1.联合国秘书长潘基文2010世界统计日致辞 篇一
难度:容易 作者:沪江英语 来源:英语巴士
Charity plays an important role in upholding the values and advancing the work of the United Nations.Donations of time or money;volunteer engagement in one’s own community or on the other side of the world;acts of caring and kindness with no thought of recompense;these and other expressions of global solidarity help us in our shared quest to live together in harmony and build a peaceful future for all.慈善事业对于弘扬联合国价值观念,推进联合国的工作,具有重要作用。奉献时间或捐献款项;在自己的社区或在遥远的世界其他地方投身于志愿者的行列;力行关爱而不求回报;如此种种全球团结的善举,帮助我们实现共同的追求,让大家和睦相处,其乐融融,为所有人建设一个和平的未来。
I welcome this first observance of the International Day of Charity, which wasproclaimed last year by the United Nations General Assembly and which coincides with the anniversary of the death of Mother Teresa, whose life and good works for some of the human family’s poorest and most vulnerable members inspired emulation across the world.去年联合国大会宣布了国际慈善日,今年首次开展纪念活动,对此我表示欢迎。国际慈善日恰逢特里萨修女逝世周年纪念日,她一生为人类大家庭中最贫穷、最脆弱的人们奔走呼号,作出杰出贡献,成为全世界竞相学习的楷模。
Strangely, charity sometimes gets dismissed, as if it is ineffective, inappropriate or even somehow demeaning to the recipient.“This isn’t charity”, some donors take pains to claim, “this is an investment”.Let us recognize charity for what it is at heart: a noble enterprise aimed at bettering the human condition.然而令人费解的是,慈善事业有时却被人不屑,似乎这种事业没有效益,不合时宜,甚至对于接受者来说有失尊严。有些捐助者会刻意宣称:“这不是施舍,而是一种投资。”让我们对慈善事业的实质予以承认:慈善是高尚的事业,其目标是让人类生活更加美好。At a time when we aim to accelerate our efforts to achieve the Millennium Development Goals and define a bold agenda for the period beyond 2015, the role of charity can and should grow.目前,我们正在力求加快速度,实现千年发展目标,并为2015年后规划雄心勃勃的议程,此时此刻,慈善事业的作用可以也应当发扬光大。
UN bodies such as the UN Volunteers Programme and UNICEF offer venues for people across the world to get involved.In establishing the Day, the General Assembly asked that charity be encouraged through education and awareness-raising activities;initiatives such as the United Nations Academic Impact’s ASPIRE--Action by Students to Promote Innovation and Reform through Education--have encouraged young women and men to take on the responsibility of ensuring that their less fortunate peers have the financial opportunity to go to school.The UN’s humanitarian agencies rely on charitable donations from the public as well as the generosity of governments to continue their lifesaving work in response to natural disasters, armed conflicts and other emergencies.联合国的各个机构,如联合国志愿人员方案和联合国儿童基金会,为全世界人民参与提供了种种机会。大会在设定国际慈善日时要求通过举办教育和公共宣传活动鼓励慈善行为;开展了各种举措,如联合国学术影响倡议所开展的“学生采取行动通过教育推动创新和改革”活动,鼓励男女青年承担起责任,确保同龄人中较为不幸的人有钱上学。联合国人道主义机构继续开展拯救生命的工作,应对自然灾害、武装冲突及其他各种紧急状况,这项工作有赖于公众的慈善捐助,有赖于各国政府的慷慨资助。On this new International Day, I call on people everywhere, of all ages, to act on the charitable impulse that resides in every human being.值此新的国际慈善日之际,我呼吁全世界人民,不分长幼,行动起来。慈善之心人皆有之,愿此善心化为善举。
2.联合国秘书长潘基文2010世界统计日致辞 篇二
Message on World No Tobacco Day
May 20162016年5月31日
Cigarettes and other tobacco products kill almost 6 million people every year.Sustainable Development Goal 3 aims to “ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages”.As part of that approach, Governments have committed to strengthen the implementation of the World Health Organization(WHO)Framework Convention on Tobacco Control in all countries to reduce the proportion of people who use tobacco.香烟和其他烟草产品每年导致近600万人死亡。可持续发展目标3力求“让不同年龄段的所有人都过上健康生活,促进其福祉”。作为实现该目标的一项措施,各国政府已承诺在所有国家加强对《世界卫生组织烟草控制框架公约》的执行力度,减少烟草使用者占总人口的比例。
