


1.英语翻译复习资料 篇一

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Our ________ teacher ________________.She is ________ and ________very much..2.西蒙今天穿了一件白色衬衫。white shirt today.3.爸爸有时不在家,但很了解我。,4.他们讲故事讲得好。这些故事听上去都很棒。

They are ______ _____5.我们当中许多人喜欢玩电脑游戏。


At the on the phone my 7.进入泳池前请穿好泳衣。

Please a swimsuit before you into the8.我希望你和家人一切安好。

I you andare all.9.我叔叔通常在早上跑步半小时。

My uncle goesforin the


________ on the same day.11.A: 那个牌子上说什么?

? B: 会员专用。B: For


Myisvolleyball.I play it every _____________


Danielto thea week.14.Amy和我喜欢坐在大树下一起闲聊。

Amy and Ibig tree andwith.15.A: 今天的报纸上有什么滑稽的消息吗?B: 没什么。

A: there anyin today’s ? B: Nothing really.16.许多澳大利亚人正在学习中文,因为他们想要更多地了解中国。

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Many Australians are nowChinese because they want to

about China.17.现在是十二点,该吃午饭了。It’s twelve o’clock.It’s __________________ lunch..18.他很忙没有时间和约见朋友。

He’s very___________ and ___________ have time to ___________his friends.19.医生要求我们离开。The doctor____________ us to ________________.20.谢谢你参加我的生日聚会。__________ you for ___________ to my birthday party.21.你有小刀吗? 抱歉,我没有。You have any?

Sorry,I have any.22.我想要一条新牛仔裤。Ia newjeans.23.香港是个特殊的地方,它有着许多源于不同国家的节日。

Hong Kong is a _________ place.It _________ many __________ from __________


At __________ Festival, people give guests mooncakes __________ __________

__________.25.不要敲门,没人在家。Don’t __________ __________ the door.Nobody is at home.26.让我们来做盏小桔灯吧。Let’s _______ a little lantern _________________an orange.27.阳光透过窗子照射进来,房间开始变得暖和起来。

The sunlight _________ __________ the window and the room __________ to be


There will be __________ __________ in Chinatown from 9:00p.m.to __________.29.他们通过吃粽子来庆祝端午节。

They celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival ___________________ rice dumplings.30.中国人用许多方式来庆祝春节。

The Chinese celebrate Chinese new year ________________________.31在万圣节,Wendy喜欢装扮成鬼去作弄人。

At Halloween, Wendy loves ______ _____________ a ghost to _____________

______others.32.明天将有一场足球比赛。There __________________ a football match tomorrow.33.柠檬尝起来味道一点也不好,但很多人喜欢在茶中加一点柠檬汁。

Lemons taste _________ _________ many people like to

have some lemon in their tea.34.吃点巧克力吧!它能给我们呆会儿锻炼提供能量。

Have some chocolate!It can give for later.35.我改变了我的生活方式。我现在不再去网吧打游戏了。

.I don’t go to the net bars and play computer


The cake is.I ____________want to eat it __________

___________because I don’t want to


I________ ________fruits or vegetables.Mother saysgood

_______ our

38.早晨朗读英语非常重要。________ ________to read English in the morning.39.在八佰伴的顶楼有一个电脑游戏中心。

There a computeron theof YAOHAN.40.看!王先生正跟在王太太后面,手里还提着许多购物袋。

Look!Mr.Wangafter Mrs.Wang and helots of.41.A: 你现在能付这双鞋的钱了吗?B: 对不起。我的钱不够,我得等我妈妈来。

A: Can you the shoes now?

B: Sorry.I don’t have42.我认为那个购物中心需要更多一些中餐馆。

I think the mallsome Chinese 43.那盘DVD你是向谁借来的?Who do youthe DVD 44.他经常向父母要零花钱。

He oftenhis parentsmoney.45.去年的服装打折扣。

There is alast clothes.46.我妈妈花了100 yuan买了这个足球。

My mother 100 yuanthis football.47.在今天的报纸上我看见了一则广告。

I sawintoday’snewspaper.48.导游正领着参观者参观长城。

The guide the visitors the Great Wall.49.我还想喝些牛奶。

I wantmilk.50.这个学校的学生每年为希望工程捐一些钱。

The students in this schooltoevery



The modelsun-glasses very.His shoes


The red look and , butnot

very 54.那是我第一次在T型台上表演。

It theIthe show on the catwalk.55.今天她梳着二十世纪八十年代的发型。

She has a ________________.56.我们还需要两名女医生。

We needdoctors.57.请试戴一下这顶帽子,它可能很适合你。


Hethe whole family.59.我不知道怎样使用这台电脑。

I don’60.巧克力里糖分太多,注意你的牙齿。

There is sugar in chocolate,Please be61.镇江确实是一个旅游的好地方。

Zhenjiang is a62.他想买一辆和我的自行车一样的自行车。


2.英语翻译复习资料 篇二

我国秀美的山河、独具特色的民风民俗和悠久的历史文化以其独特的魅力吸引着越来越多的外国人到中国来旅游。让外国人更好地了解中国文化, 除了导游的介绍外, 我们也不能忽视相关旅游资料的作用。旅游资料宣传不仅是一种经济活动, 也是一种文化交流, 其翻译具有跨文化、跨国、跨社会的性质。目前我国旅游资料英译大都译自汉语, 而翻译过程中又面临各国文化与语言差异所带来的各种问题, 及存在一些翻译原则、方法等问题。因此本文主要从景点、饮食文化和典故翻译等方面着重讨论了旅游资料翻译中的原则和方法问题。


