1.初三英语课本配套练习 篇一
Unit 1 1. 今天我有很多吃的和喝地。I will have lots to eat and drink today.2. 那么你就不会为不吃早饭而担心了。
Well, you shouldn’t worry about not having breakfast then 3. Millie已经对的12生肖很熟悉了。
Millie is already familiar with the 12 animal signs of the Chinese horoscope.4. 他刚刚获知,西方的人也有12星座。
She has just discovered that people in the West have 12 star signs.5. 他想弄清更多的情况,因为他想更多的了解西方的文化。
She wants to find out more about them because she wants to learn more about Western culture.6. 一年被分为12个不同的星座。A year is divided into 12 star signs.7. 你出生的时间决定了你的星座。The time of your birthday decides your star sign.8. 一些人认为,出生与同一星座的人拥有相似的性格。Some people believe that people born under the same star signshare similar characteristics.9. 一些人认为你有的时候很自私。Some people think that you are selfish at times.10. 你很有耐心,不容易放弃。You are a patient and do not give up easily.11. 你喜欢朋友买一些漂亮的礼物。You like to buy your friends nice gifts.12. 你不停地过多的担忧。You worry too much at times.13. 你训练有素,总是过多的关注细节。
You are practical and you always pay attention to details.14. 你很优雅,喜欢一些漂亮的事物。You are elegant and love beautiful things.15. 你不能原谅别人的错误是愚蠢的。It is silly of you not to forgive others for their faults.16. 你热爱生活,有很好的幽默感。You enjoy life and have a good sense of humour.17. 你效率很高,经常获得成功。You are businesslike and are often successful.18. 你有足够的耐心来等待,却不会生气。
You are patient enough to wait without getting angry.19. 然而,一些人认为,你很奇怪,因为你不喜欢和别人一样。However, some people think that your are strange as you
hate to be like anyone else an 20. 你总是尝试着与众不同。You try everything just to be different.21. 你喜欢对所有的事情充满着幻想。You like to dream about everything.22. 你认为Peter会成为一个好的主席么?
Do you think Peter would be a good chairperson? 23. 我认为,他将不能很好的组织事情。I don’t think he’d be able to organize things well.24. 但是,他有足够的创新,而能产生一些新注意。
But he’s imaginative enough to come up with new ideas.25. 其他还有谁将会合适呢?Who else would be suitable? 26. 我很乐意推荐David做学生会的新主席。
I’d like to recommend David as the new chairperson of the Students’ Union.27. 这就意味着,他极有可能即活泼又聪明。This means he is probably lively and clever.28. 我认为David应当做新主席,因为他象我的叔叔一样聪明。I think David would be a great chairperson.29. 这个非常重要因为他将不得不在整个学校的前面发言。This is very important because he will have to speak in front of the whole school.30. 由于他非常的努力,他不会介意为学生会做一些额外的工作。Since he is so hard-working, he would not mind doing extra work for the Students’ Union.31. 我们认为David拥有所有成为一名好主席的素质。
We think that David has all the qualities to be a good chairperson.32. 你应当有足够的信心来接受这项工作。
You should be confident enough to take this job.Unit 2
1.我宁愿穿兰色的而不愿意穿分粉红色的。I’d rather wear blue than pink.2.粉红色没有什么错。There is nothing wrong with pink.3.但是兰色在你身上看上去很好。But blue looks good on you 4.没有颜色,世界会变成一个单调的地方。The world would be a dull place without colors..5.你是否知道一些关于颜色的有趣的事情。Do you know anything interesting about colours.6.这份报告解释颜色能做些什么以及他所代表的特征。This report explains what colours can do and the characteristics they
represent.7.一些颜色使我们感觉安静、平和。Some colours make us feel calm and peaceful.8.穿着兰色的衣服或者睡在兰色的房间对大脑和身体有好处,因为这种颜色能产生和谐的感觉。Wearing blue clothes or sleeping in a blue room is good for the mind and body because this colour creates the feeling of harmony.9.另外一种能使你感觉安静、平和的颜色是白色。Another colour that makes you feel calm and peaceful is white.10.如果你感到压力,你应当穿白色。You should wear white if you are feeling stressed.11.居住在寒冷气候的人们宁愿使用暖色以给他们的家一个温暖舒适的感觉。
