


1.人教A版高二上册数学几何概型教学计划 篇一




一个苹果体积是500_______ 一个浴缸能盛水0.8_______ 3.(2分)一个正方形的广场,边长300米,小林每天沿广场跑一周,小林每天大约跑_______米. 4.(1分)我会填。

图形 长 宽 周长 面积 长方形 21分米 14分米 18米 60米 正方形 边长33厘米 边长()分米 48分米 5.(2分)三年级二班有10人参加数学竞赛,其中女生有6人,占总人数的_______,男生有4人,占总人数的_______。


159+68_______405-200    510g_______5000g    1t_______4051g 96+54_______48+102      1分_______ 80秒    540m+640m_______km 7.(2分)把215,365,515,665这四个数填到下面的括号里,使算式成立。






A.7月31    B.7月30    C.8月1日    16.(2分)一个长方形的长与一个正方形的边长相等,长方形和正方形的周长相比较()A.正方形的周长长    B.长方形的周长长    C.周长一样长    17.(2分)估算102×5时,把102看作()比较合适. A.110    B.105    C.100    18.(2分)437-98用简便方法计算是()。

A.437-100-2    B.347-(100+2)C.437-100+2    19.(2分)一瓶饮料有500毫升,乐乐喝了它的 ,亮亮喝了它的 ,()喝得多。

A.亮亮    B.乐乐    C.无法比较    20.(1分)1小时、60秒、50分钟、半小时,它们的大小关系是()。

A.1小时>50分钟>半小时>60秒    B.60秒>50分钟>1小时>半小时    C.1小时>半小时>60秒>50分钟    四、填表格(共1题;


涂色部分 没有涂色部分 五、计算题(共4题;


①49×5= ②168×7= ③403×8= ④400×3= ⑤298×5= ⑥101×9= 23.(12分)竖式计算。(带★的要验算)。

(1)415-325=(2)★702-546= 验算:

(3)766+687=(4)★325+436= 验算:

24.(20分)脱式计算. (1)(23×16﹣368)÷9(2)(216﹣25×8)+198(3)89﹣(14×3﹣32)25.(6分)求下列图形的周长。


共40分)26.(5分)三年级同学参加运动会,参加跳高的有8人,参加跑步的有16人,两项都参加的有4人。三年级参加跳高和跑步的同学一共有多少人? 27.(5分)在下列算式中填上“+”“-”“×”“÷”或“()”,使等式成立。

(1)6    6    6    6  =0(2)6    6    6    6  =0 28.(5分)算一算,画一画 29.(10分)国庆假期小强一家要从格尔木到拉萨旅游. 里程/千米 格尔木﹣安多 694 格尔木﹣那曲 820 格尔木﹣当雄 978 格尔木﹣拉萨 1142(1)请你计算出安多到当雄有多少千米?(2)如果列车从格尔木站开出,已行驶了899千米,请你在图上用“△”标出列车的大概位置,并算一算列车离拉萨还有多少千米? 30.(5分)修一段公路,第一天修了全部的,第二天修了全部的,剩下的第三天修完。第三天修了全部的几分之几? 31.(5分)一本故事书有245页,小芳前2天看了60页,照这样的速度,小芳一星期能看完这本故事书吗?如果借期只有一个星期(7天),你有什么好的建议? 32.(5分)小红在手工课上将一张长方形纸从中间剪成了两个正方形,如下图。这两张正方形纸的周长之和是多少? 参考答案 一、填空题(共8题;







2.人教A版高二上册数学几何概型教学计划 篇二



































































3.人教A版高二上册数学几何概型教学计划 篇三


《珍珠鸟》是一篇描写生动、富有诗情画意的状物散文.课文以细腻亲切的语言写了“我”为一种怕人的珍珠鸟创造了安逸舒适、自由自在的生活环境,使它们与“我”越来越亲近,说明“信赖,往往创造出美好的境界”.课文的前半部分写了两件事,细腻地表现了作者对小生灵真诚的、无微不至的爱.后部分,生动地记叙了小珍珠鸟与作者之间逐渐挨近,直至熟睡地作者肩头,对作者真诚信赖的变化过程.教学时,“我”对小鸟的精心照顾、小鸟的变化,两条主线并进.为更好地解决教学重点,让学生阅读后,结合课前导读,确定着重研究的问题:鸟在“我”的照料和呵护下前后有些什么变化?为什么会有这些变化?哪里体现出我对鸟的喜爱之情? 先是由学生围绕问题自主进行读、思、画、批,再小组合作探究,最后全班共同交流.在学生交流问题的过程中,我有机地穿插了三个引导学生想象思维进行说话交流的问题:



4.人教A版高二上册数学几何概型教学计划 篇四

New words:

1.consist of, be made up of, include包含,包括,由….组成

1)consist of -- 不用进行式,无被动式no pass.

= be made up of

The book consists of ten parts. 本书共十章.

is consisted of ×

is consisting of ×

The city of New York consists of five boroughs.


North America consists of the United States, Canada, and Mexico.(=these are all the parts that make it up)北美包括美国,加拿大和墨西哥.(他们是构成北美的所有部分.

2) include

The United States includes Alaska and Hawaii.(= these are two of the states that make up the United States)美国包括阿拉斯加和夏威夷.(他们是组成美国各州的两个州)

2.form vt. vi.1)形成,组成,构成,养成

form the habit of

form a sentence

A plan began to form in his mind.

School helps to form a child’s character.(比喻)上学可以帮助培养孩子的品德。

2)form …from由…构成,由…组成.

form … into组成,排成,分成,做成

She formed a clay into a bowl.

She formed a bowl from the clay.

3)form up排好队伍

Form up in line.

3.general adj.1)普遍的,公众的,普通的

It’s a matter of general interest.

The cold weather has been general.


get a general idea获得大意

Give me a general idea of the work.

as a general rule一般说来

general knowledge常识,人所共知的事

in general一般说来,总的说来

Women in general like to shop for new clothes.

3) generally adv.

generally speaking

Generally speaking, women live longer than men.

4.influence n. 1)影响 [u],表某种影响可作[c]

have influence over/ with/ on/ upon

A teacher has great influence over his pupils.

He had great influence with the miners.

2)a person with this power有影响的人

He is a good / bad influence on my daughter.


under the influence of在(人,东西).. 的影响下

3) v.影响,感化

Don’t let me influence your decision.

What influenced you to do it?

5.basis/ bases(复)基础,根据

What’s the basis of/ for your opinion? 你的看法的根据是什么?

base n.基础,底部

base sth. on sth.

be based on根据

The text is based on the novel written by Luxun.

be taken from摘自于

The text is taken from the play written by Shakespeare.

be set in以…为背景

The film is set in a small village.

6.judge v.

1)judge by 以…来判断,从…来看

Don’t judge a man by his looks.

judged by…

Judged by the ordinary standards, he was reliable.

2)judge from从…来看, 根据…可以看出

Judging from what you say, he ought to succeed.