On World No Tobacco Day 2016, the United Nations is lending its support to one simple measure with proven effectiveness in reducing demand: the plain packaging of tobacco products.As laid out in the United Nations tobacco control treaty, this entails restricting or prohibiting the use of logos, colours, brand images or any promotional information other than brand and product names displayed in a standard colour and font.2016年世界无烟日,联合国正在支持一种已证明能有效减少烟草需求的简单措施,即烟草产品平装化。如联合国烟草控制公约所述,此举包括限制或禁止使用标识、颜色、品牌形象或任何其他有宣传作用的信息,而仅以标准颜色和字体显示品牌和品名。
Tobacco use is one of the largest causes of preventable non-communicable diseases, including cancers, heart and lung disease.It also diverts valuable household income.Plain packaging reduces the attractiveness of tobacco products, restricts tobacco advertising and promotion, limits misleading labeling, and increases the effectiveness of health warnings.吸烟是导致癌症、心脏病、肺病等可预防非传染性疾病的罪魁祸首之一,也占用了宝贵的家庭收入。平装化能减弱烟草产品的吸引力,限制烟草广告和推销,限制误导性标签,并能增强健康警告的效果。
3.联合国秘书长潘基文2010世界统计日致辞 篇三
The word „mother‟ holds great power.It evokes memories of the women who gave us life, nurtured us as infants and helped mould us into who we are today.The Earth is the ultimate mother – an astounding planet that has, since time immemorial, supported life in myriad forms.As humans, we outgrow the need for constant maternal care.But we can never outgrow our reliance on Mother Earth.As long as we live, we need air, water, fertile soil and the countless other gifts this planet bestows.“母亲”一词蕴含着巨大的力量。它使我们联想到妇女,她们赋予我们生命,把我们从婴儿养育成人,并帮助塑造我们的人格。地球是终极的母亲,这个神奇的星球自远古以来就一直承载着万物。生而为人,我们长大以后就不再需要母亲的持续呵护,却永远不能摆脱对地球母亲的依赖。只要活着,我们就需要空气、水、肥沃的土壤以及这个星球赐予我们的万物。
This dependence makes it all the more astonishing that we have allowed rapid and often unwise human development to disrupt so many of the delicate systems that have functioned harmoniously for millennia.We are increasingly aware of the damage our species has wrought – the pollution, the dwindling resources, the species of flora and fauna forever gone, the rush towards tipping points that may alter the way our planet functions.Even with this knowledge, we have yet to change our ways.我们如此依赖,却又允许开展快速、并且经常不明智的人类开发活动,破坏这么多已经和谐运行了几千年的微妙系统,岂不更加令人吃惊?我们日益意识到我们这个物种已经造成的损害:污染、资源日益减少、永远消失的动植物物种,并且我们正在急速走向可能会改变我们这个星球运行方式的临界点。我们即便已经认识到这一点,却还没有改变我们的行为方式。
But we can change, and 2015 brings a critical opportunity to do just that.This year, the world aims to finalize the post-2015 sustainable development agenda and reach a new and meaningful universal climate change agreement.These processes have the potential to redefine our future for the better, by eradicating extreme poverty in all its forms and resetting our relationship with this planet and every living being it sustains.但我们是可以改变的,2015年就是实现改变的一个关键机会。今年,全世界的目标是最后敲定2015年后可持续发展议程,并达成一个新的、有意义的普遍性气候变化协议。这些进程有可能通过消除各种形式的极端贫困,调整我们与这个星球及其维系的每一个生命的关系,从而重塑我们的未来,使之向更好的方向发展。But the big decisions that lie ahead are not just for world leaders and policy-makers.Today, on Mother Earth Day, I ask each one of us to be mindful of the impacts our choices have on this planet, and what those impacts will mean for future generations.Not everyone is able to make sustainable choices, but for those who can, simple decisions such as switching to energy-efficient lighting or buying only what you will consume – when accumulated across billions of people – can transform our world.The power to change begins with you.但摆在面前的重大决定不仅要由世界各国的领导人和决策者做出。在今天的地球母亲日上,我要求我们每一个人都要注意到我们的选择对这个星球的影响,以及这些影响对子孙后代将意味着什么。不是每个人都能够做出可持续的选择,但对于那些能够做出这类选择的人而言,可以做出采用节能照明以及用多少就买多少等简单决定,数十亿人做出的这类决定累积起来,就足以改变我们的世界。改变产生的力量从你我开始。
4.潘基文国际扫盲日致辞 篇四
More than 773 million young people and adults around the world cannot read this message. They are among the ranks of our fellow citizens who have not yet gained full literacy skills. They may not be able to fill out a job application, decipher a bus timetable or read a story aloud to their children. Two out of three are women who are denied this essential ingredient to full participation in society.
