大为吃惊;使神秘化;

9.ceive后缀的单词20个 篇九


The conceive of application of dynamic safety evaluation to construction


The Conceive for Information Security of Internet Content in Full Service Times


I perceived a change in his behaviour over those months.


She perceived that all was not well.


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