People who live in cold climates prefer to use warm colours to give their homes a warm and comfortable feel.12.橘红色能给你带来成功,当你感到伤心的时候能使你开心。
Orange can bring you success and cheer you up when you are feeling sad.13.黄色能使你想到温暖并充满阳光的日子。Yellow can remind you of a warm, sunny day.14.任何感觉疲倦虚弱的人应当穿着那些使你感觉精力充沛的颜色。
Anybodyt who feels tired or weak should wear colours that make you feel energetic.15.如果你是一个需要体力的人,你应当穿着红色的衣服。
If you are somebody who needs physical strength, you shold wear red clothes.16.穿着红色能使你更容易采取行动。Wearing red makes it easier for you to take action.17.我宁可吃中餐而不愿意吃西餐。I would rather have Chinese food than Western food.18.Danial情绪很差,整个下午都不想和任何人谈话。Daniel was in a bad mood and didn’t want to talk to anyone all the afternoon.19.他确保没有人能听到他在说什么。He made sure that nobody could hear what he was saying.20.每人似乎都有一个秘密,或者就是举止不正常。Everyone seemed to have a secret or was just not acting normally.21.我想不到任何可以谈话的人。I can’t think of anyone to talk to.22.23.你需要一个象我一样的人来使你开心。
我想给你买你最喜欢的卡通书但是店里面什么都没有剩下。I think you need someone like me to cheer you up.24.她只是想使自己看上去更有力。She just wants to make
herself look more powerful.25.红色与白色是很好的搭配,因为充满力量的红色可以平衡冷静的白色。
Red and white is a good match, as the powerful red balances the calm white.Unit 3
1、我没有足够的睡眠I don’t have enough sleep.2、我没有足够的时间做回家作业I don’t have enough time to do my homework.3、吃得太多使你不健康Eating too much makes you unhealthy.4、跑步和游泳对你有好处Running and swimming are good for you.5、我想知道如何解决它I want to know how to solve it.6、目前画画是我最喜爱的业余爱好At the moment ,painting is my favourite hobby.7、认真学习并按时上交作业社很重要的
It is very important to work hard and hand in my homework on time.8、作业上花费了如此多的时间,以致我找不出时间用于我的爱好
I spend so much time doing my homework that I cannot find any time for my hobbies.9、上 我只是不能决定何时做作业,何时花时间在我的业余爱好I just cannot decide when to do my homework and when to spend time on my hobbies.10、你能教我如何在这两者之间获得平衡吗?
Can you please teach me how to achieve a balance between the two?
11、对 热爱现在已经变成了大问题
My love of football has become a big problem now.12、我们喜欢待在外面踢足球到很晚We like staying out late to play football.13、真不理解他们为何如此严格I really don’t understand why they are so strict.14、我们在业余爱好上花点时间是重要的
It is important for us to spend some time on our hobbies.15、能帮助我们放松并使我们的生活丰富多彩
This can help us relax and make our lives colourful.16、真不知道怎么办?I really don’t know what to do.17、能给我提点建议吗?Can you offer me some suggestions?
You do not have enough time to do your homework。
19、你似乎有很多业余爱好You seem to have a lot of hobbies。
20、你似乎在篮球方面花很多时间It seems that you spend a lot of time playing football。
21、放学后(连续)数小时踢足球或待在外面很晚是不明智的 It is not wise to spend hours playing football after school or stay out late。
22、早点回家比较好It is better for you to go home earlier。23.我们总是从老师那里得到很多作业I usually get a lot of homework from teachers.24.我没有很多时间为考试复习I don’t have much time to revise for tests.25.有太多的作业要做There is too much homework to do.26.虽然我知道作业是重要的,我(还是会)生气 Although I know homework is important ,I get angry.27.路上交通总是很拥挤There is always a lot of traffic on the road.28.许多学生不能决定何时工作何时玩
Many students can’t decide when to work and when to play.30.我真不知道先做哪一个 I really don’t know which to first.31.我有时感到有压力I feel stressed from time to time.32.你能告诉我和谁去谈、去哪里求助吗?
Can you tell us who to talk to and where to get help?