Judging from the number of caars, he thought, there were not many people at the club yet.


a. 跟不定式的复合宾语(多和to be 连用)

I judge him to be loyal.

I judged them to have finished.

He judged time to be about noon.

b. 跟带形容词或名词的复合宾语:

He judges it safer to go away than to stay.

c. 跟从句

I judged that you had forgotten to come.

7.1)own v.

a.拥有,占有,是…的主人have, possess

Mr. North owns that company.


I own I was weak.

I own that I may have made mistakes.

2)adj. 自己的

I saw it with my own eyes.

They had given their lives to save children not their own.


This house is my own.

I only borrow it , it is not my own.

*of one’s own 自己的

I wish I had a little lab of my own.

I want a book of my own.

*on one’s own


He got the job on his own.

You came to London on your own?


He likes to be on his own.


9.namely adv. 那就是,这就是说 that is,

Only one person can do the job, namely you.

Only one boy was absent, namely Harry.

There are three colors in the British flag, namely red, white and blue.

10.approach .

1) 走进,接近,快到

A boy of eighteen is approaching manhood.

As people approach old age their energy may diminish.

As winter approached the weather became colder.

The time is approaching when we must leave.


5.人教A版高二上册数学几何概型教学计划 篇五

2. 地球面临的最大问题是什么?

What is the biggest problem facing the earth?

3. 一个有价值的资源 a valuable resource

4. 造成严重的污染 cause serious pollution

5. 讨论该问题 discuss the issue

6. 烧煤 burn the coal

7. 用一个比较好的方式 in a better way

8. 做笔记 take notes of…

9. 得出结论 draw a conclusion

10. 支持/反对 be for/ against

11. 交换意见 share ideas

12. 取得进步 make much progress

13. 主题 main theme

14. 可持续发展 sustainable development

15. 谈论 speak about/ of

16. 在不破坏环境的情况

without damaging the environment

17. 出席国际会议

attend the international conference

18. 做了一个很重要的演讲

make a very important speech

19. 根据世卫组织的意思

according to the World Health Organization

20. 愿意做某事 be willing to do

21. 参加活动 take part in

22. 自由利用 have free access to

23. 与。。。和谐 in harmony with

24. 结束死亡和苦难

put an end to the death and suffering

25. 擦干净 wipe out

26. 对。。。有影响 have an effect on

27. 劝说某人做某事 advise sb to do

28. 尽所能去做某事 do whatever one can to do

29. 在农村地区 in rural areas

30. 采取行动 take action

31. 采取措施 take measures to do

32. 有大的成效/有所不同 make a difference

33. 空调 air conditioner

34. 改变现状 improve the situation

35. 对。。。有更好的了解

have a better understanding of

36. 对。。。掌握;熟悉 have a good knowledge of

37. 找到解决办法 find solution to the problem

38. 教育是未来的关键

Education is the key to the future

39. 上学 attend school

40. 对学习满意 be content/satisfied with

41. 偶然 by chance

42. 充分利用时间 make full use of time

43. 以。。。的速度 at a speed of

44. 防御 defend oneself against/from

45. 因。。。表扬。。。 praise sb for sth

46. 强调保护水资源的重要性

stress the importance of protecting

the water resources

47. 对。。。负责 be responsible for

48. 刚。。。就。。。 hardly/ barely/ scarcely… when

no sooner…than

49. 照顾;护理 attend to

50. 与某人有共同的信仰/信念

share one’s belief/faith

51. 一个备用轮胎 a spare tire

52. 在空闲时间 in the spare time

53. 递给我一个婚礼请柬

hand me a wedding invitation

54. 加强;增强 build up

55. 消息传开 Word got around.

56. 一位著名的教育专家

a well-known educational expert

57. 有意义;行得通;有道理 make sense

58. 在危险中 at risk/ in danger

59. 与其说。。。不如说 more… than…(分开)

60. 不仅仅 more than (不分开)

61. 面对激烈的竞争 face fierce competition

62. 受益于 benefit from

63. 店员 a shop assistant

64. 受到压力 under pressure

65. 带某人参观 show sb around sp

66. 展览 on show

67. 名胜古迹

a place of interest/ places of interest

68. 过得高兴 have a wonderful time

69. 为你的观点辩护 defend your argument

70. 插嘴 cut in / break in

71. 插队 jump the queue

72. 令我惊讶的是 to my surprise

73. 收到某人的来信 hear from sb

74. 找出, 发现, 查明(真相等), 认识到, 想出, 揭发 find out

6.人教A版高二上册数学几何概型教学计划 篇六



本单元围绕“Scientific achievements”这一中心话题,从科学家、科学假说、科学理论、科学探索等方面设计听、说、读、写等一系列教学活动。“Warming up”部分设置了三个问题,要求学生就重要的科学成就进行讨论,从而帮助学生认识重要的科学成就,了解科学成就对社会发展、人类进步的重大贡献,同时激发学生热爱科学、投身于科学研究的热情,探索科学研究的方法。“Listening”部分设计了两道材料问题和一道开放性的情景话题。主要培养学生捕捉和筛选信息的能力,然后要求学生在一定语言输入后进行语言输出,旨在培养学生的想象能力和应用能力,通过自己的语言体会重大科学成就的意义。“Speaking”部分重点训练表达意图和愿望的日常交际用语,以五人小组的活动形式组织学生扮演科学家的角色,陈述各人的研究方向并阐明其重要性来申请科研经费。“Reading”部分为一篇介绍中关村的形成、发展及其重要意义的记叙文。通过对文章的理解,学习中关村人的创业精神。“Language study”部分由词汇和语法两部分组成,该部分不仅教授了四种构词法知识,更鼓励学生通过四项练习,运用构词法知识提高阅读能力。“Integrating skills”部分设计了一个阅读和写作的练习,在学生了解四大科技成就及其重要性后,要求学生略加扩充写一篇最伟大的科学成就的文章。“Tips”部分提出了说服性写作必须论点明确、论据充分,为写作提供了写作方法。






1) 要求学生掌握必要的单词、词组和句型:solar, constitution, private, grasp…It’ likely that…, make it possible for sb to do sth…,etc.

2) 掌握一定量的表达“wishes and intentions”的交际功能用语。

3) 同时要求学生掌握本单元出现的构词法及一些常见的前缀后缀及词根的意义。




1)激发学生并提高学习英语的兴趣, 乐于接受新鲜事物,勇于尝试:体现课堂教学“主体者”的身份,积极主动地参与教学各环节,成为学习的主人:具有个性,培养创造能力。












Period 1 Warming-up & listening

Goals: 1. Get the Ss to talk about what science and scientific achievements have affected the world to stimulate them to further efforts.

2. Cultivate the students’ ability of listening for information.

一、Warming up

Task 1.Greeting: Have a free chat with the Ss about their holidays to present the topic scientific achievements

Task 2. Match the scientists and their scientific achievements (group work)

Alexander Bell electricity

Thomas Edison the First telephone

the Wright Brothers‘ the electric Lamp

Madame Curie black holes in Universe

Franklin Theory of Gravity

Steven Hawking the First Plane

Elbert Einstein Radium

Isaac Newton the Theory of Relativity

Task 3. Talk about scientific achievements

1) How have the scientific achievements changed the world?