翻译作为一种语言媒介, 在其中起着沟通和纽带作用。语言学家吕淑湘曾说过, “翻译是门杂学”, 而旅游翻译则是地地道道的“杂学”, 不仅要有扎实的中英语言功底, 还需具有博古通今的知识积累。中国旅游名胜中蕴涵的独特文化能激发外国游客对异国风情的好奇心理, 但因不同文化背景的人们, 翻译时又会造成跨文化交际的障碍, 因此翻译能否准确与透彻, 将直接影响外国游客对中国文化的认识与了解。结合旅游资料自身的特点及中、西文化差异, 我认为应遵循以下翻译原则:

1、翻译时要吃透中文旅游资料原文, 既要准确传达原文中的信息, 又要表现出原文的文化内涵与文化渊源。

2、翻译时要做到译文忠实于原文, 同时又不拘泥于原文。译者要灵活运用各种翻译技巧, 进行文字的转换与文化的播迁, 在充分展示中国特色的前提下, 也要考虑国外读者的阅读心理和接受能力。


(1) 景点名称的翻译

景点名称的翻译看似简单, 但要做到译准、译好, 还需要译者对其有透彻的了解。一般的翻译方法有音译、意译和音译加意译等方式。景点名称要采用哪种译法, 要视具体情况而定, 不可一概而论。在具体翻译时各种方法要灵活使用。例如:黄河Huanghe rive;武夷山Wuyi Mountain;等就属于意译。意译时要充分考虑其性质、地理位置等语境。杭州西湖十景之一的花港观鱼就译为Hua Gang Guan Yu (view fish at the flower harbor) 属于音译加意译。

(2) 饮食文化的翻译

中国人重视吃, 也很会吃, 自古认为“民以食为天”。并且由于历史和地域的不同, 我国有众多菜系。悠久的历史也使得很多餐馆名、菜名蕴涵着深厚的文化底蕴, 因此在翻译时充分考虑中、西文化差异的同时, 翻译出中国的饮食文化内涵。主要的翻译方法有直译、音译加释义、意译加释义和音译加意译等方式。如:回锅肉Twice-cooked Pork等属于直译;锅贴 (Pot Stickers) 属于音译加释义方法;麻婆豆腐、棕子、红烧狮子头等属于意译。

(3) 典故的翻译

典故一般出自历史事件、传说、寓言、谚语、神话及某些作品等, 是一种文化现象, 其特点是富含较浓厚的民族色彩。因其义在言外, 故已失去指称意义, 只有语用意义, 在直译以后读者无法理解典故含义时, 要对典故翻译作适当转换。如:翻译“叶公好龙”这个成语时, 就要采用直译加注释的方法, 否则外国人就无法了解其联想意义。因此这个成语应翻译为:Lord Ye’s love of dragons有时翻译时也要用到补译和意译相结合的方法, 如“昭君出塞”就可以翻译为:Wang Zhaojun’s Marriage to the King of the Xiongnu。


综上所述, 翻译工作者在翻译旅游资料的时候要掌握其翻译原则, 并能做到灵活运用各种翻译方法, 以实现旅游资料翻译的准确、恰当及反映出中国的文化内涵。这样才能真实而全面的展现中国文化, 促进中国民族文化的对外传播, 让世界了解中国, 让中国走向世界。


[1]曹波、姚忠:《湖南旅游英语》, 湖南师范大学出版社, 2002年。

[2]魏星:《导游语言艺术》, 中国旅游出版社, 2002年。

[3]陈宏微:《汉英翻译基础》, 外语教育出版社, 1998年。

3.中考英语复习策略 篇三






每天坚持按计划复习课本知识,勤记单词、词组、句型和要点。对于固定词组和习惯用语要背诵并能默写。词组也可以归纳复习,例如:与动词take有关的短语有:take care of, take…to…, take(it) away, take turns, take an active part in, take place等。















4.考试复习资料(英语) 篇四

36.I have absolutely no ____________ for students who get caught cheating in exam.B)sympathy 37.I prefer walking ________ cycling.C)to

38.Can you ___________ me some new books on this subject?B)recommend39 John is the only one of the students who ___________ to France.A)has been

40.She showed a __________ for acting at an early age D)talent

41.We must __________ our attentions __________ efficiency.C)concentrate / on

42.We learn a foreign language in order to __________.C)communicate43.You need a password to get __________ to the computer system.B)access

44.You will be informed when the book becomes __________.C)available

45.The room needs ______________.B)cleaning46.Things will get easier as time __________.B)goes by47.The quickest ____________ of travel is by plane.B)means

48.I __________ your problem, but I don’t think I can help you.C)appreciate49.His speech gave(an)__________ into the problem of education B)insight 50.Will you stop __________ me when I’m speaking?D)interrupting

51.They __________ him a very good job, but he turned it down.A)offered

52.Charles thinks money will __________ all his problems.B)solve

53.A diet high in fat may be responsible ____________ several types of cancerC)for54.We __________ a number of difficulties in the first week.A)encountered

55.___________________ the window, we can see a beautiful sight where the ocean meets the sky.C)looking out of

Part IV Complete the following sentences by Translating Chinese into English(本大题共5小题,每题1分, 共计5分)(填空题)56.(我越了解Lucy,我越 ….)like her.57.(建议你们都努力学习)if you want to pass the exam.58.She treats her students _好像他们是她自己的孩子似的)59.___(那位教授所说的话)had a great effect on us.60.Would you _(介意给这位病人让点地方吗?)Part IV Translate the following sentences into Chinese:(英译汉)

61.The reason why we have two ears and only one mouth is that we may listen more and talk les.(我们有两只耳朵和一张嘴的原因就是便于我们多听少说!)