In our knowledge-based era, literacy is a foundation for a more just, inclusive and sustainable world. It can advance all the Millennium Development Goals. Literacy enables people to gain access to information to improve their health and nutrition, widen their livelihood options, cope with environmental change and make informed choices.
在我们这个立足于知识的`时代,识字是实现一个更加公平、更具包容性和更可持续世界的基础。 识字可以推动各项千年发展目标,可以使人们获取信息,改善自身的健康和营养,可以拓宽谋生手段,应对环境变化和作出明智的选择。
When we invest in learning and literacy, we invest in human dignity, development and peace. That is why I launched the Global Education First Initiative, which focuses on ensuring that every child can go to school. Worldwide at least 250 million primary-school–age children cannot read, write or count. Half of these girls and boys never make it to school or are pushed out before their fourth year. Another 200 million adolescents, including those who completed secondary school, do not have basic literacy skills -- and so our initiative also focuses on improving the quality of education as well as fostering global citizenship.
I urge all countries to make education and literacy national priorities and to work with partners across society to advance these goals. By promoting literacy, we can help millions of people write their own chapter of opportunity in their lives and our common future.
5.联合国秘书长潘基文2010世界统计日致辞 篇五
6.联合国秘书长潘基文2010世界统计日致辞 篇六
7.联合国秘书长潘基文2010世界统计日致辞 篇七
Recovery Begins with Teachers--Message from the heads of UNESCO, UNICEF, UNDP, ILO and Education International on the occasion of the World Teachers’Day 2010 5 October 2010 复兴始于教师
——国际组织在2010年世界教师日的联合致辞 2010年10月5日
Today, on World Teachers’Day, we pay homage to all teachers for their pivotal role in shaping children’s lives and for their critical contribution to the social,economic and intellectual development of nations.Teachers are change agents, providing the impetus for the emergence of educated communities.今天是世界教师日,值此之际,我们向所有教师致以崇高敬意,感谢他们在改变儿童的命运中发挥的关键作用,以及对各国社会、经济和智力发展做出的重要贡献。教师是变革的动因,他们推动了有教养社会的形成。
Many teachers work in extremely challenging circumstances, serving in communities with high rates of poverty,coping with violence within and outside the classroom, or confronting the demoralizing impact of HIV and AIDS on colleagues, students and families.There are those who are seeking to ensure the right to education of 18.5 million refugee children throughout the world.In countries affected by conflict, teachers are instrumental to reconstruction and peace-building.许多教师在极具挑战性的环境下工作,供职于贫困发生率很高的社区,要与校内校外的暴力作斗争,抵抗艾滋病毒和艾滋病给同仁、学生和家庭造成的意志消沉。有些教师正在想方设法保证世界各地1,850 万难民儿童的受教育权。在受到冲突影响的国家,教师们在协助重建国家、建设和平。
We take this opportunity to commend the efforts of teachers, especially female teachers,who accept to serve in high risk, deprived and disadvantaged areas, reaching out to the excluded,and bringing them the prospect of a better life through education.Teachers are also crucial to sustainable recovery and growth in post-conflict and emergency situations.In Haiti, the devastating earthquake that struck last January claimed the lives of some 38,000 pupils and 1,300 teachers and education personnel.In Pakistan, according to UN estimates, half of the 20 million people affected by the floods are children.From the outset, reactivating the education system has been a priority of the humanitarian and recovery effort in both countries.We especially honour the memory and commitment of those teachers who have lost their lives in emergency situations.我们借此机会赞扬教师们,特别是女教师们的辛勤工作。他们勇于到风险大、物质贫乏、条件不利的地区服务,向被排斥者伸出援手,用教育鼓起他们对美好生活的憧景。在冲突后和紧急局势中,教师对于可持续复兴和增长而言也是极其重要的。今年1 月海地发生的毁灭性地震夺去了38,000 名学生、1,300 名教师和教职人员的生命。在巴基斯坦,据联合国估计,有2,000 万人受到洪灾,其中半数是儿童。从一开始,重启教育系统就是这两个国家人道主义和复兴工作的优先事项。我们尤其缅怀那些在紧急局势下牺牲生命的教师,赞扬他们的献身精神。