2) Which one do you think is the most important? Why?

3) What are some other scientific achievements that you think are important?

4) Do these achievements have anything in common? If so, what?

Task 4. Discussion (pair work)

Is this an easy job to achieve success in science research? What makes a scientist?


Task Get to know Neil Armstrong, Alexander Gramham Bell, Ray Tomlinson and Armchimedes.


Task 1. Listen to part 1 and complete the chart below.

Words Speaker Achievement

“That’s one small step for a man , one giant leap for mankind Neil Armstrong

“Mr Watson, ______________;

I want you.” Alexander Graham Bell

“QWERTYUIOP” Ray Tomlinson

Can you explain Tomlinson’s message?

Task 2 .Listen to part 2 and complete the sentence below.

1.The word “ “ are famous because they are the

of The Constitution of the United States of America.

2.Eureka is a word from the language and means

3.If you ask a father, he might say : “ “

If you ask a mother, she might say : “ “

四、Post-listening (group work)

Language input: As what you have heard just now, some words become famous not because they are beautiful or wise but because they are spoken when a great new scientific achievement is being announced or made. If you are lucky enough to be the first person…., what would you say?

Task: Choose one situation and then share with your partners.

A the first person on Mars

B the first cloned human being

C the first person to travel in time


1 Listen to the tape, finish the listening part on WB (p81).

2 Preview the reading passage.

Period Two Speaking

Goals:1.Learn and master the useful expressions

2.Train the students’ listening and speaking abilities.

3.Talk about scientists and scientific achievement, urging the students to further understand the significant of science and scientific achievement and encouraging them to work hard at their lessons.


Another new year began. Have you got any wishes/ plans? What are they? With your plan made, what intentions have you got? In this way the following expressions are aroused.

Useful expressions

If I got the money, I would…

My plan is to…..

I hope that…

I would rather….

How I wish… I want / wish/ hope / intend/ plan to…

I’d like to…

I’m thinking of…

I’m going to….

I have decided to…

二、Speaking (group work)

Situation: Four scientists ,each of whom is working on an important project, want to get money to complete their project. Each scientist will introduce his or her project and explain why it is the most important. The organizer will listen to all the scientists and ask questions. At the end of the discussion, he or she must decide who will get the money and why.

Dr Wilson

You and your team are working on a cure for AIDS. Your research is extremely important because . Dr Jones

Your research project is about cloning and how to use the new technology to cure diseases. Your project is important because .

Dr Smith

You want to development new technology that will make it possible to grow food in areas where there is very little water. This is important because . Dr Winfrey

You are working on sending a manned spaceship to Mars. This is a very important project because .

三、Post task

1.Just now you did a very good job in acting as a scientist. Do you want to be a scientist? If so, which field are you interested in? If not, what do you want to be? Use the expressions of wishes and intentions to talk about your dream.

2. Imagine you are a reporter who is going to report the space hero about his wishes and intentions. Take turns acting as interviewer and interviewee.


1. Interview your parents about their wishes and intentions using the expressions we learent.

2. Preview the reading passage.

Period 3&4 Reading

Goals: 1.Learn and master the following words and phrases. likely, private, master, perfect, arrange, set foot (in), rely on, failure, locate, valley.

2.Train the Ss’ reading ability.(Read for general information and detailed information.)

3.Get the Ss to learn about Zhongguancun--China’s Silicon Valley.


1.Are scientific achievements important? How do they improve our daily life? How do they improve society?

2.Why do scientists spend so much time trying to achieve something?

3.As is known to us, scientific achievements can not only make our life better, but also promote the development of mankind and society. So I want to run a hi-tech company, what should I arrange for? What kind of support and environment would I need?

4.What if I set up my company in Zhongguancun ? How much do you know about Zhongguancun?

5.Do you know the sign “Lenovo”? Where is it located?


1. Fast reading

Task: Read the text quickly and try to find information about Zhongguancun to finish the chart below.

Item Zhongguancun


Brief history


Educational institutions

Hi-tech companies

2、Careful reading

Task 1 : Get to know the outline of the text

1.Does this article have a topic sentence? What is it?

2.What are the supporting ideas?

be home to

Zhongguancun: Center be home to

be home to

Task 2: Get to know detailed information

1.Why did Xiang Yufang study abroad and work abroad for a few years?

2.What made it possible for Xiang Yufang to return to China?

3.How does Zhongguancun affect business?

4..What are the two mottos mentioned in the text for the park?

三、Listening & Questions

Task: Listen to the tape and finish the True or Fasle.

1. Zhongguancun is the new center for Chinese science and education

2. Within the next ten years, more than a hundred scientific and hi-tech companies moved into Zhongguancun.

3. Xiang Yufang studied abroad because he felt comfortable abroad.

4. More than 8,000 hi-tech companies in Zhongguancun. More than half of them are IT companies.

5. Zhongguancun park is home to Lenovo and Founder and more than 20 famous national companies.

6. The researchers and scientists know that the spirit and creativity they represent are no more than money.


Choose the correct answers. There may be more than one correct answer.

1.According to the author, Zhongguancun is home to .

A. some famous research institutes and universities B. many IT companies

C. more and more returned overseas Chinese D. a number of science parks.

2.What is NOT true about Zhongguancun?

A. It is located in Haidian District, in northwestern Beijing.

B.It was set up as a special economic zone in the 1990s.

C. Most of its companies are doing IT business.

D. It is not a good place for new companies.

3.According to the reading, Xiang Yufang returned to China and opened a company in Zhongguancun because .

A. he wanted to see more of the world

B. he enjoyed working with the best scientists in his field

C. he could enjoy his work and contribute to his country at the same time

D. he missed his friends and family

4.According to the graph in the passage, how many of the people who work in Zhongguancun have a master’s degree or above?

A. 25,000 B. 30,000 C. 35,000 D. 180,000

5.How is ‘failure” understood in Zhonguancun?

A. There are fewer failure in Zhongguancun

B. Many of its researchers and scientists will try hard not to fail.

C. Failure is a necessary part of being successful.

D. The best thing about failure is that you learn every time you fail.

五、Discussion (group work)

Language input: In this class, we’ve learned more about Zhongguancun by reading the passage. As a new center of science and technology, it is known to the world. It is sometimes called “China’s Silicon Valley”. Do you know “Silicon Valley”? Where is it? When was it set up? Why was it set up?

Task: Work in groups of four to compare these two science parks and find out in which ways they are similar and different. You can refer to the following chart.

Hi-tech Park Silicon Valley Zhongguancun

When was it established?

Why was it established?

Where is it?

What kinds of companies are located there?

What are some famous companies?

Why do people want to work there?