62.The teacher told her it was a “fairy tale” and none of the occupations she listed were women’s jobs.(老师告诉她那是一篇“神话”,因为她所列举的工作没有一项是女人


63.To begin reading, it is recommended that you read some books classified by level of difficulty.(刚开始阅读时,建议读一些按难度水平分类的书籍。)

64.Remember that the people you are talking to are a hundred times more interested in themselves and their problems that they are in you and your problems.(记住,相对于你和你的问题,和你谈话的人对自己及自身问题的兴趣要高一百倍。)

65.When you leave school, if you don’t go for your drams, no one will do it for you.(你们离开学校之后,如果自己不去追求梦想,那么是没有人会来帮你忙的。)Part V Applied Writing(汉译英)

Directions: Translate the Following Sentences into English 66.对不起,这种外套没有你要的颜色和尺码。(available)

I’m sorry,those overcoats are not available in your color and size.67.他梦想成为一名流行歌星。(dream of)

He dreams of becoming a pop singer.68.设想处于他的境地,你就会理解他为什打断你了。Put yourself in his shoes and you will understand why he interrupted you.69.约翰先生所说的话改变了他一生

What Mr.John said changed the course of his life.70.我应该讲笑话逗了这些孩子吗?

Am I supposed to amuse the children with jokes.Reading comprehension(阅读练习)(选择题)


I wished that I hadn’t opened the old wooden case,我真不该打开那个旧的木箱子.for there was the familiar box with the words ”Acceptance Letters” penciled on it.因为里面有一个我很熟悉的小盒子,上面用铅笔写着“所收信件”.Now the rose fragrance that Mama always wore came faintly toward me and I looked again at Mama’s writer had never become a reality.-----妈妈想当作家的梦想从未成为现实。

Mama never sent her article anywhere, but one day I saw a new light in her eyes.妈妈从未将自己写的东西寄出动过。但有一天我看见妈妈眼里泛着异样目

光。”Children,” she told us, “Your mama is going to be a writer.I want to write stories so that others might feel uplifted.”“孩子们,你们的妈妈将要当作家了!我要写小说,人们对我将会刮目相看。”

Mama gathered her notes, got a copy of Writer’s Market and began writing.妈妈收集了笔记。并买了一本“作家出版行市”。However, before she finished even one

article, Dad left us.然而没等她写完一篇文章,爸爸离世而去。Mama was suddenly responsible for the care and support of her children on her own.妈妈乍一下只得独自一人担当养育我们的重担。She always found time to write us encouraging notes to put into our lunch boxes or leave on our dressers----but never enough time to write her stories.她总是挤出时间写些鼓励我们信扎,放在我们的午餐盒上,或梳妆台上---但她做从来没有时间来写她的小说。

As we children grew up and began to leave home, Mama would have enough time to write.但我们都长大离家了,妈妈总该有时间来写作了吧。But something would

always come up 但事情总是接着来。---Mama’s brother was in a serious car accident, my sister needed help with her baby.---舅舅遭遇严重的车祸,姐姐又需要人照顾她的宝宝。

Now I reached down into the case and picked up the acceptance box.我伸手从箱子中拿出了妈妈的收信匣。To my surprise, the contents were appreciative letters from

my sister, brother and some other people who were encouraged by my mother’s notes and letters.我感到吃惊的是,里面全是些感谢信。我们兄弟,姊妹和其他的人因受到妈妈的信扎的鼓励而写给妈妈的感谢信。

16.Did mother send her article anywhere?(No, mother didn’t finish her article.)

17.Why was mother suddenly solely responsible for supporting her family?(Because father died.)

18.Why did mother not have enough time to write her stories?(Because mother was always busy looking after the children after Dad died.)19.What were left in mother’s acceptance box?(Letters from some people who appreciated my mother’s help.)

20.Why did the author say “Mama did fulfill her dream.Mama was a writer.”(Because mother helped and encouraged many people by writing.)Two

Eyes Can Speak 眼睛会说话

Much meaning can be conveyed(传递)clearly by our eyes, so it is often said that eyes can speak.许多意思都能明确地通过眼睛传递,所以人们常说,“眼睛会


Have you had such an experience? 你有过这样的经历吗? On a bus you may look at a stranger, but not for too long.在公共汽车上,你也许会看着一个陌生人,但看他(她)的时间不会太长。If he senses that he is being stared at, he may feel uncomfortable.如果他(她)意识到你在盯着他(她),他(她)就会感到不自在。

The same is true in daily life.在我们日常生活中也是如此。If you are looked at for longer than necessary, 如果其他人无缘无故的瞧着你很长的时间,you will look

yourself up and down to see if there is anything wrong with you.你就会上下打量自己,看有无什么差错。If nothing is wrong, you will feel angry toward the person staring at you that way.如没什么不对,对别人这样地盯着你,你会感到恼怒。Eyes do speak, right? 眼睛会说话,不是吗?