Teachers provide continuity and reassurance,both during and after natural disasters and other crises.By giving hope for the future and providing structure and a sense of normalcy, they help to mitigate the effects of conflict, disaster and displacement.They provide much-needed psycho-social support to ease the trauma of children and youth who have witnessed extreme violence, or lived through the destruction of their homes and the loss of family members.Supporting teachers in post-crisis situations is an investment in peace and development.无论是在灾难及其他危机期间,还是在其过后,教师都起到了承前启后和安抚民心的作用。他们给儿童以未来的希望,为其提供某种组织结构,使其有一种常态感,从而降低了冲突、灾难和流离失所的影响。他们提供急需的社会心理支持,以抚平目睹极端暴力或历经家庭毁灭或失去亲人的那些儿童和青年的创伤。支援危机后地区的教师,就是投资于和平与发展。
While many governments are making efforts to protect education budgets, teachers’jobs, salaries and decent teaching/learning conditions, we are deeply concerned by the probable impact of the global economic slowdown on the teaching profession.As a catalyst for human growth and development, education is key to the achievement of all the Millennium Development Goals(MDGs)and Education for All(EFA)targets.But without sufficient numbers of well-trained and professionally motivated teachers, we risk falling short of the promise made ten years ago at the World Education Forum to the world’s children and youth,because teachers are at the heart of the education system.许多国家政府正在设法保护教育预算、教师的职位、薪水和适宜的教学条件,但是全球经济增长放缓可能对教师职业造成的冲击令我们深为关切。作为人类增长与发展的一个推手,教育是实现所有千年发展目标(MDGs)和全民教育(EFA)目标的关键所在。可是,没有足够多训练有素、有职业进取心的教师,我们就有可能兑现不了十年前在世界教育论坛上向全世界儿童和青年做出的承诺,因为教师是教育系统的灵魂。
On this Day we call for adherence to the ILO/UNESCO Recommendation concerning the Status of Teachers(which was adopted on this date in 1966)and to the 1997 UNESCO Recommendation concerning the Status of Higher Education Teaching Personnel.The moral force of these Recommendations remains as pertinent as ever.Low status, low salary and poor working conditions infringe on the rights of teachers whilst discouraging talented young people from joining and remaining in the teaching profession.The situation must be redressed at a time when the world needs an estimated 10.3 million new teachers to reach internationally-agreed education targets by 2015.值此教师日,我们呼吁各方遵守国际劳工组织-教科文组织《关于教师地位的建议书》(于1966 年的今天通过)和1997 年教科文组织《关于高等教育教学人员地位的建议书》。这两项建议书的伦理力量一如既往,切合时代大潮。地位低、薪水少、工作条件恶劣,这一切都侵犯了教师的权利,使那些有才华的年轻人望而却步,不敢加入并留在教师队伍中。这种局面必须予以纠正,因为要在2015 年之前实现国际商定的教育目标,全世界目前还需要新增大约910万教师。
The quality of teacher training is equally important.Teachers who are well-trained and adequately remunerated are better equipped to provide a decent education and be active promoters of the values of citizenship,peace and intercultural dialogue.Governments are therefore urged to continue investing in viable national policies and programmes for teacher training,recruitment, and incentives so that teachers remain and develop within the profession.At the same time,we urge development partners to support governments, particularly in developing countries, in their determination to invest in well trained teachers.We also call for greater efforts and structures of social dialogue that give teachers a voice in decision-making through their democratically elected organizations.Without teachers’inputs to shape education reforms, recovery processes are not likely to achieve all their goals.师资培训质量同样重要。训练有素并得到合理报酬的教师,更能提供良好的教育,更有可能成为公民、和平和文化间对话等价值观的积极宣扬者。因此,我们敦促各国政府继续投资于教师培训、招聘和激励等可行的国家政策和计划,使教师们留在这个行业并从中发展提高。另外,我们敦促发展伙伴支持各国政府,特别是发展中国家政府投资于训练有素的教师的决心。我们还呼吁加倍努力,建立社会对话机制,使教师能够通过他们民主推举的组织,在决策过程中表达自己的意见。在制定教育改革中没有教师的参与,复兴工作就不可能实现其全部目标。
On World Teachers’Day, we appeal to governments, communities, national and international institutions worldwide to renew their commitment towards teachers, particularly in the poorest countries and those affected by conflict or disasters.Recovery begins with teachers.We can best honour teachers by giving them decent working conditions to fulfil their mission of preparing the younger generation to become responsible citizens, equipped with the knowledge and skills to shape a sustainable future.在世界教师日来临之际,我们呼吁世界各国政府、各个社区、国家和国际机构再次向教师,尤其是最贫穷国家、冲突国家和受灾国家的教师做出承诺。复兴始于教师。我们为教师提供体面的工作条件,使他们能够履行将年轻一代培养成具备创造可持续未来的知识和技能且负责任的公民的使命,就是对他们的最好奖赏。
Join us today,5 October 2010,in celebrating teachers around the world!今天,即2010年10月5日,同我们一道向世界各地的教师们表示祝贺吧!