1. Pick out some sentences you enjoy most, & try to recite them as possible as you can .

2. Consult the following websites.



Period 5 Language Study

Goals: 1.Learn some words which are the closest in meaning.

2.Study the ways of forming a word.

3.Study the meaning of some affixes and stems.


Task . Introduce Zhongguancun

二、Word study

Task 1. Use the clues below to guess the words

1.the opposite of “public” 2.a synonym of “depend”

3.the lowest or bottom part 4.of the sun

5.an organization for educational or research purpose.

6.unusually large person, animal, plant.

7.area or region with a particular feature or use.

8.without any fault or bad points.

Task 2. Choose the answer that is closest in meaning to the underlined part of each sentence.(P5)


Task: Study the words on the screen and find out the ways of forming a word. (class work)

International=inter + national telephone= tele + phone

Mankind=man + kind broadband=broad + band

Extremely=extreme + ly manned=man + ed

Hi-tech=high + technology e-mail=electronic mail

IT=information + technology CSA=Chinese Space Agency

affixation: international, telephone, extremely, manned

Compounding: mankind, broadband

clipping: hi-tech, e-mail

abbreviation: IT, CSA


Task 1. Finish the Exx2-4 to understand how the words are formed.(P6)

Task 2. Get to know the meaning of stems and affixes. (pair work)

. Look at the stems and affixes on the screen. Match each of them with the right meaning on the right.

Trans- carry

-graph see

tele- below

super- life

co- together/with

vis- more than usual

bio- far

sub- across

-port writing

Task 3. Word formation makes it easy for the Ss to guess the meaning of words using

context clues.

Use context clues and what you know about word parts to guess the meaning of the underlined words.

a.Many countries import most of the oil they use.

b.He studied biophysics at college.

c.It is very important to learn how to cooperate with others.

d.All you luggage will be transported to the destination by train.

e.My cousin has an excellent voice. Her dream is to become a superstar.


Read the news article and tell how the words in bold are formed (pair work)


1. Finish off the exercises on the workbook.(p83-84.

2. Preview integrating skills

Period 6 Integrating Skills

Goals: 1.Learn and master the new words and phrases

2.Train the Ss’ integrating skills, especially reading and writing skills.


1. Ask the Ss to find some examples for each way of forming a word?

2. Guess some new words with the help of word formation.

a. The average output of the factory is 20 cars a day.

b. She has written good essays before, but this one is substandard.

c. He is a kind of intellectual superman.

d. The lack of a common language made it very difficult to intercommunicate .

e. Transplant the seedlings into peaty soil.

3.Lead in: Human beings are creative, and many scientific achievements have been made in our history. What great inventions do you know in China’s history? What red hot achievements do you know?

二、Fast reading

1. What plan has helped Chinese scientists make many breakthroughs?

2. Which scientific fields are mentioned in the text?

三、Careful reading (group work)

Work in groups of four . Use what you have learnt from the text to complete the chart below.

Field Achievements Importance

Exploring space

Genetic research

Computer engineering

Medical science


1. Which words in the text can we use to describe scientific achievement?

2. Situation: Do you know Modern Science? They are thinking of writing an essay about the greatest scientific achievement but they find it difficult to decide . Write a short essay in about 150 words, telling them which achievement you have chosen and explaining why you think so. The following outline may be helpful to you.

Introduction: state your view

Outline body : give your reasons (at least 2)

Conclusion: summary


Using the assessing part on P.87, Ss are helped to review what they have learned or done in this unit learning. In this way they can learn to reflect and pay attention to their weak points in the later learning (the evaluation items can be adapted if appropriate).



1. 学生在合作中学习更有助于提高学生学习的积极性,以及课堂参与的积极性。所以应当发挥小组功能,在合作中操练。小组活动是课堂活动的主要形式,如何落实小组中各个学生的角色是组织好小组活动的关键。这需要教师长期的训练。



7.人教A版高二上册数学几何概型教学计划 篇七


众所周知, 教学评价是依据一定的客观标准,对教学活动及其结果进行测量、分析和评定的过程。教学评价主要包括对学生的学习结果的评价和对教师教学工作的评价从学生的学习结果的评价看,既要评价知识、技能和智力等认识领域,又要评价态度、习惯、兴趣、一直、品德及个性形成等情感领域;从教师的教学过做的评价看,既要评价教师的教学修养、教学技能, 又要评价教学活动的各个环节,特别是课堂教学质量。因为学生的学习更多地是直接由课堂教学质量决定的。

美国哈佛大学教授、发展心理学家加德纳于20世纪90年代提出的多元智力理论指出:人的智力是由言语/语言智力、逻辑/数理智力、视觉/空间关系智力、音乐/节奏智力、身体/运动智力、人际交往智力、自我反省智力、自然观察者智力和存在智力等九种智力构成。各种智力只有领域的不同,而没有优劣之分,轻重之别,也没有坏之差。 承认学生多元智能的存在,对学生学习成效的评价就不能仅凭单一的纸笔测验,也不是为了衡量学生在群体中的位置,而是应该以多种评价手段和方法去衡量不同的学生,帮助学生识别自己的强项和弱项,为学生提供有意的反馈,提出今后学习的建议。

学生学习成效评价是新课程实施的重要组成部分。新课程背景下的学生学习成效评价观要求突出评价的发展性功能,促进每个学生的生动、活泼、主动的发展;正确对学生进行多方面的评价,不仅要评价学生的基础知识和基本技能,还要评价学生在学习过程中表现出的情感、态度和价值观;恰当地运用表现性评价、真实性评价、学习档案袋评价、小组合作评价等多种教育评价方式评价学生的学习成效;实行多主体的评价,强调评价主体的互动与参与等等。由于受高考指挥棒的左右,现行的学生英语学习评价的焦点还是集中在“纸笔测验”的分数上。我认为,这种评价方式不利于充分地调动学生的学习外语的积极性和培养学生的自主学习能力,难以真正促进学生的语言运用能力的发展。因此, 我从的第一学期开始就在我所执教的高二(7)班进行了以下要介绍的以形成性评价理念为指导的高中英语课堂教学评价方式的实践,刚开始由于经验不足,效果并不很好。这个学期,我在吸取了上学期的基础上进行了评价方式的完善和改进,在我执教的高二(1)班继续进行课堂教学评价的实验, 取得了不错的教学效果。


The British Isles是人教版高中英语第二册第五单元(Unit5)的一篇课文,是高二上册的中间单元,在全册教材中起到“承上启下”的作用,是一个对学生理解和感悟讲英语国家的文化能够产生深远影响的重点单元。本单元的中心话题 The British Isles围绕英国文化状况展开。我首先让学生按学习合作小组布置预习任务,搜索有关英格兰、苏格兰、威尔士、北爱尔兰,以及爱尔烂共和国的信息,制作英国个地区的文化课件,让学生共享信息资源,学会合作;然后通过“头脑风暴”的形式充分调动学生的学习积极性,让学生的大脑热起来教材;再以“看地图,说地图”为切入点展开听力、对话、阅读、协作和综合运用,学会方位概念的正确运用;然后通过对课文整体结构和主要信息的挖深问答的方式让学生从整体上了解英国的文化和课文的基本框架和主要信息;接着通过“英国的地理、气候、历史、资源、及风土人情、社交礼仪、生活习惯等”内容的分段学习,使学生先整体后局部地完整理解英国的文化;最后通过小组讨论,学以致用,在BBS上自由发表小组和个人的观点,在互动的学习氛围中感悟英国文化,感受跨文化知识的学习,接受语言的听说读写的全面训练,发展全面的语言运用能力,培养国际视野。最后让学生比较中国和英国在文化领域的差异和共性,进一步拓展语言运用的能力。