33我们相信每周给学生测试是没有必要的.We believe it unnecessary to give students tests every week.34.这些学生认为顾老师是最好的老师The students consider Mrs Gu the best teacher.35.我们已经证明他是错的We have proved him wrong.36.苏似乎高兴得多了Sue seems much happier.37.我也告诉她别去理睬那些嘲笑她们的人
I also told her to.pay no attention to the students who laugh at her.38.虽然她考试成绩好,但是她(也)有问题
Although she does well in the exams, she has problems.39.我告诉她在体育课上怎么办I told her what to do in PE lessons.40.听到此事我感到遗憾I’m sorry to hear that.41.他们应该考虑他们擅长的事情They should think about the things they are good at.42.谢谢你聆听我的问题并给我提出建议
Thanks for listening to my problem and giving me your advice.431.有几种解决压力的简单办法There are some simple ways to deal with stress.44.我们不知道何时工作、何时玩We do not know when to work and
when to play.45.事实上和我同龄的很多学生都感到有压力In fact many students of my age feel stressed.46.他们中的一部分人不能肯定如何处理这个问题
Some of them are not sure how to deal with this problem.47.父母可能认为看电视没有用Parents may not think watching TV very useful.48.如果你不知道和谁谈,你始终可以给我写信
If you don’t know who to talk to ,you can always write to me.49.把你的担心留给自己只能使它们变得更糟
Keeping your worries to yourself can make them worse.
2.初三英语课本配套练习 篇二
country, Canada, Japan, Australia, French, language, pal, live, United, Singapore 选择:
is from, Where from, What language(s), Where does, Does speak 翻译:
Where is from is from, does live lives, language speak speaks, Chinese speaks Japanese 对话:EFBDA Section B 单词:
write,favorite,difficult,world, wants, 介词: for, in ,to, from in, in, with, at, from in, to on 选择:CCAAC BCABC CBBDB翻译:
speak speaks French, think interesting, a little,writes to his parents about, playing sports on
1.library,restaurant,supermarket,bridge,post office, Avenue, neighborhood 2:CBCBCCDCCC 3Where are ,is a long bridge, Yes, there is, Are there any, There are two small restaurants in the neighborhood.SectionB答案 1:small, quiet,beginning, through,dirty,hungry,way,garden,visit,tour,supermarket,airport,district,place,tour 2:BABBABCBAC 3:Go down/turn left,have a good trip,know/arriving,with/next to,tell/the way 4:is,post office,between,across from,down/along,on,school U3答案:
giraffe,cute/clever,tigers,kind, Lions,elephant,Dolphins,pandas,animals,map 句型:
Why/do,Why/does/like,Where /are /from,kind of,Does like SectionB: Animals,leaves,other,quiet,lazy,years,play,relaxes,grass,Africa 翻译句子:
Watches TV/at night, other /animals,are/lazy,play with/during,eats leaves 句型:
What do to see,Does sleep,Why do you,doesn’t relax,don’t be
U4答案: 单词:doctor,hospital,waiter,policewoman,uniforms,money,thieves,dangerous,reporter,policewomen 三:What do you do?,What doesdo.Where does,Whatdo,What does 四:What,do,Where,station,like,late,to be 五:four,policeman,station,dangerous,clerk,money,be,hospital,wears.doctors,night,restaurant,busy,late,to SectionB: 单词:Summer,as,magazines,young,teach,news,stories,children,international,exciting, 翻译句子:
writing stories,/to work late,/kind of,/police station,/newspapers,magazines/,work for,as,/an international,children of/to teach 阅读理解:
BDDAC6.two,music7.No,can’t 8.shop 9.eight 10.No,can’t U6答案: SectionB: 一单词: 6.group 7hot cold 8cool 9.having a good time 10.humid 翻译句子:
1.do do when rains 2.weather, are wearing scarfs 3.look at playing beach volleyball 4.are lying.5.am surprised/ in this heat 选词填空:
Like, warm,looks, right,not,or,in,visit, about, because U7答案:一:across hospital,magazines,camera,snows 二:us,friendly, beginning,Children’s,surprised 四:1.aren’t any, 2.Does have,3.Where does,4.Why did, 5.What does, 6.What’s doing,7.is doing,8.does do,9.What’s like,10.having a good time 五:What are you doing?Do you have a pen pal?,Where does she come from/Where is she from?Are there any famous animals?,How is the weather inAustralia?/What’s the weather like inAustralia? 书面表达:
3.初三英语课本配套练习 篇三
联想:take sth. into consideration 考虑某事
considering prep. 就… 而论; 考虑到
2. convince sb. of sth 使某人相信某事
convince sb. that… 使某人相信 convincing adj.有说服力的
be convinced of sth. 深信某事
be convinced that 深信….