Looking too long at someone may seem to be rude and aggressive(攻击性的)太长时间看一个人似乎是或粗鲁或有挑衅性的。But things are different when it comes

to looking at the opposite sex.但如果被盯着的是个异性,则不是这样了。If a man stares at a woman for more than 10 seconds and refuses to avert(移开)his gaze, 如果一个人男人看着一个陌生女人十几秒钟都不愿把目光移开,his intentions are obvious, that is, he wishes to attract her attention, to make her understand that he is admiring her.他的企图是很明显的,即:他想吸引该女士的注意力,以让她知道他很敬仰她。

However, the normal eye contact for two people engaged in conversation is that the speaker will only look at the listener from time to time, 然而在两个人交谈时一般的目光接触只是说话方时时看着听话方,in order to make sure that the listener is paying attention to what is being said.以使自己确信听话的人在注意听他讲话。As for the listener, he will, to a certain extent, look continuously at the speaker to show him that he is attentive.而听话方呢,他也会不断地看着讲话的人以表明他在注意听。

If a speaker looks at you continuously when speaking, as if he is trying to dominate(支配)you, you will feel uncomfortable.在交谈时如讲话方一直不停地看着你,好像他处于一种主动支配地位似的,你也会感到不舒服。

In fact, continuous eye contact is confined(限于„范围)to lovers only, who will enjoy looking at each other tenderly for a long time, to show affection that words

cannot express.实际上长时间地目光直视对方常局限于恋人之间,恋人们将会长时间地相互看着,以表达他们间无法用语言表达的感情。

Evidently, eye contact should be made according to the relationship between the two people and the specific situation.很明显,目光盯着别人是好与否,要根据量之


1)According to this passage, a stranger in a bus may feel uncomfortable because(he is being stared at for several minutes)2)Looking too long at someone seems to be(rude and aggressive)

3)If a man looks at a woman for more than 10 seconds continuously, that means he wishes to(attract her attention)

4)If two persons enjoy looking at each other tenderly for a long time, the relationship between them must be(lovers)

5)According to the passage, which of the following statements is true?(Eye contact should be made according to different relationships and situations.)


Study: Being Fit May Outweigh Being Fat 研究表明身体超重也会健康

If you are over 60, go and take a hike or at least a leisurely walk on a regular basis.如果你已60多岁了,走出去远足旅行,至少有规律地慢步散步。It may help you

live a few more years, even if you are a bit or even much overweight.即使你稍微甚至很超重,这也许会使你多活好多年.Says a study out Wednesday.星期三发表的研究报告称。

This adds to the evidence that there are benefits to being fit even if you’re a little too fat.这也给如此说法提供了证据:即使身体超重锻炼也会有好处的。“You can’t tell just by looking at someone if they are fit,” says Steven Blair, a professor in the Arnold School of Public Health at the University of South Carolina.“我们不能只凭看外表就判断一个人是否健康。”南卡罗尼拉达大学公共卫生中心的教授史迪文布莱尔说。“You can certainly be fat, even much overweight, and still be fit.” “你可能发胖,甚至很超重,但你仍然是健康的。”

Blair and colleagues studied the aerobic(有氧的)of 2,603 adults, aged 60 and older, and followed

them for 12 years.During that time, there were 450 deaths.布莱尔及其同事就2,063个60及60以上的成年人的有氧运动健康指数,腰围进行过测定。并且跟踪观测了12年,其中450人已去世。

Blair says people who are inactive can get themselves out of “the dangerous low-fit class” by doing 30 minutes of moderate(适度的)activity, such as walking, at least

five days a week.布莱尔称,那些不爱活动的人如每周至少五天每天30分钟进行适度的活动,比如像步行,也能使自己脱离“危险的不健康群体。”

To be in the highest fitness class, they probably need to be doing 45 minutes or more of moderate activity five days, 对高度健康的群体的人们,他们需要每周五天,每天45分钟进行适度的活动,and some of that time should include vigorous(激烈的)activity, he says.并且在这段时间内,有时还应进行激烈的活动。

Timothy Church, director of preventive medicine research at Pennington Biomedical Research Center in Baton Rouge, says, “This study provides more evidence that a

key to healthy aging is being physically active, and it’s important at any weight.”迪默斯·恰尔奇,巴吞鲁奇预防医疗中心教授说,“该研究提供了更多的证据,即:高龄人的健康关键是身体要活动---无论体重如何,都很重要。”

1)According to the study, why should people over 60 go and take a hike or at least a leisurely walk on a regular basis?(Because it may help them live longer)2)Which of the following statements if NOT true?(We can judge whether some one if fit or not by his/her weight)3)Blair and colleagues studied the following of the 2,063 adults EXCEPT their _____(blood pressure)

4)How can inactive people get into the highest fitness class according to Blair?(By doing 45 minutes or more of moderate activity five days a week.)5)What if the significance of this study according to Timothy Church?(It provides more evidence to a key to.healthy aging)

Four How poor Are We?

One day a father and his rich family took his son on a trip to the country with the firm purpose of showing him how poor people can be.一天,为了让儿子看看乡下的人们有多穷的,一个有钱的父亲及家人带着儿子去了乡下,They spent a day and a night in the farm of a very poor family.他们在乡下一家很穷的农家呆了一天一宿。When they got back from their trip the father asked his son, “How was the trip?” 次日回到家里后,父亲问儿子,“这次到乡下去有何感受?”

“Very good Dad!” replied his son.“太好了,爸爸。”儿子回答道。

“Did you see how poor people can be?” the father asked.“你明白了人们多穷吗?”父亲问。

“Yeah!” “是的”

“And what did you learn?” “你知道些什么呢?”