※ 教学前的学习任务:

1. 要求学生预习课文,找出并识记描述有关英国文化的新词汇,学会音、形、义相结合尝试识记生词。

2. 要求学生通过看课后的注释,查阅英英字典,理解下列文中出现的难句:

1) With Great Britain for many years now, there has been a growing movement to make the most of its cultural diversity-to see it as really is: a nation of different countries held together by a common language and culture.

2) The British Isles are a group of islands that lies off the west coast of Europe.

3) Only the northern countries, making up Northern Ireland, are still part of the United Kingdom.

4) That most of these are now threatened and may disappear is a serious matter to the people in Britain.

5) They realize that it is of great value to record and teach them to the younger generation.

3. 要求学生阅读课文,找出下列有关英国文化的信息。

1) Where is the United Kingdom

2) What is the Untied Kingdom made up of?

3) What is the official language in the British Isles?

4) When is the climate like in different part of the United Kingdom?

5) How has the English language been changing in the British Isles?

※ 教学前的评价内容:


2.通过自主学习,我理解了的句子为_______________ ;

一知半解的句子为___________ ;

无法理解的句子为______________ _。

3.通过预习课文,我找出了 。

A. 全部问题的答案 B. 大多数问题的答案 C.部分问题的答案 D.找不到

4.通过预习,我认为这篇课文的理解难度为 。

A.难 B.较难 C.易 D.一般



※ 教学中的学习任务:


1. 本篇课文从几个方面介绍了英国的象征、历史、地理、气候、语言发展等文化信息,




4、“看地图,说地图” ,学会运用方位概念的表述方式和增强对英国地理特征的了解。



※ 教学中的评价内容:


In this lesson, you have learned about the British Isles. How comfortable do you feel doing each of the skills below?

1=Not comfortable 2=Need more practice 3=Comfortable 4=Very Comfortable

Comfortable level

Talk about UK and Ireland 1 2 3 4

Practice expressing agreement and disagreement 1 2 3 4

Use new word and expressions 1 2 3 4

Write a description of landscape 1 2 3 4


I learnt________________________________________________________________________.

I would like to know more about ___________________________________________________.

I’m still not sure about___________________________________________________________.

2.小组互评 (了解学生在小组合作学习中的学习成效如学习情感、策略等)











※ 教学后的学习任务:

1. 要求学生复习课文,掌握阅读课文中出现的语言现象。

2. 要求学生复习课文,理解阅读文章。

3. 要求学生理解本篇阅读篇章的发展脉络,写一篇关于本县的旅游城镇的说明文。





评价内容 优秀 满意/合格 需再努力

内容 有思想/观点、有情感、有意义/有趣 有一定意义/趣味性,观点不够明确,内容比较平淡 内容平淡,无趣味性

逻辑性 表达清楚,逻辑性强 表达比较清楚,有一定的逻辑性 表达不清楚,缺乏逻辑性

拼写与标点符号 完全正确 有一些错误 很多错误

语法运用 反映当前学习水平,有个别错误 有一些错误,如主谓搭配问题、时态运用问题等,没有完全反映当前学习水平有很多语法错误,如主谓搭配错误率高,时态仅限于现在时

努力程度 超出要求 符合要求 努力不够,有拼凑迹象

创造性 有创造性,表现力强,真实、整洁 有一定的创造性思维,简要、完整、比较整洁 缺乏创造力或计划性,内容不完整,事例不真实

创造性一栏的内容,供教师对学生创造性写作进行评价时参考,教师要鼓励学生大胆创新, 勇于再造想象。

※ 教学后的评价内容:

1. 非测试性评价



In this text, you learn much information about the British Isles. How comfortable do you feel when doing each of the following?

1=Not comfortable 2=Need improvement 3=Comfortable 4= Very comfortable

评价内容 学习要求 评价等级

阅读策略 能进行独立的一般性阅读,有效地学会使用英语参考资料,例如网络和英文词典。 4 3 2 1

语言知识的掌握 能够掌握课文中出现的词汇,能够理解课文中出现的有关英国文化的语言结构和有一定新语言现象的片段。 4 3 2 1

语篇能力的评价 能分辨和理解语篇中关于英国文化方面的主要事实,能够辨识介绍国家和地区文化的说明文体裁的逻辑组织结构。 4 3 2 1

语用能力 能理解并欣赏课文中的一般文化信息,并将其在自己的介绍性书面和口头表达中得体地运用。 4 3 2 1




1) 篇章主旨大意理解:

(1)What’s the main idea of this passage? ( C )

A. Britain was once in the charge of the Frenchmen.

B. The UK is made up of three countries.

C. The author delivers some more information about the British Isles.

D. It’s about the history of the country.


(2)According to the passage, what do you know about the Isles of Man ?( D )

A. It lies between Britain and Ireland.

B. It’s run over by the king of UK.

C. The king of England is in charge of it.

D. Both A and C.

(3)How many spoken languages are considered as native languages in the British Isles? ( B ) A.2. B. 8. C.1. D.6.

(4) What languages formed the basic for English?( B )

A. Languages spoken by European people.

B. Languages spoken by people from northern Europe

C. The French language.

D. Gaelic and Irish.


(5)What can you conclude from this passage?( A )

A. The UK is made up of 4 countries.

B. The British Isles lies off the west coast of Europe.

C. The culture of the UK is a mixture of different countries in the world.

D. The climate of the British Isles is mild with a lot of rain.

评价工具:我觉得这个练习:A:容易 B:一般 C:难 我做对了_______个.准确率为:_______%。





2、各步骤设计要遵循语言学习本身的特性,要符合语言思维的特点。网络服务于语言学习最关键的仍是教师对文化背景、对教学内容的理解。我的备课仍然对于评价的机制理解得不够透彻,对于新生事物的敏感度不够,尤其是对于教学中的形成性评价与学生的档案袋的结合我处理的明显不够,也确实需要学校管理部分的配合和支持,才能取得更好的实施效果。课堂教学评价过程中,我注意了评价的体现学生在评价中的主体地位和对学生发展的作用, 但是评价的形式还不够灵活,尤其是终结性评价的比例太小,形成性评价的比例过大了些,应该在回家作业的布置中增加终结性的检测练习,便于教师对学生作出公正、全面的评价。

3 、信息技术作为网络资源为英语的学习确实提供了广阔的天地。无论是学生还是教师都大面积地接触到课文以外的各种信息资料,英语语言学习的材料和范例也因此更加多样并富有动态性,英语的外延不仅包括现实的生活领域,还包括网上虚拟生活中的语言活动,这使我们的英语课程真正成为跨学科的综合性课程;另外,我发现学生不仅信息技术素养得到了一定的提高,他们还体现出对新课程改革的极大兴趣和热情;他们更使我对他们在互动中体现出来的超强信息技术能力和语言表达能力感到既惊讶有震撼。有句话说得好,“后生可畏”!但是,不同学习小组体现出来的能力和效果各不相同, 说明对学习合作小组的成呀之间好需要重新进行优化组合,发挥好学习合作小组“组内同质, 组间异质”的特点。


如今教学评价改革正方兴未艾,作为教育工作者,我们有责任去思考、去学习、去实践、去探索,我深知教学评价改革之路是路漫漫其修远兮, 吾将上下求索兮!