3. commit a mistake / error 犯错误
commit sth to sb. 把某物托付给某人
commit sb. to prison 把某人送进监狱
commit sb to do /doing 责成某人做某事
commit sth. to memory 把某事记住
4. set about (doing) 开始做;着手处理
set out (to do) 开始做;着手处理
set down 放下;搁下;记下;写下
set aside 拨出/节省;对..不予考虑/把…置于一旁;驳回/撤消
set in (疾病、坏天气等)开始来临===
set off 1)出发 2)使爆炸 3)衬托;使更为突出
set up 建立(事业);成立(组织)
be set in 为(故事、戏剧等)构设背景。
5.be guilty of a crime 犯了罪 have a guilty conscience 问心无愧
6.accuse sb. of sth (= charge sb. with sth ) 指责/控告某人某事
be under accusation 被控告
7.be vital to 对…非常重要 be of vital importance 极其重要的
8. pass on 1)传下来;传给(后代) 2)离去;往前
pass away 去世;死
pass by 漠视;不理会
pass down 传递(=pass on )
9. have no choice but to do sth. 别无选择只好干….
10. live/lead a sad / lonely life 过着悲惨/孤独的生活
11. go wrong 出毛病,走错路
12.keep off 勿踏;让开 keep out 勿入;(使)在外 反义词 keep in
13.even though /even if 即使( 引导让步状语从句)从句中可用虚拟语气
14. be mistaken about sth/sb. 弄错 mistake… for… 误认
15.first of all = as the first thing 表示其后的内容先于其他发生
above all = more important than anything else 表示“特别重要的是/尤其是”强调其后的内容不同寻常,比其他重要。
16. protect …. from… 保护…不受侵害
prevent sb. from doing sth. 阻止某人做某事
stop sb. from doing sth. 阻止某人做某事
keep sb. from doing sth. 让某人避开做某事
persuade sb. from doing sth. 说服某人不要做某事
17. make a beeline for :走近路,走直路
The hungry boy made a beeline for dinner. 那个饥饿的男孩直奔回家吃饭.
18. come to light 显露,暴露,被发现 bring …to light 将…曝光,揭露
throw/cast light on/ upon 使明白,解释
19. 1) (=be busy with) “忙于” What are the children up to now?
2)“由某人负责” It’s up to you to take care of the children.
up to 3) “胜任;适于” He is still not up to the age.
4) 后接表示时间的词语,表示“直到某个时间”。
I haven’t heard from him up to now.
20.compare … to ….把…比做…. compare …. with …. 把…与… 进行比较
compare with/ to 和… 比较…(常用于句首或句尾做插入语)
21.tell …apart… 把…区分开来 tell A from B 辨别A 和B(= distinguish..from..)
22.be anxious about 为… 担忧… be anxious for sth. 渴望(了解;得到)
be eager for sth. 盼望;想得到 be eager to do 渴望做某事
be worried about 为…发愁 be curious about sth. 对…好奇
23. over and over again=again and again=time and time again=over and over一再地,经常地,重复地
24. 1)前进,进来 He came up to me and held my hands tightly.
2)上升 The sun came up at that time.
come up 3)长出,发芽 These seeds haven’t come up yet.
4)被提出讨论 The question came up at the meeting yesterday.
联想:come about发生; come across 碰见,受欢迎; come at袭击;
come down下降,流传;come out with 说出,透漏;come to oneself苏醒
25 a variety of +n.(pl.) 做主语时,谓语动词用复数。A variety of toys are on show in the shop.
The variety of +n.(pl.) 做主语时,谓语动词用单数.The variety of books he has is astonishing.
26.provide sth. for sb. 为某人提供某物 provide sb. with sth. 为某人提供某物
联想:be supplied with be equipped with be furnished with
be fitted with
27.award sb. a prize( award a prize to sb) 授奖给某人
award sb. the title of 授予某人…的称号
28.cover…with…. 用… 盖… be covered with 被…覆盖… (表状态)
be covered by 被… 覆盖….(表动作)
29. be divided into 把….分成… divide sth. in half / into halves 把…分成两半
divide up 划分;分配 divided by 除以 separate A from B 使A和B分离
30.keep in touch with 与.. 保持联系 get in touch with 与…取得联系
lose touch with 与… 失去联系 be out of touch with 与…失去联系
31.make sense of (=understand) 弄懂;理解 make sense 讲的通;有意义
make no sense 讲不通;无意义 in a sense 就某种意义而言;在某种意义上
32.be adapted to 适应 The plants are adapted to various climates and soil.