Irina Bokova, Director-General of UNESCO 联合国教科文组织总干事伊琳娜·博科娃 Juan Somavia, Director-General of ILO 国际劳工组织总干事胡安·索马维亚 Helen Clark, Administrator of UNDP 联合国开发计划署署长海伦·克拉克
8.秘书长世界艾滋病日致辞 篇八
秘书长世界艾滋病日致辞 December 2013 2013年12月1日
On this World AIDS Day, I am more optimistic than ever.Much of the world is accelerating progress in responding to HIV.There are significant decreases in new infections and deaths, and we are making good progress in realizing our target of ensuring 15 million people have access to antiretroviral treatment by 2015.This is crucial to halting and reversing the AIDS epidemic for good.值此世界艾滋病日,我比以往任何时候都更为乐观。世界很多地区都加快了应对艾滋病毒工作的进展速度。新感染人数和死亡人数大幅下降,我们还在实现确保到2015年有1 500万人可得到抗逆转录病毒治疗这一目标方面取得良好进展。这对永远制止和扭转艾滋病流行至关重要。
But, as revealed in the UNAIDS World AIDS Day Report for 2013, there are still worrying signals that some regions and countries are falling behind.We are making advances in reaching vulnerable populations through efforts to eliminate stigma and discrimination, but there is still much to do to end this problem.We must recommit to breaking the remaining barriers, including punitive laws and social exclusion, so we can reach all people who lack access to HIV treatment and services.但是,正如艾滋病署2013年世界艾滋病日报告所揭示的那样,仍然有一些令人担忧的迹象表明,一些地区和国家落在了后面。通过努力消除污名化与歧视,我们在脆弱人群防治工作方面正在取得进展,但为了制止这个问题,仍有大量工作要做。我们必须重新致力于打破其余障碍,包括惩罚性法律和社会排斥,以便使我们可以使所有无法获得艾滋病毒治疗和服务的人都能获益。
To create conditions for an AIDS-free generation, we must also step up efforts to stop new HIV infections among children and ensure access to treatment for all mothers living with HIV.I especially urge action to end the discrimination and violence against women which cause terrible harm and increase risk of HIV infection and death from AIDS.为了创造条件使一代人摆脱艾滋病,我们必须加紧努力,制止儿童中的新增艾滋病毒感染,并确保感染艾滋病毒的所有母亲都可获得治疗。我特别敦促各方采取行动,终止造成极大伤害且增加艾滋病毒感染和艾滋病死亡风险的歧视和暴力侵害妇女行为。
I commend all partners that are making significant contributions to the Global Fund to fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, which is one of the most important sources of funding for the global response.Major economies are leading by example, ensuring sustained resources for the response to AIDS and other diseases.Many low-and middle-income countries have also significantly increased domestic expenditure on AIDS responses.All deserve our full support as they explore financing options to promote long-term sustainability of the response to AIDS beyond 2015.我向为全球防治工作最重要资金来源之一全球防治艾滋病、结核病和疟疾基金提供大量捐助的所有伙伴表示赞扬。各大经济体都率先作出榜样,确保为防治艾滋病和其他疾病提供持续资源。许多中低收入国家也大幅增加了用于防治艾滋病的国内支出。所有这些设法到2015年后以各种融资办法促进长期可持续防治艾滋病的举措都应得到我们的全力支持。
9.联合国秘书长潘基文2010世界统计日致辞 篇九
Thank you for your warm welcome.It is a privilege and honour to be invited to addressthis prestigious academicinstitution. I would also like to thank the other co-hosts, the City ofLeidenand the Leiden University Medical Center.
Leiden University is aninternationally renowned hub of learning and research with ahistory thatstretches back many centuries.
Indeed, one of the pioneers ofinternational law and the principles that guide the UnitedNations began hisstudies here more than 400 years ago, the legendary jurist Hugo Grotius.
Many distinguished scholars havefollowed. Today, each of you is carrying forward thatproud tradition.