8.人教A版高二上册数学几何概型教学计划 篇八

give reasons for burn down move into

experienced editors make informed decisions talented journalists

discuss sth with sb a feature story give sb some suggestions

adapt to her new life explore the mysteries in life spiritual fulfillment

in an organized way reflect events and opinions truthfully

bring stolen cultural relics back both Chinese and international experts in the field

be addicted to drugs/ alcohol/ tobacco be addicted to good books

carefully written articles printed articles make a public speech on TV

current affairs be fluent in? tolerate heat/pain/noise

solve social problems draw attention to on the Internet

nine out of ten women be located in look up to?br>look down upon get noticed be armed with

a medical conference read online newspapers glance through/over sth

be picky about sth be responsible for inform sb of sth

our unexpected interview at such a young age on purpose

get a Master抯 degree a well-informed person a badly printed book

a well-written composition a newly revised English textbook run around

well-educated citizens a recently updated website/source similar?n

a newly-built house the newly elected president responsible?n


1.Below is a list of ten things that happened today.

2.There抯 a rumour that a large company wants to build a factory in your city.

3.Food prices are going up.

4.1)They also make sure that readers can relate to the stories. (relate to sth)

2)Some adults can抰 relate to children. (relate to sb.)

3)I think we may relate these two accidents to his carelessness. (relate卼o)

5.The two reporters agreed to switch roles for once.

6.The editor抯 job is to keep the newspaper balanced and interesting to the readers.

7.A reporter begins by contacting the people to be interviewed and then prepares questions.

8.It was the first time that I had written with real passion.

9.For a reporter, the basic task is to report an event truthfully.

10.We shouldn抰 ignore what happens even if it is difficult for people to accept some stories.

11.The result is a better understanding of the world on all sides, leading to a future world where people from all countries are respected and different views and opinions are tolerated.

12.I抦 all the more surprised because their women抯 team does really well.

13.1)More than ninety responsible and caring citizens made their voices heard today.

2)Our newspaper represents the voice of the people.

14.Brave and strong, the activists talked to workers outside the factory.

9.人教A版高二上册数学几何概型教学计划 篇九

北京十八中 宋红靖

Type of lesson: Speaking

Contents: 1. Dialogue on P18

2.Useful expressions on preferences

3.Practice of the useful expressions

Teaching aims : Ss can use the expressions on preferences naturally and correctly.

Key point:Useful expressions on preferences

Teaching aids: computer & tape recorder

Teaching procedures:

Step 1: Warming up:

Show the Ss the following pictures to review what they’ve learnt in the previous lesson and lead in today’s topic------ talking about one’s preferences.

Q: 1. What are they?

2. Which do you prefer?

3. Why? (If the Ss can’t tell the reason , let them read the sample dialogue on P18 to help them .)

Step 2: Useful expressions:

Ss learn the expressions on P19 to enlarge the Ss’ vocabulary about preferences.

I’d rather…

I wouldn’t feel happy if …

I prefer something that…

I’m much more interested in …

I’m not very interested in …

I like seeing something …

In my opinion, …

I don’t get very excited about …

What I like is …

I really prefer …

If you ask me, then …

I can’t stand …

Step 3: Practice & Evaluation:

1. Show the Ss some sample dialogues with blanks for the Ss to fill in with

the suitable expressions above.


1). (Betty came in, tired. Lisa said to her)

Lisa: We are going out to have a walk. What about you?

Betty: _______________________________. I am too tired. I need a rest.

2).----- What would you like to drink, coffee or tea?

------- Either is ok. But ____________________________.

3).------- What kind of music do you like?

------- _________________________.

--------What music don’t you like?


2. Give the Ss a situation with different topics and let them practice the dialogue in pairs, using proper expressions on preferences.


Suppose you are shopping with your mother / friends / classmates and you have different opinions about clothes , books , pictures , food, …Make up a dialogue with your partner and tell each other what your preference is and why, using proper expressions you’ve learnt in this class.

Clothes Books

Food Pictures

3. When the Ss are acting their dialogue , the rest should listen carefully and take some notes and give them a proper evaluation.

When one group is reporting or acting, the listeners should do the following job.

Content/ topic Expressions used The reason (s)



Cooperation 5 4 3 2 1

Expressions learnt 5 4 3 2 1

Creative 5 4 3 2 1

Language 5 4 3 2 1

Logical 5 4 3 2 1

Step 4: Homework:

10.人教A版高二上册数学几何概型教学计划 篇十

1.prediction –n.预言

predict –vt. to see or describe ( a future happening) in advance预言,预测

She predicted that he would marry a doctor.

Can you predict when the work will be finished?

predictable –adj.

2.forecast vt. to say with some kind of knowledge(what is going to happen at some future time)预报,预测


The teacher forecast that15 of his pupils would pass the examination.

Heavy rain has been forecast for tomorrow. 天气预报明天有大雨.

3.1)glimpse –n. 无意识地一瞥,看到的粗略印象, 瞥见,强调结果.

catch / get a glimpse of

I only caught a glimpse of the thief, so I can’t really describe him.我只是瞥了小偷一眼,因此我无法把他仔细描述.

I caught a glimpse of Meg at the station this morning.我早上在车站看见梅格了.

I caught a glimpse of the Town Hall clock as we drove quickly past.

2)glance –v.匆匆地看一眼或粗略地扫一眼,强调动作

glance at =take a glance at/ take a quick look at

He glanced at his watch once again and then looked at the front entrance.

n. 一瞥One glance at his face told me he was ill.

at a glance看一眼, 一眼看出

She saw at a glance that he’d been crying.

3)gaze –凝视,盯着看 gaze at

4)stare-凝视,盯着 stare at

5)glare –瞪着 glare at

She ___ shyly at the young fellow from behind her fan.

A. glanced B. glimpsed C. gazed D. copied

I ___ her among the crowd just before she disappeared from sight.(glimpsed) 就在他消失在人群当中之前,我瞥见了他。

I caught (get) a glimpse of his face as he ran past.