33.at a time (=each time) 每次 at one time (过去)曾经;一度
at the time 那时 at any time 任何时候 at the same time 同时
in time 迟早;及时 in no time 立即;很快 at no time 决不
for a time 暂时;一度 all the time 一直 for the first time 第一次
4.初三英语课本配套练习 篇四
2.能力分组是教师根据教材内容的特点,结合学生体育能力的水平分成若干小组,或由学生根据 来选择学习小组的方式。
5.自主学习的教学步骤有自定目标、自主选择学习内容与学习方法和。6.体育教学策略包括对体育教学方法的选择,还包括对体育教学 的选择等内容。
7.体育学习策略是指学生在特定的体育学习情境中,为了达到体育学习目标而对 所作的优化组合与精巧安排。
9.陈述性知识是指 等知识,它是可以用语言来表达和用谈话或书面的方式来测定的。
为 的动力。
11.体育课堂心理气氛,是指师生在体育课堂中 的综合表现,它是体育课中集体心理动态结构特点之一。
A游戏法 B预防和纠正错误动作法
C分解和完整练习法 D讲解法与示范法
A启发思维 B言语暗示刺激 C正误对比强化 D单独与减速练习3.体育教学目标描述的是。()
A学生的学习结果 B学生的学习过程 C学生的行为 D教师的行为 4.有利于教师因人而异和提出练习的不同教学要求和标准,更有利于因材施教,激发学生体育学习的积极性的分组形式是。()A能力分组 B兴趣分组 C友伴分组 D性别分组 5.在体育教学之前为了了解学生对学习新内容应具备的基本条件而进行的评价是指。()
A渐进性评价 B总结性评价 C形成性评价 D准备性评价 6.将新学习的材料和头脑中已有的体育知识、运动技能联系起来的策略是指。()A重复策略 B练习策略 C选择性注意策略 D精加工策略 7.贯穿体育学习策略的教学始终的动力系统是。()A学习兴趣 B学习动机 C学生的智能 D学生的技能 8.涣散行为主要表现为。()
A课堂上学生注意力的分散 B不遵守规定,不听从指挥等行为 C学生损害公物等攻击性行为。D逃避上体育课等行为。
A学习态度 B情意表现 C交往合作精神 D个性特征表现 10.教师采用何种领导方式,学生会有明确的体育学习目标,积极参与教学活动。()
A混合型 B放任型 C集权型 D民主型
A.教学目标陈述的含糊性 B.教学目标的单一性
C.教学内容的枯燥性 D.以“教学要求”代替教学目标 2.选择体育教学内容的依据有哪些?()
A.依据体育课程的目标体系 B.依据学生身心发展特征 C.依据学校的具体条件 D.依据教师的教学经验和技能 3.选择体育教学内容的途径有哪些?()A.竞技运动的内容或对竞技运动改造后的内容 B.民族民间的体育、娱乐活动内容
C.与学生生活实际和生活经验紧密相连的内容 D.新兴运动项目的内容
A.能力分组 B.兴趣分组 C.友伴分组 D.合作分组 5.预防和纠正错误动作的心理学方法有哪些?()
A.启发思维 B.言语暗示刺激 C.正误对比强化 D.单独与减速练习6.自主学习法的特点有哪些?()
A.能动性 B.开放性 C.独立性 D.创造性 7.体育教学评价的类型有哪些?()
A.准备性评价 B.形成性评价 C.诊断性评价 D.总结性评价 8.有效教学策略制定的基本依据有哪些?()A.教学效果是检验教学策略的重要标准。
B.学习者的起始状态决定着教学的起点,是制约教学策略制定的重要条件 C.教学者自身的特征也是制约有效教学策略制定或选择的重要条件 D.教学目标是制约教学策略制定或选择的决定性因素
9.体育教学的物理环境对体育教学活动有重要影响的有哪些?()A.影响学生的运动认知活动 B.影响学生的运动能力 C.影响学生的学习行为 D.影响学生的情绪体验 10.体育课心理气氛的作用有哪些?()
A.影响体育教学效率 B.具有信号功能 C.影响体育课教学的教育性 D.影响体育课堂管理 11.体育课学生不良行为的表现类型有哪些?()
A.涣散行为 B.抗拒行为 C.攻击行为 D.躲避行为
比赛法 体育课堂学习过程的心理学评
体育教学目标 形成运动技能的重要环节 学生的起始状态 体育教学策略迁移机制的表现 选择或制定体育教学策略 体现体育教学策略构成的综合性特征 体育教学策略的启发性 决定着体育教学的起点
体育教学策略目标指向性 具有相对的稳定性和变化性的特点 模仿练习制约体育教学策略制定或选择的决定性
体育课堂心理气氛 体现了体育的方向性功能
口头评定 在比赛条件下组织学生进行练习的方法
1.简述体育教学目标及其作用? 2.简述合作学习的意义?