I thank you for your commitmentand want to single out for special praise your University’sglobal focus andapproach to education.
Ladies and gentlemen,
We are here to talk aboutfreedom. I can think of no better time or place.
Leiden is synonymous with freedom.
Leiden University’s credo is“Bastion of Liberty”, and the city itself carries the motto “for thesake offreedom”.
This is also a very special day.Earlier today, I took part in events marking the 100thanniversary of the PeacePalace in The Hague. And on this date fifty years ago, Dr. Martin LutherKing,Jr. delivered his monumental “I Have a Dream” speech.
Dr. King spoke of the “riches offreedom and the security of justice”. He reminded theworld that the rights ofany minority should be the cause of all.
As he said, “their freedom isinextricably bound to our freedom”.
In other words, we share a commonfuture with shared responsibilities.
That understanding is even truertoday.
Our freedom … our possibilities…. our perils … are linked like never before.
The United Nations Charter speaksto our shared fate – and highlights the need “topromote social progress andbetter standards of life in larger freedom”.
The word “freedom” suffuses theUniversal Declaration of Human Rights.
Our work to deepen the meaning offreedom is built on three pillars: development -- orfreedom from want; peaceand security -- or freedom from fear; and human rights -- or simplythe freedomto enjoy and exercise the full body of human rights.
These pillars are interdependentand mutually reinforcing.
There can be no peace withoutdevelopment … no development without peace …and neithercan be achieved withoutfull respect for human rights and the rule of law.
Today I would like to addressthose three dimensions of freedom.
Let me begin with freedom fromwant.
At the dawn of this newmillennium, the international community set out on anunprecedented journey totackle freedom from want around the world.
The Millennium Development Goalsare our touchstone for this effort. The eight goals andassociated targets makeup our blueprint to fight poverty and hunger, expand education andhealth,empower women and girls, and ensure environmental sustainability.
Thanks to combined efforts fromgovernments to the grassroots, we have made importantprogress.
The proportion of people livingin extreme poverty has been halved. Fewer children arelosing their lives tomalaria and tuberculosis. And more than 2.1 billion people gained accesstoimproved sources of drinking water – a challenge on which the Netherlands andKing Willem-Alexander have been global leaders.
10.潘基文2013年国际扫盲日致辞 篇十
难度:容易 来源:网络
Secretary-General’s Message on World Literacy Day 秘书长国际扫盲日致辞 8 September 2013 2013年9月8日
More than 773 million young people and adults around the world cannot read this message.They are among the ranks of our fellow citizens who have not yet gained full literacy skills.They may not be able to fill out a job application, decipher a bus timetable or read a story aloud to their children.Two out of three are women who are denied this essential ingredient to full participation in society.全世界有7.73亿以上的年青人和成年人不会念这份致辞。他们是我们的同胞,但却还没有充分掌握识字技能。他们可能无法填写求职申请书、辨认汽车时刻表或大声朗读故事给子女听。其中三分之二是妇女,她们被剥夺了充分参与社会的这一基本要素。
In our knowledge-based era, literacy is a foundation for a more just, inclusive and sustainable world.It can advance all the Millennium Development Goals.Literacy enables people to gain access to information to improve their health and nutrition, widen their livelihood options, cope with environmental change and make informed choices.在我们这个立足于知识的时代,识字是实现一个更加公平、更具包容性和更可持续世界的基础。识字可以推动各项千年发展目标,可以使人们获取信息,改善自身的健康和营养,可以拓宽谋生手段,应对环境变化和作出明智的选择。
When we invest in learning and literacy, we invest in human dignity, development and peace.That is why I launched the Global Education First Initiative, which focuses on ensuring that every child can go to school.Worldwide at least 250 million primary-school–age children cannot read, write or count.Half of these girls and boys never make it to school or are pushed out before their fourth year.Another 200 million adolescents, including those who completed secondary school, do not have basic literacy skills--and so our initiative also focuses on improving the quality of education as well as fostering global citizenship.当我们为学习和识字进行投资时,我们是在投资于人的尊严、发展与和平。这就是我启动“教育第一全球倡议”,确保每名儿童都能上学的目的。全世界至少有2.5亿小学学龄儿童不会读写或计算。其中半数男孩和女孩根本没机会上学,或还没有上到四年级就辍学了。另有2亿青少年,包括上完中学的人没有掌握基本的识字技能-因此,我们的倡议还侧重于提高学习质量,以及培养全球公民。