We caught a glimpse of a river as the train passed over a bridge.

The angry father glared at his son.

Children should be taught not to stare at handicapped people.

4. trend –n. general direction, tendency趋势,倾向

the trend of rising unemployment失业上升的趋势

the latest trends(=fashions) in women’s clothes女装最新趋势

5. contemporary --adj. 当代的,现代的,同时期的modern , of the present

contemporary history / art/morals现代历史/艺术/道德

contemporary building


a new building/ law/ book

recent-描绘不久前发生或出现的事物 ,主要用于事件:

our recent vacation我们不久前的假期

We elected a new senator in the election. 在最进的选举中我们选了一位新参议员。


an examination in modern history

Modern science has conquered many disease.


contemporary art/politics 当代艺术/政治


the government’s current ideas on defense政府当前对国防的看法


1) to show by sign; make clear暗示,表明

I indicated that his help was not welcome.

2)( 开车转弯时用手,灯光或箭头)表示方向:

He is indicating left.

At the crossing there is an arrow ___ the direction to the Andrew Farm.

A. indicating B. to indicate C. indicated D. indicate

3)point at, draw attention to指示,指出

I asked him where my sister was, and he indicated the store across the street.

7.ensure –vt. make sth. certain to happen保证,担保

ensure that

ensure sb. sth

ensure sth.

ensure doing

If you want to ensure that you catch the plane, take a taxi.

His ability ensures his success.

The medicine will ensure a good night’s sleep.

Come early to ensure getting a good seat.

We ensure to fulfill the task on time. ×

I ensure to help him. ×

8. necessity ---n.

1) need, the condition of being needed需要, 必要(性)[u]

necessity to do/ of / for

Is there any necessity for another election?

There is no necessity to hurry.

What’s the necessity of leaving so early?

2) necessity --something one needs to have 必需品,必不可少的东西[c]

指客观上必不可少的东西; 生活必需品

Food is a basic necessity of life.


a. Food and clothing are ___of life. (necessities)

b. Sleep is a ___. (necessity)

c. We packed those necessities for future use.

d. A motorcar is a ___of life nowadays. (necessary)

f. Things that are luxuries of one generation become the ___ of the next, such as television, telephone, etc... A. necessary B. necessaries C. necessity D. necessities

9. crowd –n. a large number of people gather together人群, 一群人

a crowd waiting for a bus

There were crowds of people at the theatre.

v. (of people) come together in large number拥挤,聚集

People crowded around the scene of the accident.

crowded –adj. complete full; filled with a crowd

be crowded with

be packed with

The bus was crowded with people.

The stadium was packed with people.

10. goods --n. (pl)商品,货物 (作主语,谓语用复数)

All the goods in the store ___ ( is / are ) expensive.

The shopper delivered four goods to me this afternoon. ×

The shopkeeper delivered some goods to me this afternoon.

1)必须用复数的有: sports, sales, goods, clothes

sports man , sports car, salesgirl


a) 某些表无生命的集体名词,如 machinery, jewelry, poetry等,用单数:

b) 某些表有生命的集体名词:

如cattle, police, 等,用复数

His cattle were feeding.

c) 某些表有生命的集体名词,如audience, class, couple, crew, family, government, majority, public看作集体用单数,看作成员用复数。

The audience have taken their seats.

The audience is requested to remain seated.

3)由两部分构成的物体名称,如 compasses, glasses, jeans, pants, trousers, scales (天平),scissors 通常看作复数

4) 以ings 结尾的名词,如belongings, surroundings, takings (收入)等,作复数

5)单复数同形的名词, 动词要与该名词在句中的单复数保持一致。

a) 某些动物,物体名称,如dear, sheep, fish, craft, aircraft

b) 以-ese (-ss) 结尾的民族名称, 如 Chinese , Swiss

c) means, works

Every means has been tried.

All the means have been tried.

11. purchase –v. (fml) to buy (正式) 购买;购置(指购买比较贵重的东西,如珠宝,房子,名贵的书等,也可用于购买股票等,不用于买菜,肉等)

He purchased a new house in the country.

The employees are encouraged to purchase shares in the company.该企业号召职工购买其股票.

purchase sth. with sth. 以某物换(买)某物

n. 1)[c](.pl.通常用复数)something that you buy 所购买的物品

I have some purchases to make in town.

She made several purchases in the store.

2) n.[u] the act of buying things购买行为

We began to regret the purchase of such a small house.

12. cash –n. money in coins and notes, rather than checks现金,现款

cash/ check/ cheque/ note/ coin/ credit card

I don’t have any cash on me . Can I pay by check?

v. 把…兑换成现金,兑现

Can you cash that check for me?

Where can I get this cashed?

13. remain vi.保持不变,仍是, 剩下,(人) 逗留

She likes to remain home. ×

She likes to remain at home.

可以说: remain at home / stay home / stay at home

不可以说: remain home

remain doing 具有主动性

sth. remain to be done 某事有待去做

可以说:It remains to be seen. 这尚待以后见分晓.

She remained sitting.

不可以说: It remains being seen.

She was remaining here after we left. ×


应说: She remained here after we left.

- ing 形式作前置定语: 剩下,留下

the remaining money

left-the money left

remainder –n. 剩余物,其余人

The remainder of the books are in the box.

作系词:continue to be仍然是,依旧是

Peter became a judge, but John remained a fisherman/ remained


It only remains for sb. to do sth. “某人说要做的是…” remain”剩下,留下

It only remains for me to sign the paper that you gave me.


It only remains for him to say that he agrees to the plan


Everything has been done. It only remains for them to come and enjoy the meal.


14. cure –vt. n.治愈,治疗cure sb. of a disease

不说: The doctor cured her from her cough.

This medicine cured me my cold.

而说: The doctor cured her of her cough.

This medicine cured me of my cold.

treat vt. 治疗

treat sb. for a disease

treat sb. with …用…治疗

The doctors were treating her for heart trouble.

I’ll treat you with Chinese medicine.

15. distance --n. 远方,远处,距离

1) 问距离

不说: how long / how much

而说: what

What’s the distance between London and Paris( from London to Paris)

2)表示 “在远处”

可以说: in the distance

at a distance / from a distance

不说: at the distance

Can you see a deer in the distance?

3)在表示远近时用long , short修饰, 不用near , far

It is a long / short distance from here.

=It’s near / far from here.

4) a long distance / a long-distance call长途电话

distant –adj.

16. cheat –v.


cheat sb. (out) of sth.

His father was cheated of his land.

He cheated me my money.×

He cheated me of my money.

2) cheat sb. into sth./doing sth. 骗取某人做谋事

He cheated her into believing that he loved her.

17. require (正式)请求,命令demand ,order

request 要求,请求demand politely(比ask正式,比demand客气)

demand (有权)要求 ,(强烈)要求ask for sth. strongly

ask 要求,请求(普通用语)

beg 乞求

*require vt.


a) require sb. to do sth.

I require you to speak this to no one.

They required me to keep silent.