3.简述有效教学策略的基本特征有哪些? 4.简述体育学习认知-调控策略的作用? 5.简述如何创设体育教学物理环境? 6.简述体育课心理气氛的基本类型?
1.讲解法与示范法在体育教学过程中的作用及两者的关系? 2.结合实例,阐述探究学习法的特点及其教学步骤? 3.论述创造和谐的体育课心理气氛的教师因素有哪些?
5.初三英语课本配套练习 篇五
I. 词汇
merry, decorate, circle, eve, stocking pet, kind-hearted, chimney, single base, real, shy, hang, fireplace, dry, though, generosity, relative, greet, hug, western, traditional special, owner
II. 词组
1. put up 挂起、举起
2. as well也、又、同样地
3. base on 以…作根据、基于
4. even though 即使
5. live on 继续存在、继续活着
6. once upon a time从前,很早以前
7. at last终于,最后
8. give birth to 生(孩子)
9. at the top of 在…顶部
10. fill …with把…填满
11. no longer不再
12. can’t wait to do 迫不及待地做…
13. spend …doing …花费…做…
14. once upon a time从前,很早以前
15. according to 根据
III. 语法:动词不定式(二)
二. 重点、难点:
1. Merry Christmas!
Happy year!
Happy birthday!
Happy Teachers’ Day!
2. at the end of / by the end of / in the end
(1)at the end of“在…末稍,到…的尽头”
at the end of road(地点)
at the end of this month (时间)
He will attend an important meeting
at the end of this month.
They had a tea party at the end of last year.
(2)by the end of:某一点时间以前,到或一点时间为止,谓语动词一般是表示状态的动词,多与完成时连用。
By the end of the party they had got drunk.
They had learnt eight units by the end of last mouth.
(3)in the end “最后、终于”,相当于finally, at last, after all等
In the end they won the match.
In the end they sent the boy to the hospital.
3. fill with / be full of
(1)fill with 动词短语“将…装满,被…充满”
Her bag was filled with book.
We must fill the hole with sand.
The classroom was filled with singing.
(2)be full of 形容词短语,full是形容词,“充满…,富于…的”
The room is full of people.
Her future is full of hope.
4. even though ever if
even though = even if “尽管…即使…也,是连词”
引导让步状语从句,even though 不能与but连用。
Even though the dress is very nice, I don’t like it.
Even though I am not good at English, I’ll work hard at it.
Even though she doesn’t go for a walk, I’ll do it myself.
5. 动词不定式做定语
He has a lot of homework to do.
I have several letters to answer.
She wants to buy something to read next week.
6. so …that / such …that / too …to / so that.
(1)so …that / such …that:如此…以致于…
It was such a find day that everyone was in the open air.
It was so dark that we couldn’t see anything in the room.
He walked so quickly that I could catch up with him.
She is so pretty that her friends all like her.
(2)so …that / too …to
so…that+否定词,可以与too…to互转,so …that是复合词,too…to是简单句。
He was so busy that he didn’t have time to see the film. = He was too busy to see the film.
The boy spoke so quickly that we couldn’t hear him clearly.
= The boy spoke to quickly to hear clearly.
(3)so that / so …that
so that “以便,为了”引导目的状语从句
so …that引导结果状语从句
He got up early so that he could go to school on time. (目的是准时到校)
Please finish doing your homework quickly so that you can help your mother with housework.
Nancy is so angry that she can’t say a word.
一. 选择填空
1. --Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you.