The son answered, “I saw that we have a dog at home, and they have four.“我看见了他们家养着四条狗,而咱家却只有一条。We have a pool that reaches to the middle of the garden;they have a river that has no end.我看见他们家有一条河,并看不到尽头,我们家的小小的池塘,并且还占到了花园的中央。We have imported lamps in the garden;they have the stars.我们家花园里只有进口的灯,而他们家去有许多的星星 Our garden reaches to the front yard, they have a whole horizon.”我们家的花园都抵到前院,而他们家却拥有平坦的大地。When the little boy finished, his father was speechless.儿了说完,当爹的无言以对。

His son added, “Thanks Dad for showing me how poor we are!”儿子还补充了一句,“谢谢爸爸让我明白了我们家有多穷。” Our outlook on life depends on the way we look at things.我们对生活的观念决定了我们看待事物的态度。

The most important things in life are your friends, family, health, good humor and a positive attitude towards life.If you have these, then you have everything!生活中最重要的事情是你的朋友,家人,健康,机智的幽默感以及对生活的积极态度。有拥有了这些,你就拥有了一切。

1)The father took his son to the country because he wanted to(show his son how poor people can be)2)Where did they spend their day and night?(In the farm of a very poor family.)3)When the little boy finished, his father was_______(wordless)4)Our outlook on life depends on the way_______(we look at things)5)The most important things in life are the following EXCEPT_____(money)Five

Looking back into my childhood, my fondest memories of reading were those moments of half-burying myself underneath a blanket, reading with a flashlight(手电

筒)。回忆童年时阅读的事,我最有趣的记忆是在床上,身子埋在毛毯里打着手电筒读书。Our parents tucked us in(安顿我们睡觉)and the lights were turned off.父母安顿好我们上睡觉关上离去后.Then it was the time when the flashlight would turn on just after I heard mom and dad’s light shut off.只要听见他们屋里的灯关上,便是我们打开手电筒开始读书的时间了。

Bedtime always seemed to come when I was at the climax(高潮)of the story, or right at the end.那时好像总是在睡觉的时刻故事读到了高潮或结尾处。I couldn’t

tell you how many times I have begged my parents to let me stay up, 我正无法告诉你有多少次我央求爸妈让我熬一点夜把事故最精彩处或结尾处读完。“just till I finish this chapter”.“就让我读完这一章嘛。”They would usually roll their eyes and not let me stay up.他们眼里总是流露出否定的表情,不准我继续读下去。

My mother used to read to me from exciting books.妈妈常常给我们读写很精彩的书。She would always make it sound so interesting, so we wouldn’t want that time

to ever end.她总是让他读的故事听起来很有趣。所以当妈妈给我们读书时,我们真不想她结束。But the thing was, she would only read one chapter a day.而事实上她每天就只读一章。Finally, when we got tired of that, we would find out where the book was hidden, and read if for ourselves.我们对妈妈的这种做法感到烦恼时,我们就想法找到她藏书的地方,拿起书自己读起来。

Books have always seemed to have an magical(有魔力的)quality where you can got caught up into the story and see yourself there, while the scenes are unfolding

before you.书籍,好像总是有近似于魔力的内涵。你本人也会被带到故事里,而在你的面前,故事里的画卷(情景)决不会卷起。Books will take you to places you will never be able to visit, 书籍能使你结识新朋友,体验新事物。I can’t tell you how many times a book has been an escape for me, some place away from the hustle and bustle(喧器)of today’s busy world.我真对你说不清,书籍有多少次使我摆脱了在这个忙碌无序的世界里的喧器和奔忙。

1)What was the fondest memory in the author’s childhood?(Reading underneath a blanket, with a flashlight.)2)At bedtime, what did the author beg her parents for?(Letting her stay up to finish her reading)

3)What disappointed the author when her mother read stories to her?(Her mother would only read one chapter a day)

4)Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?(The author used to ask for the book because her mother didn’t finish the stories.)5)What magical quality do books have according to the passage?(All of the above)


Many people think that when they become rich and successful, happiness will naturally follow.许多我认为当他们发了财,事业有成了,幸福就自然而然跟着来了。

Let me tell you that nothing is further from the truth.让我告诉你并不是这样。The world is full of very rich people who are as miserable as if they were living in hell.世界上有钱的人比比皆是。而他们之悲惨犹如生活在地狱里。We have read stories about movie stars who committed suicide or a died from drugs.我们读到过关于电影明星自杀,吸毒而死的故事。Quite clearly, money is not the only solution to all problems.非常明显,金钱并不能解决一切问题。

Wealth obtained through dishonest means does not bring happiness.靠不诚信的手段获得的金钱并不能带来幸福,快乐。Lottery winnings do not bring happiness.彩

票的赢钱也不会给我们带来幸福快乐。Gambling winnings do not bring happiness.赌博的赢头也如此。To my mind, the secret to happiness lies in your successful work, 在我看来幸福的秘密在于:你事业成功,in your contribution towards others’ happiness and in your wealth you have earned through your own honest effort.在于你对他人的贡献,在于你通过诚实劳动所创造的财富。If you obtain wealth through luck or dishonest means, you will know that it is ill-earned money.假如你通过不诚信的方式,或靠碰运气赚了钱,这是不正当的钱.If you get you money by taking advantage of others or by hurting others, you will not be happy with it.假如你利用别人或伤害别人而赚钱。这钱对你并不意味着快乐。You will think you are a base(卑鄙的)person.你会觉得自己是一个卑鄙的人。

Long-term happiness is based on honesty, productive work, contribution and self-esteem.长久的幸福是建立在诚实,创造性的工作,贡献和自尊。Happiness is not

an end;幸福不是终点。it is a process.它是一个过程。It is a continuous process of honest, 它是一个持续的过程,productive work which makes a real contribution to others and makes you feel you are a useful, worthy person.诚实,创造性的工作为他人做贡献的,让你感觉你是一个有用的,有价值的人。

1)What can you infer from the passage?(Some rich people are not so happy as we thought.)2)What is the secret to happiness according to the author?(Your own effort.)