You are required to say what is good for him or what isn’t.

All passengers are required to show their tickets.

b) require + n.

This requires great effort on the part of its people.

c) require that should do

He requires that they (should )work all night.


The floor requires washing.


You should pass the required examination to become a doctor.

4) require of对…的要求

I will do all that is required of me.

I am willing to do whatever my country requires of me.


1)request sb. to do sth.

I requested him to bring his daughter here.

Visitors are requested not to touch the paintings.

Passengers are requested to take their seat immediately.

2)request that should do

She requested that the boxes should be taken to the upstairs.

3)request + n.

The judge requested silence.

4)n. make a request

He made a request for help / that I should help him.

*at one’s request /at the request of根据…的请求

I bought it at your request/at the request of my father.

He was writing at the request of Mr. Brown.

*by request应(观众)请求

She sang a song by request.

The piece was played by request.

*in great request/need有极大需求

These materials are in great need/ request.

*on(upon) request 应请求,被要求时

The band will play on request.

*demand 要求,(强烈)要求

demand sth.

demand to do

demand that ( should ) do

eg. I demand my rights./ an answer.

I demand to know the truth.

They demand that they get more money.


the demand for

in great demand

Is there much demands for teachers in this town?

Oil is in great demand these days.


ask for 要求得到

ask to do

ask sb. to do

ask that (should) do

He has asked for an interview with the present.

I ask to speak to Mr. Baker.

She asked him to wake her at six o’clock.

I ask that he leave.

*beg 乞求,恳求,请求

beg sb. to do

beg to do 请允许

beg that

She beg him to remain home.

I beg to point out that your facts are incorrect.

I beg that he leave.

18.programme v. plan, arrange 1)计划,安排,

We’ve programmed you to appear on his show next week.

2) 使按程序工作, 编制程序

The computer is programmed to accept data in any or all of these media.

Please program the computer to give me more information.请给计算机编程序以便为我提供更多的信息.

n. 1)节目单,节目,表演

What’s your favorite television program?


Meetings are held to explain the program to the villagers.


19. reality n. not imagination

turn sth. into reality

in reality 实际上

Everyone liked the stranger but in reality he is a criminal.


1.what happens to sb.?

what becomes of sb.?

what’s wrong with sb.? 某人怎么了

What’s the matter with sb.?

What’s the trouble with sb.?

2.It would be bad for society if people had doubles.

1) If I were you, I wouldn’t go.

2) If I had time, I would go.

3)If it rained tomorrow, I wouldn’t go.

If it should rain tomorrow, I would go.

If it were to rain tomorrow, I would go.

3) If you had taken the doctor’s advice, you wouldn’t have caught a cold.

3. What life will be like in the future is difficult to predict,

What should a good friend be like?

1)What is sb. like?问某人如何,个性特征,既可以是内在品质,也可以是外在特点,回答是可针对其中的一方面,也可两方面都回答。

---What’s she like?

--- She is very kind and beautiful.


What’s the weather like today?

What’s his handwriting like?

2)What does sb./sth. look like? 某人/某物看上去如何?(外表,长相)

---What does she look like? ---She looks like her mother.

3)How does sb. like?

How do(did) you like…? 你觉得…怎么样?

=What do you think of…?

What / How about…?

How do you like the film?

4. make forecast about sth. =forecast

the weather forecast

v. forecast that forecast/ forecast, forecasted/ forecasted

The teacher forecast that 15 of his students would pass the examination.

to forecast the weather

to forecast election results

链接:forehead, forefather, foresee

5. indicate vt.

1) to suggest the possibility or probability of: be a sign of有…的可能性,象征

In this map, the towns are indicated by a red dot. 在这张地图上,城镇是用小红点标的。

2) to show or point to sth. 指给…看,指示

With a nod of her head she indicated to me where I should sit.

6. amaze vt. To filll with great surprise; cause wonder in使惊奇, 使吃惊

. sth. amaze sb.

sb. be amazed at sth. 某人对谋事惊讶

be amazed by sth. 某人被某事震惊

be amazed to do sth. 吃惊地做某事

His knowledge amazed me.

The visitors were amazed at the achievements of the city during the past ten years.

amazing adj. amazed adj.

7. environment means all the things around you, esp. as they influence your feelings and development 指周围的一切,尤指环境对人心情及发展的影响

Children need a happy home environment.

Brought up in a happy environment 在幸福环境中长大

surroundings simply the physical things which surround a place or person.指一个地方或一个人周围的具体东西:

a hotel set in pleasant surroundings 位于舒适环境里的饭店

She grew up in comfortable surroundings. 他在舒适的环境中长大。

比较: to grow up in beautiful surrounding 在美丽的自然环境中长大

to grow up in a happy environment 在快乐的生活中长大

8. keep in touch with

in touch with = in communication with 同。。。联系

out of touch with 失去联系

get in touch with 取得联系

lose touch with 失去联系

Let’s keep in touch with each other.

We are in close touch with our office in USA.

We have been out of touch with Lilian.

9. pay more attention to

call one’s attention to

attract one’s attention

draw one’s attention

invite one’s attention

give one’s attention to

fix one’s attention on

focus one’s attention on

center one’s attention on

devote one’s attention to

bring sth. to one’s attention 使某人注意某事

10. With a better understanding of the human body,…

with prep. at the same time or rate as sth. else 随着

Good wine will improve with age.佳酿越陈跃醇.

With the approach of sunset, the shadows lengthened. 随着太阳下落,影子也逐渐伸长.

11. understanding n.


According to my understanding of the letter, he owes you money.

2) agreement, nor formal 协议,谅解

reach an understanding ( with sb. about sth.)

come to (与某人对谋事)达成正式协议

arrive at

We have come to an understanding.(= reached an understanding)

12. be sure (that )

be not sure whether

I’m sure smoking hurt you.

I’m not sure where he lives.

I’m not sure whether he will come.

13. come true of a hope, prediction, etc) really happen, become fact

His dream came true at last.

14.1) on the air 广播着;播送中

send (put) on the air 广播,播送

What’s on the air this evening? 今晚有什么广播节目?

2) by air

3) in the air a)在空中 b) 渺茫 The plan is quite in the air.计划还很渺茫。

4)take the air a)兜风,散步 b)飞机起飞

15.prepare sth.

prepare for

prepare sb. for

be prepared for

be prepared to do

make preparations for

16.*in store(for sb./ sth.)

1)(kept ready for future use) 储存着; 备有

have /keep sth. in store

He always keeps several cases of wine in store.他总是备有几箱酒。

A bright future is in store for you.

2)coming in the future; about to happen 必将到来,快要发生

I can see trouble in store.我预见到要有麻烦发生。

There is a surprise in store for you. 你一定要大吃一惊的。

* a store of (sth.)积累而成的巨大数量

a library with a store of rare books

She keeps a store of stories in her head.

*store up

A squirrel stores up food for the future.

17.get back 1)回来,归来 =return

2)取回,收回 He got his money back after struggle.