A. I hope so B. Really C. The same to you D. Too lucky.
2. There are lots of flowers in ______ street.
A. each B. both C. all D. everywhere
3. I can’t go out for a walk. There is______ work to do.
A. too much B. so many C. many more D. much too
4. Children always get presents from their parents ______ Christmas.
A. at B. on C. during D. in
5. There was snow ______ the hill.
A. at top of B. on the top of C. on top of D. in the top of
6. How long ______ you ______ in Beijing?
A. have gone B. did, go C. have, been D. will, go
7. ______ is Christmas Day.
A. November 25 B. October 25 C. September 5 D. December 25
8. Look! The children ______ the baskets ______ apples.
A. fill, with B. filling with C. full, of D. are filling, with
9. They each ______ a nice presents On Christmas yesterday.
A. gets B. got C. have got D. will get
10. --Did you ______ all the money when you bought these things?
--No, there is still ten yuan left.
A. pay B. spend C. use D. finish
11. –Where are you going to spend your summer holiday?
--We’ve not _____ yet.
A. decided B. gone C. chose D. made
12. I won’t go to bed until I ______ my homework.
A. finish B. finishing C. finished D. will finish
13. Miss Gao isn’t in the office. She ______ to the bookshop.
A. has been B. went C. will go D. has gone
14. Look! There are a lot of girls ______ football over there.
A. to play B. play C. are playing D. playing
15. The cup is ______ milk.
A. fill with B. full with C. full of D. filled of
16. ______ is better than to receive.
A. give B. To give C. giving D. Give
二. 阅读理解
“Cool ” is a word with many meanings. Its old meaning is used to express a temperature that is a bit cold. As the world has changed, the word has had many different meanings.
“Cool” can be used to express feelings of interest in almost anything.
When you see a famous car in the street, maybe you will say, “It’s cool.” You may think, “He is so cool,” when you see your favorite football player.
We all maximize(扩大)the meaning of “cool”. You can use it instead of many words such as “new” or “surprising”. Here’s an interesting story we can use to show the way the word is used. A teacher asked her students to write about the waterfall they had visited. On one student’s paper was just one sentence, “It’s so cool.” Maybe he thought it was the best way to show what he saw and felt.
But the story also shows scarcity(缺乏)of words. Without “cool”, some people have no words to show the same meaning. Can you think of many other words that make your life as colorful as the word “cool”? I can. I think they are also very cool.
1. We know that the word “cool” has had ______.
A. only one meaning B. no meanings
C. many different meanings D. the same meaning
2. In the passage, the word “express” means “______”.
A. see B. show C. know D. feel
3. If you are ______ something, you may say, “It’s cool.”
A. interested in B. angry about C. afraid of D. unhappy with
4. The writer takes an example to show he is ______ the way the word is used.
A. happy with B. strange to C. worried about D. careful with
5. Which of the following is Not True?
A. When you see something new, you may say “Cool!”
B. When you see something surprising, you may say “Cool!”
C. When you see something wonderful, you may say “Cool!”
D. When you see something cold, you may say “Cool!”
B. 阅读简答下列问题(不许照抄原文)
The United States has many different kinds of climates(气候). On the west coast(海岸), the temperature changes very little between summer and winter, but the north central(中心的)states have very different climate. In those states people wear light clothes during the summer, and heavy clothes in the winter.
In the southwest, the climate is pleasantly warm during the winter, but during the summer it is very hot. In the eastern parts of the United States, summer temperatures are very different from winter temperatures. Summers are usually hot, and winters are always cold; springs are comfortably warm, and autumns are pleasantly cool.
Years ago, people in the cold parts of the United States did not often get fresh vegetables and fresh fruits during the winter. Today, trucks and trains carry fresh fruits and vegetables very quickly to all parts of the United States. In this way, Americans “send their climate” to people in other sates.
1. The climates aren’t different in different parts of the United States, are they?
2. In which parts of the United States, does the temperature change very little between summer and winter?
3. What is the weather like in the eastern part in summer?
4. Do people on the west coast wear heavy clothes in winter?
5. People in the eastern part have four seasons, don’t they?
三. 完形填空
Water is very import to living things. 1 water there can be no life on the earth. All animals and plants need water. Man needs water, too. We need water to drink, to cook food and to clean 2 .