3)Which of the following is NOT a factor contributing to long-term happiness?(Earning money)下列哪一项不是造成长期幸福的因素赚钱的4)When will you NOT be happy according to the passage?(When you get your money by bringing harm to others.)5)What is the main idea of passage?(Happiness depends on our continuous effort.)


How the states in the U.S.Got Their Names

People who visit the United States sometimes wonder how the states got their names.Some of the most 1)interesting names came from American Indian languages.For

example, Illinois was named for the 2)Indians.In their language, Illinois means “Brave Men”.Connecticut means “At the Long River Mouth” in the language of the Indians who 3)used to live there.Twenty-five of the states have Indian names, but other names were 4)taken from different languages.Georgia and Pennsylvania have names which were taken from the

Latin language.Florida and Colorado were named by Spanish people.States like New Hampshire and New Jersey were named for places in 5)England.The two 6)newest states have names, which did not come from any of those languages.Hawaii got its name from a word in the Hawaiian language.Alaska was named

by the Russians, which means 7)“homeland”.From whom Alaska was 8)bought in 1867.Two

Where Do Dreams Come From

Do you often dream at night? Most people do.When they 1)wake in the morning they say to themselves, “What a strange dream I had!2)Wonder what made me dream


Sometimes, dreams are frightening.Terrible things threaten and 3)run after us, we can’t break away from them.Sometimes, in dreams wishes 4)come true.We can fly

through the air or float from the tops of mountains.At other times, we have 5)trouble in dream.We are lost and cannot find our way home.In dreams we 6)act very strangely.We do things which we would never do when we are 7)awake.We think and say things we would never think and say.Why are

dreams so strange? Where do dreams 8)come from?Three

How to communicate with younger people? Here are some 1)tips.Don’t make a young person feel that he or she is, young or 2)stupid, Instead, try to pay attention to what the person is saying and 3)respect what’s on his or her mind.Try to answer any questions as well as you can.Sometimes, it is hard trying to be a 4)parent and friend to your child at the same time.It is very important to first be a parent, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t listen

like a friend.If you want to 5)spend some time with your son or daughter, niece or nephew, simply ask what they might 6)enjoy doing together.You may want to 7)suggest going to

see a movie that may be interesting to both of you, or going to the park, taking a bike ride, having a picnic lunch, etc.Younger people love going to game rooms, but do you? Try to pick something that both of you will be 8)relaxed doing and enjoy together.Four Walking

“Health, like life, is a journey.All you have to do is take the first 1)step.It is well-known that walking is one of the best forms of 2)exercise to help you get and stay fit.A great number of studies have proven that walking can 3)improve your health by conditioning(调节)your heart and lungs, improving your circulation(循环), and making your—bones 4)stronger.Besides all the health 5)benefits, walking helps you keep fit, 6)reduce pressure, and is suitable for all 7)ages.If you’re ready to stride(迈大步走)forward into better health and fitness, choose one of the walking 8)programs and step out.对话问答(选择题)One

(1)M: Good morning.I’d like to speak to Mr.Green, please.W: My dad is not here.I can give you his business number if you’d like to call him at work.Q: Where is Mr.Green now?(At work)

(2)M: Well now, before we order, should we agree on how we will pay our bill?

W: All right.Q: Where are the two speakers?(In a restaurant)

(3)M: I wish the bus would come.It’s so cold.Look at the snow.W: And the wind is biting into my skin like a mad dog.Q: Where are the two speakers?(At a bus stop)

(4)M: Excuse me, Sir.I have just come from China, and I’ve never used a Western Library before.I wonder if you could show me around here.W: I’d like to do that, but I’m very busy now.Could you come back at about 3:30?Q: Where does the conversation probably take place?(In a library)(5)M: Doesn’t this elevator stop on the fifth floor?

W: No, it only stops on the even ones.You can go to the next floor, the sixth floor and then walk down.Q: Where are the two speakers?(In a elevator)

(6)M: Hi, Jerry.This is Lily speaking.There is a law office that’s very interested in you.Can you go for an interview tomorrow? W: Tomorrow? I’ve got to be at college all day tomorrow.How about Wednesday? Q: Where will the man be tomorrow?(At college)

(7)M: Excuse me, Sir.Visiting hours are over now.I’m afraid you must leave.Your father is tired.W: I’m sorry, nurse.I didn’t hear the bell.I’m leaving right now.Q: Where are the two speakers?(In a hospital)

(8)M: Kate, look!The passengers are coming off the plane, and there is Susan.W: Which one? Do you mean the tall one with the blue suitcase? Q: Where does the conversation take place?(At an airport)(9)M: Have you decided where you are going to live when you retire?

W: I would like to live in the country, but my life wants to live in the suburbs near our children.Q: where does the man want to live?(In the country)

(10)M: We have a wide selection of alarm clocks.What did you have in mind?

W: I would like one that will waken me with soft music.Q: Where does the conversation most likely take place?(In a department store)


(1)M: How long will if take you to fix my watch?

W: I’ll call you when it is ready, but if shouldn’t take longer than a week.Q: What is the probable relationship between the speakers?(Customer and repairman)(2)M: Go to bed early and get some rest, Jack.W: But I have to study.We are going to have a history test tomorrow morning.Q: What does Jack do?(He is a student)

(3)M: Is Aunt Margaret in? I’ve got something important to tell her.W: Sorry, Mom has gone shopping.She won’t be back until noon.Q: What is the probable relationship between the speakers?(Cousins)

(4)M: Mr.Smith I’d like to talk to you about my term paper.When will it be convenient?