Water 3 almost everywhere. Even in the 4 part of the world, there is some water in the air. You can’t see it 5 feel it when it is part of the air. The water in the seas, rivers, lakes and wells is a 6 . The water in the air is not a liquid(液体), but a gas(汽体). We call it water vapour (水蒸汽)or steam.
Clouds are made 7 water. They may be made of very small 8 water. Ice is frozen water or water has become solid water, as we know, may be a 9 or a liquid or a gas. When it solid, it may be as 10 as a stone. When it is a liquid, you can pour it out of a container. When it is a gas, you cannot see it or feel it.
1. A. Not B. None C. No D. Without
2. A. ourselves B. our C. ours D. myself
3. A. can find B. is found C. finds D. are found
4. A. dry B. driest C. most dry D. drier
5. A. or B. nor C. and D. then
6. A. solid B. liquid C. gas D. steam
7. A. in B. from C. of D. for
8. A. drop of B. drops C. drops of D. drop
9. A. liquid B. steam C. solid D. gas
10. A. heavy B. big C. cold D. hard
四. 补全对话
A: Mum, I shall not have lunch at home today.
B: Why not Linda?
A: I want to go to the pet shops at noon with my classmates. Most of the students in out class have their pets Mum, as you know, I ___1____ got a pet yet.
B: What ___2___ of pet do you want to have?
A: A dog ___3___ a cat. I haven’t decided yet.
B: You’d better not keep a dog in our flat. It would make much noise. And a dog has to go out every day, and there isn’t a __ 4____ near our building. And the dog food is expressive.
A: Then I will have a cat. Cats are cheaper than dogs, and they are quite, too.
B: Yes, cats are easier to 5 .
五. 请用方框内所给词的适当形式填空
1. He began to like English ______ he went to school.
2. The old woman has never been ______ her village.
3. Children put their stockings ______ the beds before they go to bed on Christmas Eve.
4. The girl _______ by the fireplace to warm her feet.
5. The children ______ the world like Father Christmas very much.
6. I don’t mean to hurt you. I just did it ______.
7. You can answer the question ______.
8. In 1981, she ______ her first child.
9. ______, there was an old king who loved beautiful clothes.
10. The book is in fact ______ the story of Edison.
六. 根据中、英文提示造句
1. 以前从未去过澳大利亚。I, Australia
2. 我姐姐将大部分钱用来买衣服。my sister, clothes
3. 直到他妈妈回家,他才吃饭。have dinner, his mother, back
4. 我在六岁时开始学英语。I, learn English, six
5. 即使圣诞老人已不在世了,但他的慷慨精神至今犹存。
even though, live, spirit, generosity
6. 据说有一天他爬上屋顶,顺着烟囱把钱扔下去。it, climb, top, drop down, chimney
7. 在大海里游泳有很多乐趣。swimming, be, fun
8. 我父亲整个上午都在忙着工作。my father, the morning
9. 人造卫星绕地球运转。Man-made satellite, circle
10. 在中国春节时,家人都团聚在一起。In China, Spring Festival, together
七. 书面表达
on Christmas Eve, Kind-hearted, fill with, stockings, presents, children love this festival, open, morning, a big dinner party,
1.A 2.C 3.A 4.B 5.C 6.D 7.D 8.D
9.B 10.B 11.A 12.A 13.D 14.D 15. C 16.B
A.1.C 2.B 3.A 4.A 5.D
B. 1.Yes, they are.
2. On the west coast.
3. It’s very hot.
4. No, they don’t.
5. Yes, they do.
1. D 2.A 3. B 4.B 5. A 6. B 7. B 8. C 9. C 10.D
1. haven’t 2. kind/ sort 3. or 4. park/ garden… 5. keep/feed
1. soon after 2. away from 3. at the end of 4. sat down 5. all over
6. for fun 7. in different ways 8. gave birth 9. Once upon a time
10. based on
1. I have never been to Australia.
2. My sister spent most of her money buying clothes.
3. He didn’t have dinner until his mother came back home.
4. I began to learn English at the age of six.
5. Even though Father Christmas is no longer living, his spirit of generosity lives today.
6. It is said that one day he climbed to the top of a house and dropped some money down a chimney.
7. Swimming in the sea can be much fun.
8. My father was busy working all the morning.
9. Man made satellites circle round the earth.
10. In China, when Spring Festival comes, family members all get together.
6.初三生如何学好各科课本知识结构 篇六