W: What about 4 o’clock tomorrow afternoon? Q: What is the man?(He is a teacher)

(5)M: I don’t have an appointment, but could I see Mr.Wang for Just a few minutes?

W: I’m very sorry, but he meets people only by appointment.Q: Who is the woman probably?(Mr.Wang’s secretary)(6)M: I heard you got full marks in the math exam.Congratulations!

W: Thanks!I’m sure you also did a good job.Q: What is the probable relationship between the speakers?(A student and his classmate)(7)M: Excuse me, Madam.Does this bus go to Zhongshan Road?

W: Yes, I think so.M: Thank you.W: You’re welcome.Q: What is the relationship between the speakers?(They’re strangers)(8)M: I think I’m running a temperature.I fell terrible.W: Well, I’d better examine you right now.Would you take off your overcoat, please? Q: What is the probable relationship between the woman and the man?(Doctor and patient)

(9)M: Honey!We must hurry or we will be late for the party.W: My dear, I don’t know where my ring is.I should wear it to the party.Q: What is the probable relationship between the man and the woman?(Husband and wife)(10)M: Have you got a table for two?

W: Yes, Madam.This way, please.Q: What is the most likely relationship between the speakers?(Waiter and customer)


(1)M: What will you do tomorrow?

W: I’ll do some shopping before I visit my friend.Q: What will the man do first tomorrow?(Do some shopping)(2)M: Hello, Jane.Can you and Tom come to dinner tomorrow evening?

W: I think so.I don’t think we’re going out.Q: How does the woman respond?(She agrees to go to dinner)(3)M: Are you coming with me to the museum?

W: I already have my hands full with this report.Q: What does the man mean?(He is too busy to go along.)(4)M: How about going to see a movie this evening?

W: I’ve caught a bad cold.Q: What do we learn from this conversation?(The woman will take a rest)(5)M: Will you attend the dinner party on Sunday?

W: I didn’t plan to because I have so much work to do, but on second thoughts, I changed my mind.Q: What will the man do on Sunday?(He will attend the dinner party.)

(6)M: Mike, will you go dancing with me tomorrow night? We need to relax after a week of study.W: I will do anything but that.Q: What does the man mean?(He doesn’t like dancing at all)

(7)M: I have to go to class because I have a test, but if I could, I’d go with you to the movie.W: That’s too bad.I wish you could come along.Q: Where is the man going?(To class)(8)M: What are you doing this evening, Emma?

W: I’m going to the cinema with my friend.I want to see a film that I’ve heard a lot about.Q: What is Emma going to do this evening?(She is going to see a movie)(9)M: Are you going to enjoy the concert with me?

W: I’d love to, but there is an exam tomorrow morning.Q: What will the woman do?(To prepare the exam)

(10)M: Are you going to Canada or Mexico during your winter vacation?

W: Well, I don’t like cold weather at all, and Canada is freezing in the winter time.Q: What do we learn from this conversation?(The man will probably not go to Canada for his vacation)


1)I am extremely grateful to all the teachers for their help.2)His girlfriend lives in London and I’m sure that was a factor in his decision to move there.3)Was there anything in particular that you wanted to talk about? 4)He has a very positive attitude about life.5)Like his father, Tommy chose a career in the Army.6)The death of his parents had a very serious and long-lasting effect on him.7)Her former husband now lives in Houston.8)At the height of her career, she ranked second in the world.9)I didn’t think my chances of success were very good.10)Athletes from 197 countries compete in the Olympic Games in Atlanta.11)The headmaster handled the situation very well.12)I don’t want to become a burden to my children when I’m old.13)Are you capable of climbing that tree? 14)I like the challenge of learning new things.15)Our car broke down on the highway.16)He couldn’t afford the money to go on the trip.17)There are three dining halls on campus.18)I applied to four universities and was accepted by all of them.19)Your parents will have to cover your tuition fees.20)A good leader has to be able to identify problems and come up with solutions.21)If you go on like this you’ll end up in prison.22)The temperature went up to 35℃.23)On average, men are taller than women by several inches.24)My salary is paid directly into my bank account.25)He has decided to give up racing and devote all his time to his farm in Ireland.26)By the late 1950s scientists had already accumulated enough evidence to show a clear link between smoking and cancer.27)We strongly believe that education is the most important issue facing the government.28)He broke the law, and now he must face the consequences of his actions.29)Let’s take a taxi, and never mind the expense.30)The police say there is a $50,000 reward for any information that help them find the killer.根据中文译句

1)Do your parents mind you leaving home?(介意你离家)

2)Would you mind my closing the window?(介意我关上窗户)3)Do you mind my(me)smoking here?(介意我在这儿抽烟)

4)I’m sure he wouldn’t mind you’re your going with us?(介意你同我们一起去)5)Would you mind making some room for the patient?(介意给这位病人让点地方)6)We went out in spite of the rain.(尽管下雨)

7)Kelly loved her husband in spite of the fact that he drank too much.(尽管他酗酒)8)In spite of her success(尽管她成功), Spencer continued to get depressed.9)In spite of all these problems(尽管有这样一些问题), real efforts and progress are being made.10)In spite of his old age(尽管他年事已高), he still leads an active life.11)She had all her money stolen.(所有的钱被偷了)

12)They are going to have their house painted.(把房子粉刷一下)13)Tom had his leg broken(把腿摔断了)in a football match yesterday.14)They have had their request refused.(请求遭到拒绝)

5.中考复习资料英语 篇五

2.give sth. to sb./ give sb. sth. 意为“把……给……”,动词give之后可接双宾语,可用这两种句型;若指物的宾语是人称代词时,则只能用give it/ them to sb.

3.take sb./ sth. to…意为“把……(送)带到……”,后常接地点,也可接人。

4.One…, the other…/One is…and one is…意为“一个是……;另一个是……”,必须是两者中。

5.Let sb. do sth. 意为“让某人做某事”,人后应用不带to的动词不定式,其否定式为Don’t let sb,do sth.,或Let sb. not do sth. 另外,Let’s 与Let us的含义不完全相同,前者包括听者在内,后者不包括听者在内,

6.help sb. (to) do sth./help sb. with sth.意为“帮助某人做某事”,前者用不定式作宾补,后者用介词短语作宾补,二者可以互换.

7.What about…?/How about…?意为“……怎么样?”是用来询问或征求对方的观点、意见、看法等。about为介词,其后须接名词、代词或V-ing等形式。

8.It’s time to do…/ It’s time for sth. 意为“该做……的时间了”,其中to后须接原形动词,for后可接名词或V-ing形式。

9.like to do sth./like doing sth.意为“喜欢做某事”,前一种句型侧重具体的一次性的动作;后一种句型侧重习惯性的动作,

10.ask sb.(not) to do sth. 意为“让某人(不要)做某事”,其中ask sb.后应接动词不定式,

11.show sb. sth. / show sth. to do. 意为“把某物给某人看”,该句型的用法同前面第2点。

12.introduce sb. to sb. 意为“把某人介绍给另一人”;introduce to sb.则是“向某人作介绍”。

13.So + be/助动词/情牵动词/主语.

前面陈述的肯定情况也适于另一人(物)时,常用到这种倒装结构,表示“另一人(物)也如此。”前面陈述的否定情况也适于另一人(物)时,常用“Neither/ Nor + be/助动词/情态动词+主语.”这种倒装结构。


14.Turn right/left at the first/second/…crossing.

这一指路的句型意为“在第一/二/……个十字路口向右/左拐。”相当于Take the first /second/…turning on theright/left.

15.It takes sb.some time to do sth.


16.…think/find + it + adj. + to do sth.


17.What’s wrong with…?

此句型相当于What’s the matter/ trouble with…?后跟某物作宾语时,意为“某物出什么毛病了?”后跟某人作宾语时,意为“某人怎么了?”



在so…that…复合句中,that后的句子是肯定句时,常与简单句…enough to…进行句型转换.

19.Sorry to hear that.

6.高三英语 复习资料2 篇六

一 根据下图所示写一篇作文,字数: 100字至120字左右 注意:开头语已为你写好

Do you know anything about my family? 【范文精选】

One possible version: Do you know anything about my family? Believe it or not, my father is simply like the sun, while my mother is like the moon.You may be puzzled at my words,.As you know, I have a lot of homework to do as a pupil.But what surprises you most is that my father is always standing behind me with a duster, which is frightening.In the evening, my father goes to bed to have a sound sleep, while my mother comes to stay with me, watching me working as hard as in the day.But the difference between them is that she is tend to me with many fruits to reward me.They relax themselves by turns but I have to work from morning till night.It is unfair.二、看对照表格写调查报告(孩子出国利弊)

[调查内容] A survey is taken on public opinions of the fact that many parents spend a large amount of money sending their children to study abroad, some of whom are middle school students.[调查结果]From it we can see that 38 percent of those surveyed think it is worth the money letting children study abroad to get a better education so that they can get pay in return in the future.However, not all are for it / some are against it.62% of them hold the view that it is difficult for young people to live and study in a foreign country.It’s easy for them to fall / get into some bad habits and the cost of education in another country is ten times as much as that at home.[解决措施]The survey shows that the government should set up different kinds of schools to meet the demands of different children.(句型do something /take measures / steps about sth.to do sth)

三近日你所在的学校开展了“为建设节约型社会献一计”主题活动,同学们提出了许多建议。请你根据以下要点,用英语写一篇短文向English Horizons杂志编辑部投稿: 有人建议

1.不浪费粮食和纸张 2.尽量不使用方便筷、塑料袋 3.毕业生将书赠给低年级同学循环使用?

7.如何开展英语复习 篇七

一、对症下药, 帮助学生突破薄弱环节

几乎所有的教师都有同样的感受:平时教学新课时, 学生“一听就懂, 一练就会”, 成绩很令人满意, 可遇到检测却不尽如人意。教师要做一个有心人, 要把复习重点放在学生难点、弱点及容易出错的内容方面, 努力做到有的放矢。

二、深化提高, 促进学生全面发展

复习的目的旨在巩固所学的内容, 帮助学生进一步梳理知识, 引导学生以少驭多, 以不变应万变, 能举一反三、触类旁通。通过复习, 学生掌握了规律, 把知识转化为能力, 培养了思维的广阔性、灵活性、深刻性和创造性。

创造性复述是笔者常用的复习课文的方法。复述的过程实际上就是大脑思维的过程, 它可以训练各方面的能力。学生在原文故事情节的基础上, 加入大胆、合理的想象或转换人称、时态, 进行创造性的复述。这有利于学生语言能力的迅速发展, 有利于培养想象力, 开发其创新能力。

复习课一味沿用旧材料会给人“炒冷饭”的感觉, 教者要以旧带新, 如提供与本单元话题相近的短文, 作为补充。这样学生不仅会有耳目一新的感觉, 又开阔了视野, 提高了能力。

“教无定法”, 教师应该在新课标理论的指导下, 运用各种教学资源, 根据不同的复习内容, 选择合适的教学方法, 从而达到英语复习过程的最优化。

8.谈初三英语复习 篇八










